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Personalization Validation Report


Test name Visa Global

Tested by Igor
Test executed 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Type of test Validation
Type of report Full
Verdict failed

PAN 4889 6200 1409 7920

Priority indicator 01
Cardholder name ARTUR/GHAZARYAN
Personalization Validation Report



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Customers of UL or one of its licensed resellers that purchased an official license of the UL EMV Personalization
Validation Tool may multiply, electronically save or publish (parts of) this document.

This report has been generated automatically with the UL EMV Personalization Validation Tool. It is a high-quality
tool for analyzing and testing of EMV cards. UL makes no representation or warranty with respect to the content of
this document. Usage of this document and any consequence that may follow will be the sole responsibility of the
user of the tool and/or document. UL is not liable for any damage that may occur by using the UL EMV
Personalization Validation Tool and this report.

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 2/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

1. Introduction
This report presents data and corresponding interpretation test results from the following application on the
following card:

PAN 4889 6200 1409 7920

Cardholder name ARTUR/GHAZARYAN
Expiry date 05/25
Type of test Validation

The report has been generated with the UL EMV Personalization Validation Tool (Validation) by Igor on 2021-05-21 13:

The format in which data is presented is hexadecimal, unless otherwise stated.

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 3/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

2. Summary
This chapter gives an overview of the scripts that were run and the corresponding test results.

Failures need to be solved before issuing the card. Observations are those issues that need attention or further
investigation (which does not necessarily mean that these require changes).

Number of tests performed 721

Passed tests 348
Inconclusive tests 13
Failed tests 4
Warnings 4
Observations 2
Not applicable tests 350

Verdict failed

2.1 ICS Settings

2.1.1 Card level ICS

• Magnetic stripe data is present
• PIN Verification data is present
• PSE is not present
• PPSE is present
• Contact interface is present
• Contactless interface is present
• Specification VIS 1.6.x is supported
• Specification VCPS 2.2.x is supported
• Product Form Factor is Card

2.1.2 Application: Visa, 'A0 00 00 00 03 10 10'

• Dual interface application

• Transaction Path: qVSDC Offline supported: No

• Transaction Path: qVSDC Online supported: Yes
• Transaction Path: qVSDC Online with ODA supported: Yes
• Transaction Path: MSD CVN 17 supported: No
• Transaction Path: MSD Legacy supported: No

• SDA supported: No
• DDA supported: Yes
• CDA supported: No
• fDDA supported: Yes
• Contactless SDA supported: No

• CVM amount check supported: No

• Cardholder Verification Method: No CVM supported: Yes
• Cardholder Verification Method: Online PIN supported: Yes
• Cardholder Verification Method: Offline PIN supported: Yes
• Cardholder Verification Method: Signature supported: Yes
• Cardholder Verification Method: Offline Enciphered PIN with ICC Public Key
supported: Yes
• Cardholder Verification Method: Offline Enciphered PIN with Dedicated ICC PIN

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 4/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

• Cardholder Verification Method: Offline Enciphered PIN with Dedicated ICC PIN
Encipherment Key supported: No

• Transaction Logging is supported on the contact interface: No

• Contact application Online Only: No
• Application supports Issuer Scripting: Yes
• qVSDC International Transactions supported: Yes
• qVSDC International Offline Transactions supported: Yes
• qVSDC uses Country Code to Determine Domestic/International Transactions
supported: No
• Low Value Check supported: No
• Low Value and CTTA Check supported: Yes
• Transaction Logging is supported on the contactless interface: No
• Valid for Contactless domestic (manual) cash transactions: Yes
• Valid for Contactless international (manual) cash transactions: Yes
• Contactless Domestic cashback allowed: Yes

• Lower Consecutive Offline Limit Check supported: No

• Upper Consecutive Offline Limit Check supported: No
• Consecutive Transaction Lower Limit Check supported: Yes
• Consecutive Transaction Upper Limit Check supported: Yes
• Consecutive International Transaction Lower Limit Check supported: Yes
• Consecutive International Transaction Upper Limit Check supported: Yes
• Consecutive International Transaction Lower Limit Check with Currency Conversion
supported: No
• Consecutive International Transaction Upper Limit Check with Currency Conversion
supported: No
• Consecutive International Transaction Lower Limit Check with International Country
option supported: No
• Consecutive International Transaction Upper Limit Check with International Country
option supported: No
• Consecutive International Transaction Country Lower Limit Check supported: No
• Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Lower Limit Check supported: Yes
• Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit Check supported: Yes
• Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit (Dual Currency) Check supported: No
• Contactless Offline Transaction Lower Limit Check supported: Yes
• Contactless Offline Transaction Upper Limit Check supported: Yes
• Contactless Consecutive Transaction Counter - No CVM Check supported: No
• Contactless Cumulative Total Transaction Amount - No CVM Check supported: No

2.2 Failures

2.2.1 Template Check

No failures found during the test execution.

2.2.2 Issuer Keys Validation

No failures found during the test execution.

2.2.3 AID: 'A0 00 00 00 03 10 10' Tests on EMV transaction 1st GAC ARQC
Test Description of failure Paragraph
MS.1.001.00 MS. Failure: Track 1 shall be present on the Magnetic 4.3.183
MS.2.001.00 MS. Failure: Track 2 shall be present on the Magnetic 4.3.187

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 5/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

2.2.4 AID: 'A0 00 00 00 03 10 10' Tests on Contactless transaction with Select

Application and Get Data commands
Test Description of failure Paragraph
MS.1.001.00 MS. Failure: Track 1 shall be present on the Magnetic 4.4.41
MS.2.001.00 MS. Failure: Track 2 shall be present on the Magnetic 4.4.43

2.2.5 AID: 'A0 00 00 00 03 10 10' Tests on qVSDC online transaction with ODA
No failures found during the test execution.

2.2.6 AID: 'A0 00 00 00 03 10 10' Tests on qVSDC online transaction

No failures found during the test execution.

2.3 Warnings

2.3.1 Template Check

No warnings were generated during the test execution.

2.3.2 Issuer Keys Validation

No warnings were generated during the test execution.

2.3.3 AID: 'A0 00 00 00 03 10 10' Tests on EMV transaction 1st GAC ARQC
Test Description of warning Paragraph
DE.35.002.02 DE. Warning: Data elements recommended for inclusion 4.3.104
in the signature are not present CDOL1 ('8C') DE.
Warning: Data elements recommended for inclusion in the signature
are not present CDOL2 ('8D')
VC.2.003.00 VC. Warning: The value of CTCL should be between 3 4.3.312
and 10.
VC.4.003.00 VC. Warning: CTCUL (Tag '9F59' or 'DF31' in 'BF56') 4.3.320
should be between 5 and 12.

2.3.4 AID: 'A0 00 00 00 03 10 10' Tests on Contactless transaction with Select

Application and Get Data commands
No warnings were generated during the test execution.

2.3.5 AID: 'A0 00 00 00 03 10 10' Tests on qVSDC online transaction with ODA
Test Description of warning Paragraph
QN.10.003.04 QN. Warning: It is recommended that for contactless 4.5.54
transactions no static data be signed. The fourth byte of each of the
AFL (tag '94') group of four bytes should be set to 00b.

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 6/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

2.3.6 AID: 'A0 00 00 00 03 10 10' Tests on qVSDC online transaction

No warnings were generated during the test execution.

2.4 Observations

2.4.1 Template Check

No observations were generated during the test execution.

2.4.2 Issuer Keys Validation

No observations were generated during the test execution.

2.4.3 AID: 'A0 00 00 00 03 10 10' Tests on EMV transaction 1st GAC ARQC
Test Description of observation Paragraph
SE.6.003.01 SE. Observation: Since there is only a single application 4.3.222
on the card, the Application Priority Indicator is not required to be

2.4.4 AID: 'A0 00 00 00 03 10 10' Tests on Contactless transaction with Select

Application and Get Data commands
Test Description of observation Paragraph
SE.6.003.01 SE. Observation: Since there is only a single application 4.4.68
on the card, the Application Priority Indicator is not required to be

2.4.5 AID: 'A0 00 00 00 03 10 10' Tests on qVSDC online transaction with ODA
No observations were generated during the test execution.

2.4.6 AID: 'A0 00 00 00 03 10 10' Tests on qVSDC online transaction

No observations were generated during the test execution.

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 7/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

3. Overview
This chapter gives an overview of all test results, by showing for each test the verdict and a reference to a paragraph
that contains more details.
Three reporting options exist:
Full: details of all tests are presented in the report.
Standard: only details of tests with a result 'Failed' or 'Passed with observation' are presented in the report.
Brief: no tests details are presented.
This report has the following format: Full

Template Check

Test Verdict Paragraph

Template Test Not Applicable 4.1.1

Issuer Keys Validation

Test Verdict Paragraph

Check AC Key Not Applicable 4.2.1
Check MAC Key Not Applicable 4.2.2
Check ENC Key Not Applicable 4.2.3

AID: 'A0 00 00 00 03 10 10' Tests on EMV transaction 1st GAC ARQC

Test Verdict Paragraph

CV.2.001.00 Passed 4.3.1
CV.2.002.00 Passed 4.3.2
CV.2.003.00 Passed 4.3.3
CV.2.004.00 Passed 4.3.4
CV.3.001.00 Passed 4.3.5
CV.4.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.6
CV.6.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.7
CV.7.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.8
CV.8.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.9
CV.19.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.10
CV.20.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.11
CV.22.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.12
DA.1.001.00 Passed 4.3.13
DA.2.001.00 Passed 4.3.14
DA.3.001.00 Passed 4.3.15
DA.4.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.16
DA.5.001.00 Passed 4.3.17
DA.6.001.00 Passed 4.3.18
DA.7.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.19
DA.9.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.20
DA.10.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.21
DA.11.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.22
DE.1.001.00 Passed 4.3.23
DE.2.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.24
DE.2.003.00 Passed 4.3.25
DE.2.004.00 Not Applicable 4.3.26
DE.2.005.00 Not Applicable 4.3.27
DE.3.001.00 Passed 4.3.28

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 8/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test Verdict Paragraph

DE.3.002.00 Not Applicable 4.3.29
DE.4.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.30
DE.4.002.00 Passed 4.3.31
DE.5.001.00 Passed 4.3.32
DE.5.002.00 Passed 4.3.33
DE.6.001.00 Passed 4.3.34
DE.6.002.00 Passed 4.3.35
DE.6.002.01 Not Applicable 4.3.36
DE.6.002.02 Not Applicable 4.3.37
DE.6.002.03 Passed 4.3.38
DE.6.003.00 Passed 4.3.39
DE.6.003.01 Not Applicable 4.3.40
DE.7.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.41
DE.7.002.01 Passed 4.3.42
DE.8.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.43
DE.8.002.01 Passed 4.3.44
DE.9.001.00 Passed 4.3.45
DE.9.002.00 Not Applicable 4.3.46
DE.9.002.01 Passed 4.3.47
DE.10.002.00 Passed 4.3.48
DE.11.002.00 Passed 4.3.49
DE.11.002.01 Not Applicable 4.3.50
DE.11.002.02 Not Applicable 4.3.51
DE.11.002.03 Not Applicable 4.3.52
DE.12.001.00 Passed 4.3.53
DE.13.001.00 Passed 4.3.54
DE.13.002.00 Not Applicable 4.3.55
DE.13.003.00 Not Applicable 4.3.56
DE.13.004.00 Not Applicable 4.3.57
DE.14.001.00 Passed 4.3.58
DE.14.002.00 Passed 4.3.59
DE.17.001.00 Passed 4.3.60
DE.17.002.00 Passed 4.3.61
DE.17.003.00 Not Applicable 4.3.62
DE.17.004.00 Passed 4.3.63
DE.20.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.64
DE.20.002.00 Passed 4.3.65
DE.20.003.00 Not Applicable 4.3.66
DE.20.004.00 Not Applicable 4.3.67
DE.20.005.00 Not Applicable 4.3.68
DE.20.006.00 Not Applicable 4.3.69
DE.20.007.00 Not Applicable 4.3.70
DE.21.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.71
DE.21.002.00 Passed 4.3.72
DE.21.003.00 Not Applicable 4.3.73
DE.22.001.00 Passed 4.3.74
DE.22.002.00 Passed 4.3.75
DE.23.001.00 Passed 4.3.76
DE.24.001.00 Passed 4.3.77
DE.24.002.00 Passed 4.3.78
DE.25.001.00 Passed 4.3.79

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 9/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test Verdict Paragraph

DE.25.002.00 Passed 4.3.80
DE.25.003.00 Passed 4.3.81
DE.26.002.00 Passed 4.3.82
DE.26.003.00 Passed 4.3.83
DE.26.004.00 Not Applicable 4.3.84
DE.26.005.00 Not Applicable 4.3.85
DE.29.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.86
DE.30.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.87
DE.30.002.00 Not Applicable 4.3.88
DE.30.003.00 Passed 4.3.89
DE.30.004.01 Not Applicable 4.3.90
DE.30.004.02 Passed 4.3.91
DE.30.005.01 Not Applicable 4.3.92
DE.30.005.02 Not Applicable 4.3.93
DE.31.001.00 Passed 4.3.94
DE.33.001.00 Passed 4.3.95
DE.33.002.00 Passed 4.3.96
DE.34.001.00 Passed 4.3.97
DE.34.001.01 Not Applicable 4.3.98
DE.34.002.00 Passed 4.3.99
DE.34.003.00 Passed 4.3.100
DE.35.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.101
DE.35.002.00 Not Applicable 4.3.102
DE.35.002.01 Passed 4.3.103
DE.35.002.02 Warning 4.3.104
DE.35.002.03 Passed 4.3.105
DE.35.003.00 Not Applicable 4.3.106
DE.37.001.00 Passed 4.3.107
DE.37.002.00 Not Applicable 4.3.108
DE.38.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.109
DE.38.004.01 Not Applicable 4.3.110
DE.38.004.02 Passed 4.3.111
DE.38.005.00 Not Applicable 4.3.112
DE.38.005.01 Passed 4.3.113
DE.39.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.114
DE.40.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.115
DE.40.002.00 Not Applicable 4.3.116
DE.40.003.00 Not Applicable 4.3.117
DE.42.001.00 Passed 4.3.118
DE.43.001.00 Passed 4.3.119
DE.54.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.120
DE.54.002.00 Not Applicable 4.3.121
DP.1.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.122
DP.2.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.123
DP.2.002.00 Not Applicable 4.3.124
DP.900.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.125
DP.902.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.126
DP.902.002.00 Not Applicable 4.3.127
DS.1.001.00 Passed 4.3.128
DS.2.001.00 Passed 4.3.129
DS.3.001.00 Passed 4.3.130

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 10/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test Verdict Paragraph

DS.4.001.00 Passed 4.3.131
DS.5.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.132
DS.5.002.00 Passed 4.3.133
DS.6.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.134
DS.6.001.01 Passed 4.3.135
ES.1.001.00 Passed 4.3.136
ES.1.002.00 Not Applicable 4.3.137
ES.2.001.00 Passed 4.3.138
ES.2.001.01 Passed 4.3.139
ES.3.001.00 Passed 4.3.140
ES.4.001.00 Passed 4.3.141
ES.5.001.00 Passed 4.3.142
FL.1.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.143
FL.2.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.144
FL.3.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.145
FL.4.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.146
FL.5.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.147
FL.6.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.148
FL.7.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.149
FL.8.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.150
FL.9.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.151
FL.10.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.152
FL.11.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.153
FL.12.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.154
FL.13.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.155
FL.14.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.156
FL.15.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.157
FL.16.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.158
FL.17.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.159
FL.18.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.160
FL.19.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.161
GE.1.002.00 Passed 4.3.162
GE.3.001.00 Passed 4.3.163
GE.3.002.00 Passed 4.3.164
GE.3.003.00 Passed 4.3.165
GE.4.001.00 Passed 4.3.166
IA.1.001.00 Passed 4.3.167
ID.1.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.168
ID.1.002.00 Passed 4.3.169
ID.1.003.00 Not Applicable 4.3.170
ID.1.004.00 Not Applicable 4.3.171
ID.1.004.02 Passed 4.3.172
ID.1.004.03 Passed 4.3.173
ID.11.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.174
ID.11.001.01 Not Applicable 4.3.175
ID.11.001.02 Not Applicable 4.3.176
MP.3.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.177
MP.4.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.178
MP.5.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.179
MP.6.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.180
MP.7.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.181

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 11/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test Verdict Paragraph

MP.8.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.182
MS.1.001.00 Failed 4.3.183
MS.1.002.00 Inconclusive 4.3.184
MS.1.003.00 Inconclusive 4.3.185
MS.1.006.00 Inconclusive 4.3.186
MS.2.001.00 Failed 4.3.187
MS.2.002.00 Inconclusive 4.3.188
MS.2.004.00 Inconclusive 4.3.189
MS.2.004.01 Inconclusive 4.3.190
PR.1.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.191
PS.1.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.192
PS.1.001.01 Not Applicable 4.3.193
PS.2.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.194
PS.3.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.195
PS.4.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.196
PS.5.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.197
PS.7.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.198
PS.7.001.01 Not Applicable 4.3.199
PS.8.002.00 Not Applicable 4.3.200
PS.10.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.201
PS.10.002.01 Not Applicable 4.3.202
PS.10.002.02 Not Applicable 4.3.203
PS.11.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.204
QN.20.002.00 Not Applicable 4.3.205
SE.1.001.00 Passed 4.3.206
SE.1.002.00 Passed 4.3.207
SE.2.001.00 Passed 4.3.208
SE.2.002.00 Passed 4.3.209
SE.3.002.00 Passed 4.3.210
SE.3.003.00 Not Applicable 4.3.211
SE.3.004.00 Not Applicable 4.3.212
SE.3.005.00 Not Applicable 4.3.213
SE.4.001.00 Passed 4.3.214
SE.4.002.00 Passed 4.3.215
SE.4.003.00 Passed 4.3.216
SE.5.001.00 Passed 4.3.217
SE.5.002.00 Passed 4.3.218
SE.6.001.00 Passed 4.3.219
SE.6.002.00 Passed 4.3.220
SE.6.003.00 Not Applicable 4.3.221
SE.6.003.01 Observation 4.3.222
SE.7.001.00 Passed 4.3.223
SE.7.002.00 Passed 4.3.224
SE.7.003.00 Passed 4.3.225
SE.7.004.00 Not Applicable 4.3.226
SE.7.005.00 Passed 4.3.227
SE.7.006.00 Passed 4.3.228
SE.7.007.00 Not Applicable 4.3.229
SE.7.007.01 Not Applicable 4.3.230
SE.8.001.00 Passed 4.3.231
SE.8.002.00 Not Applicable 4.3.232

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 12/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test Verdict Paragraph

SE.9.001.00 Passed 4.3.233
SE.10.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.234
SE.10.001.02 Passed 4.3.235
SE.10.001.03 Not Applicable 4.3.236
SE.10.001.04 Not Applicable 4.3.237
SE.10.002.01 Not Applicable 4.3.238
SE.11.001.00 Passed 4.3.239
SE.12.001.00 Passed 4.3.240
SE.12.002.00 Passed 4.3.241
SE.12.003.00 Passed 4.3.242
SE.14.001.00 Passed 4.3.243
SE.14.002.00 Passed 4.3.244
SE.14.003.00 Not Applicable 4.3.245
SE.14.004.00 Passed 4.3.246
SE.15.001.00 Passed 4.3.247
SE.15.002.00 Passed 4.3.248
SE.15.003.00 Passed 4.3.249
SE.15.004.00 Not Applicable 4.3.250
SE.16.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.251
SE.16.003.00 Passed 4.3.252
SE.16.004.00 Passed 4.3.253
SE.16.005.00 Passed 4.3.254
SE.16.006.00 Not Applicable 4.3.255
SE.16.007.00 Passed 4.3.256
SE.16.008.00 Passed 4.3.257
SE.16.009.00 Passed 4.3.258
SE.16.010.01 Passed 4.3.259
SE.17.001.00 Passed 4.3.260
SE.17.002.00 Passed 4.3.261
SE.17.003.00 Passed 4.3.262
SE.18.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.263
SE.18.003.00 Not Applicable 4.3.264
SE.19.001.00 Passed 4.3.265
SE.20.001.00 Passed 4.3.266
SE.21.001.00 Passed 4.3.267
SE.21.002.00 Not Applicable 4.3.268
SE.21.002.01 Passed 4.3.269
SE.40.001.03 Passed 4.3.270
SH.2.001.00 Passed 4.3.271
SH.2.002.00 Passed 4.3.272
SH.2.004.00 Passed 4.3.273
SH.3.002.00 Passed 4.3.274
SH.3.003.00 Passed 4.3.275
SH.3.006.00 Passed 4.3.276
SH.3.007.00 Not Applicable 4.3.277
SH.4.001.01 Passed 4.3.278
SH.4.002.00 Passed 4.3.279
SH.5.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.280
SH.5.002.00 Not Applicable 4.3.281
SH.6.002.00 Passed 4.3.282
SH.6.002.01 Passed 4.3.283

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 13/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test Verdict Paragraph

SH.14.002.00 Passed 4.3.284
SH.18.001.00 Passed 4.3.285
SH.22.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.286
SH.22.001.01 Not Applicable 4.3.287
SH.23.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.288
SH.23.001.01 Not Applicable 4.3.289
SH.23.002.01 Not Applicable 4.3.290
SH.23.003.00 Passed 4.3.291
SH.23.003.01 Not Applicable 4.3.292
SH.24.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.293
SH.24.001.01 Not Applicable 4.3.294
SH.26.001.00 Passed 4.3.295
SH.26.001.01 Not Applicable 4.3.296
SH.26.002.00 Passed 4.3.297
SH.27.002.00 Not Applicable 4.3.298
SH.28.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.299
SH.29.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.300
SH.29.002.00 Not Applicable 4.3.301
SH.31.001.00 Passed 4.3.302
SH.31.002.00 Passed 4.3.303
SH.31.003.00 Not Applicable 4.3.304
SH.40.001.01 Passed 4.3.305
VC.1.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.306
VC.1.002.00 Not Applicable 4.3.307
VC.1.003.00 Not Applicable 4.3.308
VC.1.004.00 Not Applicable 4.3.309
VC.2.001.00 Passed 4.3.310
VC.2.002.00 Not Applicable 4.3.311
VC.2.003.00 Warning 4.3.312
VC.3.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.313
VC.3.002.00 Not Applicable 4.3.314
VC.3.003.00 Not Applicable 4.3.315
VC.3.004.00 Not Applicable 4.3.316
VC.3.005.00 Not Applicable 4.3.317
VC.4.001.00 Passed 4.3.318
VC.4.002.00 Not Applicable 4.3.319
VC.4.003.00 Warning 4.3.320
VC.4.004.00 Passed 4.3.321
VC.4.005.00 Passed 4.3.322
VC.5.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.323
VC.5.002.00 Not Applicable 4.3.324
VC.5.003.00 Passed 4.3.325
VC.5.004.00 Not Applicable 4.3.326
VC.6.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.327
VC.6.002.00 Not Applicable 4.3.328
VC.6.003.00 Passed 4.3.329
VC.6.004.00 Not Applicable 4.3.330
VC.6.005.00 Not Applicable 4.3.331
VC.6.006.00 Passed 4.3.332
VC.6.007.00 Not Applicable 4.3.333
VC.6.008.00 Passed 4.3.334

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 14/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test Verdict Paragraph

VC.6.009.00 Passed 4.3.335
VC.7.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.336
VC.7.002.00 Not Applicable 4.3.337
VC.7.003.00 Not Applicable 4.3.338
VC.7.004.00 Passed 4.3.339
VC.8.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.340
VC.8.002.00 Not Applicable 4.3.341
VC.8.003.00 Not Applicable 4.3.342
VC.8.004.00 Not Applicable 4.3.343
VC.8.005.00 Not Applicable 4.3.344
VC.8.006.00 Not Applicable 4.3.345
VC.8.007.00 Not Applicable 4.3.346
VC.8.008.00 Not Applicable 4.3.347
VC.11.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.348
VC.11.002.00 Not Applicable 4.3.349
VC.11.003.00 Passed 4.3.350
VC.11.004.00 Not Applicable 4.3.351
VC.12.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.352
VC.12.002.00 Not Applicable 4.3.353
VC.12.003.00 Passed 4.3.354
VC.12.004.00 Not Applicable 4.3.355
VC.12.005.00 Not Applicable 4.3.356
VC.12.006.00 Passed 4.3.357
VC.12.007.00 Not Applicable 4.3.358
VC.12.008.00 Passed 4.3.359
VC.13.001.00 Not Applicable 4.3.360
VC.13.002.00 Not Applicable 4.3.361
VC.19.001.00 Passed 4.3.362
VC.20.001.00 Passed 4.3.363

AID: 'A0 00 00 00 03 10 10' Tests on Contactless transaction with Select Application and Get Data commands

Test Verdict Paragraph

AD.1.003.00 Passed 4.4.1
AD.1.003.01 Not Applicable 4.4.2
AD.1.003.02 Passed 4.4.3
AD.1.003.10 Not Applicable 4.4.4
AD.1.004.00 Passed 4.4.5
AD.1.005.00 Passed 4.4.6
CV.19.001.01 Not Applicable 4.4.7
CV.21.001.00 Not Applicable 4.4.8
DE.6.003.01 Not Applicable 4.4.9
DP.1.001.00 Not Applicable 4.4.10
DP.1.001.00 Not Applicable 4.4.11
DP.2.001.00 Not Applicable 4.4.12
DP.2.001.00 Not Applicable 4.4.13
DP.2.002.00 Not Applicable 4.4.14
ES.1.001.00 Passed 4.4.15
ES.2.001.00 Passed 4.4.16
ES.2.001.01 Passed 4.4.17
ES.3.001.00 Passed 4.4.18

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 15/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test Verdict Paragraph

ES.4.001.00 Passed 4.4.19
ES.5.001.00 Passed 4.4.20
GE.2.001.00 Passed 4.4.21
GE.3.001.00 Passed 4.4.22
GE.3.002.00 Passed 4.4.23
ID.1.001.00 Not Applicable 4.4.24
ID.1.002.00 Passed 4.4.25
ID.1.003.00 Not Applicable 4.4.26
ID.1.004.01 Not Applicable 4.4.27
ID.1.004.02 Passed 4.4.28
ID.1.004.05 Not Applicable 4.4.29
ID.4.001.00 Not Applicable 4.4.30
ID.4.002.00 Passed 4.4.31
ID.6.001.00 Passed 4.4.32
ID.8.001.00 Not Applicable 4.4.33
ID.8.002.00 Not Applicable 4.4.34
ID.8.003.00 Not Applicable 4.4.35
ID.9.001.00 Passed 4.4.36
ID.10.001.00 Not Applicable 4.4.37
ID.11.001.00 Not Applicable 4.4.38
ID.11.001.01 Not Applicable 4.4.39
ID.11.001.02 Not Applicable 4.4.40
MS.1.001.00 Failed 4.4.41
MS.1.002.00 Inconclusive 4.4.42
MS.2.001.00 Failed 4.4.43
PP.1.001.00 Passed 4.4.44
PP.1.002.00 Passed 4.4.45
PP.1.003.00 Passed 4.4.46
PP.1.003.01 Passed 4.4.47
PP.1.003.02 Passed 4.4.48
PP.1.003.03 Passed 4.4.49
PP.1.003.04 Not Applicable 4.4.50
PP.1.003.06 Passed 4.4.51
PP.1.003.07 Passed 4.4.52
PP.1.003.08 Passed 4.4.53
PP.1.003.09 Passed 4.4.54
PP.1.003.10 Passed 4.4.55
PP.1.003.11 Passed 4.4.56
PP.1.003.12 Not Applicable 4.4.57
PP.1.004.00 Passed 4.4.58
SE.2.001.00 Passed 4.4.59
SE.2.002.00 Passed 4.4.60
SE.3.002.00 Passed 4.4.61
SE.3.003.00 Not Applicable 4.4.62
SE.3.004.00 Not Applicable 4.4.63
SE.3.005.00 Not Applicable 4.4.64
SE.6.001.00 Passed 4.4.65
SE.6.002.00 Passed 4.4.66
SE.6.003.00 Not Applicable 4.4.67
SE.6.003.01 Observation 4.4.68
SE.8.001.00 Passed 4.4.69

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 16/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test Verdict Paragraph

