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Extent of the Philippine Territory

The Malolos constitution did not define what is "Philippine Territory". In
the 1935 constitution, the term was defined in accordance with the Treaty of
Paris which comprises all the territory ceded to the United States. Both the
1973 and 1987 constitution included territorial sea as a signatory of the
UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on the Law of Sea) which considers
archipelagic water as internal water - connecting the islands of Philippine
Archipelago. Also, the deletion of the phrase "historic right or legal title"
from the 1973 constitution
4. Power of the President to declare Martial Law
The three (3) constitution (1935, 1973 and 1987) states the reasons the
President can declare Martial Law in which this provision is also not
mentioned in Malolos Constitution. Under the 1987 constitution, the
President has the power to declare Martial Law not exceeding 60 days
following the report provided by the president to the Congress - in which the
Congress votes either to revoke or extend. There is no limitations stated
with regards to the duration of the said declaration under 1935 and 1973
6.Ways of Amending or Revising the Constitution
The term refers to the people making changes/amendments on each
constitution - under Malolos Constitution, it is called "the Assembly' while on
the 1935 constitution its "National Assembly'. With the 1975 constitution the
people making amendments are called "Batasang Pambansa" and
"Congress" with the 1987 Constitution. The three constitutions - 1935, 1973
and 1989 provides who and what is the process of making amendments on
the constitution through votings whereas under the Malolos constitution
Article 89 there is no concrete ways to obtain the changes that will be made
aside from the declaration of the articles that should be modified. The 1987
constitution established a more detailed process on how to amend the

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