Timothy Kiplang'at Project

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INDEX NUMBER : 5820010024









I dedicate this research project to my parents, my high school teachers , relatives, friends, my
department lecturers and more so to madam Mary kairo who has put all his effort in guiding me
to see that I succeed in writing my research. I sincerely appreciate whatever the support they
gave and show unto me regardless of which support especially my teacher Mary kairo who
through his great mentorship that help me develop my technological skills.
My great friend Godwin soy for more hours of proofreading and analysis mistake that I
recognized you with great hour that both of you made me the person I am today. Also I dedicate
this to my great and distinguished father whom through his effort though facing financial
constraint but work tirelessly and even encouraging pursue my dreams every day.

I declare that this research proposal is my original work and has never been presented by any one
or in any institution for the award of any certificate or diploma course to Kenya national
examination council.
Signature : ………………………………
Date : ……………………………….
Name of the candidate: …………………………………..
Index number : ………………………………………

Declaration by supervisor
Name of the supervisor : …………………………………..
Signature : …………………………………
Date : ………………………………….

I give thanks to God almighty for his love, care and blessings. I also want to thank those in one
way or another, who contributed to the success of this work. I appreciate the efforts made by my
supervisor who saw me through the writing of this research project. I appreciate the effort made
by my supervisor who saw me through the writing of this report and even his way of thinking
and converting ideas is something meaningful really help me a lot. She was always there guiding
me wherever possible, especially whenever I had a negative attitude trying to look for a way I
can overcome the mentality of developing bad attitude.
She really helped me think in a positive way and provide me with his humble and gracious time
despite being busy with her work. His guidance really build a future person to be really
motivated to complete my report.


INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY..............................................................................................2
1.1BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY...........................................................................................2
1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM.........................................................................................3
1.3 OBJECTIVES............................................................................................................................3
1.4 RESEARCH QUESTIONS.......................................................................................................4
1.5 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY..........................................................................................4
1.6 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY............................................................................................4
1.7 SCOPE OF THE STUDY..........................................................................................................4
LITERATURE REVIEW................................................................................................................5
2.1 LITERATURE REVIEW THEORETICAI...............................................................................5
2.2 THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK..............................................................................................6
2.2.1 Accounting theory...............................................................................................................6
2.2.2 Financial theory and financial strategy...............................................................................6
2.2.3 Matching principles of Accounting Theory....................................................................6
2.2.4 Monetary Unit Assumptions Theory...................................................................................7
2.3 Empirical Review of Literature.................................................................................................7
2.3.1 To determine whether the managements make use of financials statements in decision
2..3.2 to determine financial report..............................................................................................7
2.3.3 To assess the earning capacity or Profitability of the firm.................................................7
2.4 Summary and the gaps to be filled by the study........................................................................7
2.5 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK..............................................................................................7
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY...........................................................................9
3.1 Introduction................................................................................................................................9
3.2 RESEARCH DESIGN...............................................................................................................9
3.3 TARGET POPULATION.........................................................................................................9
3.4 SAMPLE SIZE AND SAMPLE PROCEDURE.......................................................................9

3.4.1 SAMPLE SIZE...................................................................................................................9
3.4.2 SAMPLING PROCEDURE...............................................................................................9
3.5 DATA COLLECTION INSTRUMENTS...............................................................................10
3.6 DATA ANALYSIS.................................................................................................................10
3.7 ETHICAL ISSUES..................................................................................................................10
DATA ANALYSIS, PRESENTATION AND INTERPRETATION...........................................12
4.1 RETURNING RATE...............................................................................................................12
4.2 RESPONDENT RELATED FACTORS.................................................................................12
4.2.1 Gender of respondents......................................................................................................12
4.2.2 Distribution of respondent by gender................................................................................13
4.2.3 Distribution by Education level........................................................................................13
4.2.4 Distributions by marital status..........................................................................................13
4.3.2 To identify the limitation dealing with the use of financial statement in the management.
4.3.3 To find out the reasons for change in profitability and financial position of the firm......15
4.3.4 To assess the earning capacity of the firm........................................................................16
FINDING, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION..........................................................17
5.1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................17
5.2 SUMMARY OF THE FINDINGS..........................................................................................17
5.3 CONCLUSION........................................................................................................................17
5.4 RECOMMENDATION...........................................................................................................18
Appendix I : LETTER OF INTRODUCTION..............................................................................20
Appendix ii: Questionnaire...........................................................................................................21