SE.8.002.00 Not Applicable 4.4.70
SE.11.001.00 Passed 4.4.71
SE.12.001.00 Passed 4.4.72
SE.12.002.00 Passed 4.4.73
SE.12.003.00 Passed 4.4.74
SE.19.001.00 Passed 4.4.75
SE.20.001.00 Passed 4.4.76
SE.20.002.00 Passed 4.4.77
SH.1.001.00 Passed 4.4.78
SH.2.001.00 Passed 4.4.79
SH.2.002.00 Passed 4.4.80
SH.2.004.00 Not Applicable 4.4.81
SH.5.001.00 Not Applicable 4.4.82
SH.5.003.00 Not Applicable 4.4.83
SH.5.004.00 Not Applicable 4.4.84
SH.6.001.03 Not Applicable 4.4.85
SH.6.001.04 Passed 4.4.86
SH.6.001.05 Passed 4.4.87
SH.6.001.06 Passed 4.4.88
SH.6.002.00 Passed 4.4.89
SH.6.002.01 Passed 4.4.90
SH.6.004.00 Not Applicable 4.4.91
SH.6.005.00 Not Applicable 4.4.92
SH.6.006.00 Not Applicable 4.4.93
SH.6.007.00 Not Applicable 4.4.94
SH.6.012.00 Passed 4.4.95
SH.14.001.00 Passed 4.4.96
SH.14.002.00 Passed 4.4.97
SH.22.001.00 Not Applicable 4.4.98
SH.23.001.00 Not Applicable 4.4.99
SH.23.003.00 Passed 4.4.100
SH.24.001.00 Not Applicable 4.4.101
SH.26.001.00 Passed 4.4.102
SH.26.001.01 Not Applicable 4.4.103
SH.26.002.00 Not Applicable 4.4.104
SH.28.001.00 Not Applicable 4.4.105
SH.28.003.00 Not Applicable 4.4.106
SH.29.001.00 Not Applicable 4.4.107
SH.29.002.00 Not Applicable 4.4.108
SH.29.003.00 Not Applicable 4.4.109
SH.29.004.00 Passed 4.4.110
SH.31.004.00 Not Applicable 4.4.111
SH.31.005.00 Not Applicable 4.4.112
SH.31.006.00 Not Applicable 4.4.113
SH.32.002.00 Not Applicable 4.4.114
SH.33.001.00 Passed 4.4.115
SH.33.002.00 Not Applicable 4.4.116
SH.36.002.00 Not Applicable 4.4.117
SH.40.001.00 Not Applicable 4.4.118
SH.40.002.00 Not Applicable 4.4.119
SH.40.003.00 Not Applicable 4.4.120

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 17/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test Verdict Paragraph

SH.41.001.00 Not Applicable 4.4.121
VC.5.001.00 Not Applicable 4.4.122
VC.5.002.00 Not Applicable 4.4.123
VC.5.003.00 Passed 4.4.124
VC.5.004.00 Not Applicable 4.4.125
VC.6.001.00 Not Applicable 4.4.126
VC.6.002.00 Not Applicable 4.4.127
VC.6.003.00 Passed 4.4.128
VC.6.004.00 Not Applicable 4.4.129
VC.6.005.00 Not Applicable 4.4.130
VC.6.006.00 Passed 4.4.131
VC.6.007.00 Not Applicable 4.4.132
VC.6.008.00 Passed 4.4.133
VC.6.009.00 Passed 4.4.134
VC.9.001.00 Passed 4.4.135
VC.9.002.00 Not Applicable 4.4.136
VC.10.001.00 Passed 4.4.137
VC.10.002.00 Not Applicable 4.4.138
VC.10.003.00 Passed 4.4.139
VC.10.004.00 Passed 4.4.140
VC.11.001.00 Not Applicable 4.4.141
VC.11.002.00 Not Applicable 4.4.142
VC.11.003.00 Passed 4.4.143
VC.11.004.00 Not Applicable 4.4.144
VC.12.001.00 Not Applicable 4.4.145
VC.12.002.00 Not Applicable 4.4.146
VC.12.003.00 Passed 4.4.147
VC.12.004.00 Not Applicable 4.4.148
VC.12.005.00 Not Applicable 4.4.149
VC.12.006.00 Passed 4.4.150
VC.12.007.00 Not Applicable 4.4.151
VC.12.008.00 Passed 4.4.152
VC.14.001.00 Passed 4.4.153
VC.15.001.00 Passed 4.4.154
VC.16.001.00 Not Applicable 4.4.155
VC.17.001.00 Passed 4.4.156
VC.18.001.00 Not Applicable 4.4.157
VC.19.001.00 Passed 4.4.158
VC.20.001.00 Passed 4.4.159

AID: 'A0 00 00 00 03 10 10' Tests on qVSDC online transaction with ODA

Test Verdict Paragraph

AD.1.003.04 Not Applicable 4.5.1
DA.1.001.00 Passed 4.5.2
DA.1.001.01 Passed 4.5.3
DA.1.001.02 Passed 4.5.4
DA.2.001.00 Passed 4.5.5
DA.2.001.01 Passed 4.5.6
DA.2.001.02 Passed 4.5.7
DA.4.001.01 Not Applicable 4.5.8

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 18/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test Verdict Paragraph

DE.6.003.00 Passed 4.5.9
DE.6.003.01 Not Applicable 4.5.10
DE.26.002.00 Passed 4.5.11
DE.26.004.00 Not Applicable 4.5.12
DE.26.006.00 Passed 4.5.13
DE.60.001.01 Passed 4.5.14
DS.5.003.00 Passed 4.5.15
DS.5.004.00 Passed 4.5.16
DS.7.002.00 Passed 4.5.17
ES.2.001.01 Passed 4.5.18
GE.1.007.00 Passed 4.5.19
GE.2.002.00 Passed 4.5.20
GE.3.001.00 Passed 4.5.21
GE.3.002.00 Passed 4.5.22
GE.3.003.00 Passed 4.5.23
GE.4.001.00 Passed 4.5.24
GE.4.001.00.PVT Not Applicable 4.5.25
ID.1.004.00 Not Applicable 4.5.26
IP.1.001.00 Passed 4.5.27
IP.1.002.00 Passed 4.5.28
MD.3.001.00 Passed 4.5.29
MD.13.002.00 Not Applicable 4.5.30
MD.21.001.01 Passed 4.5.31
MD.22.001.00 Passed 4.5.32
MD.26.002.00 Not Applicable 4.5.33
MD.26.003.00 Passed 4.5.34
MD.29.001.00 Not Applicable 4.5.35
MD.29.002.00 Not Applicable 4.5.36
MD.31.001.00 Passed 4.5.37
MD.31.001.01 Not Applicable 4.5.38
MD.31.001.03 Not Applicable 4.5.39
MD.31.001.04 Not Applicable 4.5.40
MD.31.002.00 Passed 4.5.41
MS.1.003.01 Inconclusive 4.5.42
MS.1.006.00 Not Applicable 4.5.43
MS.2.002.01 Inconclusive 4.5.44
MS.2.004.01 Inconclusive 4.5.45
PR.1.001.00 Not Applicable 4.5.46
PS.11.001.00 Not Applicable 4.5.47
QF.2.002.00 Passed 4.5.48
QF.4.002.00 Passed 4.5.49
QF.4.004.00 Not Applicable 4.5.50
QF.6.001.00 Not Applicable 4.5.51
QN.10.001.02 Passed 4.5.52
QN.10.003.01 Passed 4.5.53
QN.10.003.04 Warning 4.5.54
QN.12.001.00 Passed 4.5.55
QN.13.001.00 Passed 4.5.56
QN.14.001.00 Not Applicable 4.5.57
QN.14.001.01 Passed 4.5.58
QN.14.002.00 Not Applicable 4.5.59

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 19/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test Verdict Paragraph

QN.15.001.00 Passed 4.5.60
QN.16.001.00 Passed 4.5.61
QN.17.001.00 Passed 4.5.62
QN.20.001.00 Passed 4.5.63
SE.1.001.00 Passed 4.5.64
SE.1.002.00 Passed 4.5.65
SE.4.001.00 Passed 4.5.66
SE.4.002.00 Passed 4.5.67
SE.4.003.00 Passed 4.5.68
SE.5.001.00 Passed 4.5.69
SE.5.002.00 Passed 4.5.70
SE.7.001.00 Passed 4.5.71
SE.7.002.00 Passed 4.5.72
SE.7.004.01 Not Applicable 4.5.73
SE.7.006.00 Passed 4.5.74
SE.7.007.00 Not Applicable 4.5.75
SE.7.007.01 Not Applicable 4.5.76
SE.7.007.03 Passed 4.5.77
SE.7.007.05 Passed 4.5.78
SE.7.007.06 Not Applicable 4.5.79
SE.10.001.00 Not Applicable 4.5.80
SE.10.002.00 Not Applicable 4.5.81
SE.10.003.00 Passed 4.5.82
SE.10.003.01 Passed 4.5.83
SE.10.003.02 Not Applicable 4.5.84
SE.14.001.00 Passed 4.5.85
SE.14.002.00 Passed 4.5.86
SE.14.003.00 Not Applicable 4.5.87
SE.14.004.00 Passed 4.5.88
SE.15.001.00 Passed 4.5.89
SE.15.002.00 Passed 4.5.90
SE.15.003.00 Passed 4.5.91
SE.15.004.00 Not Applicable 4.5.92
SE.16.001.00 Not Applicable 4.5.93
SE.16.003.00 Passed 4.5.94
SE.16.004.00 Passed 4.5.95
SE.16.005.00 Passed 4.5.96
SE.16.006.00 Not Applicable 4.5.97
SE.16.007.00 Passed 4.5.98
SE.16.008.00 Passed 4.5.99
SE.16.009.00 Passed 4.5.100
SE.16.010.02 Passed 4.5.101
SE.17.001.00 Passed 4.5.102
SE.17.002.00 Passed 4.5.103
SE.17.003.00 Passed 4.5.104
SE.18.001.00 Not Applicable 4.5.105
SE.18.003.00 Not Applicable 4.5.106
SE.21.001.00 Passed 4.5.107
SE.21.003.01 Not Applicable 4.5.108
SE.22.001.00 Not Applicable 4.5.109
SE.23.001.00 Passed 4.5.110

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 20/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test Verdict Paragraph

SE.24.001.00 Not Applicable 4.5.111
SE.40.001.03 Passed 4.5.112
SH.6.001.01 Not Applicable 4.5.113
SH.6.001.02 Not Applicable 4.5.114
SH.40.001.02 Passed 4.5.115
SH.40.001.03 Passed 4.5.116
SH.42.001.00 Not Applicable 4.5.117
SH.42.002.00 Not Applicable 4.5.118

AID: 'A0 00 00 00 03 10 10' Tests on qVSDC online transaction

Test Verdict Paragraph

AD.1.003.04 Not Applicable 4.6.1
DE.6.003.00 Passed 4.6.2
DE.6.003.01 Not Applicable 4.6.3
DE.26.004.00 Not Applicable 4.6.4
DE.26.006.00 Passed 4.6.5
DE.60.001.00 Passed 4.6.6
DE.60.001.01 Passed 4.6.7
DS.5.003.00 Passed 4.6.8
DS.5.004.00 Passed 4.6.9
ES.2.001.01 Passed 4.6.10
GE.1.006.00 Passed 4.6.11
GE.2.002.00 Passed 4.6.12
GE.3.001.00 Passed 4.6.13
GE.3.002.00 Passed 4.6.14
GE.3.003.00 Passed 4.6.15
GE.4.001.00 Passed 4.6.16
GE.4.001.00.PVT Not Applicable 4.6.17
ID.1.004.00 Not Applicable 4.6.18
MD.3.001.00 Passed 4.6.19
MD.13.002.00 Not Applicable 4.6.20
MD.21.001.01 Passed 4.6.21
MD.22.001.00 Passed 4.6.22
MD.26.002.00 Not Applicable 4.6.23
MD.26.003.00 Passed 4.6.24
MD.29.001.00 Not Applicable 4.6.25
MD.29.002.00 Not Applicable 4.6.26
MD.31.001.00 Passed 4.6.27
MD.31.001.01 Not Applicable 4.6.28
MD.31.001.03 Not Applicable 4.6.29
MD.31.001.04 Not Applicable 4.6.30
MD.31.002.00 Passed 4.6.31
MS.1.003.01 Inconclusive 4.6.32
MS.1.006.00 Not Applicable 4.6.33
MS.2.002.01 Inconclusive 4.6.34
MS.2.004.01 Inconclusive 4.6.35
PR.1.001.00 Not Applicable 4.6.36
PS.11.001.00 Not Applicable 4.6.37
QF.6.001.00 Not Applicable 4.6.38
QF.11.001.00 Passed 4.6.39

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 21/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test Verdict Paragraph

QN.10.001.00 Not Applicable 4.6.40
QN.10.001.01 Passed 4.6.41
QN.10.002.00 Not Applicable 4.6.42
QN.10.003.03 Passed 4.6.43
QN.12.001.00 Passed 4.6.44
QN.12.002.00 Passed 4.6.45
QN.12.003.00 Passed 4.6.46
QN.16.001.00 Passed 4.6.47
SE.5.001.00 Passed 4.6.48
SE.5.002.00 Passed 4.6.49
SE.7.001.00 Passed 4.6.50
SE.7.002.00 Passed 4.6.51
SE.7.004.01 Not Applicable 4.6.52
SE.7.006.00 Passed 4.6.53
SE.7.007.00 Not Applicable 4.6.54
SE.7.007.01 Not Applicable 4.6.55
SE.7.007.03 Passed 4.6.56
SE.7.007.04 Not Applicable 4.6.57
SE.7.007.05 Passed 4.6.58
SE.7.007.06 Not Applicable 4.6.59
SE.10.001.00 Not Applicable 4.6.60
SE.10.002.00 Not Applicable 4.6.61
SE.10.003.00 Passed 4.6.62
SE.10.003.01 Passed 4.6.63
SE.10.003.02 Not Applicable 4.6.64
SE.16.005.00 Not Applicable 4.6.65
SE.16.006.00 Not Applicable 4.6.66
SE.16.007.00 Not Applicable 4.6.67
SE.16.008.00 Not Applicable 4.6.68
SE.16.009.00 Not Applicable 4.6.69
SE.22.001.00 Not Applicable 4.6.70
SE.23.001.00 Passed 4.6.71
SE.24.001.00 Not Applicable 4.6.72
SH.6.001.01 Not Applicable 4.6.73
SH.6.001.02 Not Applicable 4.6.74
SH.40.001.02 Passed 4.6.75
SH.42.001.00 Not Applicable 4.6.76
SH.42.002.00 Not Applicable 4.6.77

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 22/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

4. Test Details
This chapter presents detailed test results.

4.1 Template Check

4.1.1 Template Test

Verdict Not Applicable
Test description Compare card data with template data

Test not applicable, because:

No Template Selected

4.2 Issuer Keys Validation

4.2.1 Check AC Key

Verdict Not Applicable
Test description Validate AC TDES Key

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not switched on in test configuration

4.2.2 Check MAC Key

Verdict Not Applicable
Test description Validate MAC TDES Key

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not switched on in test configuration.

4.2.3 Check ENC Key

Verdict Not Applicable
Test description Validate ENC TDES Key

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not switched on in test configuration
PIN verification is switched off. It should be enabled to run the test.

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 23/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

4.3 AID: 'A0 00 00 00 03 10 10' Tests on EMV transaction 1st GAC ARQC

4.3.1 CV.2.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that 'No CVM required' is the last CVM in the CVM List.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 8E : Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) List : 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 02 05 44 03 41 03 42 03 1E 03 1F 02
▤ Amount X = 00 00 00 00
▤ Amount Y = 00 00 00 00
▤ CVM 1: [02 05] (Enciphered PIN verified online)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 0 (Fail Cardholder Verification if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 000010 (Enciphered PIN verified online)
▤ Byte 2 = '05' (If purchase with cashback)
▤ CVM 2: [44 03] (Enciphered PIN verification performed by ICC)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 1 (Apply succeeding CVM field if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 000100 (Enciphered PIN verification performed by ICC)
▤ Byte 2 = '03' (If terminal supports the CVM type)
▤ CVM 3: [41 03] (Plaintext PIN verification performed by ICC)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 1 (Apply succeeding CVM field if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 000001 (Plaintext PIN verification performed by ICC)
▤ Byte 2 = '03' (If terminal supports the CVM type)
▤ CVM 4: [42 03] (Enciphered PIN verified online)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 1 (Apply succeeding CVM field if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 000010 (Enciphered PIN verified online)
▤ Byte 2 = '03' (If terminal supports the CVM type)
▤ CVM 5: [1E 03] (Signature (paper))
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 0 (Fail Cardholder Verification if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 011110 (Signature (paper))
▤ Byte 2 = '03' (If terminal supports the CVM type)
▤ CVM 6: [1F 02] (No CVM required)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 0 (Fail Cardholder Verification if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 011111 (No CVM required)
▤ Byte 2 = '02' (If not unattended cash and not manual cash and not
purchase with cashback)
▤ Tag 5F 28: Issuer Country Code : 00 51
▤ Country Code = 00 51
▤ Country Name = Armenia

✔ CV. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: 'No CVM

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Personalization Validation Report

✔ CV. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: 'No CVM

required' must be the last CVM in the CVM List.)

4.3.2 CV.2.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that 'Signature' is in the CVM List.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 8E : Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) List : 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 02 05 44 03 41 03 42 03 1E 03 1F 02
▤ Amount X = 00 00 00 00
▤ Amount Y = 00 00 00 00
▤ CVM 1: [02 05] (Enciphered PIN verified online)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 0 (Fail Cardholder Verification if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 000010 (Enciphered PIN verified online)
▤ Byte 2 = '05' (If purchase with cashback)
▤ CVM 2: [44 03] (Enciphered PIN verification performed by ICC)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 1 (Apply succeeding CVM field if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 000100 (Enciphered PIN verification performed by ICC)
▤ Byte 2 = '03' (If terminal supports the CVM type)
▤ CVM 3: [41 03] (Plaintext PIN verification performed by ICC)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 1 (Apply succeeding CVM field if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 000001 (Plaintext PIN verification performed by ICC)
▤ Byte 2 = '03' (If terminal supports the CVM type)
▤ CVM 4: [42 03] (Enciphered PIN verified online)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 1 (Apply succeeding CVM field if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 000010 (Enciphered PIN verified online)
▤ Byte 2 = '03' (If terminal supports the CVM type)
▤ CVM 5: [1E 03] (Signature (paper))
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 0 (Fail Cardholder Verification if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 011110 (Signature (paper))
▤ Byte 2 = '03' (If terminal supports the CVM type)
▤ CVM 6: [1F 02] (No CVM required)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 0 (Fail Cardholder Verification if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 011111 (No CVM required)
▤ Byte 2 = '02' (If not unattended cash and not manual cash and not
purchase with cashback)
✔ CV. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: 'Signature'
shall be present in the CVM List.)

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

4.3.3 CV.2.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that 'PIN, Always' is not the only CVM in the CVM List.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 8E : Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) List : 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 02 05 44 03 41 03 42 03 1E 03 1F 02
▤ Amount X = 00 00 00 00
▤ Amount Y = 00 00 00 00
▤ CVM 1: [02 05] (Enciphered PIN verified online)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 0 (Fail Cardholder Verification if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 000010 (Enciphered PIN verified online)
▤ Byte 2 = '05' (If purchase with cashback)
▤ CVM 2: [44 03] (Enciphered PIN verification performed by ICC)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 1 (Apply succeeding CVM field if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 000100 (Enciphered PIN verification performed by ICC)
▤ Byte 2 = '03' (If terminal supports the CVM type)
▤ CVM 3: [41 03] (Plaintext PIN verification performed by ICC)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 1 (Apply succeeding CVM field if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 000001 (Plaintext PIN verification performed by ICC)
▤ Byte 2 = '03' (If terminal supports the CVM type)
▤ CVM 4: [42 03] (Enciphered PIN verified online)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 1 (Apply succeeding CVM field if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 000010 (Enciphered PIN verified online)
▤ Byte 2 = '03' (If terminal supports the CVM type)
▤ CVM 5: [1E 03] (Signature (paper))
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 0 (Fail Cardholder Verification if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 011110 (Signature (paper))
▤ Byte 2 = '03' (If terminal supports the CVM type)
▤ CVM 6: [1F 02] (No CVM required)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 0 (Fail Cardholder Verification if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 011111 (No CVM required)
▤ Byte 2 = '02' (If not unattended cash and not manual cash and not
purchase with cashback)
✔ CV. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: 'PIN,
Always' must not be the only CVM in the CVM List.)

4.3.4 CV.2.004.00
Verdict Passed

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Test description To ensure that the first CVM in the CVM List (Tag '8E') is not set to always fail CVM processing.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 8E : Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) List : 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 02 05 44 03 41 03 42 03 1E 03 1F 02
▤ Amount X = 00 00 00 00
▤ Amount Y = 00 00 00 00
▤ CVM 1: [02 05] (Enciphered PIN verified online)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 0 (Fail Cardholder Verification if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 000010 (Enciphered PIN verified online)
▤ Byte 2 = '05' (If purchase with cashback)
▤ CVM 2: [44 03] (Enciphered PIN verification performed by ICC)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 1 (Apply succeeding CVM field if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 000100 (Enciphered PIN verification performed by ICC)
▤ Byte 2 = '03' (If terminal supports the CVM type)
▤ CVM 3: [41 03] (Plaintext PIN verification performed by ICC)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 1 (Apply succeeding CVM field if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 000001 (Plaintext PIN verification performed by ICC)
▤ Byte 2 = '03' (If terminal supports the CVM type)
▤ CVM 4: [42 03] (Enciphered PIN verified online)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 1 (Apply succeeding CVM field if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 000010 (Enciphered PIN verified online)
▤ Byte 2 = '03' (If terminal supports the CVM type)
▤ CVM 5: [1E 03] (Signature (paper))
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 0 (Fail Cardholder Verification if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 011110 (Signature (paper))
▤ Byte 2 = '03' (If terminal supports the CVM type)
▤ CVM 6: [1F 02] (No CVM required)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 0 (Fail Cardholder Verification if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 011111 (No CVM required)
▤ Byte 2 = '02' (If not unattended cash and not manual cash and not
purchase with cashback)

✔ CV. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The first

CVM in the CVM List must not be set to always fail CVM processing.)

4.3.5 CV.3.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that Signature, Online PIN (when applicable) and No CVM shall be supported as
CVM methods, for Visa DB/CR.

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 8E : Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) List : 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 02 05 44 03 41 03 42 03 1E 03 1F 02
▤ Amount X = 00 00 00 00
▤ Amount Y = 00 00 00 00
▤ CVM 1: [02 05] (Enciphered PIN verified online)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 0 (Fail Cardholder Verification if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 000010 (Enciphered PIN verified online)
▤ Byte 2 = '05' (If purchase with cashback)
▤ CVM 2: [44 03] (Enciphered PIN verification performed by ICC)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 1 (Apply succeeding CVM field if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 000100 (Enciphered PIN verification performed by ICC)
▤ Byte 2 = '03' (If terminal supports the CVM type)
▤ CVM 3: [41 03] (Plaintext PIN verification performed by ICC)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 1 (Apply succeeding CVM field if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 000001 (Plaintext PIN verification performed by ICC)
▤ Byte 2 = '03' (If terminal supports the CVM type)
▤ CVM 4: [42 03] (Enciphered PIN verified online)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 1 (Apply succeeding CVM field if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 000010 (Enciphered PIN verified online)
▤ Byte 2 = '03' (If terminal supports the CVM type)
▤ CVM 5: [1E 03] (Signature (paper))
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 0 (Fail Cardholder Verification if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 011110 (Signature (paper))
▤ Byte 2 = '03' (If terminal supports the CVM type)
▤ CVM 6: [1F 02] (No CVM required)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 0 (Fail Cardholder Verification if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 011111 (No CVM required)
▤ Byte 2 = '02' (If not unattended cash and not manual cash and not
purchase with cashback)

✔ CVM method 5 indicates Signature.

✔ CVM method 6 indicates No CVM.

▤ Tag 9F 07: Application Usage Control : FF 80

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 Valid for domestic cash transactions
bit 7 = 1 Valid for international cash transactions
bit 6 = 1 Valid for domestic goods
bit 5 = 1 Valid for international goods
bit 4 = 1 Valid for domestic services
bit 3 = 1 Valid for international services
bit 2 = 1 Valid at ATMs
bit 1 = 1 Valid at terminals other than ATMs
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 1 Domestic cashback allowed

bit 7 = 0 International cashback NOT allowed

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 7 = 0 International cashback NOT allowed

bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
• AUC Byte 1 bit 2 = 1 (valid at ATM)
✔ CVM method 1 indicates Online PIN.

✔ CV. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: CVM list

shall support 'Signature' method.)
✔ CV. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: CVM List
shall support 'Online PIN' method if card product is valid for ATM.)
✔ CV. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: CVM List
shall support 'No CVM' method.)

4.3.6 CV.4.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Signature and Online PIN (when applicable) shall be supported as CVM
methods, for Visa Electron.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application

4.3.7 CV.6.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Visa applications supporting Offline Plaintext PIN shall successfully validate a
VERIFY command with the valid PIN value, if known.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

• Card supports Plaintext (Offline) PIN

Test not applicable, because:
PIN verification switched off in Test Configuration

4.3.8 CV.7.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the card validates a correct PIN value enciphered with the ICC or ICC PIN
Encipherment public key.

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

• Card supports Enciphered (Offline) PIN

Test not applicable, because:
PIN verification switched off in Test Configuration

4.3.9 CV.8.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure the validity of the recovered ICC PIN Encipherment Public Key Certificate (when

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

ICC PIN Encipherment Public Key Certificate (tag '9F2D') is not present

4.3.10 CV.19.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that when the Consecutive Transaction Counter - No CVM (CTC-NC) Check is
supported, the Counters Data Template is present and formatted correctly

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 08: Application Version Number [VIS] : 00 A0

▤ VIS 1.6.0
Test not applicable, because:
Application Version Number does not indicate that the card is compliant to VIS
1.6.2/VCPS 2.2.1 and above
Consecutive Transaction Counter - No CVM (CTC-NC) Check is not supported

4.3.11 CV.20.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that when the Cumulative Total Transaction Amount - No CVM (CTTA-NC) Check is
supported, the Amounts Data Template is present and formatted correctly

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 08: Application Version Number [VIS] : 00 A0

▤ VIS 1.6.0
▤ Tag 9F 68: Card Additional Processes [qVSDC VCPS 2.2] : 4C 00

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ VIS 1.6.0
▤ Tag 9F 68: Card Additional Processes [qVSDC VCPS 2.2] : 4C 00
F0 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Low Value Check not supported
bit 7 = 1 Low Value AND CTTA Check supported
bit 6 = 0 Do not count qVSDC online transactions
bit 5 = 0 Streamlined qVSDC not supported
bit 4 = 1 PIN Tries Exceeded Check supported
bit 3 = 1 Offline international transactions are allowed
bit 2 = 0 No Card Contact Chip Preference
bit 1 = 0 Do not return Available Offline Spending Amount
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Do not include country code in determining international
bit 7 = 0 International transactions are allowed
bit 6 = 0 Enable Offline Data Authentication (ODA) for Online
bit 5 = 0 Contactless Issuer Update Processing not supported
bit 4 = 0 Count qVSDC offline transactions
bit 3 = 0 Card does not Prefer Online
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Online PIN supported for domestic transaction
bit 7 = 1 Online PIN supported for international transaction
bit 6 = 1 (Contact Chip) Offline PIN supported
bit 5 = 1 Signature supported
bit 4 = 0 Consumer Device CVM not supported
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 4 bit 8 = 0 RFU
bit 7 = 0 RFU
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Test not applicable, because:
Application Version Number does not indicate that the card is compliant to VIS
1.6.2/VCPS 2.2.1 and above
Cumulative Total Transaction Amount - No CVM (CTTA-NC) Check is not supported

4.3.12 CV.22.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that if the Consecutive Transaction Counter - No CVM (CTC-NC) or Cumulative Total
Transaction Amount - No CVM (CTTA-NC) Check is supported, the CVM Results tag and length
are included in the CDOL2

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 9F 08: Application Version Number [VIS] : 00 A0

▤ VIS 1.6.0
Test not applicable, because:
Application Version Number does not indicate that the card is compliant to VIS
1.6.1 and above
Cumulative Total Transaction Amount - No CVM (CTTA-NC) Check and Consecutive

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Personalization Validation Report

Cumulative Total Transaction Amount - No CVM (CTTA-NC) Check and Consecutive

Transaction Counter - No CVM (CTC-NC) Check are both not supported

4.3.13 DA.1.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure the presence and validity of the recovered Issuer Public Key Certificate (tag '90')

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate

▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07 86
CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24 40 B7
14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6 53 61 56
3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A 02 6D 24 D7
90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B E3 58 66 AF 91
87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E
BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59
AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE
5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93
7C 1D 6C 29
▤ Deciphered Issuer Public Key Certificate: 6A 02 48 89 62 FF 12 30 04 65 45 01 01
B0 01 B2 86 60 6A 64 40 E1 10 6F 9D 0D 3E 0A BC DA 06 0F 43 56 74 85 5D F9 F1 BF A2
F7 EF C4 4F E0 3C 18 5A 12 78 F1 4F D8 29 65 B9 A5 A5 55 4D BF 53 70 52 F6 01 CC 62
B7 74 67 26 13 69 D1 E3 7A DC 6E 7E 9A D4 05 B8 AE 6F 88 A7 E8 EB 1B 16 E9 EA 11 21
B8 33 60 F5 5E 68 CE EB B2 40 38 AB 76 26 D9 87 86 04 4B 6A 31 DB 5A 80 F2 12 32 F2
15 2E 95 5A 6E 71 E7 4D 56 1A 99 07 E2 FD 30 8D FF B1 69 B6 C8 11 4C CB 63 37 A2 73
D0 E0 14 43 39 A3 A3 F4 61 6E CA 16 A3 F0 A9 A2 11 2C E7 87 5D 63 21 43 34 7A 99 D8
94 1D 25 AD 6A 28 59 7B AD BF BC
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Certificate Format = 02
▤ Issuer Identification Number = 48 89 62 FF
▤ Certificate Expiration Date (MM YY) = 12 30
▤ Certificate Serial Number = 04 65 45
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ Issuer Public Key Algorithm = 01
▤ Issuer Public Key Length = B0
▤ Issuer Public Key Exponent = 01
▤ Issuer Public Key:
▤ B2 86 60 6A 64 40 E1 10 6F 9D 0D 3E 0A BC DA 06
▤ 0F 43 56 74 85 5D F9 F1 BF A2 F7 EF C4 4F E0 3C
▤ 18 5A 12 78 F1 4F D8 29 65 B9 A5 A5 55 4D BF 53
▤ 70 52 F6 01 CC 62 B7 74 67 26 13 69 D1 E3 7A DC
▤ 6E 7E 9A D4 05 B8 AE 6F 88 A7 E8 EB 1B 16 E9 EA
▤ 11 21 B8 33 60 F5 5E 68 CE EB B2 40 38 AB 76 26
▤ D9 87 86 04 4B 6A 31 DB 5A 80 F2 12 32 F2 15 2E
▤ 95 5A 6E 71 E7 4D 56 1A 99 07 E2 FD 30 8D FF B1
▤ 69 B6 C8 11 4C CB 63 37 A2 73 D0 E0 14 43 39 A3
▤ A3 F4 61 6E CA 16 A3 F0 A9 A2 11 2C E7 87 5D 63
▤ 21 43 34 7A 99 D8 54 18 5E B9 E2 FA 91 AD EA 9F
▤ Padding:


PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Hash Result:
▤ 5E 21 CD EC CF 42 26 64 40 B8 94 1D 25 AD 6A 28
▤ 59 7B AD BF
▤ Data Trailer = BC
✔ Recovered Data Trailer is 'BC'
✔ Recovered Data Header is '6A'
✔ Recovered Certificate Format is '02'
▤ Tag 5A : Application Primary Account Number (PAN) : 48 89
62 00 14 09 79 20
✔ Recovered Issuing (ISO) BIN matches the first 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 digits of the PAN
▤ Tag 5F 24: Application Expiration Date : 25 05
▤ Year : 2025
▤ Month: May
▤ Day : 31
✔ Certificate Expiration Date is not earlier than Application Expiration Date
▤ Current Date (YYYYMM): 202105
✔ Valid expiration date of the Issuer Public Key certificate
▤ Verification of Hash Result
▤ Hash Data input = 02 48 89 62 FF 12 30 04 65 45
01 01 B0 01 B2 86 60 6A 64 40 E1 10 6F 9D 0D 3E 0A BC DA 06 0F 43 56 74 85 5D F9
F1 BF A2 F7 EF C4 4F E0 3C 18 5A 12 78 F1 4F D8 29 65 B9 A5 A5 55 4D BF 53 70 52
F6 01 CC 62 B7 74 67 26 13 69 D1 E3 7A DC 6E 7E 9A D4 05 B8 AE 6F 88 A7 E8 EB 1B
16 E9 EA 11 21 B8 33 60 F5 5E 68 CE EB B2 40 38 AB 76 26 D9 87 86 04 4B 6A 31 DB
5A 80 F2 12 32 F2 15 2E 95 5A 6E 71 E7 4D 56 1A 99 07 E2 FD 30 8D FF B1 69 B6 C8
11 4C CB 63 37 A2 73 D0 E0 14 43 39 A3 A3 F4 61 6E CA 16 A3 F0 A9 A2 11 2C E7 87
5D 63 21 43 34 7A 99 D8 54 18 5E B9 E2 FA 91 AD EA 9F BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB
▤ Data from deciphered Issuer Public Key Certificate = 02 48 89 62 FF 12 30 04
65 45 01 01 B0 01 B2 86 60 6A 64 40 E1 10 6F 9D 0D 3E 0A BC DA 06 0F 43 56 74
85 5D F9 F1 BF A2 F7 EF C4 4F E0 3C 18 5A 12 78 F1 4F D8 29 65 B9 A5 A5 55 4D
BF 53 70 52 F6 01 CC 62 B7 74 67 26 13 69 D1 E3 7A DC 6E 7E 9A D4 05 B8 AE 6F
88 A7 E8 EB 1B 16 E9 EA 11 21 B8 33 60 F5 5E 68 CE EB B2 40 38 AB 76 26 D9 87
86 04 4B 6A 31 DB 5A 80 F2 12 32 F2 15 2E 95 5A 6E 71 E7 4D 56 1A 99 07 E2 FD
30 8D FF B1 69 B6 C8 11 4C CB 63 37 A2 73 D0 E0 14 43 39 A3 A3 F4 61 6E CA 16
A3 F0 A9 A2 11 2C E7 87 5D 63 21 43 34 7A 99 D8 54 18 5E B9 E2 FA 91 AD EA 9F
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ Hash Result from Issuer Public Key Certificate = 5E 21 CD EC CF 42 26 64 40 B8
94 1D 25 AD 6A 28 59 7B AD BF
▤ Result of SHA1 over the Hash Data = 5E 21 CD EC CF 42 26 64 40 B8
94 1D 25 AD 6A 28 59 7B AD BF
✔ Recovered Hash Result matches the same calculated hash result
✔ Recovered Issuer Public Key Algorithm Indicator is '01'

✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered

Data Trailer shall be 'BC'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Data Header shall be '6A'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Issuer Public Key Certificate Format shall be '02'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Issuer Public Key Certificate Issuing (ISO) BIN shall match the first 6 digits of
the PAN.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Issuer Public Key Certificate Expiration Date shall be encoded in MMYY format and
shall not be earlier than Application Expiration Date (Tag '5F24').)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Outdated
expiration date of the Issuer Public key certificate.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered

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Personalization Validation Report

✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered

Hash Result shall match the same calculated hash result.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Public Key Certificate Issuer Public Key Algorithm Indicator shall be '01'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The Issuing
(ISO) BIN recovered from the IPK Certificate is 6 digits. 2 padding characters of
the Issuing (ISO) BIN recovered from the IPK Certificate must be hexadecimal 'F's.)

4.3.14 DA.2.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure the presence and validity of the recovered ICC Public Key Certificate are correct

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

✔ Decipher ICC Public Key Certificate

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate
▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07
86 CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24
40 B7 14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6
53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A
02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B
E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58
7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A
FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31
3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D
5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29
▤ Tag 92 : Issuer Public Key Remainder : <not
▤ Tag 9F 32: Issuer Public Key Exponent : 03
▤ Tag 9F 46: ICC Public Key Certificate : 54
19 A5 B1 84 FE BA BE 00 7D FF 1D BA 4A 61 F3 C6 7A 79 17 0A 32 C1 FA 99 C9 E4 7A
69 E5 86 24 79 8B F6 8E F0 5E 87 7F 80 DA 2F 0B 79 EF 1C 01 BA 56 7D B6 2A 37 69
0C 9C 42 08 A8 3C DB CF 46 48 B0 9C 6A B6 84 E8 F1 19 CC 02 DA E6 55 E1 10 15 3B
B3 D6 6D 10 E0 75 DE 6E 54 E9 1E E2 09 89 46 FB FD A1 69 1D 7F B2 DB B6 70 5B C7
1A 71 92 B0 C9 F2 8B 36 C6 BF 2C 7D 65 8A 43 D5 EA 82 57 0F FA 3B E5 9C 47 A7 36
7B 51 43 0E 0D 73 A1 54 B2 14 74 FD F2 52 57 F9 09 33 30 03 B1 1D 76 84 D8 7A 99
C6 B4 C7 B0 C4 B8 94 2D 8D DF F7 16 4C
▤ Deciphered ICC Public Key Certificate
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Certificate Format = 04
▤ Application PAN = 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 FF FF
▤ Certificate Expiration Date (MM YY) = 05 25
▤ Certificate Serial Number = 00 00 01
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Algorithm = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Length = 80
▤ ICC Public Key Exponent = 01
▤ ICC Public Key:
▤ D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E F1
▤ 7E C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF
▤ FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41 40 41 D9 4F 14 21 58
▤ 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05
▤ B9 48 26 7C 49 A8 0C 35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D
▤ D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8 19 35 06
▤ 37 64 DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 34/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8 19 35 06
▤ 37 64 DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8
▤ 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF 3A A7 52 FD 59 A5 18 B1 F9
▤ Padding:
▤ Hash Result:
▤ 27 9A 57 94 8A 23 E9 77 AB 9E 31 89 AC 27 AC C2
▤ D7 4A 98 39
▤ Data Trailer = BC
▤ Deciphered ICC Public Key Certificate
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Certificate Format = 04
▤ Application PAN = 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 FF FF
▤ Certificate Expiration Date (MM YY) = 05 25
▤ Certificate Serial Number = 00 00 01
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Algorithm = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Length = 80
▤ ICC Public Key Exponent = 01
▤ ICC Public Key:
▤ D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E F1
▤ 7E C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF
▤ FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41 40 41 D9 4F 14 21 58
▤ 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05
▤ B9 48 26 7C 49 A8 0C 35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D
▤ D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8 19 35 06
▤ 37 64 DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8
▤ 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF 3A A7 52 FD 59 A5 18 B1 F9
▤ Padding:
▤ Hash Result:
▤ 27 9A 57 94 8A 23 E9 77 AB 9E 31 89 AC 27 AC C2
▤ D7 4A 98 39
▤ Data Trailer = BC
✔ Recovered Data Trailer is 'BC'
✔ Recovered Data Header is '6A'
✔ Recovered Certificate Format is '04'
▤ Tag 5F 24: Application Expiration Date : 25 05
▤ Year : 2025
▤ Month: May
▤ Day : 31
✔ Certificate Expiration Date is not earlier than Application Expiration Date
▤ Verification of Hash Result
▤ Hash Data input = 04 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 FF
FF 05 25 00 00 01 01 01 80 01 D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E F1 7E
C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41 40 41 D9
4F 14 21 58 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05 B9 48 26 7C 49 A8 0C
35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8 19 35 06 37 64
DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF 3A A7 52 FD 59 A5
18 B1 F9 BB BB BB BB BB BB 03 5F 25 03 21 05 01 5F 24 03 25 05 31 5A 08 48 89 62
00 14 09 79 20 5F 34 01 01 9F 07 02 FF 80 9F 0D 05 B8 60 AC 88 00 9F 0E 05 00 10
00 00 00 9F 0F 05 B8 68 BC 98 00 8E 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 05 44 03 41 03
42 03 1E 03 1F 02 5F 28 02 00 51 9F 4A 01 82 3C 00
▤ Data from deciphered ICC Public Key Certificate = 04 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20
FF FF 05 25 00 00 01 01 01 80 01 D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E
F1 7E C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41
40 41 D9 4F 14 21 58 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05 B9 48 26
7C 49 A8 0C 35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8
19 35 06 37 64 DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF
3A A7 52 FD 59 A5 18 B1 F9 BB BB BB BB BB BB
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01

▤ Hash Result from ICC Public Key Public Key Certificate = 27 9A 57 94 8A 23 E9

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 35/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Hash Result from ICC Public Key Public Key Certificate = 27 9A 57 94 8A 23 E9

77 AB 9E 31 89 AC 27 AC C2 D7 4A 98 39
▤ Result of SHA1 over the Hash Data = 27 9A 57 94 8A 23 E9
77 AB 9E 31 89 AC 27 AC C2 D7 4A 98 39
✔ Recovered Hash Result matches the same calculated hash result
▤ Tag 5A : Application Primary Account Number (PAN) : 48 89
62 00 14 09 79 20
✔ Recovered PAN matches the Application PAN

▤ Certificate expiration date (YYYYMM): 202505

▤ Current date (YYYYMM) : 202105
✔ ICC Public Key certificate is not expired

✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered

Data Trailer shall be 'BC'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Data Header shall be '6A'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
ICC Public Key Certificate Format shall be '04'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
ICC Public Key Certificate Expiration Date shall be encoded in MMYY format and shall
not be earlier than Application Expiration Date (Tag '5F24').)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Hash Result shall match the same calculated hash result.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
ICC Public Key Certificate Application PAN shall match with the Application PAN and
padded to the right with hexadecimal 'F's.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Expired ICC
Public Key Certificate (tag '9F46'))

4.3.15 DA.3.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure at least 1 file in 1 record participates in Offline Data Authentication.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

• Card supports DDA

▤ Tag 94 : Application File Locator (AFL) : 08 02
02 00 10 01 02 00 28 01 03 01
▤ AFL (1) = 08 02 02 00
▤ SFI (decimal) = 1
▤ Start record = 2
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0
▤ AFL (2) = 10 01 02 00
▤ SFI (decimal) = 2
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0
▤ AFL (3) = 28 01 03 01
▤ SFI (decimal) = 5
▤ Start record = 1

▤ End record = 3

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 36/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ End record = 3
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 1

✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: At least

one record shall be indicated to be used for Offline Data Authentication which is
required for the generation of Signed Static Application Data.)

4.3.16 DA.4.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure the validity of the recovered Signed Static Application Data (if SDA supported).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Signed Static Application Data (tag '93') is not present
Card does not support SDA

4.3.17 DA.5.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure the presence and validity of the recovered Signed Dynamic Application Data (if DDA
is supported).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

• Card supports DDA

✔ Decipher Signed Dynamic Data
✔ Decipher ICC Public Key Certificate
✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate
▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index :
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate :
3F 58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96
07 86 CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0
24 40 B7 14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1
D6 53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15
0A 02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67
7B E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67
58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7
3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66
31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39
9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29
▤ Tag 92 : Issuer Public Key Remainder :
<not present>
▤ Tag 9F 32: Issuer Public Key Exponent : 03
▤ Tag 9F 46: ICC Public Key Certificate : 54
19 A5 B1 84 FE BA BE 00 7D FF 1D BA 4A 61 F3 C6 7A 79 17 0A 32 C1 FA 99 C9 E4
7A 69 E5 86 24 79 8B F6 8E F0 5E 87 7F 80 DA 2F 0B 79 EF 1C 01 BA 56 7D B6 2A
37 69 0C 9C 42 08 A8 3C DB CF 46 48 B0 9C 6A B6 84 E8 F1 19 CC 02 DA E6 55 E1

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 37/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

10 15 3B B3 D6 6D 10 E0 75 DE 6E 54 E9 1E E2 09 89 46 FB FD A1 69 1D 7F B2 DB
B6 70 5B C7 1A 71 92 B0 C9 F2 8B 36 C6 BF 2C 7D 65 8A 43 D5 EA 82 57 0F FA 3B
E5 9C 47 A7 36 7B 51 43 0E 0D 73 A1 54 B2 14 74 FD F2 52 57 F9 09 33 30 03 B1
1D 76 84 D8 7A 99 C6 B4 C7 B0 C4 B8 94 2D 8D DF F7 16 4C
▤ Deciphered ICC Public Key Certificate
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Certificate Format = 04
▤ Application PAN = 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 FF FF
▤ Certificate Expiration Date (MM YY) = 05 25
▤ Certificate Serial Number = 00 00 01
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Algorithm = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Length = 80
▤ ICC Public Key Exponent = 01
▤ ICC Public Key:
▤ D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E F1
▤ 7E C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF
▤ FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41 40 41 D9 4F 14 21 58
▤ 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05
▤ B9 48 26 7C 49 A8 0C 35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D
▤ D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8 19 35 06
▤ 37 64 DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8
▤ 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF 3A A7 52 FD 59 A5 18 B1 F9
▤ Padding:
▤ Hash Result:
▤ 27 9A 57 94 8A 23 E9 77 AB 9E 31 89 AC 27 AC C2
▤ D7 4A 98 39
▤ Data Trailer = BC
▤ Tag 9F 48: ICC Public Key Remainder : <not
▤ Tag 9F 47: ICC Public Key Exponent : 03
▤ Deciphered Signed Dynamic Application Data: 6A 05 01 03 02 00 06 BB BB BB BB BB BB
BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB 33 9C AA AB 48 1F 90 52 C1 74 12 17 6A 2F 83 2A AA 6E
22 E1 BC
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Signed Data Format = 05
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ ICC Dynamic Data Length = 03
▤ ICC Dynamic Data:
▤ 02 00 06
▤ Pad Pattern:
▤ Hash Result:
▤ 33 9C AA AB 48 1F 90 52 C1 74 12 17 6A 2F 83 2A
▤ AA 6E 22 E1
▤ Data Trailer = BC
✔ Recovered Data Trailer is 'BC'
✔ Recovered Data Header is '6A'
✔ Recovered Certificate Format is '05'
✔ Recovered ICC Dynamic Data length represents the actual length of ICC Dynamic
✔ Decipher ICC Public Key Certificate

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 38/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

✔ Decipher ICC Public Key Certificate

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate
▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07
86 CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24
40 B7 14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6
53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A
02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B
E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58
7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A
FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31
3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D
5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29
▤ Tag 92 : Issuer Public Key Remainder : <not
▤ Tag 9F 32: Issuer Public Key Exponent : 03
▤ Tag 9F 46: ICC Public Key Certificate : 54
19 A5 B1 84 FE BA BE 00 7D FF 1D BA 4A 61 F3 C6 7A 79 17 0A 32 C1 FA 99 C9 E4 7A
69 E5 86 24 79 8B F6 8E F0 5E 87 7F 80 DA 2F 0B 79 EF 1C 01 BA 56 7D B6 2A 37 69
0C 9C 42 08 A8 3C DB CF 46 48 B0 9C 6A B6 84 E8 F1 19 CC 02 DA E6 55 E1 10 15 3B
B3 D6 6D 10 E0 75 DE 6E 54 E9 1E E2 09 89 46 FB FD A1 69 1D 7F B2 DB B6 70 5B C7
1A 71 92 B0 C9 F2 8B 36 C6 BF 2C 7D 65 8A 43 D5 EA 82 57 0F FA 3B E5 9C 47 A7 36
7B 51 43 0E 0D 73 A1 54 B2 14 74 FD F2 52 57 F9 09 33 30 03 B1 1D 76 84 D8 7A 99
C6 B4 C7 B0 C4 B8 94 2D 8D DF F7 16 4C
▤ Deciphered ICC Public Key Certificate
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Certificate Format = 04
▤ Application PAN = 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 FF FF
▤ Certificate Expiration Date (MM YY) = 05 25
▤ Certificate Serial Number = 00 00 01
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Algorithm = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Length = 80
▤ ICC Public Key Exponent = 01
▤ ICC Public Key:
▤ D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E F1
▤ 7E C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF
▤ FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41 40 41 D9 4F 14 21 58
▤ 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05
▤ B9 48 26 7C 49 A8 0C 35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D
▤ D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8 19 35 06
▤ 37 64 DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8
▤ 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF 3A A7 52 FD 59 A5 18 B1 F9
▤ Padding:
▤ Hash Result:
▤ 27 9A 57 94 8A 23 E9 77 AB 9E 31 89 AC 27 AC C2
▤ D7 4A 98 39
▤ Data Trailer = BC
✔ Recovered Pad Pattern is (Length of ICC Public Key Modulus - ICC Dynamic Data -
25) long and is padded with values of 'BB'
▤ Tag 9F 49: Dynamic Data Authentication Data Object List (DDOL) : 9F 37
▤ Tag( 1) = 9F 37 [Unpredictable Number]
▤ Tag : 9F 37
▤ Length: 04
▤ Name : Unpredictable Number
▤ Verification of Hash Result
▤ Hash Data input = 05 01 03 02 00 06 BB BB BB BB

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 39/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Data from deciphered Signed Dynamic Application Data = 05 01 03 02 00 06 BB BB
▤ DDOL Data to be authenticated = 01 02 03 04
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ Hash Result from Signed Dynamic Application Data = 33 9C AA AB 48 1F 90 52 C1 74
12 17 6A 2F 83 2A AA 6E 22 E1
▤ Result of SHA1 over the Hash Data = 33 9C AA AB 48 1F 90 52 C1 74
12 17 6A 2F 83 2A AA 6E 22 E1
✔ Recovered Hash Result matches the calculated hash result

✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The card

does not respond to a valid Internal Authenticate command.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Data Trailer shall be 'BC'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Data Header shall be '6A'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Signed Dynamic Application Data Signed Data Format shall be '05'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Signed Dynamic Application Data ICC Dynamic Data Length shall represent the actual
length of ICC Dynamic Data.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Signed Dynamic Application Data Pad Pattern shall be (Length of ICC Public Key
Modulus - ICC Dynamic Data - 25) long and shall be padded with values of 'BB'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Hash Result shall match the same calculated hash result.)

4.3.18 DA.6.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the optional additional dynamic data is not used in the ICC Dynamic Data when
DDA is supported.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

✔ Decipher Signed Dynamic Data

✔ Decipher ICC Public Key Certificate
✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate
▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index :
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate :
3F 58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96
07 86 CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0
24 40 B7 14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1
D6 53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15
0A 02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67
7B E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67
58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7
3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66
31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39
9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29

▤ Tag 92 : Issuer Public Key Remainder :

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 40/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Tag 92 : Issuer Public Key Remainder :

<not present>
▤ Tag 9F 32: Issuer Public Key Exponent : 03
▤ Tag 9F 46: ICC Public Key Certificate : 54
19 A5 B1 84 FE BA BE 00 7D FF 1D BA 4A 61 F3 C6 7A 79 17 0A 32 C1 FA 99 C9 E4
7A 69 E5 86 24 79 8B F6 8E F0 5E 87 7F 80 DA 2F 0B 79 EF 1C 01 BA 56 7D B6 2A
37 69 0C 9C 42 08 A8 3C DB CF 46 48 B0 9C 6A B6 84 E8 F1 19 CC 02 DA E6 55 E1
10 15 3B B3 D6 6D 10 E0 75 DE 6E 54 E9 1E E2 09 89 46 FB FD A1 69 1D 7F B2 DB
B6 70 5B C7 1A 71 92 B0 C9 F2 8B 36 C6 BF 2C 7D 65 8A 43 D5 EA 82 57 0F FA 3B
E5 9C 47 A7 36 7B 51 43 0E 0D 73 A1 54 B2 14 74 FD F2 52 57 F9 09 33 30 03 B1
1D 76 84 D8 7A 99 C6 B4 C7 B0 C4 B8 94 2D 8D DF F7 16 4C
▤ Deciphered ICC Public Key Certificate
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Certificate Format = 04
▤ Application PAN = 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 FF FF
▤ Certificate Expiration Date (MM YY) = 05 25
▤ Certificate Serial Number = 00 00 01
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Algorithm = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Length = 80
▤ ICC Public Key Exponent = 01
▤ ICC Public Key:
▤ D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E F1
▤ 7E C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF
▤ FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41 40 41 D9 4F 14 21 58
▤ 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05
▤ B9 48 26 7C 49 A8 0C 35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D
▤ D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8 19 35 06
▤ 37 64 DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8
▤ 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF 3A A7 52 FD 59 A5 18 B1 F9
▤ Padding:
▤ Hash Result:
▤ 27 9A 57 94 8A 23 E9 77 AB 9E 31 89 AC 27 AC C2
▤ D7 4A 98 39
▤ Data Trailer = BC
▤ Tag 9F 48: ICC Public Key Remainder : <not
▤ Tag 9F 47: ICC Public Key Exponent : 03
▤ Deciphered Signed Dynamic Application Data: 6A 05 01 03 02 00 06 BB BB BB BB BB BB
BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB 33 9C AA AB 48 1F 90 52 C1 74 12 17 6A 2F 83 2A AA 6E
22 E1 BC
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Signed Data Format = 05
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ ICC Dynamic Data Length = 03
▤ ICC Dynamic Data:
▤ 02 00 06
▤ Pad Pattern:
▤ Hash Result:
▤ 33 9C AA AB 48 1F 90 52 C1 74 12 17 6A 2F 83 2A
▤ AA 6E 22 E1

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ AA 6E 22 E1
▤ Data Trailer = BC

✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: It is

recommended that cards only use the ICC Dynamic Number in the ICC Dynamic Data
rather than also including additional dynamic data.)

4.3.19 DA.7.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the CDA bit is set in Application Interchange Profile (AIP) (if CDA is supported).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card does not support CDA

4.3.20 DA.9.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure the validity of the recovered Signed Dynamic Application Data (if CDA is supported).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card does not support CDA
SDAD (tag '9F4B') is not present in the Generate AC response

4.3.21 DA.10.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure contact-only cards that support Offline Authorization support Dynamic Data
Authentication (DDA)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card is not contact-only (without contactless functionality) (see ICS)

4.3.22 DA.11.001.00

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Personalization Validation Report

Verdict Not Applicable

Test description To ensure if CDA is supported DDA is also supported and corresponding Application
Interchange Profile (AIP) bits are set to 1b

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card does not support CDA

4.3.23 DE.1.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Cryptogram (AC) is present and is the correct length.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 9F 26: Application Cryptogram (AC) : 27 3A

90 BF EB 41 5F 62

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing
mandatory data element Application Cryptogram (AC) ('9F 26'))

4.3.24 DE.2.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure Application Currency Code contains a valid value and is the correct length (if

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Application Currency Code (tag '9F 42') is not present

4.3.25 DE.2.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the Application Currency Code is not present when not required (if CVM List
conditions does not use amount checks).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

• CVM List does not specify amount checks in CVM conditions

▤ Tag 9F 42: Application Currency Code : <not

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Since

neither velocity checks support nor VLP support is indicated in the Product Profile,
the Application Currency Code (visa Proprietary Data) is not required to be
personalized on this card.)

4.3.26 DE.2.004.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check the correctness of the Application Currency Code (if present).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Application Currency Code (tag '9F 42') is not present

4.3.27 DE.2.005.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Application Currency Code (if present) is consistent with the Visa
proprietary tag.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Application Currency Code (tag '9F 42') is not present

4.3.28 DE.3.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Currency Exponent has the correct length and format.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 9F 44: Application Currency Exponent : 02

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Format not


✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

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Personalization Validation Report

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid


4.3.29 DE.3.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Application Currency Exponent contains a value consistent with the
Application Currency Code.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Application Currency Code (tag '9F 42') is not present

4.3.30 DE.4.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the length of the Application Discretionary Data is correct.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Application Discretionary Data (tag '9F 05') is not present

4.3.31 DE.4.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Effective Date is formatted correctly (when present).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 5F 25: Application Effective Date : 21 05

▤ Year : 2021
▤ Month: May
▤ Day : 01

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The date

shall be encoded in a valid format (YYMMDD) and the value shall be a valid calendar
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

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Personalization Validation Report

4.3.32 DE.5.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application File Locator (AFL) is present in the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 94 : Application File Locator (AFL) : 08 02

02 00 10 01 02 00 28 01 03 01
▤ AFL (1) = 08 02 02 00
▤ SFI (decimal) = 1
▤ Start record = 2
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0
▤ AFL (2) = 10 01 02 00
▤ SFI (decimal) = 2
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0
▤ AFL (3) = 28 01 03 01
▤ SFI (decimal) = 5
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 3
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 1

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

mandatory data element Application File Locator (AFL) ('94'))
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Unable to
read records.)

4.3.33 DE.5.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure the Application File Locator (AFL) is correctly formatted and contains a valid value.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 94 : Application File Locator (AFL) : 08 02

02 00 10 01 02 00 28 01 03 01
▤ AFL (1) = 08 02 02 00
▤ SFI (decimal) = 1
▤ Start record = 2
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0
▤ AFL (2) = 10 01 02 00

▤ SFI (decimal) = 2

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ SFI (decimal) = 2
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0
▤ AFL (3) = 28 01 03 01
▤ SFI (decimal) = 5
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 3
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 1
✔ AFL has valid length

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
File Locator (Tag '94') Byte 1 Bit 3 to Bit 1 shall be zeroes.)
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
File Locator (Tag '94') Byte 2 (first Record Number) shall not be '00' and is lower
than or equal to Byte 3 (last Record Numbers).)
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
File Locator (Tag '94') Byte 4 <= Byte 3 - Byte 2 +1.)

4.3.34 DE.6.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Interchange Profile is present and formatted correctly.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 82 : Application Interchange Profile [VIS] : 3C 00

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 RFU
bit 7 = 0 Offline static data authentication is NOT supported
bit 6 = 1 Offline dynamic data authentication is supported
bit 5 = 1 Cardholder verification is supported
bit 4 = 1 Terminal risk management is to be performed
bit 3 = 1 Issuer authentication is supported using the EXTERNAL
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 Combined DDA / GENERATE AC NOT supported
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Not used for VIS
bit 7 = 0 NOT Mobile phone
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

mandatory data element Application Interchange Profile [VIS] ('82'))
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

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Personalization Validation Report

4.3.35 DE.6.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Interchange Profile contains the correct values.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 82 : Application Interchange Profile [VIS] : 3C 00

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 RFU
bit 7 = 0 Offline static data authentication is NOT supported
bit 6 = 1 Offline dynamic data authentication is supported
bit 5 = 1 Cardholder verification is supported
bit 4 = 1 Terminal risk management is to be performed
bit 3 = 1 Issuer authentication is supported using the EXTERNAL
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 Combined DDA / GENERATE AC NOT supported
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Not used for VIS
bit 7 = 0 NOT Mobile phone
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
✔ Byte 1, Bit 4 (Terminal Risk Management is to be performed) set to 1
✔ Byte 1, Bit 5 (Cardholder Verification is supported) set to 1
✔ All RFU bits are set to zeroes

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not

used for VCPS' bits shall be set to zero)
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
Interchange Profile (Tag '82') Byte 1 Bit 4 (Terminal risk management is to be
performed) shall be set.)
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Forbidden
value in AIP: Cardholder Verification must be supported, Byte 1 bit 5 must be set to

4.3.36 DE.6.002.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Application Interchange Profile (AIP, tag '82') returned in the GET
PROCESSING OPTIONS Response is consistent with the Application File Locator (AFL, tag '94')
when card does not support Offline Data Authentication

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

DDA or CDA is supported (see ICS)

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Personalization Validation Report

4.3.37 DE.6.002.02
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Application Interchange Profile (AIP, tag '82') byte 1 bit 3 "Issuer
Authentication is supported using the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command" is set correctly.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Cryptogram Version Number is not 18 ('12') or '22'

4.3.38 DE.6.002.03
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Interchange Profile (AIP, tag '82') returned in the GET
PROCESSING OPTIONS Response is consistent with the Application File Locator (AFL, tag '94')
when card supports Offline Data Authentication

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 94 : Application File Locator (AFL) : 08 02

02 00 10 01 02 00 28 01 03 01
▤ AFL (1) = 08 02 02 00
▤ SFI (decimal) = 1
▤ Start record = 2
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0
▤ AFL (2) = 10 01 02 00
▤ SFI (decimal) = 2
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0
▤ AFL (3) = 28 01 03 01
▤ SFI (decimal) = 5
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 3
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 1

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The

Application File Locator (tag '94') byte 4 of at least one of the AFL group of four
bytes shall not be set to '00' when the Application Interchange Profile (tag '82')
indicates that card supports Offline Data Authentication (byte 1 bit 6 is 1b or both
byte 1 bit 6 is 1b AND byte 1 bit 1 is 1b).)

