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High Voltage Test System

Ver. 2.1
Kharkovenergopribor ltd. | KEP Power Testing ltd..
(+380) 57 393 1069 |


1 1 DESCRIPTION AND OPERATING PRINCIPLE ..................................................................... 4

1.2 Operation and storage conditions ............................................................................................. 4
1.3 Technical data .............................................................................................................................. 5
1.4 Scope of delivery .......................................................................................................................... 6
1.5 Design and operation principle of the System ........................................................................ 6
3 PROPER USE................................................................................................................................... 16
3.1 Safety precautions ..................................................................................................................... 16
3.2 Preparation to operation .......................................................................................................... 16
3.3 Operation of the System ........................................................................................................... 17
3.3.1 Testing of voltage indicators above 100V, operating and portable grounding rods ... 18
3.3.3 Testing of dielectric gloves and footwear ........................................................................... 21
3.3.4 Testing of dielectric gloves (general requirements) .......................................................... 21
3.3.5 Testing of dielectric footwear (general requirements) ..................................................... 21
4 MAINTENANCE................................................................................................................................ 33
4.1 General guidelines ..................................................................................................................... 33
4.2 Functional check of device ....................................................................................................... 33

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The purpose of the User Manual (hereinafter  "UM") is providing information for proper
operation of the High Voltage Test System SVS-100M (hereinafter − System).
The visual content of this document is provided for information only. It may be different from
the actual appearance of the device. The differences in appearance do not influence the conditions of
the device use or its performance capabilities.
The manufacturer retains the right to introduce any changes to the product design provided they
do not impair its work.

Safety instructions

To avoid personal injury or damage to this product or any products connected to it, only qualified
personnel should perform maintenance procedures.
The personnel should carefully study this User Manual.
It is necessary to adhere to national standards and safety regulations!

The manufacturer is not liable for damage caused to people and material due to non-observance
of the safety rules contained in this User Manual.

Used abbreviations

BVI-50M-1 – high voltage testing unit with the maximum operating voltage of 50 kV;
BVI-50M-2 – high voltage testing unit with the maximum operating voltage of 50 kV;
CU – Control Unit;
UM – User Manual;
SVS-100M –High Voltage Test System with the maximum operating voltage of 100 kV.

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1.1 Purpose

1.1.1 The purpose of the Tester is to conduct acceptance and performance electrical tests of
protection means used in electrical installations.
1.1.2 The System enables testing the following items:
− dielectric rubber gloves;
− dielectric rubber footwear;
− hand tools with insulated handles (screwdrivers, cutters, pliers, etc.).
1.1.3 The equipment of the System can be used as a high voltage installation for testing the
insulation of various items (cables, insulators, etc.) with alternating current.

1.2 Operation and storage conditions

Table 1 – Operating and storage conditions

Climatic factors
Operation Storage
Ambient temperature, ˚С + 10 to + 35 + 5 С to + 40 оС

Relative air humidity at temperature of + 25˚C, %, max 80

Atmospheric pressure, mm Hg 630 to 800

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1.3 Technical data

1.3.1 Characteristics of the System are shown in Table 2.

Table 2 – Characteristics of the System

№ Parameter Value
1 AC power supply voltage, V 230 ± 10 %
2 Power supply frequency, Hz 50 ± 1
3 Testing mode «100 V» «3 kV» «15 kV» «100 kV»
Quadratic mean value of
4 0,1 3 15 100
maximum output voltage, kV
Quadratic mean value of
5 0,01 0,3 1,5 10
minimum output voltage, kV
6 Reduced voltage measurement error, % ±3
7 Количество мест для проведения испытания 1 4 4 1
8 Maximum measured leakage current, mA 7,6 7,6 10
9 Reduced current measurement error, % – ±3
10 Power consumption, kW, max 1,5
11 Weight of CU, kg, max 13,3
12 Weight of test basin, kg, max 10
13 Weight of BVI-50M-1 (BVI-50M-2), kg, max 36,5
14 Dimensions of CU, mm 320×390×200
15 Dimensions of the test basin, mm 800×280×630
16 Dimensions of BVI-50M-1 (BVI-50M-2), mm 355×305×665

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1.4 Scope of delivery

Table 3 – Scope of delivery of the System

Article name Product name Q-ty Notes

СВС50М. Control Unit 1

СВС- Test Basin 1
БВИЭГ. BVI-50M-1 High Voltage Unit 1
БВИЭГ. BVI-50M-2 High Voltage Unit 1
TLK-PCC10-018 Power supply Cable 1 1,8 m

СВС50Ц. Signal cable 1

СВС50М. Measuring cable 1 3m
3 m (as a part of
СВС50М. BVI-50M-1 connection cable 1 BVI-50M-1 )
СВС50М. High voltage cable 2 3m
3 m (as a part of
СВС50М. BVI-50M-2 connection cable 1 BVI-50M-2 )
АИ2500. Grounding cable 3 4m

Fuse 5×20, 5А 2
User manual 1

1.5 Design and operation principle of the System

1.5.1 System is a set of blocks (control unit (hereinafter – CU), test basin, and high voltage
testing units BVI-50M-1 and BVI-50M-2), which are connected by cables. Design of main blocks of
the System is shown on the Figure 1.
1.5.2 CU А1 (See Figure 2) is designed to control operation modes of the System, to measure
and to display test current and voltage.

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4 5 6

2 3


1 – footwear holder;
2 – gloves holder;
3 – hand tools holder;
4 – insulated rod mounting brackets;
5 – test electrodes;
6 – insulated rod;
7 – test basin;
8 – CU;
9 – BVI-50M-1;
10 – BVI-50M-2.

Figure 1 – Design of System Components

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1 – grounding cable;
2 – high voltage cable;
3 – grounding cable;
4 – power supply cable;
5 – signal cable;
6 – measuring cable;
7 – BVI-50M-1 connection cable;
8 – BVI-50M-2 connection cable;
9 – grounding cable ;
10 – high voltage cable;
11 – grounding cable;
12 – high voltage cable;
А1 – CU;
А2 – BVI-50M-2 High voltage unit;
А3 – test basin;
А4 – BVI-50M-1 High voltage unit;
HL1 – red signal lamp;
SA1 – door locking limit switch .

