100 Goblins

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Uur’lok – This pesky little goblin got his arm tore off by a Hobgoblin Commander

after he was caught stealing from him. He loves sneaking around and stealing shiny
Fugh – This goblin is a bit… slower than the rest in his tribe, but he’s big,
strong, and easy to order around. The only problem is he eats more than 3 other
goblins do in a day, and he’s still growing.
Grishnar, the Rusted Knight – Clad head to toe in rusted, scrounged together armor
stolen from unlucky adventurers. He’s allowed these trophies as his insistence on
‘chivalry’ means he’ll never try to take over the tribe, and he thinks he’s
invincible so he’ll fight anybody you tell him to.
Crimson Hat – Clad in a blood red cap or unknown origin, and heavy iron boots, this
Gob is often confused with a hob. He insists he claimed his hat from a Red Cap he
did a favor for.
Huro-Huro – Clad in only a leather loincloth, this jungle dwelling goblin who has
learned the secrets of druids. His form is slimly and almost…scaly.
3-Gob – 3 gobs in a trench cloak, insists since he’s so ‘tall’ he should be in
charge. Very unconvincing.
Gully Blackwaters: Patriarch of the Blackwater clan, he has been running the swamps
for his entire life. He has built his clan up on raiding, magic, and good old
Tik – wears a necklace made of his own teeth. Says he wants to keep them as
“spares” in case important ones fall out.
Iz Iz – Claims to be a great and powerful sorcerer who can bend reality to her
will, but the stars are just not aligned today. Will take credit for any
unexplained event.
Moka – A cook who has one recipe. He loves it. Others hate it. Anyone who complains
doesn’t eat for the next couple days. They have no idea what they are talking
Kalo – Claims his parents were wolves. Not that he was raised by wolves, that his
parents WERE wolves. Fights with no equipment, snarling and biting. Sleeps in the
wolves pen, curled up in the fetal position.
Zarl – A practicing mage accidentally resurrected this goblin instead of his
companion by mistake. Believes they are a god.
Trizick – a ex-bandit turned circus owner/worker when a series of nefarious plots
didn’t quite work out (due to his own cowardice).
Yameeka – a female goblin who thinks she’s a gnome/halfling who has been cursed.
Begs the party to help her break the curse and directs them to the wizard she
believes did it (can be real or completely imagined.)
Pakpak – a goblin that can only say pack and carries a pack on his backpack. Will
pack your snacks into your backpack if your name isn’t Jack.
Mushroo – A shy female goblin who somehow got her hands on an old, rusty harp
missing a few strings. She’s a surprising natural at using it, coaxing clear notes
as if it were a high quality instrument and able to play any song heard just from
memory. Can be sent down the path to taking levels in bard
Dun bo- A goblin with ears each as big as his head. Is very self conscious about
it. Has a massive bonus the listen checks. Usually to hear the whispered jokes
about his big ears.
Makarr – a small goblin wielding a massive banner who cannot be persuaded to part
with. Adopted by a barrack of orc soldiers who treat him as their mascot, he is
always at the forefront of their raids, waving his banner amid the chaos. Is
surprisingly lucky when it comes to surviving the battlefield.
King – Bedecked in a cloak and crown stolen from a stage show, he walked into the
nearest goblin tribe and asserted himself as the new ruler because quote, ‘can’t
you see this shiny crown?’ Regularly sends squads into nearby towns to get him
‘Booze and wrenches’, pissing off the local bartenders and engineers.
Choppa – carries a device like a tiny guillotine. Sneaks into camps at night,
looking for sleeping adventurers with exposed fingers to chop off and collect.
Tipy-Tap – One of the toughest goblins you’ve ever met. Picked on by other goblins
as a child for his name, often joking about his “tiny tipy-tap feet” lead him to
doing nothing but leg days. Now he’s got legs like tree trunks. Can squash another
goblins head without even trying. Unfortunately his arms never got much workout so
he barely has the strength to swing a sword.
Nit – a shadow monk with a heavy Brooklyn accent. He works as highly-trained muscle
for a major crime organization which freed him from slavery. He very much enjoys
his job.
