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Module 1

Dimensions of Philippine Literary History

When you were kids, you used to listen to bedtime

stories that included things like fables, parables, and
legends. Who among you could ever forget the times
when you would skip sleeping at noon in order to sneak
out and go to your grandparents' house just to listen to
their "Pinoy" versions of various fairytales, horror
stories, and legends? One of the best things about being
Filipinos is that we take pride in our culture and are
passionate about our literary traditions.
People often say that literature is a written picture
of real life. It is a reflection of our lives. It encourages us
to embrace our roots, as well as our culture and
traditions, and even helps us understand what it means
to be a human being. It is a reproduction of the
information and experiences that we have had pertaining
to a specific topic. Reading different works of literature
gives us a better understanding of people, events, and
You will be able to understand and appreciate the
literature by the end of this module after having
identified the geographic, linguistic, and ethnic
dimensions of Philippine literary history spanning from
pre-colonial to contemporary times.

At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. define literature;

2. identify the geographic, linguistic, and ethnic dimensions of

Philippine literary history from pre-colonial to the
cotemporary (EN12Lit-Ia-21);

3. explore thoughts on how the different literary periods affect

the manner of writing of the literary authors; and,

4. familiarize the Philippine culture by studying literature.

A. Let’s Recall!
Directions: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of
your answer from the list given. Use your notebook as your
answer sheet.

A. Literature F. Folk Song K. Legends

B. Syllabary G. Riddles L. Tanaga
C. Prose H. Epic
D. Poetry I. Fables
E. Proverbs J. Myth

1. These are truths and wise sayings expressed in a language

that is popularly known.
2. A form of language that has no formal metrical structure.
3. A written picture of life.
4. A story of gods and goddesses told using a traditional
language explaining mysteries, beliefs and cultural practices.
5. These are stories explaining origins handed down from the
past and passed through different generations.
6. This is a long narrative poem about quests and exciting
adventures of a hero with unusual strength and power.
7. Literary work in which special intensity is given to the
expression of feelings and ideas using distinctive style and
8. An ancient Filipino alphabet consisted of seventeen symbols
or they called it “Alibata.”
9. This is a game in a form of mystifying question and a mind
puzzle intended to be solved.
10. These are stories intended to teach human values which
animals used as characters attributing human characters.

B. The Concept Web

Directions: Let your memory recall our history. Using a
Concept Web, write the different periods of Philippine Literature
including the year span when the country was colonized? Write
your answers in your notebook.

The Literary Forms in Philippine Literature

Etymologically, literature means writings having excellence of form or

expression. It envelopes the major literary genres such as poetry,
drama, and fiction. It entails distinctive use of the language in creative
and artistic ways.

Further, literature reflects the traditions and culture of the society,

the origin and life experiences of the author, and even allows us to
navigate the truths and realities embedded in the beauty of the

Pre-Colonial Literature (Early Times – 1564)

Philippine’s Pre-Colonial Literature is heavily rooted to our ancestors’

heritage, beliefs, and culture. It was marked during the arrival of the
Philippines Archipelago’s first inhabitants with which considered as
the forefathers of the Filipino today.

During those times when the Philippines was free from all
colonization, it is overflowing with authentic and abundant oral
literature. Our ancestors are filled with creative prowess of crafting
stories they believe exist. They had stories of how one thing came to
be--- the rich folktales, myths, and legends. These are all products of
their daily observation about life and their own experiences.

These stories are tales and lore of the past. Some were not preserved,
but what was left and survived conformed to our oral literature today.
Here are the forms of literature that continue to exist.

 Proverbs are simple and traditional sayings that give us

nuggets of wisdom. It delivers significant truths about life in a
form of little entertainment. In Filipino, these are called

Example: Matibay ang walis, palibhasaý magkabigkis.

(People gain strength by standing together.)

 Riddles are playful statements or questions having an obscure

meaning intended to be answered or solved. The statement may
sound like humorous but it has a deeper meaning. In Filipino,
these are called bugtong.

Example: Hinila ko ang tadyang, lumapad ang tiyan.

Answer: PAYONG

 Folksongs are traditional songs of our ancestors that have
been passed down from one generation to another. These local
songs are considered part of the rich culture of the Filipinos. It
may be in the form of courtship song or harana, harvest songs,
war songs, lullabies and the likes.

 Tales are creative stories that generally talk about how one
thing came to be. It speaks of the origin of a particular thing.
These are also called as myths and legends.

 Epics are long-narrative poems about the heroic deeds,

adventures, and even misfortunes of a hero. The hero in the
story is characterized as brave and courageous and is well-
represented with good values.

Spanish - Colonial Literature (1565-1898)

There was a great change on the form of literature during the Spanish
regime. It was focused on Christianity and religion. The happenings in
the environment was set aside and it is now pointed to Catholic faith
reflecting the society, culture, and tradition.

The friars as church head authorities have spread the doctrines of the
church trying to relate them to native. Spanish language also became
the literary language during this time.

The following are the kinds of Philippine literature during the

Spanish- Colonial Period.

 Cenaculo is a play depicting the life and sufferings of Jesus

Christ. Cenaculo is a Spanish term which means “cenacle” the
place where Jesus Christ celebrated the Last Supper with His

 Pasyon is a narrative poem about the life of Jesus Christ which

is usually sung during Lenten season.

