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Computer-Assisted Voice Analysis

Establishing a Pediatric Database
Paolo Campisi, MD, MSc; Ted L. Tewfik, MD, FRCSC; John J. Manoukian, MD, FRCSC;
Melvin D. Schloss, MD, FRCSC; Elaine Pelland-Blais, MOA, SLP(C); Nader Sadeghi, MD, FRCSC

Objectives: To establish and characterize the first pe- cigarette smoke exposure, were obtained. The Multi-
diatric normative database for the Multi-Dimensional Dimensional Voice Program extracted up to 33 acoustic
Voice Program, a computerized voice analysis system, and variables from each voice analysis.
to compare the normative data with the vocal profiles of
patients with vocal fold nodules. Results: The mean (SEM) values of each of the acous-
tic variables are presented. At age 12 years, boys expe-
Design: A cross-sectional, observational design was used rience a dramatic decrease in fundamental frequency mea-
to establish the normative database. The comparative study surements. The voices of patients with vocal fold nodules
was completed using a case-control design. had significantly elevated frequency perturbation mea-
surements compared with control subjects (P⬍.001).
Setting: University-based outpatient pediatric otolar-
yngology clinic. Conclusions: The vocal profile of children is uniform
across all girls and prepubescent boys. Patients with vo-
Participants: One hundred control subjects (50 boys and cal fold nodules demonstrated a consistent acoustic pro-
50 girls) aged 4 to 18 years contributed to the normative file characterized by an elevation in frequency perturba-
database. The voices of 26 patients (19 boys and 7 girls) tion measurements. Normal acoustic reference ranges may
with bilateral vocal fold nodules were also analyzed. be used to detect various vocal fold pathologic abnor-
malities and to monitor the effects of voice therapy.
Main Outcome Measures: Demographic data, in-
cluding sex, age, height, weight, body mass index, and Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2002;128:156-160

SSESSMENT OF pediatric Dimensional Voice Program (MDVP), in
dysphonia has proven to conjunction with the Computerized
be problematic for speech Speech Lab (Kay Elemetrics Corp, Lin-
pathologists, pediatri- coln Park, NJ), is a highly versatile voice-
cians, and otolaryngolo- processing and spectrographic analysis
gists. Clinical judgments of vocal quality software package ideally suited for use in
have been commonly derived from sub- the pediatric population.8 It provides an
jective grading systems rather than from objective, reproducible, and noninvasive
objective measures,1,2 which has resulted measure of vocal fold function. The
in the development of inconsistent de- MDVP extracts up to 33 acoustic vari-
scriptive terminology and severity classi- ables from each voice analysis and com-
fications. Furthermore, standard adult di- pares them graphically or numerically
agnostic modalities have demonstrated with a built-in normative database. The
limited usefulness in the assessment of pe- normative data, however, were derived
diatric voice disorders.3,4 Fiberoptic en- solely from adults. It is apparent that a
doscopy, for example, is often difficult and pediatric database must be developed if
From the Departments of rushed in the uncooperative child, and acoustic measures are to be applied to
Otolaryngology (Drs Campisi, stroboscopic examination is technically the identification of pediatric vocal
Tewfik, Manoukian, Schloss,
challenging in any young patient.5 pathologic abnormalities.
and Sadeghi) and
Speech-Language Pathology Computer-assisted voice analysis The main objective of this study,
(Ms Pelland-Blais), The represents an important diagnostic therefore, was to establish and character-
Montreal Children’s Hospital, advancement because it provides objec- ize the first pediatric normative database
McGill University Health tive acoustic measurements, and it is for the MDVP. To our knowledge, a pe-
Centre, Montreal, Quebec. well tolerated by children.6,7 The Multi- diatric normative database has not been