Guillermo Espinoza, Marquis du Blancmont – This goblin is almost certainly insane,
and seems to have read The Three Musketeers a few times too many. Tall boots with
floppy tops. Brightly colored tabard. Rapier. Nice hat though, it has feathers.
Uggah Wai – The labored breathing and snot running off his chin makes you pretty
sure this gob either has a head cold or the worst case of hay fever in history.
Gabe – Claims to be a human victim of true polymorph. He’s making the best of it,
because at least now he can get laid. So the women are goblins. So what.
Tiff and Wubb – These siblings are the goblin equivalent of tweens. They aren’t
armed. They are lost and cold and hungry.
Mah-Lohn – He just wants to make a living selling beer and cider to anyone with
coin. Anyone who enters his tavern inexplicably gains knowledge of the other
patrons’ names.
Nom and Clav – These two gobs are veritable fonts of dubious knowledge. Usually
found drinking together at Ploddits, Mah-Lohn’s bar.
Gubbz – A suicidally brave (and probably insane) goblin with an unearthly amount of
luck. He gets easily distracted and dodges most attacks by picking up funny looking
rocks, breaking into a spontaneous dance, tripping over his own feet and stumbling
out of harms way, etc. He thinks that this ‘protection’ comes from his ancestors
and thus often fights naked.
Old ‘Pink-Robes’ Rutt – An elderly goblin wearing a pink, hooded robe that looks
way too big for him. He wields a wand of smiles that he uses as a walking stick.
For some reason it can also cast fireball in conjunction with the original spell,
so that his victims smile before they get blown to pieces. He does not speak common
and simply smiles widely but confused whenever he’s talked to in any other language
than Goblin.
Pinkskin – At about three feet tall, with a measly little head, and curly brown
hair, Pinkskin is unfortunately the ugliest goblin ever born, with a face only a
mother can love. His flat little claws barely even extend past his fingertips and
break so easily.
Kosmos – A Goblin ‘scientist’ whose destiny is watched over by the Gods. May one
day change the world, if only she could learn to read first.
Shake Spear – She writes and performs plays. Unfortunately, theater isn’t a highly
respected art form where she is from. She wants to expand and perform in other
parts of the world, but she fears people’s violent racism toward goblins.
Glob – skintone more brownish with green spots, small even for the size of a
goblin, always ridiculed and bullied, has no confidence but is in fact smarter than
most goblins. Also plays the flute surprisingly well.
Spike – (surprise surprise) a little larger and a lot fiercer than other goblins, a
foul grin with a sadistic grimace. Sports a white/black mohawk. Spike is the leader
of the pack, cunning and evil.
Vash – A goblin alchemist who has not only managed to tame a giant vulture to fly
around on, he’s also figured out how to build and use guns. Fond of infusing his
ammunition with all kinds of volatile compounds just to see what happens.
Gleb – A long time ago a goblin tribe was wiped out afterr they tried to play cards
with a deck of many things. Adventurers came in and cleaned up the mess, however
Gleb lived, he lived because he became a warlock to Enlil, a retired god who needed
something done in Unther via XP and magic items that he got from the cards. (FR
Setting ) He now travels the countryside on his trusty war pig (Pig not boar)
Jot – The oldest of a set of brothers. Jot is incredibly crafty, being well spoken
for a goblin.
Joot – The second oldest. Is a wonderful cook for goblin standards. He can a lot of
unappetizing things… palatable.
Jooot – The baby of the trio. Despite being the youngest, he’s actually the tallest
as well. He doesn’t do much, but he enjoys painting (with things that aren’t
Gizmit – the goblin wizard effigy master who built himself a wyvern effigy, then
shrank himself down with a reduce person, which he made permanent. He now spends
most of his time in a control center inside the wyvern’s head.
Gututut – Big, Strong, and Hairy Goblin, thinks he may be adopted.
Zuntik – Goblin Cleric who worships himself.
Bang Booyahg: A goblin trickster cleric whose essence Garl Glittergold mistook for
a gnome’s and accidentally gave powers. Ever since the incident Bang has become a
fervent disciple in hopes to prove himself worthy of his deity.