Figure 2 – General electrical scheme of the System

1.5.3 BVI-50M-1 High voltage unit А4 (See figure 2) is used to obtain a high AC test voltage
up to 15 kV ( «3 kV» and «15 kV» modes) and is designed as a step-up transformer. BVI-50M-1 is
connected to the CU by BVI-50M-1 connection cable (See figure 2 Position 7).

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1.5.4 During tests up to 100 kV («100 kV» mode) test basin А3 (See figure 2) is not used. BVI-
50M-1 is connected by the BVI-50M-1 connection cable (See figure 2 Position 7) to the CU, and BVI-
50M-2 А2 (See figure 2) is connected by the BVI-50M-2 connection cable (See figure 2 Position 8)
to the BVI-50M-1. Such connection uses low-voltage windings of BVI-50M-1 and BVI-50M-2
transformers in a way when the voltage on outputs of both step-up transformers is summed. The test
object is connected to the high voltage terminals of BVI-50M-1 and BVI-50M-2.
1.5.5 Test voltage in all operating modes is measured by a high-voltage divider installed in BVI-
1.5.6 Test basin А3 (See figure 2) is intended to create a conductive medium for testing rubber
footwear, gloves or tools with insulated handles.
1.5.7 Test basin consists of a reservoir and insulators.
1.5.8 The reservoir shall be filled during the test with a conductive liquid into which the test
objects (rubber footwear, gloves or tools with insulated handles) are immersed.
1.5.9 Test electrodes are installed on the insulators, by means of which a test voltage is applied
to the test objects.
1.5.10 During the test, high potential of the test voltage is applied to the reservoir (test objects)
by the high voltage cable 10 (See figure 2) from the BVI-50M-1.
1.5.11 Zero potential of the test voltage during testing of gloves or footwear is applied from the
test electrodes that are positioned inside these test objects filled with conductive liquid.
1.5.12 Zero potential of the test voltage during tests of tools is applied from the test electrodes
that hold the metal part of the test object by clamps while insulated handles are immersed in the
conductive liquid in test basin.
1.5.13 Leakage current signals are fed through measuring cable 6 (See figure 2) from test
electrodes to CU А1.
1.5.14 In «3 kV» and «15 kV» modes leakage currents flowing through the test electrodes of the
basin are measured.

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1.5.15 In «100 kV» mode leakage current flowing in the secondary windings of the step-up
transformers BVI-50M-1 and BVI-50M-2 is measured.
1.5.16 The design of the front panel of CU is shown on Figure 3, location of sockets and
terminals on the rear panel of CU is shown on Figure 4.



2 8


1 – button «STOP»;
2 – LED indicator «OVERLOAD»;
3 – timer control area;
4 – leakage current and breakdown indication area;
5 – voltage measuring indicator area;
6 – voltage regulator handle;
7 – mode selection and indication area;
8 – LED indicator «READY»;
9 – button «START».

Figure 3 – Front panel of CU

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4 5 6

3 7 8 9 10

1 – voltage regulator handle;

2 – fuse holders;
3 – power supply cable socket;
4 – power on / off button;
5 – signal cable socket;
6 – test basin cable socket;
7 – BVI-50M-1 cable socket;
8 – table;
9 – earth terminal
10 – cable connection socket for testing up to 100V.

Figure 4 – Rear panel of CU

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1.5.17 Buttons from the «MODE» area (See Figure 3 Position 7) are used to select and control
the operation mode.
1.5.18 Test time indicator and timer control button (interval selection indicator «INTERVAL»
and start/stop of the timer button «START») are located in the «TIMER» area (See Figure 3 Position
1.5.19 Results of the leakage current measurements are displayed at the «Leakage current, mA»
area (See Figure 3 Position 4). Breakdown indicators are also located in this area. They are lighted
when leakage current exceeds the maximum allowable value for the selected operating mode.
1.5.20 «READY» indicator (See Figure 3 Position 8) indicates that the System is ready to start
tests when the voltage regulator handle is in its initial position..
1.5.21 Button «START» (See Figure 3 Position 9) is used to switch on the «TEST» mode.
1.5.22 When the «START» button is pressed, indicator (See Figure 5 Position 8) informs about
the exceeded temperature and reduced SF6 gas pressure inside BVI-50M-1. In the normal state
indicators glows green. When temperature is exceeded or pressure is reduced indicator goes out.
1.5.23 In «TEST» mode «TEST VOLTAGE, kV» indicator shows the value of test voltage on
the System output. In initial state, when «TEST» mode is switched off and there is no voltage at the
output of the System, «TEST VOLTAGE, kV» indicator is not lighted.
1.5.24 «OVERLOAD» indicator (See Figure 3 Position 2) lights when the value of the current
on the voltage regulator output has exceeded 4 А.
1.5.25 Button «STOP» (See Figure 3 Position 1) is used to turn off the «TEST» mode.
1.5.26 Design of BVI-50M-1 (BVI-50M-2) is shown on the Figure 5.

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1 5 7 6 4 8

1 − signal cable of BVI-50M-1;

2 − high voltage output of the BVI-50M-1;
3 short-circuiter rod;
4 − transportation handles;
5 − BVI-50M-2 cable connection socket;
6 − BVI-50M-1 marking plate;
7 − earth terminal
8 − overheating and pressure reduction inside BVI-
50M-1 indicator.

