English 9 - Q2 - Week 4

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Grade 9 – Quarter 2 – Week 4

Competency: Make connections between text to a particular social issues, concerns and dispositions in

Objectives: At the end of this week, students are expected to:

 Determine the stand of the speaker on a given issue; (Knowledge)

 Analyze the text and identify sentences that express opinion, agreement and disagreement in the
text; and (Skills)
 Express your own opinion, agreement and disagreement in a particular social issues, concerns and
dispositions in life. (Attitude)

Schedule Activities Reference/


Day 1 Activity 1
Direction: Read the poem intently. Make connections by answering the
questions that follow.

Motive Question: Toward a just and humane society, how can man express
unity and brotherhood?

Edwin Markham

Of all things beautiful and good

The kingliest is brotherhood;
For it will bring again to earth
Her long lost poesy and mirth
And till it comes these men are slaves,
And travel downward to the dust of graves.

Clear the way, then, clear the way;

Blind creeds and kings have had their day
Our hope is in the aftermath
To this event the ages ran:
Make way for brotherhood-make way for man.

Source: English Expressways III LM, p. 303)

Direction: Read the given questions. Write only the letter of your answer.

1. Why is brotherhood the kingliest of all things?

A. because it can make us united
B. because it can cure world peace problems
C. because it will bring back human harmony and understanding
D. All of the mentioned above
2. When there is no brotherhood, what happens to men?
A. Men will look after their brothers.
B. Men will become strong and powerful.
C. Men will become slaves of their ambition.
D. Peace and unity is difficult to achieve.

3. What should men do to have brotherhood?

A. Compete with each other.
B. Work for each own goodness.
C. Love and understand each other.
D. Convince each other to strive to survive.

4. Do you agree with the persona’s point of view that

“brotherhood is the kingliest of all things”? Why or Why not?
5. What is your stand with the issue we are facing now, “Is there
a brotherhood”?

Day 2 Activity 2. Plot it Now.

Direction: Read the passage below and identify which sentences express
opinion, agreement and disagreement. Plot your answer in the table below.
Write the sentence under the correct column. Do this on your paper.

I am with you when you would say that you miss going out
whenever you want, go to malls when boredom strikes, and go to
beaches with friends and family.

You want the government to lift this ECQ or MECQ that you
think is hindering you the kind of freedom you have before. I take a
different view. The government is doing what it thinks is best for
everyone. Our government’s efforts must not be put in waste because
we want to go back to the old lifestyle abruptly.

New normal it is. We are adapting to this new lifestyle. This

brought us to the consciousness of what we are doing, considering our
health. Embrace this new lifestyle as this will allow us to appreciate
moments with family and loved ones. Be thankful if we will be in a new
normal state and let the next generation know the plight we endure
towards this new normal.

Opinion Agreement Disagreement

Day 3 Activity 3. EXPRESS YOURSELF!

Direction: Read the essay below and express yourself by completing the
following expressions to make a sound reason. Do this on your paper.

a. In my opinion, new normal is

b. Definitely, the government
c. I’m afraid I disagree

The Plight to New Normal

It was just another day taking our lunch at school listening to songs over
the radio to ease things up. All of a sudden, suspension of classes was
announced due to the Corona Virus outbreak. The news that change our
lives. Startled with the news, citizens came out of their houses out of panic
to buy several alcohol and face masks which led to its shortage. Even
shopping for basic needs in fear of the so called “lockdown”.

Time has come when you are thankful that you are still alive, you are
healthy and you are blessed with the presence of our loved ones. Waking
up every single day with questions as t when this will end, where would be
the place that we are safe and how did this start? It was news that none
had prepared for. We are once seeing it in the movies only but now a
reality. It had drastically changed the lives of people across the globe.

Four months have passed yet our battle with the unseen foe did not end
and from the view of it, it is not going to end soon. This pandemic had
claimed thousands of lives and millions were infected. This virus whose
vaccine is yet to be discovered.

In this battle, where did the Philippines placed itself? As of this writing, the
Department of Health had recorded 14, 319 confirmed cases of Covid 19
with 3, 323 recovered and 879 deaths. How did we fare? DOH said in a
Press Release last May 21, 2020 that the Philippines still on 1st wave of
sustained community transmission and as far as I am concerned, we are
expecting the second wave. This second wave would continue to claim
lives and lead thousands of people jobless and with nothing to eat. From
Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) to Modified Enhanced
Community Quarantine (MECQ) this placed the whole country under the
control of the government. This is for the benefit of all. The question now
is how long will this end? How long are we going to have this kind of life?
When are we going back to the way we used to be? The answer lies in
front of us. This is now the new normal. This ECQ or MECQ the way I see
it, is preparing us for the new normal.

