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15 Quranic passages
1.Allah in Himself

Passage 1. Sura Baqarah (2:255) (Ayat al Kursi)

Passage 2. Sura Anaam 6. 101-103
Passage 3 Sura Fussilat 41.37
Passage 4 Sura Shura 42. 4-5
Passage 5 Sura Ikhlas 112

2.God’s relationship with Created world

Passage 6 Sura Fatiha(1)
Passage 7 Sura Baqarah [2:21-22]
Passage 8 Sura Alaq (96:1-5)
Passage 9 Sura Zilzaal (99)
Passage 10 Sura Naas (114)

3.God’s Messengers
Passage 11 Adam (2.30–37)
Passage 12 sura Anbia Ibrahim (6:75-79)
Passage 13 Maida Jesus (5.110)
Passage 14 Sura Kauthar (108) about prophet Muhammad
Passage 15 Sura Zuha (93) about prophet Muhammad

Q1. Choose any two of the following passages from the Quran, and:
(a) briefly describe the main theme(s) in each passage. [4]
(b) briefly explain the importance of the themes in the daily
living of Muslims. [4]

1.Allah in Himself

Passage 1. Sura Baqarah (2:255) (ayat al kursi)

(a) _Main Theme:

● The main theme of the passage is Allah in Himself. It is taken from Sura
Baqarah, a madni Sura. It is also known as the verse of throne .
● It begins with the expression of oneness of God and elaborates that God is
beyond human comprehension and He is free from all limitations and
weaknesses .
● He is unlike other beings because He knows everything and can do everything
and enjoys autonomy in exercising His authority. Sura al Anaam says, “ To Him
is due the primal origin of the heavens and the earth…..” [6:101]
● Throne (Kursi) is a symbol of authority which means that He is the King ruling
over all that exists. No one shares His attributes and kingdom. His powers never
(b) Importance in Muslims life :
● This verse is declared by the Prophet as one of the treasures of Paradise.
● It makes Muslims realize they must emphatically reject any idea or notion that
there can be any partner of God which eliminates the possibility of shirk in
practical lives.
● It allows Muslims to understand their Lord by explaining that certain things
that affect humans do not affect Him e.g sleep, slumber, fatigue etc.
● Understanding God’s power gives conviction of heart in worshiping Him alone
and Muslims do not look towards others for the fulfillment of their needs.

Passage 2. Sura Anaam 6. 101-103

(a) Main theme: [2] Marks

● These verses of Sura Anaam, a makkan Sura, discuss the fundamental Quranic
theme of Allah in Himself.
● It gives the message of Tauhid (Oneness of God) by expressing that God does
not have partners and the entire universe is the creation of His will and
● He is free from all physical relations, especially wife and children. The Quran
says, “He begets not nor is He begotten.” [Ch112:V3]
● God is beyond human comprehension. Although humans cannot understand
Him, He understands everything in creation.
● God is the most powerful. He is the one who has the power to help humans, and
He hears and sees all that they do, therefore they should worship Him.

(b) Importance in Muslims life : [2] Marks

● These teachings emphasize the importance of tawhid for Muslims for their
spiritual purification. It also protects them from shirk in daily living.

● Mankind is asked to worship Him as only He can fulfill their needs, so Muslims
should be careful to pray and fast, etc., to fulfill their obligation to Him.

● When Muslims believe in Allah as All-Knowing, they refrain from committing

sins even secretly and become fair in dealings with people.

● In a world where there are lots of distractions, this Sura reminds Muslims that
they should always remember their Creator as He is the ultimate authority
over their affairs .

Passage 3 Sura Fussilat 41.37

(a) Main Theme: [2 marks]

● This verse of Sura Fussilat also known as Ha Mim was revealed during
the early years in Makkah. It discusses the theme of Allah in Himself.
● Fussilat means “clearly spelt out the message of the Quran.” It is
directing attention to the concept of Tawhid by saying that God creates
and controls everything; in this verse specifically the sun and the
● Universal bodies and the cycle of Day and Night on earth are the
signs of God’s power for mankind and help them to identify our true
Lord and His presence.
● The Quran says, “Behold! in the creation of the heavens and the earth
and the alternation of Night and Day – there are indeed signs for men of
wisdom.” (3:190)
● The order of the sun and the moon shows that God alone should be
praised and worshiped and nothing should be associated with Him. It is
a negation of polytheism; the sun and moon are not to be worshiped.