Figure 5 – Design of the BVI-50M-1

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2.1 Acceptance, periodic and type tests are carried out according to the norms and procedures
set forth in the relevant standards or technical conditions.
2.2 In operation, means of protection are subjected to regular and extraordinary tests (after the
fall, repair, replacement of any parts, or if there are signs of malfunction). The standards of operational
tests and the timing of their implementation are given in the relevant standards or technical
2.3 Tests are carried out according to approved procedures (instructions).
2.4 All tests should be carried out by specially trained and certified workers.
2.5 Each test object must be carefully inspected before the test in order to check the
manufacturer's identification, serial number, completeness, absence of mechanical damage, the
condition of the insulating surfaces (for insulating means of protection). If the protective equipment
does not comply with the requirements of this Instruction, tests shall not be conducted until the
identified deficiencies are eliminated.
2.6 Electrical tests should be carried out with an alternating current of the industrial frequency,
usually at a temperature of plus (25 ± 15) ° C.
Electrical tests of insulating rods, voltage indicators, voltage indicators for checking the
coincidence of phases, insulating and electrical clamps should be started by checking the electrical
strength of the insulation.
The rate of voltage rise up to 1/3 of the test voltage can be arbitrary, further increase in voltage
should be smooth and rapid, but allowing the reading of the measures on voltages equal or more than
3/4 of the test voltage. After voltage reaches the required value and is held at this value for a required
time, it should be reduced to zero or to 1/3 of the test voltage smoothly and quickly. After that the
voltage is switched off.

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2.7 The test voltage shall be applied to the insulating part of the protective equipment. In the
absence of an appropriate voltage source to carry out tests of the entire insulation bars, isolating parts
of the voltage indicators and phase matching checking voltage, etc. they can be tested in parts. In this
case the isolating part is divided into sections to which part of the normalized total test voltage is
applied. Value of applied voltage is proportional to the length of the section and is increased by 20%.
2.8 The main isolating electroprotective devices intended for electrical installations with
voltages above 1 kV and up to 35 kV inclusive are tested with a voltage equal to 3 times linear but not
less than 40 kV. Devices intended for electrical installations with voltages abve 110 kV and higher –
with voltage equal to 3-times the phase voltage.
Additional isolating electroprotective devices are tested in accordance with the standards
specified in the relevant standards or technical conditions.
2.9 The duration of application of the total test voltage usually is 1 min for insulating protective
equipment up to 1000 V and elastic materials or porcelain insulation , and at least 5 min for layered
dielectrics insulation.
For specific protective equipment and working parts, the duration of application of the test
voltage is given in the relevant standards or specifications.
2.10 Values of the currents flowing through the insulation of rubber and elastic polymeric
electrical protective equipment and insulating devices for work under voltage are given in the relevant
standards or technical conditions.
Values of operating currents flowing through voltage indicators up to 1000 V are given in the
relevant standards or technical specifications.
2.11 Breakdown, overlap and discharges over the surface are determined by shutdown of the
System in the process of testing, according to the indications of measuring instruments and visually.
2.12 Electro protective tools from solid materials should be manually checked to determine local
heating due to dielectric losses.
2.13 In the event of a breakdown, overlap or discharge over the surface, an increase of the current
flowing through the product higher than the regulated value, appearance of local heating protective
equipment should be rejected.

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3.1 Safety precautions

3.1.1 Before operation of the System, it is required to:

− locate CU and BVI-50M-1 ate least 3m away from the test basin ;
− mount the door limit switch on the entrance door leading to the System part having a voltage
higher than 1000 V;
− mount the red signal lamp above the entrance door leading to the System part having a voltage
higher than 1000 V;
− Reliably earth the CU, BVI-50M-1, BVI-50M-2 by flexible copper wires of at least 4 mm2
cross-section (included in t the scope of supply..
Each unit must be earthed to the ground bus by a separate conductor.
3.1.2 Before disconnecting the test object from BVI-50M-1, BVI-50M-2 or a test basin, it is
MANDATORY to verify that:
− System is unplugged from power supply;
− short-circuit rod of BVI-50M-1 and BVI-50M-2 touch their high-voltage outputs
− earthing rods are attached to the high voltage outputs of BVI-50M-1 and BVI-50M-2 (not
included in the scope of supply)..

3.2 Preparation to operation

3.2.1 Remove the System components from the packaging.

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3.2.2 Place test basin, BVI-50M-1 и BVI-50M-2 within the test area. Test area should have
grounded metal fence (wire cloth).
3.2.3 Mount the limit switch from the System signal cable onto the entrance door to the fenced
test area. Limit switch should witch off the supply of test voltage from the System.
3.2.4 Mount the red signal lamp above the entrance door to the fence test area. . Red signal lamp
should glow when a test voltage appears on the System.
3.2.5 Place the test bath so that the distance from its side surfaces to the nearest objects is at least
0.8 m.
3.2.6 Place the BVI-50M-1 so that the distance from its side surfaces to the nearest objects is at
least 1.5 m.
3.2.7 Place the CU on a horizontal surface outside the high voltage area.
3.2.8 Ground BVI-50M-1 and CU.
3.2.9 Connect BVI-50M-1 and CU.
3.2.10 When testing voltage should be above 50 kV connect BVI-50M-2 to BVI-50M-1.

3.3 Operation of the System

Select one of the following test modes and perform the actions specific to it

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3.3.1 Testing of voltage indicators above 100V, operating and portable grounding rods

3.3.2 To carry out the tests, assemble the scheme shown in Figure 6.
2 3

1 1

10 9 8 7 6 5

1 – high voltage isolator;

2 – test object (voltage indicator, operating rod or rod for portable grounding);
3 – The place of application of the test voltage (the metal part of the test object or its
dielectric part, wrapped with foil for the duration of the tests)
4 – high voltage cable;
5 – BVI-50M-2;
6 – grounding cable BVI-50M-2;
7 –BVI-50M-2 and BVI-50M-1connection cable;
8 – grounding cable BVI-50M-1;
9 – BVI-50M-1;
10 – BVI-50M-1 and CU connection cable.

