Enviornmental Education

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Environment Ethics
Concept of
Environmental Education

Environmental education is an
important tool in building a
sustainable future. It involves teaching
individuals about the environmental
issues we face and how to address
them. This presentation will explore
the concept of environmental
education and its importance in
empowering the future.
What is Environmental Education?

Environmental education is a process that teaches individuals about the

natural world and the interactions between humans and the
environment. It aims to develop a sense of concern and responsibility
for the environment.

Environmental education may best be defined as a process directed at

creating awareness and understanding about environmental issues that
leads to responsible individual and group actions. Successful
environmental education focuses on processes that promote critical
thinking, problem solving, and effective decision-making skills.

Is a process by which people develop

awareness, concern and knowledge of the
environment and learn to use this
understanding to preserve, conserve and
utilize the environment in a sustainable
manner for the benefit of present and future

According to UNESCO: “Environmental education is

a learning process that increases people’s knowledge
and awareness about the environment and associated
challenges, develops the necessary skills and expertise
to address the challenges, and fosters attitudes,
motivations and commitments to make informed
decisions and take responsible actions.”
The Benefits of Environmental Education

Environmental education has numerous benefits, including raising awareness about

environmental issues, promoting sustainability, and creating a sense of community and
engagement. It also helps individuals develop critical thinking and problem-solving

Why is Environmental Education Important?

Environmental education is important because it helps us understand the impact of our
actions on the
environment. It teaches us to make informed decisions and take actions that will protect
the planet for future generations.

Objectives of Environmental Education:-The objectives of environmental education
are broad in sense of nature.
The role of environmental education is important in the realization of the necessity of
maintaining a friendly and well balanced relationship between man and nature.
Awareness Knowledge Attitude
(awareness about (basic knowledge (a sense of
environment and its about the responsibility towards
problems) environment) the environment)

Skill Participation
(skills to solve (participate in
environmental programs related to
problems) environment)
Objectives of Environmental Education

1. Awareness - To help individuals and social group become aware of and sensitive to the
total environment and its allied problems.
2. Knowledge - To help individuals and social groups acquire basic understanding of the
environment, its associated problems and humanity’s critical responsibility and role in it.
3. Attitude - To help individuals and social groups acquire values, strong feelings of concern
for the environment and the motivation for actively participating in its protection and
4. Skills - To help individuals and social groups acquire the skills for solving environmental
5. Participation - To help individuals and social groups develop a sense of responsibility and
priority regarding environmental problems to ensure appropriate action to solve these
What are Environmental Ethics?

Environmental ethics are the moral

principles that guide our relationship
with the natural world. They help us
understand our responsibility to protect
and preserve the environment.

Environmental ethics or Dharma of

ecology teaches us how to treat nature.
It includes cultures and traditions that
have influenced human relationship
with nature, the place of man in nature,
rights & duties of individuals, the moral
standings of humans and duties of future
Why are Environmental Ethics

Environmental ethics are

important because they provide a
framework for making ethical
decisions that impact the
environment. They help us
understand the consequences of our
actions and guide us towards
making responsible choices.
The Benefits of Environmental
Education and Ethics

Environmental education and ethics

have many benefits, including creating a
more sustainable future, improving
public health, and promoting social
justice. By teaching people to value the
environment, we can create a better
world for everyone.
Environmental Education in Schools

Environmental education is often taught in schools, where it can be integrated into various
subjects such as science, social studies, and language arts. It provides students with the
knowledge and skills to become environmentally responsible citizens.

Environmental Education in the Community

Environmental education can also be taught in the community through outreach programs,
workshops, and events. This helps to engage individuals who may not have access to formal education
and promotes environmental management at the local level.
C onclusion
Environmental education is a critical tool in empowering
individuals to create a more sustainable future. By teaching
individuals about the environment and promoting
environmental stewardship, we can create a more resilient
and sustainable world for future generations.

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