(b) Importance in Muslims life: [2 marks]

● This passage is important in daily lives of Muslims because it creates a
strong link with God so Muslims do not look up to anything/anyone
else, famous people, money, etc., and they worship only Him.
● It stops them from committing shirk by making them realize that all
created things are not permanent.
● God's signs invite Muslims to observe their environment and
ponder over His signs. It creates awe and wonder to help get closer
to Him.
● Muslims in their daily lives learn from this passage that God
administers all affairs. Thus, they consider themselves humble
servants of God and turn to Him for salvation through prayer, fasting
and other acts of worship.

Passage 4 Sura Shura 42. 4-5

(a) Main theme: [2] marks

● These verses of the Sura Shura, a makkan Sura, represent the theme of
God in Himself.

● These verses confirm God’s power, majesty and His ultimate authority
over all that exists in this Universe.

● His majesty is so much that the heavens tremble and are almost ready
to tear out by His glory. Everything in the Universe acknowledges His
power and supremacy by praising Him. The Quran says, “His are all things
in the heavens and on earth.” (2:255)

● It further discusses that angels always glorify God’s attributes of

forgiveness and mercifulness for those who repent and request Him for
their forgiveness

(b) Importance in Muslims life :[2 marks]

● The importance here is that God tells humankind of His power and
control over all things, so they should remember that they do not have
any power in comparison which in turn protects them from

● In their daily lives Muslims need to show humbleness like Angels

who despite having magnificent power to dispose of different affairs
but they fear God and seek His mercy day and night.

● Muslims should not be pessimistic in difficulties, even when Muslims

have committed wrong actions. They must keep trust in God who
would help them in all their problems.

● As God is merciful to humankind, they in turn should be grateful

through acts of worship like prayer,fasting etc and also try to be
forgiving of others, even if they have been hurt or injured.

Passage 5 Sura Ikhlas 112

(a) Main Theme : [2] marks

● Sura Ikhlas was revealed in Makkah when the Quraish asked the Prophet,
“Tell us of the ancestry of your Lord” there upon this Sura was revealed.
● It presents the fundamental Quranic theme of Allah in Himself. It explains the
concept of Tauhid for the purity of faith (ikhlas).
● God is independent of all but all are dependent upon Him and He needs
nothing for His sustenance.“Allah, there is no god but He, the living, the self-
subsisting, the eternal.”(Ch 2:V255).

● He is free from all limitations of time and space.

● He has no partners or family, does not have anyone to share His
authority nor any children.
● It tells about God’s uniqueness in his personality attributes and actions
and sums up the whole argument by warning against comparing Him with
anyone or anything. .

(a) Importance in Muslims life : [2] marks

· This passage is important for Muslims because it protects from
different forms of Shirk so that people do not take other people or created
things as their Lord, so they should not replace God with things like famous
people/saints, or place anyone or anything alongside Him.
· The passage is the source of contentment and spiritual strength for
Muslims in their daily lives as the Holy Prophet told that this sura is
equivalent to one third of Quran.

· This Sura is often recited by Muslims in their daily prayers after Sura
Fatiha. In daily lives of Muslims this sura helps them to have clarity of
faith and allows them to develop a relationship with God through acts of
worship like prayer,fasting etc .

2.God’s relationship with His Created world

Passage 6 Sura Fatiha(1)

(a) Main theme: [2 Marks]

● This early Makkan Sura is known as Fatiha because it is the opening chapter of the
Quran. It discusses fundamental Quranic theme of God’s relationship with the
created world.
● God is the Lord of all that exists, Even the things which humans cannot see.

● Sura includes affirmation of Tawhid in all its various categories: i.e unity of
Allah's Lordship, Worship, Names and Attributes. God is the Most Merciful and he
presides over judgment and forgives His creatures.

● The straight path is based on righteousness. Allah leads humans on the path of
his obedience which is given in the Quran and in Sunnah of the Holy Prophet.

The Quran says, “verily! Right guidance is the guidance of Allah.”(3:37)

If humans follow their own way, they may go astray.

(b) Importance in Muslims life : [2] Marks

● Sura Fatiha is actually a prayer. Through this humans communicate with God
and He is replying to each verse.

