Punctuation Marks

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__PUNCTUATION AND CAPITALS Variations in to "a : speech are in Meated te short pauses, and. long. prikes in “writing. The sim _ 1 by different marks of punctuation in d torrecord. wth all these signs is to make the sense clearer - In a fully, the tones of the speakers. “one another Whos the practice of good writers differs from other then ‘ns reas some Writers would not use any signs teropaton 2 obvious ones (period, comma, exclamation and whe 088 on points) and those, too, scantily, there arc others linet every sign fer extessive..and_burdensome—use~- OF ——~ * nieabii Sen ven capital Jeiters and hyphens have been ¢ im ssarily and excessively by writers like Carlyle. ake 3 Bencral rule for the students isto use the punctuation” ae paring’ ly, and to avoid the use of commas where the e is clear and comprehensible-without them. a The chief marks of punctuation sre: 12. The Parentheses or’ Curves ‘A. The full stop is use 2° questions, and most imperane sentences: He is an honest man. J. The Ful) Stop or Period. dat the end ef stateme’ (Statement) The Period, or Full-Stop” Spy. The Question Mark’: ? . The Exclamation Mark - Y The Comma oe 4) The Semicolon ) The Colon - 7 gE] The Quotation Masks or Inverted as ["") The Quotation Marks; Single “~ cope 9. . The Apostfophe ae] 10. The Hyphen i 21), ‘The Dash! : t) {Ol nts, indirect SS We will never let you down. (Statement) . He asked me what the latest score Was. (Indirect Question) Get out of the room. + (Lmperalive Sentence) o a B. The full stop is used after most abbreviations: Prof., Maj. Gen. F-Ax B.A., €lC., €-3 BE ; C. Abbreviations for government agencies and intemational | organizations DO NOT have full stops. i PN:, - Pakistan Navy i PAF: - Pakistan Air Force ‘UN = United Nations ILO: - _ International Labour Organization UNESCO -- United Nations Educational, Scientific ind : Cultural Organization A Ds Mr, Mrs.eand Dr. may.be written with or without full stop. |. E. Thsee full stops are used to mark the omission of a part of 3 sentence from a quotation “We must be prepared (0-face' all difficulties and ‘consequences, make all the sacrifices ... 10 achieve the goal we have set in front of us." ~ (Quaid-i-Azam) F. Four full stops are.used when the omission comes at the ead of the quoled sentence: . So, “Islam abhors all material limitations...." . G. A full’stop is used at the end of a polit ‘ i aa qoeston: i polite Tequest in the form ~ Would you please give me a picce:of paper.--- H. DO NOT USE A FULL-STOP AT THE END Q OF THE TITLE OF A BOOK, MAGAZINE, ART TITLE ¢ AZINE, ARTICLE, POEM OR Lil tete Dietionary The Pakistan Review T community The Little Gi hed Shoes. ¢ Little Girl Found wena memes 2. The Question Mark |?] A. The question mark is used at the end ofa direct question: What is your name? “Why do you insist on seeing him?" he said. “B. The question mark may be used afier cach query in.a series if one wishes to emphasize each unit: What are you going to do now? Face the challenge like a Man? or shut your eyes like a pigeon and hope U that the danger will vanish away? c. A question mark enclosed in parentheses is used to indicate doubt about the correctness of a word, number or fact: He was bom in 1550(?) and died in 1610. : D. DO NOT USE A QUESTION MARK AT THE END OF AN INDIRECT QUESTION: He asked me. if, my.brother.had.retumed—..-—-—— - 3. The Exclamation (!] | The exclamation mark is used at the end of a forceful unerance or imperative seatence: My God! How could you do this to your own brother! "Stop! Stay where you ase!” shouted the policeman, ‘4, The Comma J,) . The comma is used to separate words, phases and clauses in a scrics: He is an honest, hardworking. and conscientious worker. [~~ Risiing early in the moming, taking a cold bath and going out for a long walk ensure good health. + If he works hard, if he works regularly, and if jhe works intelligently, he will cértainly succeed. B. The comma is generally omined before the conjunction in a + Series of words: He sells pens, pencils, markers ‘and paper. 