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Q1) Choose the correct option. 5M

[L1M1T-2] is the dimensional formula for
(A) Velocity (B) Acceleration
(C) Force (D) Work

Light year is a unit of

A) Time (B) Mass
(C) Distance (D) Luminosity

Which of the following is not a

fundamental unit?
(A) cm (B) kg
(C) centigrade (D) volt

A sound carried by air from a sitar to a

listener is a wave of following type.
(A) Longitudinal stationary
(B) Transverse progressive
(C) Transverse stationary
(D) Longitudinal progressive
When sound waves travel from air to water,
which of these remains constant ?
A) Velocity (B) Frequency
(C) Wavelength (D) All of above

Q 2) Find out dimension of following physical quantities 10M

1) Density 2) kinetic energy 3) force 4) velocity 5) acceleration 6) P.E

Q3) write any two uses of dimension analysis 4M

Q4) Define absolute error, mean absolute error, relative error and mean percentage error. 4M

Q4) Define the relation between velocity, wavelength and frequency of wave 2M
Q5) State and explain principle of superposition of waves 2M
Q6) Define progressive wave. State any four properties. 4M
Q7) Distinguish between traverse waves and longitudinal waves 4M
Q8) Explain Newton’s formula for velocity of sound. What is its limitation? 4M
Q9) what is the effect of pressure on velocity of sound? 2M
Q10) what is the effect of humidity of air on velocity of sound? 2M
Q11) define acoustic State any 4 applications of acoustics 4M
Q12) what is Doppler Effect? 3M

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