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Applied Information Technology And Computer Science Vol. 0 No.

0 (2000) 000-000
© Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Publisher’s Office

e-ISSN :2773-5141

ZMMS: ZM Backup Management System

Rabiatul Almirah Mohamad Zaidi, Rosmamalmi Mat Nawi*
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology,
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, 86400, MALAYSIA

Received 00 Month 2020; Accepted 01 Month 2020; Available online 02 Month 2020

Abstract: ZM Back-up Service & Enterprise is a company that sells, buys and rents
photocopiers. In addition, it also provides repair and maintenance services for its
customers. This company does not have any management system and still uses the
old method of manual management. For example, is the paper filing method.
Therefore, the employees of this company as well as the customers take time and
complicate to do it. Therefore, with the development of the ZM Backup
Management System (ZMMS) the aim is to ensure the company's data management
is more effective. ZMMS is a web-based system developed using the PHP
programming language. The ZMMS allows minimal input work and easy
information retrieval. It helps reduce errors due to human intervention. The system
has a user-friendly interface to capture data, find information quickly and easily. In
conclusion, this ZMMS is useful for managing information efficiently and
Keywords: management, system, photocopiers

1. Introduction
ZM Back-up Service & Enterprise is a company that sells, buys and rents photocopiers. This
company operates in the state of Malacca. This company runs this business around the Malacca area.
Among the places that use services from this company are the government and private sectors,
primary and secondary schools as well as bookstores and retail stores. Until now ZM Back-up Service
& Enterprise is still actively recording company data for company work and also customers.
Next, this company led by Encik Mohamad Zaidi Bin Hashim as the company manager of ZM
Back-up Service & Enterprise. The company has a clerk as well as two experienced photocopier
technicians. The current process that is still used in this company is still manual which is paper filing
method. Clerks and employees of this company only record every data in writing on paper only
according to the set format and then it will be given to the manager to be checked correctly. On the
part of customers who want to do maintenance or repair service, they can come by walk-in or call the
company to request a slot reservation. After that, the slot will be approved by the machine technician
based on their work schedule. If the problem faced by the machine cannot be solved at that place, it
will be taken back to the company office to analyze the issue seriously. Usually among the issues
faced by photocopier technicians are the machine's program changes, spare parts are damaged, the
machine does not work according to its true capabilities and many more.

*Corresponding author:

2020 UTHM Publisher. All rights reserved.
Rabiatul Almirah & Rosmamalmi, Applied Information Technology and Computer Science Vol. 0 No. 0 (2000) p. 1-5

Based on the situation, it caused several problems faced by the company. Among the problems
faced is experiencing difficulty in identifying past information to be used as a reference for the
company. For example, clerks and photocopier technicians cannot find and provide the necessary
company information accurately. This is because the required information may be lost or misplaced.
Next, the machine technician experienced difficulties in tracking the number of photocopiers owned
by the company. This often happens when you want to generate a report during the production and
purchase of a photocopier. Finally, experiencing a problem where writing company information
manually in the book. Therefore, managers, clerks and even photocopier technicians experience
confusion in finding the necessary information such as company information, machine renters and
photocopier maintenance slots for customers.
Thus, ZM Backup Management System (ZMMS) was developed to solve the problems faced by
him. This system will contain a file system and inventory of photocopiers for the company, work
schedules for employees and also booking service schedules for customer use. There are three
objectives for this ZMMS system, namely for the design of the ZMMS system. The second is to
develop a web based ZMMS to enhance the company management. The most important thing is to try
and evaluate the ZMMS system.
This ZMMS system will have five types of users, namely ZMMS admin, company manager,
clerk, photocopier technician and also maintenance service customer. The modules found in this
system are login for company employees and customers, company profiles, renter files, photocopiers
inventory, work schedule for company employees and finally a schedule for customers to rent
photocopier maintenance services. Therefore, this ZMMS system will be able to improve the
company's management system based on the built system. The next one will be followed by several
sections that will discuss related works for ZMMS. The next section will explain the methodology
used followed by a section on the description of the results and discussion of the output of ZMMS.
Finally, is the discussion and conclusion section of this ZMMS system.

2. Related Work
In this section, the topic that are being focusing related to the technology that are used to develop
the ZM Backup Management System (ZMMS). ZMMS is a web-based system that using PHP as a
programming languages and can be accessed through any device that having internet and browser via

2.1 Management System

A management system defines how businesses set up their structures and procedures to behave
methodically, ensuring that procedures go smoothly, and provide the desired results. The PDCA cycle
of planning, implementation, review, and improvement (Plan-Do-Check-Act) is typically used in
modern management systems. A management system that works is built on and governs structured,
efficient procedures. Depending on the environment in which your business operates and the
objectives to be met, management systems can be employed in all areas [1]. This matter is related to
one of the modules in the system to be developed. As information, in the ZM Backup management
system on the data management side for company reference. For example, the clerk looking for the
renter files information, schedules for company staff and so on.

