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NQID UNIVERSITY, EAPAL Fy TERUCTOBATE OkSENERAL ST pes ile. scent Semester Examinations 2012/2013 Sareea ‘Dibrary, Study Skills, and ICT ‘Tittie Allowed: 14 hrs, 104: Wie of : Fill-in the gaps or circle the correct option (as the question may require). : xample of library classification scheme. TRUE or FALSE. t. Beas : eee ie ae Contain promunciation of word. TRUE or FALSE. * ive vee on of higher leaming, library is not regarded as the back bone of thet institution. . National hr ies Serveras'a toordinating- centre for tibrary activities within that country" TRUE ot 1. Read ee i A . i pres services depsriment is one of major departments in a typical university library--TRUE or Blea *, Mouse is not part of computer systéin. TRUE ot FALSE. oe area et . HE BEC nv nnen8t enna} publications’ which contain: facts, figures ‘and other: vital ormation.on a wide range of siibjeets: co 4 Seebatt 11.A user who-does not know the author and the title of abook should use. Catalogue; 0) Author Catalogue -<) Title. Catalogue <1)-Subj logue Bessie | 12, As a student Searching for fformation, which section of hibrary-d | __»). Collection Development c) Reference Unit"d) Serial Unit: | 13) The following are vital paits of catalogue entty excépt..ayfteadiig”? a: Q Call ngtiioer oe is =. a 114 “Bleotrongs storaye devices inclade thi following excépt..2) CD-ROM ‘b)Flash drive) Mémory. | card Papyrus. 4 cE 15.! Charging and discharging of information-materials.are mostly carried out in._aRerende Uh Classification Unit <) Collection Development Unit “g}Circtilition Unit So 16. which Library servés as a depository of all copyright publication oF the countrya-8)Academic™. Library b) School Library c) Special Library QNational Libraty = : 17. A Library that ig situated in-the banks are known as...2)Public library b) School library," ¢).>~ Special library d) Academic library - = 18." A book giving information on all branches of knowledge is an...a) Index. ¥ Abstract d)Content Mig ac 19. The section in which selection of library materials of all kinds js done is..2) Collection development Unit_b) Special library fe/Serial Unit d) National library 20. Books are idaned duit to readtis In'thie...a) Reserve Unit )Circulation Unit c) Serial Unit. ay. Bindery Unit ¢ 21, —js 2. cosppreliensive list of reading mites available in aby Library.~a) Index...) Subject heading “¥fCatdlogue 4) Notation e ‘ anges 20, Books are meant for thorough reading, while----materials are for consultation purpases.() Serials ~ b) Monographs -e)-Reference d) Circulation unit 23. A publication that is not read from cover to cover ___ 6) Serial_d) Public; : : Da. Author or Title catalogue is waually arranged ih...ordér ay Avabic-order, ») Serialorder 6) Alphabetical order d) Horizontal order : ; ss that library materials which provides currentinformation and international forum for exchange of ideas.,.)Mewspapers b)Text books ©) Magazines (Joumnals Ke 26. Access points ate aiso known as () tracings (B)ttle (e)subject (@)-authior cyclopiedia c) - js known as...2) Reference materials b) Book Verse comes in successive parts andat regular interval EE . \ zi CE wei! ‘ : snoute 2 21 acess w dough tivugh vera o olin neatn PEE © : r sgh several oF 0 ‘ hos « eqtalogve (b) book catalogue. (6) OPAC @) sine! ® et dope towing connd. of cashlogse 1 4 28. Abubakat’Gimba Libraiy, IBBU Lapai user ‘ane of the follo’ caltalo gut (b) book catalogue (c) OPAC (4). COM 29. One of the following determine the placement of se) She aS AN GSR. cIREM anagie waviowe wnennl iy omWoaME O” ‘mot ts 7 7 31. Pablicatidn that are-not meant for eontinyous reading but fF conte init of the Wbiay’ (a) serial” “WY Teserve (c) reference. (dy oiroue pier 32, One of the following is an input device (a) Keybonrd (b) seannet © ie above sqoulation (b)-ser2)0 33. Lending semiees are-camied out in “ecg ds Ubrary sv eucaumon _ reference (4) collection developnient 34. The full meaning of ISO is’ (s)) Interlibrary Organisation (g) International Standard Organist 35. For a vser to“gain access to an item in a library using card! cf - @)rauthor,-place “of publication-or ISBN-Coy-aathor, co-authors or date of publication (é) authoryttle or subject |» Y 36. The flloning ar Tintin of he aeraon anit exeapt (@) registration of user! C used materials (¢)'kataloguing . (d) charging oe ae Te eetats fis uelaing Ws JSBN to publishers and authors a a coun yh” a ‘rational Hbrary (b) ticademic library (c) public.library (@)schoo! Hibrary: ee 38. Library patrons that need eae A ub Oe nent gens ayouldihave their needs ‘met in (a) reference section .