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Quarter 1 – Module 7
Biodiversity and Evolution
Science – Grade 9
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 7: Biodiversity and Evolution
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names, trademarks,
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Published by the Department of Education, Division of Palawan Schools

Division Superintendent:
Natividad P. Bayubay, CESO VI Assistant
Schools Division Superintendents:
Loida Palay – Adornado, PhD Felix
M. Famaran

Development Team of the Module

Writers: Janice D. Dumaliw, Geraldine P. Jayme, Shannie B. Rabino, Vanessa T. Abrea
Editors: Jeremias L. Nuñez, Fe Kenneth Gadiano - Aban
Layout Artist: Armando N. Villagracia, Jr.
Management Team: Aurelia B. Marquez
Rodgie S. Demalinao
Rosalyn C. Gadiano Nida
A. Tejada

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Department of Education – MIMAROPA Region – Division of Palawan
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Quarter 1 – Module 7
Biodiversity and Evolution

Introductory Message
For the facilitator:

Welcome to the Science 9 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on

Biodiversity and Evolution!

This module was collaboratively designed, developed and reviewed by

educators both from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher
or facilitator in helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12
Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and economic
constraints in schooling.

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and
independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore,
this also aims to help learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while
taking into consideration their needs and circumstances.

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box
in the body of the module:

Notes to the Teacher

In view to the new normal world we are facing, this
module was created to answer that education
should not stop for our learners.
This Science 9 Module for Quarter I is all about
Biodiversity and Evolution. With this we are trying
to allow our learners to work independently in
discovering through simple and enjoyable
activities/ experimentation that are aligned to the
competencies that they should learn.

As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use

this module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while
allowing them to manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected
to encourage and assist the learners as they do the tasks included in the

For the learner:

Welcome to the Science 9 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on

Biodiversity and Evolution!

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time.
You will be enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while
being an active learner.

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

What I Need to This will give you an idea of the skills or

competencies you are expected to learn in
the module.

What I Know This part includes an activity that aims to

check what you already know about the
lesson to take. If you get all the answers
correct (100%), you may decide to skip
this module.

What’s In This is a brief drill or review to help you

link the current lesson with the previous

What’s New In this portion, the new lesson will be

introduced to you in various ways; a
story, a song, a poem, a problem opener,
an activity or a situation.

What is It This section provides a brief discussion

of the lesson. This aims to help you
discover and understand new concepts
and skills.
What’s More This comprises activities for
independent practice to solidify your
understanding and skills of the topic.
You may check the answers to the
exercises using the
Answer Key at the end of the module.
What I Have This includes questions or blank
sentence/paragraph to be filled in to
process what you learned from the

What I Can Do This section provides an activity which

will help you transfer your new
knowledge or skill into real life situations
or concerns.
This is a task which aims to evaluate your
Assessment level of mastery in achieving the learning
Additional In this portion, another activity will be
Activities given to you to enrich your knowledge or
skill of the lesson learned.
This contains answers to all activities in
Answer Key the module.

At the end of this module you will also find:

References This is a list of all sources used in

developing this module.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part
of the module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other
activities included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through
with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module,
do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind
that you are not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful

learning and gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You
can do it!

What I Need to Know

In Grade 8, you learned about the concept of species, classification of

organisms using the hierarchical taxonomic system and advantage of high
biodiversity in maintaining the stability of the ecosystem. In Grade 9, you
will explain the importance of biodiversity, find out how changes in the
environment may affect species extinction and relate species extinction to
the failure of populations of organisms to adapt to the abrupt changes in the

In any ecosystem, organisms need a balanced environment. A balanced

ecosystem is one which all living things and non-living things are interacting
successfully. If there is any part of the ecosystem that is disturbed, other
parts will also be disturbed.

What happens to a community when its species diversity is reduced?

Does loss of biodiversity affect an ecosystem’s ability to sustain the remaining
species? This module will help you find answers to these questions.

