CMC Unit2 (20-21)

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GEC ECE CMC owit- I requ rency ‘Bes Ge user | D ts the core concept of cellular comma-| | ionicabio, which enables the same Frequency to Ive-use in different cells simultaneously [ted foc frequency reayer | Cellular communicetion is provided with | ted speclium he major challenge of cllulay comm! jonae is to provide — service to more no:of ceslomers 1 sing “this Wienited spechum « One possible solute to achieve “this challenge is “Frequengy Re-use." Methods qh Frequency Re-use 4-Tme domain Method + “ ~ On his method, Frequency me-use is done ust time division malliple Access» where each wer ts Ollovoed te use entire spectrin, in the assiqned time -slot + “Drowsback Simultaneously, move “than one customer can-nol faeces the — spectrurn. » Spe demain Yetodr 9 Qn “this method , same Frequency ie reused |Strouttancously sbul in. different geoqephi cal oncas’ Sy Gather AM GD FM adio- » Bn this methad, same frequency ig veused simutla- -ncously fn same geographical ova. but im different cells: This is che concept «prefered in cellular communicalion, (tdwortoges _q fequenay Suse Using Frequency re-use concept, We can provide service fo ctulomers fo different cells using some hequency + Hence th sesulls to ef fictent spechum ulilsation. i | i ‘Daawback + | 4 “frequency me-used cells ave aol properly separalic Vit shoduces —iplerference rahnich ts called Co-Channe| Inteaferenc (cca) “* A pair of xodio Frequencies ahich ose ured ‘dor each direcliion 4 communication beliceen mobile unit ood bore atalion is mefered channel 2These cells which operale on same Frequency are ‘@lled Co-channel Cells - Frequency Re-use Concept wh -_ a CMC unit In ‘the diagram , cell q with adi @ is@ opesating at Arequiney 4\ the Same crequenyy fg meused in cel Go same modi , ut separated wy 8 ditonce “p', whee ‘Di is frequency - meuse distance - | reawensy Reuse Distant & ; The minimum — distance which allows the sar | Frequency to be versed tn defferent cells fs sefered OS | Frequency ste-use dffskance —, where pe Gee CO [ENR | | whee Ken +P cy RUSE allan | ' mequend i R + Rodivs of “the cell ‘Fequengy Reuse “Tattan KN Ni MU defines the novo cells that an joccemodatt atl “he igen channels fn “the cluslx | (on MH defiany “the Noro} cells fro cheer which — con-not employ Froqueney ora &r K=4 =) Nod cells tr duatix axe four (4)- k= t=} Nord cella gn dusty, om seven G). The size | “the cust to Frequency sewe —patliaa is item by Oo N as Frocedyre fe Iya SChanoed cells fo Hyequcney aewe pate (Slept Along each side Gf HEXOYM 5 move Sor ¥ cells completid , move tm anki -clockuise [step 2+ Once “t’ cells Ore | to look | direction for j-cells with an angle 60 , ' co-channel fells: | fequeny mews fats ee Eee The possible value 4 yang 4 to ge K=4 OF ett, ier ,jeo @ eos}e% | LY the pesitle vata q tand j fo get Ket ae athe Vea s fet f 4 ay RP aE hipaa ee ana Go-Channe| Snterference Reduction Jacter cn frst Her Co-channel folaference cell Therefore counia to intafeunce calio is giver by LF . NX ea ‘ aS so / ep , 1 ! e a /) GB it Q IS Sa Cy Sag Fig : Six effective interfering cells of cell 1 Reradus of the cel, Dsrequency reuse alo ,Cerecevedslgnal power Interference atthe receiver “$_ mobile &evivenment -1 CHR i ' ce ak [i-4] -—@ | We know ~thet, Wntufexence ig the ~function 4 | Frequency sur we distance “p) and axe olatid as | ast | a-ao" @ ' - a | An first Of Frequency ou-wie Whirs crt 3iX | | | ee E c ~~ é Dy 4 ads Turis Te y Ie co pln fom 9" @2@, eo @ an be wali a | ~ S at OP +OD, 4-- ANALYTIC SOLUTION: There are two cases to be considered {| 41) the signal and cochannel interference received by the mobile unit 2ythe