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For example, when an excess of barium iodate is equilibrated with water, the

dissociation process is adequately described by the equation:

Ba(IO3)2 (s) + Ba2*(aq) + 2IO3- (aq)

xsp = 1oa2*1 1 ror-12

Calculating Solubility from Solubility Product

of an ionic solid in
This example problem demonstrates how to determine the solubility
water from a Jubstance's solubility product'

oC and for BaFz is z x lo{ at z5 oC'
The solubility product of AgCl is 1.6 x 1o-1o at 25
Calculate the stlubility of both compounds'

saturate the solution or reach
Solubility is the amount of reagent that will be consumed to
of the dissociation reaction'
Erample: AgCl

The dissociation reaction of AgCl in water is

AgCl (s).- Ag'(aq) + Cl-(aq)

For this reaction, each mole of Agcl that dissolves produces

I mole of both Ag* and
Ci:. ifr. ,of.rUility would then eqial the concentration
of either the Ag or Cl ions.

solubility (S): tAg.l = [Cl-]

To find these concentrations' remember that

K,: tAr[B]'
for the reaction AnB' * nr{ + mB

K,p: [Ag-][cl']

since [Ag*]: [cI]: s

K.,: [Ag*]': 52:1.6 x 10'ro
s:tAel 7.6x70-10
lAc*l: I .26 x 10-5 M

solubility of AgCl (S): teg'l: 1.26 x lO-5 M


The dissociation reaction of BaFz in water is

BaF2 (s).- Ba2* (aq) + 2 F- (aq)

The solubility is equal to the concentration of the Ba ions in solution'

For every mole of Ba* ions formed, 2 moles of F- ions are produced, therefore

tea,I: s

tFl :2 ;sa'?-1
: zS

K,r: [Bu'*][F']'
K,r: (s)(2s)2:4S3 S: .J4

Ksp:2 x 10-6:4S3
tsl3:ulo* :5x10'7
5x70-7 : 7.94 x 10-3 M
solubility of BaF z : (S): Pa2-1:1.9+ x 1o-3 M

The solubility of silver chloride, AgCl, is 1.26 x 10-s M at 25
The solubility of barium fluoride, BaFz, is 7.94 x 10-'M at 25


How many gams of Ba(IO3)2 @87 flmol) can be dissolved in 500 mL of water at
25oC ? the solubility product constant( Ksp) for Ba(IO3)2 is ( I .57 x 10'

The equilibrium between the solid and its ions in solution is described by the .


Ba(Io3)2 (s) + Ba2*(aq) + 2IOi (aq)

S 2S

Ksp: [Ba2*1 t Ioi]2 :1.57 x lo-e

The equation describing the equilibrium reveals that 1 mol ofBa2* is formed for each
mole of Ba(IO3)2 that dissolves therefore

molar solubility of Ba(IO3)2 : [ea2-]: S

Since two moles of iodate are produced for each mole of barium ion, the iodate
concentration is twice the barium ion concenttation

[o:l :2lB**l:2s
Substituting this last equation into the equilibrium constant expression (Ksp) gives:
Ksp [Ba2*][IOr-]': 1.57 x 10-e
Ksp: (S) (2S)' : 1.57 x 10-e
3 7.57 x l}-e :7.32 x l0 -4 M

s:7.32x l0'a mol / liter - 't.32 x lOa mmol/ mL


2: 4[Ba2*] 3 = 1.57 X l0-e

lBa2'l (2[Ba2*])
:7.32x10rM =S

To compute the number of moles of Ba(IO3)2 dissolved in 500 mL of solution, we

m moles Ba(IO3)2 = Molarity (m moVml) x Volume ( mL)

No. mmoles Ba(IO:)z :7.32x l0'a mmol Ba(IO3)2 / mL x 500 mL mmoles Ba(IO3)2:
0.366 mmole
moles Ba(IO3)z: Molarity (mol/L) x Volume(liter)
moles Ba(IO3) z :7.32x70'a mol/ L x 0.5 liter: 3.66 x 10-a mole
mass of BaflO:)z = no.of moles x Mwt of Ba(IO3)2
mass of Ba(IO:)z in 500 mL :3.66x 10-a mol x487 !mol=0.178 I

The Effect of a Common Ion on the Solubility of a Precipitate

The common-ion effect is a mass-action effect predicted from Le Chitelier's principle
and is demonstrated by the following examples.

The solubility of an ionic precipitate decreases when a soluble compound containing

one ofthe ions ofthe precipitate is added to the solution. This behavior is called the
common-ion effect.