The module contains the following:

 Lesson 1 – Biodiversity and Evolution

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Relate species extinction to the failure of populations of organisms

to adapt to abrupt changes in the environment.
2. Explain the importance of biological diversity.
3. Find out how changes in the environment can affect species
4. Distinguish environmental changes that may result in the loss of the
5. Make a multimedia presentation of a timeline of extinction
of representative microorganisms, plants and animals

What I Know

A. Photo Quiz

Directions: The words in the box are some of the causes of species
extinction. Look at the pictures below and identify which cause of extinction
matches each group of pictures.

Taking Animals for Profit Introduced species

Hunting and Trapping Destruction of Habitat
Overharvesting Pollution


B. Crossword Puzzle

Directions: Answer the crossword puzzle below.

2. It causes excessive growth of algae
and results in algal bloom
3. The clearing or thinning of forests
by human activities
5. When a species population is so low
and is nearly extinct
6. The trapping of heat by gases in
earth's atmosphere

1. Occurs when the last member of a species dies
4. Pertains to the number of organisms of the same species
7. Refers to the variety of life in an area

C. Picture Analysis

Directions: Study the two pictures and answer the following questions.

1. Describe the two pictures.

2. Which picture do you like?


3. What do you think are the

factors why the picture in the
left transformed into the
image in the right?

Image Source:

That was just easy right? You never looked bothered by the assessment.
Let us start the journey then.


1 Biodiversity and Evolution

What’s In

Before you begin exploring and understanding the concept of

biodiversity, work on the activity to find out the amount of biodiversity and
species distribution in your backyard.
1. Find the organisms in the surroundings at home as shown in the card.
2. Mark the picture in the box whenever you see that organism.

Biodiversity CHECK!

Photo credits to:

This activity is an indication of how diverse some of the plants and
animal species are in your surroundings. If you saw all of the organisms in
the Bingo card, then your place has quite high level of species diversity.

Do the next activity to further understand the concept of biological


What’s New

Different parts of the ecosystem interact with one another. Changes to

one part affect other parts. When all members of certain species die, that
species’ place in the ecosystem is gone forever. In this module you will study
the various threats that are considered causes of the loss of biodiversity.

Activity 1: Biodiversity: What is it?

 Explain what is meant by biodiversity and population.
 Appreciate the importance of biodiversity

Materials: Paper and pen

Task 1-A
1. Study Figures 1 and 2.

Figure 1. Reef Figure 2. Corn Plantation

2. Answer the following questions on your paper.

A. Imagine yourself scuba diving in Tubbataha Reef Marine Park, where
very high densities of marine species are found. What organisms are
in Figure 1? How many kinds of organism do you see in the picture?

B. Now, imagine yourself standing in a corn plantation. Which species do
you think dominates this area?

Task 1-B. The map below shows the population distribution of Bermuda,
Clover, and Lily plants in a pond. Answer the following questions.

1. Which species has the largest

population in the community?

2. What species has the lowest

3. What factors might influence a change
in the population?

Figure 3. Distribution of Bermuda, Clover and Lilies

Task 1-C. Answer the following questions briefly.

1. How do you define biodiversity and population?

2. How do you depend on biodiversity in your daily life?

3. What would happen if we didn’t have biological diversity?

4. What does biodiversity do for us?

Notes to the Learner: The following is an optional activity. Those who have
internet connectivity may watch and answer the questions. Those students
without internet connectivity may skip this task.

Task 1-D. Watch this!

Watch the video on biodiversity at

Answer the questions according to the video.

1. What is happening with the population of the different animal species?
2. How much forest are we cutting down?
3. How many geese did you see in the video?
4. Why is biodiversity important?

What is It

Biodiversity is the amount of variety of life on Earth. It is the number

of different species of plants, animals, and microorganisms. Healthy
ecosystems and rich biodiversity is important because it increases
ecosystem productivity, each species in an ecosystem has a specific niche
role to play. The Tubbataha Reef Marine Park has many populations. You
can see hundreds of different species of organisms, whereas in a coconut
plantation, only one species dominates. A population is a group of living
things within a certain area that are all of the same species. Several different
populations may be found in a community. A population of one kind may
affect a population of another kind within the community. A jungle has
greater amount of biological diversity, biodiversity, than a cornfield. In a
jungle community, some populations, such as ants, fungi, and ferns, can be
very large in number. Other populations such as tigers and snakes have
fewer members. Why do you think population sizes vary among organisms?

