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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI - Western Visayas
Division of Roxas City
Roxas City District I/Cluster 1
City of Roxas
I. Executive Summary

President Manuel A. Roxas Memorial School – North is a large school in

Cluster I within the heart of the City. It is one of the two schools in the Schools
Division of Roxas City catering Madrasah Education for Muslim and Christian
Learners from the different barangays of City of Roxas, Province of Capiz. It aims to
offer the best education for the Northenian learners. It supports the target of the
Region and the Schools Division of Roxas City to produce Champion Learners.
Sticking to the objectives of Department Order #41 s, 2017, Policy
Guidelines on Madrasah Education in the K TO 12 Basic Education Program, the
school ensure to provide Muslim learners with appropriate and relevant
educational opportunities while recognizing their cultural context and unique
purposes for participating in the program offerings.
One of the targets and goals of the school is to enhance the Madrasah
Education. Both the teaching and non-teaching personnel as well as the different
stakeholders are taking parts in the implementation of the program to Northenian
Muslim and non-Muslim learners. Instilling and realizing the importance of the
program is continuously intensified to the ustadz, parents, and learners.
Transparency and clear insights are usually shared to every stakeholder. Instilling
shared responsibility and shared ownership of the program make us attain the
mission and vision of the program.
It is also the will of the school to attract every Muslim learner in the
community and learners in regular school to enroll and religiously attend classes
to learn Arabic Language and Muslim Culture. Instilling the love and passion to the
program become the driving force to produce Champion learners in MADRASAH
Education Program.
Through the strong partnership of the school and Muslim community with
the strong support of the Schools Division of Roxas enable the school to
remarkable achievements in two consecutive School Year 2021-2022 and 2022-
2023. It is a profound achievement of the school to continuously retain the smooth
relationship within the school and having graduates who excel in Arabic and
Muslim Culture.

For this School – Year 2022-2023, the school were able to rehabilitate the
classroom of MADRASAH Education Program and provided separate room for
prayer time. The school received a 55’ inch television from the Schools Division of
Roxas City.
In terms of enrollment, the school initiated varied activities for searching
Muslim and Non- Muslim learners. Ustadz conducted room to room campaign. He
also conducted enrollment campaign during the school activities and in their
mosque that resulted to additional enrollment twelve (12) to twenty (20) Muslim
and non-Muslim learners.
The teachers at President Manuel A. Roxas Memorial School - North are
well-informed about the fundamental aspects of Muslim culture. This knowledge
stems from our participation in an orientation program dedicated to Islamic
Culture. Additionally, our pupils actively engage in various cultural activities such
as Musabaqah (a festival of talents), where they have achieved noteworthy success
in events like Imla (Spelling), Harp Touch, and Qur'an reading, demonstrating their
dedication and proficiency in these areas.
Ustadz participated in the In-service Training for Teachers. He was also
involved in other activities. His active participation and full support to the school
attracted one hundred (100%) support of the stakeholders.
He also joined with the innovation her mother Ustadzha Aisa, MADRASAH
on Air.
Through their combined effort they were able to produce Champion Learners
in Arabia Language, Islamic Values Education (ALIVE)
and Muslim Culture.`



President Manuel A. Roxas Memorial School is one of the performing schools

of the Schools Division of Roxas City in terms of curriculum instructions in regular
classes and inclusive education, Madrasah Education Program.
Through the religious implementation of the programs in literacy and
numeracy in Arabic Language and regular classes, the school was able to handle
the learning losses after the pandemic. The targets and goals of the school focused
in the learning of every learner. Since the school is owned by every stakeholder
everyone has the opportunity for transparency in terms of the current status of the
teaching learning process so that no one will be left behind in the academic
performance in terms of literary and numeracy.
Rigid interventions were conducted for reading and numeracy. Intensified
observation and supervision of classes, technical assistance, coaching and
mentoring were conducted to improve the teaching and learning process.
Intensified assessments were also conducted to rigidly measure the academic
performance. Monitoring and evaluations were also intensified to find out the
intense of curriculum instructions. Intensified the conduct of In-service Training,
School learning Action Plan Cell and Capability ensure the capacity of teachers
who are the main character in teaching. Mostly, intensified the time on task in
teaching as well as the improvement of Classroom to a conducive and child-friendly
learning environment.
Attaining all of these resulted to an outstanding accomplishment in reading
and numeracy and in the academic performance for School Year 2022-2023.