 Awit is a form of Filipino poetry about a hero, which is a bit

closer to a narrative.

 Zarzuela is a form of musical comedy that is usually comic and

presents sarcastic look at society.

 Corrido is a narrative song which is often about oppression,

history and other topics about society.

 Moro-moro or Comedia de Capa y Espada is a blood-and-

thunder melodrama depicting the conflict of Christians and

Muslims. It is usually about battles to the death and the proofs
of faith.

 Carillo is a play using shadows to project the animated figures

made from cardboards.

 Tibag is a drama that reenacts the search of St. Helena for the
Holy Cross. St. Helena is the mother of Constantine the Great,
who was recognized in her discovery of the Cross and the Tomb
of Jesus Christ in Golgotha.

 Duplo or Karagatan is a drama that is connected to mourning

rituals of the Catholics and harvest celebrations.

American - Colonial Literature (1899-1945)

It was during this period when Filipino enjoyed freedom and

independence in writing literary pieces. Some of the literary genres
that prosper during this period were poetry, short story, and novel. It
was also during the American occupation when Public School was
created. The “Thomasites” were American soldiers who came to our
country to become teachers. They introduced free public instruction
for all children of school age.

The use of English language as medium of instruction in all levels of

education in public school made the literary writers decide to use the
same language in writing literary pieces and in other forms of writing.
Nationalistic plays with freedom and independence as themes also
flourished during this period. A lot of new writers continued to
produced literary works that reflected Filipino beliefs, culture and
traditions. It can not be denied that some Filipino writers imitated
American models of writing which resulted to the concept of Philippine
Literature in English. A few of the popular American fictionists were
also imitated by some beginning Filipino writers.

Contemporary Period (1946- Present)

The Contemporary Period of Philippine Literature is an avenue for new

literary publications and incomparable writers equipped with
knowledge and skills of the present era.

Gone are the days when stories and writings are wasted and
unpreserved. In this time, Filipino writers enjoy their freedom to
continue to write stories, poetry, essays, novels, and others that have
vivid contribution to the society.
Filipino writer during this period has become more efficient of his art
and skills. He is far more equipped with the aid of different workshops
and technology that assist him.
Various literary awards have sprouted which motivate writers to
produce more literary pieces and to sustain the life of Philippine

Task 1: Let your voice be heard!

Directions: Share your personal views about literature by
answering the following questions. Write your answers in your
activity notebook.

1. Comprehensively discuss the roles of literature in the following


a. Pre – Colonial
b. Spanish – Colonial
c. American – Colonial
d. Contemporary

2. Give two examples for each literary form during the Pre-
Colonial Period using your local language.
a. Riddles
b. Proverb
c. Folk Songs

3. How do you describe the literary works of our ancestors during

the Pre- Colonial Period?

4. Is Philippine Literature a form of art? Support your answer.

5. Is studying Philippine Literature relevant in developing Filipino

culture? How?

You are almost there! You have now defined what literature is,
and you have successfully differentiated earlier literary genre
with the 21st Century literary genre. You have been also
introduced to the development of literary forms from Pre-

colonial Period, Spanish Period, American Period, and
Contemporary Period.
Directions: Share your thoughts and insights by supplying the
ideas/data being asked. Write your answers in your notebook.
1. Give three (3) facts that you have known about literature.
a. _________________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________________
c. _________________________________________________________

2. Supply the needed data in the table.

Periods of
Salient features during this
Philippine Timeline
Literary History

Directions: Read each item carefully and answer the following

questions in your activity notebook. Write only the letter of your

1. This period in Philippine Literary History is heavily noted with

our ancestor’s heritage, beliefs and culture.
A. Pre- Colonial Literature C. American Literature
B. Spanish Literature D. Contemporary Literature

2. These are usually used to explain certain events or phenomena

in our ancestor’s lives that cannot be explained by the limited
practical kind of science they knew back then.
A. Proverbs B. Riddles C. Tales D. Epics

3. These are practical observations and philosophy of everyday life

that are written usually in a rhyming scheme. It is obviously
meant to entertain while teaching basic skills in surviving local
A. Tales B. Proverbs C. Epic D. Riddles

4. This is focused on the society and culture as reflected and
affected by the Catholic faith.
A. Spanish Literature C. Pre- Colonial Literature
B. Contemporary Literature D. American Literature

5. It is a narrative poem about the life of Jesus Christ, beginning

from his birth and up to his death.
A. Cenaculo B. Moro-moro C. Pasyon D. Corrido

6. It is the dramatic reenactment of St. Helena’s search for the

Holy Cross.
A. Duplo B. Carillo C. Tibag D. Zarzuela

7. In this period, new literary forms such as free verse (in poetry),
the modern short story, and the critical essay were introduced.
A. Pre- Colonial Era C. American Colonial
B. Spanish Colonial Period D. Contemporary Period

8. During this period, the Filipino writer has become more

conscious of his art with the proliferation of writers’ workshops
here and abroad and the bulk of literature available via mass
media including the internet.
A. Spanish Colonial Period C. Contemporary Period
B. American Colonial Period D. Pre- Colonial Era

9. It covers the major genres of poetry, drama, and novel/ fiction.

It also implies literary quality and distinction.
A. epic B. story C. literature D. write- ups

10. The following are characteristics of the 21st Century literature,

A. contemporary B. recent C. digital D. indigenous

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