(b) circulation section-(o) serial seotion: «(@yteserve section, « 39. Plans find maps ane examyles of“ _(@) illusttative ‘motets (b) drawings (@) manuscis ‘Qi Cartographic mateials 2.0 stants i. ont sn : a 40. According to°LC Classification Scheme, English Langiage and African His _ _£+ ¥(@)B and Db) Ps-and DT (c)-PE and DA (6) PE, andDP - > 41, Gail hgmber-consists of class mark only. True / False - 42. Cataloguing wnit discharge library materials. “rus /Palse~_ 43: Copytight page is also known as'vexco. Truc TPalee 44: Author-card:s also known as mainentry card. True False 45, Tracings‘are also known as added entries to.the main entry. Tru / False 46.Blissiclassification is dt example dfelassification-sobeme. Sirus Halse. 47. Flash drives and CD-ROWare eltgipptes-of digital wesqmrees;‘Truey False 48. A’bookshop example of public library. Tye False 49. Library house only printed materials. True / False— SOcLC use 21 of 26 lette's oF alphabots to represent classes of knowledge. Trye/False eolour of she book (P) fee, books on the shell (* ual vast isn i in jon ave found in \ (@ none of the nterlibyary Standard Orpanigation (b) lone of the above atalogue, one need to kasow the rablistrers"(¢) aust, ) shelving of THBORY: 20marks-(aso-the ruled shect provided for thig, section and fasten it to your queston paper) = __1..-Briefly-discuss haw 10-use the catalogue.cabinet to locate a book. 10 marks re fs * 2, “Assuming yoor fens! who is not « student o! this institution asked you where he/she can Bet ear eann 4999. population census of Nigeria wire willyou direct his/her to checkin the brary for information? Give your reasons. 10 marks. ara Sete jypraele } LY ; : TS RT OCL ES by tte Uhm Wo can prides erp celehges Ww ts. Sp rk Fh tke oak : +e Noaety Ulich Gee Grutle appeach : SPfrsck, ® Me eyppreck 3 YA UWA MIA CADAMAg) Hanan fonrviti “TORA TOD GENERAL: STUDIES ~ Gains CodesPitle: ¢ le/Title: GST 104 Use of Libra i Time Allowed; " ve ve “Instructions: Answe ree sl Ques pire PARC sung oe s sexo abot) Feed Gi Hid bu’ he ie nor'reain about oo = will Rauiridentify ing wppropris ite qiaterial in, Ag liprary “pykightynay pot bd — oe like any. ae eso Ladd = anpshae'esio Teno as: Co ess): A © Gondist'of a elassification aviriber and-author number Seldctioi nitinber (d) jeharging number Owe intemet, rotece! Ia bor eu as ~-ufetsLegite. ig list of brary holdings. ies ooks on Joan to users is seco system of giving ont be evolved from i private Collection 18the ~ gable library that £ A... jg a rtrieval device ust in Abubgiat Ginyba LibraryIBBU, Laval, 7 iy bistefed atthe serial unit of library. 12. Bibliographic ani ful text database can be accessed aygugh he intend Pate we elf. Teye/False rhte/false % 11. Libiary‘vsers are usial 13, Call number is a'tink between! ion requirement for éopyright. 14, Under Nigerian Law there fs no ee consist of ARMS fice bute... fale puntos» 5 ipiveotan C0 dand,it is called: 15, Call number. 6. Author card:catelogue isthe, basicenr’ Igaried outto Readers in the « can be in form of (8) Plato' collection cnialoge Xb) Title card ental cio-fiche catalogue 17. Books are 18, A’ catalogue catalogue (q-miero -forsn or mi (aces Truc(Falye. . z Cargnbeciiouns Mant yee ae weit logive-(¢) Artificial caid “| a sign or symbo1 used ne assieni niko rggenk Any Lawes iblassification-scirenre, Bh olaures Wat a reat, Cada + typical University library could Be divided Into 7 ma ignts, rue? Pulse # iid tre ibvary perform the following roles except stoeteational : infviaonel (b) educational t « laps anid atlases aje ekamples of AafentthSgc ilusinitive iusiechis materi ag ‘graphte-materials ® sere @) seg San, Aodeevst ao “DL. seria ds a depositoiy: at all copyright bein nai 60 iy sealer aga hn ice memory card sia, Hi ’ > Rstat # ja ‘st nese tirana ween a reader o book by per: T sslatanee: is known as “4 1 falieiegatia | ig albook giviig information on al Arches Gf knowledge. Sea ae Se antl voles 6f eure information ey auuntial fon oer 1.8 38. Bleetranie _famestipsSeathor Bot knowin eaiviot Be Bed: Trne/False: 4. Sot” _ccordings and evptign pictures are types of libr if vate, Teie/fulse 20.1... -atigg of clay tablets) ute ¢ established in a ancient'iegopotamia, ‘aregion {liat ngw:gover’. Chad and Alyoria. Trhe/False— | Be ae 51. The Books ad alg, s = und frdnt gover. oF, DCM ABGe ification is the section Wl nee lib using definite set of data where appli formasign appéar on 12, Caploguing and el 3, A-subject card catleye is made for ever wi 34. Cataloguing and classif iGation dct ‘iewhes 35. The duration of copyright bro tection Favrlitetaiy work is os aye 36. In easly types of tng; pronowraphic abies sound of 22 SI 37. Library attached to court is din example He facto. 