signal and cochanne! interference recewved by ell site. Both cases are shown in figure | | Dy: the distance of Fist Co-intefenig cell + | Des The distance of sticth, co-otirtening call suduction foc Fig‘Cochannel interference from six interferers. (a).receiving at the cell site; (b) receiving at the mobile unit. i I } ™ i | | | | Since , tk % An ominidivectional antunna, tt stadvalis . al | | tniformly fa all dtrections. Thowfore , intuference resthing dus to \ Is co-channel cell at original channel are equal Te ad te qrh-2s which tadhvectly indicat salt co-channels ave of unique dian final cell dislaice hom “the ong : { be peDieDpe > + DEH PO Fem le know that, “ef and 'g’ ax selold on Qa mobile envivmment IH ond minimum C2 suquired se (ology 28 4- [e (es-00))" 4 | - 6304) qe Aad D KR Since Ve F R q {aK for qe aL, K-64 (e3 K=1, Frequeney sc-use pation. is suquired 1, Om omini-divect’ona| — antenna syetin te mafdain duired 2 (9 Simulation Yicthed * \ ‘gtepts tn “this method, make Frequengy se-we distance % % \tosuiable, osarnelia v8 | Sepa Marna B=2R (Distance between co-channel aoe j a mobile unit tn aviginal cell) © | Note cl2 value at -the mobile unit: Step ay Note thowand Goo) such 2 valu ot different locations én oniginal cells such “that dof coverage is morotaind in Flot oxeos with 4S]. automens sabing ‘the voice quality As eithea good © excellent’, a5+f Coverage io hill oxtod vatth Foy cwtomnos, ating the Mloice quality ay god @ excellent. Step4y- Discord wast too de values and ‘late the average | semaining Q00 « | | | step s » Dacae ment Repeat the above procedure for p= 25k, ' BRiB5R,.. step 6 Mot A graph beliveen “D' and convesponding oueage dq i Volut - (SEP & Panject da=(8 onty the curve and note “the conespording i b-volue + Clsoaly , it twluseclf he cuwe otPe4r Thactore qe Bead | 9-\8K | | ke G45 1 | Ket i i ' | | i 2G I | Centre -to-cenlre distance beliveen oo hexagons in adjacant (is YER, whew | a: Radius, of hexoqen. | 2a = Sex z | Gb = VER “<9 | As per cosine law prey? -2KY@S 120" Acosne . -¥.» a HY RY (God = -Y,) “(Bey GEN? +OBOU5H D- atte 74 ye 4 aije? oe ae (Paya) bo. ary p> fan -R ite arr Cell Spiling Seep . fone process of sub-dividiing a conjustid cell toto 0 = =~ the smatler cells, each wtih iS own bare-stolion and convetponcling, wseduchion of antenna size. and sransmission power { refered os cetl-plitting. By decreasing the radius R and keeping the cochannel reuse ratio D/R unchanged, cell splitting increases the number of channels per unit area {challenges fg. celt-spiting t Splitting ef cell most be done such “that ovigfaat base-slation fs also utlélitsed « a Must handle different tradfic densities in atic! qeogaphial —osras- Gll splitting withour wilisteg original cell Call-sphitiing vlilistng aiginal coll ua Becaune ef suduchin in size af cell, the ovenall chustis, sire ati. sudaced . thorefave — wtthia a aiven axa.,more such chuatiis axe wed, which tncrenses Frequancy serve and “haseloy increasia the ampoctly q the cell Relation Belineen Tranmissten powers f & Ad cell and a new cell let 9 - owdtus of the ald cell Pe - Transmission pouer of dd cell Pm - Received pour at mobi antt in ald cell R= Rade, of “the new cell Pr - Tammission pow fn neto cell: Pur — Received pote. at mobile unit tn news cell fi mobile communteation, Pr & elated toh’ and *R’ as 7 My = RR —~© Strotlosly tr new cell 4 Pay = Pee Ri Bit R= R a a ee cr = eR) —@ Gs per the sue qd cell-splitting ribe oucetved power in dd- cell s new~cell must be same, 3 | 0-@ 2 HRC -AS | | ale Substituting “dex fy mobile envivenment io eq © @ Bi gt 4. 