Why Studying Abroad in Lund Is The Best Thing Ever.

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mo kudeki mokudekiru@gmail.


Lund, Sweden Spring 2011

Where is Lund?
Located in the most
southern part of Sweden

Right across the water

from Copenhagen (one hour by train)

Lund is a small college town ~40k students, ~100k residents (like Chambana!)

...with a great engineering school

...tons of international students from Germany, Australia, Singapore, Canada, France, Spain, Italy, Japan, Greece, Turkey, Mexico, the US, and more...

...and its famous for having the best student life in all of Sweden

Youll live in an IKEA-furnished room on a corridor with both Swedish and international students

...and your own bathroom for $450 / month (plus $7 for internet)

You share a huge kitchen with the other students on your corridor (learn some Swedish-style cooking!)

and throw some corridor-parties

...speaking of parties, heres what clubbing in Lund is like.

Student life is run by Nations which are like frats, but everyone is a member of one, and they hold pubs, clubs, movie nights, cafes, etc.

Nation pubs and clubs are open every night of the week except Sunday and Monday

(heres a pub at my nation, Sydsknska)

You can work at the clubs too practice your Swedish and beer-pouring, plus afterparties with the other workers and the DJs

Classes typically meet 1-3 times per week for a few hours (with hourly coffee breaks!)

Most classes dont have weekly homework, and focus more on the nal exam or project

...which means you have time during the semester to go see Barcelona

and Tallinn, Estonia

...and go to Amsterdam just to see Robyn perform live

(if you dont know who she is yet...you will.)

Copenhagen is right next door

but dont forget to spend time exploring Sweden itself... because its amazing. this is Stockholm.

This is a McDonalds in Stockholm.

Yep, McDonalds.

Gothenburg has some great grafti...

...and one of the best music scenes in the world

FAQ: Do I need to learn Swedish?

Everyone you will meet over the age of 6 there speaks perfect English.
But if youre interested, go for it! Make Swedish friends, and practice! After a semester, I could understand the gist of conversations around me.

FAQ: Isnt Sweden cold?

In the winter, Lund is actually warmer than Illinois.

January and February will be very dark though. Youll wonder why its only light 10 AM - 4 PM

And springtime in Sweden completely makes up for the darkness.

After being cooped up all winter, spring is a blur of picnics and days spent enjoying the sun.

which is up from 3 AM - 11 PM

grilling is a constant state of being.

The last day of April is called Valborg a holiday to celebrate the coming of spring.

In Lund, that means an all-day festival in the park for you and your 40,000 closest friends.

By the time you leave (which you wont want to), youll know which of the zillions of Swedish candies is your favorite.

ka, kannelbullar, queuing tickets, sknetraken, cobblestone, Systembolaget, ICA, frfests, Lundabcker, skl!, sittnings, midsommar, sill, semla, and Lapland.

Youll also know all about:

and youll have made some of the best friends ever.

Enjoy Sweden.

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