Grade 10 Diagnostic Test

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 1

Grade 10

NAME: _____________________________ Date: ________

Grade/ Section: _____________ Score: _______
DIRECTIONS: Select the correct answer for each of the following questions. WRITE THE
(1 point each)

___ 1. Which ocean has a ring of volcanoes around it?

A. Arctic B Atlantic C. Indian D. Pacific
___ 2. How do you describe the location of earthquake epicenters, active volcanoes, and
moving plates in the Pacific Ring of Fire?
A. They are all over the place.
B. They are concentrated in one area.
C. They are situated in the same location.
D. They are strategically plotted in clusters.
___ 3. Why is it important to be aware of places prone to earthquakes?
A. to perform necessary precautions
B. to identify what crop must be stored
C. to identify what relief goods to be prepared
D. to locate where to the next quake will occur
___ 4. Convection current causes the lithospheric plate to ________________.
A. move faster C. create another plate
B. move in any direction D. move slowly but constantly
___ 5. Plates move apart at __________ boundaries.
A. Convergent B. Divergent C. Stable D. Transform plate
___ 6. At the convergent plate boundary, _______________.
A. the crust separates C. plates slide past one another
B. new crust is created D. the older crust is melted by subduction
___ 7. When a plate is denser, it subducts toward the mantle and forms magma. This process
ends up in the formation of ______.
A. faults B. trenches C. mountain ranges D. volcanic island arcs
___ 8. A crack in the ground underwater is produced when the oceanic crust interacts with
another crust. What do we call this?
A. Crack B. Fault C. Ridge D. Trench
___ 9. What is the source of heat generated by the core to the mantle?
A. gases C. molten metals
B. molten rocks D. decayed radioactive elements

___ 10. The idea that Earth’s lithosphere is broken up into separate plates that float on the
mantle is the theory of _____________.
A. continental drift C. seafloor spreading
B. plate tectonics D. tectonic movement
___ 11. Early observers thought continents might have been joined once based on what
A. coastline B. earthquakes C. magnetism D. rocks and fossils

Address: Canarvacan, Binalonan, Pangasinan

Telephone No.: (075) 637 6227
___ 12. Peer scientists reviewing Wegener's hypothesis of continental drift rejected his notion
A. he lied by including false evidence.
B. his evidence was too few to make a valid conclusion.
C. he did not explain how continents move and what moves them.
D. his evidence was not clear in showing how continents were joined.
___ 13. The East African Rift is an example of _____________
A. mid-ocean ridge C. divergent boundary
B. convergent boundary D. transform boundary
___ 14. Select the correct order of waves on the EMS from the longest wavelength to the
shortest wavelength.
A. Visible, microwave, infrared, ultraviolet, x-ray, gamma, radio
B. Microwave, radio, visible, infrared, ultraviolet, x-ray, gamma
C. Gamma, X-ray, ultraviolet, visible, infrared, microwave, radio
D. Radio, microwave, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, X-ray, Gamma
___ 15. Which section of the electromagnetic spectrum is the only one we can see?
A. X-rays B. Gamma rays C. Visible light D. Ultraviolet rays
___ 16. A person’s image produced from a thermal camera shows a majority of red and yellow
color all over his body. What does this mean about the person’s body temperature? The
person has _________________.
A. colder body temperature C. warmer body temperature
B. normal body temperature D. changing body temperature
___ 17. Which statement is INCORRECT about low or high-energy EM waves?
A. Low energy waves are usually used to disseminate information faster in broadcasting.
B. High energy waves are used in negligible amounts to use in prolonging the shelf–life
of foods.
C. High-frequency waves can penetrate the human skin and cells making it useful in the
medical field.
D. Low-frequency waves are widely used to disinfect and sterilize killing microbes and
other bacteria present in objects.
___ 18. Which part of a living cell is usually most damaged by electromagnetic radiation?
A. DNA B. Cell membrane C. Mitochondria D. Protein
___ 19. Which of the following DOES NOT describe radiation?
A. It emits very high energy
B. It can be non-ionizing and ionizing.
C. All can be seen using our naked eye.
D. Is an energy that travels in the form of waves.
___ 20. What type of electromagnetic waves is used in RADAR?
A. Infra-red rays C. Radio waves
B. Microwaves D. Ultra-violet rays
___ 21. The following are applications of visible light EXCEPT for one
A. sterilization C. screen of electronic devices
B. artificial lighting D. optical fibers in medical uses
___ 22. Which of these is a common symptom of radiation sickness?
A. allergy B. sunburn C. wrinkles D. reduced blood cell counts