30 Punctuation and C: ji C. The comma may be used before the conjunction if there|is a . danger of ambiguity. However, when the last fhvo clemepils ol ca series are considered as one unit, the comma is not ust before the conjunction behween them: chips for breakfast. J would like tea, toast, and fish and panicular Kind of food. Here fish and chips is the name of 8 D. Commas are used to set off contrasted elements Of 3 sentence: - He, not his vrother, started the fight. . | : E. The comma is used to separate identical words coming , consecutively in a sentence: . Whatever is, is not always right. o F. A commavis used to sct off introductory yes, NO, Girect address, and mild exclamations:* 7 Yes, I believe in your story. No, you are not being hones Father, Lamhere.. Naveed, bring that table Ob, 1 do net mind. : . or commas arc used to set off transitional words like however, never, nevertheless, moreover, accordiigly, consequently. . however, we could not see him. words of 1 with me. here. -G. A comma. introductory anyway, therefore, We went to his place, Nevertheless, | have not Jost all hope. Anyway; he did his best. seen He met an accident on. his way to-the coll ‘herefore, in the hospital. jege and is | His remarks, were unfortunate, uncalled for unworthy of a decent man. and, moreover. He received new instructions and has fi a ma . accor an unknown destination. ~~ ingly, tet fo _ Consequently, he was forced to resign from the Cabinet | | | MM. Commas are used to'set off dates, addresses and titles: « fe EngllsheGrammary Composition: Trahtatton ee 7 . \ eis 8 Wows Apa 3, 1997, dere Trot |S Mis present address is 9 Usman Street, Inbal Town. Lahore. noted | Dr. AW. Qureshi, Director of Iqbal Academy: /1) The comma is used to set off a question atthe end of # akfast, statement: . nd of foot. You will consider the offer, won't you? ite . The comms is used after the salutation and the closing phrase in personal letters: Dear Mansoor, Yours affectionately, oming The comma is used to separate a direct quotation from the , feponing speech. If the’ reporting speech comes between two of a quoted sentence, a, semicolon or a period is used words of before the second part:’ | a Pr ure-veponting spect cennes ‘alter the: first sentence of quotations, it is followed by a full’ stop. and the next sentence a capital letter, |, "1 will return ns soon a; 1 can.” “You can come to me,” he said, “whenever, you need my help” wt . 34 '=¢all at mie thisevdning,” he said. “You will not regret it." 18 indiéote omitied words in a parallel entence: . ; his brother, not at all, * 16 set off absolute and parenthetical moreover, | ‘out'of natural sentence order: ‘ ae It was, incidentally, his first public speech, That he would be so nude, none nf us expected, binet Mone of us expected that'he would be so nude, titles: 59 ie 90 runctuanoo and & ic clause from the main clause: In spite of his bad health, he attended the meeting. If he had not come, we would have cancelled the meélince (-. The comma is used to separate adverbs OF adverbial phrases that modify the whole clause or sentence: Fortunately, he arrived just in time. The comma is used to separate a dependent clause when it ~ comes in the middle of the sentence: “The mirror, although it was. carefully packed in 2 box, 4proke into: pieces during uansit. The comma is used before the conjunctions aud, bul, for, or, vyel, and nor when they join clauses of a compound sentence: We were given a very warm welcome, and were delighted, ‘We went to sec him at the ‘address lie had given us, but no one there had ever heard of » person of that name. ie would never agree 10 this, for he is an honest man. Was it really he who said this? Was it really he, or was it my imagination playing wicks on me? - Everyone hates his notorious activities, y [ yet none will Say so. We never under-estimated his genius, for evil, nor did he himself. ° : . . ‘The comma, however, is ontined when the meaning is clea: S. The comma is used 10 set plf non:réstyctive phases clauses frém the rest of the sentence. Sve phrase or clause is not es: : sentence: a ‘A non-restyjctive This pen, an expensive on, is @ gift from my brather. My computer, which I bought last year, is out of oxde; T. Restrictive cr defining phrases’aiid élauses’ fy chi . . the meaning. of the sentence and are NOT set off Scola to | Everyone who joins the schoo! must sig by commas: behaviour, 'gn a pledge of gaod _U. DO NOT USE A COMMA T ae \ TO SEPARA’ AN P S NOUN CLAUSE USED AS ITS Sun NTE A VERD FROM ha has not told the whole with jj OR OBJECT: yt. th is clear beyond any EEnghsn VraTunney Comper i ND ITS “y. DO NOT USE A COMMA BETWEEN A NOUN A IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING ADJECTIVE: He is a simple, honest, straighforward man. 5, The Semicolon [3] they are not joined by @ coordinate conjunction:. To err is human; to forgive divine. “B.A semicolon is used to separate independent clauses joined only by conjunctive adverbs ~ itowever, nevertheless, consequently, accordingly, moreover, the, hence, also. besides, thus, etc. Governments come and go; however, the nation abides. He has fulfilled his