4.3.39 DE.6.003.00

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Label is present and formatted correctly.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 50 : Application Label : 56 69

73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
✔ Application Label has valid length (1-16 bytes)
✔ Application Label contains only ans characters

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

mandatory data element Application Label ('50'))
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
Label (Tag '50') shall contain only alphanumeric characters and spaces (i.e. no
punctuation, apostrophes, question marks, etc).)
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
Label (Tag '50') shall be in uppercase for all characters, or uppercase for the
first letter of each word followed by lowercase characters.)

4.3.40 DE.6.003.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that if there is more than one AID on the payment application, the labels do not

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Payment application doesn't contain more than one AID

4.3.41 DE.7.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Application Reference Currency length and values are correct (if present).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Application Reference Currency (tag '9F 3B') is not present

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Personalization Validation Report

4.3.42 DE.7.002.01
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that Application Reference Currency (tag '9F3B') is not present for VIS 1.4.1, VIS 1.5
and VIS 1.6

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 9F 3B: Application Reference Currency : <not


✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Shall not

be present as not supported in this version of VIS.)

4.3.43 DE.8.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the length of the Application Reference Currency(ies) Exponent is correct.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Application Reference Currency Exponent (tag '9F 43') is not present

4.3.44 DE.8.002.01
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that Application Reference Currency Exponent (tag '9F43') is not present for VIS
1.4.1, VIS 1.5 and VIS 1.6.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 9F 43: Application Reference Currency Exponent : <not


✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Shall not

be present as not supported in this version of VIS.)

4.3.45 DE.9.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Version Number is present and formatted correctly.

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 9F 08: Application Version Number [VIS] : 00 A0

▤ VIS 1.6.0
✔ Application Version Number has valid length 2 bytes

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid


4.3.46 DE.9.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Application Version Number contains a valid value for VIS 1.4.1.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.3.47 DE.9.002.01
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Version Number contains a valid value for VIS 1.5.x. and VIS 1.6.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 9F 08: Application Version Number [VIS] : 00 A0

▤ VIS 1.6.0
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Incorrect

4.3.48 DE.10.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that Card Risk Management Data Object List 1 (CDOL1) is formatted correctly and
contains the mandatory data elements.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Tag 8C : Card Risk Management Data Object List 1 (CDOL1) : 9F 02

06 9F 03 06 9F 1A 02 95 05 5F 2A 02 9A 03 9C 01 9F 37 04
▤ Tag( 1) = 9F 02 [Transaction Amount]
▤ Tag : 9F 02
▤ Length: 06
▤ Name : Transaction Amount
▤ Tag( 2) = 9F 03 [Cashback Amount]
▤ Tag : 9F 03
▤ Length: 06
▤ Name : Cashback Amount
▤ Tag( 3) = 9F 1A [Terminal Country Code]
▤ Tag : 9F 1A
▤ Length: 02
▤ Name : Terminal Country Code
▤ Tag( 4) = 95 [Terminal Verification Results (TVR)]
▤ Tag : 95
▤ Length: 05
▤ Name : Terminal Verification Results (TVR)
▤ Tag( 5) = 5F 2A [Transaction Currency Code]
▤ Tag : 5F 2A
▤ Length: 02
▤ Name : Transaction Currency Code
▤ Tag( 6) = 9A [Transaction Date]
▤ Tag : 9A
▤ Length: 03
▤ Name : Transaction Date
▤ Tag( 7) = 9C [Transaction Type]
▤ Tag : 9C
▤ Length: 01
▤ Name : Transaction Type
▤ Tag( 8) = 9F 37 [Unpredictable Number]
▤ Tag : 9F 37
▤ Length: 04
▤ Name : Unpredictable Number
✔ CDOL1 has valid length
✔ Tag '9F 02' present in the CDOL1
✔ Tag '9F 03' present in the CDOL1
✔ Tag '9F 1A' present in the CDOL1
✔ Tag '95' present in the CDOL1
✔ Tag '5F 2A' present in the CDOL1
✔ Tag '9A' present in the CDOL1
✔ Tag '9C' present in the CDOL1
✔ Tag '9F 37' present in the CDOL1

✔ Tag 9F 02 has valid length of the 6 bytes

✔ Tag 9F 03 has valid length of the 6 bytes
✔ Tag 9F 1A has valid length of the 2 bytes
✔ Tag 95 has valid length of the 5 bytes
✔ Tag 5F 2A has valid length of the 2 bytes
✔ Tag 9A has valid length of the 3 bytes
✔ Tag 9C has valid length of the 1 bytes
✔ Tag 9F 37 has valid length of the 4 bytes

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

mandatory data element Card Risk Management Data Object List 1 (CDOL1) ('8C'))
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Format not
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Mandatory

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Personalization Validation Report

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Mandatory

tag elements (Amount Authorized, Amount, Other, Terminal Country Code, Terminal
Verification Result, Transaction Currency Code, Transaction Date, Transaction Type
and Unpredictable Number) shall be present in Card Risk Management Data Object List
1 (CDOL1) (Tag '8C').)
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Length of
associated tags in the Card Risk Management Data Object List 1 (CDOL1, tag '8C') and
Card Risk Management Data Object List 2 (CDOL2, tag '8D') shall be correct.)

4.3.49 DE.11.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that Card Risk Management Data Object List 2 (CDOL2, tag '8D') is formatted
correctly and contains the mandatory data elements for Cryptogram Version Number 10 ('0A')
when Issuer Authentication is supported using the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ AIP (tag '82') indicates that Issuer Authentication is supported using the
▤ Tag 8D : Card Risk Management Data Object List 2 (CDOL2) : 8A 02
9F 02 06 9F 03 06 9F 1A 02 95 05 5F 2A 02 9A 03 9C 01 9F 37 04
▤ Tag( 1) = 8A [Authorization Response Code]
▤ Tag : 8A
▤ Length: 02
▤ Name : Authorization Response Code
▤ Tag( 2) = 9F 02 [Transaction Amount]
▤ Tag : 9F 02
▤ Length: 06
▤ Name : Transaction Amount
▤ Tag( 3) = 9F 03 [Cashback Amount]
▤ Tag : 9F 03
▤ Length: 06
▤ Name : Cashback Amount
▤ Tag( 4) = 9F 1A [Terminal Country Code]
▤ Tag : 9F 1A
▤ Length: 02
▤ Name : Terminal Country Code
▤ Tag( 5) = 95 [Terminal Verification Results (TVR)]
▤ Tag : 95
▤ Length: 05
▤ Name : Terminal Verification Results (TVR)
▤ Tag( 6) = 5F 2A [Transaction Currency Code]
▤ Tag : 5F 2A
▤ Length: 02
▤ Name : Transaction Currency Code
▤ Tag( 7) = 9A [Transaction Date]
▤ Tag : 9A
▤ Length: 03
▤ Name : Transaction Date
▤ Tag( 8) = 9C [Transaction Type]
▤ Tag : 9C
▤ Length: 01
▤ Name : Transaction Type
▤ Tag( 9) = 9F 37 [Unpredictable Number]
▤ Tag : 9F 37

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Tag( 9) = 9F 37 [Unpredictable Number]

▤ Tag : 9F 37
▤ Length: 04
▤ Name : Unpredictable Number
✔ CDOL2 has valid length
✔ Tag '8A' present in the CDOL2
✔ Tag '9F 02' present in the CDOL2
✔ Tag '9F 03' present in the CDOL2
✔ Tag '9F 1A' present in the CDOL2
✔ Tag '95' present in the CDOL2
✔ Tag '5F 2A' present in the CDOL2
✔ Tag '9A' present in the CDOL2
✔ Tag '9C' present in the CDOL2
✔ Tag '9F 37' present in the CDOL2

✔ Tag 8A has valid length of the 2 bytes

✔ Tag 9F 02 has valid length of the 6 bytes
✔ Tag 9F 03 has valid length of the 6 bytes
✔ Tag 9F 1A has valid length of the 2 bytes
✔ Tag 95 has valid length of the 5 bytes
✔ Tag 5F 2A has valid length of the 2 bytes
✔ Tag 9A has valid length of the 3 bytes
✔ Tag 9C has valid length of the 1 bytes
✔ Tag 9F 37 has valid length of the 4 bytes

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

mandatory data element Card Risk Management Data Object List 2 (CDOL2) ('8D'))
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Mandatory
tag elements (Authorization Response Code, Amount Authorized, Amount, Other,
Terminal Country Code, Terminal Verification Result, Transaction Currency Code,
Transaction Date, Transaction Type and Unpredictable Number) shall be present in
Card Risk Management Data Object List 2 (CDOL2, tag '8D') for Cryptogram Version
Number 10 ('0A').)
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Length of
associated tags in the Card Risk Management Data Object List 1 (CDOL1, tag '8C') and
Card Risk Management Data Object List 2 (CDOL2, tag '8D') shall be correct.)

4.3.50 DE.11.002.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Card Risk Management Data Object List 2 (CDOL2, tag '8D') is formatted
correctly and contains the mandatory data elements for Cryptogram Version Number 18 or
'22' when Issuer Authentication is supported.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 9F 10: Issuer Application Data [VIS 1.6] : 06 01

0A 03 A0 A0 02
▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 0A 03 A0 A0 02
▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 0A
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 A0 A0 02
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')

▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested

bit 6-5 = 10 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: ARQC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not performed
bit 1 = 0 Able to go online or offline transaction
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Last online transaction not completed
bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded
bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters
bit 5 = 0 No new card
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last online
transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online
authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card
bit 1 = 0 RFU for VIS 1.6
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed
bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 1 Offline dynamic data authentication performed
bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-
Expecting card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification not
Test not applicable, because:
Cryptogram Version Number is not 18 ('12') or '22'

4.3.51 DE.11.002.02
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Card Risk Management Data Object List 2 (CDOL2) is formatted correctly and
contains the mandatory data elements for Cryptogram Version Number 18 or '22' when Issuer
Authentication is not supported.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Cryptogram Version Number is not 18 ('12') or '22'
Issuer Authentication is supported

4.3.52 DE.11.002.03
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Card Risk Management Data Object List 2 (CDOL2, tag '8D') is formatted
correctly and contains the mandatory data elements for Cryptogram Version Number 10 ('0A')
when Issuer Authentication is supported (the Issuer Authentication Indicator (tag '9F56') is
present) and the AIP (tag '82') indicates that Issuer Authentication is not supported using the

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

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Personalization Validation Report

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 9F 10: Issuer Application Data [VIS 1.6] : 06 01

0A 03 A0 A0 02
▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 0A 03 A0 A0 02
▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 0A
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 A0 A0 02
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')
▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested
bit 6-5 = 10 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: ARQC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not performed
bit 1 = 0 Able to go online or offline transaction
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Last online transaction not completed
bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded
bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters
bit 5 = 0 No new card
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last online
transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online
authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card
bit 1 = 0 RFU for VIS 1.6
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed
bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 1 Offline dynamic data authentication performed
bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-
Expecting card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification not
▤ Tag 82 : Application Interchange Profile [VIS] : 3C 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 RFU
bit 7 = 0 Offline static data authentication is NOT supported
bit 6 = 1 Offline dynamic data authentication is supported
bit 5 = 1 Cardholder verification is supported
bit 4 = 1 Terminal risk management is to be performed
bit 3 = 1 Issuer authentication is supported using the EXTERNAL
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 Combined DDA / GENERATE AC NOT supported
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Not used for VIS
bit 7 = 0 NOT Mobile phone
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Test not applicable, because:
AIP (tag '82') indicates that Issuer Authentication is supported using the

4.3.53 DE.12.001.00

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Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Cardholder Name has the correct length and format (if present).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 5F 20: Cardholder Name : 41 52

54 55 52 2F 47 48 41 5A 41 52 59 41 4E 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
▤ Text value = ARTUR/GHAZARYAN
✔ Cardholder Name has valid length
✔ Cardholder Name has valid format

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Format not

4.3.54 DE.13.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the CVM List is present and formatted correctly.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 8E : Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) List : 00 00

00 00 00 00 00 00 02 05 44 03 41 03 42 03 1E 03 1F 02
▤ Amount X = 00 00 00 00
▤ Amount Y = 00 00 00 00
▤ CVM 1: [02 05] (Enciphered PIN verified online)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 0 (Fail Cardholder Verification if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 000010 (Enciphered PIN verified online)
▤ Byte 2 = '05' (If purchase with cashback)
▤ CVM 2: [44 03] (Enciphered PIN verification performed by ICC)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 1 (Apply succeeding CVM field if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 000100 (Enciphered PIN verification performed by ICC)
▤ Byte 2 = '03' (If terminal supports the CVM type)
▤ CVM 3: [41 03] (Plaintext PIN verification performed by ICC)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 1 (Apply succeeding CVM field if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 000001 (Plaintext PIN verification performed by ICC)
▤ Byte 2 = '03' (If terminal supports the CVM type)
▤ CVM 4: [42 03] (Enciphered PIN verified online)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 1 (Apply succeeding CVM field if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 000010 (Enciphered PIN verified online)
▤ Byte 2 = '03' (If terminal supports the CVM type)
▤ CVM 5: [1E 03] (Signature (paper))
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)

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▤ CVM 5: [1E 03] (Signature (paper))

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 0 (Fail Cardholder Verification if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 011110 (Signature (paper))
▤ Byte 2 = '03' (If terminal supports the CVM type)
▤ CVM 6: [1F 02] (No CVM required)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 0 (Fail Cardholder Verification if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 011111 (No CVM required)
▤ Byte 2 = '02' (If not unattended cash and not manual cash and not
purchase with cashback)
✔ CVM List has valid length

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

mandatory data element Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) List ('8E'))
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not
used for VCPS' bits shall be set to zero)

4.3.55 DE.13.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure the Application Currency Code is present (when applicable).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

CVM List does not specify amount checks in CVM conditions

4.3.56 DE.13.003.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the CVM List on a PLUS card only contains Online PIN.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application

4.3.57 DE.13.004.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the CVM List on a DPA application contains Offline Plaintext PIN.

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application

4.3.58 DE.14.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Cryptogram Information Data is present and contains a valid length.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

First Generate AC response:

▤ Cryptogram Information Data: 80

Second Generate AC response:

▤ Cryptogram Information Data: 00

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

mandatory data element ('9F 27'))
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

4.3.59 DE.14.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Cryptogram Information Data (tag '9F27') contains the correct values

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

First Generate AC response:

▤ Cryptogram Information Data: 80

Second Generate AC response:

▤ Cryptogram Information Data: 00

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not

used for VCPS' bits shall be set to zero)
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: RFU value
shall not be used.)
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Cryptogram
Information Data (Tag '9F27') most significant nibble value shall be 0, 4 or 8.)
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: AAR (Bit 8
and 7 of CID is set) is an invalid cryptogram type for the Visa cards.)

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 60/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

4.3.60 DE.17.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description When DDA Data Object List (DDOL) is present, ensure it contains the mandatory data element
(Unpredictable Number)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

• Card supports DDA or CDA

▤ Tag 9F 49: Dynamic Data Authentication Data Object List (DDOL) : 9F 37
▤ Tag( 1) = 9F 37 [Unpredictable Number]
▤ Tag : 9F 37
▤ Length: 04
▤ Name : Unpredictable Number
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Mandatory
data element Tag '9F37' (Unpredictable Number) shall be present in the Dynamic Data
Authentication Data Object List (DDOL) (Tag '9F49') if DDA is supported.)

4.3.61 DE.17.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the DDA Data Object List (DDOL) is formatted correctly (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

• Card supports DDA or CDA

▤ Tag 9F 49: Dynamic Data Authentication Data Object List (DDOL) : 9F 37
▤ Tag( 1) = 9F 37 [Unpredictable Number]
▤ Tag : 9F 37
▤ Length: 04
▤ Name : Unpredictable Number
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Format not

4.3.62 DE.17.003.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the DDA Data Object List (DDOL) is not present when not required (if DDA and
CDA are not supported)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card supports DDA or CDA.

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Personalization Validation Report

4.3.63 DE.17.004.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the DDOL (if present) only contains known data elements

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

• Card supports DDA or CDA

▤ Tag 9F 49: Dynamic Data Authentication Data Object List (DDOL) : 9F 37
▤ Tag( 1) = 9F 37 [Unpredictable Number]
▤ Tag : 9F 37
▤ Length: 04
▤ Name : Unpredictable Number
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: List
containing unknown tag (will be zero filled by the terminal).)

4.3.64 DE.20.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure the ICC PIN Encipherment Public Key Certificate is present (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Offline Enciphered PIN not supported with a dedicated ICC PIN Encipherment Key.

4.3.65 DE.20.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the ICC PIN Encipherment Public Key Certificate is not present (when not

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

• Offline Enciphered PIN not supported with a dedicated ICC PIN Encipherment Key
▤ Tag 9F 2D: ICC PIN Encipherment Public Key Certificate : <not
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Since the
Offline Enciphered PIN verification is not used in any of the Cardholder
Verification Rules listed in the CVM List, the ICC PIN Encipherment Public Key
Exponent is not required to be personalized on this card.)

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

4.3.66 DE.20.003.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that all data elements required to retrieve the ICC PIN Encipherment Public Key are
present (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Offline Enciphered PIN not supported with a dedicated ICC PIN Encipherment Key.

4.3.67 DE.20.004.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the ICC PIN Encipherment Public Key Certificate is equal to the length of the
Issuer Public Key Modulus (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Offline Enciphered PIN not supported with a dedicated ICC PIN Encipherment Key.
ICC PIN Encipherment Public Key Certificate (Tag '9F2D') is not present

4.3.68 DE.20.005.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the length of the ICC PIN Encipherment Public Key is a multiple of 16 so that the
card may be accepted at all terminals when applicable

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Offline Enciphered PIN not supported with a dedicated ICC PIN Encipherment Key.
ICC PIN Encipherment Public Key Certificate (Tag '9F2D') is not present

4.3.69 DE.20.006.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the ICC PIN Encipherment Public Key Remainder is present and has the correct
length (when applicable)

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Offline Enciphered PIN not supported with a dedicated ICC PIN Encipherment Key.
ICC PIN Encipherment Public Key Remainder (Tag '9F2F') is not present

4.3.70 DE.20.007.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the ICC PIN Encipherment Public Key Remainder is not present when not
required (if the entire public key fits into the certificate)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Offline Enciphered PIN not supported with a dedicated ICC PIN Encipherment Key.
ICC PIN Encipherment Public Key Certificate (Tag '9F2D') is not present

4.3.71 DE.21.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the length and value of the ICC PIN Encipherment Public Key Exponent are
correct (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Offline Enciphered PIN not supported with a dedicated ICC PIN Encipherment Key.

4.3.72 DE.21.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the ICC PIN Encipherment Public Key Exponent is not present (when not

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

• Offline Enciphered PIN not supported with a dedicated ICC PIN Encipherment Key
▤ Tag 9F 2E: ICC PIN Encipherment Public Key Exponent : <not
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Since the
ICC PIN Encipherment public key is not longer than the data retrieved from the

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Personalization Validation Report

certificate, the ICC PIN Encipherment Public Key Remainder is not required to be
personalized on this card.)

4.3.73 DE.21.003.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the ICC PIN Encipherment Public Key Exponent is the recommended value so as
to avoid long transaction times when applicable

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

ICC PIN Encipherment Public Key Exponent not present.

4.3.74 DE.22.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure Issuer Action Code - Default is present and formatted correctly in the READ RECORD

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 9F 0D: Issuer Action Code - Default : B8 60

AC 88 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if Offline data
authentication was not performed
bit 7 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if Offline
static data authentication failed
bit 6 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if ICC data
bit 5 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if Card appears on
terminal exception file
bit 4 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if Offline dynamic
data authentication failed
bit 3 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if Combined
DDA/AC Generation failed
bit 2 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if SDA
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if ICC and
terminal have different application versions
bit 7 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if Expired
bit 6 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if Application not
yet effective
bit 5 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if
Requested service not allowed for card product
bit 4 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if New card
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU

bit 1 = 0 RFU

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if Cardholder
verification was not successful
bit 7 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if
Unrecognised CVM
bit 6 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if PIN Try Limit
bit 5 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if PIN
entry required and PIN pad not present or not working
bit 4 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if PIN entry
required, PIN pad present, but PIN was not entered
bit 3 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if Online PIN
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 4 bit 8 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if Transaction
exceeds floor limit
bit 7 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if Lower
consecutive offline limit exceeded
bit 6 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if Upper
consecutive offline limit exceeded
bit 5 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if
Transaction selected randomly for online processing
bit 4 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if Merchant forced
transaction online
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 5 bit 8 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if Default
TDOL used
bit 7 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if Issuer
authentication was unsuccessful
bit 6 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if Script
processing failed before final GENERATE AC
bit 5 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if Script
processing failed after final GENERATE AC
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

mandatory data element Issuer Action Code - Default ('9F 0D'))
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not
used for VCPS' bits shall be set to zero)

4.3.75 DE.22.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure Issuer Action Code - Default is configured to decline a transaction if there is an
Offline Data Authentication failure or not performed and terminal is unable to go online

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

• Card supports SDA or DDA or CDA

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Personalization Validation Report

• Card supports SDA or DDA or CDA

▤ Tag 9F 0D: Issuer Action Code - Default : B8 60
AC 88 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if Offline data
authentication was not performed
bit 7 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if Offline
static data authentication failed
bit 6 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if ICC data
bit 5 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if Card appears on
terminal exception file
bit 4 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if Offline dynamic
data authentication failed
bit 3 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if Combined
DDA/AC Generation failed
bit 2 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if SDA
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if ICC and
terminal have different application versions
bit 7 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if Expired
bit 6 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if Application not
yet effective
bit 5 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if
Requested service not allowed for card product
bit 4 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if New card
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if Cardholder
verification was not successful
bit 7 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if
Unrecognised CVM
bit 6 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if PIN Try Limit
bit 5 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if PIN
entry required and PIN pad not present or not working
bit 4 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if PIN entry
required, PIN pad present, but PIN was not entered
bit 3 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if Online PIN
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 4 bit 8 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if Transaction
exceeds floor limit
bit 7 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if Lower
consecutive offline limit exceeded
bit 6 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if Upper
consecutive offline limit exceeded
bit 5 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if
Transaction selected randomly for online processing
bit 4 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if Merchant forced
transaction online
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 5 bit 8 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if Default
TDOL used
bit 7 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if Issuer
authentication was unsuccessful

bit 6 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if Script

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 6 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if Script

processing failed before final GENERATE AC
bit 5 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if Script
processing failed after final GENERATE AC
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
✔ IAC - Default: byte 1 bit 8 set to 1 when ODA is supported
✔ IAC - Default: byte 1 bit 4 set to 1 when DDA is supported

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Issuer

Action Code - Default (Tag '9F0D') shall be configured to decline a transaction if
there is data authentication failure and terminal is unable to go online.)

4.3.76 DE.23.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure Issuer Action Code - Denial is present and formatted correctly in the READ RECORD

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 9F 0E: Issuer Action Code - Denial : 00 10

00 00 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Do not decline if Offline data authentication was not
bit 7 = 0 Do not decline if Offline static data authentication
bit 6 = 0 Do not decline if ICC data missing
bit 5 = 0 Do not decline if Card appears on terminal exception file
bit 4 = 0 Do not decline if Offline dynamic data authentication
bit 3 = 0 Do not decline if Combined DDA/AC Generation failed
bit 2 = 0 Do not decline if SDA selected
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Do not decline if ICC and terminal have different
application versions
bit 7 = 0 Do not decline if Expired application
bit 6 = 0 Do not decline if Application not yet effective
bit 5 = 1 Decline if Requested service not allowed for card product
bit 4 = 0 Do not decline if New card
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Do not decline if Cardholder verification was not
bit 7 = 0 Do not decline if Unrecognised CVM
bit 6 = 0 Do not decline if PIN Try Limit exceeded
bit 5 = 0 Do not decline if PIN entry required and PIN pad not
present or not working
bit 4 = 0 Do not decline if PIN entry required, PIN pad present,
but PIN was not entered
bit 3 = 0 Do not decline if Online PIN entered
bit 2 = 0 RFU

bit 1 = 0 RFU

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 4 bit 8 = 0 Do not decline if Transaction exceeds floor limit
bit 7 = 0 Do not decline if Lower consecutive offline limit
bit 6 = 0 Do not decline if Upper consecutive offline limit
bit 5 = 0 Do not decline if Transaction selected randomly for
online processing
bit 4 = 0 Do not decline if Merchant forced transaction online
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 5 bit 8 = 0 Do not decline if Default TDOL used
bit 7 = 0 Do not decline if Issuer authentication was unsuccessful
bit 6 = 0 Do not decline if Script processing failed before final
bit 5 = 0 Do not decline if Script processing failed after final
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

mandatory data element Issuer Action Code - Denial ('9F 0E'))
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not
used for VCPS' bits shall be set to zero)

4.3.77 DE.24.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure Issuer Action Code - Online is present and formatted correctly in the READ RECORD

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 9F 0F: Issuer Action Code - Online : B8 68

BC 98 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 Go online if Offline data authentication was not performed
bit 7 = 0 Do not go online if Offline static data authentication
bit 6 = 1 Go online if ICC data missing
bit 5 = 1 Go online if Card appears on terminal exception file
bit 4 = 1 Go online if Offline dynamic data authentication failed
bit 3 = 0 Do not go online if Combined DDA/AC Generation failed
bit 2 = 0 Do not go online if SDA selected
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Do not go online if ICC and terminal have different
application versions
bit 7 = 1 Go online if Expired application
bit 6 = 1 Go online if Application not yet effective
bit 5 = 0 Do not go online if Requested service not allowed for
card product

bit 4 = 1 Go online if New card

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 4 = 1 Go online if New card

bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Go online if Cardholder verification was not successful
bit 7 = 0 Do not go online if Unrecognised CVM
bit 6 = 1 Go online if PIN Try Limit exceeded
bit 5 = 1 Go online if PIN entry required and PIN pad not present
or not working
bit 4 = 1 Go online if PIN entry required, PIN pad present, but PIN
was not entered
bit 3 = 1 Go online if Online PIN entered
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 4 bit 8 = 1 Go online if Transaction exceeds floor limit
bit 7 = 0 Do not go online if Lower consecutive offline limit
bit 6 = 0 Do not go online if Upper consecutive offline limit
bit 5 = 1 Go online if Transaction selected randomly for online
bit 4 = 1 Go online if Merchant forced transaction online
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 5 bit 8 = 0 Do not go online if Default TDOL used
bit 7 = 0 Do not go online if Issuer authentication was
bit 6 = 0 Do not go online if Script processing failed before final
bit 5 = 0 Do not go online if Script processing failed after final
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

mandatory data element Issuer Action Code - Online ('9F 0F'))
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not
used for VCPS' bits shall be set to zero)

4.3.78 DE.24.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure Issuer Action Code - Online is configured to go online if Offline Data Authentication
fails or is not performed

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

• Card supports SDA or DDA or CDA

▤ Tag 9F 0F: Issuer Action Code - Online : B8 68
BC 98 00

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 Go online if Offline data authentication was not performed

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▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 Go online if Offline data authentication was not performed

bit 7 = 0 Do not go online if Offline static data authentication
bit 6 = 1 Go online if ICC data missing
bit 5 = 1 Go online if Card appears on terminal exception file
bit 4 = 1 Go online if Offline dynamic data authentication failed
bit 3 = 0 Do not go online if Combined DDA/AC Generation failed
bit 2 = 0 Do not go online if SDA selected
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Do not go online if ICC and terminal have different
application versions
bit 7 = 1 Go online if Expired application
bit 6 = 1 Go online if Application not yet effective
bit 5 = 0 Do not go online if Requested service not allowed for
card product
bit 4 = 1 Go online if New card
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Go online if Cardholder verification was not successful
bit 7 = 0 Do not go online if Unrecognised CVM
bit 6 = 1 Go online if PIN Try Limit exceeded
bit 5 = 1 Go online if PIN entry required and PIN pad not present
or not working
bit 4 = 1 Go online if PIN entry required, PIN pad present, but PIN
was not entered
bit 3 = 1 Go online if Online PIN entered
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 4 bit 8 = 1 Go online if Transaction exceeds floor limit
bit 7 = 0 Do not go online if Lower consecutive offline limit
bit 6 = 0 Do not go online if Upper consecutive offline limit
bit 5 = 1 Go online if Transaction selected randomly for online
bit 4 = 1 Go online if Merchant forced transaction online
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 5 bit 8 = 0 Do not go online if Default TDOL used
bit 7 = 0 Do not go online if Issuer authentication was
bit 6 = 0 Do not go online if Script processing failed before final
bit 5 = 0 Do not go online if Script processing failed after final
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
✔ IAC - Online: byte 1 bit 8 set to 1 when ODA is supported
✔ IAC - Online: byte 1 bit 4 set to 1 when DDA is supported

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Issuer

Action Code - Online (Tag '9F0F')shall be configured to force online if there is
data authentication failure or data authentication is not performed.)

