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Career: Engineering/Architecture
Teacher: Mario Sanabria B.
Session No.: 9 Year: I Group: ________ Date:


To distinguish comparison-contrast function, which are essential
in understanding of texts related to their specialty.

Demonstrate understanding of the compare and contrast strategy
by visually representing information in a diagram.


Unit II: Comparisons and Contrast
Theme: Comparisons and Contrast
Subtopic: Graphic organizers
Teaching Strategy: Lecture, Practical Class
Media: Blackboard, eraser, marker,computer, whatsapp.


Control questions about the class
1. What is a comparison and contrast Graphic organizer?

Progress control questions (about the class)

1. What is the most common graphic organizer used to compare
and contrast?

Class Evaluation Questions

Unit II: Comparison and contrast

Create a graphic organizer to show comparison and contrast.
Theme: Comparisons and Contrast Graphic Organizers

There are many ways to compare and contrast the features of items, people, events, etc.
Many types of graphic organizers make it easier to examine these similarities and

To understand how graphic organizers can help students organize information; process
information; see the relationships between ideas; and more easily understand, remember,
and apply information.

Comparisons and Contrasts can also use different types of graphic organizers including:
• Compare/Contrast Matrix
• Venn Diagram
• T-Chart
• Similarities and Differences Chart
• Compare and Contrast Table
• Advantages and Disadvantages Chart
• Fact and Opinion Chart

A chart diagram (also called a matrix diagram or a table) is a type of graphic organizer that
condenses and organizes data about multiple traits associated with many items or topics.
Charts can be used to show attributes of items, to compare and contrast topics, and to
evaluate information.

COMPARE-CONTRAST MATRIX:Students can use this type of graphic organizer to clarify

what is the same and what is different about the selected people, places, or objects.

Attribute Japan China

Government Unitary Parliament Single- Party State
Official Language Japanese Mandarin
Population 127 million 1.35 Billion
Geographic Location Asia Asia

VENN DIAGRAMnamed after their creator, Venn diagrams are a type of graphic organizer
used to show the overlapping relationships between various categories of ideas, things,
events, mathematical expressions, or logical concepts. It is the most commonly used

It is used to analyze similarities and differences between two things (people, places,
events, ideas, etc.), by placing individual characteristics in either the left or right sections,
and common characteristics within the overlapping section.
Unit II: Comparison and contrast

Different Same Different

Book Notebook

You should not You can write in

write in it. They have it.
It has words and Pages.
sometimes The pages have
They are
pictures. rectangular lines on it.
It has an author.
It is for reading. It is for writing.

A T-CHARTis used for listing two separate viewpoints of a topic. Topics can include
anything that can be cleanly divided into two opposing views
Unit II: Comparison and contrast

Wet or Dry?
Dry Dog Food Wet Dog Food
It is easy to store It needs refrigeration after opening.
It never needs refrigeration. It comes only in a can.
It comes in a bag or box. Most dogs love it.
Helps keep your dog´s teeth It makes some dogs sick.
It is inexpensive. It can cost a lot.
You can buy a large bag and it comes in a lot of different flavors.
will last really long time.


Unit II: Comparison and contrast




Fact and opinion chart is a kind of chart where you put the main topic or subject on the
topwrite the facts on the left fact column and then write your opinions on the right
opinion column. The things filled in the fact column are something that can be proven,
meanwhile, the things filled in the opinion column tell how someone feels or thinks. Fact
and opinion chart is very helpful to distinguish facts and opinions, subjective and objective
Unit II: Comparison and contrast


Fact Opinion

All butterflies have six legs. I hope some butterflies don´t go extinct.
Caterpillars eat leaves. Monarchs are the prettiest butterfly.
Butterflies and moths are insects. Butterflies are cute.
Moths and butterflies are closely People should not kill and collect
related. butterflies.
The caterpillar is the larval form of a Caterpillars are nicer than worms.
Unit II: Comparison and contrast

Class No. 9
Organize the information using different comparison and contrast graphic organizers.

