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EJE 3 - WEEK 6

Dear student, make sure to follow the steps indicated in this activity, it is important for any
1. Check your recordings, remember that they explain in detail the topics that will
help you to develop the activity proposed here.
2. Contact your tutor, do it before the delivery date of your assignments arranged in
MOODLE, do not forget that no activity will be received or graded by mail.
3. Attend the tutoring sessions through the "Tutoring help" button that you will find
in the recordings section.
- Students are able to use TAG QUESTIONS.

3. We are late, do we? aren’t we?
4. He can’t swim, does he? Can he?
5. She was a student, isn’t she? wasn’t she?
6. Thomas saw a movie, wasn’t he? didn’t he?
7. He couldn’t answer the question, did he? Could he?
8. Mr. Smith was late, wasn’t she? wasn’t he?
9. They had dinner, were they? didn’t they?
10. Your sister bought a new house, didn’t it? didn’t she?
11. You don’t exercise, don’t you? do you?
12. It’s three o’clock, aren’t it? isn’t it?
13. She is your friend, don’t you? isn’t she?
14. He is from Canada, isn’t it? isn’t he?
15. Your father doesn’t drink tea, is he? Does he?
16. They already started their class, don’t they? didn’t they?

In this speaking Activity, you will record A VIDEO. You will create and narrate a story of
approximately 300 words, using present, past and future TAG QUESTIONS, and using
You can use your mobile or your webcam. Save the video file in your Areandina account
click on the video file and select “Copy Link” (Copiar enlace)

Paste the link here:

Imagine that if I hadn't met my current wife at that school friends gathering almost 10 years
later, we wouldn't be visualizing our house, if we were? The idea started after we had been
in a relationship for 2 years, she says we are going to see the model house just to be
annoying. and if we had not entered that day, perhaps we still would not have a plan for the
future; However, now we would plan what our furniture would be and the design of what
would become our home.
Our families asked us the following question, so when do you get married? And if we did
not tell you about our projects, this idea would not cross our minds, because one thing is
true: we both see ourselves as married, but at the same time organized, I would like to
arrive with a wedding ring now, but I would consider that everything must be special ; A
great moment and I would like to see her cry with joy. I get very excited about this event, it
would be a dream come true, I answer this question from the family, for what marriage....
but deep down I have been planning that, and they laugh... the doubt between Whether they
will or not is left open.
Our children are excited because there is a pool area in our new house, they are already
looking forward to delivery day. But they have also asked us sometimes, will they have
children? This does cause us much more laughter and joy, and this response, more mine
than that of my future wife, is yes, definitely, we will have them. Now we have 3 children,
but I would like one more, the girl. If I had her, we would be a very complete family, with
the children taking care of their sister, and what if I told my partner that we should start
planning it? She would say... it couldn't be, although very, very sure her answer would be
literal, let's not wait a bit yet... I hope she surprises me.

I would like to be in our home with the entire family.

Fácil, F. O. I. [@Pacho8a_]. (2017, noviembre 16). La mejor forma de aprender y aplicar las TAG
QUESTIONS en inglés - Preguntas Coletillas. Youtube.

Question tags – aren’t you? don’t you? (2016, septiembre 8). Test-English. https://test-

So, neither – so am I, neither do I, etc. (2017, agosto 5). Test-English.

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