Calculate the molar solubility of Ba(IOr)z in a solution that is 0.0200 M in
Ba(NO3)2 ---) Ba2'(aq) + 2 NO3- (aq)
0.0200 0.0200 2(0.0200)
Ba(IO3)2 (s) + Ba2*(aq) + 2IO3- (aq)
S 2S

BaOIO:)z + 2NaIO: + Ba(IO:)z + NaNOr

The solubility is not equal to [Ba2*] in this case because Ba(NO3)2 is another source
of Barium ions. We know, however, that the solubility is related to [IO3-]:
Molar solubility of Ba(IO3)2: S from dissociation of Ba(lO3)2 formed

There are two sources ofbarium ions: Ba[NO:)z and Ba(IOl)2. The contribution from
the nitrate is 0.0200 M, and that from the iodate is equal to the molar solubility, or = .S
Thus: Ba(lO3)2 + Ba2*+ 2IOi
lBu'l:o.o2oo +s

By substituting these quantities in solubility product expression, It is found that:
( 0.0200 + s )(2S)2 : 1.57 x l0-e

0.0800 s'z +4 53 : 1.57x l0-e

Since this is a cubic equation, we would like to make an assumption that would
simpliff the algebra required to find [IOi]. The small numerical value of Ksp suggests
that the solubility of Ba(IO3) is quite small, and this finding is confirmed by the result
obtained in Example before. Also, barium ion from Ba(NO:)z will further suppress the
limited solubiliry of Ba(IO:h. Therefore, it seems reasonable to assume that 0.0200 is
large with respect to ,S in order to find a provisional answer to the problem. That is,
we assume that .S << 0.0200, so

[Ba2t1 -
o.o2oo+ s=o.o2oo
The original equation then simplifies to:
0.0200 (2s)'z: 1.57 xl0-e
0.0800 s2 : 1.57 x 10-e

2 1.57x10-e
: 1.4 x 104

L'4x70-a x l00o''o = 0.7 o/o

Relative error: -;;;;-

The assumption that (0.0200 + 1.4 x
l0-4) = 0.0200 causes minimal error because the
second term, representing the amount of Ba2* arising from the dissociation of
Ba(IO:)2, is only about 0.7o/o of 0.0200. Usually, an assumption of this type is
considered to be satisfactory if the discrepancy (relative error) is less than 10%o.
Finally, then, solubility of Ba(IO3)2 = S = 1.4 x l0-4 M . The solubility of barium iodate
Ba(IO3)2 in the presence of common ion is lower than in pure water by the factor of 5 .
Solubility in wate r: 7 .32 x 1D'a
Sotubility in the presence of common ion = 1.4 x l0{


Calculate the solubility of Ba(IO3)2 in a solution prepared by mixing 200 mL of

0.0100 M Ba(NO:)z with 100 mL of 0.100 M NaIO3.

First, establish whether either reactant is present in excess at equilibrium'
amounts taken are
no. mmol Ba2*: ( 200 mL x 0'0100 mmoVml) = 2'00 mmol
no. mmol IOi :
100 mL x 0'100 mmoVml = 10'0 mmol
If the formation of Ba(IO3)2 is complete,

Ba(NO3)2+2 NaIOr i Ba(IO3)2+2 NaNO3

2 mmol l0 mmol 0.0 mmol 0.0 mmol
-2 mmol - 4 mmol +2 mmol + 2(2mmol)
0.0 mmol 6 mmol 2 mmol 4 mmol
no. mmol excess NaIO3 10'0 - 2(2'00 6'0 mmol ):
NaIOr --) Ya* + IOi
6mmol 6mmol

rto;--ffi,: o'o2M

As in previous ExamPle:
Ba(O3)2 3 3n2* +2IOr-
s 25

Molar solubility of Ba(IO:)z: [eu'-] : S

In this case, however

,[O:- ,ota = 0.02 (from excess NaIO3) + 25 (from Ba(IO3)2 dissociation )

where 25 represents the iodate contributed by the

sparingly soluble Ba(IO3)2'

tlotl :0.02
+ 2s
Assume that [O3l from Ba(IOi) ( 0'0200' Therefore :

Uoil = 0.02

Ksp - [Ba2*] UOil'= 1.57 x 10-e

(SXo.02)'? :1.57 x 1o-e

solubility of Ba(IOr)z = S = [Bu'-] :#h
1.s7x1o-e :3.93x10'6
' (o.o2o0)z

Relarive enor : 3.93.r 10-6

x 100 % -- 0.0t96 %

our approximation is justified (relative errol < l0) , and the solution does not need
further refinement.