Now, work on the next activity to find out the amount of biodiversity
and species distribution in a community.

What’s More

Activity 2: Index of Biodiversity

 Measure species distribution using mathematical way of expressing the
amount of biodiversity and species distribution in a community.

Materials: Paper and pen

Task 2-A: Word Parts. Below are the words that have been divided into
halves. Find the pieces that fit together and write the complete statement on
a piece of paper.

Pop ry si
mong orga ulation
zes va nisms a


Task 2-B: This is an outdoor activity. Find out and record the amount of
biodiversity and species distribution within your home yard. Perform the
activity - “My Backyard Biodiversity”.

Photo credits:

Task 2-C. Based on the result of the Activity “My Backyard Biodiversity”,
calculate the Index of Diversity using the following formula:

Species of Tree Number of Trees Observed
Mango Tree 2
Talisay Tree 1
Coconut Tree 3
Avocado Tree 1
Total Number of Species = 4 Total Items = 7

Biodiversity Index (Tree) = Total number of Tree species

Total number of trees
= 4/7
= 0.571

1. Biodiversity Index (Tree) = Total number of trees species

Total number of trees

2. Biodiversity Index (Plant) = Total number of plant species

Total number of plants

3. Biodiversity Index (Animals) = Total number of animal species

Total number of animals

4. Biodiversity Index (Insects) = Total number of insect species

Total number of insects

Key Concepts

 Population is a group of individuals belonging to the same species

that live in the same region at the same time. Population density is
a measure of the number of organisms that make up a population
in a defined area.
 Communities with many different species (a high index of diversity)
will be able to withstand environmental changes better than
communities with only a few species (a low index of diversity).

What I Have Learned

Making yourself aware of the things happening in your environment is

definitely a wise way of spending time these days. Now, here is another task
that will heighten your awareness.

Activity 3: Extinction: Is it natural?

Task 3-A: Word Jumble Game

Directions: Rearrange the jumbled letters to form the magic word.


Task 3-B. Write the first word that comes to your mind when you see the
words “species extinction’’.

Notes to the Learner: The following is an optional activity. Those who have
internet connectivity may watch and answer the questions. Those students
without internet connectivity may skip this task.

Task 3-C. Watch the video clips to understand more about extinction.

1. Discovery Channel - Large Asteroid Impact Simulation

2. How Dinosaurs Went Extinct

Write a short paragraph based from the video clips on how dinosaurs
went extinct.

Task 3-D: Making Predictions
 Determine differences between two hypothetical islands

Materials: Paper and pen

1. Imagine that you and your friends are being sent to explore two islands.
The islands are very similar in size, age, and location. But one has
human population and the other does not have.
2. Predict what you will see in each island.
3. Tabulate your predictions as shown below.

Island A Island B
(Without Human Population) (With Human Population)
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

Guide Questions:
1. What did you predict in each island?

2. How would you explain the differences that you will see in each

Read! Read! Read!

Here are some of the local and global environmental issues/ problems
that are also affecting your community.
1. Deforestation - the clearing or thinning of forests by humans.
 Kaingin farming (slash and
 Illegal farming.
 Conversion of agricultural
lands to housing projects
 Forest fires
 Typhoons

 Soil erosion
 Floods
 Decrease in wildlife resources that will eventually lead to extinction

2. Wildlife Depletion

As human population gets bigger, huge space is needed for shelter, for
growing, and for industries which results to deforestation, one of the major causes
of the disappearances of wildlife species.

