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‘ Introduction‘ Listening is.a complex and selective process of feC¢ ; : P Pe vit. cot focusing, accepting and storing. It is an activity. ate importance, “as it demands high-class seriousness. Tt “= Person's attitude towards other people. “~~ se BL ; . The Difference between Hearing and Listening q _ Se aroi " Hearing is merely the ability of ear to sense we rpree " one, but, listening is more of conscious effort to 'NTETPTS. sounds, requiring concentration of mind. ~ Effective Listening: > Paige Effective listening is actively absorbi . , ; ' given to. you by a speaker, showing that you are eee interested, and providing feedback to the speaker $0 ak i knows the message was received. Effective listeners show spe; that they have been heard and understood. _ Bialities of a Good Listener: tn > ‘ XK Good listeners are not hasty in making judgments.(They are ing the informatio willing to think about-something-for-a while. They dontt “ categorize-everyorie and everything immedia‘ ely.) Good listeners pay careful attention to words. Good listeners ask questions. Not to embarrass or attack, {s but to clarify and distill. sj sfinayt ec Wedaey iy, Good listeners are not lazy. They work ‘hard They exert energy in listening. 15 © — ++} co "i %. Good listeners don’t feel threatened b ing th %. Good list eel th Y not controlling the "fies conversation) They are comfortable with silence, Th “a the-speakerunthreatened, unhurried space in—-which to operate-while-cOmmunicating) sy ‘ Good listéners . understand that” j G iSteners . understa everyone i communication styles, and” adjust hee : Sty! djust_ their listeni ig te ~£ortespond to the speaker's communication style ae . y Scanned with CamScanner vw < 11. 12. faults of Listening: -» Good listeners: interrupt_intentt ‘ without discoun than habitually and rash! i: Good listene sare willing to listen to. som “hard to hearThey-don't-stop tis cn ee " ok PB gat hg ete god listeners do dt tinreasonably question the, miatives of, 2 the speaker. They Wake a goad’ faith, assbmuption that, all aker \is trying, to “other factors being\ equal, the spe communitate clearly antitruthfullys : Good listeners remember that they can learn from anyone. ize-that-human-subjéctivity-is‘such-that-the most” ~ ething even if it’s Good listeners pay attention to nonverbal communication ting verbal. communication. Fhey—pay... attention to the fact-that they-are-paying attention te-beth — nonyerbal-communication-and-verbal-commiunication.—~—— Good listeners understand that every act of communication takes place in a context or setting. They-considér the-way— the context of-a-communication-event shapes-the-meaning. — ‘For example;-they.understand. social-dynamics-and-the-way— _ for-different-kinds Of listening —— Good listeners understand how important listening is toa relationship. Phey-don't-assume or underestimate the-value dFistening;-they-value and-seck to-cultivate-good-listening, skills, Y Listening is as important ‘as the other three skills. ie ott Skills,. i.e., peaking reading and writing. Good. listening ski ampeéred because of some elements, oe lomna Sy Prejudice * External distraction Scanned with CamScanner Pre-thinking Semantic Barrier Importance of good delivery Now let us explain these elements one by one ‘) 2 - © Ga Ae r i ae 1. Prejudice: P geet ae : We hamper our power of listening because of ara prejudice against the speaker. We do not concentrate . pave 9 being told. We always concentrate on who is talking. tion ieihe - develop ‘a good listening skill we must orily pay atten : words. inc : ; : 2. External Distraction: e 0 ~~ External ‘distraction also plays an: important role in : misunderstanding the real words of the speaker. There are so many external distractions such as noisy fans, poor lights, music from outside ete. ° D ; 3. Prethinking: © } - "Normally 80 — 160 words are spoken in a minute. Usually, — people ‘have the capacity to think at the rate of 800 words per minute. This is the main reason that _prethinking. is_the_major element among the faults of listening. The listeners should not bs jump at the conclusions as it mars the beauty of good listening. Ve 2 < 4. Semantic Barrier: Semantic barrier is created because of the negative _meanings which a listener willitigly attach to the words of the speaker. This can be avoided if we analyze the s; i i and patiently. eceh pase 5. Importance Of Good Delivery: + -If the speech is delivered in a good style it will help the aoe A ae not only the gist but also the contents of sit. ise, i i ‘ makina a badly delivered speech will make a mess of the Scanned with CamScanner Way 's To Improve Your Listen: Skill: Q ‘Skill Following steps.can‘be helpful in improving the listening” skill. 1. We should talk less and listen much as God has blessed us with one tongue and two ears. * 2. Listen carefully with patience and concentration. 3. While listening, do not show casual attitude by looking sideways or leaving -your seat’ This will create bad impression. * 4. Always listen to -learn something, Try to , understand the points. 5. While listening, make the notes if possible. It will help you. alot. “6. Always show positive attitude and never mix your personal feelings about the speaker. t Pdrposes of Listening: Listening serves a number of important purposes: 1. Good listening quickly ends an ‘element of : misunderstanding. 2. It indicates your ey grooming that leads to valuable gains. 3. It enables you to communicate fluently and nicely. 4. It gives you a good understanding of different topics and subjects. 5. It introduces good decision: and makes your mental ability strong. i 6. Good listening enhances your knowledge about 1 new facts : and also motivates you. 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