Figure 6 – Scheme for testing of voltage indicators, operating rods or rods for portable grounding

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(+380) 57 393 1069 | Turn on the power of the CU. At the same time, all LED indicators should light, digital
indicators should show dashes. 2 seconds after the power is turned on, all the LEDs except the current mode indicator
turn off. The current operating mode is «100 V». In the «100 V» mode, no current is measured, all
current measurement channels are inactive, they show dashes. Indicator «READY» must be lit continuously. If the indicator is flickering, the voltage
regulator must be set to zero position.
Check if the door lock limit switch contacts are closed. The «TEST» mode can only be activated
if the contacts of the limit switch of the door lock are closed and the «READY» indicator is lit
continuously. By pressing the corresponding button in the «MODE» area select test mode «100 kV».
The selected mode is indicated by the corresponding indicator. When the «100 kV» mode is selected, only the first of the four current measurement
channels is active. Digital indicators of inactive channels display dashes. The digital voltage indicator is activated only in the mode «TEST». Press the «START» button. At the same time, the "READY" indicator stops glowing, the
digital voltage indicator turns on, the short-circuit rods move away from the high-voltage outputs of
BVI-50M-1, BVI-50M-2 and the red signal lamp lights up. This signals the appearance of a test
voltage at the test object. Green indicators on BVI-50M-1 BVI-50M-2 are glowing meaning that the
high voltage units operate normally. Gently rotate the handle of the voltage regulator in a clockwise direction and watch the
indication of the kilovoltmeter. Increase the voltage at the output of System and set the required test
voltage. If necessary, select the time interval value of the timer by pressing the button
«INTERVAL». At the same time digital indicator in the «TIMER» area displays the selected interval
in minutes. Pressing the «START» button in the «TIMER» area starts the countdown. The digital
indicator will display the remaining time in minutes and seconds. After a set interval of time, a
discontinuous beep will sound.

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(+380) 57 393 1069 | The measured values of leakage current are displayed on the indicators in the «Leakage
current, mA» area. In the «100 kV» mode the leakage current threshold is 10 mA. When this value is
reached, the breakdown is recorded, the high voltage supply is cut off, the corresponding breakdown
indicator flashes; the values of the leakage currents as well as the value of the test voltage are stored
and displayed on the indicator. If during the test the voltage regulator has overloaded (the current at the output of the
voltage regulator has exceeded 4 A), the high voltage supply is disconnected, the short-circuit switch
closes, the red signal lamp stops glowing, загорается индикатор «OVERLOAD», breakdown
indicators of all four measurement channels flicker. To restore the System to its original state, it must
be turned off and on again. If the breakdown of the insulation of the test object does not occur, hold the test object
for the required test time, smoothly return the handle of the voltage regulator to its original position
and turn off the «TEST» mode by pressing the «STOP» button. At the same time, the digital voltage
indicator turns off, the BVI-50M-1 and BVI-50M-2 short-circuiting rods approach the high-voltage
outputs and the red signal lamp stops glowing, indicating that there is no test voltage on the System. Record test time, test current and voltage values in the report. Turn the CU power off. At the same time, all LED indicators should stop glowing. Apply the temporary earthing rods to the high-voltage outputs of BVI-50M-1 and BVI-
50M-2.. Before disconnecting the test object from the BVI-50M-1 and BVI-50M-2, it is
necessary to visually verify that short-circuiter rods of BVI-50M-1 and BVI-50M-2 touch their high-
voltage outputs. Disassemble the test scheme.

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3.3.3 Testing of dielectric gloves and footwear

Standards and frequency of electrical testing of dielectric gloves, overshoes and boots are shown
in corresponding standards or specifications.

3.3.4 Testing of dielectric gloves (general requirements)

Dielectric gloves are tested for 60s with increased voltage of 6 kV in the following way: gloves
are immersed in a basin of water at a temperature of (25 ± 15) ° C. Water is poured into the gloves so
that the water level, both outside and inside the gloves, is 50 mm below their upper edges, which must
remain dry.
The test voltage is applied between the body of the basin and the electrode, which is lowered
into the water inside the glove. It is possible to test several gloves at the same time, but it should be
possible to monitor the current flowing through each glove tested.
The glove is discarded if the current flowing through it exceeds 6 mA or there are sudden
fluctuations in the flowing current.
In the event of a breakdown, it is necessary to disconnect the defective glove circuit or the entire
After the test, dielectric gloves must be dried.

3.3.5 Testing of dielectric footwear (general requirements)

Dielectric shoes should be tested for 60 s with a following voltage:

− 3,5 kV – overshoes with “Ен” marking for protection against voltage up to 1000 V;
− 15 kV – boots and overshoes with “Ев” marking – for protection against voltage above 1000 V
Currents flowing through the test objects in this case should not exceed:
− 2 mA – for overshoes below 1000 V;
− 7,5 mA – for overshoes and boots above 1000 V.
Testing of special dielectric footwear should be carried out by the method of testingof dielectric
gloves. During testing, the water level both outside and inside of horizontally installed products should
be lower than the sides of the overshoes by 20 mm and below the flaps of the boots by 50 mm. To conduct tests of dielectric gloves, assemble the circuit shown in Figure 7. To test
dielectric footwear, assemble the diagram shown in Figure 8.. Turn on the power of the CU. At the same time, all LED indicators should light, digital
indicators should show dashes.

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(+380) 57 393 1069 | 2 seconds after the power is turned on, all the LEDs except the current mode indicator
turn off. The current operating mode is "100 V". In the «100 V» mode, no current is measured, all
current measurement channels are inactive, they show dashes. Indicator «READY» must be lit continuously. If the indicator is flickering, the voltage
regulator must be set to zero position.
Check if the door lock limit switch contacts are closed. The «TEST» mode can only be activated
if the contacts of the limit switch of the door lock are closed and the «READY» indicator is lit
continuously. By pressing the corresponding button in the «MODE» area select test mode. For the test
voltage from 3 kV to 15 kV select «15 kV» mode, and for testing voltage up to 3 kV - «3 kV» mode.
The selected mode is indicated by the corresponding indicator. The digital voltage indicator is activated only in the mode «TEST». Press the «START» button. at the same time «READY indicator stops glowing, the
digital voltage indicator turns on, the short-circuit rod moves away from the high-voltage output of
BVI-50M-1 and the red signal lamp lights up, indicating the appearance of a test voltage at the test
object. Gently rotate the handle of the voltage regulator in a clockwise direction and watch the
indication of the kilovoltmeter. Increase the voltage at the output of System and set the required test
voltage. If necessary, select the time interval value of the timer by pressing the button
«INTERVAL». At the same time digital indicator in the «TIMER» area displays the selected interval
in minutes. Pressing the «START» button in the «TIMER» area starts the countdown. The digital
indicator will display the remaining time in minutes and seconds. After a set interval of time, a
discontinuous beep will sound. The measured values of leakage current are displayed on the indicators in the «Leakage
current, mA» area. In «15 kV» and «3 kV» modes the leakage current threshold is 7,6 mA. When this value
is reached, the breakdown is recorded, the high voltage supply is cut off, the corresponding breakdown
indicator flashes; the values of the leakage currents as well as the value of the test voltage are stored
and displayed on the indicator.

