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Name: _______________________________________ Year & Section: ___________

Subject Teacher: _______________________________ Date: ____________________

Directions: Choose the best answer for the following questions. Encircle the letter of your choice. (NO

1. What branch of philosophy is concerned with understanding the nature of reality and existence?
A) Epistemology B) Value Theory
C) Ethics D) Metaphysics

2. Which branch of philosophy investigates where our moral values come from and what they mean,
focusing on the nature of morality itself?
A) Aesthetics B) Logic
C) Metaethics D) Normative Ethics

3. What is the branch of philosophy that deals with questions of morality and how humans should
conduct themselves in their interactions with others and the world?
A) Metaphysics B) Ethics
C) Aesthetics D) Logic

4. Which branch of philosophy focuses on determining what is morally right or wrong and how we
should make decisions that affect ourselves and others?
A) Epistemology B) Logic
C) Ethics D) Value Theory

5. What is the study of principles by which we distinguish sound from unsound reasoning and
different types of reasoning?
A) Logic B) Aesthetics
C) Metaethics D) Epistemology

6. Which branch of philosophy seeks to figure out the principles behind what we find attractive, how
we judge things as good or bad in terms of appearance, and why some things evoke emotions in
A) Metaphysics B) Ethics
C) Aesthetics D) Value Theory

7. In philosophy, what term is derived from the Greek word’s "episteme" and "logos," meaning
"knowledge" and "study of" respectively?
A) Value Theory B) Epistemology
C) Metaethics D) Logic
8. What branch of philosophy investigates the investigation of something worth significant and the
meaning of value, considering all kinds of value?
A) Aesthetics B) Metaethics
C) Value Theory D) Ethics

9. Which branch of philosophy is concerned with the principles of right thinking and the formulation
of standards for valid knowledge?
A) Metaphysics B) Epistemology
C) Logic D) Value Theory

10. What branch of philosophy asks the question, "How we know things and how we can be sure if
something is true or not"?
A) Aesthetics B) Epistemology
C) Ethics D) Logic

11. What is the fundamental concept of anthropocentrism in environmental philosophy?

A) Nature has intrinsic value.

B) Humans are the most important species and can transform nature for their needs.
C) Ecosystems are more valuable than individual species.
D) Biodiversity must be preserved at any cost.

12. Which ecological philosophy emphasizes that ecological problems are inherently linked to social
issues like hierarchy and class systems?
A) Deep Ecology B) Biocentrism
C) Ecofeminism D) Social Ecology

13. In the context of sustainable development, what does "equity" primarily refer to?
A) Fair distribution of resources among all species.
B) Conserving resources for future generations.
C) Protecting the rights of marginalized communities in environmental decision-making.
D) Minimizing waste and maximizing efficiency.

14. Which philosophical theory assumes that all living things, regardless of their utility, possess equal
value and intrinsic worth?
A) Ecofeminism B) Biocentrism
C) Anthropocentrism D) Social Ecology

15. Who proposed the theory of Deep Ecology, emphasizing that all living things have equal value?
A) Arne Naess B) Murray Bookchin
C) Adam Smith D) Franz Brentano

16. What is the central focus of ecocentrism in environmental philosophy?

A) Preserving endangered species.
B) Recognizing the interconnectedness of all species and valuing ecosystems.
C) Maximizing economic gains from natural resources.
D) Prioritizing human well-being above all else.
17. Which principle of sustainability advocates for responsible resource use to prevent environmental
A) Economic efficiency B) Environmental integrity
C) Prudence D) Equity

18. In the context of environmental philosophy, what is the primary critique of anthropocentrism?
A) It leads to overemphasis on conserving resources.
B) It neglects the value of non-human species and ecosystems.
C) It fails to address social inequalities.
D) It hampers scientific advancement.

19. Which environmental philosophy theory believes that removing societal hierarchies is essential for
addressing ecological problems?
A) Social Ecology B) Biocentrism
C) Deep Ecology D) Anthropocentrism
20. What does ecofeminism assert about the relationship between the oppression of women and the
degradation of nature?

A) There is no correlation between the two.

B) The oppression of women is connected to societal hierarchies that also exploit the
C) Women have a special connection with nature but not with environmental issues.
D) Environmental problems are caused by women's actions.


Directions: Read the questions carefully and write the answer on the blank space before the number.

21. _________ What is the act of perceiving or the ability to perceive; mental grasp of objects,
qualities, etc. by means of the senses; awareness; comprehension? (Perception)
22. _________ Filipino for Philosopher. (Pilosopo)
23. _________ It is the systematic study of ideas and issues, a reasoned pursuit of fundamental
truths, a quest for a comprehensive understanding of the world, a study of principles of conduct.
24. _________ It is a school of thought that maintains the interdependence of factors to another
agencies of causalities. (Holoism)

Directions: Read carefully and write down on the space provided the type of fallacy or Bias shown in
the sentences below.

25. ______________________ You can't trust her opinion; she's always been a troublemaker in the
office. (Argumentum Ad Hominem)
26. ______________________ If you don’t buy this product, you’ll never be popular among your
(Argumentum ad Populum)
27. ______________________ How can you support the death penalty? You must have no
compassion for human life. (Argumentum ad Misericordiam)
28. ______________________ Believing in climate change is just a trend. Everyone is talking about
it, so it must be true. (Argumentum ad Populum)
29. ______________________ The defendant must be guilty; otherwise, they wouldn't have been
arrested in the first place. (Argumentum Ad Hominem)
30. ______________________ She's always biased in favor of her friends, no matter what they do.
(Correspondence Bias or Attribute Effect)
31. ______________________ I can't accept your argument against vaccinations; it goes against my
beliefs. (Confirmation Bias)
32. ______________________ I can't trust his opinion on education; he never went to college.
(Argumentum Ad Hominem)
33. ______________________ He was bound to fail; history shows us that no outsider succeeds in
our industry. (Hindsight)
34. ______________________ The company will go bankrupt if we don’t accept this merger; there
will be massive job losses. (Argumentum as Baculum)

Directions: Match each definition below with the corresponding term in the box. Write the letter on the
space provided

A. Human Being D. Human Nature G. Human

B. Human Person E. Personhood H. Embodied Spirit
C. Man F. Person

35. ______ A term used to refer for various classifications and species. For a living man, human is
under the classification of Mammalia. (G)
36. ______ By definition, it is generally and commonly defined to represent the entire human race.
37. ______ A term used to separate man from other Human Classifications like animals. (A)
38. ______ Refers to an individual who possesses self-awareness, self-determination, rational mind,
and the capacity to interact with others and with oneself. (F)
39. ______ A general term referring to the state of being a person with unique, sacred, and ethical
status within oneself. (E)
40. ______ A general term referring to the deepest and natural behavior of a person that
distinguishes humans from animals. It encompasses collective traits considered the very essence
of humanity. (D)
41. ______ From the definitions provided above, the human and the person, respectively, are defined
with classified origins of species and persons with birth rights. (B)
42. ______ It is an animating core living within each of us. (H)


43. Holistic POV: A teacher listened first to both stories of her two arguing students before making
any conclusion about the issue.
Partial POV: ___________________________________________________________________

44. Holistic POV: __________________________________________________________________

Partial POV: Alvin watches the TV Patrol every night for his everyday update about the

45. Holistic POV: I tasted all 12 flavors of ice-cream in the parlor.

Partial POV: ___________________________________________________________________
Directions: Be as neat as possible. Do not go beyond the lines. NO ERASURES

46 – 50. What is the importance of learning Philosophy in our daily lives.



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