2 - Grade 12 Media Information Literacy Lesson Plan

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Grade 12 Media Information Literacy Lesson Plan: Legal, Ethical, and Societal Issues in Media

and Information
Objective: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. Analyze legal, ethical, and societal issues related to media and information.
2. Apply critical thinking skills to assess the impact of media on society.
3. Develop an understanding of responsible media consumption.
1. Whiteboard and markers
2. Projector and screen
3. Laptop/computer for multimedia presentations
4. Handouts with relevant case studies and articles
5. Chart paper and markers
Introduction (5 minutes):
 Greet the students and establish a positive and inclusive learning environment.
 Discuss the importance of media information literacy in today's society.
 Briefly introduce the focus of the lesson: Legal, Ethical, and Societal Issues in Media and
Engagement (10 minutes):
 Conduct a brief discussion on the definitions of legal, ethical, and societal issues.
 Show a relevant video clip or present a case study illustrating a media-related issue.
 Facilitate a class discussion on the potential impact of the issue on individuals and
Main Lesson (20 minutes): Applied knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching
 Divide the class into small groups.
 Distribute case studies and articles on various legal, ethical, and societal issues in media
and information.
 Each group analyzes the given materials and prepares a short presentation summarizing
their findings.
Used a range of teaching strategies that enhance learner achievement in literacy and numeracy
 Emphasize the importance of critical reading and comprehension skills during group
 Encourage groups to use visual aids and multimedia tools in their presentations.
Group Presentation (15 minutes):
 Each group presents its findings, highlighting the legal, ethical, and societal aspects of
the assigned issue.
 Encourage class discussion after each presentation, fostering critical thinking and
 Use probing questions to deepen understanding and provoke thoughtful responses.
Class Activity (10 minutes): Established safe and secure learning environments to enhance
learning through the consistent implementation of policies, guidelines, and procedures.
 Facilitate a class discussion on the role of media literacy in creating a safe and secure
online environment.
 Emphasize the importance of responsible digital citizenship.
Closure (3 minutes): Used strategies for providing timely, accurate, and constructive feedback
to improve learner performance.
 Summarize key points from the lesson.
 Provide feedback on group presentations, emphasizing strengths and areas for
 Assign a reflective homework assignment, asking students to connect the lesson content
to their personal experiences.
 Evaluate group presentations based on content accuracy, critical thinking, and
communication skills.
 Review student participation in class discussions and activities.
 Assess reflective homework assignments for evidence of thoughtful engagement with
the lesson content.
Note to Teacher: Throughout the lesson, be mindful of the diverse backgrounds of the learners
and adapt teaching strategies to ensure inclusivity. Encourage a collaborative and respectful
classroom culture that values the perspectives of all students.

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