English 9 LAS Q4 W4 Persuasive Essay Juanita Maskit

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Judging the Relevance of Ideas and

Soundness of Author’s Reasoning in a

Persuasive Essay

Activity Sheet in
English 9

Quarter 1- Week 4


DepEd. CAR. Schools Division of Mountain Province

Dalican National High School. Bontoc District

Republic of the Philippines
Cordillera Administrative Region
Schools Division of Mountain Province
Bontoc, Mountain Province

Published by
Learning Resource Management and Development System


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This Learning Activity Sheet is a project of the DepEd Schools Division of
Mountain Province through the Curriculum Implementation Division (CID) which
is in response to the implementation of the K to 12 Curriculum.
This Learning Activity Sheet is a property of the Department of Education,
Schools Division of Mountain Province. It aims to improve students’ academic
performance specifically in English.

Date of Development: November 2021

Resource Location: Schools Division of Mountain Province
Learning Area: English
Grade Level: 9
Learning Resource Type: Learning Activity Sheet
Language: English
Quarter/Week: Q2/W4
Learning Competency/Code: Judge the relevance and worth of ideas,
soundness of author’s reasoning, and the
effectiveness of the presentation (EN9RC-IVf-

Name of Learner: ___________________________ Grade Level: ________________
Section: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________

Judging the Relevance of Ideas and Soundness of

Author’s Reasoning in a Persuasive Essay
I. Learning Competency:
➢ Judge the relevance and worth of ideas, soundness of author’s reasoning, and the
effectiveness of the presentation (EN9RC-IVf-2.22)

II. Specific Objectives:

A. Use persuasive argumentative techniques.
B. Evaluate persuasive techniques
C. Use the writing process and present arguments.

III. Background Information for the Learners

Look at the following mental health awareness poster.

By looking at these posters, are you encouraged to seek help or to know about mental
Are you persuaded to join such seminar or organization? Are they effective? What makes
them effective or not effective?

You might have observed that many people and businesses are trying to convince you to
do or buy things every day. The commercials you watch, the billboards you see and the
advertisements you read in newspapers are just few of the examples. It just shows that persuasion
is around you.

What other situations can persuasion be used? Name at least three. Share your answers to
your classmates in your class group chat, share them to your family members.

1. _____________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________

Persuasion is convincing others to believe or change their point of view, agree to
commitment, purchase a product or service, or take action.
Persuasion as a communication technique is very much seen in different social
situations. It is very much used in written or speaking communication. This Learning
Activity Sheet will focus on the written approach of persuasion.
Read and analyze the infographic below:

Make your persuasive essay effective by following this format. Remember the acronym “TREE.

To evaluate your understanding of the lesson, answer the following activities.
Activity 1. Identify what Persuasive Technique (ethos, logos, pathos) was used in each of the
statement below.
_________________1. Dr. Einstein concludes that in the recent studies, Kleen Toothpaste
removes 40% more plaques and makes the teeth of the user 20% whiter than
all other types of toothpastes.
_________________2. I am a doctor of Dental Surgery and I recommend Kleen Toothpaste to
keep your teeth white.
_________________3. The teachers of Dalican National High School are fervently encouraging
donors from private and public sectors for the construction of the school
clinic. This would serve as a treatment area for students who will not feel
_________________4. The barangay captain recommended Engineer Go to construct water tanks
for the equal distribution of water in the community for it is proven that he
constructs the best tanks in the district.
_________________5. The SK chairman expressed his interest in helping his own community
manage their waste so he donated tools and equipment to be used.

Activity 2. Read the short persuasive essay below and answer the questions that follow.

Why We Should Not Compare Ourselves with Others

In our culture a lot of times people advise us to compare ourselves with others. "You should
be like your father," "You can win; the others aren’t as good as you," "You must be the best of
your class," etc., and this is not always the best way of thinking. There are many reasons to change
this way of thinking and begin to compare ourselves only with ourselves. This is the way it should
be, and in this essay, I will discuss some of the most important reasons for this.
The first reason to avoid comparing yourself with others is that there will be always
someone better than you. It does not matter in which aspect, but it is always true. Therefore, you
could feel inferior to others and maybe without a real reason. For example, you can be an
incredible architect and the best of your generation, and this can make you feel incredibly good,
but if someday someone is better than you are, you could feel sad although you are still the same
incredible architect that you were before.
The second reason to elude this kind of comparison is that you will always find someone
worse than you, but as opposed to the first reason, this can make you feel better than the others,
and this feeling can turn into a horrible pride. For example, if you are the second-best student of
your class, and one day the very best student leaves the school, you will then be the best one
although you are still only as good as you were before.
These two first reasons lead us to a third one: If you want to be better than the others, you
don’t need to improve yourself; you only have to make the others look bad. If I want to be the
leader of the group, but you are the leader now, what I need to do is to make you look like a traitor
or stupid and then I can take your place. Then I will be better than you.
A fourth reason to stop comparing ourselves is that the one who compares him/herself with
others is judging, and this does not help us develop as human beings. Nobody knows the internal
reality of the other; nobody knows his/her story and his/her most deep intentions, and when we
judge it is harder to accept the others.
1. What are the four reasons why we should not be comparing ourselves to others?
A. _____________________________________________________________________
B. _____________________________________________________________________
C. _____________________________________________________________________
D. _____________________________________________________________________
2. What is the speaker trying to persuade you to do?
3. Do you think his or her argument is convincing? Why or why not?

