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(Complete guide you use to know about a chemical substance and to use it without putting yourself or others at risk)
[It tells us about dangerous stuff like chemicals including its properties and health effects]
[It educates us on what or how is the proper handling of the chemicals we work with]
[It provides information on how to respond when there are emergencies or accidents]

1. Reagent and Company Identification

- provides basic information about the chemical reagent (name, manufacturer/supplier of the product)
- has codes or identification number (quickly identify the product, prevent confusion, easy tracking on inventory)
- also includes contact information of the manufacturer/supplier (in case of compliance, quality concerns, for inquiries)
2. Reagent Composition
- contains details about what properties or compositions a reagent is made of (safe handling and storage since there are
hazardous substances; flammable, toxic, reactive)
- includes information about how much of the substance you can be exposed to/safe exposure limits (protect from
harmful effects, reduce risk of health problems, being aware prevents excessive exposure)
3. Identification of Potential Hazards
- provides information on what hazard criteria the reagent is in (hazard classification; flammable, toxic, corrosive
[destroy other materials, strong acid] or carcinogenic [cause cancer]) – sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid
4. First Aid Measures
- includes instructions for providing first aid (respond effectively and promptly to injuries or health issues/immediate
response can reduce the severity/complications of injuries)
5. Fire Fighting Measures
- provides important information on how to respond to fires (ensure the safety of personnel and property)
- offers a step-by-step instruction on how to approach or combat/stop a fire (can save lives)
- provides suitable extinguishing agents (water [base of the flame], foam, specific chemicals [sodium carbonate/soda
ash], sand)
6. Accidental Release Measures
- provides guidance on responding to accidental spills/releases (improper handling can lead to secondary accidents)
- cleanup procedures (provide clear guidance on how to handle hazardous substances, proper disposal)
- protective equipment needed (gloves, protective clothing, respiratory protection/masks)
(absorbent materials; sandbags/spill berms, absorbent pads)
7. Reagent Handling and Storage
- provides information on how to properly handle and store chemical reagents (ensure safe and responsible
management of chemicals)
- includes details on storage conditions (ensure stability and safety since some reagents are sensitive to specific
conditions like temperature, humidity and exposure to light. maintaining the correct storage can preserve the chemical’s
effectiveness and can extend their usable life) – intended use
- storage containers (withstand chemical properties and prevent leaks and reactions, maintain purity, airtight &
leakproof containers can prevent the evaporation of volatile chemicals, well-sealed prevents the entry of contaminants)
- identifying incompatibilities (incompatible chemical reagents can react and release hazardous substances, allows for
appropriate separation)
8. Exposure Controls and Personal Protection
- includes protective gears or equipment (protect individuals from chemical exposure)
9. Physical and Chemical Properties
- includes information about the chemical’s physical and chemical characteristics
- indicates the appearance, odor, melting point, boiling point, solubility and reactivity (helps ensure it is stored under
appropriate storage conditions)
- appearance/odor (help individual to quickly identify the chemical, unusual/strong odors can indicate potential hazard)
- melting point/boiling point (allows users to determine appropriate temperature ranges for storage and use)
- solubility (understand how the chemical behaves)
- reactivity (understanding the chemical’s reactivity with other substances)
10. Reagent Stability and Reactivity
- provides information about how chemical reagents behaves under various conditions and with the presence of other
substances/reagents (crucial for ensuring the safe handling storage of reagent)
11. Toxological Information
- provides essential information about the potential health effects and toxicity of a chemical product
- symptoms of exposure (acute symptoms, short-term exposure) (chronic effects, long-term exposure)
- toxicity data
12. Ecological Information
- includes data on the environmental impact and hazards of the chemical reagents (helps individuals and users to
understand how a chemical may impact the environment)
- toxic effects of chemical reagents in aquatic and terrestrial organisms (essential for minimizing environmental harm
and ensuring responsible chemical use)
13. Disposal considerations
- provides guidance on how to properly and safely dispose chemical reagents after using and after reaching its
end/usable life (helps prevent environmental contamination and reduces the potential harm on ecosystems)
14. Transport Information
- provides guidance on how to safely transport the chemical from one location to another
- includes details on what to do in case of exposure from different conditions like fires or releases during transit
15. Regulatory Information
- includes the overview of the regulatory standards and requirements that the chemical products must adhere to
(basically where the summary is)
16. Additional Information
- includes previous revisions, citations or references, disclaimers and special commentsss

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