Script For Teacher's Day Celebration 2023

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Teacher’s Day Celebration 2023

Gerald: Good Morning, All Students of the Rogationist Seminary College of


AD LIB..(Organize the Students)

We encourage the Year Level Representatives to please call out the students who are
not yet here in our assembly…

***Start of the Program***

Gerald: Once again, Good Morning! Welcome to our annual celebration of Teacher’s
day, with the theme “Valuing Teacher’s efforts: A guide towards students’ flourishing”.

Archie: We are gathered here as one academic community to give our sincerest gratitude to our
dear professors who are untiringly giving their best to share and impart to us important lessons
that will form and guide us in our life and something we can treasure perpetually.

Gerald & Archie: Fellow Students (with emphasis) let us give our dear professors a round of

Gerald: To formally start our program, let us stand for the opening prayer to be led by the
seminarians of the Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate.

Presentation of the Prayer…

Archie: Thank you! Brothers from the Sons of Holy Mary Immaculate…(Please be sitted)


Gerald: Educational institutions across the country would also celebrate teacher’s day to
respect, acknowledge, and thank their teachers. Teachers are considered to be one of the
foundations of our society. They are responsible for shaping and building students' personalities
and making them ideal citizens of the country. As one looks at the great impact on the growth,
development and well being of the students and nation, one must agree that teaching is a noble

Archie: There is a quote from Michelle Graham that says “What greater joy can a teacher feel
than to witness a student’s sucess.” One of the goals of being a teacher is to make his / her
students pass their courses. In this way, it manifests that they are able to do their task and it
gives them joy to see their students applying what they have learned. Now, it is our time to
extend our gratitude to our teachers for their selfless service and dynamic support.

Gerald: At this juncture, we would now open the floor to Sem. Junwy Atabay to explain to us our
game for today…

*** explanation of the game mechanics***

Archie: Okay! Thank you Rodge and Junwy for entertaining us. (AD LIB)

Gerald: At this juncture, may we call on Sem. Gerald Cris Jeron, from the Sons of Holy Mary
Immaculate to deliver his Spoken Poetry for our dear professors.

*** Spoken Poetry…***

Archie: Thank you Sem. Gerald for your heartfelt poem for our teachers. (AD LIB)
Now, Let us watch the video presentation prepared by the SBO Creative Teams.

*** Video Presentation***

Gerald: (AD LIB) Before we formally end this celebration of Teacher’s day, may we call on Rev.
Fr. Philip Alensolurin, RCJ, Dean of Studies for his closing remarks.

***Closing Remarks***

Archie: Once again, thank you Fr. Philip. Please all stand for our closing prayer.

*** Closing prayer (Marian Song)***

*** Final Blessing of Fr. Philip***

Gerald: May we request everyone to proceed in front for our community picture.

*** End of the Program***

BOTH: Once again thank you and have a blessed weekend everyone…

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