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Corporate entrepreneurship: Peer-

graded Assignment

Gilberto Rivera
Student of the Corporate Entrepreneurship Course
Currently I´m working in a new company so I just have one coworker who is the director of the
branch, there is a lot of opportunities to be an intrapreneur but I, as the only employee, will answer
the questions.

So I´ll use this page as for the introduction, for the analysis of the results as well as for the reflection.
I feel like most of the questions, for this stage of the new company are not what we should focus right
now but I´m certain that we need to keep them in mind for the future in were more employees start
working within our organization and to create this space in where they can feel confident and
motivated to help us improve the organization. That is the main reason of me taking this course, to be
prepare in that moment.

Does your company support those individuals who want to be intrapreneurs?
Yes, we have open communication with the director and with the other stakeholders

Does your company offer facilities so that intrapreneurs can work on their projects?
Yes, we have enough resources to motivate us to keep improving in our processes.

Are people allowed to do their jobs “in their own way”, or do they constantly have to explain their
actions and request “permission” to do them?
Indeed, as long as the work is done, we can work during our time of the day that suits best
for us.

Has your company developed quick and informal ways to access resources related to new ideas?
Yes, from direct communication to support, we all have access to that resource, from a quick
face to face meeting to a trip to discuss some stuff.

Has your company developed administration systems to manage several products and small
experimental businesses?
We are working on that, for the time being is not possible because we are 100% focused on
the main business line, but in the future this kind of ideas will be warmly welcome, we had already
talked about it.

Is your company not against facing and assuming risks, and tolerating mistakes?
Since day one, everything has been a risk, so we are deeply focused on what we are doing
and how we execute it.

Can your company decide to attempt a project or experiment, though this may take a long time or
create some type of uncertainty?
Yes, but we need to have a proper path to get the result in order to take the risk

Are individuals in your company more involved in new ideas, or are they only trying to defend their
current position?
We all are full of new ideas, process change, we keep improving, 100% experimental

Is it easy to make autonomous and interdisciplinary teams in your corporate environment?

Indeed, since we have such an open communication is easy to interchange ideas with people
with different backgrounds

Do intrapreneurs tend to create “monopolies”, or are they free to use resources from other divisions
and make external alliances?
For now, it hasn´t happen.

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