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Karwan University

Question Paper
Subject: Marks: 20 Teacher:

Semester: SESSION: Time: 60 minute Exam: MIDTERM

Student Name: ___ Father Name: ‌Department of :____BBA __ Class:_______

PART ONE: EXPLAINATORY QUESTIONS: Answer all questions. Each question

carries 4 marks (16 marks)

1. Explain importance of management in personal life, and what said prophet of Mohammad
(PBUH) regarding the management?
2. Define the organization and named three characteristic of that?
3. Define management and explain four task of manager?
4. Explain effectiveness and efficiency in on organization?

PART TWO: MCQs: Answer all questions. Each question carries 1 mark (4 marks)
1. Operational management have one of the following task in the organization.
a. Set strategic goals b. Technical management c A and b is correct d. Daily activity
2. One of the following shows management Function?
a. Planning, Organize leading b A is correct c. Organizing, planning d. leading, organizing, planning
and controlling.
3. One of the below indicates Henry Minz Bergs Management roles for managers?
a. 3 groups b. 4 groups c. 5 groups d. 8 groups
4. Select the correct answers. Manager have ( 00) skills and Competencies!
a. 5 Competencies b. 2 Competencies c. 10 Competencies d. 4 Competencies

Best of Luck!!

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