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belum quilbot The paper focuses on the Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) situation within the

context of the logistics industry in Malaysia. The aim of the study is to identify factors that contribute
to workplace safety and help prevent accidents in this industry.

To conduct the research, the study involved 103 logistics personnel as respondents who were
working in various positions within the logistics industry. A survey was utilized as the primary data
collection method. The survey consisted of questions related to individual factors that could
influence workplace safety, including self-efficacy, technology support, government support, and
moral obligation.

The results of the analysis revealed significant relationships between certain factors and workplace
safety. Firstly, technology support was found to be an important factor. This suggests that the
availability and effective use of technology resources, such as safety equipment and training
programs, play a crucial role in ensuring a safe work environment. When employees have access to
appropriate technology and resources, they are more likely to follow safety protocols and guidelines.

Secondly, government support was identified as a significant contributing factor to workplace safety.
This implies that policies, regulations, and enforcement efforts by governmental bodies have a
positive impact on safety practices in the logistics industry. Adequate support from the government
can include the establishment of safety standards, regular inspections, and providing resources for
safety training.

Furthermore, the study found that moral obligation, which refers to an individual's sense of
responsibility towards the safety of themselves and others, also influences workplace safety. When
employees perceive safety as a moral obligation, they are more likely to engage in safe behaviors
and take necessary precautions.

The paper emphasizes the increasing number of workplace accidents in Malaysia, particularly in
industries involving heavy machinery, and stresses the importance of addressing safety issues. It
highlights the need for raising awareness about safety and health needs, identifying common
elements that contribute to safety, and evaluating occupational safety and health programs. By
doing so, workplace safety can be improved, reducing the occurrence of accidents, injuries, and
associated costs to businesses and society.

In terms of theoretical frameworks, the study draws upon concepts from social psychology,
particularly the Theory of Planned Behavior. This theory helps to understand and predict safety-
related behaviors by considering factors such as attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived
behavioral control.
Overall, the findings of this research emphasize the significance of proactive measures in preventing
workplace accidents and promoting safety in the logistics industry. By addressing the identified
factors and implementing appropriate strategies, both employers and employees can work together
to create a safer work environment.

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