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To the high voltage output of BVI-50M-1

1 2
To the CU

5 6

1 – test object (dielectric gloves);

2 – test electode;
3 – isolating rod;
4 – signal cable;
5 – conductive liquid of test basin;
6 – dielectric gloves holder;
7 – high voltage cable.

Figure 7 – Scheme for dielectric gloves testing

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To the BVI-50M-1 high voltage output

3 7

To the CU

5 6

1 – test object (dielectric footwear);

2 – teeest electrode;
3 – isolating rod;
4 – signal cable;
5 – conductive liquid of test basin;
6 – dielectric footwear holder;
7 – high voltage cable.

Figure 8 – Scheme for dielectric footwear testing

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(+380) 57 393 1069 | If during the test the voltage regulator has overloaded (the current at the output of the
voltage regulator has exceeded 4 A), the high voltage supply is disconnected, the short-circuit switch
closes, the red signal lamp stops glowing, and «OVERLOAD» lights up.Breakdown indicators of all
four measurement channels flicker. To restore the System to its original state, it must be turned off and
on again. If the breakdown of the insulation of the test object does not occur, hold the test object
for the required test time, smoothly return the handle of the voltage regulator to its original position
and turn off the «TEST» mode by pressing the «STOP» button. At the same time, the digital voltage
indicator turns off, the BVI-50M-1 short-circuiting rod approach the high-voltage outputs and the red
signal lamp stops glowing, indicating that there is no test voltage on the System. Record test time, test current and voltage values in the report. Turn the CU power off. At the same time, all LED indicators should stop glowing. Apply a temporary earthing rod to the high voltage output of BVI-50M-1. Before disconnecting the test object from the BVI-50M-1, it is necessary to visually
verify that the BVI-50M-1 short-circuiting rod touches its high-voltage output. Disassemble the test scheme.

3.3.6 Insulation tests of hand tool handles, wire insulation and handles of voltage indicators
up to 1000 V Electrical test of insulation of isolated hand tools (general requirements)

The tool with a single-layer insulation is subjected to electrical tests. The tests can be carried out
on a device designed for dielectric gloves testing. The insulated part of the tool is immersed in an water
so that water does not reach the edge of the insulation by (22 - 26) mm. Voltage is applied between
the metal part of the tool and the body of the basin or the electrode that is lowered into the basin. Electrical tests of voltage indicators up to 1000 V (general requirements) When testing insulation at two-pole indicators, both enclosures are wrapped in foil, and
the connecting wire is lowered into a basin with water at a temperature of (25 ± 15) ° C so that the
water closes the wire, not reaching the handle of the housing by (8-12 mm). One wire from the test
System is connected to the electrode-tips, the second, grounded, to the foil and is lowered into the

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For single-pole indicators, the body is wrapped with foil along the entire length to the limit stop.
Between the foil and the contact on the face (side) of the housing at least 10 mm gap is left. One wire
from the test System is connected to the electrode-tip, the other is connected to the foil.
The voltage is gradually increased from zero, while the values of the indication voltage and the
current flowing through the indicator at the maximum operating voltage of the indicator are fixed, after
which the indicator is maintained for 1 minute with an increased test voltage exceeding the maximum
operating voltage of the indicator by 10%. To test the electrical strength of the insulation of the handles of the hand insulating tools,
assemble the scheme shown on Figure 9. To test the electrical strength of the insulation of the handles
and the voltage indicator wires, assemble the scheme shown on Figure 10. Connect one test electrode to the hand tool holder, and wind rest on the insulating rod so
that they do not touch the conductive liquid of the test basin and the body of the basin itself (See
рисунки 9 и 10). Turn on the power of the CU. At the same time, all LED indicators should light, digital
indicators should show dashes. 2 seconds after the power is turned on, all the LEDs except the current mode turn off.
The current operating mode is "100 V" In the «100 V» mode, no current is measured, all current measurement channels are
inactive, they show dashes. Indicator «READY» must be lit continuously. If the indicator is flickering, the voltage
regulator must be set to zero position.
Check if the door lock limit switch contacts are closed. The «TEST» mode can only be activated
if the contacts of the limit switch of the door lock are closed and the «READY» indicator is lit
continuously. By pressing the corresponding button in the «MODE» area select test mode. For the test
voltage from 3 kV to 15 kV select «15 kV» mode, and for testing voltage up to 3 kV - «3 kV» mode.
The selected mode is indicated by the corresponding indicator. The digital voltage indicator is activated only in the mode «TEST». Press the «START» button. At the same time «READY» indicator stops glowing, the
digital voltage indicator turns on, the short-circuit rod moves away from the high-voltage output of
BVI-50M-1 and the red signal lamp lights up, indicating the appearance of a test voltage at the test

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(+380) 57 393 1069 | Gently rotate the handle of the voltage regulator in a clockwise direction and watch the
indication of the kilovoltmeter. Increase the voltage at the output of System and set the required test
voltage. If necessary, select the time interval value of the timer by pressing the button
«INTERVAL». At the same time digital indicator in the «TIMER» area displays the selected interval
in minutes. Pressing the «START» button in the «TIMER» area starts the countdown The digital
indicator will display the remaining time in minutes and seconds. After a set interval of time, a
discontinuous beep will sound. The measured values of leakage current are displayed on the indicators in the «Leakage
current, mA» area. If only one current channel is operating (See figure 9), the value of the test current
will be displayed on one «Leakage current channel 1, mA». Since no current flows through the unused
test electrodes, the indicators of the unoccupied channels will display the value of the test current equal
to "0.00 mA". In «15 kV» and «3 kV» modes the leakage current threshold for one channel is equal to
7,6 mA. When this value is reached, the breakdown is recorded, the high voltage supply is cut off, the
corresponding breakdown indicator flashes; the values of the leakage currents as well as the value of
the test voltage are stored and displayed on the indicator.