A. Research
Analysis of Teaching
Competencies of President Conduct research
Manuel Roxas Memorial School Utilized for the professional that focuses on
North Teachers (Teacher I – improvement of the teachers. the Teaching
Teacher III) Based From PPST: Competencies.
Basis For INSET Plan.
Quantitative Analysis of the Implemented the Project Design
Implementation of Project SAFE Maintenance of Overall Vitals Intervention for
of President Manuel Roxas Educational Safety MOVES. better
Memorial School North: Basis implementation
for the Project Moves in the New of Project SAFE.


Project HUGPUNGANAY Multiple innovations were It is the umbrella project
conducted that resulted to of the school which was
more improvements and implemented last school
increased academic year 2021 – 2022. This
performance, achieved zero Capsulized all projects and
non-readers and zero non- programs of the school
numerates. especially in the
implementation of the
School-Based Basic
Education Learning
Continuity Plan (BE-LCP
which ensure the religious
implementation of the
different modalities which
included programs on the
contextualization of
learning materials,
remedial and enrichment
activities for reading and
Project MULTIPLE Multiple reading
It is the umbrella project
READING INNOVATIONS innovations were conducted
of various reading
(MRI) that resulted to zero non-
Project MULTIPLE Conducted mathematical
NUMERACY drills/activities on
It is the root of every
INTERVENTION scheduled online classes of
intervention in numeracy.
learners who find difficulty
in Mathematics.
Project PREPARATION Conduct varied activities
Conducted orientation &
FOR F2F which would awaken the
dry run activities (observing
will of the parents to
the proper health protocols)
support every school
PAPISTA SA ABRE Successful implementation Conduct the following
ESKWELA of the following school school activities:
activities:  Sinautay sa Abre
 Sinautay sa Abre Eskwela Eskwela
 Dali Na Magpraktis Kita  Dali Na Magpraktis Kita
 Hulot Buluthuan Ko,  Hulot Buluthuan Ko,
Ipasundayag Ko sa Tion Ipasundayag Ko sa Tion
sang Pandemya sang Pandemya
 Ugsaran Ko Ipasundayag  Ugsaran Ko Ipasundayag
ko sa Tion Sang ko sa Tion Sang
Pandemya Pandemya

DALI SA NORTE KAG Initiative to increase the  Hang Tarpaulin

MAG-ESKWELA enrollment of regular class  Conduct Rekorida
and MADRASAH Education  Post to official social
Program. Media Account
 Radio Announcement
Advertisement of school
accomplishment during
LAC/INSET Sessions/ Teachers were updated to Conduct Training to
Capability Building current methods and teachers
techniques to be impart to
the learners.


Make contextualized
Improve learners Zero non-
Si Ian nga Palatuon story.
reading ability. reader
Make contextualized
Naglahong Halakhak Improve learners Zero non-
ng mga Bata reading ability. reader


President Manuel A. Roxas Memorial School - North is guaranteed a performing
school in the Schools Division of Roxas City despite of the new settings and changes in
the learning system. The school was able to stand out in terms of curriculum
Through the religious implementation of the programs in literacy and numeracy,
the school was able to handle the learning loses after the pandemic. The targets and
goals of the school focused in the learning of every learner. Standing to the belief that
the school is owned by every stakeholder, and solid relationship between the school
and its stakeholders are the keys to the success in producing champion learners.
Believing that success in reading and numeracy will result to higher academic
performance, enable to school to religiously conduct interventions, innovations and
researches for achieving a decrease in non-readers and non-numerates.
Intensified observation and supervision of classes, rigid conduct of technical
assistance, coaching and mentoring were conducted to improve the teaching and
learning process. Intensified assessment was also conducted to rigidly measure the
academic performance of the learners per quarter. Monitoring and evaluation was also
conducted to find out the intense of curriculum instructions. Intensified the conduct
of In-Service Training, School Learning Action Cell and Capability Building for the
professional development of teachers. Mostly intensified the time on task in terms of
teaching. Ensuring a safe and child-friendly attract the learner to be in school.
Attaining all of these, resulted to Outstanding accomplishments in terms of literacy
and numeracy for School Year 2022-2023. The academic performance of the learners
plus the milestone improvements of the school are the impact of the Accomplishment
in Making Learning Happen.