List of tables.
Table 3.1........................................................................................................................................17
Table 4.1........................................................................................................................................19
Table 4.2........................................................................................................................................19
Table 4.3........................................................................................................................................20
Table 4.4........................................................................................................................................21
Table 4.5........................................................................................................................................22
Table 4.6........................................................................................................................................22
Table 4.7........................................................................................................................................23

List figures
Figure 4.2.1 gender of respondents

The main purpose of this study is to determine, forecast and evaluate the best of economic
conditions and company’ performance in future. The other purpose of this study is to analyze the
financial managers to make through decisions about their business .The financial statement
applies tools analytical techniques and required methods for business analysis.
Stewardship and responsibility are the focus for their statement, thus it needs financial report
suited for disclosing useful information to different user within and outside the organization. The
study examined and assesses how KCB bank makes use of financial report in decision making
The daily recording and keeping of all financial data to be needed by the public sector in an
accurate and reliable manner the processing and analysis and submission of the information to
the manager holding decision making positions are of importance to the management .
The analysis of financial statement in public sector had initially occurred in 19 th century with the
changes in the company structure. Since the scope of the cash basis accounting system was rather
narrow and the financial statement generated within this system did not include comprehensive
information, it has not been possible to develop analysis techniques.
The world is experiencing difficulties in decision making process resulting from poor prepared
financial statement.
Probably the most well-known study on financial statement and analysis, accrued earnings are
significantly less persistent than operation cash flow.
The objective of this study is to examine and see whether it is possible to apply the financial
statements analysis techniques on the financial statements especially on balance sheets and
operating results statements which are prepared in the public organizations and enterprises
according to accruals accounting
Assessment of financial statement and analysis as a person’s feeling of pleasure or disappointed
resulting from comparing every year financial statement. This has caused the failure to deliver
productive decisions due to lack of sufficient records to base decisions. Commercial and
industrial parastatals composition of Kenya and fiscal affairs of the Kenyan government have
been characterized too often by mismanagement, lack of controls and accountability, operating
losses and irresponsibility, insufficiently trained and unsophisticated management
Using principal component analysis the study reduced the number of variable for any further
regression from 17 variable to 3 variables this study proves that the performance of a company
can be analyzed using just a few factors or by focusing on few ratios which is cost effective with
lesser time as well as obtaining mare precise result that have least duplication of calculations.
Financial statement and analysis is regarded as the most critical step in writing an effective
accounting memo and this analysis includes information from relevant guidance words about
how guidance is applicable

Having different accounting standards in the world is a problem for multinational public limited
companies and investors in order to be able to compare and evaluate financial statements.



This chapter gives a brief description of the background of the study, develops the statement of
the problem, the purpose, research objectives and questions, it gives the significance of the study
and the limitation.


The main purpose of this study is to determine, forecast and evaluate the best of economic
conditions and company’s performance in the future. The other purpose of this study is to
analyze the financial managers to make through decisions about their analysis. The financial
statement applies tools, analytical techniques and required methods for business analysis. The
analysis of financial statement, respectively the analysis of the financial reports are used by
managers, shareholders, investors and all other interested parties regarding the company’s state.
Managers use financial reports to see the situation in which the company stands and then provide
information to shareholders, to see how reasonable are the investment made in the premises.
Financial statement analysis utilizes statements to compare and contrast company’s financial
performance and its financial position. Analysis of financial statement gives an interesting
outlook of the firm, and its performance against its competitors. Financial statement analysis
involve analysis of a firm using tools and techniques such as common size analysis and relative
performance analysis with benchmark or industry.
Although the analysis techniques for financial statements have a deep rooted past for the private
sector and the presence of many studies conducted on this matter, studies in the analysis of
financial statements for public institution started rather belatedly due to public sector.
This public interest has caused companies to accept social as well as economic, financial and
legal responsibilities and has created consequences, a growing need for the communication of
information to account for the results which are of considerable interest a wide range of
individuals and organizations.
In banking industry, financial reports are of great interest to the general public because the banks
directly or indirectly interact with people.
Accounting information provided by means of financial statements. The income and balance
sheet are often in summarized form. Viewed on the surface, the truths about the results and the
financial position of a business hidden in them remain veiled. To be of optimal benefit and as
well enabling the users make well informed.
Cole(2000), Presuppose that in most continental Europe, Asia and Africa, the traditional scarcity
of outsiders shareholders has meant that external financial reporting has been largely invented
for the purpose of protecting creditors or controllers of the economy.

