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MEM201 Final Project Requirements

What to do?
1. Identify an issue with an existing product/design or produce a new product/design to
solve a problem.
2. Design a solution to the identified problem. Solution must be an assembly of at least
three (3) non-standard parts.
3. Design parts and model all parts in ProE
4. Create an assembly of the parts in ProE
5. Create detail drawings in ProE or AutoCAD (ACIS *.sat, ACISIN) of non-standard
parts and assembly drawing of final assembly.
6. Write report to discuss design feasibility, ergonomics, manufacturing and cost. This
can be done before modeling.

What to submit?
You can use the following template as a guide. You are required to address the
following two items (write-up and working drawings), but are not required to use the
following template (pages 2,3).

1. Write-up to include: Design feasibility (why/usefulness of your design), Ergonomic

study of the design (comfort-ness), Discussion on the manufacturability and cost

2. Working Drawings: A set of working drawings consisting of an assembly drawing of

the design including Bill of Materials assembly drawing of the design, 3-views (top, front
and side) for all customized designed parts

How to submit?
Due Date: 12/10/12 6:00 pm
Submit to: Hard Copy: Randell 115 (MEM Office) will be a box to collect submissions
Soft Copy: Drexel Learn

Point Value Section

5 Design Feasibility Present an observation you have made where a
new product would be beneficial or an existing
product could be re-engineered.
5 Design Feasibility Introduce your product or imporvements
10 Design Feasibility How innovative is the design e.g. new material
for an existing design (1/10) vs. new product with
new design (10/10)
4 Ergonomics Address how your part will be handled,
maintained, repaired, customized for fit, …
3 Manufacturing Cost Estimate of raw material cost
3 Manufacturing Cost Introduce possible manufacturing methods
5 Solid Model Screen shot of solid model of your parts or
10 Assembly Drawing Drawing of complete assembly with all standard
and non-standard parts
5 Bill of Materials List of all standard and non-standard parts,
including assembly number, description, material
and quantity.
5 Bill of Materials All items in the assembly drawing are annotated
by their assembly number.
30 Detail Drawings One for each of the non-standard part. Minimum
of three.
5 Detail Drawings Complete dimensioning, following proper
5 Detail Drawings Tolerances
5 Model Complexity e.g. parts are all single extrusions or
cubes/blocks (1/5) vs. parts have multiple
extrusions/subtractions, holes, revolves, … (5/5)


MEM201 Winter 2014 Final Report Page 2

Title of Report

Submitted by: Your Name

Submitted to: Professor Wei Sun Ph.D.

Jessica Snyder
Report Submitted: March 17, 2014

MEM201 Winter 2014 Final Report Page 3

Table of Contents
1 Measurable Goals..................................................................................................................3
2 Design Feasibility...................................................................................................................3
3 Ergonomics.............................................................................................................................3
4 Manufacturability and Cost.....................................................................................................3
5 Detail Drawings......................................................................................................................3
6 Working Drawings..................................................................................................................4

Purpose: Briefly describe a problem you want to address. Present the requirements of your
design; low cost, low weight, portable, more robust, …) Present your engineering solution in the
design feasibility section.

2 Design Feasibility
Purpose: Design feasibility (why/usefulness of your design) feasibility (why/usefulness
of your design). Relate your design choices (materials, shape of your part, tolerances)
to the design requirements identified in the engineering objectives.

3 Ergonomics
Purpose: How will a person interact with your product? Consider some of the following:
assembly, maintenance, handling, portability, can be used by any age, ….

4 Manufacturability and Cost

Purpose: Identify materials, manufacturing techniques, and cost estimate. Include rough
monetary estimates to produce for full credit.

McMaster Carr is a commonly used supplier of standard parts. It is a valuable resource for
finding suitable parts. Most product specifications also include CAD drawings for you to use for


5 Detail Drawings
Include a complete detail drawing for all non-standard parts. All parts presented on their own
drawing with three orthographic views (top, front, right) with dimensions and tolerance. Use title
block. Homework problem 12-2 can be used as an guide. Print each drawing and include each
as a full page.

6 Assembly Drawings
Include a working drawing of the assembly. Rules of thumb for creating assembly drawings are
as follows: single isometric view of assembly as a solid model. Include a parts list with item
numbers called out on assembly drawing. Homework problem 12-2 can be used as an guide.
Print assembly drawing and include as a full page.

MEM201 Winter 2014 Final Report Page 4

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