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

4.3.79 DE.25.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Authentication Indicator is formatted correctly and containsa valid
length (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 9F 56: Issuer Authentication Indicator [VSDC] : 80

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 Issuer Authentication mandatory
bit 7-1= 0000000 RFU
✔ Issuer Authentication Indicator has valid length
✔ All RFU bits are set to 0

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not
used for VCPS' bits shall be set to zero)

4.3.80 DE.25.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Default Action (tag '9F52) is configured not to decline
transaction if no ARPC is received if Issuer Authentication Indicator (tag '9F56') is set to

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

• Issuer Authentication Indicator (Tag '9F56') is set to mandatory

▤ Tag 9F 52: Application Default Action [VSDC VIS 1.6] : 82 38
00 00 00 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 If Issuer Authentication failure, transmit next
transaction online
bit 7 = 0 No action required if Issuer Authentication performed and
bit 6 = 0 No action required if Issuer Authentication is mandatory
and no ARPC received
bit 5 = 0 No action required if transaction declined offline
bit 4 = 0 No action required if PIN Try Limit exceeded on current
transaction and transaction is declined
bit 3 = 0 No action required if transaction declined because issuer
authentication failed or not performed
bit 2 = 1 If new card, transmit transaction online
bit 1 = 0 No action required if new card and unable to transmit
transaction online
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Application is not blocked if PIN Try Limit exceeded on
current transaction
bit 7 = 0 Transaction is not declined if PIN Try Limit exceeded on
previous transaction
bit 6 = 1 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction,
transmit transaction online

bit 5 = 1 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction,

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bit 5 = 1 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction,

decline if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 4 = 1 If issuer script failed on a previous transaction
transmit transaction online
bit 3 = 0 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction, no
action required to decline the current transaction and block the application
bit 2 = 0 Reset CTTA to zero during GENERATE AC
bit 1 = 0 Reset VLP Available Funds to VLP Funds Limit during
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Include offline approved transactions in the transaction
bit 7 = 0 Include online approved transactions in the transaction
bit 6 = 0 Do not include declined transactions in the transaction
bit 5 = 0 Do not reset VLP Available Funds to VLP Funds Limit when
offline PIN is successfully verified
bit 4 = 0 Count declined transactions
bit 3 = 0 Do not use Issuer Script MAC Chaining Option
bit 2 = 0 Issuer Script Command Counter is not cyclic
bit 1 = 0 CTCI does not count non-matching country code
▤ Byte 4 bit 8 = 0 Do not use Default Update Counters in ADA if CSU is
generated by a proxy (RFU bit for card with CVN 10)
bits 7-6 = 00 Do not update velocity-checking counters (RFU bits for
card with CVN 10)
bit 5 = 0 Padding method 80 not supported for IDD MACing
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 5 bit 8-5 = 0000 RFU
bit 4 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not performed or not
successful, no action required to send transaction online
bit 3 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not performed, no action
required to decline if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 2 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not successful, no action
required to decline if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 1 = 0 Secure Messaging not uses EMV Session key-based
▤ Byte 6 bit 8 = 0 CDCVM not Supported
bit 7-1 = 0000000 RFU
✔ ADA Byte 1 Bit 6 is set to 0

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Both

Application Default Action (tag '9F52') byte 1 bit 6 and Issuer Authentication
Indicator (tag '9F56') byte 1 bit 8 should not be set to 1b at the same time.)

4.3.81 DE.25.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the Issuer Authentication Indicator is present when Issuer Authentication is
supported using the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

• Issuer Authentication supported (AIP, Byte 1, bit 3 is set to 1)

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Personalization Validation Report

• Issuer Authentication supported (AIP, Byte 1, bit 3 is set to 1)

• Cryptogram Version Number is 10 ('0A')
▤ Tag 9F 56: Issuer Authentication Indicator [VSDC] : 80
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 Issuer Authentication mandatory
bit 7-1= 0000000 RFU

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Since

Issuer Authentication is supported, the Issuer Authentication Indicator must be
personalized on this card.)

4.3.82 DE.26.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Country Code is present, is correctly formatted, and contains a valid
value (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• Application Usage Control tag '9F07' is present.

▤ Tag 5F 28: Issuer Country Code : 00 51
▤ Country Code = 00 51
▤ Country Name = Armenia
✔ Issuer Country Code length is 2 bytes

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
ISO3166 value.)
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Issuer
Country Code (Tag '5F28') shall be present if Application Usage Control (Tag '9F07')
is present.)

4.3.83 DE.26.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that if the Issuer Country Code is present, it matches the value of the Issuer Country
Code (Visa proprietary data element)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 5F 28: Issuer Country Code : 00 51

▤ Country Code = 00 51
▤ Country Name = Armenia
▤ Tag 9F 57: Issuer Country Code [VSDC] : 00 51
▤ Country Code = 00 51
▤ Country Name = Armenia
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Issuer
Country Code (Tag '5F28') shall match the value of Visa Issuer Country Code (Tag

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

4.3.84 DE.26.004.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Country Code is not present when not required (i.e., when the
Application Usage Control is not present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Application Usage Control tag '9F07' is present.

4.3.85 DE.26.005.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the Issuer Country Code matches the Application Currency Code (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Application Currency Code (Tag '9F42') is not present.

4.3.86 DE.29.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the format of the Issuer URL is correct (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Issuer URL tag '5F50' is not present.

4.3.87 DE.30.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure Lower Consecutive Offline Limit is the correct length

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Lower Consecutive Offline Limit tag '9F14' is not present.

4.3.88 DE.30.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Lower Consecutive Offline Limit value is not greater/higher than the Upper
Consecutive Offline Limit

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Lower Consecutive Offline Limit tag '9F14' is not present.
Upper Consecutive Offline Limit tag '9F23' is not present.

4.3.89 DE.30.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that both the Lower Consecutive Offline Limit and Upper Consecutive Offline Limit
are present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 9F 14: Lower Consecutive Offline Limit : <not

▤ Tag 9F 23: Upper Consecutive Offline Limit : <not
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Both the
Lower Consecutive Offline Limit (Tag '9F14') and the Upper Consecutive Offline Limit
(Tag '9F23') should be present.)

4.3.90 DE.30.004.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the Lower Consecutive Offline Limit is not present when the Lower Consecutive
Offline Limit (Visa proprietary data element) is present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

• LCOL (Visa proprietary data element) (Tag '9F58') is present.

Test not applicable, because:
Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

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Personalization Validation Report

Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.3.91 DE.30.004.02
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the Lower Consecutive Offline Limit is not present when the Consecutive
Transaction Counter Limit (CTCL) is present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

• Card supports Consecutive Transactions Lower Limit Check

▤ Tag 9F 14: Lower Consecutive Offline Limit : <not

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: LCOL (Tag

'9F14') should not be present if CTCL (Tag '9F58' or 'DF21 in BF56') is present.)

4.3.92 DE.30.005.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the values of the two Lower Consecutive Offline Limits match and the value is
not higher than the Visa recommended value

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
LCOL (Tag '9F14') is not present.

4.3.93 DE.30.005.02
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the values of the two Lower Consecutive Offline Limits match and the value is
not higher than the Visa recommended value

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

LCOL (Tag '9F14') is not present.

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

4.3.94 DE.31.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure the correct structure of the Template Format 1 value (when applicable).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ GPO Response:
▤ Tag 80 : Response Message Template Format 1 : 3C 00
08 02 02 00 10 01 02 00 28 01 03 01

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid


4.3.95 DE.33.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Service Code is formatted correctly (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 5F 30: Service Code : 02 21

▤ Position 1 (2): Interchange: International; Technology: ICC
▤ Position 2 (2): Authorization processing: By Issuer
▤ Position 3 (1): Range of services: No restrictions; PIN requirements: -
✔ Service Code length is valid
✔ Service Code has valid format

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Format not

4.3.96 DE.33.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Service Code is coded with valid values (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 84 : Dedicated File (DF) Name : A0 00

00 00 03 10 10
▤ Tag 5F 30: Service Code : 02 21
▤ Position 1 (2): Interchange: International; Technology: ICC
▤ Position 2 (2): Authorization processing: By Issuer
▤ Position 3 (1): Range of services: No restrictions; PIN requirements: -

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Position 3 (1): Range of services: No restrictions; PIN requirements: -

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Service

Code (Tag '5F30') shall be coded with valid values according to the Payment
Technology Standards Manual.)

4.3.97 DE.34.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Signed Dynamic Application Data (SDAD) is present in the INTERNAL
AUTHENTICATE response (if DDA is supported)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

• Card supports DDA

▤ Internal Authenticate response: 80 81 80 49 7E CF BA 58 A3 EF 3B 0B 59 E5 BF 82 D3
65 93 67 40 D2 37 6C 74 1D FC 22 D0 3B 29 98 E5 48 12 CE 13 F8 02 40 40 97 13 06 DF
DD D0 6B AF 33 8F F7 BA 47 F8 DE 27 14 62 60 9E 41 DC BE 16 6A 68 23 07 C1 A9 57 03
68 13 99 80 B2 39 6B 0F A8 DC 47 F6 40 51 24 A4 F4 B9 A4 3A 08 CD 93 A0 1C AD 24 73
21 DD 85 B8 ED BD 0C 2B 57 0D 7B CF 27 74 E2 33 0E C5 03 CC 5F 81 01 12 58 AB 55 77
9C FE 90 00

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Mandatory

Data Element shall be present if DDA is supported.)

4.3.98 DE.34.001.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Signed Dynamic Application Data (SDAD) is present in the GENERATE AC
response (if CDA is supported)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card does not support CDA.

4.3.99 DE.34.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the length of the Signed Dynamic Application Data is the same as the length of
the ICC Public Key Modulus (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

• Card supports DDA or CDA

✔ Decipher ICC Public Key Certificate

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Personalization Validation Report

✔ Decipher ICC Public Key Certificate

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate
▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07
86 CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24
40 B7 14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6
53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A
02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B
E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58
7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A
FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31
3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D
5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29
▤ Tag 92 : Issuer Public Key Remainder : <not
▤ Tag 9F 32: Issuer Public Key Exponent : 03
▤ Tag 9F 46: ICC Public Key Certificate : 54
19 A5 B1 84 FE BA BE 00 7D FF 1D BA 4A 61 F3 C6 7A 79 17 0A 32 C1 FA 99 C9 E4 7A
69 E5 86 24 79 8B F6 8E F0 5E 87 7F 80 DA 2F 0B 79 EF 1C 01 BA 56 7D B6 2A 37 69
0C 9C 42 08 A8 3C DB CF 46 48 B0 9C 6A B6 84 E8 F1 19 CC 02 DA E6 55 E1 10 15 3B
B3 D6 6D 10 E0 75 DE 6E 54 E9 1E E2 09 89 46 FB FD A1 69 1D 7F B2 DB B6 70 5B C7
1A 71 92 B0 C9 F2 8B 36 C6 BF 2C 7D 65 8A 43 D5 EA 82 57 0F FA 3B E5 9C 47 A7 36
7B 51 43 0E 0D 73 A1 54 B2 14 74 FD F2 52 57 F9 09 33 30 03 B1 1D 76 84 D8 7A 99
C6 B4 C7 B0 C4 B8 94 2D 8D DF F7 16 4C
▤ Deciphered ICC Public Key Certificate
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Certificate Format = 04
▤ Application PAN = 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 FF FF
▤ Certificate Expiration Date (MM YY) = 05 25
▤ Certificate Serial Number = 00 00 01
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Algorithm = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Length = 80
▤ ICC Public Key Exponent = 01
▤ ICC Public Key:
▤ D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E F1
▤ 7E C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF
▤ FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41 40 41 D9 4F 14 21 58
▤ 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05
▤ B9 48 26 7C 49 A8 0C 35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D
▤ D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8 19 35 06
▤ 37 64 DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8
▤ 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF 3A A7 52 FD 59 A5 18 B1 F9
▤ Padding:
▤ Hash Result:
▤ 27 9A 57 94 8A 23 E9 77 AB 9E 31 89 AC 27 AC C2
▤ D7 4A 98 39
▤ Data Trailer = BC
• Length of ICC Public Key Modulus : 128
• Length of Signed Dynamic Application Data in Internal Authenticate Response: 128

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Signed

Dynamic Application Data (Tag '9F4B') length shall be the same the ICC Public Key
Modulus length.)

4.3.100 DE.34.003.00

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 80/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Signed Dynamic Application Data (SDAD) is not present when not required
(i.e., when DDA and CDA are not supported)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

• CDA is not supported.

▤ Tag 9F 4B: Signed Dynamic Application Data : <not

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Since DDA

is not supported, the Signed Dynamic Application Data should not appear in the

4.3.101 DE.35.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Signed Static Application Data (SSAD) is present when SDA is supported

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card does not support SDA.

4.3.102 DE.35.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that all recommended data elements are included in the signature generation

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x

• Card supports SDA or DDA or CDA

Test not applicable, because:
Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.3.103 DE.35.002.01
Verdict Passed
Test description If SDA Tag List is present, ensure it is included in the signature generation

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 9F 4A: Static Data Authentication Tag List : 82

▤ SDA Tag(1) = 82 [Application Interchange Profile [VIS]]
▤ Tag : 82
▤ Name : Application Interchange Profile [VIS]

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: SDA Tag

List ('9F4A') must be included in the signature generation if offline data
authentication is supported.)

4.3.104 DE.35.002.02
Verdict Warning
Test description To ensure that all recommended data elements are included in the signature generation

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.6.x

• Card supports DDA or CDA

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Data
elements recommended for inclusion in the signature are not present Application
Effective Date ('5F 25'))
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Data
elements recommended for inclusion in the signature are not present Application
Expiration Date ('5F 24'))
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Data
elements recommended for inclusion in the signature are not present Application PAN
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Data
elements recommended for inclusion in the signature are not present Application PAN
Sequence Number ('5F 34'))
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Data
elements recommended for inclusion in the signature are not present Application
Usage Control ('9F 07'))
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Data
elements recommended for inclusion in the signature are not present Cardholder
Verification Method (CVM) List ('8E'))
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Data
elements recommended for inclusion in the signature are not present Issuer Action
Code - Default ('9F 0D'))
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Data
elements recommended for inclusion in the signature are not present Issuer Action
Code - Denial ('9F 0E'))
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Data
elements recommended for inclusion in the signature are not present Issuer Action
Code - Online ('9F 0F'))
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Data
elements recommended for inclusion in the signature are not present Issuer Country
Code ('5F 28'))
! DE. Warning: Data elements recommended for inclusion in the signature
are not present CDOL1 ('8C')
! DE. Warning: Data elements recommended for inclusion in the signature
are not present CDOL2 ('8D')
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Data
elements recommended for inclusion in the signature are not present SDA Tag List
('9F 4A'))

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Data

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 82/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Data

elements recommended for inclusion in the signature are not present Application
Interchange Profile ('82'))

4.3.105 DE.35.002.03
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that all mandatory data elements are included in the signature generation if offline
data authentication is supported

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.6.x

• Card supports DDA or CDA

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing
mandatory data element Static Data Authentication Tag List ('9F 4A'))
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing
mandatory data element Application Interchange Profile [VIS] ('82'))

4.3.106 DE.35.003.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the length of Signed Static Application Data (SSAD) is the same as the length of
the Issuer Public Key Modulus

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card does not support SDA.
SSAD (Tag '93') is not present.

4.3.107 DE.37.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Transaction Certificate Data Object List (TDOL, tag '97') is not present (or
used) if the Cryptogram Version Number is 10 ('0A'), 18 ('12') or '22'

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

• Cryptogram Version Number is 10 ('0A'), 18 ('12') or '22'

▤ Tag 97 : Transaction Certificate Data Object List (TDOL) : <not

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:

Transaction Certificate Data Object List (TDOL) (tag '97') shall not be present (or
used) if Cryptogram Version Number is 10 ('0A'), 12 ('0C'), 18 ('12') or '22'.)

4.3.108 DE.37.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the Transaction Certificate Data Object List (TDOL) contains known data
elements only (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

TDOL (tag '97') is not present

4.3.109 DE.38.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Upper Consecutive Offline Limit is the correct length

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

UCOL (Tag '9F23') is not present

4.3.110 DE.38.004.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the Upper Consecutive Offline Limit is not present when the Upper Consecutive
Offline Limit (Visa Proprietary Data) is present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

• UCOL (Visa proprietary data element) (Tag '9F59') is present.

Test not applicable, because:
Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.3.111 DE.38.004.02
Verdict Passed

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 84/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test description To check that the Upper Consecutive Offline Limit is not present when the Consecutive
Transaction Counter Upper Limit (CTCUL) is present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

• Card supports Consecutive Transactions Upper Limit Check

▤ Tag 9F 23: Upper Consecutive Offline Limit : <not

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: UCOL (Tag

'9F23') should not be present if CTCUL (Tag '9F59' or 'DF31 in BF56') is present.)

4.3.112 DE.38.005.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the Upper Consecutive Offline Limit is not too low

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

UCOL (Tag '9F23') is not present

4.3.113 DE.38.005.01
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the Consecutive Transaction Counter Upper Limit is not too low

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter Limit tag '9F59' or 'DF31' in 'BF56': 03

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: CTCUL (Tag

'9F59' or 'DF31 in BF56') is too low.)

4.3.114 DE.39.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that if Card Production Life Cycle (CPLC) History File Identifiers is present, its length
and format is correct.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 85/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.3.115 DE.40.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Geographic indicator is formatted correctly, if present.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Geographic indicator (tag '9F 55') is not present.

4.3.116 DE.40.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Country Code (tag '9F57') is present, if the Geographic indicator is
different from 'C0'

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

▤ Tag 9F 55: Unknown Data Element : <not


Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Geographic indicator (tag '9F 55') is not present.

4.3.117 DE.40.003.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Geographic Indicator is consistent with Application Usage Control (tag

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Geographic indicator (tag '9F 55') is not present.

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 86/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

Geographic indicator (tag '9F 55') is not present.

4.3.118 DE.42.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that, if present, Track 1 Discretionary Data has a valid format

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 9F 1F: Track 1 Discretionary Data : 31 37

37 31 36 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 38 38 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Not coded

according to ISO/IEC 7813.)
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Not coded
according to the Payment Technology Standards Manual.)

4.3.119 DE.43.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that Track 2 Discretionary Data is not present, as it is not supported in the covered
VIS versions.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 9F 20: Track 2 Discretionary Data : <not


✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Shall not

be present as not supported in this version of VIS.)

4.3.120 DE.54.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that if the Issuer Authentication Indicator (IAI, tag '9F56') is not personalized, then
Application Interchange Profile (AIP, tag '82') must not indicate "Issuer Authentication
supported using the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command".

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Issuer Authentication Indicator tag '9F56' is present.

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 87/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

4.3.121 DE.54.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that if the Issuer Authentication Indicator (IAI, tag '9F56') is not personalized, if card
is online-only

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card is different from online-only

4.3.122 DP.1.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Authentication Flags (IAF) are correctly formatted (if present).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application
IAF (tag '9F55') is not present

4.3.123 DP.2.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Proprietary Bitmap is present and has an allowed length.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application

4.3.124 DP.2.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Application Data bits of the Issuer Proprietary Bitmap are all set to

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VMCPS 1.4.x

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 88/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application
Card does not support Dynamic Passcode

4.3.125 DP.900.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Application PAN (if present) is the same between the Visa payment
application and the Dynamic Pass Code Authentication application.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application

4.3.126 DP.902.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Offline PIN is the same between the Visa payment application and the
Dynamic Pass Code Authentication application.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application
PIN verification switched off in Test Configuration

4.3.127 DP.902.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Visa DPA application supports 'Offline Plaintext PIN' in the CVM List.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application

4.3.128 DS.1.001.00

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 89/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Verdict Passed
Test description To check that all Visa Proprietary Data Elements are retrievable through GET DATA command
only and not through any other commands (e.g. READ RECORD).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

✔ Tag: 9F 52, Application Default Action [VSDC VIS 1.6] retrievable with GET DATA
✔ Tag: 9F 51, Application Currency Code [VSDC] retrievable with GET DATA
✔ Tag: 9F 53, Consecutive Transaction Limit (International) [VSDC] retrievable with
✔ Tag: 9F 5E, Consecutive Transaction International Upper Limit [VSDC] retrievable
✔ Tag: 9F 58, Consecutive Transaction Counter Limit [VSDC] retrievable with GET
✔ Tag: 9F 59, Consecutive Transaction Counter Upper Limit [VSDC] retrievable with
✔ Tag: 9F 5C, Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit [VSDC] retrievable
✔ Tag: 9F 57, Issuer Country Code [VSDC] retrievable with GET DATA
✔ Tag: 9F 13, Last Online Application Transaction Counter (ATC) Register
retrievable with GET DATA
✔ Tag: 9F 17, Personal Identification Number (PIN) Try Counter retrievable with GET
✔ Tag: 9F 77, VLP Funds Limit [VSDC] retrievable with GET DATA
✔ Tag: 9F 78, VLP Single Transaction Limit [VSDC] retrievable with GET DATA
✔ Tag: 9F 56, Issuer Authentication Indicator [VSDC] retrievable with GET DATA
✔ Tag: BF 56, Counters Data Template retrievable with GET DATA
✔ Tag: BF 57, International Counters Data Template retrievable with GET DATA
✔ Tag: BF 5B, Application Internal Data Template retrievable with GET DATA
✔ Tag: 9F 36, Application Transaction Counter (ATC) retrievable with GET DATA and
/or Generate AC command

✔ DS. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Visa

Proprietary Data Element should be retrieved using GET DATA command.)

4.3.129 DS.2.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that all data elements marked as mandatory or required and retrievable through
the READ RECORD command are present and correctly formatted in the records

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

✔ Tag: 5F 24, Application Expiration Date is present in records

✔ Tag: 5A, Application Primary Account Number (PAN) is present in records
✔ Tag: 9F 08, Application Version Number [VIS] is present in records
✔ Tag: 8C, Card Risk Management Data Object List 1 (CDOL1) is present in records
✔ Tag: 8D, Card Risk Management Data Object List 2 (CDOL2) is present in records
✔ Tag: 8E, Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) List is present in records
✔ Tag: 9F 0D, Issuer Action Code - Default is present in records
✔ Tag: 9F 0E, Issuer Action Code - Denial is present in records
✔ Tag: 9F 0F, Issuer Action Code - Online is present in records
✔ Tag: 57, Track 2 Equivalent Data is present in records

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 90/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

✔ Tag: 57, Track 2 Equivalent Data is present in records

✔ DS. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All the

data elements marked as Mandatory or Required and can be retrievable with READ
RECORD command and shall be present in the records of the application.)

4.3.130 DS.3.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the card responds according to a READ RECORD command with a valid SFI and
Record Number, as defined in the Application File Locator (AFL).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 94 : Application File Locator (AFL) : 08 02

02 00 10 01 02 00 28 01 03 01
▤ AFL (1) = 08 02 02 00
▤ SFI (decimal) = 1
▤ Start record = 2
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0
▤ AFL (2) = 10 01 02 00
▤ SFI (decimal) = 2
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0
▤ AFL (3) = 28 01 03 01
▤ SFI (decimal) = 5
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 3
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 1

▤ SFI 01 Record 02 : 70 4D 57 13 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 D2 50 52 21 17 71 68 80 00
00 0F 5F 20 1A 41 52 54 55 52 2F 47 48 41 5A 41 52 59 41 4E 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
20 20 20 9F 1F 18 31 37 37 31 36 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 38 38 30 30 30 30 30
30 30

▤ SFI 02 Record 01 : 70 81 FB 90 81 F8 3F 58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9
12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07 86 CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96
65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24 40 B7 14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB
E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6 53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2
B3 84 44 10 15 0A 02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0
7A DF 67 7B E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B
67 58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A
FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31 3E 98
EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D 5B D8 22 16
68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29

▤ SFI 02 Record 02 : 70 07 8F 01 09 9F 32 01 03

▤ SFI 05 Record 01 : 70 56 5F 25 03 21 05 01 5F 24 03 25 05 31 5A 08 48 89 62 00 14

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ SFI 05 Record 01 : 70 56 5F 25 03 21 05 01 5F 24 03 25 05 31 5A 08 48 89 62 00 14
09 79 20 5F 34 01 01 9F 07 02 FF 80 9F 0D 05 B8 60 AC 88 00 9F 0E 05 00 10 00 00 00
9F 0F 05 B8 68 BC 98 00 8E 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 05 44 03 41 03 42 03 1E 03
1F 02 5F 28 02 00 51 9F 4A 01 82

▤ SFI 05 Record 02 : 70 48 5F 30 02 02 21 9F 08 02 00 A0 8C 15 9F 02 06 9F 03 06 9F
1A 02 95 05 5F 2A 02 9A 03 9C 01 9F 37 04 8D 17 8A 02 9F 02 06 9F 03 06 9F 1A 02 95
05 5F 2A 02 9A 03 9C 01 9F 37 04 9F 44 01 02 9F 47 01 03 9F 49 03 9F 37 04

▤ SFI 05 Record 03 : 70 81 B4 9F 46 81 B0 54 19 A5 B1 84 FE BA BE 00 7D FF 1D BA 4A
61 F3 C6 7A 79 17 0A 32 C1 FA 99 C9 E4 7A 69 E5 86 24 79 8B F6 8E F0 5E 87 7F 80 DA
2F 0B 79 EF 1C 01 BA 56 7D B6 2A 37 69 0C 9C 42 08 A8 3C DB CF 46 48 B0 9C 6A B6 84
E8 F1 19 CC 02 DA E6 55 E1 10 15 3B B3 D6 6D 10 E0 75 DE 6E 54 E9 1E E2 09 89 46 FB
FD A1 69 1D 7F B2 DB B6 70 5B C7 1A 71 92 B0 C9 F2 8B 36 C6 BF 2C 7D 65 8A 43 D5 EA
82 57 0F FA 3B E5 9C 47 A7 36 7B 51 43 0E 0D 73 A1 54 B2 14 74 FD F2 52 57 F9 09 33
30 03 B1 1D 76 84 D8 7A 99 C6 B4 C7 B0 C4 B8 94 2D 8D DF F7 16 4C

✔ DS. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Card shall

respond to a READ RECORD command with File Number and Record Number defined in the
✔ DS. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Data Element
shall be encoded in TLV format.)

4.3.131 DS.4.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that all data elements not retrievable through the READ RECORD command are not
present in the records.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

✔ Tag: 9F 26, Application Cryptogram (AC) not retrievable with READ RECORD
✔ Tag: 9F 51, Application Currency Code [VSDC] not retrievable with READ RECORD
✔ Tag: 9F 52, Application Default Action [VSDC VIS 1.6] not retrievable with READ
✔ Tag: 94, Application File Locator (AFL) not retrievable with READ RECORD
✔ Tag: 82, Application Interchange Profile [VIS] not retrievable with READ RECORD
✔ Tag: 9F 36, Application Transaction Counter (ATC) not retrievable with READ
✔ Tag: 9F 68, Card Additional Processes [qVSDC VCPS 2.2] not retrievable with READ
✔ Tag: 9F 10, Issuer Application Data [VIS 1.6] not retrievable with READ RECORD
✔ Tag: 9F 53, Consecutive Transaction Limit (International) [VSDC] not retrievable
✔ Tag: 9F 5E, Consecutive Transaction International Upper Limit [VSDC] not
retrievable with READ RECORD
✔ Tag: 9F 27, Cryptogram Information Data (CID) not retrievable with READ RECORD
✔ Tag: 9F 54, Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit [VSDC] not retrievable with
✔ Tag: 9F 5C, Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit [VSDC] not
retrievable with READ RECORD
✔ Tag: 84, Dedicated File (DF) Name not retrievable with READ RECORD
✔ Tag: 9F 10, Issuer Application Data [VIS 1.6] not retrievable with READ RECORD
✔ Tag: 9F 11, Issuer Code Table Index not retrievable with READ RECORD
✔ Tag: 9F 57, Issuer Country Code [VSDC] not retrievable with READ RECORD
✔ Tag: 5F 2D, Language Preference not retrievable with READ RECORD

✔ Tag: 9F 13, Last Online Application Transaction Counter (ATC) Register not

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Personalization Validation Report

✔ Tag: 9F 13, Last Online Application Transaction Counter (ATC) Register not
retrievable with READ RECORD
✔ Tag: 9F 7D, Application Code Level [VSDC] not retrievable with READ RECORD
✔ Tag: 9F 58, Consecutive Transaction Counter Limit [VSDC] not retrievable with
✔ Tag: 9F 17, Personal Identification Number (PIN) Try Counter not retrievable with
✔ Tag: 9F 38, Processing Options Data Object List (PDOL) not retrievable with READ
✔ Tag: 9F 4B, Signed Dynamic Application Data not retrievable with READ RECORD
✔ Tag: 9F 59, Consecutive Transaction Counter Upper Limit [VSDC] not retrievable
✔ Tag: 9F 78, VLP Single Transaction Limit [VSDC] not retrievable with READ RECORD
✔ Tag: 9F 56, Issuer Authentication Indicator [VSDC] not retrievable with READ
✔ Tag: BF 55, Contactless Counters Data Template not retrievable with READ RECORD
✔ Tag: BF 56, Counters Data Template not retrievable with READ RECORD
✔ Tag: BF 57, International Counters Data Template not retrievable with READ RECORD
✔ Tag: BF 58, Amounts Data Template not retrievable with READ RECORD
✔ Tag: BF 5B, Application Internal Data Template not retrievable with READ RECORD

✔ DS. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Data

Elements shall not be present in the records if they are not retrievable by READ
RECORD command.)