Many companies and organizations all over, stewardship and responsibility are the focus for
these statements, thus it needs financial report suited for disclosing useful information to
different users within and outside the organization.
The study examined and assesses how KCB bank makes use of financial report in decision
making.Accountabiliy however is defined in Article 8 of law no.5018 .By this Article, those who
are assigned and authorized for the obtainment and use of all public sources are held responsible
for the efficient, economic, productive and legal obtainment, use, recognitions, reporting of
resources and taking necessary precautions for preventing the misuse thereof. Various suctions
have been foreseen for those who failed to fulfil said responsibilities. With Law no. 5018,
accountability has been conditions on the reporting activity, while those holding accountable
positions have been obliged to inform the public with regular intervals.
The daily recording and keeping of all financial data to be needed by the public sector in an
accurate and reliable manner, the processing and analysis and submission of the information to
the managers holding decision making position are of importance to the management.
The objective of this study is to examine and see whether it is possible to apply the financial
statements analysis techniques on financial statements especially on balance sheets and operating
results statements which are prepared in the public organizations and enterprises according to
accruals accounting.
The analysis of financial statements in public sector had initially occurred in 19th century with
the changes in the company structures .Since the scope of the cash basis accounting system was
rather narrow and the financial statements generated within this system did not include
comprehensive information, it has not been possible to develop analysis techniques. The world is
experiencing difficulties in decision making process resulting from poor prepared financial
statement. Nobes et al (2002), postulated that to some extent financial statements may be
prepared in such a way that may not meet the needs of the users, this problem is explained
worldwide; external environment culture, legal system, taxation and inflation may influence it.
According to Adolf et al (1978), preparing financial report to be used in decision making is a
difficult task to many if not all of the commercial, industrial and government
organizations.Companies provide financial statement information for both internal and external
users to help them make better decisions.Also, financial ratio analysis is one of the important
analysis because the profitability of an organization is affected by this decision.
The accrual based state accounting system has not only brought by an order registering all
incidences by public institution bearing economic consequences, it has also made to produce
financial statements ensuring the use of these information in the process of decision making and
the assessment of financial statement in the institution. However, it is also necessary to analyze
the financial statements for completing the assessment of the institution and for resolving on the
financial statements analysis techniques on the financial statements especially on balance sheets
and operating results statements which are prepared in the public organizations enterprises The

objective of this study is to examine and see whether it is possible to apply the according to
accruals accounting and on the other hand another objective of the study is to contribute to the
usage of accruals accounting by decision makers more effectively as in the private sector
Financial statement based on result for the past activities are analyzed and interpreted as a basis
for predicting future rate of returns and assessment of risk and guiding the corporate decision
making. Most of this financial crises that drove businesses into recessions were driven by poor
financial analyses which resulted into poor investment decisions thus plunging corporations into
losses and liquidation in some cases
This study focuses on fair value accounting and measurability so as to know how realistic is
LFRS, and also examine how realistic is LFRS vis-avis the influence of fair value accounting
and measurability on profitability.
This has caused the failure to deliver productive decisions due to lack of sufficient records to
base decisions. Adolf and others pointed out that the commercial and industrial parastatals
compositions of Kenya and fiscal affairs of the Kenyan government have been characterized too
often by mismanagement, lack of controls and accountability, operating losses and
irresponsibility, insufficiently trained and unsophisticated management.
Adolf et al (1978) also postulated that non-profit making organizations such as government and
charities typically present statements which exhibit their resources and the way those resources
were distributed.