Through the solid partnership of the school and community, school head,
teachers, parents, pupils and other stakeholders, the school surpassed the challenges
encountered on the full blast face-to-face classes after the pandemic. Solidarity
enables us to be determined in producing a champion school and champion learners.


Intensifying the conduct of the pre-implementation, implementation and

post implementation of all the projects / programs and innovations made the school
attain the targets and goals in academic as well as the will to produce champion


Henceforth, the skills in numeracy, and critical thinking enhanced with the
use of appropriate and effective mediations thru school-based initiated
interventions and activities. The table will show the accomplishments of the school.

SY 2021 – 2022 SY 2022 - 2023
Achievement Rate
Average Grade of 90.15% (Average
90.5% (Average Grade of Pupils)
Learners Grade of Pupils)

Repetition Rate 0% 0%
Promotion Rate 100% 100%
Completion Rate 105.42% 101.35%
Graduation Rate 100% 100%
Drop-Out Rate 0% 0%
0 non-readers 14 out of 1044 non-readers
0 non-numerates 0


The school usually initiate programs, projects and activities based on the current
status in terms of access, equity, quality and learner’s resiliency and well-being. Intensify
the conduct of programs, projects, innovations and researches must be done to ensure
quality results. Validity and reliability should be taken in consideration. Sustaining and
improving are the key notes to achieve outstanding leaning results.


The major goal in the implementation of the programs, projects, interventions,
innovations, and researches is to attain the goals and targets of the school which is
always align to the reading numeracy and literacy. Improving the level of teaching for the
betterment of the academic performance of the school.
President Manuel Roxas Memorial School - North conducted the innovations to
improve reading and numeracy. They were conducted to attain the targets and goals of
the school in line with the targets and goals of the schools Division of Roxas City and the
Region as well, to produce Champion Learners.

Replicability &
Innovation Project Scope/ Description
Level of Outcomes
This will enhance the
Project REACH Increased the
reading level of the This innovative
(Reading Achievement Rate
children at home through project was
Enhancement as of 1044 Learners
innovative reading implemented in
Assessment for Maintained 0
materials of Grade 3 the Division level.
Children at Home) (zero) Non-Readers
Learners in English.
This innovative
project was
Improved Reading
This is intended for Grade implemented in
Project B1 Levels and
1 learners at home. Focus the school level
“Bata ko, Pabasahon Comprehension of
in improving reading level improving the
ko” all school learners
in Hiligaynon. level of
to 100%.
comprehension of
Project B2 Innovation for Grade 2 This intervention Improved Reading
“Babasahin ko, Learners that would was implemented performance of all
Babasahin mo” improve the reading level for Remedial learners in
in Filipino using Reading Filipino.
innovative reading Interventions in
materials. school.