What happens
to animal populations
that are driven away
from their natural
habitat? If they
cannot find enough
space, many will die
or become extinct.
Some species may
become endangered,
or in the verge of
becoming extinct. In
other cases, some
animals may be
threatened, referring
to species that are
close to being

3. Water Pollution

A major problem in lakes,

rivers, and ponds is
eutrophication, one of the effects
of water pollution. In
Eutrophication, nutrients are
washed away from the land to
enrich bodies of water. It causes
excessive growth of aquatic
plants and algae and results to
algal bloom, which eventually die
and decompose. The process
depletes the oxygen dissolved in
water causing fish and other XlIRKHG&id=7
aquatic organisms to die.

4. Air Pollution

It occurs when harmful or excessive quantities of substances are

introduced into Earth's atmosphere. Sources of air pollution include gases
(such as ammonia, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrous oxides, methane
and chlorofluorocarbons), particulates (both organic and inorganic), and
biological molecules.

Carbon dioxide acts like a

blanket over the Earth, holding
in the heat that would otherwise
radiate back into space. The
trapping of heat by gases in the
Earth’s atmosphere is called
Greenhouse Effect. The
greenhouse effect is a natural
process. But as carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere increases,
greenhouse effect also

intensifies- this will lead to global warming. Global warming is an increase

in the Earth’s temperature from the rapid build-up of carbon dioxide and
other gases.

5. Destruction of Coastal Resources

Coral reefs and coastal

mangrove forests in the
Philippines serve as breeding
grounds and nurseries of
marine fishes. But due to
human activities, coastal areas
are getting destroyed through
the years.

Some of these activities

include the following:

 Deforestation, agricultural activities, and mining activities

 Dynamite fishing and muro-ami
 Coastal areas conversion to beach resorts, or residential areas
 Overharvesting

6. Acid Precipitation

It is commonly known as acid rain.

Acid rain is a result of air pollution mostly
from factories and motor vehicles.

Activity 4: Action-Reaction!
Task 4-A. Create a concept map about the effects of overpopulation on
pollution and talk about it with your parents, older siblings, grandparents or


Task 4-B. Fill out the table below.

Activities of human that cause
Prevention of pollution
1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

Task 4-C. In your province or municipality, give at least five (5) of the
reported threatened and/or endangered species. Cite the causes why these
species are threatened or endangered. What are some of ways that your local
government do in protecting wildlife in your area?

Whoa! Another task is done. Continue showing such drive and keep on
discovering new things about the environment.

Key Concepts

 The principal causes of deforestation are illegal logging, kaingin

farming, forest fires, typhoons, and conversion of agricultural
lands to housing projects.
 The effects of deforestation include soil erosion, flood and
depletion of wildlife resources.
 The major cause of wildlife extinction is the loss of habitat.
 Coral reef destruction is caused by dynamite fishing and muro-
ami while mangrove destruction is caused by overharvesting and
conversion of the area into other uses.
 In eutrophication, nutrients are washed away from the land to
enrich bodies of water. It causes excessive growth of aquatic
plants and algae and results to algal bloom, which eventually dies
and decomposes. The process depletes the oxygen dissolved in
water causing fish and other aquatic organisms to die.
 Acid rain is a result of air pollution mostly from factories and
motor vehicles.
 Sustainable development means that a society should live under
the carrying capacity of the environment.

Guess what, we are on the second to the last part of the lesson. That
is how fast you have been working. Keep that pace till the last page.

Activity 5: My growing family…


 Find out how changes in population can affect species extinction.

Materials: Paper and pen

Task 5-A. Fill in the box using the clue.

1. Anything that limits the size of a population like certain

environmental conditions.

2. The maximum population size an environment can support.

Task 5-B: Picture Study

Directions: Study the picture below.

The herd of giraffe are assumed to be healthy

and begin to multiply faster than expected. Predict
what will happen if giraffe population continue to
increase in the park area.


Figure 1. Park reserve in Calauit,

Task 5-C: Basic Needs in a Growing Population

Our country is an agricultural country and has a tropical climate that

allows a variety of plants to grow. The rivers, lakes and open seas provide a
good supply of fish.