Rabiatul Almirah et al., Applied Information Technology and Computer Science Vol. 0 No. 0 (2000) p.

2.2 Inventory System

When it comes to monitoring and maintaining stocked items, whether they are company assets,
raw materials and supplies, or finished goods that are ready to be sent to vendors or end users, an
inventory management system is the combination of technology (hardware and software) and
processes and procedures. A complete inventory management system includes a method for
identifying each item in the inventory as well as the information that goes with it, such as asset tags or
barcode labels, and hardware tools for reading barcode labels, such as handheld barcode scanners or
smartphones with barcode scanning apps [2]. In this part of the inventory system, this function is
related to the ZM Backup management system. This function is used in the part that controls the
incoming and outgoing of photocopier machines stock. In this part, the ZM Backup management
system uses IoT technology. Each machine item will be attached with their own barcode according to
the photocopier brand. Then the company's staff will scan using a barcode scanner to scan and the
data will be set out or entered in the inventory system.

2.3 Scheduling System

A system for managing appointments is called an appointment scheduling system, sometimes
known as an appointment booking system or appointment management software. A powerful system
that enables businesses to easily transition clients from an online to in-person visit is created when an
appointment system is combined with a customer journey management system, also known as a queue
management system [3]. In the ZM Backup management system, this scheduling system is used. It is
used for two users, namely company’s staff like manager, clerk, technician and renters. For the
company’s staff, the use of schedules is reserved for work time management. For the renters, it refers
to the renters to book a date for their maintenance the photocopier machine. This scheduling is
developed is to ensure that there are no confusion and the overlapping schedules.

2.4 Study of existing system

This is a comparison section of the ZM Backup Management System with other systems. The
systems chosen to be compared are the car reservation system, e-Reservation room system, inventory
data web application and also J&T (Track & Trace). Through the table made it is to list the features of
the system briefly. The purpose of comparing these systems is to see the advantages and
disadvantages of each system. Therefore, with the comparison of this system will be able to help
improve the ZM Backup management system that will be developed.

2.2 A study on similar system

A study of the existing system has been conducted on three existing system in the market. This
study is conducted so that the developer can analyze and identify the advantages and disadvantages of
the existing system to use it as a reference when developing this ZMMS system. The three existing
related system that have been chosen are car reservation system, e-reservation room system, inventory
of tree and the J&T (Track and Trace). Based on the review, the comparison is shown in the Table 1.

Rabiatul Almirah & Rosmamalmi, Applied Information Technology and Computer Science Vol. 0 No. 0 (2000) p. 1-5

Table 1: Comparison with the similar systems with the proposed system

Sistem Sistem e- Aplikasi

tempahan Tempahan Web Data
Features / J&T ZM Backup
kereta Jabatan bilik Jabatan Inventori
EXPRESS management
System Tanah & Pendidikan Pokok
Galian Negeri Negeri Majlis (Track and
Perlis Melaka Daerah Trace)
Web-based √ √ √ √ √
Database √ √ √ √ √
Simple interface √ √ √ √ √
Attractive user
X √ √ √ √
Clear navigation X √ √ √ √
Login Admin √ √ √ √ √
Login User X X X √ √
Booking √ √ X X √
Booking status √ √ X √ √
Payment/Transacti X X X √ X
Generate Report X √ √ √ √
Barcode X X X √ √

Based on the comparison in the Table 1, it shows the every system has its advantages and
disadvantages. The ZM Backup Management System (ZMMS) is a web-based technology will have
the all features except the transaction or any payments because of the user of ZMMS is a system that
more to generate report. Lastly, ZMMS will use the system that providing good performance will
make users work easier.

3. Methodology/Framework
Methodology is a method, technique, or guideline used in developing a system to enable the
development of the system to be carried out according to the process or phases that have been set for a
model. According to new research of [4] methodology is a collection of methods, practices, processes,
techniques, procedures, and rules. In project management, methodologies are specific, strict, and
usually contain a series of steps and activities for each phase of the project's life cycle. Therefore, they
are specified techniques that outline the precise next steps to take, the reasoning behind each one, and
the proper way to carry out each project stage. Guidelines in the development of a system are
important so that the system can be developed in an orderly and systematic manner.