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©2002 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
PARTICIPANTS AND METHODS Demographic data, including sex, age, height, weight, body
mass index, and cigarette smoke exposure, were obtained
for each subject. The absence of pathologic abnormalities
MDVP ANALYSIS of the vocal fold was verified in each subject using indi-
rect mirror laryngoscopy or flexible nasolaryngoscopy. An
Apparatus MDVP analysis was then performed, as described in the
“Technique” subsection. All laryngoscopies and voice analy-
An IBM-compatible personal computer is used to operate ses were performed by a single observer (P.C.) to elimi-
MDVP model 4305. The MDVP is used in combination with nate interobserver variability.
Computerized Speech Lab model 4300. The Computer-
ized Speech Lab consists of a hardware and software sys- Statistical Analysis
tem that uses an MS-DOS–based computer as host. The
Computerized Speech Lab includes signal conditioning ca- The normative data were analyzed using a statistical soft-
pability, 16-bit analog/digital converters, and dual digital ware program (SPSS/PC+; SPSS Inc, Chicago, Ill). Back-
signal processors. The MDVP uses the signal conditioning ward stepwise multiple linear regression was used to iden-
and analog/digital hardware to sample speech at 50 kHz tify statistically significant associations between the acoustic
for sustained voicing. voice variables and the independent variables of sex, age,
The MDVP extracted up to 33 acoustic voice vari- height, weight, and body mass index. A 2-tailed P⬍.05 was
ables from each voice analysis. These variables were dis- considered statistically significant. The mean (SEM) of each
played numerically and graphically and were classified into acoustic variable was calculated.
1 of 6 groups: (1) fundamental frequency information; (2)
frequency perturbation; (3) amplitude perturbation; (4) CASE-CONTROL STUDY
noise and tremor evaluation; (5) voice break, subhar-
monic, and voice irregularity; or (6) miscellaneous. Defi- Patients
nitions of the individual variables listed in Table 1 are avail-
able from the authors. Twenty-six patients (19 boys and 7 girls) with vocal fold
nodules, diagnosed using flexible nasolaryngoscopy, were
Technique recruited into the study. All the patients had bilateral vo-
A consistent technique was used for each MDVP analysis. cal fold nodules at the junction of the anterior one third
Seated in a quiet room, the subject held a microphone at a and posterior two thirds of the vocal folds. The presence
fixed distance (8 cm) and at a 45° off-axis position to re- of hemorrhagic nodules or other laryngeal pathologic ab-
duce aerodynamic noise from the mouth. The subject was normalities resulted in exclusion from the study. Re-
then instructed to vocalize and sustain the vowel a 3 times cruited patients were evaluated by a speech language pa-
in a flat tone, at a comfortable pitch and a constant ampli- thologist (E.P.-B.) and underwent a perceptual evaluation
tude. To standardize the input amplitude, the input signal of the voice. An MDVP analysis was then performed as de-
was adjusted to a predetermined level. This adjustment pre- scribed in the “Technique” subsection.
vented signal loss and system overloading. Each subject’s
third production of a was recorded. A 3-second voice sample Statistical Analysis
was captured and incorporated into the MDVP using a mi-
crophone (Visi-Pitch; Kay Elemetrics Corp). The voice Determination of a statistically significant difference in voice
sample was not trimmed. The MDVP analysis was then per- variable values between the control group and the vocal
formed, and the acoustic voice variables were displayed. fold nodule group was achieved using 1-way analysis of vari-
ance. Again, a 2-tailed P⬍.05 was considered statistically
If a statistically significant difference in a voice vari-
Control Subjects able was detected, a threshold value was assigned as the
upper limit of the 95% confidence interval (mean +
One hundred control subjects (50 boys and 50 girls) aged 1.96⫻SD) of the control group value. Based on the thresh-
4 to 18 years contributed to the normative database. Sub- old value, data for the control and nodule groups were di-
jects were recruited from a pediatric otolaryngology out- chotomized, and a 2⫻2 table was constructed. A ␹2 test
patient clinic (Montreal Children’s Hospital, Montreal, was then used to assess the statistical significance of the
Quebec). All subjects were healthy and had no history of distribution of the dichotomized data. An odds ratio was
laryngeal or voice pathologic abnormalities. Patients with also calculated to quantify the association between the pres-
moderate to severe conductive hearing loss or any degree ence of vocal fold nodules and a voice variable value greater
of sensorineural hearing loss were excluded from the study. than the assigned threshold value.

