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Critical Summary of the article "The Climate of Incivility in Philippine Daily Inquirer’s

Social Media Environment"

The article provides an analysis of the social media environment of the Philippine Daily
Inquirer, focusing on the prevalent issue of incivility. The author examines the climate of
discourse and interaction in the organization's social media platforms, highlighting the nature
and impact of uncivil behavior among users.
The article begins by discussing the significance of social media as a platform for news
dissemination and public engagement. It emphasizes the role of the Philippine Daily Inquirer's
social media environment in shaping public discourse and opinion. The author highlights the
potential of social media to foster constructive discussions and deliberations on important
However, the article also underscores the prevalence of incivility in the social media
environment of the Philippine Daily Inquirer. The author identifies various forms of incivility, such
as character assassination, stand assassination, mockery, name-calling, offensive language,
and disrespectful behavior, which disrupt civil discourse and degrade the quality of online
The article further examines the reasons behind the climate of incivility in the Philippine
Daily Inquirer's social media environment. It discusses the impact of factors such as anonymity,
polarization, and echo chambers on online behavior. The author argues that these factors
contribute to the erosion of civility in the social media environment, leading to the proliferation of
toxic exchanges and damaging consequences for public discourse.
Moreover, the article discusses the implications of incivility in the social media
environment of the Philippine Daily Inquirer. The author highlights how incivility can hinder
meaningful engagement, discourage participation, and contribute to the spread of
misinformation and disinformation, as uncivil exchanges often lack critical thinking, fact-
checking, and evidence-based arguments. The article also emphasizes the negative impact of
incivility on the well-being of individuals and society as a whole.
Finally, the article concludes by highlighting the need for interventions to address the
climate of incivility in the Philippine Daily Inquirer's social media environment. The author
suggests strategies such as promoting online civility, fostering constructive engagement, and
cultivating a culture of respectful discourse. The article also emphasizes the importance of
media organizations, users, and policymakers working collectively to combat incivility and
promote a healthier social media environment.

Implications of Incivility on Realities

First, social media incivility harms public conversation and engagement. Social media
influences public opinion, news, and discussions in the digital age. According to the article,
social media incivility can reduce meaningful involvement, participation, and dialogue. This can
lead to the loss of various perspectives, the propagation of misinformation and disinformation,
and a decline in dialogue quality, which affects public comprehension and decision-making.
Second, the paper emphasizes the social consequences of social media incivility.
Incivility harms individuals and society. Incivility can cause emotional discomfort, mental health
concerns, and social polarization, which can make the internet toxic and weaken social
cohesiveness and trust, which are essential for a democratic society. In today's era of social
media, incivility can affect society.
Anonymity, polarization, and echo chambers contribute to incivility, as the article shows.
Today, internet interactions can polarize beliefs and create echo chambers due to anonymity.
Understanding these variables can help us understand social media incivility and build effective
In addition, media and online platforms must combat incivility. The Philippine Daily
Inquirer is a significant news organization, so the article's findings have significance for media
organizations and their social media influence. Media organizations may help promote civil
dialogue, fact-checking, critical thinking, and meaningful online involvement and participation.
Finally, the paper urges social media incivility prevention. Users must also fight incivility.
Users can promote civil dialogue, considerate online interactions, and mindful online language
and behavior. Recognizing the societal impacts of incivility and taking effort to rectify it can
improve social media.
In conclusion, "The Climate of Incivility in Philippine Daily Inquirer’s Social Media
Environment" has several ramifications for current events. Today's digital age requires
understanding and resolving social media incivility to promote healthy and constructive online
interactions and positive societal conversation.

Antoci, A., Delfino, A., Paglieri, F., Panebianco, F., & Sabatini, F. (2016). Civility vs. Incivility in
Online Social Interactions: An Evolutionary Approach. PLOS ONE, 11(11), e0164286.
Pascual, M. R. S. S. (2020). The Climate of Incivility in Philippine Daily Inquirer’s Social Media
Environment. Plaridel.
Sun, Q., Wojcieszak, M., & Davidson, S. (2021). Over-Time Trends in Incivility on Social Media:
Evidence From Political, Non-Political, and Mixed Sub-Reddits Over Eleven Years.
Frontiers in Political Science.

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