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Cardiology Neuro

 Symp of MR 2021oct  labs in PN march 2022

 Causes of acute HF 2021oct, march 2018  interpet shimmers oct 2017
 ttt of HF march 2022  invest of MS 2021oct
 symp of MS march 2022  signs of GBS 2021oct
 Labs for Perica Eff march 2022  ttt of ischemic stroke march 2022
 5 risk factors of pulmo Embo march 2022  DD cervical spodylosis march 2022
 ttt of AF march 2021  invest MG march 2022, oct 2018
 c/p ttt of hypertension march 2021, Nov  signs of rt lower Facial palsy Nov 2020
2020  types and ttt of epilepsy Nov 2020
 cp of HF Nov 2020 , oct 2019 + invest  Cp of MG Nov 2020 , oct 2018
 auscultatory findings of MS Nov 2020  manifistations of crossed hemiplasia Nov
 criteria of RF Nov 2020 2020 , oct 2019
 prepheral signs of AR oct 2019, march  def of dissociated sensor loss oct 2019
2018  causes of nystagmous oct 2019
 work up of pulm E oct 2019  discover GBS oct 2019
 types and causes of irriguler pulse oct  descripe face of LT occulomotor pulsy oct
2019 2018
 discover pericarditis oct 2018  types of headache oct 2018
 chest pain in GERD vs IHD oct 2018  causes of PN oct 2018
 aus finding of MR oct 2018  signs of beels oct 2017
 causes of AF oct 2018\  fasciculations oct 2017
 evaluate and resolve AMI oct 2017  cp of meningitis oct 2017
 comp of MVP oct 2017  cp of ICT oct 2017
 causes of HTN oct 2017  cp of diapetic neuropathy oct 2017
 accelerated atherosclerosis oct 2017 def  trigeminal neuralgia march 2018
causes  causes types of tremors march 2018
 ttt of stable angina march 2018  cp of parkinson march 2018
 comp of IE march 2018  grades of altered consciousness march
 diabetic mono neuritis multiplex march

Chest Abd
 Causes of Lt PE 2021oct  diagnosis ttt of HCV march 2021
 prevention of viral pnumonia 2021oct  cp ogf crohn's march 2021
 ttt of BA 2021oct march 2021  PRD of hepatic encephalopathy march
 xray findings of COPd march 2022 2021 , Nov 2020 , 2021oct
 5 extrapulm symp of atypical pneu march  causes of OJ Nov 2020
2022  comp of Acute pancreatitis Nov 2020
 cp BA march 2021  ttt of H pylori Nov 2020
 goals and ttt of bronchiactesis march  comp of cirrhosis Nov 2020
2021, march 2018  causes of hematemesis oct 2019
 causes of mediastinal shifting Nov 2020,  d bet steatosis and steatohepatitis oct
march 2018 2019
 cp of ILD Nov 2020  signs of LCF oct 2019 , oct 2018
 charach of malignant PE Nov 2020  ttt of UC oct 2019 , oct 2017
 causes of wide mediastinum oct 2019  causes of acute diarrhea oct 2018
 signs of fibrosing alveolitis oct 2019  def steatohepatitis oct 2018
 def nosocomial pneumonia oct 2019  deudenal vs gastric ulcer oct 2018
 inspect spirometry oct 2018  drugs induced jaund oct 2017
 ttt of status asthmatucus oct 2018  tense ascites march 2018
 causes of chest retraction oct 2017  ttt of GERD march 2018
 pulmonary osteodystrophy oct 2017  labs in HAV 2021oct
 ttt of refractory asthma oct 2017  extraintestinal cp of UC 2021oct
  symp of IBS march 2022
 causes of Chronic hepatitis march 2022
 invest of acute pancreatitis march 2022

Endo Blood
 causes of gyneco oct 2017  DD of microcytic anemia 2021oct , Nov
 causes of addison 2021oct 2020
 OAD in T2DM 2021oct , Nov 2020  invest of cervical lymphadenopaathy
 symp of hypothyroi 2021oct 2021oct
 Risk F of T2DM march 2022  causes of eosinophilia 2021oct
 signs of graves march 2022  causes of thrompocytopenia Nov 2020
 invest of acromegally march 2022  causes and chrach march 2018of
 cp of hypocalcemia nov 2020, causes hemolytic anemia Nov 2020
march 2018  iron profile in microcytic oct 2019
 cp of addisons Nov 2020  causes of huge spleenomegaly oct 2019
 causes of short stature Nov 2020 , oct  def and comp of thrompocytosis oct 2019
2017  def PA diagnosis oct 2018
 def delayed puperty oct 2019  causes of Polycythemia oct 2018
 labs for hashimoto oct 2019 , march 2018  describe RBCs in anemia oct 2018
 comp of DM oct 2019  pancytopenia oct 2017
 fetures of pituitary adenoma oct 2019  causes of lymphadeno oct 2017
 def and invest of cushing oct 2018  labs in IDA oct 2017
 face of acromegaly oct 2018  causes of bleeding march 2018
 causes of hypercalcemia oct 2018  labs of megalo march 2018
 describe prediapetic ttt oct 2018 
 comp of grave's oct 2017

Rhuema Infection
 ttt of SLE 2021oct , march 2021, oct 2018  diagnosis of FUO 2021oct
 Labs in sclerosis 2021oct  ttt of brucellosis 2021oct
 symp of lopus nephritis march 2022  ttt of giardasis march 2022
 ttt of ankylosing  labs for HIV march 2022
 git sypt of SS march 2022  labs and ttt of typhoid Nov 2020
 RA criteria march 2021 , Nov 2020  dd for fever with rash oct 2018
 diagnosis of SLE march 2021 
 manifistations of SLE Nov 2020
 causes of snsa oct 2019 oct 2019
 labs for crystal arthropathy oct 2019
 raynaud's oct 2018
 desc and analyze sacroiliitis oct 2017
 dicover enthesistis oct 2017
 crieteria for behct oct 2017
 diagnostic of ankylosis march 2018
 def and anlyze RF march 2018
 descripe lubus rash march 2018
 causes of erosive polyarthritis march 2018
 ttt of sacroidosis 2021oct
 comp of amyloid 2021oct
 labs inFMF march 2022, Nov 2020
 cp of FMF Nov 2020
Kidney General
 RF of CKD 2021oct  differs innate oct 2018 and adaptive oct
 invest for protinouria 2021oct 2019
 drugs causing AKI march 2022  causes of pripheral cyanosis Nov 2020
 copm of uremia Nov 2020 , oct 2018  ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, central ,,,,,,,,,,, oct 2018
 indications for dialysis in AKI Nov 2020  causes of blue clubbing march 2018
 causes of nephrotic Nov 2020 , oct 2018 +  def hyperthermia and patern of fever oct
def oct 2017 2019
 causes of ARF Nov 2020, oct 2017  features of hyperthermia oct 2019
 face of CRF oct 2019 
 def resb and meta acidosis oct 2019,
march 2018 + causes
 causes of protinoria oct 2019
 features of hyponatremia oct 2018
 medical causes of hemturia oct 2017

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