previously developed for this or any other computer- RESULTS

assisted voice analysis system. Another objective of this
study was to evaluate the ability of the MDVP to iden-
tify vocal pathologic abnormalities. To achieve the lat- NORMATIVE DATABASE
ter objective, the normative data were compared with the
acoustic profiles of patients with vocal fold nodules us- Voice samples from 100 control subjects were used to
ing a case-control study design. develop the normative database. Backward stepwise mul-

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©2002 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
Table 1. Multidimensional Voice Program
Acoustic Variables in 94 Patients* 300

290 P = .23

Frequency, Hz
Variable Value,
280 P = .02
Acoustic Variable Symbol Mean (SEM)
Fundamental Frequency Information Measurements
Average fundamental frequency, Hz Fo 279.05 (5.79) 260
Average pitch period, ms To 3.71 (0.07) 250
Highest fundamental frequency, Hz Fhi 299.41 (6.38)
Lowest fundamental frequency, Hz Flo 260.73 (5.40) All Boys All Girls Boys <12 y
Standard deviation of the fundamental STD 4.86 (0.24)
frequency, Hz Figure 1. Fundamental frequency in all boys, all girls, and boys younger than
Phonatory fundamental frequency range, PFR 3.32 (0.13) 12 years. Values are expressed as mean ± 1.96 ⫻ SEM.
Fo tremor frequency, Hz Fftr 2.29 (0.15)
Amplitude tremor frequency, Hz Fatr 2.14 (0.15) Table 2. Demographic Characteristics of the Control
Frequency Perturbation Measurements and Vocal Fold Nodule Groups
Absolute jitter, µs Jita 45.67 (2.62)
Jitter, % Jitt 1.24 (0.07) Vocal Fold
Relative average perturbation, % RAP 0.75 (0.04) Control Group Nodule Group
Pitch period perturbation quotient, % PPQ 0.71 (0.04) Characteristic (n = 94) (n = 23)
Smoothed pitch period perturbation sPPQ 0.84 (0.04) Sex, M:F, No. 44:50 16:7
quotient, %
Age, mean (SD), y 8.1 (2.9) 9.1 (2.2)
Fundamental frequency variation, % vFO 1.75 (0.08)
Height, mean (SD), cm 127.7 (14.0) 130.4 (12.4)
Amplitude Perturbation Measurements Weight, mean (SD), kg 29.8 (11.3) 31.2 (12.6)
Shimmer, dB ShdB 0.29 (0.01) Body mass index, mean (SD), kg/m2 17.7 (3.2) 15.8 (4.1)
Shimmer, % Shim 3.35 (0.12) Cigarette smoke exposure, % 18.3 17.9
Amplitude perturbation quotient, % APQ 2.32 (0.08) Mild conductive hearing loss, % 19.4 15.3
Smoothed amplitude perturbation sAPQ 3.56 (0.11)
quotient, %
Peak amplitude variation, % vAM 15.10 (0.77)
3.5 ∗ Control Group
Noise and Tremor Evaluation Measurements Vocal Fold
Noise-harmonic ratio NHR 0.11 (0.002) 3.0 Nodule Group
Voice turbulence index score VTI 0.05 (0.002)
Soft phonation index score SPI 9.80 (0.968)
∗ ∗

Fo tremor intensity index score, % FTRI 0.49 (0.034) 2.0 ∗

Amplitude tremor intensity index score, % ATRI 4.05 (0.328)
Voice Break, Subharmonic, and Voice Irregularity Measurements
Degree of voice breaks, % DVB 0
Degree of subharmonics, % DSH 1.66 (0.46) 0.5
Degree of voiceless, % DUV 0.04 (0.03)
No. of voice breaks NVB 0 0
No. of subharmonic segments NSH 1.41 (0.39) Frequency Perturbation Measurement
No. of unvoiced segments NUV 0.03 (0.02)
Figure 2. Frequency perturbation measurements in the control and vocal fold
nodule groups. Asterisk indicates P⬍.001; Jitt, jitter; RAP, relative average
*Data derived from boys older than 12 years are excluded.
perturbation; PPQ, pitch period perturbation quotient; and sPPQ, smoothed
PPQ. Values are expressed as mean ± 1.96 ⫻ SEM.