Activity 3. Using the Persuasive Writing Format which is the

acronym TREE, and using ethos, pathos, and logos, write a 10/11-
sentence paragraph ( Thesis statement -2 sentences, Reasons-3
sentences, Explanation of reasons-3-4 sentences, Ending- 2
sentences) convincing your class to donate to a specific charity
(for example DSWD, Orphanage and other charity organization).
Read the criteria for judging the Argumentative Essay for you to
be guided in what to write in the content, what to observe in
grammar, mechanics like spelling and capitalization. Provide a
catchy title.



Criteria for Activity 3
Content (5 points) (4 points) (3 points) (2 points)
The essay is convincing; it The essay is The essay is The essay is fairly
has title, introduction, convincing; it has 1 convincing; it has 2 convincing; it has 3 missing
body and conclusion. missing part (title, missing parts (title, parts (title, introduction,
introduction, body introduction, body and body and conclusion).
and conclusion). conclusion).
Grammar (5 points) (4 points) (3 points) (2 points)
There is no error in S-V There is/are 1-2 There are 3 errors in S- There are more than 3 errors
Agreement. error/s in S-V V Agreement. in S-V Agreement.
Mechanics (4 points) (3 points) (2 points)
(5 points) The paragraph has 1-2 The paragraph has 3 The paragraph has more than
The paragraph is free from spelling and spelling and 3 spelling and capitalization
spelling and capitalization capitalization errors, capitalization errors, is errors, is not indented and
errors, is indented and has is indented and has indented but does not does not have margin.
margin. margin. have margin.
Neatness (5 points) (4 points) (3 points) (2 points)
The paragraph is legibly The paragraph is The paragraph is The paragraph is not legibly
written and there are no legibly written but has legibly written but has written and there are more
erasures. 1-2 erasures. 3 erasures. than 3 erasures.
Total Score: ________/20

IV. Key Takeaways.

1. Persuasion is convincing others to agree or change their point of view, agree to commitment, purchase a
product or service, or take action.
2. A persuasive essay uses logic and reason to show that one idea is more genuine than another. It attempts
to persuade a reader to adopt a certain point of view or to take a particular action.
3. Ethos is the credibility of the speaker or writer and it appeals to intelligence, virtue, morals, and perception
of trustworthiness
4. Pathos accesses the emotions and deeply held beliefs of the audience to draw them into the subject matter.
This appeals to emotions and feelings, bias and prejudices, sense and motivations.
5. Logos uses logic, reasoning, evidence, and facts to support an argument. It utilizes evidence, testimony,
statistics and data and universal truths.
V. References
Gano, Roxanne D., Judging the Relevance of Ideas and Soundness of Author’s Reasoning in a Persuasive Essay.
DepEd. CAR. Schools Division of Baguio City. 2021.
Commonsense Education. (2021). Argumentative Writing (Ethos, Pathos, Logos). Taken from
http://www.commonsense.org/education/lesson-plans/argumentative-writing-ethos-pathos-logos last November
10, 2021.
Storyboardthat. (2021). The Rhetorical Triangle: Ethos, Pathos, Logos. Taken from
http://www.storyboardthat.com/articles/e/ethos-pathos-logos last November 11, 2021.
VI. Key Answer
Activity 1.
1. Logos 2. Ethos 3. Pathos 4. Ethos 5. Pathos
Activity 2.
1. A. There will always be someone better than you.
B. You will always find someone worse than you.
C. If you want to be better than the others, you don’t need to improve yourself; you only have to make
the others look bad.
D. One who compares him/herself with others is judging, and this does not help us develop as human
2. The author is persuading me to stop comparing myself to others because this is not always the best way
of thinking since nobody knows the internal reality of the other. Nobody knows his/her story and his/her
deepest intentions. Judging means it is harder to accept others.
3. Answers Vary
Activity 3. Answers Vary

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