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What is BPMN?

Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) is a flow chart method that models the steps of a
planned business process from end to end. A key to Business Process Management, it visually
depicts a detailed sequence of business activities and information flows needed to complete a


A trigger that starts, modifies or completes a process. Event types include message, timer, error,
compensation, signal, cancel, escalation, link and others. They are shown by circles containing other
symbols based on event type. They are classified as either “throwing” or “catching,” depending on
their function.
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A particular activity or task performed by a person or system. It’s shown by a rectangle with
rounded corners. They can become more detailed with sub-processes, loops, compensations and
multiple instances.


Decision point that can adjust the path based on conditions or events. They are shown as diamonds.
They can be exclusive or inclusive, parallel, complex, or based on data or events.

Sequence flow

Shows the order of activities to be performed. It is shown as a straight line with an arrow. It
might show a conditional flow, or a default flow.

Message flow

Depicts messages that flow across “pools,” or organization boundaries such as departments. It
shouldn’t connect events or activities within a pool. It is represented by a dashed line with a circle at
the start and an arrow at the end.


Shown with a dotted line, it associates an artifact or text to an event, activity or gateway.


Pool and swimlane

A pool represents major participants in a process. A different pool may be in a different company or
department but still involved in the process. Swimlanes within a pool show the activities and flow
for a certain role or participant, defining who is accountable for what parts of the process.
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Additional information that developers add to bring a necessary level of detail to the diagram. There
are three types of artifacts: data object, group or annotation. A data object shows what data is
necessary for an activity. A group shows a logical grouping of activities but doesn’t change the
diagram’s flow. An annotation provides further explanation to a part of the diagram.

Draw a BPMN model diagram for Inventory Management system:


Through the procedures, BPMN process is designed and verified successfully.

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Ex. No:2 Refine a BPMN Model with workflow specific activities

To refine a BPMN (Business Process Model and Notation) model with workflow specific activities
the following steps are: -

Identify the key activities in the workflow:

Start by identifying the key activities that make up the workflow. These activities could be tasks,
events, or gateways that define the flow of the process.

Define the process flow:

Use BPMN notation to define the process flow. This includes connecting the activities with flow
arrows, and defining the start and end events of the process.

Add swimlanes:

Swimlanes can be used to organize the activities in the process and show which roles or
departments are responsible for each activity.

Add activity details:

Add details to each activity such as task descriptions, inputs and outputs, and any pre-conditions or
post-conditions for the activity.

Identify and model exceptions:

Identify any exceptions or alternate flows that may occur in the process and model them using
BPMN notation such as event-based gateways and intermediate events.

Validate the model:

Once the model is complete, validate it by reviewing it with stakeholders and testing it using
simulation software.

Refine and iterate:

Make any necessary changes to the model based on feedback and testing. Repeat the validation
process until the model is complete.
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Through the procedures, BPMN process is designed and verified successfully.

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Ex. No.3 Add Data and Decisions to Workflow Model

Point plots

A point plot represents an estimate of central tendency for a numeric variable by the position of
scatter plot points and provides some indication of the uncertainty around that estimate using error
bars. Point plot shows only mean values and error rate surrounding those mean values. They are
not very much informative but are easy to find the change in a variable based on different

import numpy as np

import pandas as pd

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import seaborn as sns

tips = sns.load_dataset("tips")


sns.catplot(x="day", y="total_bill", hue="sex", kind="point", data=tips);

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Using this plot, it’s so simple to find changes in total bill according to days. The total bill is rising for
males as the weekend arises while it decreases on Friday for females and jumps on Saturday and
remains mostly constant on Sunday.

These plots can be used for various data analysis and we can infer information regarding
relations between different variables and can help to extract more significant features from the


Through the procedures, BPMN process is designed and verified successfully.

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Ex.No.4 Add Simulation Scenario information to your
Workflow Model

The Workflow Canvas tab provides the tools and work space to create, view, and
modify Workflow processes. The Workflow canvas is a graphical representation
of a Workflow process that lets you see the process elements and how they are connected.

The Workflow Canvas tab consists of the following sections:

. Record header
. Workflow tool palette
. Workflow canvas

You use the canvas to add nodes and connection lines as you construct a process and to configure
the properties of each process elements.


Through the procedures, BPMN process is designed and verified successfully.