Project M2 This would enhance the This was Increased

“Majika sa Maleta” love of reading while at implemented for Learners’
home. distance learning. Achievement in
This intervention
This is a joint project of was adapted by
the proponent and the the Barangay to
Improved the
Barangay. This will be improve the
Kariton Sang Kaalam reading ability and
used in school and in reading
love for reading.
barangay. This is a performance
moving learning facility. of learners in
ENSURE I2 Focus on improving This remedial Improved
Enhancing Numeracy numeracy skills of intervention in Numeracy skills of
Skills through learners in Grade 6. numeracy that Learners.
Updated Revised was implemented
Enjoyable Interactive in the school.
Park where parents, Gave conducive
Project CAPE Park
learners, and other This was been place for mental
(Covid Awareness
stakeholders can release implemented in stress free
Prevention and
stress and at the same the school. learning
Educational Park)
time learn. environment
This will enhance the
reading level of the This innovative
learners through project was
Project REACH Achievement Rate
innovative reading implemented in
Maintained 0
materials of Grade 3 the school level.
(zero) Non-Readers
Learners in English.
This was Improved Reading
Enhance Reading Improving Reading Level
implemented in Level using online
Through using online and offline
school. and offline
Online/Offline (ERTO) materials
This was Enhanced Reading
Enhance Reading Enhancing Reading
implemented in Through
Through Improvised through Improvised
school. Improvised
Materials (ERIM) Materials
This was Enhanced the
Bata Mo, Mapabasa This would enhance the
implemented in reading skill of
Ko reading skill of learners
school. learners
A park designed to make This was
Enhanced the
Mathsadya Park in our learners to enhance implemented in
mathematical skill
the New Normal the mathematical skill of school.
of our leaners
our leaners
Project M&M This would enhance the This was Increased Reading
“Majika sa Maleta” love of reading and implemented in and Numeracy
increase the reading and school.
numeracy level of learners
This was adapted Increased
This will be used as
by the division Academic
Espacio Sang Kaalam learning space outside the
and other Performance of
division of region. Learners
This was Updated the
A park designed to
implemented in knowledge of the
Integrated Park integrate the information
school. learners in the
of the different programs
different programs
A project presents an This was Increased the
innovative and inclusive implemented in awareness of the
approach to school. learners on
All in Page disseminating information Reproductive
Through a Social Media Health, Nutrition,
Platform in all programs and Gender &
and projects. Development.
This was Transformed the
implemented in traditional bulletin
school. board into a
dynamic and
Gallery All In Data collection bank interactive
platform that
captivates and
engages the school
Learning outside the This was Increased the
classroom For implemented in learning and
Tag Busog Lusog
socialization while eating school. socialization of the
and resting Learners
This was Increased health
Magsaot-saot Kita For health and relaxing implemented in consciousness of
school. the leaners
Health and Wellness A park designed for This was Increased the
Park health and wellness implemented in health and
school. wellness of the
learners, parents,
and teachers.
A project designed to This was
contribute in achieving implemented in
Environment Friendly school. Increased the
Project Kawanggawa
School with its purpose to awareness of
at Kapatiran Para sa
promote the clean and Clean and green
green beautification and and learners’
rehabilitation program in safety.
support to Project SAFE
An innovative project This was
initiated by the SPG implemented in
officers which aims to school. Improved the
help, uplift, educate, and learners skills or
support pupils of study habits,
PMRMS-North in terms of promoting civic
Project North Star
improving their learning engagement and
skills or study habits, teaching them
promoting civic proper nutrition
engagement and teaching and hygiene.
them proper nutrition and
A social media platform This was
created by selected pupils implemented in
in grade six which aims to school. Increased the
help, uplift, educate, and awareness of
Shots by North Stars support pupils of pupils in different
PMRMS-North through school programs
photography that can and activities.
spread positivity through
This was Pupils, parents,
implemented in and Teachers have
Ugsaran Mo Mas To sustain a clean and
school. sustained a clean
Panamion sa Tion green park using
and green park
Sang F2F recyclable materials
using recyclable
This was Teachers and
To make a classroom implemented in parents have
Balay Buluthuan,
conducive to learning, school. created conducive
Ipasundayag sa F2F
child-friendly and safe learning and safe
This was Increased the
implemented in awareness of
Information Area school. pupils in different
WinS Park
school programs
and activities.
This was Increased the
implemented in awareness of
school. pupils in different
Mental Health and school programs
A page to share
Adolescent and activities
knowledge and pour out
Reproductive Health related to Mental
Education Page Health and
Health Education
Ligtas Ka Kung May Learning in park This was Increased the
Alam Ka implemented in awareness of
school. pupils in different
school programs
and activities
related to Health
and Gender and
One way of attracting This was Increased the
Pose Mo, Iclick Ko! learners to learn while implemented in leaners learning
enjoying school. skills.
This was Increased the
An area in school where
Stress Free Area implemented in learning skills of
stress can be relieved
school. learners
Intended for healing This was Increased the
Project Healing Herbs illness using herbs and implemented in awareness of the
Park healing negative feelings school. leaners on Healing
and emotions Herbs.