Managers as the decision makers depend mostly on financial reports. I f the financial statements
are poorly prepared and presented, it may mislead the decision makers into making a poor
decision which may affect the overall operations of the organizations. Many public and private
organizations are faced with the problem of making decision due to poor, inaccurate preparation
of financial report.
Financial statement analysis is an important function that helps to demonstrate the financial
health of the organization. Analysis of financial statement provides a away for the bank to
present its financial health to shareholders, creditors and the general public and to potential
investors, to enable them make rational decisions.
It also helps to facilitate the bank to measure profitability of its loan investments through the
critical analysis of the financial statements of their borrowers. Analysing the financial statements
of the borrower enables the bank to determine whether the borrowing entirety will be able to
make profits out of the loans and be able to repay the loan with interest.
The researcher believes that properly analyzing the financial statements of the borrower could
have been enabled to make good corporate investment decisions and possibly averted the basis
that this study seeks to assess the financial statement analysis and corporate decision making.

This study evaluated the role and importance of financial statement in decision making in
ensuring that mangers use them effectively in an effort to make best decision that will enable the
organization achieve its goals.

1. To determine whether the management make use of financial statement in decision making.
2. To identify the limitation dealing with the use of financial statement in decision making.
3. To find out the reasons for change in profitability and financial position of the firm.
4. To assess the earning capacity or profitability of the firm.


1. Do management make use of financial statement in decision making?
2. What are the limitations of financial statement and analysis during the assessment in public
3. What are the major reason as to why profitability and financial position of the firm change?
4. What is the earning capacity and profitability of the firm?
The findings of this study were of great help to the researcher because;
1. The study provided useful recommendations and suggestions to the organization in
improving financial reporting analysis.
2. The study provided working experience through combining theoretical skills and
practical skills during the assessment of financial statement and analysis.
3. The study serves as a guide for future reference for other researchers in case they
undertake study on the similar problems.


1. Problem in comparability
2. Various methods of accounting and financing
3. Change in accounting methods
4. No assessment of managerial ability

The study is based on the financial position of the firm by using ratio analysis. Financial
statement helps the management to analyze profit, solvency, liquidity and efficiency. These
assessments examine resource usage and cash flow to assess the financial health of the business.




Literature review of the study on assessment of financial statement analysis was done by
referring previous studies, articles and book to know the areas of study and analyses two gab that
was not done.


Literature review was done by referring previous studies, articles and books to know the areas of
study and analyses the gap or study not done so far.
Kennedy and Muller [1999] explain that the analysis and interpretations of financial statement
and an attempt to determine the significance and remaining of financial statements data so that
the prospects for future earnings ability to pay interest and debt and profitability and dividend
Susan Ward (2008), emphasis that financial analysis using ratios between key values help
investors cope with massive amount of members in company financial statements.

MY Khan and P.K Jain (2011), explained that the financial statements provide a summarized
view of the financials positions and operations of a firm.
Fleischman and Kindersley (2001) wrote and articles about the study on the purpose of
assessment of financial statements analysis Was to facilitate the decisions making of financial
report users and the managing of the public sectors
Sloan (1996) is probably the most well-known study on financial statements and analysis. He
finds that the accrued earnings are significantly less persistent than operating cash flow.
Kosher (2003) defined assessments of financials statements and analysis as a person’s feelings of
pleasure or disappointments resulting from comparing every year financials statements.
Susan ward (2008), emphasis that financial analysis using ratios between key values help
investors cope with the massive amount of numbers in company financial statements. All other
things remaining the same, a company that earns a higher percentage of profit compared to other
companies is a better investment option
Due to limited time for those who do the analysis of financial statements and also given the facts
that the these ratios are mostly correlated the number of ratios that are being evaluated has to be
reduced so that focus is given to a few with minimum loss of data (Taylor 1986)
Using principal components analysis the study reduced the number of variables for any further
regressions analysis from seventeen variables to three variables. This study proves that the

performance of a company can be analyzed using just a few factors or by focusing on few ratios
which is cost effective with lesser time as well as obtaining more precise results that have least
duplications of calculations.
Recently, Coy at (2001) suggested that the nation that stewardship is that primary accounting has
been replaced by a focus on decisions usefulness .when considering that any financials
information is disclosed should be under stable, reliable, relevant and comparable
The role of financial statements requires it to provide even-handed, neutral or unbiased
information specifically details that financial information should be useful for all users especially
investors and creditors.
Financial statements should provide information that is useful to presents and potentials investors
and creditors and other users in making rational investment, credit and similar decisions.
Financial statements and analysis is regarded as the most critical step in writing an effective
accounting Memo and this analysis includes information from relevant guidelines along with an
accountants own wants about how guidelines is applicable.
Having different accounting standards in the world is a problem for multinational public limited
companies and investors in order to be able to compare and evaluate financial statements
(Doupnik and Perera, 2009)