However, some people are not able to benefit from all of these bounty.
Likewise, while there are still wide tracts of land, some do not have decent
places to live in.

Figure 1. Urban condominium Figure 2. Rural Village

Guide Questions:
1. Compare the houses in urban and
rural areas. How far apart are
buildings in urban areas? In rural

2. Infer the number of persons living in

one building in the rural and urban
areas. How does population per
building compare in rural and urban

3. Describe a shanty community. Why

are there shanties in urban areas?
How safe from fire are the
Figure 3. A shanty town in Manila

Key Concepts

 Population sizes vary among organisms. They change with the

number of births. They also change when members die or move
in and out of an ecosystem.
 Limiting factors are environmental conditions that keep a
population from increasing in size and help balance ecosystems.
 The carrying capacity is affected by changes in the environment.

Finally, we have reached the door to this lessons end. I can see how
happy you are. Who wouldn’t be anyway? But before you get lost with such
happiness, check out the directions first.
What I Can Do

Performance Task

Now that you have understood the causes of extinction, you will make
a multimedia presentation of a timeline of extinction of microorganism,
plants and animals.

Tips in making your timeline

1. Decide what the timeline will include.

2. Make a list of events to include.
3. Decide when it will begin and end. (8-15
events is a good number to include for most
4. Aim to present a well-rounded history.
5. Layout the timeline.
6. Choose any available multimedia material.

Timeline Rubric
4 3 2 1
Facts were
Facts were
Facts were accurate accurate for at Facts were often
accurate for at
Contents for all events least 60% of inaccurate for
least 80% of all
/facts reported in the the events events reported
events reported
timeline reported in the in the timeline
in the timeline
All dates indicated At least 1 of the At least 2 of At least 3 of the
in the timeline are dates or the dates or dates or
Dates correct and are sequences is not sequences are sequences are
sequenced in the in the proper not in the not in the
proper order. order. proper order proper order.
The student can The student
The student can
accurately can describe
accurately describe The student
describe 50% of any event in
75% or more of the cannot use the
the events in the the timeline if
events in the timeline
Learning timeline without allowed to
timeline without effectively to
of content referring to it and refer to it and
referring to it and describe events
quickly can determine
quickly determine or to compare
determine which which of the
which of the two events.
of the two events two events
events comes first.
occurs first. occurs first.
The timeline The timeline
The timeline The timeline
contains at contains less
contains at least 9 contains at least
Resources least 5 events than 5 events
events related to the 5 events related
related to the related to the
topic to the topic. topic. topic


A. Fill in the missing letters to complete each words in the sentence.

1. P__________T _ _ N is the presence of undesirable things in the environment.

2. Too many people or O _ _ R P _ _ _ L__________N make it difficult to meet the
basic needs of man which are W _ _ _ _, F _ _ _, and S___________R.
3. Pollutants dumped into the rivers and streams eventually find their way
to the O_________.
4. The average temperature of the earth’s atmosphere may rise as a result
of G _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ E___________ .
5. Destruction of habitat, pollution, hunting and poaching are the causes of

B. Read the selection about Sonia of Manila who is having a vacation with
friends in Southern Tagalog. (Source: Excel in Science)


“What was that?”

“That must be Tatang Ambo fishing with dynamite.”
“He had been at it for a couple of years now.”
“But why?”
“Well, he makes a good catch with dynamite and makes quite a
good sum. You see, people need to eat so they buy the fish. If there
were fewer people needing to eat fish he would not risk his life
with dynamite.”
“Now I see what overpopulation can do. It does have far reaching
effects like: Mang Ambo risks his life. All organisms in the area are
destroyed including the corals. I read somewhere that fish find
sanctuary in corals. They breed there,too. I’m fraid someday there
will no longer be any fish in this area.” “What can we do?”

Answer the following questions.