Rabiatul Almirah et al., Applied Information Technology and Computer Science Vol. 0 No. 0 (2000) p.

Agile processes are product development methods that adhere to the goals and guiding
principles outlined in the Agile Methodology for software development [5]. Agile techniques seek to
produce the proper product by incrementally and frequently releasing small functional pieces through
cross-functional, small teams that auto, allowing for frequent customer feedback and course correction
as necessary. Choose an agile methodology because it facilitates the division of workloads into
manageable pieces, encourages the continuous development of outputs and internal procedures, and
frequently yields quicker, incremental delivery. Agile offers slow however continuous progress as
opposed to a Waterfall Methodology, which is a linear strategy leading up to a more formal "launch."
It is ongoing, more adaptive to change, produces results more quickly, and continuously improves

Figure 1: Agile methodology [6]

3.1 System Development Workflow

There are total of nine phases from the agile methodology [7]. As shown in Table 2, each phase has its
own assignment and output that need to produce during the entire project development. Besides that,
the output had been completed within the specific days that have been given.

Table 2: Software development activities and the task

Phase Task Output

Planning  Identify issue statements,  Project proposal
objectives, scope of the project,
 Gantt chart
anticipated outcome, and
significance of the project.  Literature review
 Create a work schedule.

Rabiatul Almirah & Rosmamalmi, Applied Information Technology and Computer Science Vol. 0 No. 0 (2000) p. 1-5

 Conduct an online search for  Comparison between

resources and articles connected to existing system and the
the title. proposed system

Analysis  Conduct interview with company  Collect the user

staff ZM Back-up Service & requirements.
 Hardware and software for
 Hardware and software the requirement.
requirement perform.
 Functional and non-
 Differentiate between functional functional requirement.
and non-functional requirements.
Design  Design system architecture CD,  CD, DFD and ERD
DFD, ERD and wireframe. production.
 Wireframe production.

Implement  Develop complete module and  System proposed.

ation system integration.
 Fixed the error found.
 Establish database connection.

Testing  Conducts the system testing  Get suggestions for better

improvements or support
 Identify any part to be improve
for project releases.

4. Result and Discussion

This section will show the outcome of analysis and design for ZM Backup Management
System (ZMMS).

4.1 Analysis
The outcome of the analysis will be presented in terms of the improved business process.
Next, the specification of the developed system and requirements definition.

Rabiatul Almirah et al., Applied Information Technology and Computer Science Vol. 0 No. 0 (2000) p.

4.1.1 System Requirement Analysis

Requirements analysis also called requirements engineering, is the process of determining
user expectations for a new or modified product. These features, called requirements, must be
quantifiable, relevant and detailed. This is an important aspect of project management [8].
Requirement analysis is required to discover the boundaries of the new system and how it must
interact with is environment within the new problem domain. It also required to detect and resolve
conflicts between requirements. Requirements analysis is critical to the success of a development
project. requirement must be actionable, measurable, testable, related to identified business needs or
opportunities, also defined to a level of detail sufficient for system design. There are 3 type of
requirement which is user requirement, functional requirement and the non-functional requirement.

Table 3: Functional requirements for this system

No. Modules Functionality

i. Register and login - The administrator can register the ID and password for
company staff in order to login the system.
- The photocopier renter can register by own to login the
ii. Company profiles - The administrators only can update the company
- The manager, clerk, technician and customer can view it.
iii. Renter files - Clerk can manage and update the renter files that
include details of machine and renter.
- The manager and technicians can view the renter file to
know the total of renter
iv. Photocopier inventory - The technician can use the barcode scanner to scan the
machine barcode for update incoming and outgoing the
- The manager and clerk can view the inventory based on
files renter.
- Admin can generate report.
v. Schedules for company staff - The clerk can update and manage the staff schedules for
the company.
- The manager and technician can view the staff schedule.
- Admin can generate report of the schedules.
vi. Schedules for customer - Renters can make booking the dates for maintenance
booking maintenance service photocopier.
- Renters can view the available date based on the
- Admin generate report of the booking schedules for
technician reference.

Rabiatul Almirah & Rosmamalmi, Applied Information Technology and Computer Science Vol. 0 No. 0 (2000) p. 1-5

Table 4: Non-functional requirement for this system

No. Requirement Description

I. Performance The system should not read the barcode more than 2 second.
II. Security The system should only log the user in if they put the correct login
III. Usability The system should provide a user-friendly interface to the user. The
scanner barcode should be read the barcode when to update the inventory.
IV. Availability The system should be 24hour except under maintenance.
V. Operational The system connected when have the internet connection.

