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By. Adi
Wed, 27 Sept 2023
is the activity of staying in
a tent on holiday.
(Cambridge Dictionary)
Table of content
1. Learning objective
2. Table of contents
3. Brainstorming
4. Vocabulary game
5. Vocabulary bank
6. Listening for gist
7. Video and dialogue
8. Exercise
9. Sentence building
10. Breakout room
11. Feedback note
1. Have you ever been camping?

2. What do you like/dislike about nature?

Vocab game
Fill in the blanks with the correct letters

1. Re_ _ _ 3. Gol_ en h_ _ r
2. C_ _ RP

5. _ _ c_ _ _
4. _ _ lm
Vocabulary building
No Word Meaning Sentence
1 Campsite Lokasi perkemahan It's a serene and captivating campsite nestled within the embrace of nature's
lush bounty.
2 Tent Tenda I prefer a tent storm flaps and with intersecting tent poles.

3 Backpack Tas punggung In these scenarios, we use our backpacks to carry skis and keep our hands
4 Cooler Alat/ kotak My dad lost his cooler box from his last camp last week.
5 First aid Kotak pertolongan In addition, visitors should pack plenty of layers, a personal first aid kit, and
pertama food for the day.
6 Campfire Perapian There’s nothing better than eating good food with friends around a campfire.

7 Camp stove Kompor untuk We didn’t know about small camp stoves, nor could we afford one.
8 Matches Korek api After several ineffectual attempts to light this, he discovered it was a safety
9 lantern lentera The lantern also has three brightness levels, and each facet can be adjusted.

10 Scenery Pemandangan With crisp weather and gorgeous scenery, fall is a great time to run.
Listening for gist

1. How do they both feel at the beginning of the video?

2. Why was Shelley so frightened at the end of the
Video and dialogue
True (T) and False (F) questions
1. Johnny and Shelly feel humid and dry because of the temperature around the camp.
2. Johnny doesn’t feel so peaceful in the camp site because of the racoon. (T/F)
3. A raccoon is eating their garbage. (T/F)
4. Shelly asks Johnny to chase the racoon away. (T/F)
5. Shelly likes raccoons as it seems so cute. (T/F)
6. Johnny will cook hamburgers and chili. (T/F)
7. The racoon and bear as the animals are coming the their campsite. (T/F)
8. Johnny doesn't ask Shelly to help him cutting the onions and tomatoes for burgers. (T/F)
9. Shelly is eating the hamburger which cooked by Johnny and she likes it so much. (T/F)
10. Johnny and Shelly leave their tent. (T/F)
Dialogue/ script
Shelley: This is so relaxing!
Johnny: Yes, it sure is. It’s so peaceful here. I love the sounds of the birds chirping.
Shelley: What is that over there? It’s eating our garbage!
Johnny: Oh, how cute! It’s a raccoon!
Shelley: What do you mean “cute”? Cute? Are you crazy?! Raccoons aren’t cute! They eat garbage and they are dirty
Johnny: Well, I think it’s cute. It’s harmless.
Shelley: Please get it out of here. I’m really freaked out.
Johnny: Okay, okay. Hey! Get out of here! Get out of here! See. No problem. It’s gone now. No big deal. Just relax.
Shelley: Let’s make something to eat. I’m in the mood for a hamburger.
Johnny: Okay, I’ll grill some hamburgers and some chili.
Shelley: Wow, that sounds awesome.
Johnny: Can you please slice some onions and tomatoes for the burgers?
Shelley: Sure. Ouch! I cut my finger. Oh no, it’s bleeding.
Johnny: Are you okay? Let me get a bandage for you.
Shelley: Oh my God! It’s a bear! A bear is eating our food!
Johnny: Just stay calm. Don’t scream. Everything will be okay.
Make sentences from the words below

• Calm
• Relax

• Peaceful

• Chirp

• Freak out
Breakout room session
1. What are the benefits of going camping?
2. Do you have any experiences for camping? Explain. If not,
would you like to go camping? Where would it be?
3. Why do you think some people hate the idea of camping?
4. Which one would you prefer, wild camping or camp site?
5. Do you think everyone should spend time camping at least
once in their life? Why/ Why not.
6. What are the essential things you would take with you if you
were going camping?
7. If you go camping for a week what will you miss the most?
8. Do you think camping is a good activity for children to do?
Feedback session

Grammar Pronunciation Phrases

Life is the best when you’re camping.
Thank you

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