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ESSAY – 2022
Test Code: 2121
Time Allowed: Three Hours Maximum Marks: 250


The Essay must be written in the medium specified in the admission

certificate issued to you. The name of medium must be stated clearly
on the cover of the answer-book in the space provided for the
purpose. No credit will be given to the essay written in a medium
other than that specified in the admission certificate.

(Examiner will pay special attention to the candidate’s grasp of his

material, it’s relevance to the subject chosen and to his ability to
think constructively and present his ideas concisely, logically and
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16-B, 2nd Floor, Above National Trust Building, Bada Bazar Marg,
Old Rajinder Nagar, Delhi-110060
Plot No. 857, 1st Floor, Banda Bahadur Marg (Opp Punjab & Sindh Bank),
Dr. Mukherjee Nagar Delhi- 110009


Write TWO Essays, choosing ONE from each of the Sections A and B, in about 1000-1200 words each: (125 X 2 = 250 Marks)
Section A

1. If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.
यदद आपके पास एकमात्र उपकरण हथौडा है, तो आप प्रत्येक समस्या को एक कील के रूप में देखते हैं।
2. You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist.
आप बंद मुट्ठी से हाथ नहीं ममला सकते हैं।
3. There is no path to happiness. Happiness is the path.
सुख का कोई मागग नहीं है। सुख ही मागग है।
4. When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.
जब हम दकसी मस्थमत को बदलने में सक्षम नहीं होते हैं, तो हमारे समक्ष स्वयं को बदलने की चुनौती होती है।

Section B
5. Gentle persuasion succeeds where force fails.
जहााँ बल मवफल हो जाता है वहााँ मवनम्र अनुनय सफल हो जाता है।
6. The best is the enemy of the good.
सवोत्तम, उत्तम का शत्रु होता है।
7. Wealth is what you don't see.
संपमत्त वह है मजसे आप देख नहीं पाते।
8. Unhappy is the land that needs a hero.
दुखी है वह देश मजसे एक नायक की आवश्यकता है।


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