Fizgit – A female goblin who travels the world writing about her journeys. Her
stories are romantic fantasies, where she is the most beautiful desirable goblin in
the land and has whirlwind affairs with almost every male character she meets.
Anyone who critiques her, draws her ire and are major villains in her story. Those
who support her are written as madly in love with her.
Three Crusts- As a young scout, the goblin became lost and wound up high in the
mountains. Freezing and starving, he was found by a woodsman and carried to the
woodsman’s small home. The man and his wife served him and another traveler up food
pulled from a wooden box in the kitchen and gave them a place to sleep. In the
night, the goblin arose and grabbed the box, delighted to have found such a prize.
To cover his escape, he lit the home on fire and ran into the night. Once he had
passed out of reach of any pursuit, he opened up the box. Inside he found three
crusts of bread. The woodsman and his wife had shared all but their very last food
with him, and in return he had robbed them and burned their home. The goblin flung
the box down, and then was sent reeling to the ground by a powerful blow. He looked
up into the eyes of the other traveler, dressed in silver armor and holding a mace.
The traveler, a cleric of a goddess of justice, had managed to put out the fire
before it had done any real damage, and then had come after the goblin. Rather than
kill him, he declared that the goblin would serve him for three years, one for
every crust of bread in the box. Over the next three years, Three Crusts served as
the cleric’s servant, then his squire and friend. Three Crusts took holy orders
himself shortly after the three years ended, and is now a paladin.
Gulzyat the Undying – This little cursed fellow is a horrible nuisance. He wears
nothing but a ratty pelt from a Dire Badger with the upper half of the badger head
worn like a helm and the ratty pelt acting as a cloak and an old rusty piece of
full plate elbow joint as a codpiece. The badger is appropriate because once you
kill Gulzyat he seems to tenaciously come back to life at the worst of times
appearing out of no where to exact a bit of revenge for his death. He is just a
normal goblin for the most part so Gulzyat is not so much a physical threat himself
but more about the ill timing of his reappearance. Trying to sneak around the
sleeping hill giant? Not so fast here comes that odd little goblin you thought you
killed to make a racket and wake him up. Trying to lie your way past the city
guard? Guess what, the little bastard speaks enough common to pop up and let them
know what you are really about. Trying to impress a noble, hard to do when a goblin
appears chanting your name and peeing on his plate of roast duck. Remove curse only
works for one encounter where Gulzyat would have appeared and then he turns up
again like a bad penny. A wish can rid you of Gulzyat sending him to pester someone
else but the only other way is to trick some other poor sap into killing the little
nob and getting someone else to take on Gulzyats ire that is currently directed at
Lokey Mogul- Serial killer, chef, and television personality! Hosts a cooking show
(viewed on scrying mirrors that some rich people own) called ‘Gobblin’ With A
Goblin’ in which he details the process of kidnapping, cooking, and properly
serving people. Sometimes has ‘guest stars’ (either kidnapped people or bandits)
that rate his dishes. Is a powerful Illusionist that uses Hallucinatory Terrain to
make his victims think they have ran into a dead end and to avoid other people
seeing his kidnappings. His kitchens are usually back alleys, abandoned buildings,
and other people’s attics.
Ukmot, Archfiend Warlock – Considered the weakest of his tribe, he was beaten and
exiled. In his rage he vowed his service to Glasya in exchange for power and to
advance his goals for submitting goblinkind under his rule and sending his enemies
to his patron for eternal suffering.
Boom Boom, the Pyroman(iac)cer – A slender goblin with a nasty lisp, the right half
of the face is covered in burnmarks, remnant of one of his most successful
experiments, as he would claim. He has a bag with him and you can be sure, one item
in there is a firestarter and the rest, some sort of explosive devices. His
catchphrase: ‘I can make ith boom boom?’
Zamot – an elderly goblin who believes his walking stick has been possessed by a
wild(a wolf) god by the name of Ral’tak. He constantly talks to his walking stick
as a result and every night he wanders out of his encampment to find a pack of
wolves to howl at the moon with.