Major Awards/ Citation for School
For School Year 2021-2022
 Schools Awards Received
 National Level
 2021 Batang Matibay Awardee
 Regional Level
 2021 Batang Matibay Awardee
 Division Level
 2021 Batang Matibay Awardee
 2021 Brigada Eskwela 1st Runner Up
 2021 Three – Star Level of SBM - WinS

 Teacher’s Award Received

 Division Level
 Mary Ann C. Martinez, Certificate of Commendation, Most Sustained School
Head– 2021 Brigada Eskwela
 Mary Ann C. Martinez, 2021 Virtual Tinimakasan Awards Outstanding Public
School Finalist
 Pupil’s Award Received
 National Level
John Mark Alayon, Batang Matibay Awardee,

For School Year 2022-2023

 Schools Awards Received

 Teacher’s Awards Received

National Level:
 Jomary Delfin, Certificate of Recognition as Coach, WVAA Participant: Swimming

Regional Level:
 Ma. Jayna B. Corros, Certificate of Recognition as Coach, 4th Place, Column
Writing English – 2023 RSPC
 Cheryl B. Cabarles, Certificate of Recognition as Coach, 2nd Place Winner Art
Contest - Art Contest in celebration of the 75th Anniversary of Diplomatic
Relations between Egypt and the Philippines
 Jomary Delfin, Certificate of Recognition as Coach, 1st Place Winner in Provincial
Meet: Swimming
Division Level:
 Christine Joy V. Perion, Certificate of Recognition as Coach, 1st Place Winner Eco-
Speaking – 2023 Eco-Festival
 Jomary Delfin, Certificate of Recognition as Coach, 1st Place Winner in Division
Meet: Swimming
 Mrs. Lorina H. Lectana, Certificate of Recognition as Coach, 1st Place Winner:
READ-A-THON Oral Reading Interpretation
 Maria Angelita D. Olandres, Certificate of Recognition as Coach, 1st Place Winner:
READ-A-THON: Interpretatibong Pagbasa sa Filipino
 Mrs. Cheryl B. Cabarles, Certificate of Recognition as Coach, 1st Place Winner:
Art Contest in celebration of the 75th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between
Egypt and the Philippines, Category A
 Sarah Joy Delos Santos, Certificate of Recognition as Coach, 3rd Place Winner: Art
Contest in celebration of the 75th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between
Egypt and the Philippines Category B – Division Level
 Lorina H. Lectana, Certificate of Recognition as Coach, 2nd Place Winner, Editorial
Cartooning (English) in Division Schools Press Conference 2023
 Ma. Jayna B. Corros, Certificate of Recognition as Coach, 3rd Place Winner,
Column Writing (English) in Division Schools Press Conference 2023
 Maria Angelita D. Olandres, Certificate of Recognition as Coach, 5th Place Winner,
Feature Writing (Filipino) in Division Schools Press Conference 2023
 Emmanuel S. Arollado, Certificate of Recognition as Coach, 6th Place Winner,
Sports Writing (Filipino) in Division Schools Press Conference 2023
 Jeanie Rose B. Dela Cruz, Certificate of Recognition as Coach, 6th Place Winner,
Science & Technology Writing (Filipino) in Division Schools Press Conference 2023
 Jeanie Rose B. Dela Cruz, Certificate of Recognition as Coach, 6th Winner Place,
Editorial Cartooning (Filipino) in Division Schools Press Conference 2023
 Emmanuel S. Arollado, Certificate of Recognition as Coach, 6th Place Winner, News
Writing (Filipino) in Division Schools Press Conference 2023
 Gerrah D. Andrade, Certificate of Recognition as Coach, 6th Place Winner, Photo
Journalism (English) in Division Schools Press Conference 2023
 Emmanuel S. Arollado, Certificate of Recognition as Coach, 8th Place Winner,
Sports Writing (Filipino) in Division Schools Press Conference 2023
 Maria Angelita D. Olandres, Certificate of Recognition as Coach, 8th Place Winner,
Editorial Writing (Filipino) in Division Schools Press Conference 2023
 Maria Angelita D. Olandres, Certificate of Recognition as Coach, 8th Place Winner,
Editorial Writing (Filipino) in Division Schools Press Conference 2023
 Jeanie Rose B. Dela Cruz, Certificate of Recognition as Coach, 8th Place Winner,
Science & Technology Writing (Filipino) in Division Schools Press Conference 2023
 Gerrah D. Andrade, Certificate of Recognition as Coach, 8th Place Winner, Photo
Journalism (Filipino) in Division Schools Press Conference 2023