1. What is the selection all about?
2. Who is Mang Ambo?
3. Why do you think he catches fish using dynamite?
4. How overpopulation affects the environment and the quality of life?
5. Write your suggestion to solve the poblem:

C. Answer briefly the following questions in your answer sheet.

1. If the population species of a given area is doubled, what effect would
this have on the resources of the community?
2. Suppose 80 ants live in a 2 sq. m plot of grass. What would be the
population density of the ants?
3. In a farm, corn plants were the only crop that was planted on several
hectares of land. A farmer noticed that a fungus was growing all over
the corn fields. Predict what might eventually happen to the corn plants
and the fungus.
4. How is forest ecosystem affected when trees are cut down?
5. What is the main cause of extinction in plant and animal species?

Additional Activities

Let us reinforce the skills/knowledge that you have gained from this
lesson by doing the activity below.

Task A. Read and analyze the question below. Write the answer on the space

Life depends on life. Animals cannot exist without green plants. Predict
what would happen to other organisms in an ecosystem in which all the
decomposers went extinct.

Task B. Write a short paragraph discussing how you feel about the quote and
the process of extinction.

“Destroyed buildings can be rebuilt; destroyed works of art may possibly

be replaced by new creations; but every animal and every flower which
becomes extinct is lost forever in the most absolute of all deaths.”
- Joseph Wood Krutch

Answer Key

What I Know What’s New

A. Photo Quiz ACTIVITY 1

1. hunting and trapping Task 1-A.
2. taking animals for profit A. Figure 1 - Several kinds of fishes, corals
3. destruction of habitat
and other marine animals
4. pollution B. Figure 2 - Corn plants only
5. overharvesting Corn plant
Task 1-B.
B. Crossword Puzzle 1. Bermuda
2. Clover
2. Eutrophication 3. Varied answers: loss of habitat, lack of
3. Deforestation food, disease, environmental factors
5. Endangered
6. Greenhouse effect Task 1-C.
Down: 1. Biodiversity refers to the variety of life in
1. Extinction an area. Population pertains to the
4. Population number of species living in a certain area
7. Biodiversity 2. Biodiversity serve as a source
food, medicine, shelter and
C. Picture Analysis
3. The whole web of life will collapse and as
1. The first picture shows different
a human, we cannot survive and will
species of plants and animals. The
eventually die.
place has more diverse organisms
4. It provides us all that we need in our daily
compared to the place on the
second picture in which plants and
animals were already
Task 1-D
1. Population of animal species decreases
2. First picture. The place has rapidly and usually too late before
plenty of organisms that can authorities take action on it
support and sustain man’s need 2. People cut and denude massive forests
such as food, shelter etc. and mangroves
3. One.
3. Due to human intervention 4. Biodiversity is important because human
such as destruction of habitat, depend on it for food, medicine, shelter,
pollution, hunting and killing, etc. Without a balanced ecosystem, with
plant and animal species started to high numbers of different species,
disappear and eventually extinct. sustainability of life on Earth will not be

What’s More

Task 2-A
Task 2-B ANSWERS MAY VARY (sample only)
Trees Number Observed
1. Mango Tree 2
2. Talisay Tree 1
3. Coconut Tree 3
4. Avocado Tree 1
Total Species =4 Total Items = 7
Plants Number Observed
1. Snake plant 2
2. San Francisco 5
3. Rubber plant 2
4. Corn Plant 10
5. Flowers 10
Total Species = 5 Total Items = 29
Animals Number Observed
1. Dog 1
2. Squirrel 1
3. Birds 3
4. Chicken 3
Total Species = 4 Total Items = 8
Insects Number Observed
1. Spider 2
2. Butterfly 1
3. Bees 5
Total Species = 4 Total Items = 9

Biodiversity Index = total # of different species = 17/53 = 0.320

total # of living items


1. Biodiversity Index (Tree) = Total number of Trees species
Total number of trees
= 4/7
= 0.571
2. Biodiversity Index (Plant) = Total number of plant species
Total number of plants
= 5/29
= 0.172
3. Biodiversity Index (Animals)= Total number of animal species
Total number of animals
= 4/8
= 0.5
4. Biodiversity Index (Insects) = Total number of insect species
Total number of insects
= 4/9
= 0.444