4.2 System Design

System design is the process of defining system components such as modules, architecture,
parts, their interfaces, and data based on the given requirements [10]. System design aims to divide up
a huge system's requirements among its hardware and software parts. Following the completion of the
system requirements study, the system design activity begins [11].

4.2.1 Context Diagram

A CD is a diagram that represents the entire system. The purpose of this diagram is to show
the expected inputs and outputs from the system. It depicts the interactions between a system and the
other actors (external factors) with whom it is supposed to interact. A person, department, or
organization that sends or receives data to and from the system is an entity. The entities involved in
the proposed system are customer, and administrator. Figure 2 shows the context diagram of the
proposed system.
Figure 2: Context diagram for this system

Rabiatul Almirah et al., Applied Information Technology and Computer Science Vol. 0 No. 0 (2000) p.

4.2.3 DFD Level 0

DFD shows the way information flows via a process or system. It is used to explain the flow
of data across the proposed system. DFD illustrates the data processing process in terms of output and
input. The DFD level 0 shows all the processes at the first level of numbering, the data stores, external
entities, and data flows among them. The purpose of the level 0 DFD is to show all the major high-
level processes of the system and how they are interrelated.

Figure 3: DFD level 0 for this system

Rabiatul Almirah & Rosmamalmi, Applied Information Technology and Computer Science Vol. 0 No. 0 (2000) p. 1-5

4.2.4 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

An ERD shows the connections between entity sets that are kept in a database. An entity is an
object or a piece of data in this context. An entity set is a collection of similar entities. These things
might have attributes that describe their features. This system uses both one to one and one to zero or
many relationships.

Figure 4: ERD for this system

4.3 Implementation and testing

4.3.1 Implementation
This section consists of implementation and testing that involving the interface, code segment,
system requirement and test cases of the system. Register form

ZMMS users who are company employees and also ZM Back-up Service & Enterprise
customers will be registered by the admin as shown in the picture below.

Rabiatul Almirah et al., Applied Information Technology and Computer Science Vol. 0 No. 0 (2000) p.

Figure 5: Register form

Figure 6: Menu to register the staff or customer

Rabiatul Almirah & Rosmamalmi, Applied Information Technology and Computer Science Vol. 0 No. 0 (2000) p. 1-5

Figure 7: code segment for admin register Login form

After the admin registers all users, the user will receive a username and password to be used on the
login page for the ZMMS system.
Figures 8: Login form for all user.

Rabiatul Almirah et al., Applied Information Technology and Computer Science Vol. 0 No. 0 (2000) p.

Figures 9: Code segment for login form File Management Staff schedule Photocopier inventory Booking maintenance service slot Admin
4.4 Testing

Rabiatul Almirah & Rosmamalmi, Applied Information Technology and Computer Science Vol. 0 No. 0 (2000) p. 1-5

5. Conclusion and Recommendation

In short, the development of ZMMS has already replaced the current manual company
management system at ZM Back-up Service & Enterprise completely and successfully. With the
existence of ZMMS this can provide many benefits to users and companies. First, with the power of
the online system, it can make it easier for this company to manage company data in a more organized
and efficient manner. The second is that it can directly facilitate business to promote the company and
photocopier maintenance service. Next is to be able to facilitate large-scale administrative affairs
regarding the photocopier and its service. This system uses simple IoT in the inventory section for the
activity of the photocopier. It can be used easily because you only need to scan the barcode using a
1D barcode scanner.
The thing that can be improved in this ZMMS system is to add a payment system because
originally this system can only generate reports for the purpose of company data. In addition, it is also
possible to improve the interface and design of the current system to make it more user-friendly.
Finally, you can also add for the arrival of employees through a barcode scan or fingerprint scan that
can be controlled through this ZMMS system.

The developers of this system would like to thank ZM Back-up Service & Enterprise, Faculty
of Computer Science and Information Technology (UTHM), parents, project supervisor and friends
for their support and encouragement throughout the process of developing this ZMMS system.

Rabiatul Almirah et al., Applied Information Technology and Computer Science Vol. 0 No. 0 (2000) p.


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[2] N. Pontius, “What is an inventory management system? definition of, benefits, examples,
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[3] D. Thamrin, “Appointment scheduling system: What you need to know,” Qmatic, (accessed
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[7] “The Agile Software Development Life Cycle: All You Need to Know,” DistantJob - Remote
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[8] ReQtest, “Requirements Analysis - Requirements Analysis Process,Techniques,” ReQtest,
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[11] T. Wescott, “Design system,” Design System - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics, system#:~:text=The%20goal%20of
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