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Tuần : 4 - Năm học 2023-2024

(Từ ngày 25/9 đến ngày 29/9)
Thứ Ngày Buổi Tiết Lớp Tên bài dạy
5 1B Unit 1 – Lesson 5 – Sentence pattern P1
Hai 25/9/2023 C 6 1C Unit 1 – Lesson 5 – Sentence pattern P1
7 1C Unit 1 – Lesson 5 – Sentence pattern P2
6 1I Unit 1 – Lesson 5 – Sentence pattern P1
Ba 26/9/2023 C
7 1I Unit 1 – Lesson 5 – Sentence pattern P2
1 1G Unit 1 – Lesson 5 – Sentence pattern P1
S 2 1G Unit 1 – Lesson 5 – Sentence pattern P2
3 1H Unit 1 – Lesson 5 – Sentence pattern P1
Năm 28/9/2023 4 1H Unit 1 – Lesson 5 – Sentence pattern P2
5 1B Unit 1 – Lesson 5 – Sentence pattern P2
6 1A Unit 1 – Lesson 5 – Sentence pattern P1
7 1A Unit 1 – Lesson 5 – Sentence pattern P2
1 1E Unit 1 – Lesson 5 – Sentence pattern P1
2 1E Unit 1 – Lesson 5 – Sentence pattern P2
Sáu 29/9/2023
C 6 1D Unit 1 – Lesson 5 – Sentence pattern P1
7 1D Unit 1 – Lesson 5 – Sentence pattern P2
Phả Lại, ngày 22 tháng 9 năm 2023


Đinh Thị Chinh Trần Thị Ngọc Hoa Hoàng Thị Thanh Tâm

Ngày 25/9/2023 - Thứ Hai – Lớp 1B – Tiết 5
Unit 1 - Lesson 5: Sentence pattern – Period 1
Time: 40 minutes
Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Lesson objective: identify number and know saying about age.
Previous knowledge: Ss know about numbers 1 to 10.
Materials required for the lesson: Textbook, CD, pencils, power point, song, workbook, ball.
Time, What teacher will do What students will do
materials and
Warm up
2 minutes T greets Ss with "Good Morning/Afternoon" - Sing “Number” song.
Start with a song to create a fun atmosphere NUMBER
T shows ss gestures and movements for song slowly
Encourage students to sing along and do act out with

3 minutes Practice counting on fingers with students: numbers 1 counting on fingers from 1 to 10
to 10
Use PPT to count objects (candles on a cake) Answer Teacher’s questions
Stop on each candle to ask Ss "How many?" or "How
old are you?"

Presentation and practice

20 minutes. *Activity 1: Listen and point - Listen to the CD and point

Textbook, - Play the CD for Ss listen 2 times.
- Listen to the CD and repeat the
page 11, CD, - Show power point for each dialogue.
power point, - Have Ss point and repeat the dialogue. dialogue

Note: The ways to practice: Practice saying

T – The whole class
A half of class – A half of class
Small group – small group
Individual - Individual
- Watch video on PPT of "How old are you?" cartoon, - Sts listen and try to say about
Pause the video and have Ss try repeating:
their ages.
I’m … (number) + use numbers on fingers to show

Practice: Using Flashcard numbers from 1 to ten to Sts listen, look and try to say
guide the pupils to answer the question:
about their ages.
How old are you? – T asks, then show 1 flashcard of
number (e.g. number 5),
Invite 1 pupil to stand up and he/ she will automatically
respond: Five.
Teacher will correct him/ her with full sentence: I’m
Time, What teacher will do What students will do
materials and
Try to have him/ her repeat. After that, have the class
repeat after you.
Do the same with other pupils and other flashcards.

Further Practice
10 minutes Game: HAPPY FARM

- Play game
- Choose the number and
answer the questions

- Ss play together.
- Choose the number and answer the questions
- If Ss give the correct answer, they will have the
animals to their farm.
- When they finish six questions, they will have
all animals.

5 minutes - Play the song “Goodbye song” and encourage them to - Sing the song, do the motions,
Song sing along. etc.

- Teacher gives them a big clap and says Good job! - - Wave hands and say: Goodbye
Wave them goodbye to end the lesson teacher
40 minutes

Điều chỉnh sau tiết học: ……………………………………………………………


Lớp 1C – Tiết 6
Unit 1 - Lesson 5: Sentence pattern – Period 1
Đã soạn cùng tiết 5 lớp 1B

Điều chỉnh sau tiết học: ……………………………………………………………


Lớp 1C – Tiết 7
Unit 1 - Lesson 5: Sentence pattern – Period 2
Time: 40 minutes
Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Lesson objective: identify number and know saying about age.
Previous knowledge: Ss know about numbers 1 to 10.
Materials required for the lesson: Textbook, CD, pencils, power point, song, workbook, ball.
Time, materials What teacher will do What students will do
and steps
Warm up
2 minutes T greets Ss with "Good Morning/Afternoon" - Sing “Number” song.
Start with a song to create a fun atmosphere
T shows ss gestures and movements for song slowly
Encourage students to sing along and do act out with

3 minutes Review counting on fingers with students: numbers 1 counting on fingers from 1 to 10
to 10
Use PPT to count objects (candles on a cake) Answer Teacher’s questions
Stop on each candle to ask Ss "How many?" or "How
old are you? Say the numbers of things
Use realia to review counting things from 1 to ten.
Have class repeat all the numbers they see from the