Zig’Won the Quick – Twin goblins known for their pranks by seeming to appear in two
places at once. Not to be confused with his brother Zig’Tu.
Orgg’mal the Mountain Prince – An unusually large goblin king that became famous
for discovering, posthumously, that rocks are heavy.
Shib’hal the Sand Rat – Famous adventurer that was one of the first goblins to make
friends with another humanoid species and retired wealthy. Many mainland humans
mistakenly use the word ‘shib’hal’ as friend in Goblinspeak, no goblin has yet to
be in a rush to correct them.
The Goblin raider, Mød – He is known in these parts. He finds clothes
uncomfortable, instead wearing only a loin cloth and coating himself in dirt,
twigs, leaves and anything else he can find. Unlike other goblins, mød doesn’t
really care for shiny things. Instead, he covets dark things. To this end, he
carries a pouch of charcoal to darken the shiny gold coins he acquires.
Gorgeous Garrow the Galiant – This little Goblin bard wears a pirate costume
complete with a captain’s hat and a fake beard. He plays a violin and sings tall
tales of his courageous swashbuckling adventures (he’s actually terrified of deep
water and has never been on a boat).
Beetlebug Cragmaw: Goblin bard who acts as a spy for secret orginizations around
the world acts tough but is a total sweetheart and just wants to make the world
Backbite the Harmless- Goblin Sorcerer and former mob member. Backbite talks like a
wagon salesman mixed with a freeform poet. His magic comes from his Divine Soul,
much to the surprise of his family. Backbite is now seeking to live up to whatever
his ‘heritage’ is, meaning that he sometimes stops midsentence and says, ‘oh, but
we’re GOOD guys now, riiiight…’
Gorscrik Bleeder- A gloom hunter who seeks vengeance against a powerful Hobgoblin
warlord. Gorscrik became a goblin veteran the hard way, in the massed ranks of a
barely-armed and untrained horde invading Human lands. Driven on by Hobgoblin
masters and clambering over the mounds of their own dead, the wave of green swept
over the north of the continent, sacking cities and overwhelming armies. The
southland, fertile and lush, beckoned to the goblins. But the Hobgoblin leadership,
led by High Chief Captain Druzz’defor, chose to turn the horde against the Dwarven
fortress of Merget Mon-Moor. Gorscrik, who was sent as a scout, returned and
reported that an attack would be madness. In response, Druzz’defor demoted him and
assigned him to the first rank of footmen sent against the Fortress, referred to
now by goblins as The Grinder. Facing veteran Dwarves in prepared defensive
positions, the mighty green horde was butchered brutally and mercilessly. Gorscrik,
by an odd turn of fate, survived the battle, lying senseless in the sea of his
slaughtered comrades. After being washed into a side tunnel by a Dwarven Waste
Disposal crew, he revived and learned to survive in the hazards of the Underdark.
He returned to the topworld hungry for revenge and glory.
Nibbler the Nilbog – This zainy crazy Jester shaman Goblin Nilbog lives alone in
swamps. He is like Yoda and will just show up some nights. He just wants food to be
honest, but is always down for a good joke or riddle. Will o’ Wisps also HATE this
guy and will back off when he is around, but he will always comment on the pretty
colours. Maybe he will give some magical items or enlighten the party with hints if
he is treated very nicely?
Hobbin of the Dirt – A loony, mud-soaked, and scratched up goblin that wanders the
forests, believing herself to be a powerful druid capable of communing with the
trees. Her only companion is a ferocious and blood-thirsty badger that Hobbin can
happily calm with a long hug. Hobbin’s (literally) insane dedication to nature has
led her to powerful places unknown to outsiders, where the veil between the Feywild
and the Material Plane are thin. She does not know what knowledge she sits upon or
that the forest has been silently taking care of her.
Mort’Gix the Fell: As evil as a goblin can get, his necromancy and dark arts took
down an ancient Dwarven empire.
Milt’fiq the Counter: A notable goblin warrior for discovering thrusting two spears
into an enemy is better than one.
