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1. What school activity do you enjoy the most and why?

Answer: I really enjoy our activity in English class

because it allows me to socialize with my friends, and
develop my skill.
2. How do you balance schoolwork and participating in
school activities?
Answer: I prioritize my schoolwork and make sure to
complete any assignments or studying before committing
to any school activities.
3. What transferable skills have you gained from
participating in school activities?
Answer: Through participating in school activities, I have
developed strong communication skills, learned how to
collaborate with others, and developed time management
4. How has participating in school activities impacted
your personal growth?
Answer: Participating in school activities has allowed me
to develop new interests, expand my social circle, and
gain leadership experience. 5. How do you see school
activities benefiting your future career? Answer:
Participating in school activities has allowed me to
develop valuable skills that will benefit me in any future
career, such as communication, leadership, and teamwork
6. What school activity are you interested in joining in the
future and why?
Answer: I am interested in joining Law School because I
believe it will allow me to develop a certain skill and
meet new people.
7. Have you faced any challenges while participating in
school activities and how did you overcome them?
Answer: Yes, I have faced challenges such as time
management issues and conflicts with other participants. I
overcame these challenges by communicating openly with
others involved and working to find solutions together.
8. What role have you played in school activities that you
have participated in?
Answer: I have played various roles in school activities,
such as a team captain, a performer, and a volunteer.
9. What advice do you have for someone who is interested
in participating in school activities?
Answer: My advice would be to find an activity that you
are passionate about, be open to new experiences and
challenges, and commit to it fully.
10. What is the most significant lesson that you have
learned from participating in school activities?
Answer: The most significant lesson I have learned from
participating in school activities is the importance of
teamwork and collaboration in achieving a common goal.

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