3B. Aonuitedttes fea, 2 Uriit deals with Selection ‘and Acquisition of. jnfoemytion thaterials. i ol a Vee RT | ibray 439, Print materials are those materials found in“ fee 40. One of the following; is NOT.a forty of catalog’ 6 ssifiet Catologus4éh Avtombted CaO 5a. ae ot _. Schemas i elassitying ae ReSTRRRon ae signe: ABHUEANE Sohemest (LDDCALEIEVEC, UOC) OPCs LC @ LE, DEC. to translate jiiformation whighare yBbsenized by biman Deltas . - a1, Public Libraries, use —hbe. Libraries use a 42, Ovtput devices sic jevices used state that can be “Ee by a Computer. Trpe/False ve yrs & Fin gorting up internet connection ‘ube none héelis thé’ fol v Fegp ine tohonvingyeacne SK wiiiyg: Go Ht Be Ye Modem yigsponsible forthe spleétion: of Htirm pr us ey 19? 2 ae inane i, Cataloguing:and classification Tibraria ; ar catiorane im torints OF tl oe Library resdurces/materials are,ar ‘Classification (¢) Cireulation (d) Refersiies, dy inform materials unl llowing cia ofthe hibrarydgupcoratosveyi a 460A library clientele would hardly have access.10 + @)LE (by DDC GpLLibrwy Stal) Class motle(d) Computer 47. To locate “a book information technology” «using, libeaty © (ay Subject eatalone (O) Tale catalogue GiAuthoriTitle Galalogue (el bile ined rota i not kriohe atalogue,/ the usershould ;Clossifieuretialonus™ #8, Pure notation 3s'f0) 49. A Tibeaty cligivelé who doe 50+ Users whnd Kiev tains Of the aut OPAC ubing tie SPREE Blin, Ss 5 ssaina Sn Hae : ; ; a JS1. A Library whiet sageiveetots poblishersiar their expense’ 64 Uy ie ofall published materials for & Sb country or state iS (arena! deposit Hibrary,(b).sBeeial library (@);publie libel (A) ‘University library : 5 ofassificatipn scheine f ogame cs bol the subject.aiid author Bf ig of tle book materidlgsthey want For er side aubicetisi 69 anes. are used in thé subjeet calalone to ha ype BLibrary that dealéoyith issues of Logal Depdsite, eds -out’ini:’ (ay Reference Unit KOR< materials gre mostly cat ischarging of information 1 Unit (d), Glassification Unit (©) Collection development ference materialsy (a) Directory Ga Maips and Atlases a. acecerrt: (a) Newspapers (b) Journals, (i Kesiraced (a) '55. Charging: and Di Circulation Unit oles ag Handbooks (b) Guide bo Tourist vses ee ‘and Maouals:(c) v7" 57. The following re KY og Magazines = 8 have {he idea of ‘Locate a:book-in-the Library using @ catalogue one should bject, Author and Catalogue number (of Subject, ‘Title ber “Almanacs and Maps types of Serial publications E Z sh te | 58. To () Acenssiot’ number,” Title and Auttior (0). Su! and Author (@) Class number, Title and Accession mm ‘ ment of information mater! caries i-refér to Classification. fals'in their relative places in tHe Nb $9, The arrange truc/False of thé following. is: “YP! 60. One =. of Application software: (8), DOS’ (b) Unix (¢) Windows (Word processing, ‘ 7 ‘ 61, Schoo! library is not just 62. Hieroglyphielis associated with; ting of « main library: True/False. tone library but a series of library cons (0) Greece (b) Eaynt( ¢) Rome (4) Barbarians O 8108 Ff sales F : Bra 7 Ea haat isnot in the readers’ service Area of ee savin (Gy) Ret ee Ger Ne 7 jactlon De Mi rsaye Ca) Gleeuragjon Uae a) Serti) Wee a. geet pete fw lopment Unt 62 Glpaliion UD ~° ride. WH raeitag,_ gO! Table! BCL N ‘Toe following ake vital parts of catalogue exerts (author ( ~ Coitents ee je Fepresent the folla vectively in classifigatiGnt=:* wing subjects ses ‘Medicine,’ General. Works, 65, The following alphabet “A, Q, Hs K; i schem Law, Medicine, ‘Science and Genefql Works @ cal. Work i a Suet! Works, Sciéiiee, Social Sciences, Law ‘aiid “Medicine | Hnry sofence and naval science e GE 1, Agriculture; Science, 66. Whish-tya-or more, sustelsive: Footheres refer to the sane document : ys foster aa yee repetition of the bibliography ‘Gelail. 67. The section in whicti’sHlegtion of ibfaty materials of all 68. The atlas of African History" (rary stat iny-@) Acquisition unit ) . me ‘pot example of subject. atlas: True/Palse. 2 : wit a Ly 69. Library patrons meet} Reserve. book ‘seetion (c) Circulation unit, (vee : ee 70, 1n the same fibiary of ebtigiéss classification scheme, and Physias —~ vifhat letter does the’ foliowinigs subjects Fepreseit

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