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Ex. No:5 Model Business Rules using SBVR

Every concept defined in the SBVR specification is a specialization of Thing. But there is no
container that can hold any kind of Thing. A Package meta class was added for this purpose. We
also allow nested Packages to enable modelers to organize vocabulary and rule modules. All of
these packages and nested packages are removed when a model is saved to the SBVR exchange
document XMI format, where all model elements are owned directly by the EMF Resource
container. When an SBVR exchange document file is imported to the tools metamodel, a Package is
created to contain the contents of each XMI file.

Element of guidance:

The highest-level concept in the taxonomy of business rules meaning is 'element of guidance',
which is a category of 'proposition'. An element of guidance is a means that guides, defines, or
constrains some aspect of an enterprise. An element of guidance is intended to assert business
structure or to control or influence the behavior of the enterprise.

A key notion of 'element of guidance' is that its formulation is under the enterprise's control by a
party authorized to manage, control, or regulate an enterprise, selecting from alternatives in
response to a combination of assessments. Two important kinds of 'element of guidance' are
business policy and business rule.
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An important distinction between definitional business rules and behavioral business rules is that
definitional rules (known in formal logics as 'alethic rules' or 'logical necessities') cannot be violated
— they are simply true by definition. In contrast, behavioral business rules (known in formal logics
as 'deontic rules' or rules about 'duty') are obligations that can be violated. Accordingly, a behavioral
business rule can therefore have an 'enforcement level'.

SBVR defines enforcement level as something that represents a position in a graded or ordered
scale of values that specifies the severity of action imposed in order to put or keep a behavioral
business rule in force. While SBVR does not prescribe any particular scheme of 'enforcement level'
values, it does provide an example set.


Through the procedures, BPMN process is designed and verified successfully.

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Ex.No.6 Add Simulation Scenario information to your
Workflow Model

The automobile is perhaps the most important invention second only to electricity in the 20th
century. It has changed life of man in a way unimaginable before its invention. "The world travels
on wheels" is the buzzword of the 20th century. The manufacturing of these automobiles is both a
fascinating and challenging task. The simulation team has simulated the manufacturing process of
wagons, sedans and convertibles in a Toyota car plant.

The following is the step-by-step procedure for the manufacturing of cars in the "Toyota Production

1. The manufacturing process begins with the chassis assembly. The chassis is the skeleton of
the car. It is the part on which the car is built.
2. Axle and tires are fitted to the chassis assembly.
3. In the next stage, the engine is fitted to the chassis. The engine is the power-producing
component of the car. The power produced in the engine is use to propel the car. Engines are
mostly of the internal combustion type.
4. The gearbox is then fitted into the chassis. The gearbox is the component that is used to
change the speed supplied to the wheels.
5. The next stage involves the fitting of the radiator into the engine. The radiator helps in
cooling the engine, transmitting the excess heat to the surrounding by conduction.
6. The seats are then fitted to the car in the next stage.
7. The battery is then fitted and electrical connections are carried out. The electrical
connections connect the various components of the car to the battery.
8. The body of the car is then fitted on the chassis.
9. The windshield, doors, and wipers are fitted to the car along with the bonnet.
10. The finishing touches are carried out on the car.
11. The car is then sent for inspection and testing after which it is taken to the parking lot and
kept ready for shipping.

Below is a block diagram describing the manufacturing flow.

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U-Flow in Automobile Manufacturing:

The student version of the model limited the number of blocks to be used. The challenge was to use
the limited number of blocks available without simplifying the process. For this purpose Sets were
used along with Attributes such as "Work time" and "Op time." Given below is a brief explanation
of attributes, variables, sets and counters used in the model.


Worktime: If the job arriving at the workstation is a Hardtop or a Wagon it is delayed by the duration
given in the work time attribute of the delay block.
Optime (operation time): If the job arriving at the workstation is a Sedan it is delayed by the
duration given in the Op time attribute of the delay block.
Setindex: Corresponds to a specific workstation in the set of stations.
Timein (time in): Denotes the time at which a job arrived in the system.
Jobtype (type of job): Denotes that the type of job is a hardtop, wagon or sedan.
Queueset: Signifies all the queues along the main assembly line, which are sequentially visited by
the job.
Stationset: Corresponds to all the stations along the main assembly line, which are sequentially
attended by the job.
Resourceset: Denotes all the resources along the main assembly line, which are sequentially
attended by the job.

