Secularism in Political Philosophy

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Secularism in Political Philosophy

 Miklos Zala
 Published online: 30 October 2019
In the previous centuries, religion had been losing its prominent role in society, but its
relationship to the modern democratic state is still among the most fundamental questions of
political philosophy. Secularism is commonly described with label of “the separation of Church
and state,” but the idea of the state disconnectedness from religion is a much more complex a
phenomenon than this term suggests. A secular state must “manage” the relationship between
religion and state institutions in a way that makes religion both subject to specific disabilities and
singling out for special treatment.

Modern secularism has several different faces: Political secularism, economic secularism,
educational secularism, ethical secularism, scientific secularism, and religious criticism are all
different modes of secularism. Political secularism is the key mode among these, because it is a
precondition of the pursuit of the other modes.
Political secularism has three essential elements: politics, religion, and their separation.
Consequently, different conceptions of secularism will provide different and rival versions of the
core concept, political secularism, depending on how they define politics, religion, and
Secularism can refer to different levels of the state: to its ends (a theocracy is the exact opposite
of a secular state in this regard); its institutions (the connectedness/disconnectedness of the
state’s institutions with that of the Church); its laws/public policies (the state’s regulation of
religion and religious activities); its source of legitimacy (what is the final source of the
legitimacy of the state); the justification of its public policies/laws (what justification is given to
state laws/public policies); the level of power and jurisdiction (whether the state is the only
sovereign on its territory or sovereignty is shared with the Church); and its symbolic dimension
(whether the state symbolically supports any religious groups).
The function of political secularism is to prevent at least four different kinds of problems: It must
protect the religious freedom of believers on its territory, and religion must be protected from
politics, but the state must be also protected from religion. In addition, there is a possible
problem on the symbolic level, with the state’s official endorsement of religion.
Political secularism must also satisfy important normative principles. The most important of
these are freedom of conscience and the principle of state neutrality. To satisfy these
principles/normative requirements, the secular state must manage religion in a way that it keeps a
principled distance on the aforementioned levels, but it must also protect and accommodate
religion so it does not suffer unfair disadvantages. The upshot is that a secular state will be
incompatible with either full religious establishment and the radical separation of Church and
state—regimes that satisfy political secularism will take place somewhere between these two
 secularism
 laïcité
 separation of Church and state
 freedom of religion
 religious accommodation
 religious establishment
 Political Philosophy

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Date retrieved: 4/12/22

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