4.3.132 DS.5.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS response is formatted correctly.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

GPO response is not using Format 2 Response Template

4.3.133 DS.5.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS response contains the correct data (when

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 80 : GPO Response Message Template Format 1

▤ Tag 82 : Application Interchange Profile [VIS] : 3C 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 RFU
bit 7 = 0 Offline static data authentication is NOT supported
bit 6 = 1 Offline dynamic data authentication is supported
bit 5 = 1 Cardholder verification is supported
bit 4 = 1 Terminal risk management is to be performed
bit 3 = 1 Issuer authentication is supported using the EXTERNAL

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bit 4 = 1 Terminal risk management is to be performed

bit 3 = 1 Issuer authentication is supported using the EXTERNAL
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 Combined DDA / GENERATE AC NOT supported
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Not used for VIS
bit 7 = 0 NOT Mobile phone
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Tag 94 : Application File Locator (AFL) : 08
02 02 00 10 01 02 00 28 01 03 01
▤ AFL (1) = 08 02 02 00
▤ SFI (decimal) = 1
▤ Start record = 2
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0
▤ AFL (2) = 10 01 02 00
▤ SFI (decimal) = 2
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0
▤ AFL (3) = 28 01 03 01
▤ SFI (decimal) = 5
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 3
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 1

✔ DS. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: GET

PROCESSING OPTIONS response should only contain Application Interchange Profile and
Application File Locator.)

4.3.134 DS.6.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the GENERATE AC response is formatted correctly.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

GENERATE AC response is not using Format 2 Response Template

4.3.135 DS.6.001.01
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the GENERATE AC response contains the correct data (when applicable)

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 80 : GAC Response Message Template Format 1

▤ Tag 9F 27: Cryptogram Information Data (CID) : 80
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-7 = 10 ARQC
bit 6-5 = 00 Payment System specific cryptogram
bit 4 = 0 No advice required
bit 3-1 = 000 No information given
▤ Tag 9F 36: Application Transaction Counter (ATC) : 00 06
▤ Decimal value = 6
▤ Tag 9F 26: Application Cryptogram (AC) : 27
3A 90 BF EB 41 5F 62
▤ Tag 9F 10: Issuer Application Data [VIS 1.6] : 06
01 0A 03 A0 A0 02
▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 0A 03 A0 A0 02
▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 0A
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 A0 A0 02
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')
▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested
bit 6-5 = 10 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: ARQC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not performed
bit 1 = 0 Able to go online or offline transaction
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Last online transaction not completed
bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded
bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters
bit 5 = 0 No new card
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last online
transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online
authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card
bit 1 = 0 RFU for VIS 1.6
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed
bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or
was not performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 1 Offline dynamic data authentication performed
bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-
Expecting card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification
not supported)

▤ Tag 80 : GAC Response Message Template Format 1

▤ Tag 9F 27: Cryptogram Information Data (CID) : 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-7 = 00 AAC
bit 6-5 = 00 Payment System specific cryptogram
bit 4 = 0 No advice required
bit 3-1 = 000 No information given
▤ Tag 9F 36: Application Transaction Counter (ATC) : 00 06
▤ Decimal value = 6
▤ Tag 9F 26: Application Cryptogram (AC) : 1E
7F 30 0C 05 8E EE 21

▤ Tag 9F 10: Issuer Application Data [VIS 1.6] : 06

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Tag 9F 10: Issuer Application Data [VIS 1.6] : 06

01 0A 03 21 A0 02
▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 0A 03 21 A0 02
▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 0A
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 21 A0 02
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')
▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 00 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: AAC
bit 6-5 = 10 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: ARQC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not performed
bit 1 = 1 Unable to go online
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Last online transaction not completed
bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded
bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters
bit 5 = 0 No new card
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last online
transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online
authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card
bit 1 = 0 RFU for VIS 1.6
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed
bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or
was not performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 1 Offline dynamic data authentication performed
bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-
Expecting card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification
not supported)

✔ DS. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: GENERATE AC

response should only contain Cryptogram Information Data, Application Transaction
Counter, Application Cryptogram, Issuer Application Data.)

4.3.136 ES.1.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the ICC responds to the SELECT command with a valid Visa AID.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 84 : Dedicated File (DF) Name : A0 00

00 00 03 10 10
✔ ES. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: ICC shall
respond to Select command with valid Visa AID.)

4.3.137 ES.1.002.00

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Personalization Validation Report

Verdict Not Applicable

Test description To ensure that a card with one application does not have an AID with a suffix.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card does not contain multiple Visa applications on contact interface

4.3.138 ES.2.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the response to the explicit SELECT command is correct.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ FCI of ADF: 6F 37 84 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 A5 2C 50 04 56 69 73 61 87 01 01 9F
38 03 9F 1A 02 5F 2D 04 65 6E 72 75 9F 12 04 56 69 73 61 9F 11 01 01 BF 0C 08 9F 5A
05 60 00 51 00 51
▤ Tag 6F : File Control Information (FCI) Template
▤ Tag 84 : Dedicated File (DF) Name : A0
00 00 00 03 10 10
▤ Tag A5 : File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template
▤ Tag 50 : Application Label :
56 69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 87 : Application Priority Indicator :
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without confirmation of
bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be
listed: 1
▤ Tag 9F 38: Processing Options Data Object List (PDOL) :
9F 1A 02
▤ Tag( 1) = 9F 1A [Terminal Country Code]
▤ Tag : 9F 1A
▤ Length: 02
▤ Name : Terminal Country Code
▤ Tag 5F 2D: Language Preference :
65 6E 72 75
▤ Language Preference = enru
• Language Code(1) = en; Language Name = English
• Language Code(2) = ru; Language Name = Russian
▤ Tag 9F 12: Application Preferred Name :
56 69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 9F 11: Issuer Code Table Index :
▤ Refers to Part 1 of ISO 8859
▤ Tag BF 0C: File Control Information (FCI) Issuer Discretionary Template
▤ Tag 9F 5A: Application Program
Identifier : 60 00 51 00 51
▤ Byte 1 bits 8-5 = '0110' Visa CEMEA use

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Byte 1 bits 8-5 = '0110' Visa CEMEA use

▤ Byte 1 bits 4-1 = '0000' Visa regional discretion
▤ Bytes 2-3 = 00 51 AMD
▤ Bytes 4-5 = 00 51 Armenia
✔ FCI Template (Tag '6F') is present
✔ DF Name (Tag '84') is present in the FCI Template
✔ FCI Proprietary Template (Tag 'A5') is present in the FCI Template
✔ DF Name (Tag '84') in the FCI Template matchs the value in the SELECT Command
✔ The length of the response: 57 bytes.
✔ The length of the FCI Template: 55 bytes.

✔ ES. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Data Element

shall be a constructed data object (template) and shall contain valid TLV encoded
✔ ES. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Mandatory
data elements FCI template (Tag '6F'), DF Name (Tag '84') and FCI Proprietary
Template (Tag 'A5') shall be present in SELECT response.)
✔ ES. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Dedicated
File (DF) Name (Tag '84') in the response shall be the same value sent in the SELECT
✔ ES. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ ES. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Padding is
not allowed anywhere within the FCI template.)

4.3.139 ES.2.001.01
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that only the data elements defined by EMV Book 1 or the applicable Visa
specifications are present in FCI Issuer Discretionary Data (tag 'BF0C') returned in the
response to the SELECT ADF command.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ FCI Issuer Discretionary Data: 9F 5A 05 60 00 51 00 51

▤ Tag 9F 5A: Application Program Identifier : 60
00 51 00 51
▤ Byte 1 bits 8-5 = '0110' Visa CEMEA use
▤ Byte 1 bits 4-1 = '0000' Visa regional discretion
▤ Bytes 2-3 = 00 51 AMD
▤ Bytes 4-5 = 00 51 Armenia
✔ ES. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Only the
data elements defined by EMV 4.3, Book 1 or the applicable Visa specifications
should be present in the FCI Issuer Discretionary Data (tag 'BF0C') returned in the
response to the SELECT ADF command.)

4.3.140 ES.3.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the response to an explicit SELECT command is correctly formatted.

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ FCI of ADF: 6F 37 84 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 A5 2C 50 04 56 69 73 61 87 01 01 9F
38 03 9F 1A 02 5F 2D 04 65 6E 72 75 9F 12 04 56 69 73 61 9F 11 01 01 BF 0C 08 9F 5A
05 60 00 51 00 51
▤ Tag 6F : File Control Information (FCI) Template
▤ Tag 84 : Dedicated File (DF) Name : A0
00 00 00 03 10 10
▤ Tag A5 : File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template
▤ Tag 50 : Application Label :
56 69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 87 : Application Priority Indicator :
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without confirmation of
bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be
listed: 1
▤ Tag 9F 38: Processing Options Data Object List (PDOL) :
9F 1A 02
▤ Tag( 1) = 9F 1A [Terminal Country Code]
▤ Tag : 9F 1A
▤ Length: 02
▤ Name : Terminal Country Code
▤ Tag 5F 2D: Language Preference :
65 6E 72 75
▤ Language Preference = enru
• Language Code(1) = en; Language Name = English
• Language Code(2) = ru; Language Name = Russian
▤ Tag 9F 12: Application Preferred Name :
56 69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 9F 11: Issuer Code Table Index :
▤ Refers to Part 1 of ISO 8859
▤ Tag BF 0C: File Control Information (FCI) Issuer Discretionary Template
▤ Tag 9F 5A: Application Program
Identifier : 60 00 51 00 51
▤ Byte 1 bits 8-5 = '0110' Visa CEMEA use
▤ Byte 1 bits 4-1 = '0000' Visa regional discretion
▤ Bytes 2-3 = 00 51 AMD
▤ Bytes 4-5 = 00 51 Armenia

✔ ES. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Unexpected

data element in the template.)

4.3.141 ES.4.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Proprietary Application Identifier Extensions (PIX) is the correct length.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x

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Personalization Validation Report

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 84 : Dedicated File (DF) Name : A0 00

00 00 03 10 10
▤ Proprietary Application Identifier Extensions (PIX): 10 10

✔ ES. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid


4.3.142 ES.5.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the length and value of the RID are correct.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 84 : Dedicated File (DF) Name : A0 00

00 00 03 10 10
▤ Registered Application Provider Identifier (RID): A0 00 00 00 03

✔ ES. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

value (out of range).)
✔ ES. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

4.3.143 FL.1.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure the Constructed Data Object (CDO) Definition Version is present and has the correct

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application

4.3.144 FL.2.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Countries Permitted has correct length and format (if present).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

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Personalization Validation Report

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application
Countries Permitted (Tag 'DF02' in 'BF50') is not present

4.3.145 FL.3.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Days and Hours Permitted has the correct length and format (if present).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application
Days and Hours Permitted (Tag 'DF03' in 'BF50') is not present

4.3.146 FL.4.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Driver ID has the correct length and format (if present).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application
Driver ID (Tag 'DF15' in 'BF50') is not present

4.3.147 FL.5.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Driver Name has the correct length and format (if present).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application
Driver Name (Tag 'DF14' in 'BF50') is not present

4.3.148 FL.6.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 101/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test description To ensure that the Fleet Card Service Provider has the correct length and format (if present).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application
Fleet Card Service Provider (Tag 'DF21' in 'BF50') is not present

4.3.149 FL.7.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure the presence of the Fleet Data Template.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application

4.3.150 FL.8.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Fleet IAC - Default has the correct length and format (if present).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application
Fleet IAC - Default (Tag 'DF0D' in 'BF50') is not present

4.3.151 FL.9.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Fleet IAC - Denial has the correct length and format (if present).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application
Fleet IAC - Denial (Tag 'DF0E' in 'BF50') is not present

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

4.3.152 FL.10.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Fleet IAC - Online has the correct length and format (if present).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application
Fleet IAC - Online (Tag 'DF0F' in 'BF50') is not present

4.3.153 FL.11.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Fleet Number has the correct length and format (if present).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application
Fleet Number (Tag 'DF13' in 'BF50') is not present

4.3.154 FL.12.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Fuel Product Type has the correct length and format (if present).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application
Fuel Product Type (Tag 'DF17' in 'BF50') is not present

4.3.155 FL.13.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Max Fuel Volume has the correct length and format (if present).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

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Personalization Validation Report

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application
Max Fuel Volume (Tag 'DF16' in 'BF50') is not present

4.3.156 FL.14.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Mileage has the correct length and format (if present).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application
Mileage (Tag 'DF18' in 'BF50') is not present

4.3.157 FL.15.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Offline Checks Mandated has the correct length and format (if present).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application
Offline Checks Mandated (Tag 'DF07' in 'BF50') is not present

4.3.158 FL.16.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Products Permitted List has the correct length and format (if present).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application
Products Permitted List (Tag 'DF06' in 'BF50') is not present

4.3.159 FL.17.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 104/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test description To ensure that the Retries Permitted Limit has the correct length and format (if present).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application
Retries Permitted Limit (Tag 'DF0B' in 'BF50') is not present

4.3.160 FL.18.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Script Update Message has the correct length and format (if present).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application
Script Update Message (Tag 'DF0C' in 'BF50') is not present

4.3.161 FL.19.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure the presence of the Vehicle Registration Number (VRN).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application

4.3.162 GE.1.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure no repetition or duplication of primitive data elements used for contact or
contactless transactions

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ GE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Primitive

data elements shall not be returned more than once for a transaction.)

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

4.3.163 GE.3.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description Check for Issuer specific tags (that meet the following criteria) and report warnings with
details if found: - The coding of constructed context-specific class BER-TLV Data Objects in the
ranges'BF01' to 'BF0B', 'BF0D' to 'BF0F', and 'BF70' to 'BF7F' is left to the discretion of the
issuer. - The coding of primitive and constructed private class BER-TLV Data Objects(excluding
the Visa defined data templates*) is left to the discretion of the issuer. * Visa defined data
templates: - VIS: 'BF55' – 'BF5B' - VCPS: 'BF55' – 'BF58', 'BF5B' .

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

• Coding left to the discretion of the issuer for tags:


✔ GE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The issuer

specific constructed context-specific class BER-TLV data objects found on the card
are none.)
✔ GE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The issuer
specific primitive and constructed private class BER-TLV data objects found on the
card are none.)

4.3.164 GE.3.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description Check the length field of BER-TLV Data Objects: - If the length field of any BER-TLV Data Object
is within 1 to 127, it should be coded by 1 byte with b8 is set to 0- BER-TLV Data Objects
without the value field (the length field is equal to '00') should not be present.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ GE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Length is

coded on 2 bytes instead of 1 byte.)
✔ GE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: BER-TLV
Data Objects without the value field is present.)

4.3.165 GE.3.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To validate correctness of records. Check for padding and ensure the padding rules are
respected as per EMV Specification Update SU69 – Padding of BER-TLV Encoded Constructed
Data Objects.

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ GE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Padding is

not correct.)

4.3.166 GE.4.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that each record returned by a payment application is less than or equal to 254

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ GE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Record

returned by a payment application must be less than or equal to 254 bytes, including
tag and length.)

4.3.167 IA.1.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the same tags present in different applications have the same values.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 - Application Currency Code VIS (Tag '9F 51') : 00 51

▤ A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 - Application Currency Code VIS (Tag '9F 51') : 00 51
▤ A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 - Application Currency Exponent (Tag '9F 44') : 02
▤ A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 - Application Effective Date (Tag '5F 25') : 21 05 01
▤ A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 - Application Expiration Date (Tag '5F 24') : 25 05 31
▤ A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 - Application Version Number (Tag '9F 08') : 00 A0
▤ A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 - Cardholder Name (Tag '5F 20') : 41 52 54 55 52 2F 47 48 41
5A 41 52 59 41 4E 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
▤ A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 - Issuer Country Code (Tag '5F 28') : 00 51
▤ A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 - Issuer Country Code VIS (Tag '9F 57') : 00 51
▤ A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 - Issuer Country Code VIS (Tag '9F 57') : 00 51

✔ IA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Issuer to

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

✔ IA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Issuer to

check if the value of these data elements is correct.)

4.3.168 ID.1.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that if the Application Default Action is present, it has the correct length and RFU

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VCPS 2.0.2 VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.3.169 ID.1.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that if the Application Default Action is present, it has the correct length and RFU

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 52: Application Default Action [VSDC VIS 1.6] : 82 38

00 00 00 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 If Issuer Authentication failure, transmit next
transaction online
bit 7 = 0 No action required if Issuer Authentication performed and
bit 6 = 0 No action required if Issuer Authentication is mandatory
and no ARPC received
bit 5 = 0 No action required if transaction declined offline
bit 4 = 0 No action required if PIN Try Limit exceeded on current
transaction and transaction is declined
bit 3 = 0 No action required if transaction declined because issuer
authentication failed or not performed
bit 2 = 1 If new card, transmit transaction online
bit 1 = 0 No action required if new card and unable to transmit
transaction online
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Application is not blocked if PIN Try Limit exceeded on
current transaction
bit 7 = 0 Transaction is not declined if PIN Try Limit exceeded on
previous transaction
bit 6 = 1 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction,
transmit transaction online
bit 5 = 1 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction,
decline if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 4 = 1 If issuer script failed on a previous transaction
transmit transaction online

bit 3 = 0 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction, no

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 3 = 0 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction, no

action required to decline the current transaction and block the application
bit 2 = 0 Reset CTTA to zero during GENERATE AC
bit 1 = 0 Reset VLP Available Funds to VLP Funds Limit during
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Include offline approved transactions in the transaction
bit 7 = 0 Include online approved transactions in the transaction
bit 6 = 0 Do not include declined transactions in the transaction
bit 5 = 0 Do not reset VLP Available Funds to VLP Funds Limit when
offline PIN is successfully verified
bit 4 = 0 Count declined transactions
bit 3 = 0 Do not use Issuer Script MAC Chaining Option
bit 2 = 0 Issuer Script Command Counter is not cyclic
bit 1 = 0 CTCI does not count non-matching country code
▤ Byte 4 bit 8 = 0 Do not use Default Update Counters in ADA if CSU is
generated by a proxy (RFU bit for card with CVN 10)
bits 7-6 = 00 Do not update velocity-checking counters (RFU bits for
card with CVN 10)
bit 5 = 0 Padding method 80 not supported for IDD MACing
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 5 bit 8-5 = 0000 RFU
bit 4 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not performed or not
successful, no action required to send transaction online
bit 3 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not performed, no action
required to decline if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 2 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not successful, no action
required to decline if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 1 = 0 Secure Messaging not uses EMV Session key-based
▤ Byte 6 bit 8 = 0 CDCVM not Supported
bit 7-1 = 0000000 RFU
✔ ADA length is 6 bytes
✔ ADA Byte 4 bits 4-1, Byte 5 bits 8-5, and Byte 6 set to 0

✔ ID. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ ID. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not
used for VCPS' bits shall be set to zero)

4.3.170 ID.1.003.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Application Default Action (Tag '9F52') is not present when it is not required.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

• Transaction Logging is not supported

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Test not applicable, because:

Offline PIN is supported
Issuer Authentication is supported

4.3.171 ID.1.004.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that if the Application Default Action is present, it has the correct length and RFU

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 08: Application Version Number [VIS] : 00 A0

▤ VIS 1.6.0
Test not applicable, because:
Application Version Number does not indicate that the card is compliant to VIS
1.6.2 and above

4.3.172 ID.1.004.02
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that if the Application Default Action is present, it has the correct length and RFU

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 08: Application Version Number [VIS] : 00 A0

▤ VIS 1.6.0
▤ Tag 9F 52: Application Default Action [VSDC VIS 1.6] : 82 38
00 00 00 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 If Issuer Authentication failure, transmit next
transaction online
bit 7 = 0 No action required if Issuer Authentication performed and
bit 6 = 0 No action required if Issuer Authentication is mandatory
and no ARPC received
bit 5 = 0 No action required if transaction declined offline
bit 4 = 0 No action required if PIN Try Limit exceeded on current
transaction and transaction is declined
bit 3 = 0 No action required if transaction declined because issuer
authentication failed or not performed
bit 2 = 1 If new card, transmit transaction online
bit 1 = 0 No action required if new card and unable to transmit
transaction online
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Application is not blocked if PIN Try Limit exceeded on
current transaction
bit 7 = 0 Transaction is not declined if PIN Try Limit exceeded on
previous transaction
bit 6 = 1 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction,
transmit transaction online
bit 5 = 1 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction,

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 5 = 1 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction,

decline if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 4 = 1 If issuer script failed on a previous transaction
transmit transaction online
bit 3 = 0 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction, no
action required to decline the current transaction and block the application
bit 2 = 0 Reset CTTA to zero during GENERATE AC
bit 1 = 0 Reset VLP Available Funds to VLP Funds Limit during
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Include offline approved transactions in the transaction
bit 7 = 0 Include online approved transactions in the transaction
bit 6 = 0 Do not include declined transactions in the transaction
bit 5 = 0 Do not reset VLP Available Funds to VLP Funds Limit when
offline PIN is successfully verified
bit 4 = 0 Count declined transactions
bit 3 = 0 Do not use Issuer Script MAC Chaining Option
bit 2 = 0 Issuer Script Command Counter is not cyclic
bit 1 = 0 CTCI does not count non-matching country code
▤ Byte 4 bit 8 = 0 Do not use Default Update Counters in ADA if CSU is
generated by a proxy (RFU bit for card with CVN 10)
bits 7-6 = 00 Do not update velocity-checking counters (RFU bits for
card with CVN 10)
bit 5 = 0 Padding method 80 not supported for IDD MACing
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 5 bit 8-5 = 0000 RFU
bit 4 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not performed or not
successful, no action required to send transaction online
bit 3 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not performed, no action
required to decline if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 2 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not successful, no action
required to decline if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 1 = 0 Secure Messaging not uses EMV Session key-based
▤ Byte 6 bit 8 = 0 CDCVM not Supported
bit 7-1 = 0000000 RFU
✔ ADA length is 6 bytes
✔ ADA Byte 4 bits 4-1, Byte 5 bits 8-5, and Byte 6, bits 7-1 set to 0

✔ ID. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ ID. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not
used for VCPS' bits shall be set to zero)

4.3.173 ID.1.004.03
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that when Application Default Action is present, it is not set to create advices

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Tag 9F 52: Application Default Action [VSDC VIS 1.6] : 82 38

00 00 00 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 If Issuer Authentication failure, transmit next
transaction online
bit 7 = 0 No action required if Issuer Authentication performed and
bit 6 = 0 No action required if Issuer Authentication is mandatory
and no ARPC received
bit 5 = 0 No action required if transaction declined offline
bit 4 = 0 No action required if PIN Try Limit exceeded on current
transaction and transaction is declined
bit 3 = 0 No action required if transaction declined because issuer
authentication failed or not performed
bit 2 = 1 If new card, transmit transaction online
bit 1 = 0 No action required if new card and unable to transmit
transaction online
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Application is not blocked if PIN Try Limit exceeded on
current transaction
bit 7 = 0 Transaction is not declined if PIN Try Limit exceeded on
previous transaction
bit 6 = 1 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction,
transmit transaction online
bit 5 = 1 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction,
decline if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 4 = 1 If issuer script failed on a previous transaction
transmit transaction online
bit 3 = 0 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction, no
action required to decline the current transaction and block the application
bit 2 = 0 Reset CTTA to zero during GENERATE AC
bit 1 = 0 Reset VLP Available Funds to VLP Funds Limit during
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Include offline approved transactions in the transaction
bit 7 = 0 Include online approved transactions in the transaction
bit 6 = 0 Do not include declined transactions in the transaction
bit 5 = 0 Do not reset VLP Available Funds to VLP Funds Limit when
offline PIN is successfully verified
bit 4 = 0 Count declined transactions
bit 3 = 0 Do not use Issuer Script MAC Chaining Option
bit 2 = 0 Issuer Script Command Counter is not cyclic
bit 1 = 0 CTCI does not count non-matching country code
▤ Byte 4 bit 8 = 0 Do not use Default Update Counters in ADA if CSU is
generated by a proxy (RFU bit for card with CVN 10)
bits 7-6 = 00 Do not update velocity-checking counters (RFU bits for
card with CVN 10)
bit 5 = 0 Padding method 80 not supported for IDD MACing
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 5 bit 8-5 = 0000 RFU
bit 4 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not performed or not
successful, no action required to send transaction online
bit 3 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not performed, no action
required to decline if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 2 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not successful, no action
required to decline if unable to transmit transaction online

bit 1 = 0 Secure Messaging not uses EMV Session key-based

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 1 = 0 Secure Messaging not uses EMV Session key-based

▤ Byte 6 bit 8 = 0 CDCVM not Supported
bit 7-1 = 0000000 RFU
✔ ID. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: It is
recommended that Application Default Action (tag '9F52') byte 1 bits 5-3 to be set
to '000b')

4.3.174 ID.11.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure Geographic Restrictions functionality 'Restricted for domestic transactions' and
'Restricted for international transactions' are both not activated

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag DF 06: Products Permitted List [Visa Fleet] : <not

▤ Tag 9F 08: Application Version Number [VIS] : 00 A0
▤ VIS 1.6.0
Test not applicable, because:
Geographic Restrictions data element (tag 'DF06' in 'BF5B') is not present
Application Version Number does not indicate that the card is compliant to VIS
1.6.3/VCPS 2.2.4

4.3.175 ID.11.001.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure Issuer Country Code (tag '9F57') is present when Geographic Restrictions
functionality is supported

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag DF 06: Products Permitted List [Visa Fleet] : <not

▤ Tag 9F 08: Application Version Number [VIS] : 00 A0
▤ VIS 1.6.0
Test not applicable, because:
Geographic Restrictions data element (tag 'DF06' in 'BF5B') is not present
Application Version Number does not indicate that the card is compliant to VIS
1.6.3/VCPS 2.2.4

4.3.176 ID.11.001.02
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure PDOL is present and contains Terminal Country Code (tag '9F1A') if Geographic
Restrictions functionality is supported.

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag DF 06: Products Permitted List [Visa Fleet] : <not

▤ Tag 9F 08: Application Version Number [VIS] : 00 A0
▤ VIS 1.6.0
Test not applicable, because:
Geographic Restrictions data element (tag 'DF06' in 'BF5B') is not present
Application Version Number does not indicate that the card is compliant to VIS
1.6.3/VCPS 2.2.4

4.3.177 MP.3.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Primary Account Number on the magnetic stripe or embossed on the card
is identical to the Primary Account Number of the default Visa application when used
internationally on the chip

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card is not a multi-application card

4.3.178 MP.4.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description For cards with a Visa application (Visa Credit or Visa Debit) and a Visa Electron application,
ensure that the Primary Account Number (PAN) on the magnetic stripe or embossed on the
card is identical to the PAN of the Visa application on the chip

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Visa Application and Visa Electron Application not found

4.3.179 MP.5.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Visa application has a higher priority than the Visa Electron application, if
both applications are present

Test case is applicable for:

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Visa Application and Visa Electron Application not found

4.3.180 MP.6.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that one application on a multi-payment application card does not require
Cardholder Confirmation so that the application can be selected by devices that do not
support cardholder selection

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card is not a multi-application card

4.3.181 MP.7.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure the applications FCI contain the Application Priority Indicator

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card is not a multi-application card

4.3.182 MP.8.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that each application's FCI contains the Application Priority Indicator and the values
are different between the two applications

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card is not a multi-application card

4.3.183 MS.1.001.00

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 115/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Verdict Failed
Test description To ensure that Track 1 is present and formatted correctly

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Track 1:
▤ Track 1 (ASCII) :
✘ MS. Failure: Track 1 shall be present on the Magnetic Stripe.

4.3.184 MS.1.002.00
Verdict Inconclusive
Test description To ensure the consistency of data elements between Track 1 Data and Track 2 Data on the
magnetic stripe

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Magnetic stripe, Track 1 is empty

Magnetic stripe, Track 2 is empty

4.3.185 MS.1.003.00
Verdict Inconclusive
Test description To ensure the consistency of Track 1 data on magnetic stripe and data elements on the
primary Visa application on the chip

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Magnetic stripe, Track 1 is empty

4.3.186 MS.1.006.00
Verdict Inconclusive
Test description To ensure the consistency of Track 1 Discretionary Data on magnetic stripe and Track 1
Discretionary Data on the chip (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x

Magnetic stripe, Track 1 is empty

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

4.3.187 MS.2.001.00
Verdict Failed
Test description To ensure the Track 2 on the magnetic stripe is present and is formatted correctly

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Track 2:
▤ Track 2 ISO (ASCII) :
✘ MS. Failure: Track 2 shall be present on the Magnetic Stripe.