promises; consequently, we should honour our obligations. . FC," A seinicolon is used: with a coordinate: conjunction-+.and, ..... but, yet, etc. - when the independent clauses themselves contain commas: He will gladly help you, defend you and lend you money; but will never recommend you for a job you are not fit e ° In View of his unfortunaic circumstances, we ignored his negligence, regulansed his absence from duty. without leave, and accepled.his request.for a Joan; yet he is ungrateful. . + He refused, once and. foi:all, to accept their demands; and | do not blame him for'tha. ~~" . arate a seriés of phrases and ject, consider first, whether you seally.wvant,to-go, for it; second, if you have caglte necessary money jo finance it; ,and finally, whether “*yqu Hiave the necessary ability to succeed in it, E. A semicdlon is used to separate the tnits of a seri ,. u a si clauses and phyases introduced by. a‘colon: soa of The profis recorded were: 20 esos actded were: 2001, RS. 200,000; 2002 ‘A. A semicolon is used between wo independent clauses when 92 Punctuation and Cipla FA semicolon i . is used in lis sadveeses: ists of names, titles, degrees and Ms, Akhlaq Hussain Farugi, B.A. Hons; MA. (London). +6, The Colon [:] A. A colon is used for jnvoducing a formal direct quotation or question, and clauses that explain the main clause: ‘Ahmad cited the line from Chaucer: " gold rusts what shall | ison do. B. A colon is ssed after salutation in business letters OF an address: . Dear Sirs: os y bok Mr. Presiden Ladies and Gentleme! C. A colon is used between the chapters;and verse. ‘numbers of... Holy Books (Bible, Quran) in references using Arabic sigiso between the place of publication and bil biographies! references oF footnotes: ‘ | iiiman Publications, 1995. . | Dp. A colon is used: benvecn hours and. minutes, representing clock time Iwas 935 9m whén it started raining.” 4, Quotation Marks or Inverted Commas rey |. Inverted commas are used quotations: ~ _ Abmad said, “It ig a fine morning”. lose all the’ ect, Sf eech or. * aa-inverted commas ate used lorenclose the names of shi ips: Drivin béardéd ‘the, "Beagle" gle 10 search of undiscovered species rite distant islands in C. Inverted co “og mmas are used » workss " to enclose titles, of Wray or other _ He ead aloud Shelley's pom "Time, ! D. Inverted commas:are used to enclose technical or unfarailisr terms or such words as nré used fo convey unusual meanings: The “invisible’’ government of the U.S.A. was held responsible for precipitating crisis in the South Victnerm 8. Quotation Marks, Single |''} Siigle quotation marks are used to indicate a quotation - within a quotatio : The examinee said, "The boy sitting next to me said, "Be : careful, the invigilator is watching us,’ and I told him to x be quiet.” 9. The, Apostrophe I") A. An apostrophe is used’to denote the possessive case of singular nouns and plural nouns which do not end in ‘S’ or Zz sound. The sign of apostrophe comes between such nouns and the ending Ahmad's books; Iqbal's poems; Women’s magazines In case of singular and plural nouns ending in ‘S' or ‘Z’ sound, it appears at the end of such nouns: + Keat’s poem, Foxes! taiis + “Beaux' Stratagem’-is a Restoration comedy. GC. An apostrophe is used to de Is of figures, letters and signs: . : . 7 He got three’ A’s in his annual tesi.”” . 22:'D. An apostrophe is used to indicate an amission of a letter or Jetters or figures from a date. : ) Z ~ FW a witty” gainst (against) * Phar ‘10. The Hyphen [-] A. The hyphen is used to one Join sallent Parts of a compound Ex-President; X-ray equipment; pitals : Alprto-the- -Jasteminule information; door-to-door Surveys, ‘Self-exiled port; Anti-Socialist Party; pro-American; Drive-in resaurant, Dark-green shade. ery ables of a single n leners oF Sy! sssior. in sobbing or halting expre B. The hyphen is used benvee! word to indicate stuttering, speech: a-aeab; s-$ sun-sun-sunday C. The hyphen is used 10 indica te the division of a word between lil ‘A word of no of more syllables is divided berween lines according to pronounceable syllables. oo 11. The Dash |—] ‘A. Tht dash is used (0 indicate an abrupt suspension of the senbe, a sudden change in construction and also faltering in speech: Kr : ‘en he saw her - and what a beauty she was! - he fell in . ‘Hove with her at first sight. { “Tile Decade of Divelapment 1958-68. re oie Papes 41—98 are missing. (All Including No. 98) (AI pages, from No. 41 fe and ral which is enced by faiianiceien yy way of comment, hesitation, coming ear i999 evdlution.- ter 1259) brought another military

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