● The recitation in five daily prayers commences with it. The Prophet said 'No
prayer is accepted without Fatiha.

● Muslims recite this to ask for guidance and help, even outside the prayer.
Submitting to God brings humbleness into lives.

● The passage reminds Muslims about Judgment on the final day by Allah. This
grows awareness for the preparation of the final day to face Allah. Muslims pray to
be guided on the straight path by implementing the teachings of the Quran and
Hadith in their lives.

Passage 7 Sura Baqara [2:21-22]

a) Main Theme : [2 marks]

● These verses from Sura Baqara, a Madni Sura, discuss the theme of God’s
relationship with the created world.
● These are based on the concept of piety.
● God is the creator of all mankind and the purpose of creation is to worship
● He not only has created humans but also made arrangements for sustenance
including Allah’s bounties of fertile earth, shade and water from sky.

● These verses emphasize that God alone should be praised and worshiped. The
Quran says, “praise be to Allah, cherisher and sustainer of the worlds.”
● It also suggests that mankind should not commit the greatest sin of Shirk i.e
associating partners with Allah.

(b) Importance in Muslims life : [2 marks]

● Through these verses humans understand the relationship with God is that of
the Lord and the slaves who should pray to him alone for all their needs.
● The physical life is symbolized by the Earth and spiritual life is symbolized by the
sky to emphasize that both physical and spiritual life depend upon Allah.
● These verses also inculcate a sense of gratitude to God for his countless
bounties. Muslims realize that only He deserves all our praise and worship and we
should show gratitude for his favors through obedience and acts of worship i.e
salat, fasting or pilgrimage etc.
● Through this passage Muslims reflect upon the natural world and the benefits
it holds for them. They can also see this from the guidance that came before them
from prophets in the form of divine books.

Passage 8 Sura Alaq (96:1-5)

(a)Main theme: [2 marks]

● These verses of Sura Alaq, a makkan Sura, present the fundamental Quranic
theme of Allah’s relationship with the created world. This passage was the
first revelation to the Holy Prophet .

● It gives the message to acquire knowledge by reading and writing.

● Humans and animals have the same origin “clot of congealed blood”

It mentions God's power to create and ensure the survival growth of

mankind. but Allah has blessed humans by giving them the ability of

● It dignifies God as the greatest teacher who taught all forms of knowledge
to humans and made them superior to other creatures. The Quran says, “
and He taught Adam (spiritual) names .”

● Iqra is a command to read the creation to understand His Wisdom and


(b) Importance in Muslims life : [2 marks]

● These teachings also help Muslims to see God’s power, which is seen in
the way He is able to create humans. After creation, He shows care for his
creatures by sending revealed scriptures so they are not left on their own.
● Knowledge is a link between man and God. Pen implies education,
study, research etc. Seeking knowledge is encouraged and so humankind
should try their best to learn throughout their lives, especially religious
knowledge so they can get to know their Lord.

● Knowledge of each subject e.g religion, science etc has its own value and
acquiring knowledge is rewarded.

● It also helps Muslims understand how prophethood and Islam started and
they should reflect upon what God has sent down for them to help them live
their lives. So they should be grateful to God and do their best to spread
knowledge and eliminate illiteracy and ignorance.

Passage 9 Sura Zilzal (99)

(a) Main Theme: [2 marks]

l Sura Zilzal, a madni Sura, presents the fundamental quranic theme of God’s
relationship with the created world.
l It depicts the last day and the end of time when everything known will
be destroyed by a tremendous and more far-reaching convulsion than any
earthquake we know. The Quran says, “When the earth is flattened out and
throws out whatever it contains and gets empty.” [Ch 84: V 3-4]

l On the day of resurrection the dead will be raised from their graves and
justice will be done in the light of the truth. In this world good and evil are
mixed together. But on that day each grade of good and evil will be sorted
l people will be responsible for their actions on earth and given their
accounts; God will give people their accounts, which will take them to
Heaven or Hell.