4.3.188 MS.2.002.00
Verdict Inconclusive
Test description To ensure the consistency of Track 2 data on magnetic stripe and data elements on the
primary application on the chip

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Magnetic stripe, Track 2 is empty

4.3.189 MS.2.004.00
Verdict Inconclusive
Test description To check the consistency of Track 2 Discretionary Data on magnetic stripe and the
Discretionary Data in Track 2 Equivalent Data on the primary application on the chip (except
for differences to accommodate CVV/iCVV)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Magnetic stripe, Track 2 is empty

4.3.190 MS.2.004.01
Verdict Inconclusive
Test description To ensure that the CVV digits in the Track 2 Discretionary Data on the magnetic stripe do not
match those same digits on the chip

Test case is applicable for:

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x

Magnetic stripe, Track 2 is empty

4.3.191 PR.1.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Payment Account Reference (if present) has the correct length and holds a valid

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 24: Payment Account Reference (PAR) : <not

Test not applicable, because:
Payment Account Reference (tag '9F24') is not present

4.3.192 PS.1.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure the correctness of the response of SELECT PSE command if PSE is supported

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

PSE is not present

4.3.193 PS.1.001.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that only the data elements defined by EMV Book 1 or the applicable Visa
specifications are present in FCI Issuer Discretionary Data (tag 'BF0C') returned in the
response to the SELECT PSE command

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

PSE is not present
Tag 'BF0C' is not present

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

4.3.194 PS.2.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure the correctness of the Payment System Directory (linear EF file identified by SFI) (if
PSE is supported)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

PSE is not present

4.3.195 PS.3.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that data elements that are not defined or required in the Payment System Directory
as defined in EMV are not present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

PSE is not present

4.3.196 PS.4.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that every Visa application listed in PSE can be selected using the given DF Name

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

PSE is not present

4.3.197 PS.5.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure the correctness of the response of SELECT command of an application (ADF)
indicated in the PSE

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

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Personalization Validation Report

Test not applicable, because:

PSE is not present

4.3.198 PS.7.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the same data elements (if present) in the ADF Directory Entry are also present
in FCI Proprietary Template of the application and should contain the same values

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

PSE is not present

4.3.199 PS.7.001.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the following data elements (if present) in the FCI Proprietary Template (tag 'A5')
of SELECT PSE response shall be also present in FCI Proprietary Template (tag 'A5') of SELECT
ADF and shall have identical values: Language Preference (tag '5F2D'), Issuer Code Table Index
(tag '9F11')

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

PSE is not present

4.3.200 PS.8.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the PSE (if present) does not include an application with DPA AID.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

PSE is not present

4.3.201 PS.10.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that each Application Template is correctly formatted as a TLV constructed data

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report


Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

PSE is not present

4.3.202 PS.10.002.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Application Template is present (when PSE is present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

PSE is not present

4.3.203 PS.10.002.02
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the Application Template only contains known tags

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

PSE is not present

4.3.204 PS.11.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check the correctness of the Directory Discretionary Template (tag '73') (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Directory Discretionary Template (tag '73') is not present

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

4.3.205 QN.20.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Cardholder Name - Extended is the correct length and format, when

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Cardholder Name - Extended (tag '9F 0B') is not present

4.3.206 SE.1.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure Application Expiration Date is present and formatted correctly

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 5F 24: Application Expiration Date : 25 05

▤ Year : 2025
▤ Month: May
▤ Day : 31
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The date
shall be encoded in a valid format (YYMMDD) and the value shall be a valid calendar
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing
mandatory data element Application Expiration Date ('5F 24'))

4.3.207 SE.1.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure the correctness of Application Expiration Date (tag '5F24')

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 5F 24: Application Expiration Date : 25 05

▤ Year : 2025
▤ Month: May
▤ Day : 31

▤ Tag 5F 25: Application Effective Date : 21 05

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Tag 5F 25: Application Effective Date : 21 05

▤ Year : 2021
▤ Month: May
▤ Day : 01
Expiration date of the Issuer Public Key Certificate (YYYYMM): 203012

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application

Expiration Date (tag '5F24') shall be later than the Application Effective Date (tag
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
Expiration Date (tag '5F24') must not contain 29 February (leap year).)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
Expiration Date (Tag '5F24') shall be the last day of any given month indicated
(except 29 February).)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
Expiration Date (Tag '5F24') shall not be later than the expiration date of the
Issuer Public key certificate associated with SDA/DDA or offline enciphered PIN.)

4.3.208 SE.2.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Preferred Name is formatted correctly (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 12: Application Preferred Name : 56 69

73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Format not

4.3.209 SE.2.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Code Table Index is present when the Application Preferred Name is

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 11: Issuer Code Table Index : 01

▤ Refers to Part 1 of ISO 8859
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Associated
Data Element (Issuer Code Index Table (Tag '9F11')) shall be present if Application
Preferred Name (Tag '9F12') is present.)

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

4.3.210 SE.3.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Label (if present) specifies that the card is a Visa application

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 50 : Application Label : 56 69

73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
Label shall contain the word "Visa" or "VISA".)

4.3.211 SE.3.003.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Application Label (if present) contains the correct value for a Visa Electron

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application

4.3.212 SE.3.004.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Application Label (if present) contains the correct for a Visa Plus application

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application

4.3.213 SE.3.005.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the Application Label is consistent with the Visa recommended value for DPA

Test case is applicable for:

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application

4.3.214 SE.4.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Primary Account Number (PAN) is formatted correctly

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 5A : Application Primary Account Number (PAN) : 48 89

62 00 14 09 79 20

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Format not

4.3.215 SE.4.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure Application Primary Account Number (PAN) is present in the READ RECORD

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 5A : Application Primary Account Number (PAN) : 48 89

62 00 14 09 79 20
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing
mandatory data element Application Primary Account Number (PAN) ('5A'))

4.3.216 SE.4.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the Application Primary Account Number (PAN) starts with the correct value

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Tag 5A : Application Primary Account Number (PAN) : 48 89

62 00 14 09 79 20
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Valid PAN
for Visa Application should start with a '4'.)

4.3.217 SE.5.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application PAN Sequence Number is formatted correctly (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 5F 34: Application PAN Sequence Number : 01

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Format not
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
value (out of range).)

4.3.218 SE.5.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application PAN Sequence Number is consistent across all supported
contact and contactless paths

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

• EMV transaction 1st GAC ARQC

▤ Tag 5F 34: Application PAN Sequence Number : 01

• qVSDC online transaction

▤ Tag 5F 34: Application PAN Sequence Number : 01

• qVSDC online transaction with ODA

▤ Tag 5F 34: Application PAN Sequence Number : 01

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application

PAN Sequence Number (Tag '5F34') must contain the same value across all supported
contact and contactless paths.)

4.3.219 SE.6.001.00

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 126/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Priority Indicator (if present) contains the correct length and

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 87 : Application Priority Indicator : 01

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without confirmation of
bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be listed: 1
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not
used for VCPS' bits shall be set to zero)

4.3.220 SE.6.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that cardholder confirmation is not supported (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 87 : Application Priority Indicator : 01

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without confirmation of
bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be listed: 1

• Single-application card.
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
Priority Indicator (tag '87') byte 1 bit 8 must be set to 0b.)

4.3.221 SE.6.003.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the Application Priority Indicator is not set to 0 (for a multi-payment card)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Not a multi-application card.

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

4.3.222 SE.6.003.01
Verdict Observation
Test description To check that the Application Priority Indicator is not present when it is not required (if there is
only a single application on the card).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

• Single - application card.

▤ Tag 87 : Application Priority Indicator : 01
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without confirmation of
bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be listed: 1

! SE. Observation: Since there is only a single application on the card,

the Application Priority Indicator is not required to be personalized.

4.3.223 SE.7.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that if the Application Usage Control is present, it is the correct length and value

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 07: Application Usage Control : FF 80

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 Valid for domestic cash transactions
bit 7 = 1 Valid for international cash transactions
bit 6 = 1 Valid for domestic goods
bit 5 = 1 Valid for international goods
bit 4 = 1 Valid for domestic services
bit 3 = 1 Valid for international services
bit 2 = 1 Valid at ATMs
bit 1 = 1 Valid at terminals other than ATMs
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 1 Domestic cashback allowed
bit 7 = 0 International cashback NOT allowed
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not
used for VCPS' bits shall be set to zero)

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 128/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

4.3.224 SE.7.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Country Code is present when the Application Usage Control is

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 07: Application Usage Control : FF 80

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 Valid for domestic cash transactions
bit 7 = 1 Valid for international cash transactions
bit 6 = 1 Valid for domestic goods
bit 5 = 1 Valid for international goods
bit 4 = 1 Valid for domestic services
bit 3 = 1 Valid for international services
bit 2 = 1 Valid at ATMs
bit 1 = 1 Valid at terminals other than ATMs
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 1 Domestic cashback allowed
bit 7 = 0 International cashback NOT allowed
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Tag 5F 28: Issuer Country Code : 00 51
▤ Country Code = 00 51
▤ Country Name = Armenia

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Associated

Data Element (Issuer Country Code (Tag '5F28')) shall be present if Application
Usage Control (Tag '9F07') is present.)

4.3.225 SE.7.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Usage Control has the correct values (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 9F 07: Application Usage Control : FF 80

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 Valid for domestic cash transactions
bit 7 = 1 Valid for international cash transactions
bit 6 = 1 Valid for domestic goods
bit 5 = 1 Valid for international goods
bit 4 = 1 Valid for domestic services
bit 3 = 1 Valid for international services
bit 2 = 1 Valid at ATMs
bit 1 = 1 Valid at terminals other than ATMs
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 1 Domestic cashback allowed

bit 7 = 0 International cashback NOT allowed

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 7 = 0 International cashback NOT allowed

bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
✔ Byte 1, bit 4 and bit 6 have the same values
✔ Byte 1, bit 3 and bit 5 have the same values

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not

used for VCPS' bits shall be set to zero)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
Usage Control (Tag '9F07') Byte 1 bit 4 and 6 shall have the same value and Byte 1
bit 3 and 5 shall have the same value if it is present.)

4.3.226 SE.7.004.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Application Usage Control contains the correct values (if present) for Plus

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application

4.3.227 SE.7.005.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the Application Usage Control is present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 9F 07: Application Usage Control : FF 80

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 Valid for domestic cash transactions
bit 7 = 1 Valid for international cash transactions
bit 6 = 1 Valid for domestic goods
bit 5 = 1 Valid for international goods
bit 4 = 1 Valid for domestic services
bit 3 = 1 Valid for international services
bit 2 = 1 Valid at ATMs
bit 1 = 1 Valid at terminals other than ATMs
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 1 Domestic cashback allowed
bit 7 = 0 International cashback NOT allowed
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: It is
recommended that Application Usage Control (Tag '9F07') should be present in the
card although this data element is optional.)

4.3.228 SE.7.006.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that International Cash Back is not supported in the Application Usage Control

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 07: Application Usage Control : FF 80

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 Valid for domestic cash transactions
bit 7 = 1 Valid for international cash transactions
bit 6 = 1 Valid for domestic goods
bit 5 = 1 Valid for international goods
bit 4 = 1 Valid for domestic services
bit 3 = 1 Valid for international services
bit 2 = 1 Valid at ATMs
bit 1 = 1 Valid at terminals other than ATMs
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 1 Domestic cashback allowed
bit 7 = 0 International cashback NOT allowed
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:
International cash back not allowed for this product; byte 2 bit 7 set to 1.)

4.3.229 SE.7.007.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that Domestic Cash Back is not supported in Application Usage Control for Visa

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Application is not a Visa Credit

4.3.230 SE.7.007.01
Verdict Not Applicable

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 131/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test description To check that Domestic Cash Back is supported in Application Usage Control for Visa Debit and
Visa Electron

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Application is not a Visa Debit or Electron

4.3.231 SE.8.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that, if Issuer Code Table Index (tag '9F11') is present, it has a correct length and

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Issuer Code Table Index in FCI:

▤ Tag 9F 11: Issuer Code Table Index : 01
▤ Refers to Part 1 of ISO 8859

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
value (out of range).)

4.3.232 SE.8.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Issuer Code Table Index is not present when it is not required.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 12: Application Preferred Name : 56 69

73 61
▤ Text value = Visa

Test not applicable, because:

Application Preferred Name (tag '9F12') is present.

4.3.233 SE.9.001.00

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 132/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Usage Control (if present) has the recommended value

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 9F 07: Application Usage Control : FF 80

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 Valid for domestic cash transactions
bit 7 = 1 Valid for international cash transactions
bit 6 = 1 Valid for domestic goods
bit 5 = 1 Valid for international goods
bit 4 = 1 Valid for domestic services
bit 3 = 1 Valid for international services
bit 2 = 1 Valid at ATMs
bit 1 = 1 Valid at terminals other than ATMs
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 1 Domestic cashback allowed
bit 7 = 0 International cashback NOT allowed
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
Usage Control (tag '9F07') byte 1 setting does not conform to the Visa recommended
value of the 'FF'.)

4.3.234 SE.10.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure Issuer Application Data is present and formatted correctly

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 10: Issuer Application Data [VIS 1.6] : 06 01

0A 03 A0 A0 02
▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 0A 03 A0 A0 02
▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 0A
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 A0 A0 02
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')
▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested
bit 6-5 = 10 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: ARQC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not performed
bit 1 = 0 Able to go online or offline transaction
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Last online transaction not completed
bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded
bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters
bit 5 = 0 No new card

bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last online

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last online

transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online
authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card
bit 1 = 0 RFU for VIS 1.6
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed
bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 1 Offline dynamic data authentication performed
bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-
Expecting card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification not
Test not applicable, because:
Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.3.235 SE.10.001.02
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure Issuer Application Data (IAD, tag '9F10') is present, formatted correctly and has the
correct values

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 9F 10: Issuer Application Data [VIS 1.6] : 06 01

0A 03 A0 A0 02
▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 0A 03 A0 A0 02
▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 0A
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 A0 A0 02
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')
▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested
bit 6-5 = 10 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: ARQC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not performed
bit 1 = 0 Able to go online or offline transaction
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Last online transaction not completed
bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded
bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters
bit 5 = 0 No new card
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last online
transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online
authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card
bit 1 = 0 RFU for VIS 1.6
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed
bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 1 Offline dynamic data authentication performed
bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 134/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-

Expecting card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification not
• IAD Format: 0
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Incorrect
IAD (tag '9F10') length.)
✔ Byte 1 (length of the Visa Discretionary Data) is '06'
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Incorrect
CVN value.)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Incorrect
CVR length.)
• Length byte 8 (IDD length) is not present

4.3.236 SE.10.001.03
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure the value of the Issuer Discretionary Data (IDD) Option ID neither '1' nor '2'

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 9F 08: Application Version Number [VIS] : 00 A0

▤ VIS 1.6.0
Test not applicable, because:
Application Version Number does not indicate that the card is compliant to VIS

4.3.237 SE.10.001.04
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure the Application Default Action (ADA) does not support padding method '80' when
using Issuer Application Data (IAD) Format 2

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 9F 10: Issuer Application Data [VIS 1.6] : 06 01

0A 03 A0 A0 02
▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 0A 03 A0 A0 02
▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 0A
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 A0 A0 02
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')
▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested
bit 6-5 = 10 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: ARQC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not performed
bit 1 = 0 Able to go online or offline transaction
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Last online transaction not completed

bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 135/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded

bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters
bit 5 = 0 No new card
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last online
transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online
authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card
bit 1 = 0 RFU for VIS 1.6
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed
bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 1 Offline dynamic data authentication performed
bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-
Expecting card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification not
Test not applicable, because:
Card not personalized with an Issuer Application Data (IAD) Format 2

4.3.238 SE.10.002.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure the Cryptogram Version Number within the Issuer Application Data has the correct

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x

▤ Tag 9F 10: Issuer Application Data [VIS 1.6] : 06 01

0A 03 A0 A0 02
▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 0A 03 A0 A0 02
▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 0A
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 A0 A0 02
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')
▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested
bit 6-5 = 10 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: ARQC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not performed
bit 1 = 0 Able to go online or offline transaction
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Last online transaction not completed
bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded
bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters
bit 5 = 0 No new card
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last online
transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online
authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card
bit 1 = 0 RFU for VIS 1.6
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed

bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or was

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 136/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or was

not performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 1 Offline dynamic data authentication performed
bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-
Expecting card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification not
Test not applicable, because:
Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.3.239 SE.11.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the File Control Information (FCI) Issuer Discretionary Data is correctly
formatted(if present) and not allowed data elements are not present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag BF 0C: File Control Information (FCI) Issuer Discretionary Template : 9F 5A

05 60 00 51 00 51
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Data Element
shall be a constructed data object (template) and shall contain valid TLV encoded
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: File
Control Information (FCI) Template ('6F') must not be present in FCI Issuer
Discretionary Data (tag 'BF0C').)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Dedicated
File (DF) Name ('84') must not be present in FCI Issuer Discretionary Data (tag
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: File
Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template ('A5') must not be present in FCI
Issuer Discretionary Data (tag 'BF0C').)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:
Application Label ('50') must not be present in FCI Issuer Discretionary Data (tag
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:
Application Priority Indicator ('87') must not be present in FCI Issuer
Discretionary Data (tag 'BF0C').)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Processing
Options Data Object List (PDOL) ('9F 38') must not be present in FCI Issuer
Discretionary Data (tag 'BF0C').)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Language
Preference ('5F 2D') must not be present in FCI Issuer Discretionary Data (tag
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Issuer
Code Table Index ('9F 11') must not be present in FCI Issuer Discretionary Data (tag
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:
Application Preferred Name ('9F 12') must not be present in FCI Issuer Discretionary
Data (tag 'BF0C').)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Short File
Identifier (SFI) ('88') must not be present in FCI Issuer Discretionary Data (tag
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:
Application Identifier (AID) ('4F') must not be present in FCI Issuer Discretionary
Data (tag 'BF0C').)

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 137/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:

Application Template ('61') must not be present in FCI Issuer Discretionary Data
(tag 'BF0C').)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Directory
Discretionary Template ('73') must not be present in FCI Issuer Discretionary Data
(tag 'BF0C').)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Directory
Definition File (DDF) Name ('9D') must not be present in FCI Issuer Discretionary
Data (tag 'BF0C').)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The length
associated with 'BF0C' shall be 222 at maximum.)

4.3.240 SE.12.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template is present in SELECT response

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag A5 : File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template : 50 04

56 69 73 61 87 01 01 9F 38 03 9F 1A 02 5F 2D 04 65 6E 72 75 9F 12 04 56 69 73 61 9F
11 01 01 BF 0C 08 9F 5A 05 60 00 51 00 51
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing
mandatory data element File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template ('A5'))

4.3.241 SE.12.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check the Application Definition File (ADF) File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary
template 'A5' contains data defined by EMV only. Allowed EMV tags: 50, 87, 9F38, BF0C, 9F11,
9F12, 5F2D, 9F2A, 9F29. No other tags should be present.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag A5 : File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template : 50 04

56 69 73 61 87 01 01 9F 38 03 9F 1A 02 5F 2D 04 65 6E 72 75 9F 12 04 56 69 73 61 9F
11 01 01 BF 0C 08 9F 5A 05 60 00 51 00 51

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: <Name of

data element> ('') shall not be present in the FCI Proprietary template 'A5'.)

4.3.242 SE.12.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Definition File (ADF) File Control Information (FCI) Template '6F'
does not contain any data elements other than DF Name and FCI Proprietary Template.

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 138/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ ADF FCI: 6F 37 84 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 A5 2C 50 04 56 69 73 61 87 01 01 9F 38
03 9F 1A 02 5F 2D 04 65 6E 72 75 9F 12 04 56 69 73 61 9F 11 01 01 BF 0C 08 9F 5A 05
60 00 51 00 51
▤ Tag 6F : File Control Information (FCI) Template
▤ Tag 84 : Dedicated File (DF) Name : A0
00 00 00 03 10 10
▤ Tag A5 : File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template
▤ Tag 50 : Application Label :
56 69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 87 : Application Priority Indicator :
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without confirmation of
bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be
listed: 1
▤ Tag 9F 38: Processing Options Data Object List (PDOL) :
9F 1A 02
▤ Tag( 1) = 9F 1A [Terminal Country Code]
▤ Tag : 9F 1A
▤ Length: 02
▤ Name : Terminal Country Code
▤ Tag 5F 2D: Language Preference :
65 6E 72 75
▤ Language Preference = enru
• Language Code(1) = en; Language Name = English
• Language Code(2) = ru; Language Name = Russian
▤ Tag 9F 12: Application Preferred Name :
56 69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 9F 11: Issuer Code Table Index :
▤ Refers to Part 1 of ISO 8859
▤ Tag BF 0C: File Control Information (FCI) Issuer Discretionary Template
▤ Tag 9F 5A: Application Program
Identifier : 60 00 51 00 51
▤ Byte 1 bits 8-5 = '0110' Visa CEMEA use
▤ Byte 1 bits 4-1 = '0000' Visa regional discretion
▤ Bytes 2-3 = 00 51 AMD
▤ Bytes 4-5 = 00 51 Armenia

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: <Name of

data element> ('') shall not be present in the Application Definition File (ADF)
File Control Information (FCI) Template '6F'.)

4.3.243 SE.14.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the ICC Public Key Certificate is present and its length and format are correct
(when applicable)

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 139/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

• Card supports DDA

• Card supports Offline Enciphered PIN with ICC Public Key
▤ Tag 9F 46: ICC Public Key Certificate : 54 19
A5 B1 84 FE BA BE 00 7D FF 1D BA 4A 61 F3 C6 7A 79 17 0A 32 C1 FA 99 C9 E4 7A 69 E5
86 24 79 8B F6 8E F0 5E 87 7F 80 DA 2F 0B 79 EF 1C 01 BA 56 7D B6 2A 37 69 0C 9C 42
08 A8 3C DB CF 46 48 B0 9C 6A B6 84 E8 F1 19 CC 02 DA E6 55 E1 10 15 3B B3 D6 6D 10
E0 75 DE 6E 54 E9 1E E2 09 89 46 FB FD A1 69 1D 7F B2 DB B6 70 5B C7 1A 71 92 B0 C9
F2 8B 36 C6 BF 2C 7D 65 8A 43 D5 EA 82 57 0F FA 3B E5 9C 47 A7 36 7B 51 43 0E 0D 73
A1 54 B2 14 74 FD F2 52 57 F9 09 33 30 03 B1 1D 76 84 D8 7A 99 C6 B4 C7 B0 C4 B8 94
2D 8D DF F7 16 4C
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Mandatory
Data Element shall be present if Offline Data Authentication or Offline Enciphered
PIN (without a dedicated PIN Encipherment Key) is supported.)

4.3.244 SE.14.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the ICC Public Key Certificate (when present) is equal to the length of the Issuer
Public Key Modulus

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate

▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07 86
CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24 40 B7
14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6 53 61 56
3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A 02 6D 24 D7
90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B E3 58 66 AF 91
87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E
BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59
AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE
5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93
7C 1D 6C 29
▤ Tag 9F 46: ICC Public Key Certificate : 54 19
A5 B1 84 FE BA BE 00 7D FF 1D BA 4A 61 F3 C6 7A 79 17 0A 32 C1 FA 99 C9 E4 7A 69 E5
86 24 79 8B F6 8E F0 5E 87 7F 80 DA 2F 0B 79 EF 1C 01 BA 56 7D B6 2A 37 69 0C 9C 42
08 A8 3C DB CF 46 48 B0 9C 6A B6 84 E8 F1 19 CC 02 DA E6 55 E1 10 15 3B B3 D6 6D 10
E0 75 DE 6E 54 E9 1E E2 09 89 46 FB FD A1 69 1D 7F B2 DB B6 70 5B C7 1A 71 92 B0 C9
F2 8B 36 C6 BF 2C 7D 65 8A 43 D5 EA 82 57 0F FA 3B E5 9C 47 A7 36 7B 51 43 0E 0D 73
A1 54 B2 14 74 FD F2 52 57 F9 09 33 30 03 B1 1D 76 84 D8 7A 99 C6 B4 C7 B0 C4 B8 94
2D 8D DF F7 16 4C
• Length of Issuer Public Key Modulus : 176
• Length of ICC Public Key Certificate: 176

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: ICC Public

Key Certificate length shall be equal to the length of Issuer Public Key Modulus.)

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 140/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

4.3.245 SE.14.003.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the ICC Public Key Certificate is not present (when not required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card supports DDA, CDA or Offline Enciphered PIN with ICC Public Key

4.3.246 SE.14.004.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the ICC Public Key (when present) is a multiple of 16 so that the card can be
accepted at all terminals

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ Decipher ICC Public Key Certificate

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate
▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07
86 CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24
40 B7 14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6
53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A
02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B
E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58
7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A
FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31
3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D
5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29
▤ Tag 92 : Issuer Public Key Remainder : <not
▤ Tag 9F 32: Issuer Public Key Exponent : 03
▤ Tag 9F 46: ICC Public Key Certificate : 54
19 A5 B1 84 FE BA BE 00 7D FF 1D BA 4A 61 F3 C6 7A 79 17 0A 32 C1 FA 99 C9 E4 7A
69 E5 86 24 79 8B F6 8E F0 5E 87 7F 80 DA 2F 0B 79 EF 1C 01 BA 56 7D B6 2A 37 69
0C 9C 42 08 A8 3C DB CF 46 48 B0 9C 6A B6 84 E8 F1 19 CC 02 DA E6 55 E1 10 15 3B
B3 D6 6D 10 E0 75 DE 6E 54 E9 1E E2 09 89 46 FB FD A1 69 1D 7F B2 DB B6 70 5B C7
1A 71 92 B0 C9 F2 8B 36 C6 BF 2C 7D 65 8A 43 D5 EA 82 57 0F FA 3B E5 9C 47 A7 36
7B 51 43 0E 0D 73 A1 54 B2 14 74 FD F2 52 57 F9 09 33 30 03 B1 1D 76 84 D8 7A 99
C6 B4 C7 B0 C4 B8 94 2D 8D DF F7 16 4C
▤ Deciphered ICC Public Key Certificate
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Certificate Format = 04
▤ Application PAN = 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 FF FF
▤ Certificate Expiration Date (MM YY) = 05 25
▤ Certificate Serial Number = 00 00 01
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Algorithm = 01

▤ ICC Public Key Length = 80

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 141/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ ICC Public Key Length = 80

▤ ICC Public Key Exponent = 01
▤ ICC Public Key:
▤ D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E F1
▤ 7E C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF
▤ FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41 40 41 D9 4F 14 21 58
▤ 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05
▤ B9 48 26 7C 49 A8 0C 35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D
▤ D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8 19 35 06
▤ 37 64 DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8
▤ 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF 3A A7 52 FD 59 A5 18 B1 F9
▤ Padding:
▤ Hash Result:
▤ 27 9A 57 94 8A 23 E9 77 AB 9E 31 89 AC 27 AC C2
▤ D7 4A 98 39
▤ Data Trailer = BC
• Length of ICC Public Key in bits :1024

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Length of

ICC Public Key not multiple of 16 and may cause interoperability issues.)

4.3.247 SE.15.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure ICC Public Key Exponent is present (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

• Card supports DDA

• Card supports Offline Enciphered PIN with ICC Public Key
▤ Tag 9F 47: ICC Public Key Exponent : 03
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Mandatory
Data Element shall be present if Offline Data Authentication or Offline Enciphered
PIN (without a dedicated PIN Encipherment Key) is supported.)

4.3.248 SE.15.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the ICC Public Key Exponent has the correct length and one of the correct
values (when present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 47: ICC Public Key Exponent : 03

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Public Key

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 142/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Public Key

Exponent value shall be 3 or 2^16 +1.)

4.3.249 SE.15.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description When the ICC Public Key Exponent is present, it is recommended to use '03' instead of 2^16 +1

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 47: ICC Public Key Exponent : 03

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: It is
recommended that Public Key Exponent value should be set to '03' as 2^16 +1
increases transaction time.)