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4 to the high voltage output of the BVI-50M-1

2 6
to the CU 3

1 – test object (handles of the insulated hand tools);

2 – signal cable;
3 – isolating rod;
4 – test electrode;
5 – insulated hand tools holder;
6 – high voltage cable;
7 – conductive liquid of test basin.

Figure 9 – Scheme for testing of electric strength of insulation of handles of hand insulating tools

Note. Figure 9 shows the testing of two test objects. During real tests only one test object should be placed..

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5 to the high voltage output of the BVI-50M-1

3 8
to the CU



1 – test object (handles of voltage indicator);

2 – test object (voltage indicator wire);
3 – signal cable;
4 – isolating rod;
5 – test electrode;
6 – insulated hand tools holder;
7 – The place of application of the test voltage (the dielectric part of the
handle, wrapped with foil for the duration of the tests);
8 – high voltage cable;
9 – conductive liquid of test basin.

Figure 10 – Scheme for testing of electrical strength of insulation of handles

and wire of voltage indicator

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(+380) 57 393 1069 | If the value of the maximum leakage current neds to be more than 7,6 mA, it’s required
to connect two test electrodes to the hand tool holder, and wind rest on the insulating rod so that they
do not touch the conductive liquid of the test basin and the body of the basin itself. In this case, the
leakage current threshold for the two channels will be 15.2 mA. The value of the test current will be
equal to the sum of the currents of the two channels. If during the test the voltage regulator has overloaded (the current at the output of the
voltage regulator has exceeded 4 A), the high voltage supply is disconnected, the short-circuit switch
closes, the red signal lamp stops glowing, «OVERLOAD» indicator is lighted, breakdown indicators
of all four measurement channels flicker. To restore the System to its original state, it must be turned
off and on again.
If the breakdown of the insulation of the test object does not occur, hold the test object for the
required test time, smoothly return the handle of the voltage regulator to its original position and turn
off the «TEST» mode by pressing the «STOP» button. At the same time, the digital voltage indicator
turns off, the BVI-50M-1 short-circuiting rod approach the high-voltage outputs and the red signal
lamp stops glowing, indicating that there is no test voltage on the System. Record test time, test current and voltage values in the report. Turn the CU power off. At the same time, all LED indicators should stop glowing. Apply a temporary earthing rod to the high voltage output of BVI-50M-1. Before disconnecting the test object from the BVI-50M-1, it is necessary to visually
verify that the BVI-50M-1 short-circuiting rod touches its high-voltage output. Disassemble the test scheme.

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3.3.7 Testing with voltage up to 100V Connect the test object to«100 V» connectors (See figure 4 pos. 10). Connecet the power supply cable to CU. Turn on the power of the CU. At the same time, all LED indicators should light, digital
indicators should show dashes. 2 seconds after the power is turned on, all the LEDs, except the indicator of the current
mode, turn off. Current mode - «100 V». In the «100 V» mode, no current is measured, all current
measurement channels are inactive, they show dashes. Indicator «READY» must be lit continuously. If the indicator is flickering, the voltage
regulator must be set to zero position.
Check if the door lock limit switch contacts are closed. The «TEST» mode can only be activated
if the contacts of the limit switch of the door lock are closed and the «READY» indicator is lit
continuously. Select «100 V» mode by pressing the corresponding button in the «MODE» area. The
selected mode is indicated by the corresponding indicator. In the «100 V» mode, the current is not measured, all current measurement channels are
inactive and display. The digital voltage indicator is activated only in the mode «TEST». Press the «START» button. At the same time the «READY» indicator stops glowing, the
digital voltage indicator turns on, the short-circuit rod moves away from the high-voltage output of
BVI-50M-1 and the red signal lamp lights up, indicating the appearance of a test voltage at the test
object. Smoothly turn the handle of the voltage regulator clockwise, watch the indication of the
kilovoltmeter, which in the «100 V» mode indicates the voltage to a value of 99.9 V, increase the
voltage at the output of the System. Set the required test voltage. If the value of the test voltage exceeds 99.9 V, the voltage indicator displays dashes,
that signals about excess voltage equal to 99.9 V.

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(+380) 57 393 1069 | If necessary, select the time interval value of the timer by pressing the button
«INTERVAL». At the same time digital indicator in the «TIMER» area displays the selected interval
in minutes. Pressing the «START» button in the «TIMER» area starts the countdown. The digital
indicator will display the remaining time in minutes and seconds. After a set interval of time, a
discontinuous beep will sound. Withstand test object for the required test time, smoothly return the voltage regulator
handle to its initial position and turn off the «TEST» mode by pressing the «STOP» button. At the
same time, the digital voltage indicator is turned off, the short-circuit rod approaches the high-voltage
output of the BVI-50M-1 and the red signal lamp stops glowing, indicating that there is no test voltage
on the System. If during the test the voltage regulator has overloaded (the current at the output of the
voltage regulator has exceeded 4 A), the high voltage supply is disconnected, the short-circuit switch
closes, the red signal lamp stops glowing, «OVERLOAD» indicator lights up breakdown indicators of
all four measurement channels flicker. To reset the System to its original state, it must be turned off
and on again. Record the test time and the test voltage in the log. Turn the CU power off. At the same time, all LED indicators should stop glowing. Disassemble the test scheme.