Theory is a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based
from on general principles independent of the thing to be explained
2.2.1 Accounting theory
This is a set of Assumptions and methodologies that is applied to financial reporting. It involves
the historical foundations of accounting and how practices have changed and added to the
regulations of financial statements and analysis. Accounting theory is qualitative; it is a guideline
for how accounting should be effective in financial reporting.
For accounting theory to provide workable solutions, it must also generate comparable ,
consistent, relevant and reliable accounting information. For this to be the case, an organization’s
financial statements must adhere to the applicable accounting framework. By doing so, the
financials will be not only consistent from period to period, but can also be compared to the
financials of other businesses that adhere to the same accounting framework. Accounting theory
changes on an ongoing basis in order to adapt to how business is done, and especially when there
are gaps in the accounting frameworks that do not apply to current accounting practices.
2.2.2 Financial theory and financial strategy
This explains how to bridge the gap between strategic planning and finance theory. Myers wrote
this theory to explain why financials analysis has only slight impact on strategic planning, Myers
suggested that the financial theorist need to apply existing financials theory correctly and extend
the theory on real options between investments.

2.2.3 Matching principles of Accounting Theory
The matching Principles of accounting keeps the financial statements analysis associated with
specific revenue. The expenses are reported in the same period as the revenue generated .When
expenses are recognized too early, it can be difficult to see where they result in revenue. This can
potentially distort financial statements and give investors an unclear view of overall financial
position. According to the revenue recognition principle, revenue must be recognized and
recorded on the income statement when it’s earned or realized. According to the matching
principle, both the commission fee and cosmetic sales must be recorded in the same accounting
period meaning both should be recorded in income statement.
2.2.4 Monetary Unit Assumptions Theory
The monetary assumptions principles consider whether the value of money will remain stable.
This is important for companies that operate country wide for planning manufacturing and
inventory control. Company must record its business transactions in a stable currency and
available everywhere. Problems can arise due to variations in the value of money and ignorance
of qualitative factors such as quality of management and growth of competition. However, the
money measurement concept is accepted for its adaptability and understandability. The
monetary unit assumption is based on the assumption that all transactions can be measured in
money terms. The monetary unit assumption determines the balance sheet components. In
particular, income must be recorded in that from which can then be expressed in terms of money.
This is an important aspect to consider for a business entity because it cannot be automatically
from other accounts on a balance sheet.

2.3 Empirical Review of Literature

Financials statements reflects financials health of an institutions with help of careful analysis of
financial statements, a stakeholder can be in a better position for decision making. This aims to
critically analyze the financial statement.
2.3.1 To determine whether the managements make use of financials statements in decision
It shows projected profitability over a period. It’s also a useful tool for comparing a company
performance to others. Financial statements help to inform decisions that control operating
2.3.2 To identify the limitation dealing with the use of financial statement in decision
Financial reporting enables companies or public sectors to organize accounting into financials
statements to convey information’s related to their assets, liabilities, profits, loss and cash flows
amongst much other information’s

2.3.3 To find out the reason for change in profitability and financial position of the fitm
Profitability is defined as the ability of a business to generate profits. Firm’s capital structure has
a positive impact on the performance of the firm. Large firms have more competitive efficiency

when compared to small firms in a competitive market as they are able to suffer losses through
internal resources during chaotic conditions.
2.3.4 To assess the earning capacity or profitability of the firm
The earning capacity of a business is assessed by financial analysis through profitability ration.
An income statement is traditionally used to measure profitability of the business for past
accounting period

2.4 Summary and the gaps to be filled by the study

The study revealed that, there’s is a divergence between the directives of the financials statement
analysis policies and the management’s practices in the public sectors. The most critical issues
identified includes; poor recording of transactions in the books of record and thus resulting to
poor decisions making from the managements.


The quality of financials reports can be viewed from the interrelated perspectives reporting low
quality and high quality reporting. Reporting quality is concerned with the information’s
disclosed in financials report. High quality reports provide decisions useful information.

