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Noahs Ark on Lake Pleasant Whats inside... 2 Movie 2 Progressive 2 ARM 3 Teen 4 KP 5 Ode to Women of 6 Interfaith Food 7 Ongoing 7
Frank A. Shirvinski
The Christmas trees were standing out of the water! Although this is not a sentence you will likely hear very often (if ever), it was nevertheless true. Last weekend, I visited Lake Pleasant and immediately noticed that the Christmas trees that my daughter and I helped "plant" in over 30 feet of water a year ago were proudly standing out of the water with their cement stands firmly rooted on the access road. The entire lake looked like a giant amoeba slowly receding as it dried under the intense light of a microscope. What we had intended to be a thriving reef for Lake Pleasant's aquatic dwellers had reassumed its role as a home for the birds due to the near-apocalyptic decrease in the level of the lake. Our little corner of the planet had experienced the photo negative of Noah's flood and there was absolutely nothing we could do about it. Then again, Noah's situation did not exactly present him with a plethora of options. He could either build the ark or, in the famous words of Bill Cosby, learn "how long [he] can tread water." Noah's choice seems quite simple. However, what would happen if his measurements were a bit off? Should he build mini-arks and store them on the deck in case he and his family were forced to abandon ship? What if he fell behind schedule, lost an animal or two, or smashed his thumb with a giant

wooden mallet? Even with a limited number of choices, I wonder if Noah questioned his ability to complete the task that God had set before him. After all, the ancestors of the entire animal kingdom were counting on him. No pressure no fear r-i-i-i-ght! Perhaps this is an argument from silence, but there is no indication that Noah installed a rudder on the ark. Perhaps he knew that the ark did not need one. Every port of call was soon to be well underwater and every destination would have the same ocean view. To be saved from the flood, Noah had to trust God's plan for building the ark in the first place. So, why would he need a helm as he rode the waves of the flood? Noah had to faithfully do his job and trust God to do his. Throughout the generations, God has proven to be the very definition of trustworthy. Nevertheless, we have developed a preference for our rudders. Time and again, we allow our fear, self-doubt and yearning for control to interfere with our faithful response to the life of discipleship to which we have been called. Instead, we take a fallback position and make a firm commitment to "try harder." Thoreau once remarked, "As long as a (person) stands in his own way, everything seems to be in his way." No one promised that life would come with a set of controls. The waters of uncertainty may rise in a flood or become swallowed in a desert valley. We can, however, control the courageousness of our response.

Why Walk the Labyrinth?

To connect with God. To gain clarity. To receive help. To celebrate. To meditate. To marvel at Gods gifts. To ask questions. To nd wisdom. To relax. To wonder. To pray. To be silent before our Maker. Take advantage of the cooler weather by walking the Chaparral Labyrinth in the evenings. The labyrinth is open daily during the week, and now that the weather is cooling down, the central campus entrance will remain open from Monday through Wednesday evenings until 7:30 p.m. This is a beautiful time of day to experience the solitude and beauty of the William Boyce Prayer Garden.

We have an event coming up for the whole family that you don't want to miss! On October 21st at 6:30 p.m., we will meet in the Volleyball Court outside the Commons to have Family Movie Night! We will project the movie onto the building outside! This is fun for the whole family, and is a great way to visit with other people from Chaparral. We will provide dessert and coffee, and will have tables and chairs set up. You bring dinner for your family and a blanket or lawn chair if you want. We hope to see you there!

Family Movie Night

MIDS Night!!
(Roots & Dinner Posse together!) October 16th
Getting together with friends is always a beautiful thing - but with food, too? Well then - what are you waiting for? Here is your invitation to mids. Mids is anyone in the mid 20s - mid 40(ish). What is a progressive dinner? It is a fun night where different homes host one course of a meal. We travel to each home and enjoy an appetizer, or a salad or a mini meal and who can forget dessert! Please join us for a fun night. Sign up today! 2

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Mapping Teen Brains

September 26, 2011|ByBrad M. Grifn|0 Comments and 13 Reactions

Is the teen brain a novice, a work-in-progress, or perfectly adapted for the tasks of its age? Last week Beautiful Brains, a National Geographic feature by David Dobbs, perked a few ears toward the latest onthis ongoing debateabout the teen brain. For a quick review, since the 1990s neuroscientists have been exploring via full-brain scans whats going on as the adolescent brain grows. In essence, it is doing more maturing than actual growingneurological pruning and shaping leads to something resembling a network and wiring upgrade. A few highlights from this new piece relevant to youth workers: 1. Teens use different parts of their brains to assess risks and act on them. Compared with adults, teens tended to make less use of brain regions that monitor performance, spot errors, plan, and stay focusedareas the adults seemed to bring online automatically. So while risk may not necessarily be the same as impulsivity, we need to understand that teens are very literally not thinking the way we do about situations as adults. They may be looking at the same problem, but they are using different parts of their brain to make decisions about it. 2. Thrill-seeking isnt all bad for teen brains. Sometimes its what gets kids out of the house. Impulsivity generally drops throughout life, starting at about age 10, but this love of the thrill peaks at around age 15. And although sensation seeking can lead to dangerous behaviors, it can also generate positive ones: The urge to meet more people, for instance, can create a wider circle of friends, which generally makes us healthier, happier, safer, and more successful. 3. The payoff is what counts. Teens give more weight to reward than adults, so while they dont weigh the consequences of risk less, they take more risks because of the perceived rewards. Especially social rewards. This helps explain teens preference of being with other teens over being with adults. In fact, they (we all) are hard-wired to seek social connection. Dobbs notes: This supremely human characteristic makes peer relations not a sideshow but the main show. Some brainscan studies, in fact, suggest that our brains react to peer exclusion much as they respond to threats to physical health or food supply. At a neural level, in other words, we perceive social rejection as a threat to existence. Knowing this might make it easier to abide the hysteria of a 13-year-old deceived by a friend or the gloom of a 15-year-old not invited to a party. 4. Teen brains are well-suited for teenagers. Rather than pitching teenager brains as underdeveloped, more recent studies cast the teen less as a rough draft than as an exquisitely sensitive, highly adaptable creature wired almost perfectly for the job of moving from the safety of home into the complicated world outside. Theres some good fodder there for discussion. 4

Ode to Choir, by Jean Spanko What you gonna do on a Wednesday night That will make your spirit smile? You could wash your car or iron your shirt, Or clean out your old les.