___ 23. Which type of mirror is also called a diverging mirror?

A. concave B. convex C. plane D. smooth
___ 24. If a 145 cm man stands in front of a plane mirror, what will be the height of his image
A. 72.5 cm B. 145 cm C. 245 cm D. 290 cm
___ 25. Which is a CORRECT statement?
A. Light rays travel at the same speed from vacuum to air.
B. Light rays bounce back and bend as they pass through a lens.
C. A higher index of refraction means the slower speed of light rays as they travel.
D. In a lens, the angle of incidence is always greater than the angle of refraction.
___ 26. This is a defect of vision in which far objects appear blurred but near objects are seen
A. astigmatism B. hyperopia C. myopia D. presbyopia
___ 27. A convex lens is used to produce an enlarged image of an object.
A. Camera B. magnifying glass C. microscope D. telescope

Address: Canarvacan, Binalonan, Pangasinan

Telephone No.: (075) 637 6227
___ 28. How do generators work?
A. It converts mechanical energy into electrical energy
B. It converts electrical energy into mechanical energy
C. It converts mechanical energy into light energy
D. It converts electrical energy into light energy
___ 29. Who among the following scientists discovered that an electric current can affect the
action of a magnetic needle?
A. Ampere B. Faraday C. Gilbert D. Oersted
___ 30. The fluid that carries and nourishes the sperm is called______.
A. Blood B. Mucus C. Seminal fluid D. Urine
___ 31. The principal hormone in females is ______.
A. Androgen B. Dihydrotestosterone C. Testosterone D. Estrogen
___ 32. Fertilization occurs when ______.
A. an egg is fertilized C. sperm enters the uterus
B. an egg ovulates D. an egg is in the vagina
___ 33. At which point in the menstrual cycle is a woman most fertile?
A. Days 1-5 B. Days 17-21 C. Days 5-14 D. Days 22-28
___ 34. Which nervous system contains sensory and motor neurons that carry information
between the CNS and the rest of the body?
A. Autonomic Nervous System C. Peripheral Nervous System
B. Central Nervous System D. Somatic Nervous System
___ 35. Homeostasis in the human body can be best described as________.
A. the body’s attempt to maintain a constant normal internal environment.
B. a constant state of being maintained by living and non-living organisms.
C. bodily Adaptations to changes in the external environment.
D. process that occurs as a result of disease and trauma.
___ 36. The ultimate source of genetic variation is _____.
A. genes B. mutagen C. mutation D. nuclei acid
___ 37. A DNA molecule consists of two strands of nucleotides that consist of the following
A. phosphate B. sugar C. nitrogenous acids D. nitrogenous bases
___ 38. A mutation usually causes _____.
A. extra eyeballs C. an abnormal or missing protein
B. a mutagen such as radiation D. thymine to be replaced by uracil

__ 39. Using a modeling clay of varied colors, how will you change the original structure of the
chromosomes through translocation as a chromosomal mutation?
A. Break a segment
B. Break a segment and attach it to another chromosome
C. Break a segment, reverse, and reinsert it into the chromosome
D. Break a segment, attach and reverse it into the chromosome
___ 40. These can be used to study possible changes in species over time
A. fossil record C. amino acids sequences
B. morphological data D. molecular data from DNA
___ 41. Which of the following statements DOES NOT describe evolution?
A. Evolution is continuous. C. Evolution refers to change.
B. The world is stable and unchanging. D. If there is mutation there is evolution
___ 42. Which of the following statements supports the idea that extinction is necessary?
A. To give way for other organisms to develop
B. To know who is the fittest
C. To let organisms evolve and progress
D. All of the above
___ 43. Changing environmental conditions cause the ________ of local biodiversity
A. decline B. increase C. neutralization D. stabilization
___ 44. How can you possibly prove that gases have negligible mass?
A. put a balloon in a digital balance before and after you fill it with air
B. feel the weight of the samples on both hands
C asks two persons to hold a box filled with air
D support your claim of through equation

Address: Canarvacan, Binalonan, Pangasinan

Telephone No.: (075) 637 6227
___ 45. What will happen to the gas pressure as the temperature increases, if the amount and
volume of the gas are kept constant?
A. the gas pressure remains the same
B. the gas pressure decreases
C. the gas pressure increases
D. there is no significant effect
___ 46. Which of the following biomolecules contain only the elements carbon, hydrogen, and
A lipids and proteins C. proteins and nucleic acids
B. carbohydrates and lipids D nucleic acids and carbohydrates
___ 47. The sugar in RNA is ______, while the sugar in DNA is ________
A. deoxyribose, ribose C. ribose, phosphate
B. ribose, deoxyribose D. ribose, uracil
___ 48. What happens during a chemical reaction?
A. atoms are destroyed C. elements are destroyed
B. atoms are rearranged D. new elements are produced
___ 49. How is a chemical equation balanced?
A. adding coefficients C. changing subscript
B. adding elements as necessary D. erasing elements as necessary
___ 50. Fresh fish and meat that are not stored in a refrigerator show signs of spoilage in less
than a day. What has caused this spoilage?
A. temperature changes C. oxygen in air
B. presence of microorganisms D. all of the above

Address: Canarvacan, Binalonan, Pangasinan

Telephone No.: (075) 637 6227

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