Wagons: Number of wagons produced
Hardtops: Number of hardtops produced
Sedans: Number of Sedans produced
Total cars: Total number of cars

Every job is delayed at the workstation for a specific duration. This is obtained by fitting the
historical data in the input analyzer. In the manufacturing model case the duration of the delay is
LOGNORMAL with a mean and standard deviation. Since there are three different types of jobs
with different delays, a variable array is defined with constants for the distribution. Each constant in
the array signifies a part of the operand for a specific job in the delay block.

The following three constants have been defined:

 Mean
 C
 Std


Through the procedures, BPMN process is designed and verified successfully.

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Ex.No.7 Designing a BPM Dashboard-Process Mining Exercise

Designing a BPM (Business Process Management) dashboard for a process mining exercise
involves the following steps:

Identify key metrics: Identify the key metrics that you want to track and display on the dashboard,
such as process completion rate, average time to complete a task, error rates, and resource

Gather data: Use process mining techniques to collect data on the process, including process flow,
resource requirements, and performance metrics. This data will be used to create the dashboard.

Select a visualization tool: Select a visualization tool such as Tableau, Power BI, QlikView, etc. to
create the dashboard. These tools provide a range of options for visualizing data and creating
interactive dashboards.

Create the dashboard: Use the visualization tool to create the dashboard, including visualizing the
key metrics, process flow diagrams and other relevant process information.

Test the dashboard: Test the dashboard to ensure that it is easy to use and provides the necessary
information to the stakeholders.

Implement the dashboard: Implement the dashboard in the organization and provide access to the
relevant stakeholders.

Monitor and update: Continuously monitor the dashboard to ensure that the data is accurate and
up- to-date, and make updates as necessary.

It is important to keep in mind that the BPM dashboard should be designed to be easily understood
and to provide value to the stakeholders. It should also be flexible and adaptable to changing
business needs. Additionally, the data source should be reliable and up-to-date.


Through the procedures, BPMN process is designed and verified successfully.

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Ex.No.8 Discover Process Performance from a Log File

Discovering process performance from a log file involves the following steps:

Collect log files: Collect log files from the system or process that you want to analyze. These log
files should contain detailed information on the process, including timestamps, activities, and

Preprocess the log files: Preprocess the log files by cleaning and transforming the data into a
format that can be easily analyzed. This may include removing irrelevant data, converting
timestamps to a standard format, and mapping activities to a common vocabulary.

Analyze the log files: Use process mining techniques to analyze the log files and extract
information on the process performance. This may include identifying process flows, bottlenecks,
and patterns in the data.

Create process models: Create process models using the extracted information, such as process
flow diagrams, event logs, and performance metrics. These models can be used to visualize the
process, identify opportunities for improvement, and analyze the performance of the process.

Validate the models: Validate the models by comparing them to the actual process and making
adjustments as necessary.

Monitor the process: Use the models to continuously monitor the process and track the
performance over time.

Optimize the process: Use the insights gained from the analysis to optimize the process and
improve performance.

It is important to note that the log files must be complete and accurate, otherwise, the analysis will
be based on incomplete or inaccurate data, also the process mining techniques used should be
appropriate for the specific process and log file format.


Through the procedures, BPMN process is designed and verified successfully.

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Ex.No.9 Process Innovation

ABC is a largest private sector bank in the country having more than 10 lakhs customers. The bank
had been facing challenges with manual, paper-based loan origination processes, which were
causing delays, errors and inefficiencies. Suggest the right process to reduce time and improve


The bank implemented a BPM-based loan origination system that automated key processes such as
loan application, underwriting, and approval. The system also integrated with existing systems such
as the core banking system and the credit bureau to provide a single, unified view of data across the

As a result, the bank was able to reduce the time required to process loan applications from
several weeks to just a few days, which improved the speed and efficiency of the loan origination
process. Additionally, by automating underwriting and approval, the bank was able to reduce the
risk of human errors and improve the accuracy of the loan origination process.

The bank also used the BPM-based loan origination system to improve its customer service by
providing customers with real-time tracking information on their loan applications, which helped to
increase customer satisfaction and retention.

Overall, the implementation of BPM-based loan origination system enabled the bank to improve
efficiency, reduce costs, and increase agility, allowing it to better adapt to changing business
conditions and customer needs.


Through the procedures, BPMN process is designed and verified successfully.

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