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Chimpanzee and Language

In this material, we discuss 2 experiments conducted on chimpanzees. The first experiment was
carried out in the 1930s by Luella and Winthrop Kellog, they raised a baby chimpanzee with their
baby boy, the result was that the baby chimpanzee understood hundreds of words but could not
say a single word. The second experiment was carried out in the 1940s by Catherine and Keith
Hayes, where they raised baby chimpanzees like their own babies, trying to get the baby
chimpanzees to say words, the result after 5 years, the chimpanzees could say mama, papa and cup
but in poor articulation. . This means that animals such as chimpanzees, gorillas and monkeys can
communicate with a few words but do not have the physical structure of the vocal tract like

1. Washoe

Washoe's material describes an experiment conducted by Beatrix and Allen Gardner on a

female chimpanzee named Washoe, they taught Washoe to be able to use American Sign
Language. Washoe was raised in a warm environment and was always encouraged to use gestures
to signal conversation. As a result, within 3.5 years Washoe can use hundreds of sign words and
even compose them into sentences, even though sometimes the signs are his own making.

2. Sarah and Lana

Further experiments were carried out by Ann and David Premack on a chimpanzee named Sarah,
where Sarah was trained to use a set of plastic shapes to communicate with humans. Sarah was
systematically trained to associate these plastic toy shapes as objects or actions. For example, if
Sarah wanted an apple, Sarah had to choose a blue triangular plastic shape, Sarah was also able to
produce "sentences" such as Mary gave Sarah chocolate and had an impressive capacity for
understanding complex structures such as If Sarah gave red to green, Mary gave Sarah chocolate .

Elsewhere, Duan Rumbaugh trained a chimpanzee named Lana in a similar training technique but
using Yerkish and consisting of a set of symbols on a keyboard. For example if Lana wants water,
then he has to press on his keyboard "please give water". Both Sarah and Lana demonstrate the
ability to use what appear to be word symbols and basic structures in a way that superficially
resembles language use.

3. The Controversy

Based on studies with another chimpanzee named Nim, psychologist Herbert Terrace argues
that chimpanzees respond in response only to the researcher and the repeated cues that people
use, but they are treated (naively) as if they were taking part in a "conversation." ." As in many
critical studies of animal learning, chimpanzee behavior is seen as a type of conditioned response to
that given (often unconsciously) by human trainers. the study also showed that in the absence of
humans, Washoe could produce the correct signs to identify objects in pictures, they also reported
that another group of young mistresses not only learned language, but sometimes used the same
time and with Washoe, even when not there are humans present.

4. Kanzi

this time's material describes a series of more recent studies, interesting developments
relevant to the controversy that occurred almost by accident. While Sue Savage Rumbaugh tries
to train a bonobo called Matata how to use the Yerkish symbols, Matata's adopted baby, Kanzi, is
always with Matata. finally, Kanzi had learned not by being taught, but by being exposed to the
teachings that were taught to Matata, Kanzi observed the language spoken at a very early age.
Kanzi eventually developed a large symbol vocabulary. There is also evidence that he emits a
different sound words to refer to things like bananas, grapes and juice.

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