(b) Importance in Muslims life : [2 marks]

l This Sura is a warning for people to give up their lives of sin, and be obedient
to Allah. The last day accountability, reminding Muslims to stay on the
straight path. It reminds them of resurrection and the last day which is an
article of faith in Islam.

lGood deeds will be rewarded encouraging Muslims to do good

at all times. It keeps them away from sins.

lIt helps us to understand the temporary nature of the world

which stops them being distracted by worldly things, fashion or
money, etc .
lGood deeds will be rewarded encouraging Muslims to do good
at all times. It keeps them away from sins.
lIt helps Muslims understand the temporary nature of the
world which stops them being distracted by worldly things, fashion
or money, etc .
Passage 10 Sura Naas (114)

(a) Main Theme: [2 marks]

It is one of the Suras recited for protection.

It seeks the safest refuge from all kinds of evil because He is the most

It warns humans against secret whispers of evil by Satan within their hearts,
who whisper evil ideas to humans, and then disappear and leave them on
their own.
● “From the mischief of the whisperer ”
Since God is all powerful and provider of all necessities and protection therefore,
only he can protect us from all evils from jinn and from mankind.

(b) Importance in Muslims life : [2marks]

● This passage is important for Muslims because it protects from different

forms of Shirk so that people do not take other people or created things as
their Lord.

● The passage is the source of contentment and spiritual strength.

● In daily lives of Muslims this sura is recited for protection from evil eye and

3.God’s Messengers
In this way these passages of the Quran strengthen our belief in all the
messengers which is an article of faith in Islam. They also show God’s special
concern for his chosen people and how they were helped throughout their lives.

Passage 11 Adam Sura Baqara (2.30–37)

(a) Main theme:[2 marks]

● These verses of Sura Baqara, a madni Sura, discuss the theme of
Allah’s Messengers.
● God created Adam, as well as everything else (angels,jinns etc.), and
granted him a high position due to superior knowledge. God gives
knowledge to whom he wants and he gives the special status of
prophet hood to whom he wishes.
● Superiority of Adam was duly acknowledged by all angels except Iblis
(Satan) who showed arrogance because he was a jinn. Satan’s act of
disobedience was a result of jealousy.
● When Satan misled Adam, his disobedience resulted in his expulsion
from paradise along with his wife Eve. God did not leave him as
Adam was taught these words of repentance, "Our Lord! We have
wronged ourselves; so if You do not forgive us and have mercy on us,
then surely, we are of the losers." [Aaraf 7:23]

(b) Importance in Muslims life : [2 marks]

● These verses are important for Muslims because they highlight
man’s position as God’s representative on earth.
● This gives Muslims a sense of their connection to God as Adam
is called the father of humankind and everyone is descended from
him. It also strengthens belief in Prophets.
● God showed Adam’s importance by making the angels bow to him and
forgiving him when he disobeyed. It shows that God is forgiving to
mankind. This should make humankind understand their status , they
should seek forgiveness from God and worship Him.
● It also shows God’s care and direct relationship with every

Passage 12 Ibrahim Sura Anaam (6:75-79)

(a) Main theme: [2marks]

● These verses of Sura Anaam, a makkan Sura, discuss the theme of God’s
● Hazrat Ibrahim declared the concept of Oneness of God by mentioning stars,
moon and the sun which shows that God uses His signs to guide.

● God’s power is shown through His ability to control the sun and the moon,
and that the sign of His power is that He does not fade or die away, whilst
things in creation do.
● He is free from all limitations and weaknesses and celestial bodies merely
reflect His glory and are only His creatures. Ibrahim declared truth to his
people and rejected polytheism (Shirk)“ How should I fear (the beings) you
associate with Allah when you fear not to give partners to Allah..” (6:81)

(b) Importance in Muslims life : [2 marks]

● These verses are important for Muslims because they strengthen their belief
in His Oneness by showing that created things i.e sun, moon, stars are not
permanent which protects them from committing shirk in their lives.
● Muslims should worship God alone which was preached by all the prophets.
According to some scholars the whole thrust of Abraham's reasoning is
directed against the superstitious beliefs.
● Muslims worship one God. The story of Abraham is highly logical for all men
in quest of truth.
● Since Prophets have asked God for guidance so Muslims should take this
guidance too. God has created such beautiful heavenly bodies so surely He
alone deserves worship.

Passage 13 Jesus Sura Maida (5.110)

(a) Main theme: [2marks]
● This verse of Sura Maidah, a madni Sura, discusses the theme of God’s messengers.
● God will address Hazrat Isa on the day of judgment recalling His favors upon
Hazrat Isa and his mother Maryam to make non-believers realize their ingratitude
towards the divine message.