To determine whether the

management make use of financial
statement in decision making

To identify the limitation dealing with

the use of financial statement in
decision making
banking analysis
To find out the reason for change in
profitability and financial position of
the firm

To assess earning capacity of the firm

To determine whether the management make use of financial statement in decision making
Inter-firm comparison improve banking analysis by bringing together technique which studies
the performance , efficiencies costs and profits of various concerns in order to have a relative
To identify the limitation dealing with the use of financial statement in decision making
Forecast about future prospects of the firm within the banking industry have become increasingly
complex, limited knowledge of the extent to which financial forecasting procedures are currently
being utilized within the banking industry.
To find out the reason for change in profitability and financial position of the firm
Change in profitability and financial position of the firm improve banking analysis because
major mission among the several financial sectors has been to convert people’s savings into
productive investment and raise the living standards of people.
To assess earning capacity of the firm
Assess earning capacity of the firm improve banking analysis because it is a good indicator of
sufficient sources to cover operating expenses and provide adequate return on capital. One
typical method to assess the earning capacity includes assessing the earning capacity and
profitability of the firm.


3.1 Introduction
This chapter explains the methodology that was used in carrying the research work, crucial
issues that were discussed in this chapter includes research design, target population sample size,
data collection and techniques, questionnaire, data analysis techniques and ethical issues.


Research design is the scheme or plan that is used to generate answers to research problems. This
study involved a case study in KCB bank of Kenya Bomet branch. The study applied a
descriptive research design. Descriptive research design is a systematic empirical inquiry into
which the researcher does not have direct control of independent variables. The obtained findings
through the use of quantitative analysis (Mugenda and mugendi2003). Descriptive research is
concerned with how, what or what exist is related to some proceeding event. The researcher
preferred descriptive research design because the variables under the study have already occurred
and beyond control. Manion and Morrison (2000). Descriptive design gather data on basis and
hence economical and efficient.


A population is a group of individuals, object or items in which samples are taken. During the
study 5-30 comprised of KCB agents from a population of 150 respondents.


The researcher employed random sampling in selecting respondents. The population was divided
into mutually exclusive sub-population which is KCB agent categories.
The sample comprised of consisted 30 agents with 150 respondents but only 120 respondents
gave back their responses. The response rate was 80% which is adequate to carry an
30 agents from 150 respondents were selected using a probability sampling method since the
agents are located in different areas.
Category Target population percentage sample
mortgages 40 50 15
Trade financing 50 10 5
Insurance 20 30 6
Corporate loans 40 10 4
Total 150 100 30
Table 3.1

The study was conducted using two data collecting methods:
I. Questionnaires
II. Interview
The main technique applied by the study was of the questionnaires which were issued to the
respondents and given enough time to answer the questionnaires. Questionnaires technique was
preferred because it covers a wide range of area and also it reaches many respondents at a
cheaper cost and also it saves time.


Frequency counts of the responses were obtained to give information about the respondents that
trend of findings on the various variables. The responses were organized and analyzed using
descriptive statistics, tables, frequencies and percentages.


During the research process, the researcher upheld integrity and high moral standards. The
research request for permission from agents before distributing the questionnaires. The
researcher kept time and treated the information given by the respondents with confidentiality.


This chapter includes data analysis, presentation and interpretation.


The researcher use 30 questionnaires to conduct the research and out of this only 20
questionnaires were returned by the respondents. The questionnaires that were not returned by
the respondents will not be used for data analysis because it will be termed as invalid and the
returned questionnaires will be used to do the analysis. The returned questionnaires are rated as


4.2.1 Gender of respondents
There were more male than female who responded to the questionnaire










male female

Figure 4.2.1 gender of respondents

4.2.2 Distribution of respondent by gender.
Gender Frequency percentage
Male 83 69
Female 37 31
TOTAL 120 100
Table 4.1

In gender characteristics, it was found that majority of respondents where male than female
which means male gender was more satisfied than female.
4.2.3 Distribution by Education level
Education level Frequency Percentage
certificate 4 3
Diploma 40 33.3
Degree 46 38.3
Tertiary 30 25
TOTAL 120 100
Table 4.2
The researcher carried out an investigation on educations level of the respondent. This shows
that the highest percentage were educated meaning they understand the value of the urgency
banking and very familiar with it.
4.2.4 Distributions by marital status
Marital status Frequency Percentage
Married 72 60
Single 48 40
TOTAL 120 100
Table 4.3
The researcher distributions table on marital status shows that 60%of respondents who were
agent from the bank were married while 40%were single. This shows married people understand
more about assessments of financial statements
4.3Respondents related objectives
4.3.1 To determine whether the management make use of financial statement in decision
The study was to determine if the managements use financial statements for making decisions
and from the sample they gave a different reason why they prefer to conduct the assessments of
financial statements from their premises.
Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral
agree disagree
Factors to 30% 25% 35% 10% 0%
whether the
make use of
analysis in

