Group 8 - Persuasive Essay - The Effectiveness of Online Learning

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Name of group 8 :

1) Raden Ayu Patricia (2223220024)

2) Rifa Nabilah (2223220098)
3) Rifatuzzahro Kamilah (2223220119)
4) Salwa Azzahra Ramadhani (2223220121)

Class : 3C
>> Essay Writing : Expository persuasive essay


“The Effectiveness of Online Learning”


A. General Statement: The effectiveness of online learning has become a subject of

significant debate and consideration in today's education landscape. While traditional
in-person education has long been the norm, the rise of online learning has introduced
a range of compelling benefits, making it a topic deserving of a closer examination.
B. Thesis: In the modern educational landscape, online learning has proven its
flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and enhanced accessibility of online learning, arguing
that it represents a valuable and viable educational option for students of
all backgrounds.


1) TS: Online learning offers many benefits, the most important being flexibility.
Online Learning is flexible.
- Online learning helps to complete courses at their own pace.
- Online learning helps them to customize learning goals with their time.
- Online learning helps them to keep up with their coursework even while pursuing
other activities.

CS: Online learning is a flexible form of schooling that allows students to manage
their time more effectively.

2) TS: Online education also has been increasingly popular in recent years, generating

questions and arguments over its effectiveness.

Online learning is cost effective (affordable)
- Online learning allows students to save rent money.
- Online learning allows Students save transportation money.

CS: Students who choose online programs can stay in their own homes, avoiding the
significant financial burden of renting an apartment or paying for dorm fees.

3) TS: Cost-effectiveness is a strong argument in favor of online education, especially

when it comes to giving students the chance to save money on transportation and
reduce their rent expenses. C.I

Online learning offers students accessibility.

- Online learning platforms are accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.
- Online learning platforms provide various tools and resources to help students with
learning disabilities. (Makes online learning a more inclusive and accessible option
for all students, regardless of their physical ability or location).
- Online learning is an efficient way to access educational materials (reducing the need
for physical textbooks, course materials, and other related expenses).

CS: Online learning is an effective and accessible enabling a wider reach of quality
educational method.

4) Conclusion

TS: Online learning has proven to be highly effective due to its flexibility,
affordability and accessibility.

CS: Continued investment in online learning resources and support systems will
further enhance its effectiveness in delivering quality education globally.

Sources :

- Pembelajaran Daring, Efektifkah? | BINUS Online
The Effectiveness of Online Learning

As our world becomes increasingly digital and connected, online learning has

emerged as a promising alternative to traditional in-person education. While online learning

has the potential to revolutionize the way we learn and provide opportunities for those who

may not have otherwise been able to access education, it also raises questions about its

effectiveness in comparison to traditional in-person learning. The effectiveness of online

learning has become a subject of significant debate and consideration in today's education

landscape. There are many opinions about online learning, some feel that it is effective, while

others think that not everyone can follow an online learning method. So, is remote learning

truly effective? While traditional in-person education has long been the norm, the rise of

online learning has introduced a range of compelling benefits, making it a topic deserving of

a closer examination. In the modern educational landscape, online learning has proven its

flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and enhanced accessibility of online learning, arguing that it

represents a valuable and viable educational option for students of all backgrounds.

Online learning offers many benefits, the most important being flexibility. Students

can learn at their own pace, pursue their passions, and feel comfortable in their own learning

environment. This flexibility offers a newfound sense of freedom and control over their

education, enabling them to choose when and how they learn. Universities now offer a wide

range of online programs, catering to a variety of subjects and levels, making it possible to

earn degrees without setting foot on a physical campus. Online learning allows students to

customize their education to align with their personal interests and career goals, making it a

tremendous benefit. Moreover, online learning promotes effective time management, a

critical skill that is essential for managing work, family, and education responsibilities. This

newfound freedom to complete assignments from anywhere, coupled with the accessibility of

online courses, is especially beneficial for those with demanding work schedules and family

responsibilities. In this digital age, online learning is a flexible form of schooling that allows

students to manage their time more effectively.

Cost-effectiveness is a strong argument in favor of online education, especially when

it comes to giving students the chance to save money on transportation and reduce their rent

expenses. Online learning gives students a practical way to lower their transportation costs by

eliminating the need for actual trips to conventional brick-and-mortar institutions, making

education more accessible and cheap. For people with little resources, this financial relief can

be extremely helpful because it will free up funds that can be used for other important areas

of their education or for their own needs. Additionally, taking lessons online can reduce the

amount of money spent on fuel, parking, and other forms of public transit. In addition to

saving money on transportation, taking classes online also eliminates the need for students to

find lodging close to traditional educational institutions. For students who would otherwise

need to relocate or rent housing closer to their preferred school, this element can be extremely

helpful. Students who choose online programs can stay in their own homes, avoiding the

significant financial burden of renting an apartment or paying for dorm fees. This advantage

is particularly noticeable for persons in pricey.

Online learning has emerged as an effective educational method, offering students in

Indonesia increased accessibility to education. Online learning platforms can be accessed

from anywhere and at any time using an internet connection. Allows students to participate in
class and access educational resources or materials conveniently. This is especially beneficial

for students whose homes are located or live in remote areas or those who have limited access

to traditional educational institutions. Apart from that, online learning platforms also provide

various tools and resources. The provision is aimed at students with learning disabilities,

making it easily accessible to all students. That's all regardless of their physical abilities or

geographic location. Online learning also offers an efficient and cost-effective way to access

educational materials. This can reduce reliance on physical textbooks, course materials, and

associated costs, making education more affordable and sustainable. The form of material in

online learning can vary according to the platform used for learning, such as video material,

digital text, discussion forums, webinars, and many more. These factors contribute to the

effectiveness of online learning, enabling a wider reach of quality educational method.

In conclusion, online learning has proven to be highly effective due to its flexibility,

accessibility, and affordability. The flexible nature of online learning allows students to

customize their education to fit their schedules and individual needs. It also breaks down

geographical barriers, providing access to education for individuals who may face limitations

or live in remote areas. Additionally, online learning is often more affordable, saving students

costs associated with commuting and physical learning materials. Overall, online learning has

democratized education, empowering individuals with the knowledge and skills they need to

succeed in today's world. Continued investment in online learning resources and support

systems will further enhance its effectiveness in delivering quality education globally.

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