KP Groups Last month we had a great turnout If that doesnt work, then heres a thought and a great kickoff to our new service That will set your soul on re... small group ministry. If you were unable Just get in the car and drive to Church to attend in September, be sure to make And join the Chaparral Choir! plans to come out on October 8th for our second service day. Together with both You dont have to be a superstar your immediate family and your Or an expert in how to sing... Chaparral family you'll have the Just bring your very own willing heart opportunity to minister to senior citizens, And let your voice ring! collect food with Interfaith Cooperative Ministries, or help set up the sanctuary The time is 7 p.m. on Wednesday nights, for Sunday morning following the Jewish We started up in September. High Holy Days. If you are what some Theres lots of great music to be sung! So, please wont you be a member? call a "prayer warrior," consider joining the KP prayer group. We're looking for more individuals who believe in the power of prayer to join together to lift up one another and those in our congregation in prayer.

September 23 & 24, thirty-ve women from Chaparral attended the Women of Faith Conference in Phoenix. Here are some thoughts our women left with. Enjoy! I appreciated the entire weekend for its professionalism, honesty, inspiration, laughter, and just being with a huge group of women of all ages who were connected because of God's love. There was no one thing I can pinpoint, but there was an underlying thread throughout all the presentations--speakers and music--of God's amazing love and grace. --Mary Cartwright Seek knowledge and wisdom as an adult (not a child). When there is a choice to be made, question if it's WISE to do; not if it's "wrong" to do.

Prayer matters, People matter, and Change can be good! Every morning, say YES to God, and THANK YOU to God. Harness your thoughts and establish boundaries. REFUSE. (thoughts that are unkind, ugly, etc.) REPLACE. (with thoughts that are kind, lovely, etc.). REPEAT. (a discipline practiced) "God puts a little heaven in our hearts so we'll never settle for less. -- II Cor. 5:1-5 and Marilyn Meberg

Circumstance will not determine my character. Sarcasm is anger gone underground and come
back up in a clown suit. It chisels away at the soul, creating distance and inflicting wounds.

My favorite part of the weekend was hearing Sandi Patty sing. Her voice is like an angel and I was so moved by Fear is the misuse of the creative her voice and story. I also loved imagination that God has given getting to know other women from our us. -- From Andy Andrews Church. Can't wait until the next Women of Faith event! -- Gail Arnold The Power of Love goes a long way: Tell someone your needs and No one can understand suffering; rely on friends to help and pray. that's why we trust in God.

It is not my place to try and rescue desperate people from their desperate moment. It might be their time for God to x them. Our will is stronger than our emotion, feelings don't have brains. If your feelings decide how you act, you will act irrationally. There is no power in intention, the power is in action.

Pay attention to what goes into your head...Seek knowledge and wisdom as an adult (not a child). When there is a choice to be made... question if it's WISE to do; not if it's "wrong" to do. I was lled with the encouragement of what we as women are capable of. I liked Andy Andrews explanation of the value of a human life through his "Buttery Effect" and the man who developed a hybrid corn that saves the lives of billions of people each year.He took us back through generations to a woman who rescued a kidnapped baby.It was a great illustration of how a small act by someone will have lasting effects on generations that follow. 6

Annual Interfaith Food Drive Sunday, October 9 Chaparral Christian Church joins Congregation Beth Israel
Items needed: Food: proteins (canned meats, peanut butter) soups and stews cereal canned and dried beans and peas rice and pasta fruit juice shelf stable milk canned vegetables, fruit, juices Personal Items: shampoo soap deodorant razors Dental Hygiene Products Paper Products Cleaning Supplies Bring your donations Sunday morning.

Interfaith Cooperative Ministries (ICM) will be here to pick up our contributions.

The Chaparral family has a long history of responding to needs in our community. During the year we have special projects such as Angel Tree Christmas gifts, community food drives, and Easter gifts for Christian Family Care Agency. In addition, we have ongoing collection projects for various organizations, many of which consist of things you no longer use. We are preparing a Collection Center so you can bring your donations to one location on campus. Below is at least a partial list of things we collect on a regular basis. House of Refuge, Home of Hope (A bin available between East Hall and Student Center) Useable clothing for men, women and especially children Household appliances, small and large Toys Prison Ministry Furniture (large items can be picked up) Appropriate books Linens & miscellaneous household goods and magazines Shoebox Ministry Any full or travel size toiletries Toothbrushes, toothpaste Deodorant Chapstick New socks for men, women, children American Indian Christian Mission (A collection point is on the south counter) Bar code from Campbells Soup labels Box Tops for Education 7

6451 E. Shea Blvd Scottsdale, AZ 85254


The Chaparral (USPS 416-770) is published monthly by Chaparral Christian Church, 6451 E. Shea Blvd., Scottsdale, AZ 85254-5097, periodical postage paid at Scottsdale, AZ. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Chaparral Christian Church, 6451 E. Shea Blvd., Scottsdale, AZ 85254-5097.


VOL. 33



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