8 Re fy ee h 6 Pye + PI (normal scale) fr da scale Paygqgy = 10 lq He) + Peds) i = n+ Pe de) Phy = PL-12 @e) ‘Conclusion: OS Tn case of cell -splithing ,o-tes exeny cell-split the “Hanumiscion poser suquitie went of poserdalian of the new-cell qe’ suduced by a factor af “nds” when compared to boue- “alien power suquivement af original cell. Note Gler “y-times aetlasglit the transmiscion power Stequited for base-stalion ef new-cell is given toy Pin = Pe - nla) [Paton between Gheas of dd and geo cals: let g- Radius of old cell RQ - Rado Of mew cell A ~ Arco. of atd cell fr —drea of new cell ae ta Az 7 Aue KR But R= £ wl 7 x(S)° > £® A = EA Concho peel amen tn exergy cellsplit, each new cell occupies a {the total asta. = dita *9- tino. cell-split , ara occupied bby dhe neto-cell ts iven — L.A we OY fn = Relation beluneen pee handling capacity the cel wath aad ut cell= splithing let a - Area covesd by “he ald - cell t ~Wetfic handling capactly old cell then, as parthe susle cell-splitting each reo cett and dd- -cdl mut handle same tafe: | See oft, cett-splitiing for 4 time, each dd cell is xcupied by 4 new cells Since Aas £) Wharf s Fartic handled by seme Ad-cetlatty cetspiig ie nen In ow ] q, | 7” FA are re cetLeplity -tethie cogacly is ren by ratte 1 Tae, Calrsplitting 24) x Wot hic het cette ig Methods by cell ~Spkiteing L i { i | | 4-Ramanant Bl-Splith' og 2» Dynamic Cetl-€pbiting /-Ramanact Cell- Splitting “he cell-spitting technique. where, the nove} channels and -transmiseton power are xed -for each new-cell fat the Hime a calt-epliting ts steered ax permanant cell rein, Dracaback 7 | * Such a technique cannot handle suat-time frotfre | (> Ryramic Gllsplrtirng + yee rye Colkspltang the cell-cplitting technique, whew jthe Sod channel, hanimigtion pou axe alloaatid ' each new- Srlangs Retlernt . Given maxionin calls per hour fy a cell “overage cating tne is UE minutix Find “the rdf channels foo feel for a vlocking probability qf ay: 1 Sale is 3000 and i We know “that , | | offered lead A = a Brlangs | ~ 000 KEG 60 = %8 offered load A=88 ,with B-2-/ » comesponcing yodio | for an channds , 12100 ! r 4 thee are 50 channels in a cell and overage {calting Hime 1S loosec Then how many cally can be handled hai a blocking pobabilily 2 ond offered (oad 1s 40-3 evlongs: ‘gal Giver. inthe systins per how -—— N =50 A= 403 T = OOsec = (66min, as & eo Qe WO3x eGo (+66 = (1506 = Oy Ae the noo calls| hr fn ass N Cells then Q& a a? t 2H te - LY Clb from cor phonts jthen nord contomos ~&] a sf) [Problem 3 Baing buy tow he aor cally per hour in vo-cells is) 4 1300 ,2500 , 2800 1100 «sun qven by 2000,1500 , 3000 , S00 ,1000 1200 5 308. le tolal noe lot f the als ave Frere cor phonts » wleulal of Foutemay tr “he system ‘Salt ; i Q = 13200 G&= (L200 i Mp = 18200 Me =29,c00 OG = 30, 333-33 Poles: | Belamine the nord cells "ty chuatia for “the Aollowing | vata of shift paxamelin ia} in a auqular hexagon qeometny | | o) fea yt=4 by fea, jaa i | . 6) weap y PD KeVap ty a | a ~ 8434 | eae ae = ot: | = 2% ae | = a “A. j lec ws to expand copacly gq Cellulay system + i The capaclly ef exisblog, cellular systim can be. | enhanced sing Following methods: | A-Cell Splitting . Gal) Secterig + | Pel Splilesg fa core cI cell splitting , capacity fa cellulay itn is Improved bby muducing “the. size each cell, thoxby jasducing the clusta — sixe Since , lusty size qe neduced , it employs Trequency suse" for more noid times, which fs improvernent tn the capacity. Cell Sectoring . , : i The prcess of potibining the qiven cell inte | xctors 80 as fo minimise co-channel fnterference and tenprovig | sgien spat is oefered w sectering- Sn case 4 secloving j0ll the oxatloble channels jeats One ually disht bulked among different sectired gers: Sa cose secloring » each seclrr ts fed with & base-statum