of Ba2* decreases the solubility ofBa(IO3)2 by a factor ofabout
A 0.02 M excess


Solubility in water = 7.32xl}a

Solubility in 0.02 M excess [O3-= 3'93x10{

= ,rU


Calculate the solubility of Fe (OH): , Ksp:4x10-38)'

a) in pure water.

b) in 1.00M NaOH solution.


a)F e(OH\1r; i Fe3+ 1o il + 3OHGq)

for pure water Kw-[H3O.][OF[] - 1g't+

IOrI]: 10-14: 10
ksp = lFe3+l[OH-]3 = [Fe3+] [10-z1a = 4 x 10-38
[Fe'*] = i# = 4 x 1'0-L7M(solubility in pure water)
b) in 1.00 M NaOH ( tOHl - 1.00 M )

ksp = lFe3+l [1.00]3 - [Fe3+][1.00]3 = 4 x 10-38

[F"'*] =#= 4x 10-38 solubilityin 1.00M NaOHsolution'

Solubility in water:4 x 10-r7

Solubility in l.oo M NaoH:4 x 1o'38

ffi - lo-21 (reduction in solubilitv) .

Then in case of addition of NaoH the solubility of solid Fe(oH)3 is 10-

less than in pure water .

Calculating Sotubility Product (Ksp) From Solubility

product of an
This example problem demonstrates how to determine the solubility
ionic solidin water from a substance's solubility'

lf the solubility of silver chloride, AgCl, is 1'26 x 10'5 Mat25 oC'
and the solubility ofbarium fluoride, BaFz, is 3'15 x 10i M at 25

Calculate the solubility product, K,o, of both compounds'

The key to solving solubility problems is to properly set up the dissociation
and define solubilitY.
a) AgCl

The dissociation reaction of AgCl in water is

AgCl (s) + Ag* (aq) + Cl'(aq)

For this reaction, each mole of Agcl that dissolves produces I mole of both Ag* and
Cl. The solubility would then eqial the concentration of either the Ag* or Cl' ions.

solubility (S): tAg.l :

1.26 x t0-s M = tAg'l = [Cl-]

K.D = tAs+ltcl-l:(sxs) :s'?

r." = fr.Io torlt.zo x tor;
K,r= 1'6x 10-lo

b) BaF2

The dissociation reaction of BaFz in water is

BaF2 (s) + Ba* (aq) + 2 F- (aq)

This reaction shows that for every mole of BaF2 that dissolves, I mole of
Ba2*,and 2
moles of F- are formed. The solubility is equal to the concentration
of the Ba'- ions in

solubility: [B a'-l : [s ]:7.94 x lo-3 M

:2 [Ba,*] :[2S]

r.,= [Bu'*][F.']'
Ke = (S)^(2 S)',
Kp = 45'
ri= +e.sqr 1o-3 tro3 : 4(s x 1o-7)

Kp=2x 10{


The solubility product of AgCl is Ksp: 1'6 x l0-r0'

The solubility product of BaFz is Ksp - 2 x 10'"

Estimation of precipitate formation


100.0 mL of 7.5 x 10 -4lNICaCl2

100.0 mL of 7.5 x 10-4 M CaCl and 50.0 mL of 8.lxl0-3 M of K SO were mixed
together.if the Ksp for caso4 is 2.4 x 10-5 will a caSo4 precipitate be observed.


MV=MV M2: Ml x /1 (dilurion law)

I I 22 vz
CaCl2 Ca2+ +2Cl-

K2SO4 2K+ + SO42-

lCaCl2l = 7.5x10-5,
100mI :0.0005 M

tK SO I = 8.1x10-3 a 50mI = 0.0027 M

24 tSOmL
CaSO (s ) Ca2+ (aq) + SO 2- (aq)
4 4

Ksp =[Ca2+][SO42-l:2'4 x 10-5 (at equilibrium)

t.p =[ea2+][SO42-l = (0.000s)(0.0027)


As I.P = 1.35 x 10-6 < ksp = 2.4 x l0'5

Then NO precipitate is formed


will aprecipitate form when 20.0 mL of 0.01 M AgNO3 solution is mixed with 2.00
Liter of 0.002 M K2CrO4 . the Ksp for AErCrOO is l'lxl0-12

AgNO3 + K2CrO4 Ag2CrO4 + 2 KNO3


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