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1. You are going to prepare lunch for six people. You prepare fried rice and mixed fruit
ice. What ingredient or food substances do you need to prepare the meal and the
beverage? Use countable and uncountable nouns in your ten (10) answers
a. The substances for fried-rice are: an ounce of red chili, …
b. The substances for mixed-fruit ice are: a cup of steamed green bean

2. Complete with suitable words in a restaurant (G-guests; W-waiter).

G: ____________ you got a long-table for twenty, Mam?
W: ____________, Sir. I’ll arrange it for you. OK, here, Sir, __________the window.
G: ____________ we ___________ the menus?
W: What____________ you __________ to drink?
G: Yes, please, we all would like to have orange ____________.

3. Antoni and Linda are going to celebrate their first wedding anniversary at Pizza Hut.
First, they order two roast ________________.
__________, they also would order two _________ of spaghetti and _________ balls.
Third, they would like to drink two _________of coca-cola and two cups of ________
They are very happy because they _______________ each other.

4. Let’s go to the market and buy vegetables: carrots, ______________ and ________
We will buy spices (bumbu) too: garlic, _______________ and ______________

5. Adjective Comparative Superlative Meaning

Long longer longest panjang
Busy _____________ ___________ ______________
___________ cheaper ___________ ______________
___________ more delicious ___________ ______________
___________ ____________ most beautiful ______________
___________ ____________ ___________ bagus
6. Telephone call
A: Hello, is it one _______ _______ _______ double________ ________ (1569227)?
B: Yes, this is Education Department of Sidoarjo. _____________ is calling?
A: Lukito, I am a student of UT Sidoarjo. Can I ___________ to Mr. Thohir, please?
B: Certainly, would you ______________ a moment, please?
A: Sure, thank you.

7. Put the verbs into the correct form:

a. She ______________(teach) English two years ago.
b. They __________________(be) here for an hour.
c. We are tired because we ________________ (study) since six o’clock this morning.
d. Now the students _______________ (play) chess.
e. We all _____________________ (pray) five times a day every day.
f. Tomorrow Jack and I ______________________(visit) the museum.

8. Use Comparative and Superlative Degrees in ten (10) sentences to compare these
three objects: a canary, an eagle, a plane.
A canary sings sweeter than an eagle.
An eagle is stronger than a canary
A plane flies the highest of all.

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