To determine 40% 10% 20% 10% 20%
if the
do conduct
assessment in
the premises
Cut all 30% 20% 10% 30% 0%
Use to 10% 30% 20% 15% 15%
measure the
impact on the
Table 4.4
4.3.2 To identify the limitation dealing with the use of financial statement in the
The limitations of financial statements are those factors that a user should be aware of before
relying on them to an excessive extent. The sample gave the different preference about the
limitation on financial statement.
Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral
agree disagree
Inflation 20% 20% 30% 20% 10%
Specific time 30% 20% 30% 20% 0%
Fraudulent 40% 10% 20% 20% 10%
practices on
No discussion 10% 20% 30% 30% 10%
on non-
Table 4.5
4.3.3 To find out the reasons for change in profitability and financial position of the firm
The study was to measure the factors of profitability and financial positon of the firm and from
the questionnaire the higher percentage of respondents shows that the firm is a position to change
in profitability rate and financial position of the firm.
Agree Disagree Neutral Strongly Strongly
agree disagree

The degree of 20% 10% 40% 20% 10%
competition a
firm faces
The strength 20% 10% 10% 50% 10%
of demand
The state of 40% 20% 0% 20% 20%
of the
management 30% 20% 10% 10% 40%
Table 4.6
4.3.4 To assess the earning capacity of the firm.
There were many individuals from the sample collected that prefer on the assessment of earning
capacity of the firm.
Agree Disagree Neutral Strongly Strongly
disagree agree
Assessing the 20% 30% 0 30% 20%
efficiency and
effectives of the
Analyzing the 20% 20% 10% 20% 30%
current position
or financial
Analyzing the 30% 30% 0% 30% 10%
strengths and
weakness and
of the company
Studying the 40% 10% 10% 30% 10%
reasonability of
stock and
debtors held by
the company
Table 4.7


According to the study goods, this chapter offers a summary, conclusion and suggestion
regarding research findings
According to the study findings regarding assessments of financial statement and analysis in
public institution they sought to investigate out factors influencing the analysis of financial
statements in the bank


The study findings shows that during the study 5-30 comprised of KCB agents from a
population of 150 respondents showing that there were more male than females who respond to
the study. The researcher employed random sampling in selecting respondents and the
population was divided into mutually exclusives sub-population which is KCB categories. The
sample consisted of 30 agents with 150 respondents but only 120 respondents gave back their
responses. The response rate was 80% which was adequate to carry an investigation. The main
technique applied by the study was of the questionnaires which were issued to the respondents
and given enough time to answer the questionnaire.
The study applied a descriptive research design. The researcher employed random sampling in
selecting respondents. The population was divided into mutually exclusive sub-population which
is kcb agent categories. The sample comprised of consisted 30 agents with 150 respondents but
only 120 respondents gave back their responses. The response rate was 80% which is adequate to
carry an investigation.
The main technique applied by the study was of the questionnaire which was issued to the
respondents and given enough time to answer the questionnaire technique was preferred because
it covers a wide range of area and also it reaches many respondents at a cheaper cost and also it
saves time.
Frequency counts of the responses were obtained to give information about respondents that
participated in the study and illustrate the general trend of findings on the various variables. The
responses were organized and analyzed using descriptive statistics, tables, frequencies and
Frequency counts of the responses were obtained to give information about the respondents that
participated in the study and illustrate the general trend of findings on the various variables. The
responses were organized and analyzed using descriptive statistics, tables, frequencies and
percentages. The researcher carried out an investigation on education level of the respondents.

This shows that the highest percentage were educated meaning they understand the value of
assessment of financial statements.