wth directa antinna. i Uypes g cell sectioning ds 120 secloy (ox) a-seclor b- 6o sector Cor) 6-Sector Pinna 2) iad seclov @ 3-secter © @ Bach hetagen is split Toto a-secténs and each ‘sedor ts kd wth a directional srinaa whase, beam watdth {ver an angle of Do i \ | | Clenely asieg 100 sedlor , divecional antinna. , Nowe}, ¢O-cham« Totufering cells in Atost ye ore suduced fern 6 te 2 and Ahocre oveall (§) sali qe tenprned + 1) 60 selon (en 6-secter + | a ° sitid 4 6 sectors | Bach hexagon 1s split 6 land each sectay ts. fed with 0 dheclionas — antenna hese. | deamwsidth 7 i coves an angle of 60 | | hay Cleanly tufog 60° secloy, direclimal anttona 1 to:e{ co-channel | intivferiag cell in -ftyst tyre ae suduced frm 6 ic ' 4 4 We know “that a R 4 ay Su Dye, «4a, blo fn cre 4 omin{ -direckional syst Dy=D.=---206=D | dn cre cI direchtenal ortinna ‘with os rector , =P.-P Dz =D4= Dg = D670 ae ot to - x) fo cue q divechiond) arfenna, with 60" seclor Dp = Dge DyeOe=DQ=O Bed 2, & 2 5 = (qm) i 4 | Bs 5 | ws {| We | a4 | 264 i from ‘the above Hable, “the minimum — k-value suqured me omini-direchienal system 4 meet & =uds 18 4: { Rut, in core of divech’onal antinnay wlth setiondng the: prinimarm — K-walue — sagquited is 4s [ond therefore frequency acne dislonce,d ge seduced - Hence , 1 requency sucwe” cn be ienplomented| more no. | Since k-valus is Small the cuter size gels suduced | |times thus yielding more copactly | Use “frequency 3 I concept to improve siptinn copa User Frequimcy ort concept ty ienprove system | capacity Frequunuy su-wse is achieved by suducing sodtus 4 each cell and ve constant Frequency ewe. distance *8 Frequency eae ts | achieved by saducing Frequsney sume distance and matalecnieg| conlant = sadtw, *R' es Why do all cells not have uniform size tn prackcal cellulay nalwork % Explotn Sie ofthe cell depend som katfic deauily $n whan areas , traffic denuil is more size q “he cell « — | “pat fic deruit | So, size Gnthe cell must be voy small: Jn sural aortas, hatfic density is lus 50 ,size of the cell must be. lage . Because of above suarons sthe size q the cell moy aol be anit fa practical cellular nettomk - vb (2) cotal available channels = 127° cell ara = 4 Ko Total (overage aren ® 3400 km™ a) ew Ke prea Of © Oe as size 4 is bx one en = 4uxd = 3b Ka the doped pepived fo Lover = to ue = BEEP ee luskraus 3b = 100 os e avaihob A ae users) (Toll 24 re Aeon) Ree of Cees syn copaty = [per = (yoo) (120°) = 12000° (b) k=7 aves OF clase TKI 2bakn cag = Bee pod, Gates ap unived pieoe s7 pauty = 5 Txire? spe uf = esipe (3) Giver pandwiath = 42 "My Lo spon ‘ 2 ; . than BaD = 79KMD ne vox ee) RI ee caso! chao 50 ey = 50 by] Hp @) ¥* d a paumbe «oF chaos avacable. per cell = tore) _chaort4 Clusty Sie = 908 22, Be? (b) Ke” _ wee - ce) kel2 5 es 281 ye (4) one ot eee 7 veo we oThe ee OF cha BN ee es Toll ame = 15 64 kom The ruambr of fim Hoe Clvske sy 4 he to be weplites is = Tebel ent one lus He ee wrth KEW 1967 8 ge 56 Bg ke a Assignment-Cum-Tutorial Questions A. Questions testing the remembering/understanding level of students 1) Objective Questions. 1. The cluster size of the frequency reuse pattern of a hexagonal cellular system can only take on a particular values. Namely (@) 1,3,5,7,9,... (b) 1,4,9,16,25,.. (c) 1,3,4,7,9,11,... (4) 1,3,4,6,7,9,10,.. 