1. Apples and oranges are both fruits, which mean that they have seeds inside of them.
Each has a skin, but orange skins are thick and easy to peel. Apple skins are thinner and
do not peel easily. Oranges also contain more acid than apples, but both fruits are

2. The Green sea turtle and the loggerhead sea turtle nest along the Atlantic and the
Pacific shores in the United States. The Green sea turtle is on the endangered list while
the Loggerhead is listed as threatened. The Green sea turtle eats grass, algae and other
vegetation and is classified as herbivorous. Unlike the Green sea turtle, the Loggerhead
turtle is classified as carnivorous, and eats horseshoe crabs, clams, and mussels. Both
sea turtles live in temperate and subtropical waters and tend to stay near the coastline.
Unit II: Comparison and contrast

Loggerhead sea Turtle Green sea Turtle

3. There are several ways that apples and oranges are alike. They are both round fruits
and both can be made into healthy juices. Additionally, they are both types of foods
that grow on trees. But there are also several ways that apples and oranges differ.
Apples can be red or green in color while oranges are well, orange. When touching an
apple, the skin is smooth. Touch an orange and it is rough. And finally, these two
fruits grow better in different types of climates. Apples grow best in cool climates like
Michigan, while oranges grow best in warm climates like Florida. So while apples and
oranges are similar in the attributes of Shape, Fruit, Makes Juice, Type of Food, and
Grows on Trees, they are different in the attributes of color, skin texture, and climate.

Attributes Apple Oranges

Skin Texture
Makes Juice
Type of food
Grows on trees
Unit II: Comparison and contrast

Comparing and Contrasting Apples and Oranges

Apples Oranges


4. The development of technology and communications during the last decade of the 20th
century has had an important influence in our lives. It has revolutionized the way of
working, learning and communicating. But what has changed our life the most is definitely
the internet. However, there are advantages and disadvantages.

Computing is probably that it gives access to the information quickly and easily. It also
helps us to do tasks more efficiently. What is more, technology improves the lives of those
who have less opportunities and access to education and it contributes to the
development of poor or isolated regions in the world.

On the other hand, People have to learn new skills since the world of work has changed.
As a result, people who cannot use computers will not be able to get a job. Besides, we
depend so much on computing that if the computer breaks down or there is not electricity
we cannot work at all.

In conclusion, I think the computer chip is probably the most useful invention of the 20th
century, in spite of having to face some difficulties to adapt ourselves to new
Unit II: Comparison and contrast

Advantages and disadvantages of technology and computing

Advantages Disadvantages

Long ago in Egypt

5. Thousands of years ago, a group of people lived in Egypt. They lived on a little strip of
land along the Nile River. Every year, the Nile would flood. When the waters retreated,
rich soil was left behind. This soil was perfect for farming, and the ancient Egyptians called
it the “Black Land.” All the other land in the area was made up of hot, dry desert. The
Egyptians felt lucky to have found this special spot near the river.

Ancient Egyptians did not have many of the things we have today. For example, the
Egyptians did not have televisions. They did not have video games. They certainly did not
have computers or the Internet! You might be fooled into thinking the Egyptians had
nothing to do. Actually, this ancient people kept very busy with work and play.

Egyptians at Work

The Egyptians spent their time doing many of the same things modern people do. They
built houses to live in. They also built big, sturdy buildings called pyramids. In fact, some of
their pyramids are still standing today! The Great Pyramid at Giza is the largest single
building ever created on Earth that we know of. No one today could build a pyramid as
well as the Egyptians did!

In addition to building pyramids and homes, the ancient Egyptians also farmed land and
tended sheep. They taught their children, and they raised them well. The Egyptians also
ran businesses. They would sell their crops, cloth for clothes, perfumes, jewelry, furniture,
and food, such as bread.
Unit II: Comparison and contrast

Read each statement and decide if it is a fact or an opinion.

If it is a fact, place an X under “Fact.
If it is an opinion, place an X under “Opinion.”
If the sentence contains a fact and an opinion, place an X in both boxes.
Then underline the words that express an opinion.

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