Presentation and practice

10 minutes. *Review the sentence pattern: I’m…. - Listen to the CD and point
Textbook, page - Get the pupils to open their book page 10
- Listen to the CD and repeat the
11, CD, power - Play the CD for Ss listen 2 times.
point, - Have the pupils point and repeat the dialogue. dialogue
flashcards - Have the pupils try to say the dialogue without

Note: The ways to practice:

Practice saying
T – The whole class
A half of class – A half of class
Small group – small group
Time, materials What teacher will do What students will do
and steps
Individual – Individual

- Watch video on PPT of "How old are you?" - Sts listen and try to say about
their ages.
Pause the video and have Ss try repeating:
I’m … (number) + use numbers on fingers to show

Further Practice
10 minutes *Activity 2: Follow and say
Chalkboard, Divide class in 3 teams - Ss guess the age (numbers) they
Power point, Have Ss look at the book page 10 and guess the age think the girl/the boy is
pencil. of each kid. (write them on the board)
- Pic 1 - Number … - match the picture with the right
- Pic 2 - Number … number.
- Pic 3 - Number ...
Give the answer by showing the power point.
Reward the team has correct answer and give them
star/sticker, etc.
Let them match the girl/boy with the correct number

10 minutes Hot Potato Game! - The student who has the ball will
• Use small ball, have Ss sit in a circle/ on their answer T’s question.
chairs and demonstrate how to play (pretend it’s
very hot and pass it to the S next to you and show
them how to do the same).
• Play music while Ss are passing and whoever
has the hot potato when the music stops will say a

3 minutes - Have Ss open their workbooks page 8, match and - Do the exercise and say
(Workbook, call them point and say about which they have
pencils) matched follow the structure:
“I’m …”

2 minutes - Play the song “Goodbye song” and encourage them - Sing the song, do the motions,
Song to sing along. etc.

- Teacher gives them a big clap and says Good job! - - Wave hands and say: Goodbye
Wave them goodbye to end the lesson teacher
40 minutes

Điều chỉnh sau tiết học: ……………………………………………………………


Ngày 26/9/2023 - Thứ Ba
Lớp 1I – Tiết 6
Unit 1 - Lesson 5: Sentence pattern – Period 1
Đã soạn cùng tiết 5 lớp 1B thứ Hai ngày 25/9/2023

Điều chỉnh sau tiết học: ……………………………………………………………


Lớp 1I – Tiết 7
Unit 1 - Lesson 5: Sentence pattern – Period 2
Đã soạn cùng tiết 7 lớp 1C thứ Hai ngày 25/9/2023

Điều chỉnh sau tiết học: ……………………………………………………………


Ngày 28/9/2023 – Thứ Năm

Lớp 1G – Tiết 1
Unit 1 - Lesson 5: Sentence pattern – Period 1
Đã soạn cùng tiết 5 lớp 1B thứ Hai ngày 25/9/2023

Điều chỉnh sau tiết học: ……………………………………………………………


Lớp 1G – Tiết 2
Unit 1 - Lesson 5: Sentence pattern – Period 2
Đã soạn cùng tiết 7 lớp 1C thứ Hai ngày 25/9/2023

Điều chỉnh sau tiết học: ……………………………………………………………


Lớp 1H – Tiết 3
Unit 1 - Lesson 5: Sentence pattern – Period 1
Đã soạn cùng tiết 5 lớp 1B thứ Hai ngày 25/9/2023

Điều chỉnh sau tiết học: ……………………………………………………………


Lớp 1H – Tiết 4
Unit 1 - Lesson 5: Sentence pattern – Period 2
Đã soạn cùng tiết 7 lớp 1C thứ Hai ngày 25/9/2023

Điều chỉnh sau tiết học: ……………………………………………………………


Lớp 1B – Tiết 5
Unit 1 - Lesson 5: Sentence pattern – Period 2
Đã soạn cùng tiết 7 lớp 1C thứ Hai ngày 25/9/2023

Điều chỉnh sau tiết học: ……………………………………………………………


Lớp 1A – Tiết 6
Unit 1 - Lesson 5: Sentence pattern – Period 1
Đã soạn cùng tiết 5 lớp 1B thứ Hai ngày 25/9/2023
Bổ sung: Activity 2: Sing and act out Unit 1 Lesson 4

Điều chỉnh sau tiết học: ……………………………………………………………


Lớp 1A – Tiết 7
Unit 1 - Lesson 5: Sentence pattern – Period 2
Đã soạn cùng tiết 7 lớp 1C thứ Hai ngày 25/9/2023

Điều chỉnh sau tiết học: ……………………………………………………………


Ngày 29/9/2023 – Thứ Sáu

Lớp 1E – Tiết 1
Unit 1 - Lesson 5: Sentence pattern – Period 1
Đã soạn cùng tiết 5 lớp 1B thứ Hai ngày 25/9/2023

Điều chỉnh sau tiết học: ……………………………………………………………


Lớp 1E – Tiết 2
Unit 1 - Lesson 5: Sentence pattern – Period 2
Đã soạn cùng tiết 7 lớp 1C thứ Hai ngày 25/9/2023

Điều chỉnh sau tiết học: ……………………………………………………………


Lớp 1D – Tiết 6
Unit 1 - Lesson 5: Sentence pattern – Period 1
Đã soạn cùng tiết 5 lớp 1B thứ Hai ngày 25/9/2023

Điều chỉnh sau tiết học: ……………………………………………………………


Lớp 1D – Tiết 7
Unit 1 - Lesson 5: Sentence pattern – Period 2
Đã soạn cùng tiết 7 lớp 1C thứ Hai ngày 25/9/2023

Điều chỉnh sau tiết học: ……………………………………………………………



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