From the research findings, I can finally conclude that the highest level of assessment of
financial statement and analysis in public institution is derived from easy accessibility of book of
records in the firm. Therefore the level of accessibility impacts the management satisfaction in a
direct proportion to the higher satisfaction.
Finally the bank agents showed a positive attitude towards the researcher finding conducted
between them. The banking industry has adopted this strategy to increase its financial transaction
and reach out the investors. The bank therefore makes new changes through the use of advanced
technology to ensure accessibility of financial reports and statement for efficiency of services
and reliability of financial products.

1. The researcher recommends assessment of financial statement and analysis should be done
annually to avoid laziness among the management.
2. The study also recommends that the management should heavily take up the financial
assessment initiative as a mandatory to avoid errors in books of accounts.
3. There should be an effective and operational control system to ensure greater control of
financial statement and continuous improvement and implementation of suggestion from the
assessment report.
4. The management expresses sincere admiration for the outstanding effort in the workplace for
the study.

Adolf et al (1978), Preparing financial report to be used in decision making is a difficult
Task to many, if not al of the commercial, industrial and government
Cole (2000), presuppose that in most continental Europe, Asia, the traditional
Scarcity of outsiders’ shareholders has meant that external financial
Reporting has been largely invented for the purpose of protecting
creditors or controllers of the economy.
Fleischman and Kindersley (2001), Wrote an article about the study on purpose of
assessment of financial statement analysis.
Kennedy and Muller (1999), Explain that the analysis and the interpretation of financial
Statements are an attempt to determine the significance and
meaning of financial statements.
Kother (2003), Defined assessment of financial statement and analysis as a person
feeling of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing
every year financial statement.
My Khan and Pk Jain (2011), Explained that the financial statements provide a summarized
View of the financial position and operation of a firm.
Sloan (1996), Is probably the most well known in the study on financial
Statements and analysis. He finds that accrued earnings are
Significantly less persistent than operating cash flow.
Susan Ward (2008) Emphasize that financial statement analysis using ratios between
Key values help investors cope with massive amount of numbers
In company’s financial statement.



Maasai Mara Technical College
P.o Box 20500,
31st may 2023.


Dear sir/Madam
This is to certify that the following is authentic and genuine student from Maasai Mara Training
and vocational college undertaking certificate in Accountancy.
The above mentioned student is in his final year of study at the school and currently conducting
research in Assessment of Financial statements and Analysis in KCB bank, Bomet branch. The
student is in the process of gathering data and thereafter, compiles a report which will be used for
academic purposes only. The school would therefore like to seek your permission to allow him
collect information that relates to his research from your organization.
Thank you in advance for your support and cooperation.
Yours sincerely,

Timothy kiplangat.

Appendix ii: Questionnaire
This questionnaire is designed to gather information to be used for the purpose of academic
research intended to investigate the factors influencing Assessment of Financial statement and
analysis by investors and shareholders.
1. What is your gender? (Kindly tick appropriately)
Male [ ]
Female [ ]
2. Which age bracket do you belong?(kindly tick appropriately)
18-25[ ] 41-50[ ]
26-30[ ] Above 50 [ ]
31-40[ ]
3. What is your level of education?(kindly tick appropriately)
Degree [ ] Secondary [ ]
Diploma [ ]
Certificate [ ]
4. Marital status?
Married [ ]
Single [ ]
5. For how long have you been serving as a KCB bank agent?
Less than a year [ ]
More than a year [ ]

4.3.0 Respondents related objective.
4.3.1 To determine whether the management make use of financial statement in decision
Strongly Agree Strongly Disagree Neutral
agree disagree
Factors to
whether the
make use of
analysis in
To determine
if the
do conduct
from the
Cut all

Use to
measure the
impact on the

4.3.2 To identify the limitation dealing with the use of financial statement in decision
Strongly agree Strongly disagree neutral
agree disagree
Specific time
period of
practices on
No discussion
on non-

4.3.3 To find out the reason for change in profitability and financial position of the firm
Agree Disagree Neutral Strongly Strongly
agree disagree

Assessing the
efficiency and
effectiveness of
the company
Analyzing the
current position
or financial
Analyzing the
strengths and
weakness and
of the company
Studying the
reasonability of
stock and
debtors held by
the company

4.3.4 To assess the earning capacity or profitability of the firm
Agree Disagree Neutral Strongly Strongly
agree disagree
The degree of
competition a
firm faces
The strength
of demand
The state of
the economy


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