Werd’Yacñan of Crimson Peak: The first shaman to instill the dead spirits of
goblins into their kin. The rage she unleashed that day blew up half a mountain.
Stories of her inquisitiveness inspires many generations of curious young goblins.
Little Zorm: a teenage orc who was raised in a goblin tribe and believes themselves
to be an unusually large goblin. Will do their best to reject the truth.
Big Zorm: an obese goblin chief who is carried around in a chair by four other
goblins. Demands the finest things in life (like shiny buttons, interesting
feathers, and obsecenely-shaped rocks). Big Zorm has a big sack full of these
treasures he never lets out of his sight, and adds to the weight of his chair.
Schlan Mlorg: will demand anybody who talks to him pronounce his name perfectly.
Nobody except him can EVER say it right, to his immense frustration.
Ghaulli: Working two full-time jobs as the inn’s housekeeper and the tavern’s
busgirl, Ghaulli soon becomes a familiar face. She’s an honest worker, but is often
met with suspicion from patrons due to her race. Though the work is tiring and
often thankless, Ghaulli is a widow who tries her best to ensure her young son is
provided for.
Fared the Gilded – As an old test subject for the secretive magus Jordroy, Fared
was constantly exposed to strange magics, often for long periods of time. It was
during one of Jordroy’s alchemical mishaps that Fared had he chance to escape his
cage and run to freedom, although not before being doused in a variety of
mysterious reagents. By the time Fared had a chance to rest and look himself over,
the entire right side of his body from knee to ear had transformed into solid gold.
This gold functioned the same as his normal body, but gave him the ability to
transform a tiny object into gold once per day by touching it with his golden arm.
He now constantly travels from place to place, using his ability to get by. He
wears a thick black cloak he never takes off so as to avoid getting kidnapped for
his ability or worse, taken back to Jordroy.
Glizbik, The Dawn Priest – Glizbik was once a feral goblin that preyed on local
travelers with his tribe, simplistic in his fondness for violence and shiny things.
One day, he and his tribe raided a lone priest traveling the road. The priest
pleasantly divided what he was carrying among the confused hunting party, and gave
his holy symbol to Glizbik. He winked at the goblin and told him that when the time
came that he wanted something more than this life he led, all he had to do was
grasp the necklace and believe. Before the old dwarf could say anything else, the
rest of Glizbik’s tribe attacked and killed him in the hopes they could find
anything he was holding out on. Glizbik spent the next few days in contemplation,
watching his fellow goblins squabble over their petty loot and trinkets. He found
himself believing that they could be better, and that he should be better too. With
that belief, he clasped his amulet and heard the voice of Auphaela, The Breaking
Dawn for the first time. The Goddess of the Rising Sun told him of a better way of
life, and showed him visions of what that could look like, promising that she would
show him the path if he would be willing to walk it. Filled with a flurry of
emotions for which he had no names, he made a promise to Auphaela that the priest’s
words were not spoken in vain, and that he would guide his people out of the dust
and into a life of higher ideals and racial unity. He now travels the land with a
small group of goblins who share his beliefs, seeking to fill more goblins with the
guiding light of the Goddess of New Beginnings. He strives to embody her tenants of
charity and respect in the hopes that he may one day be able to atone for the sins
of his tribe, his people, and himself. Though he sometimes falls victim to the
pettier urges of his race, he always manages to quickly recover and use his power
as a cleric of Aupheala to make amends.
Steven – not even a goblin, just a weirdly colored human, and at this point, he’s a
bit scared to tell them all.
Rik and Gnalde – An elderly couple who’ve been mated for years. They are currently
lost on their way to visit their grandchildren and arguing over who, if anyone, to
ask for directions.
Klikx – master trap maker, best in the land. Can create or disarm traps quite
Ratter – the tribes rat trainer. Spends more time with the rats than with anyone
else and has begun taking on rat-like mannerisms like nose twitching.
Wacs the Weasel – Best slaver globin around. Has an eye for spotting good targets
for stealing and is ruthless in the execution.
Sir Raynaldus the Heroic – claims he’s a decorated knight from a nearby kingdom who
definitely doesn’t associate with other goblins. He’s very boastful and will go on
for hours about hks heroic deeds. May or may not be an act.