What I Have Learned
What I Have Learned
Task 3-A Task 4-A. Answers may vary

1. Species
2. Extinction
Air Pollution - too -Eutrophication
Task 3-B much vehicles that
produce harmful gases -Acid rain
1. Answers may vary (ex.
Termination of organism,
death of the last individual of
species) Overpopulation

Task 3-C Water Pollution - Land Pollution

seawater and rivers
1. Answers may vary full of wastes like - dumped garbage on
plastics and feces.
Task 3-D Shortage of fish and - clogged esteros and
other marine products canals
Guide questions:
1. Answers may vary
(ex. Island A without human
population will be clean,
peaceful, abundant in flora
and fauna while Island B
with human population will
have pollution and has much
lesser species population.)
2. Answers may vary (human
population will be the main
reason of the changes in

What I Have Learned

Task 4-B. Answers may vary

Activities of man that
Prevention of pollution
cause pollution
1. Dumping wastes to rivers practice 3Rs- reuse, reduce and recycle; use of
and seas segregation method
2. Too much emission of carpool, take a walk or ride bicycle instead; use of e-
gases from vehicles bikes, e-jeepneys
3. Burning of plastics and use segregation method, biodegradable products can be
wastes used as fertilizer and fuel, plastics can be recycled and
turn into useful products
4. Using too much of plastic Use recyclable/reusable bags, refrain from using plastic
products as containers. Use paper products instead, such as
paper bags, paper plates, cups, etc.

What I Have Learned Assessment

Task 5-A
1. Limiting Factors
2. Carrying Capacity A. 1. Pollution
2. Overpopulation, Water, Food, Shelter
Task 5-B 3. Ocean
Giraffe is an herbivore that feed 4. Greenhouse Effect
on plants. The plants which they 5. Extinction
fed on are the limiting factors. If
giraffe population continues to B. 1. Mang Ambo’s dynamite fishing.
increase rapidly, there may not be 2. Mang Ambo is a fisherman who uses
enough food for each of them. dynamite in catching fish.
3. He makes a plenty of catch and makes
Task 5- quite a good earning from it
C 1. In rural areas, houses are far 4. Overpopulation means the condition of
apart and have enough space having a population so dense as to cause
for agriculture; while in urban environmental deterioration, an impaired
areas, building are so close quality of life. Overpopulation causes
and mostly subdivisions. problems such as pollutants or diseases.
2. Population is much bigger in
urban areas compared to rural C. 1. Competition for resources would increase
areas. as resources decline.
3. Shanties are a small crudely 2. 40 ants per sq. m.
built dwelling or shelter 3. The soybeans might be killed by the
usually of wood. In Manila for fungus which would most likely to die,
example, millions of people too.
from the province move and 4. Plants and animals living in the forest
build their houses (squatters) will lose their habitats and will
in slums or under the bridge or decrease
jammed in a small lot. And in number. Soil erosion increases.
since houses are made of light 5. Destruction of habitat is the main cause
materials and very close to of extinction.
each other, these houses are
burned when fire flare up.

Additional Activities


Since producers are the green plants and animals depend on it for food, life on
earth would eventually extinct, too.


There is nothing more important on Earth than life, be it an animal, a plant or a

man’s life. Once it is dead, it cannot be brought to life again. Plants and animals can
live without human intervention. But a man without it cannot live, for he depends on
it for survival. It is very frustrating to realize that despite the achievements of man in
technological advancement, the ecological nature that he first needed to survive, is now
taken for granted.

Alvarez, L., Biodiversity and Evolution. Science Learners Module 9. Department
of Education: Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR), 2015

Martinez, J., et al. Excel in Science. First Edition. Reach Out Educational Resources,

Smith, C., Our World- Code Red: List of Threatened Species Updated. Nations
University, 2011

Online Sources


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Department of Education – SDO Palawan

Curriculum Implementation Division Office

2nd Floor Deped Palawan Building Telephone
no. (048) 433-3292

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