tiple linear regression revealed a statistically significant ments, the summary data in Table 1 do not include data
association between the fundamental frequency mea- from boys 12 years and older.
surements and the independent variables of age and sex.
This association was strongly affected by the peripubes- CASE-CONTROL STUDY
cent changes in the male voice pattern. All other vari-
ables were not affected by age and sex. When boys 12 Twenty-six patients (19 boys and 7 girls) with vocal fold
years and older were excluded from the analyses, the as- nodules were recruited into the case-control study. Three
sociation between the fundamental frequency measure- boys older than 12 years were excluded. The voice pro-
ments and age and sex was not significant (Figure 1). files of the remaining 23 patients were compared with
The independent variables of height, weight, and body the normative database that included all girls and boys
mass index were not associated with any of the acoustic younger than 12 years. The demographic data for the 2
variables. groups were similar (Table 2). Consistently, patients
The mean value of each of the acoustic variables is with vocal fold nodules had statistically significant el-
presented in Table 1. The corresponding SEM is also pre- evations in their frequency perturbation measurements
sented to provide an estimate of the variability in the popu- (absolute jitter, jitter percentage, relative average per-
lation at large. To eliminate the effect of peripubescent turbation, pitch period perturbation quotient [PPQ], and
voice changes on the fundamental frequency measure- smoothed PPQ) (P⬍.001 for all) (Figure 2). The sig-

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Table 3. Two-by-Two Tables Generated by Dichotomizing Data for Frequency Perturbation Measurements
in Individuals With and Without Vocal Fold Nodules*

Group No.

Acoustic Threshold Value, Control Vocal Fold Nodule

Variable Mean + 1.96 ⴛ SD† (n = 94) (n = 23) OR (95% CI)
Jita ⱕ95.23 88 6 41.6 (12.0-144.4)
⬎95.23 6 17
Jitt ⱕ2.52 87 7 28.4 (8.8-92.1)
⬎2.52 7 16
RAP ⱕ1.54 88 7 33.5 (10.0-112.9)
⬎1.54 6 16
PPQ ⱕ1.44 88 7 33.5 (10.0-112.9)
⬎1.44 6 16
sPPQ ⱕ1.54 89 8 33.4 (9.6-115.8)
⬎1.54 5 15

*OR indicates odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; Jita, absolute jitter; Jitt, jitter percentage; RAP, relative average perturbation; PPQ, pitch period perturbation
quotient; and sPPQ, smoothed PPQ.
†Threshold value equals the upper limit of the 95% CI of the control value. P⬍.001 by ␹2 test for all.

