How To Study Japanese

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A step by step study guide on
HOW TO study effectively
The majority of people who study a foreign
language never make it past beginner level.
Why? Because of their study methods!

This Japanese study method that I follow

ensures you will stay motivated, have
accountability, and pressure to continue!

Let's do our best!
Step 1:
Finding a Teacher
The MOST important factor in choosing a Japanese teacher is that
they do not speak or use English in the lesson!

Learning a language is not simply translating what each word

means in the foreign language to your native tongue. You must use
a different section of your brain to understand concepts as they are
in the foreign language. This will make understanding things and
concepts that English has no words for, easier to understand.

Whether the lesson is held face to face or online is irrelevant to that

the teacher is a native speaker who conducts the lesson completely
in Japanese.
Structure Your Lessons!
In my experience, the best way to learn Japanese is from a native that
doesn't speak your native tongue. With that said, those teachers often
have never effectively studied another language of their own.
Therefore, they have no actual experience efficiently learning a

Here's how I request the teacher structure a 60-minute lesson.

5-minute greeting
25-minute book review
5-minute quiz on last lesson*
5-10-minute review of key points
15-minute themed
and corrections

*Specific links and explanations can be found in the full guidebook version
Step 2:
Use a Textbook
Using a textbook brings structure to your
language learning. Books build upon previously
learned vocabulary and grammar to help you
better understand newer language concepts.

Popular textbooks include:

Minna no Nihongo
"Try!" JLPT Series
Japanese From Zero!
Step 3:
Add pressure
Finding a teacher that holds you accountable to your
homework and progress will motivate you to continue.
However, that motivation can only last for so long.

You must give yourself pressure to continue!

Sign up for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test
(JLPT). *
Telling you social media, family, and friends that you
are working on a video in Japanese to be released on
(specific date), and having your teacher hold you to it

You can add pressure via any method that includes telling
those around you of a deadline you have to perform
something in Japanese.
*Specific links and explanations can be found in the full guidebook version
Street Inteviews

My Life in Japan

Thank you!
Thank you for downloading this e-book. My name is Enim and I've been living
and making YouTube videos in Japan for over 8 years!

My first few years in Japan, consisted of various Japanese teachers, group

lessons, and Japanese self-study, taking me seemingly nowhere. Why?
Because how I was studying was completely wrong!

Following this study method that I've created has given me the confidence to
talk and interact with Japanese people for making friends, dating, and
especially YouTube interviews.

No, I'm still not fluent. But having also learned Spanish and Russian, I know
conversational should be the goal. Not fluency.

Buy the full version of this guidebook for my specific resources, links, study
times, explanations of why this method works, and more!
(Available January 20, 2023)

Happy studying!

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