Gone are the days of rush hours, heavy traffic, congested shopping malls,
cinemas, big party events, and a lot more of activities that will bring
hundreds, thousands of people in one area. This new normal is what
people across the globe will have to adapt. We will all be adapting new
normal ways of doing things. From home to the workplace, we will all be
practicing social distancing. No more hugging, high five or even shaking

English- Grade 9, Alternative Delivery Mode

Day 4 Self-check
Let’s check if how well you have mastered in this Learning Activity Sheet.
I. Direction: Read and understand each item carefully. Write your
answers on your answer sheet.

1. If you're agreeing with someone, it means you have _______ views

on the topic you're discussing.
A. better B. correct C. different D. the

2. Which activity is disagreeing visible?

A. a news report
B. a history lecture
C. a political debate
D. a biblical sermon

3. If you say "I couldn't agree with you more", it means you
A. no longer agree C. totally agree
B. partially agree D. totally disagree
4. Which expresses the strongest disagreement?
A. No way.
B. Not necessarily.
C. I don’t think so.
D. I’m not sure about that.

5. What can you say to settle an argument or end a discussion that's

getting too heated?
A. I beg to differ. C. Can I throw my two cents?
B. Let’s end this. D. Let’s just agree to disagree.

Day 5 Performance Task.

Directions: Complete the following dialogue with your stand using correct

1. May: What do you think of the Enhanced Community Quarantine?


2. Michelle: Teachers should follow the no-homework policy.


3. Diana: Smoking should be banned in public places.


4. Jaylord: Everyone has the right to express their opinion.


5. Rona: What do you think of the opening of classes in August?

Answers Key

Activity 1.
1. C
2. D
3. C
4. Answers may vary
5. Answers may vary

Activity 2. From Active to Passive

Opinion Agreement Disagreement

The government is doing what it I am with you when you would You want the government to lift
thinks is best for everyone. say that you miss going out this ECQ or MECQ that you think
whenever you want, go to malls is hindering you the kind of
when boredom strikes, go to freedom you have before. I take a
beaches with friends and family. different view.

Embrace this new lifestyle as this

will allow us to appreciate
moments with family and loved

Activity 3. . Changing Perspectives

Answers may vary


1. D
2. C
3. C
4. A
5. D

Performance Task

Answers may vary


Paderes, MCE. Et.al. English 9 Golden Harvest_Learning Activity Sheet_Connected,

Concern Citizens.25 January 2021. English-9-LAS-Q2-Wk-3-4_for printing.pdf

Expressing Opinion/ Agreement/ Disagreement

Agreeing and disagreeing can be tricky in English. Sooner or later you will get the urge to
agree or disagree with something that is being said in English. Offering an opinion can be difficult
when it is not in your first language. You may know exactly what you want to say in your native
tongue, but are unsure of how to express your views
in English.

You may also worry that your words will not come out properly or that you might hurt
someone's feelings by being too forward. Although it is easier to sit back and say nothing at all,
you will become bored or frustrated if all you can do is nod your head yes or shake your head no,
especially if you have a strong opinion about something. The best thing to do is to learn and
practice some common expressions that are used in discussions and debates. For example, there
is a difference between agreeing strongly or only slightly.

In expressing agreement and disagreement, we should remember comprehension as an

important underlying principle. Agreement and disagreement are types of affirmation and denial in
which the expression of judgment or opinion rather than the assertion of fact is involved. It is
necessary not to offend standards of politeness when the other person’s judgment is in question.

Expression of agreement is used to explain an agreement for an opinion and a fact. In

expressing agreement, we can express something when agreeing with another opinion. Moreover,
when a speaker talks about the issues to the audience, and one of the audiences agrees about
that, she/he can express agreement. Meanwhile, when we do not agree about something, opinion,
and fact, then we can express disagreement. It is called expression of disagreement.

Here are some of the many examples we can use in:

Expressing Opinion Expressing Agreement Expressing Disagreement

In my opinion… I (entirely) agree. I don’t agree
The way I see it… You’re absolutely right! I disagree
If you want my honest You have a point there. I beg to differ/ I beg to
opinion… That’s exactly how I feel. disagree
According to… That’s true! (correct) I don’t entirely agree with you
As far as I’m concerned… I completely agree. I am afraid I disagree
If you ask me… Suppose so… I take a different view
Personally, I think… Guess so… I totally disagree
I believe… That’s what I’m thinking. That’s not always true
It seems to me that… Fair enough. I think otherwise
From my point of view… Sorry I have to say “NO”

Prepared by:

Subject Teacher

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