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4.1 General guidelines

4.1.1 Daily:
− check the presense of the reliable contact between short-circuiter rod and high voltage
terminals of the BVI-50M-1, BVI-50M-2and, if necessary, adjust the operation of short-circuiters;
− wipe the outer surfaces of BVI-50M-1, BVI-50M-2 high-voltage terminals with rags soaked
in alcohol or aviation gasoline
4.1.2 Annualy:
− Remove carbon deposition and contact material waste from the contact tack of the
autransformer of the CU by the hairbrush.

4.2 Functional check of device

4.2.1 Ground CU, BVI-50M-1 and BVI-50M-2 by flexible copper cables with at least 4mm2
cross-section. Connect the grounding cable to the ground terminals of the CU, BVI-50M-1 and BVI-
50M-2 on one side and to the ground loop on another side.
4.2.3 Connect CU, BVI-50M-1 and BVI-50M-2 with cables.
4.2.4 Disconnect the high-voltage cables from the terminals of the high-voltage outputs of BVI-
50M-1 and BVI-50M-2.
4.2.5 Connect power supply cable to CU.
4.2.6 Turn on the power of the CU. At the same time, all LED indicators should light, digital
indicators should show dashes. Thus, the performance of all indicators of System is checked.
2 seconds after the power is turned on, all the LEDs except the current mode indicator turn off.
Current mode is «100 V». In the «100 V» mode, the current is not measured, all current measurement
channels are inactive and display dashes.
The digital voltage indicator should only turn on in the «TEST» mode.

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Indicator «READY» must be lit continuously. If the indicator is flickering, the voltage regulator
must be set to zero position.
Close the door leading to the part of the System, that has voltage higher than 1000 V (close the
contacts of the door lock limit switch).
The «TEST» mode can only be activated if the contacts of the limit switch of the door lock are
closed and the «READY» indicator lights up continuously.
4.2.7 To check the operation of the buttons selecting the operating mode: alternately choose the
«100 V», «3 kV», «15 kV» and «100 kV» modes by pressing the corresponding button in the
«MODE» area (See figure 3). The selected mode should be indicated by the corresponding indicator.
4.2.8 For each selected mode turn on the «TEST» mode by pressing the «START» button.
4.2.9 After the «TEST» mode is turned on, the «READY» indicator shot stop glowing, the digital
voltage indicator should turn on, the short-circuiting rods must move away from the high-voltage
outputs of BVI-50M-1 and BVI-50M-2, and the red signal lamp should light up, indicating appearing
of test voltage at the System.
4.2.10 In the «TEST» mode for each selected mode alternately press all the buttons selecting the
operation mode («100 V», «3 kV», «15 kV» и «100 kV»). Pressing the buttons should be accompanied
by a beep. If the «TEST» mode is turned on, the operating mode that was selected before the «TEST»
mode was turned on should remain..
4.2.11 To test the operation of the door interlock, in the «TEST» mode for each selected mode
(«100 V», «3 kV», «15 kV» и «100 kV») open the door leading to the part of the System, that has
voltage higher than 1000 V (unlock the door lock switch). The "TEST" mode should be turned off in
this case.
4.2.12 When the «TEST» is turned off, the digital voltage indicator should turn off, short-
circuiting rods should approach high voltage outputs of the BVI-50M-1 and BVI-50M-2, and red signal
lamp should stop glowing. This indicates that there is no test voltage on the System.

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4.2.13 To check the operation of the timer, alternately press the «INTERVAL» button and select
the value of timer interval as «1,00 min» or «5,00 min». If the «1,00 min» interval was indicated then
after pressing the «INTERVAL» button the «5,00 min» interval must be indicated and vice versa..
4.2.14 Select the «1,00 min» interval by pressing the «INTERVAL» button.
4.2.15 Press the «START» button in the «TIMER» area, this should be should be accompanied
by a beep. If «TEST» is not selected time countdown shouldn’t start.
4.2.16 Turn on the «TEST» mode by pressing the «START» button (results should meet 4.2.9)).
4.2.17 Press the «START» button in the «TIMER» area and start the countdown. The digital
indicator should display the remaining time in minutes and seconds. When the set interval has elapsed,
an intermittent beep should sound.
4.2.18 Press the «STOP» button to turn off the «TEST» mode (results should meet 4.2.12).
4.2.19 Select the «5,00 min» interval by pressing the «INTERVAL» button and repeat actions
listed in 4.2.15 – 4.2.18.
4.2.20 To check the operation of voltage regulation in «100 V» mode: select test mode «100 V»
by pressing a corresponding button in «MODE» area. The selected mode is indicated by the
corresponding indicator.
4.2.21 In the «100 V» mode, the current is not measured, all current measurement channels are
inactive, and must display dashes.
4.2.22 Return the voltage regulator handle to its original position and turn on the «TEST» mode
by pressing the «START» button (results must meet 4.2.6 и 4.2.9).
4.2.23 Smoothly turn the handle of the voltage regulator clockwise, watch the indication of the
kilovoltmeter, and increase the voltage at the output of the System. Set the maximum value of the test
voltage for the selected operating range equal to 99,9V. After this additionally increase the voltage at
the output of the System. If the value of the test voltage exceeds 99.9 V, the voltage indicator must
display a dashes. This signals about excess voltage equal to 99.9 V.