nificant increase in frequency perturbation measure- normal or pathologic and, if pathologic, how severe. Com-
ments corroborates the findings of the perceptual voice puter-assisted voice analysis, such as the MDVP, repre-
evaluation performed by the speech language patholo- sents a clinically important contribution to the assess-
gist. The perceptual evaluation revealed anomalies in the ment of pediatric dysphonia. This system provides
control of pitch rather than in the control of intensity. objective and reproducible results. Assessments are non-
When the control (n = 94) and vocal fold nodule invasive, completed in a short time, and well tolerated
(n=23) group data were dichotomized relative to the de- by patients as young as 4 years. However, the develop-
fined normative threshold values (mean + 1.96⫻ SD), a ment and characterization of a normative pediatric da-
significant distribution of the data was observed for each tabase is a prerequisite to the application of this tech-
of the frequency perturbation measurements (P⬍.001 by nology to the assessment of pediatric voice pathologic
␹2 test). The calculated odds ratios suggest a high risk of abnormalities.
having vocal fold nodules with a variable value greater The main objective of this study was to establish and
than the assigned threshold value. The calculated odds characterize the first pediatric normative database for the
ratios range from 28.4 to 41.6, and the 95% confidence MDVP. Multiple linear regression was used to assess the
intervals do not approach unity (Table 3). association between the derived acoustic variables and
the independent variables of age, sex, height, weight, and
COMMENT body mass index. In general, we found that girls of all
ages and boys younger than 12 years had the same vocal
The functional assessment of pathologic voices is com- profiles. However, age and sex were significantly asso-
monly achieved using perceptual and equipment-based ciated with fundamental frequency measurements when
clinical tools.1 Perceptual analyses such as the Wilson boys aged 12 years and older were included in the sta-
Voice Profile System and the GRBAS (grade, roughness, tistical analyses. Fundamental frequency measure-
breathy, asthenic, strained) scale are based on the sub- ments in boys sharply decreased and approached adult
jective interpretation of the individual speech language values beginning at age 12 years. No association was de-
pathologist.1,2 The lack of consistency and standardiza- tected between the acoustic variables and the indepen-
tion in the basic methods of perceptual assessment con- dent variables of height, weight, and body mass index.
tinues to be a major clinical problem. Instrumental Our findings are consistent with previously published
diagnostic modalities such as video stroboscopy, elec- study results.9,10 Sussman and Sapienza9 examined the de-
troglottography, and phonetography are indispensable velopmental and sex trends in fundamental frequency in
components of a modern voice laboratory.1 These equip- 17 boys and 14 girls aged 6.1 to 9.2 years. They found
ment-based tools, however, require costly and special- that the fundamental frequency for vowel production of
ized instrumentation, an experienced operator, coopera- boys and girls (aged ⬍12 years) was not significantly dif-
tive patients, and interpretation of complicated graphs ferent but were markedly different from men. Harries and
and mathematical formulas. colleagues10 reported abrupt changes in male speaking
The assessment of pediatric dysphonia presents and singing fundamental frequencies during puberty be-
unique challenges to the voice scientist. First, it is diffi- tween Tanner stages G3 and G4, corresponding to an av-
cult for children to cooperate with lengthy, uncomfort- erage age of 13 years.
able examinations. Fiberoptic endoscopy, for example, Vocal fold nodules are a common cause of pediat-
is often rushed in the uncooperative child. Second, pe- ric dysphonia. In fact, 38% to 78% of children evaluated
diatric normative data are unavailable. Therefore, the ques- for chronic hoarseness have vocal fold nodules.11 Nod-
tion arises as to whether a given voice measurement is ules are the result of voice misuse or abuse, and they oc-

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©2002 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
cur at the junction of the anterior and middle third of tional voice analysis modalities. It represents an impor-
the vocal folds, often bilaterally. Nodules result from in- tant advancement in the assessment of pediatric
jury to the superficial layer of the lamina propria and the dysphonia. The normative database may be used to re-
basement membrane zone caused by extensive vibra- liably assess the voices of girls and prepubescent boys.
tion that destroys the tissue.12,13 An aberrant healing re- However, boys older than 12 years should be compared
sponse occurs with excessive deposition of collagen type with age-matched controls.
IV and fibronectin.
The normative acoustic data were compared with Accepted for publication September 10, 2001.
the vocal profiles of patients with vocal fold nodules us- Presented in part at the 2000 Annual Meeting of The
ing a retrospective, case-control study design. Patients American Academy of Pediatrics, Section on Otolaryngol-
with vocal fold nodules demonstrated a consistent acous- ogy and Bronchoesophagology, Chicago, Ill, October 29,
tic profile characterized by markedly elevated fre- 2000.
quency perturbation measurements. This finding was ex- We thank the Gustav Levinschi Foundation, Mon-
emplified by abnormal jitter values. Jitter is defined as treal, Quebec, for donation of the Voice and Speech Labo-
the cycle-to-cycle variation of frequency.14 In other words, ratory.
it is a measure of unintended frequency unsteadiness dur- Corresponding author and reprints: Ted L. Tewfik, MD,
ing prolonged phonation. This abnormality was corrobo- FRCSC, Director of Otolaryngology, The Montreal Children’s
rated by the perceptual analysis, which demonstrated an Hospital, 2300 Tupper St, Suite B240, Montreal, Quebec,
inability of these patients to control pitch. Further- Canada H3H 1P3.
more, several of our patients who were treated with voice
therapy demonstrated normalization of their frequency
perturbation measurements as the size of their nodules
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