● Jesus was human and a Prophet and not a begotten son of God. His birth
and life were to be a sign to men and to turn them back to Allah. The birth of ‘Isa
was a Miracle. He was born to Maryam without a father and he spoke as an infant
and defended his mother. The Quran says, “He shall speak to the people in
childhood and in maturity.” [3:46]

● God gives miracles to His prophets to help them, in this case Jesus got the
holy spirit, the Book and the wisdom ,the Law and the Gospel; humans can do
great things but only with God’s permission; God gives humankind signs through
prophets of His existence, which separates those who believe and those who don’t.

(b) Importance in Muslims life : [2marks]

● These teachings reaffirm Muslims the prophet hood of Hazrat Isa and the
power of God. Humans are capable of great feats but it is God who gives
permission for these; moon landings, space travel etc.
● The words “By My permission” are repeated with each miracle to emphasize
that everything takes place according to the will of God so we should look
to Him for the fulfillment of our needs.
● Muslims should use these as signs of God’s grace, and believe in His power.
They should therefore remember Him often, by praying, supplicating or doing
good deeds, etc. to ensure they are counted as believers.
● The miracles mentioned in these verses strengthen a Muslim’s belief in all the
messengers as they show that all of them were sent by Allah of His own accord.

Passage 14 Sura Kauthar (108)

(a) Main Theme: [2 marks]

● Sura Kauthar was revealed to the Prophet in Makkah at the death of his
son when he was aggrieved due to the mockery of pagans especially Abu
Lahab who called him “Abtar” (cut off) which meant that his message
would be lost after his death. It presents the theme of God’s messengers.
This is the shortest Sura of the Quran.

● God gave reassurance to the Prophet of his help and gave glad tidings of
abundance of favors in this world as well as in the hereafter.
● It is interpreted as a fountain in heaven, which will quench the highest
spiritual thirst of a man, his spiritual progeny from his daughter Fatima.

● The Prophet is instructed to prayer and by making sacrifice and

reminding him that “rejected were the messengers before you; with patience
and constancy they bore their rejection” (6:34).
● It also tells us of God’s wrath for the Prophet's enemies and foretold their
(b) Importance in Muslims life : [2 marks]
● This Sura is important for Muslims it gives them hope in times of need
and teaches them to have faith in God’s support in difficulties. Future hope is
also given with the promise of the Kawthar in paradise.

● God intervenes when one is in difficulty, so Muslims should look to Him

for help and support and not feel disheartened in times of difficulty, e.g.
during illness or oppression.

● Muslims should remain steadfast despite the difficulties or mockeries

that they face and be grateful for what He has given them, remembering
that real rewards are in the life hereafter therefore, justice should be left to
● Muslims are also taught that they must love, respect and obey the
Prophet and his progeny as Allah also loved him and this will ensure their
entrance in paradise.

Passage 15 Sura Zuha (93)

● Sura Zuha, a makkan Sura, contains the theme God’s messengers. It was
revealed when the pagans mocked him due to an interval in the revelations.

● God gave reassurance to the Prophet that He is always with him even
when He seemed not to be. His assurance of this was proved by His past actions
of giving him shelter through hazrat Abu Talib, guidance through divine
revelations and financial independence through marriage with hazrat

● A person may think that God has deserted them, or He doesn’t seem to
be there, but He is always present and with them.

● Since God helped the Prophet , he should assist those who seek help
from him and should continue to live as God taught him. Allah says, “And feed
with food the needy, the orphan and the prisoner for the love of Him.” [76:8]

(a) Importance in Muslims life : [2 marks]

● This Sura gives a message of hope and consolation. God gave blessings to the
Prophet Muhammad, despite people saying that he had been forgotten by God.
Muslims today should also retain their faith in difficult times.

● Muslims should look at their lives to see their blessings and not think they have
been given nothing. It should motivate them to keep their trust upon Allah in
straitened circumstances and hold themselves wisely with patience.

● They should not constantly want more than what they have, instead they
should be grateful to God through prayers and worship and make people aware
of the ways in which God helps them.
● It gives a message of being kind and helpful to others in need, like
orphans and beggars etc. It also strengthens belief in prophets which is an
article of faith.

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