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4.2.24 Gradually return the voltage regulator handle to its original position and turn off the
«TEST» mode by pressing the «STOP» button (results must meet 4.2.12).
4.2.25 To test the operation of «TEST» zero start interlock, withdraw the voltage regulator
handle from the "0 V" position by turning it 1/3 turn clockwise.
4.2.26 Press the «START» button. When the voltage regulating handle is not in the zero position
«TEST» shouldn’t turn on and there shouldn’t be any voltage on the System. This must be indicated
by flickering of the «READY» indicator. At the same time «TEST VOLTAGE, kV» indicator
shouldn’t be highlighted, short-circuiting rods must touch high voltage outputs of the BVI-50M-1 and
BVI-50M-2, and the red signal lamp should not be glowing.
4.2.27 To check the operation of voltage regulation in «3 kV», «15 kV» and «100 kV» modes:
alternately select each operation mode by pressing the corresponding button in the «MODE» area . For
each mode repeat actions listed in 4.2.22 – 4.2.26.
All four current measurement channels are active when «3 kV» and «15 kV» modes are selected.
When «100 kV» mode is selected, only the first channel is active.. Digital indocatos of onactive
channels must display dashes.
Since the Systemе operates without load, and therefore the current does not flow through the
load, when checking the voltage regulation in the «3 kV», «15 kV» and «100 kV» modes, the
indications of active leakage current indicators should be close to zero.
4.2.28 To check the current measurement in «100 kV» mode turn of the System and unlug the
power supply cable.
Connect the high voltage cable to the high voltage output of the BVI-50M-1 on one side ad to
the high voltage output of BVI-50M-2 on another side.
4.2.29 Turn on the CU and return the handle of the voltage regulator to its original position
(results should meet 4.2.6).
4.2.30 Turn on the «TEST» mode by pressing the «START» button (results should meet 4.2.9).
4.2.31 Gently rotate the voltage regulator handle clockwise to increase the System output current
up to 9 mA. Current raise rate shouldn’t exceed 1 mA/s

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4.2.32 Since the load resistance is relatively small and the voltage applied to this load is not more
than several hundred volts, the kilovolt meter readings will be approximated to 0 kV.
4.2.33 Gradually increase the output current of the System till the current protection scheme is
activated. In «100 kV» mode this happens at (10 ± 0,5) mA.
4.2.34 If the current protection circuit is triggered, the high voltage supply should go off and the
corresponding breakdown indicator should flash; the values of the leakage currents, as well as the
value of the test voltage must be stored and displayed on the indicators. When switching off of the
high voltage is a result of the operation of the current protection circuit, the short-circuiting rods should
approach the high-voltage outputs of BVI-50M-1 and BVI-50M-2 and the red signal lamp should stop
flashing. This indicates that there is no test voltage on the System.
4.2.35 Turn the CU power off. At the same time, all LED indicators should stop glowing.
4.2.36 Unplug the power supply cable from the power supply socket of the System.
4.2.37 Apply the temporary earthling rods to the high-voltage outputs of BVI-50M-1 and BVI-
4.2.38 Disassemble the test scheme.
4.2.39 To test the current measurement in «3 kV» and «15 kV» modes (when the System is
turned off), connect the high voltage cable to the first clamp of the hand tool holder from one side and
to the high voltage output of te BVI-50M-1 on the other side. Connect one test electrode to the hand
tool holder, and wind rest on the insulating rod so that they do not touch the conductive liquid of the
test basin and the body of the basin itself.
4.2.40 Turn on the CU and return the handle of the voltage regulator to its original position
(results should meet 4.2.6).
4.2.41 By pressing the corresponding button in the «MODE» area select test mode «3 kV» or
«15 kV. The selected mode should be indicated by the corresponding indicator.
4.2.42 Turn on the «TEST» mode by pressing the «START» button (results should meet 4.2.9).

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4.2.43 Gently rotate the voltage regulator handle clockwise to increase the System output current
up to 6mA. Since no current flows through the unused test electrodes, the indicators of the unused
channels should display the value of the test current equal to «0,00 mA». Current raise rate shouldn’t
exceed 1 mA/s.
4.2.44 Since the load resistance is relatively small and the voltage applied to this load is not more
than several hundred volts, the kilovolt meter readings will be approximated to 0 kV.
4.2.45 Gradually increase the current on the output of the System till the current protection
scheme is activated. In «3 kV» and «15 kV» modes this happens at (7,6 ± 0,5) mA (results should
meet 4.2.34).
4.2.46 Complete actions stated in 4.2.39 – 4.2.45 for «3 kV» and «15 kV» modes. Actions
should be repeated for each measuring channel (each test electrode).
4.2.47 Turn the CU power off. At the same time, all LED indicators should stop glowing.
4.2.48 Unplug the power supply cable fom the power supply socket of the System.
4.2.49 Apply the temporary grounding rods to high voltage outputs of BVI-50M-1 and BVI-
4.2.50 Disassemble the test scheme.
4.2.51 Remove temporary grounding rods frim the high voltage outputs of BVI-50M-1 and BVI-
4.2.52 To check the operation of voltage regulator current protection scheme connect two
«100 V» outputs (See figure 4 pos. 10) conductor length of about 2 m and a cross section of 1.5 mm2
4.2.53 Turn on the CU and return the handle of the voltage regulator to its original position
(results should meet 4.2.6).
4.2.54 By pressing the corresponding button in the «MODE» area select the «100 V» mode. The
selected mode is indicated by the corresponding indicator.
4.2.55 In the «100 V» mode, the current is not measured, all current measurement channels are
inactive, indicators of leakage current must display dashes.
4.2.56 Turn on the «TEST» mode by pressing the «START» button (results should meet 4.2.9).

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4.2.57 Smoothly turn the handle of the voltage regulator clockwise, watch the indication of the
kilovoltmeter, which in the «100 V» mode indicates the voltage to a value of 99.9 V, increase the
voltage at the output of the System until the «OVERLOAD» indicator is lighted..
4.2.58 Since the load resistance is relatively small and the voltage applied to this load is not more
than a few volts, the kilovolt meter readings will correspond to the measured voltage.
4.2.59 «OVERLOAD» mode is turned on when the value of the current on the output of voltage
regulator exceeds 4 A. At the same time «TEST» mode should turn-off (results should meet 4.2.12),
«OVERLOAD» indicator should lighten, breakdown indicators of all four measurement channels
should flicker. To restore the System to its original state, it must be turned off and on again.
4.2.60 Turn on the CU power and return the voltage regulator handle to its original position (the
results of the actions must correspond with 4.2.6).
4.2.61 Turn the CU power off. At the same time, all LED indicators should stop glowing.
4.2.62 Disassemble the test scheme.
4.2.63 If the results of the actions mentioned in (4.2.6 – 4.2.61) meet specified, then the controls
and alarm of the System are working properly.

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