Ariawyn Ocoalyrn – swears she’s actually a very short, slightly malformed elf and
definitely not a goblin. Is clearly a goblin.
Frip and Drox – Frip had a dream where a god came down and possessed Drox, claiming
his body as it’s planar form. He now follows Drox everywhere proclaiming his holy
status and making a show of his open worship. Drox is sick of his shit.
Daryl Gobbo – The bravest, little goblin you’ll ever meet. He dreams of being a
mighty paladin one day.
Bogskin the Foul – First goblin to drive off a fort of nasty elves using bad odors.
Dead Trout of Nitzcave – First goblin to figure out how a crossbow works.
Yizkak the Bold – First goat thief to also figure out she could ride them. Her name
is a curse in Dwarvish.
Skora the Flame Priestess – Touched by the God of Fire she burned so many things
and is worshipped as a goddess in some warrens.
Grimnott the Silent – A famous goblin assassin. Whose weapons of choice were a
garotte wire and a vial of poison.
Brizzlefrak the Smokepile – The first goblin to be hit by lightning.
Mud’tew – a scaredy hunter goblin that stalks through the woods, his shrieks for
help when stepping on something too round or angular are often assumed by travelers
to be that of ghost or banshees.
Grood the PC-goblin. Constantly annoys the other goblins with his liberal ideas.
Inspired by the more civilized values of men, he aspire to one day brake free from
his tribe and join the next party sent to exterminate his clan.
Pastew the Owl – has large eyes, barn owl feathers glued to her face and arms, and
tries to speak riddles and aphorisms from the books that they have inexpertly
hidden on their person. Tries to practice stretching their neck / turning their
head around when they think people aren’t looking.
Gobli – A suspicious, weirdly hairy goblin who runs a cart selling Goblin-made tea
to anyone with coin. Does’t pro-ounce N’s whe’ they talk.
Morphi the Trickster. Loves setting traps, snares, and tripwires, can never
remember where he’s set them. Frequently discovered bested by one of his own
creations. Dresses like a Harlequin.
Idjus Longnose – Proud leader of a band of hang-gliding goblin mercenaries. Famous
for her bright orange cloak and hair.
Fervious Feverfew the Fird – Grandchild of the renowned poisoner of the last King /
Queen of the Kingdom. Adept at disguises, willing to share their knowledge for the
right price.
Gargar The Ox – A very small, blue goblin with sharp teeth and a too-wide grin.
Once ate an entire live ox without stopping.
Kattik of Mouse Haven – An elderly goblin with sensibly styled hair spectacles, and
a shawl. Shrewd buisnessgoblin Runs an animal daycare. Employer of…
Tiny – the fattest goblin you’ve ever seen, wearing not enough clothes, covered in
purple woad markings. Loves animals, farts constantly, will cast cure minor wounds
on any animal that they don’t think looks perfectly healthy.
Darvu the Tunneller – Lieutenant of a brigade of war-goblins seeking to literally
undermine the defenses of a nearby castle. Wears a red tricorn hat and large black
leather boots.
Bookkeeper Gorn – Wizard librarian goblin who gets drunk and starts fights in bars,
has a large gold hoop pierced in their nose. Does not, and will not wear pants, to
the great amusement of his nearby goblin friends.
Quovill – Crippled at a young age, Quovill is capable of moving, fighting,
climbing, etc thanks to a mobility exo-harness that their mother built for them.
Speaks in a french accent, loves peanut butter sandwiches.
Butterfly – A wiry thin goblin holding a warhammer engraved to leave a butterfly
imprint in whatever it smashes. Wearing blue jean overalls and a straw hat, he’s
also one of this summer’s hottest fashionistas.
Rocblett Yingl-mit – Mohawk-ed, yellow splotchy skin and buck teeth. Six months
old, armed with a bottle of superglue, and the stealthiest toddler you’ve never
Nogilee – A young goblin activist. Clever, diplomatic, charismatic she’s leading
the greenskins rebellion. She has a devoted following that grows by the day.

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