 Pupils Awards Received

Regional Level:
 Kerensa Gabrielle Esteban, Certificate of Recognition, 4th Place Winner, Column
Writing English in Regional Schools Press Conference 2023
 Mharlo Royce H. Lectana, Certificate of Recognition, 2nd Place Art Contest in
celebration of the 75th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Egypt and the
Philippines - Category A.
Division Level:
 Julia Faith Borbon, Certificate of Recognition, 1st Place Winner: READ-A-THON
Oral Reading Interpretation
 Kerensa Gabrielle Esteban, Certificate of Recognition, 1st Place Winner: READ-A-
THON: Interpretatibong Pagbasa sa Filipino
 Mharlo Royce H. Lectana, Certificate of Recognition, 1st Place Winner:
Art Contest in celebration of the 75th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between
Egypt and the Philippines, Category A
 Sarah Joy A. Agana, Certificate of Recognition, 3rd Place Winner: Art Contest in
celebration of the 75th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations between Egypt and the
Philippines Category B – Division Level
 Eliah Ysabelle B. Cabarles, Certificate of Recognition, 2nd Place Winner, Editorial
Cartooning (English) in Division Schools Press Conference 2023
 Kerensa Gabrielle Esteban, Certificate of Recognition, 3rd Place Winner, Column
Writing (English) in Division Schools Press Conference 2023
 Lady Antonette V. Macawile, Certificate of Recognition, 5th Place Winner, Feature
Writing (Filipino) in Division Schools Press Conference 2023
 Ehsan A. Alonto, Certificate of Recognition, 6th Place Winner, Sports Writing
(Filipino) in Division Schools Press Conference 2023
 Euriel Ayumi I. Espino, Certificate of Recognition, 6th Place Winner, Science &
Technology Writing (Filipino) in Division Schools Press Conference 2023
 John Xyriel P. Esico, Certificate of Recognition, 6th Winner Place, Editorial
Cartooning (Filipino) in Division Schools Press Conference 2023
 Gianna T. Barriatos, Certificate of Recognition, 6th Place Winner, News Writing
(Filipino) in Division Schools Press Conference 2023
 Jayden Liam A. Gaylan, Certificate of Recognition, 6th Place Winner, Photo
Journalism (English) in Division Schools Press Conference 2023
 Kervin A. Salvador, Certificate of Recognition, 8th Place Winner, Sports Writing
(Filipino) in Division Schools Press Conference 2023
 Shan Murline J. Asis, Certificate of Recognition, 8th Place Winner, Editorial Writing
(Filipino) in Division Schools Press Conference 2023
 Glyzel Ann P. Anonoy, Certificate of Recognition, 8th Place Winner, Editorial
Writing (Filipino) in Division Schools Press Conference 2023
 Nick Yhael Xyruz A. Escutin, Certificate of Recognition, 8th Place Winner, Science
& Technology Writing (Filipino) in Division Schools Press Conference 2023
 Dan Lenon A. Villanueva, Certificate of Recognition, 8th Place Winner, Photo
Journalism (Filipino) in Division Schools Press Conference 2023
Provincial Level

 Kervin A. Salvador, Certificate of Recognition, Champion100m back stroke,

Champion 200m individual medley, Champion 400m freestyle, Champion 50m
backstroke, Champion 50m freestyle, Champion 4x50m medley relay,
Champion 4x100m freestyle relay

Division Level

 Kervin A. Salvador, Certificate of Recognition, Champion100m back stroke,

Champion 200m individual medley, Champion 400m freestyle, Champion 50m
backstroke, Champion 50m freestyle, Champion 4x50m medley relay,
Champion 4x100m freestyle relay

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