Midterm Course 5

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Christian School Verbo Los Alamos

English Program
Unit 2
Course 5 – 11th grade 15
Teacher: Flor Monterroso
Midterm Test
Name: ___________________________________________ Date: _______________________

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Read carefully to each of the exercises and solve them
in the correct way.

SERIES I: (5 pts – 1/2 pt. each correct answer)

Instructions: Write the word from the vocabulary that fits the definitions in the boxes.

Instructions: Write a sentence with the following words from the vocabulary.

SERIES II: (10 pts - 2 pt. each correct answer)

Instructions: Complete the sentences with the past perfect tense. Follow the example.

0. When I got to the party, Carol had left.

1. Sheila was late because she ___________________ (oversleep / miss the bus)

2. The teacher was upset with his students. They ___________________ (not study / fail test)

Instructions: Complete the sentences with the past perfect Continuous. Follow the example.

0. Sue and Carol had been cleaning the house for two hours when I arrived.

1. My hands were dirty because I ___________________ my car all day long.

2. We _________________ in the station for half an hour when the bus arrived.

Instructions: Write one sentence about a habit from your childhood using “would”. Follow the

0. Every summer we would go to the beach with my cousins.

1. ________________________________________________

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