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Language and Cognition Department Prof.

DeForest Westry

ESL 15
Childhood Obesity
Journal of Family Medicine

Childhood obesity has reached high levels all around the world. Obesity in
childhood is known to have significant impact on both the physical and
psychological health of children. Overweight and obese children are likely to stay
obese in adulthood and more likely to develop diseases like diabetes and
cardiovascular illnesses at a younger age.

There are many causes for the development of obesity in children. These causes
can be related to lifestyle preferences and cultural environment. Obesity is mostly
related to the consumption of too many calories and fat; for example, increased fast
food consumption has been linked with obesity in recent years. Many families,
especially families with working parents, opt for these restaurants because they are
often favored by their children, and they are convenient and inexpensive. But,
foods served at fast food restaurants contain a high number of calories with low
nutritional values.

Another cause for obesity in children is the lack of physical activity. Many kids
today prefer to watch television or use electronic devices for long periods of time.
Childhood obesity can profoundly affect children's physical health and emotional
well-being, and it also affects their self-esteem. Interestingly, it is also associated
with poor academic performance.

Childhood obesity is one of the most serious public health challenges of the
21st century. The problem is global and is steadily affecting many low and middle
income families, particularly in urban settings. Globally, the number of overweight
children under the age of five is estimated to be over 42 million.
The growing issue of childhood obesity can be slowed, if society focuses on the
causes. Teaching children the importance of a healthy lifestyle can help decrease
childhood obesity. What children learn at home about eating healthy and
exercising will eventually impact their life and lead to a healthier society.
Hostos Community College
Language and Cognition Department
Prof. DeForest Westry

Instructions: Read the passage and write an essay responding to the
ideas it presents. Use the following outline to help you organize your

Paragraph What you should do

Paragraph 1 Summarize the reading in your own words, stating the author’s most
important ideas. (5-7 sentences)
Introduction You may begin like this:
The reading, “------,” discusses ……
The article, “------,” is about…….
In the article, “------,” the author writes about/discusses….

Paragraph 2 Clearly identify one idea from the reading that you believe is
significant, and explain why it is important.
Development You may begin like this:
An important idea presented in the reading is “------.”
It is significant because…..
The author states that “-----.”It is significant because…
From the article the reader learns that “--------.” This statement is
important because......
Paragraph 3 Continue to support this idea with evidence. You can use more
explanations, reasons, or examples to make connections.
Development Use evidence from what you have read or studied in class (your
knowledge), and/or from your personal experience.

Paragraph 4 Provide a logical conclusion.


Be sure to revise and edit your essay. Check grammar and spelling.

Paragraphs How to Write Paragraph

Paragraph 1 Summarize the reading in your own words, stating the author’s most important ideas.
Introduction ___________________________________________________________________________
First, carefully read the article. As you are reading, underline the main idea of each paragraph.
If a paragraph contains a lot of information, it is possible to find two ideas in one paragraph.
Remember your task here is to distinguish between the main ideas and the supporting
evidence. Do not include supporting evidence in the summary; for instance, statistics,
examples, etc. The summary is composed of only the main ideas.
Also, as you are finding the main ideas, you may be thinking about the idea you will select to
develop your essay (paragraph 2.)

Paragraph 2 Clearly identify one idea from the reading that you believe is significant, and explain
Developmen why it is important. This is the focus of your essay. Be sure to connect this idea to a
detailed example, an experience, your knowledge, another reading, etc.
t ___________________________________________________________________________
This is the most important part of your essay – the development of an idea you select. You
need to make sure you select an idea that is interesting and rich. The idea must be substantive;
something that can be discussed. Before you definitively select the idea, be sure you can
explain why this idea is important. (give reason)

Paragraph 3 Continue to support the idea you selected.

Developmen ___________________________________________________________________________
You can give an example to support idea the idea you selected; be sure give details (elaborate)
t OR you can give another (different) reason why your idea is important and support it with an

Paragraph 4 Provide a logical conclusion.

Conclusion ___________________________________________________________________________
In the last paragraph, you may provide a short personal opinion about the topic.

Note: Do not include new ideas in the conclusion.

Ideas for Revising Grammar

 Check subject-verb agreement

 Check tenses: Should the sentence be in the present or the past?
 Check pronouns: Be sure each pronoun matches its
For example: David likes his new apartment.
His = pronoun, David = antecedent/reference
 Check nouns and adjectives; be sure you are using the correct one
 Check spelling

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