Project I 2

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In Korea, this is seen as a very important gesture in terms of giving and receiving.

If you greet
someone with your left hand this is inappropriate and it will be considered rude because
Koreans consider it a polite gesture to greet with both hands, but in Peru this is not considered
rude but a very polite gesture.

It is normal for Koreans to sleep or eat on the floor, so when entering each room it is necessary
to take off your shoes so this action is considerate for koreans, while in Peru some families
follow these customs to maintain hygiene at home.

Although society is slowly changing, South Korea and Peru are still quite conservative
countries. A general rule for women is that they should not wear very low cut, in both
countries this is considered inappropriate and disrespectful.

In Korea or in other Asian countries such as Japan or China, the norm is not to leave a tip,
when you do that it means that you disrespect the waiter, but in Peru that is considered very
kind because you thank them for their service.

South Korea maintains more restrictive laws regarding tattoos as it is considered immature and
rude, while in Peru for some Peruvians it is considered a form of expression and for others it is
considered inappropriate.

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