2. If the average calling time is T and maximum calls in one hour in one cell is Qithen the offered load will be ar b) QT/60 ¢) QT/30 d) QT? 3. The concept of repeating the same frequency is and the cells using same frequency are called —___ a) Cell Splitting, adjacent cells _b) Frequency reuse, adjacent cells, c} Frequency reuse, Co-channel cells) Cell Splitting, Co-channel cells 4. If D is the distance between two co-channel cells and R is the radius of the Cell, then D/R is known as a) Adjacent channel interference reduction factor b)Co-channel interference reduction factor c) Adjacent and co-channel interference reduction factor d) None of the above 5. If K is frequency reuse pattern R is the radius of the cell then frequency reuse distance is given as a)3KR b)3K2R c) 3KR? 4)(3K)R 6. In K- cell frequency reuse pattern, the equation of K is a)K= (i+)? b) Keiztijj? e)K= itj+2j ayK=j+2i 7. For K=7 reuse pattern, co-channel interference reduction factor is __ 8. Splitting the cell based on traffic demand in the cell is known as. a) Permanent cell splitting b) Dynamic cell splitting ¢) Semi-Permanent cell splitting 4d) None of the above 9. After cell splitting, the radius of new cell is a(old cell radius)? b) (old cell radius)‘ c) (old cell radius}/2 ) None 10.Cells using different frequencies in a cluster are a}Co-channel cells b) adjacent cells c) Macro cells d) Micro cells. Il) Descriptive Questions 1. With help of neat diagrams, explain the N cell reuse pattern for four and seven cell reuse. 2. What is the need for frequency reuse? Prove that for a hexagonal geometry, the co-channel reuse ratio is \3N , where N= 2+ j+ 72. 3. Determine the number of cells in clusters for the following values of the shift parameters iand jin a regular hexagon geometry pattern: (i) #2 and ja Gi) #3 and #3 4. Derive the relation between C/I and co-channel interference reduction factor in first tier. 5. Derive C/I for normal case in an omnidirectional antenna system. 6. Explain the need of cell splitting in cellular and mobile communication. 7. Explain the methods to improve the capacity of a cellular system. 8. Explain the terms Trunking and Grade of Service. B. Questions testing the ability of students in applying the concepts I) Objective Questions. 1. For a cluster size of 19, the values of shift parameters are a)1,3 ‘b)3,3. c) 2,3 d) 3,4 2. If Q=4000 and T=1.76 min then the offered load is -- Erlangs a) 117 bj) 115 oc) 119 d) 216 3. Trunking in a cellular network refers to a)Termination of a call b) Unavailability of Spectrum unavailability cjAccommodating large number of users in limited spectrum 4d) All of the above 4. Grade of service refers to---- ajAccommodating large number of users in limited spectrum b) Ability of a user to access trunked system during busy hour c) Two calls in progress in nearby mobile _ stations d) High speed users with large coverage area i. Problems 1. If the maximum calls per hour Q; in one cell be 3000 and an average calling time T be 1.76min.The blocking probability is 2%. Find out the offered load A. For the above, If Qi is 28000 what is the offered load and find the required channels to the above. Finally compare the two systems (use Erlang B model). 2. We consider a cellular system in which the total available voice channels to handle the traffic is 1200. The area of each cell is 9 km? and the total coverage area of the system is 3600 km? a. Calculate the system capacity if the cluster size is 4 b. Calculate the system capacity if the cluster size is 7 3. As a total of 40 MHz of bandwidth is allocated to a particular frequency division duplex cellular telephone system which uses two 25 KHz simplex channels to provide full duplex voice and control channels. Compute the number of channels available per cell if a system uses a. 4 cell reuse b. 7 cell reuse c. 12 cell reuse 4, Calculate the number of times the cluster size 4 has to be replicated in order to approximately cover the entire area of 1569 km? with the adequate number of uniform sized cells of 7 km? each.

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