4.3.250 SE.15.004.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the ICC Public Key Exponent is not present (when not required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card supports DDA, CDA or Offline Enciphered PIN with ICC Public Key

4.3.251 SE.16.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure ICC Public Key Remainder is present and has the correct length (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ Decipher ICC Public Key Certificate

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate
▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07
86 CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24
40 B7 14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6
53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A
02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B
E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 143/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A
FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31
3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D
5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29
▤ Tag 92 : Issuer Public Key Remainder : <not
▤ Tag 9F 32: Issuer Public Key Exponent : 03
▤ Tag 9F 46: ICC Public Key Certificate : 54
19 A5 B1 84 FE BA BE 00 7D FF 1D BA 4A 61 F3 C6 7A 79 17 0A 32 C1 FA 99 C9 E4 7A
69 E5 86 24 79 8B F6 8E F0 5E 87 7F 80 DA 2F 0B 79 EF 1C 01 BA 56 7D B6 2A 37 69
0C 9C 42 08 A8 3C DB CF 46 48 B0 9C 6A B6 84 E8 F1 19 CC 02 DA E6 55 E1 10 15 3B
B3 D6 6D 10 E0 75 DE 6E 54 E9 1E E2 09 89 46 FB FD A1 69 1D 7F B2 DB B6 70 5B C7
1A 71 92 B0 C9 F2 8B 36 C6 BF 2C 7D 65 8A 43 D5 EA 82 57 0F FA 3B E5 9C 47 A7 36
7B 51 43 0E 0D 73 A1 54 B2 14 74 FD F2 52 57 F9 09 33 30 03 B1 1D 76 84 D8 7A 99
C6 B4 C7 B0 C4 B8 94 2D 8D DF F7 16 4C
▤ Deciphered ICC Public Key Certificate
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Certificate Format = 04
▤ Application PAN = 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 FF FF
▤ Certificate Expiration Date (MM YY) = 05 25
▤ Certificate Serial Number = 00 00 01
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Algorithm = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Length = 80
▤ ICC Public Key Exponent = 01
▤ ICC Public Key:
▤ D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E F1
▤ 7E C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF
▤ FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41 40 41 D9 4F 14 21 58
▤ 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05
▤ B9 48 26 7C 49 A8 0C 35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D
▤ D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8 19 35 06
▤ 37 64 DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8
▤ 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF 3A A7 52 FD 59 A5 18 B1 F9
▤ Padding:
▤ Hash Result:
▤ 27 9A 57 94 8A 23 E9 77 AB 9E 31 89 AC 27 AC C2
▤ D7 4A 98 39
▤ Data Trailer = BC
▤ Tag 9F 48: ICC Public Key Remainder : <not
• Length of ICC Public Key Modulus :128
• Length of ICC Public Key in Certificate :128

Test not applicable, because:

Entire ICC Public Key fits into the corresponding certificate.

4.3.252 SE.16.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the ICC Public Key Remainder is not present when not required (if the entire
public key can fit into the certificate)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 144/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

✔ Decipher ICC Public Key Certificate

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate
▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07
86 CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24
40 B7 14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6
53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A
02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B
E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58
7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A
FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31
3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D
5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29
▤ Tag 92 : Issuer Public Key Remainder : <not
▤ Tag 9F 32: Issuer Public Key Exponent : 03
▤ Tag 9F 46: ICC Public Key Certificate : 54
19 A5 B1 84 FE BA BE 00 7D FF 1D BA 4A 61 F3 C6 7A 79 17 0A 32 C1 FA 99 C9 E4 7A
69 E5 86 24 79 8B F6 8E F0 5E 87 7F 80 DA 2F 0B 79 EF 1C 01 BA 56 7D B6 2A 37 69
0C 9C 42 08 A8 3C DB CF 46 48 B0 9C 6A B6 84 E8 F1 19 CC 02 DA E6 55 E1 10 15 3B
B3 D6 6D 10 E0 75 DE 6E 54 E9 1E E2 09 89 46 FB FD A1 69 1D 7F B2 DB B6 70 5B C7
1A 71 92 B0 C9 F2 8B 36 C6 BF 2C 7D 65 8A 43 D5 EA 82 57 0F FA 3B E5 9C 47 A7 36
7B 51 43 0E 0D 73 A1 54 B2 14 74 FD F2 52 57 F9 09 33 30 03 B1 1D 76 84 D8 7A 99
C6 B4 C7 B0 C4 B8 94 2D 8D DF F7 16 4C
▤ Deciphered ICC Public Key Certificate
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Certificate Format = 04
▤ Application PAN = 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 FF FF
▤ Certificate Expiration Date (MM YY) = 05 25
▤ Certificate Serial Number = 00 00 01
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Algorithm = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Length = 80
▤ ICC Public Key Exponent = 01
▤ ICC Public Key:
▤ D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E F1
▤ 7E C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF
▤ FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41 40 41 D9 4F 14 21 58
▤ 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05
▤ B9 48 26 7C 49 A8 0C 35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D
▤ D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8 19 35 06
▤ 37 64 DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8
▤ 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF 3A A7 52 FD 59 A5 18 B1 F9
▤ Padding:
▤ Hash Result:
▤ 27 9A 57 94 8A 23 E9 77 AB 9E 31 89 AC 27 AC C2
▤ D7 4A 98 39
▤ Data Trailer = BC
▤ Tag 9F 48: ICC Public Key Remainder : <not
• Length of ICC Public Key Modulus :128
• Length of ICC Public Key in Certificate :128

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Since the

ICC public key is not longer than the data retrieved from the certificate, the ICC
Public Key Remainder is not required to be personalized on this card.)

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 145/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

4.3.253 SE.16.004.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Public Key Certificate is present and its length and format are correct
(when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

• Card supports DDA

• Card supports Offline Enciphered PIN with ICC Public Key
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F 58
87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07 86 CF C2
9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24 40 B7 14 DB 63
CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6 53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03
A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A 02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A
24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C
83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C
A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC
85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41
53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

mandatory data element Issuer Public Key Certificate ('90'))

4.3.254 SE.16.005.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Public Key Certificate (tag '90') has correct length.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F 58

87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07 86 CF C2
9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24 40 B7 14 DB 63
CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6 53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03
A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A 02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A
24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C
83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C
A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC
85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41
53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29

• Length of Issuer Public Key Certificate : 1984 bits

• Length of Certification Authority Public Key Modulus : 1984 bits

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

length (length different from Certification Authority Public Key Modulus).)

4.3.255 SE.16.006.00

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 146/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Verdict Not Applicable

Test description To ensure that the Issuer Public Keys that are used for the Visa or Visa Electron Payment
Application are used solely for that purpose.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Single - application card.

4.3.256 SE.16.007.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Public Key for cards expiring after December 2016 must be 1152 bits
or longer.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 5F 24: Application Expiration Date : 25 05

▤ Year : 2025
▤ Month: May
▤ Day : 31
• Application expires after December 2016.

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate

▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07 86
CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24 40 B7
14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6 53 61 56
3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A 02 6D 24 D7
90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B E3 58 66 AF 91
87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E
BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59
AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE
5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93
7C 1D 6C 29

• Length of Issuer Public Key Modulus: 1408 bits

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Issuer

Public Key must be greater or equal to 1152 bits if Expiration Date (tag 5F24) is
after Dec 2016.)

4.3.257 SE.16.008.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Public Keys must be equal to or less than the longest VSDC CA Public

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 147/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Key currently being used for signing certificates.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate

▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07 86
CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24 40 B7
14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6 53 61 56
3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A 02 6D 24 D7
90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B E3 58 66 AF 91
87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E
BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59
AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE
5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93
7C 1D 6C 29

• Length of Longest CA Public Key : 1984 bits

• Length of Issuer Public Key Modulus : 1408 bits

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Issuer

Public Keys must be equal to or less than the longest VSDC CA Public Key (248 bytes-
1984 bits) currently being used for signing certificates.)

4.3.258 SE.16.009.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the length of the ICC Public Key must be less than or equal to the length of the
Issuer Public Key.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate

▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07 86
CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24 40 B7
14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6 53 61 56
3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A 02 6D 24 D7
90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B E3 58 66 AF 91
87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E
BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59
AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE
5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93
7C 1D 6C 29

✔ Decipher ICC Public Key Certificate

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate
▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 148/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

86 CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24
40 B7 14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6
53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A
02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B
E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58
7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A
FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31
3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D
5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29
▤ Tag 92 : Issuer Public Key Remainder : <not
▤ Tag 9F 32: Issuer Public Key Exponent : 03
▤ Tag 9F 46: ICC Public Key Certificate : 54
19 A5 B1 84 FE BA BE 00 7D FF 1D BA 4A 61 F3 C6 7A 79 17 0A 32 C1 FA 99 C9 E4 7A
69 E5 86 24 79 8B F6 8E F0 5E 87 7F 80 DA 2F 0B 79 EF 1C 01 BA 56 7D B6 2A 37 69
0C 9C 42 08 A8 3C DB CF 46 48 B0 9C 6A B6 84 E8 F1 19 CC 02 DA E6 55 E1 10 15 3B
B3 D6 6D 10 E0 75 DE 6E 54 E9 1E E2 09 89 46 FB FD A1 69 1D 7F B2 DB B6 70 5B C7
1A 71 92 B0 C9 F2 8B 36 C6 BF 2C 7D 65 8A 43 D5 EA 82 57 0F FA 3B E5 9C 47 A7 36
7B 51 43 0E 0D 73 A1 54 B2 14 74 FD F2 52 57 F9 09 33 30 03 B1 1D 76 84 D8 7A 99
C6 B4 C7 B0 C4 B8 94 2D 8D DF F7 16 4C
▤ Deciphered ICC Public Key Certificate
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Certificate Format = 04
▤ Application PAN = 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 FF FF
▤ Certificate Expiration Date (MM YY) = 05 25
▤ Certificate Serial Number = 00 00 01
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Algorithm = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Length = 80
▤ ICC Public Key Exponent = 01
▤ ICC Public Key:
▤ D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E F1
▤ 7E C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF
▤ FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41 40 41 D9 4F 14 21 58
▤ 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05
▤ B9 48 26 7C 49 A8 0C 35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D
▤ D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8 19 35 06
▤ 37 64 DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8
▤ 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF 3A A7 52 FD 59 A5 18 B1 F9
▤ Padding:
▤ Hash Result:
▤ 27 9A 57 94 8A 23 E9 77 AB 9E 31 89 AC 27 AC C2
▤ D7 4A 98 39
▤ Data Trailer = BC

• Length of Issuer Public Key Modulus : 1408 bits

• Length of ICC Public Key Modulus : 1024 bits

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The length

of the ICC Public Key must be less than or equal to the length of the Issuer Public

4.3.259 SE.16.010.01
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the length of the Issuer Public Key for cards expiring after December 2019
must be 1408 bits or longer.

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 149/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 5F 24: Application Expiration Date : 25 05

▤ Year : 2025
▤ Month: May
▤ Day : 31
• Application expires after December 2019.

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate

▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07 86
CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24 40 B7
14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6 53 61 56
3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A 02 6D 24 D7
90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B E3 58 66 AF 91
87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E
BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59
AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE
5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93
7C 1D 6C 29

• Length of Issuer Public Key Modulus: 1408 bits

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Issuer

Public Key length must be greater or equal to 1408-bit if Expiration Date (tag
'5F24') is after December 2019.)

4.3.260 SE.17.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure Issuer Public Key Exponent is present (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

• Card supports DDA

• Card supports Offline Enciphered PIN with ICC Public Key
▤ Tag 9F 32: Issuer Public Key Exponent : 03

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Issuer

Public Key Exponent shall be present if SDA, DDA, CDA, or Offline Enciphered PIN are

4.3.261 SE.17.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Public Key Exponent (when present) contains one of the correct

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Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 150/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 32: Issuer Public Key Exponent : 03

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Public Key
Exponent value shall be 3 or 2^16 +1.)

4.3.262 SE.17.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description The recommended value of the Issuer Public Key Exponent (when present) is '03'

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 32: Issuer Public Key Exponent : 03

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: It is

recommended that Public Key Exponent value should be set to '03' as 2^16 +1
increases transaction time.)

4.3.263 SE.18.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Public Key Remainder is present and has the correct length, when

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 92 : Issuer Public Key Remainder : <not

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate
▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07 86
CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24 40 B7
14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6 53 61 56
3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A 02 6D 24 D7
90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B E3 58 66 AF 91
87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E
BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59
AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE
5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93
7C 1D 6C 29
• Length of Issuer Public Key Modulus :176

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Personalization Validation Report

• Length of Issuer Public Key Modulus :176

• Length of Certification Authority Public Key Modulus :248
• Length of Issuer Public Key in Certificate :176
Test not applicable, because:
Entire Issuer Public Key fits into the corresponding certificate

4.3.264 SE.18.003.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the Issuer Public Key Remainder is not present (when not required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 92 : Issuer Public Key Remainder : <not

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate
▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07 86
CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24 40 B7
14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6 53 61 56
3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A 02 6D 24 D7
90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B E3 58 66 AF 91
87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E
BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59
AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE
5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93
7C 1D 6C 29
• Length of Issuer Public Key Modulus :176
• Length of Certification Authority Public Key Modulus :248
• Length of Issuer Public Key in Certificate :176

Test not applicable, because:

Entire Issuer Public Key fits into the corresponding certificate

4.3.265 SE.19.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that Language Preference (if present) is formatted correctly and contains a valid

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 5F 2D: Language Preference : 65 6E

72 75
▤ Language Preference = enru
• Language Code(1) = en; Language Name = English
• Language Code(2) = ru; Language Name = Russian
• Code: en, language: English
• Code: ru, language: Russian

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Personalization Validation Report

• Code: ru, language: Russian

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
ISO639 code.)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Language
Preference (Tag '5F2D') shall be encoded in lowercase alphabetical characters only.)

4.3.266 SE.20.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the tags and lengths of data elements listed in the Processing Options Data
Object List (PDOL) (if present) are valid

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 38: Processing Options Data Object List (PDOL) : 9F 1A

▤ Tag( 1) = 9F 1A [Terminal Country Code]
▤ Tag : 9F 1A
▤ Length: 02
▤ Name : Terminal Country Code

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Data

elements listed in Processing Options Data Object List (tag '9F38') shall contain
valid (recognized) Tags and Lengths. Terminal will zero fill the values for
unrecognized tags.)

4.3.267 SE.21.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the SDA Tag List (if present) only contains the Application Interchange Profile

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 4A: Static Data Authentication Tag List : 82

▤ SDA Tag(1) = 82 [Application Interchange Profile [VIS]]
▤ Tag : 82
▤ Name : Application Interchange Profile [VIS]
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Static Data
Authentication Tag List (Tag '9F4A') shall only contain the tag for the AIP if it is

4.3.268 SE.21.002.00

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Personalization Validation Report

Verdict Not Applicable

Test description To ensure that the SDA Tag List is present (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

• Card supports DDA

▤ Tag 94 : Application File Locator (AFL) : 08 02
02 00 10 01 02 00 28 01 03 01
▤ AFL (1) = 08 02 02 00
▤ SFI (decimal) = 1
▤ Start record = 2
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0
▤ AFL (2) = 10 01 02 00
▤ SFI (decimal) = 2
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0
▤ AFL (3) = 28 01 03 01
▤ SFI (decimal) = 5
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 3
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 1
• Static Data signed on the card
Test not applicable, because:
Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.3.269 SE.21.002.01
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the SDA Tag List is present when applicable

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

• Card supports DDA

▤ Tag 9F 4A: Static Data Authentication Tag List : 82
▤ SDA Tag(1) = 82 [Application Interchange Profile [VIS]]
▤ Tag : 82
▤ Name : Application Interchange Profile [VIS]
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Data
Element shall be present if SDA, DDA or CDA is supported.)

4.3.270 SE.40.001.03
Verdict Passed

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Personalization Validation Report

Test description To ensure that Certification Authority Public Key Index (PKI) has correct value

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

• Card supports DDA

• Card supports Offline Enciphered PIN with ICC Public Key
▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

value (out of range).)

4.3.271 SH.2.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Currency Code (Visa Proprietary Data) is formatted correctly
and contains valid data (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 51: Application Currency Code [VSDC] : 00 51

▤ Code (num) = 00 51
▤ Code (an) = AMD
▤ Currency = Armenian Dram
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid ISO
4217 code.)

4.3.272 SH.2.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Currency Code (Visa Proprietary Data) is present (when

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

• Card supports CTTA Lower Limit Check

• Card supports CTTA Upper Limit Check
• Card supports Low Value and CTTA Check
▤ Tag 9F 51: Application Currency Code [VSDC] : 00 51
▤ Code (num) = 00 51
▤ Code (an) = AMD
▤ Currency = Armenian Dram

✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application

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Personalization Validation Report

✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application

Currency Code (Visa Proprietary Data) (Tag '9F51') is missing when required.)

4.3.273 SH.2.004.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the Application Currency Code (Visa Proprietary Data) is correct (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 51: Application Currency Code [VSDC] : 00 51

▤ Code (num) = 00 51
▤ Code (an) = AMD
▤ Currency = Armenian Dram
▤ Tag 5F 28: Issuer Country Code : 00 51
▤ Country Code = 00 51
▤ Country Name = Armenia
Following currencies applicable for this country code:
• Currency code: 00 51 - Armenian Dram

✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The currency

code (or value) used should correspond to the currency used by the issuing country
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

4.3.274 SH.3.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the Application Default Action (ADA, tag '9F52') has the recommended value
related to Issuer Authentication

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Issuer Authentication is supported

▤ Tag 9F 52: Application Default Action [VSDC VIS 1.6] : 82 38
00 00 00 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 If Issuer Authentication failure, transmit next
transaction online
bit 7 = 0 No action required if Issuer Authentication performed and
bit 6 = 0 No action required if Issuer Authentication is mandatory
and no ARPC received
bit 5 = 0 No action required if transaction declined offline
bit 4 = 0 No action required if PIN Try Limit exceeded on current
transaction and transaction is declined
bit 3 = 0 No action required if transaction declined because issuer
authentication failed or not performed
bit 2 = 1 If new card, transmit transaction online
bit 1 = 0 No action required if new card and unable to transmit

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 2 = 1 If new card, transmit transaction online

bit 1 = 0 No action required if new card and unable to transmit
transaction online
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Application is not blocked if PIN Try Limit exceeded on
current transaction
bit 7 = 0 Transaction is not declined if PIN Try Limit exceeded on
previous transaction
bit 6 = 1 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction,
transmit transaction online
bit 5 = 1 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction,
decline if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 4 = 1 If issuer script failed on a previous transaction
transmit transaction online
bit 3 = 0 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction, no
action required to decline the current transaction and block the application
bit 2 = 0 Reset CTTA to zero during GENERATE AC
bit 1 = 0 Reset VLP Available Funds to VLP Funds Limit during
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Include offline approved transactions in the transaction
bit 7 = 0 Include online approved transactions in the transaction
bit 6 = 0 Do not include declined transactions in the transaction
bit 5 = 0 Do not reset VLP Available Funds to VLP Funds Limit when
offline PIN is successfully verified
bit 4 = 0 Count declined transactions
bit 3 = 0 Do not use Issuer Script MAC Chaining Option
bit 2 = 0 Issuer Script Command Counter is not cyclic
bit 1 = 0 CTCI does not count non-matching country code
▤ Byte 4 bit 8 = 0 Do not use Default Update Counters in ADA if CSU is
generated by a proxy (RFU bit for card with CVN 10)
bits 7-6 = 00 Do not update velocity-checking counters (RFU bits for
card with CVN 10)
bit 5 = 0 Padding method 80 not supported for IDD MACing
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 5 bit 8-5 = 0000 RFU
bit 4 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not performed or not
successful, no action required to send transaction online
bit 3 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not performed, no action
required to decline if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 2 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not successful, no action
required to decline if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 1 = 0 Secure Messaging not uses EMV Session key-based
▤ Byte 6 bit 8 = 0 CDCVM not Supported
bit 7-1 = 0000000 RFU
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: It is
recommended that the card not be set to decline online approved transactions when
Issuer Authentication fails.)

4.3.275 SH.3.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the Application Default Action (tag '9F52') has the recommended value related to
Issuer Script

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Issuer Authentication is supported

▤ Tag 9F 52: Application Default Action [VSDC VIS 1.6] : 82 38
00 00 00 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 If Issuer Authentication failure, transmit next
transaction online
bit 7 = 0 No action required if Issuer Authentication performed and
bit 6 = 0 No action required if Issuer Authentication is mandatory
and no ARPC received
bit 5 = 0 No action required if transaction declined offline
bit 4 = 0 No action required if PIN Try Limit exceeded on current
transaction and transaction is declined
bit 3 = 0 No action required if transaction declined because issuer
authentication failed or not performed
bit 2 = 1 If new card, transmit transaction online
bit 1 = 0 No action required if new card and unable to transmit
transaction online
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Application is not blocked if PIN Try Limit exceeded on
current transaction
bit 7 = 0 Transaction is not declined if PIN Try Limit exceeded on
previous transaction
bit 6 = 1 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction,
transmit transaction online
bit 5 = 1 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction,
decline if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 4 = 1 If issuer script failed on a previous transaction
transmit transaction online
bit 3 = 0 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction, no
action required to decline the current transaction and block the application
bit 2 = 0 Reset CTTA to zero during GENERATE AC
bit 1 = 0 Reset VLP Available Funds to VLP Funds Limit during
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Include offline approved transactions in the transaction
bit 7 = 0 Include online approved transactions in the transaction
bit 6 = 0 Do not include declined transactions in the transaction
bit 5 = 0 Do not reset VLP Available Funds to VLP Funds Limit when
offline PIN is successfully verified
bit 4 = 0 Count declined transactions
bit 3 = 0 Do not use Issuer Script MAC Chaining Option
bit 2 = 0 Issuer Script Command Counter is not cyclic
bit 1 = 0 CTCI does not count non-matching country code
▤ Byte 4 bit 8 = 0 Do not use Default Update Counters in ADA if CSU is
generated by a proxy (RFU bit for card with CVN 10)
bits 7-6 = 00 Do not update velocity-checking counters (RFU bits for
card with CVN 10)
bit 5 = 0 Padding method 80 not supported for IDD MACing
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 5 bit 8-5 = 0000 RFU
bit 4 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not performed or not
successful, no action required to send transaction online
bit 3 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not performed, no action

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 3 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not performed, no action

required to decline if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 2 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not successful, no action
required to decline if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 1 = 0 Secure Messaging not uses EMV Session key-based
▤ Byte 6 bit 8 = 0 CDCVM not Supported
bit 7-1 = 0000000 RFU
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: If the
Issuer implements Issuer Scripting, it is recommended to set byte 2 bit 4 of the ADA
(if Issuer Script failed, transmit transaction online) to 1b.)

4.3.276 SH.3.006.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the Application Default Action has the correct value related to the IAD Format

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 9F 10: Issuer Application Data [VIS 1.6] : 06 01

0A 03 A0 A0 02
▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 0A 03 A0 A0 02
▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 0A
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 A0 A0 02
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')
▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested
bit 6-5 = 10 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: ARQC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not performed
bit 1 = 0 Able to go online or offline transaction
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Last online transaction not completed
bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded
bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters
bit 5 = 0 No new card
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last online
transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online
authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card
bit 1 = 0 RFU for VIS 1.6
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed
bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 1 Offline dynamic data authentication performed
bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-
Expecting card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification not
• Issuer Application Data (tag '9F 10') has format 0/1/3
▤ Tag 9F 52: Application Default Action [VSDC VIS 1.6] : 82 38
00 00 00 00

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 If Issuer Authentication failure, transmit next

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 If Issuer Authentication failure, transmit next

transaction online
bit 7 = 0 No action required if Issuer Authentication performed and
bit 6 = 0 No action required if Issuer Authentication is mandatory
and no ARPC received
bit 5 = 0 No action required if transaction declined offline
bit 4 = 0 No action required if PIN Try Limit exceeded on current
transaction and transaction is declined
bit 3 = 0 No action required if transaction declined because issuer
authentication failed or not performed
bit 2 = 1 If new card, transmit transaction online
bit 1 = 0 No action required if new card and unable to transmit
transaction online
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Application is not blocked if PIN Try Limit exceeded on
current transaction
bit 7 = 0 Transaction is not declined if PIN Try Limit exceeded on
previous transaction
bit 6 = 1 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction,
transmit transaction online
bit 5 = 1 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction,
decline if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 4 = 1 If issuer script failed on a previous transaction
transmit transaction online
bit 3 = 0 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction, no
action required to decline the current transaction and block the application
bit 2 = 0 Reset CTTA to zero during GENERATE AC
bit 1 = 0 Reset VLP Available Funds to VLP Funds Limit during
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Include offline approved transactions in the transaction
bit 7 = 0 Include online approved transactions in the transaction
bit 6 = 0 Do not include declined transactions in the transaction
bit 5 = 0 Do not reset VLP Available Funds to VLP Funds Limit when
offline PIN is successfully verified
bit 4 = 0 Count declined transactions
bit 3 = 0 Do not use Issuer Script MAC Chaining Option
bit 2 = 0 Issuer Script Command Counter is not cyclic
bit 1 = 0 CTCI does not count non-matching country code
▤ Byte 4 bit 8 = 0 Do not use Default Update Counters in ADA if CSU is
generated by a proxy (RFU bit for card with CVN 10)
bits 7-6 = 00 Do not update velocity-checking counters (RFU bits for
card with CVN 10)
bit 5 = 0 Padding method 80 not supported for IDD MACing
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 5 bit 8-5 = 0000 RFU
bit 4 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not performed or not
successful, no action required to send transaction online
bit 3 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not performed, no action
required to decline if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 2 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not successful, no action
required to decline if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 1 = 0 Secure Messaging not uses EMV Session key-based
▤ Byte 6 bit 8 = 0 CDCVM not Supported
bit 7-1 = 0000000 RFU

✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: ADA byte 5

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Personalization Validation Report

✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: ADA byte 5

bit 1 must be 0b if the IAD Format is not a Format 2.)

4.3.277 SH.3.007.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the Application Default Action has the correct value related to the Issuer
Scripting support

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 9F 10: Issuer Application Data [VIS 1.6] : 06 01

0A 03 A0 A0 02
▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 0A 03 A0 A0 02
▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 0A
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 A0 A0 02
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')
▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested
bit 6-5 = 10 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: ARQC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not performed
bit 1 = 0 Able to go online or offline transaction
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Last online transaction not completed
bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded
bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters
bit 5 = 0 No new card
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last online
transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online
authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card
bit 1 = 0 RFU for VIS 1.6
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed
bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 1 Offline dynamic data authentication performed
bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-
Expecting card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification not
Test not applicable, because:
Issuer Application Data (tag '9F 10') Format different from format 2
Application does support Issuer Scripting

4.3.278 SH.4.001.01
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure the Application Transaction Counter (ATC) is present for a contact transaction and is
the correct length (GEN AC response)

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 9F 36: Application Transaction Counter (ATC) : 00 06

▤ Decimal value = 6
ATC is retrievable via Generate AC response Format 1 on Contact Interface
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing
mandatory data element Application Transaction Counter (ATC) ('9F 36'))
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

4.3.279 SH.4.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the Application Transaction Counter is present for a contact transaction in
support of terminal velocity checking

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

• Card supports terminal velocity checking

▤ Tag 9F 36: Application Transaction Counter (ATC) : 00 06
▤ Decimal value = 6
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: This data is
not retrievable with the Get data command.)

4.3.280 SH.5.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Available Offline Spending Amount is formatted correctly (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Available Offline Spending Amount (tag '9F 5D') is not present

4.3.281 SH.5.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Available Offline Spending Amount (AOSA, tag '9F5D') is not retrievable by the
GET DATA command unless allowed by the Issuer.

Test case is applicable for:

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.3.282 SH.6.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit is present when 'Low Value
and CTTA check supported'

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

• Card supports Low Value and CTTA Check

▤ Tag 9F 5C: Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit [VSDC] : 00 00
02 00 00 00
▤ Amount value: 20000.00
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: When Card
Additional Processes (Tag '9F68') Byte 1, Bit 7 is set, it is highly recommended
that Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit (Tag '9F5C') be personalized.)

4.3.283 SH.6.002.01
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit is present when 'Low Value
and CTTA check supported'

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 68: Card Additional Processes [qVSDC VCPS 2.2] : 4C 00

F0 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Low Value Check not supported
bit 7 = 1 Low Value AND CTTA Check supported
bit 6 = 0 Do not count qVSDC online transactions
bit 5 = 0 Streamlined qVSDC not supported
bit 4 = 1 PIN Tries Exceeded Check supported
bit 3 = 1 Offline international transactions are allowed
bit 2 = 0 No Card Contact Chip Preference
bit 1 = 0 Do not return Available Offline Spending Amount
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Do not include country code in determining international
bit 7 = 0 International transactions are allowed
bit 6 = 0 Enable Offline Data Authentication (ODA) for Online
bit 5 = 0 Contactless Issuer Update Processing not supported
bit 4 = 0 Count qVSDC offline transactions
bit 3 = 0 Card does not Prefer Online

bit 2 = 0 RFU

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Online PIN supported for domestic transaction
bit 7 = 1 Online PIN supported for international transaction
bit 6 = 1 (Contact Chip) Offline PIN supported
bit 5 = 1 Signature supported
bit 4 = 0 Consumer Device CVM not supported
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 4 bit 8 = 0 RFU
bit 7 = 0 RFU
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Tag 9F 5C: Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit [VSDC] : 00 00
02 00 00 00
▤ Amount value: 20000.00
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Cumulative
Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit (tag '9F5C') shall be personalized when Card
Additional Processes (tag '9F68') byte 1 bit 7 is set to 1b)

4.3.284 SH.14.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the International Counters Data Template is a correctly formatted TLV
constructed data object and contains only the context-specific tags that are defined for this

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• Card supports qVSDC Offline International Transactions

▤ Tag BF 57: International Counters Data Template : DF 11
01 02 DF 21 01 01 DF 31 01 03 DF 51 01 02
▤ Profile: 1
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International : 02
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Limit : 01
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Upper Limit : 03
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Country : 02
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Country Limit : <not present>

✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Data Element

shall be a constructed data object (template) and shall contain valid TLV encoded
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Tags not
defined for inclusion are present in the International Counters Data Template.)
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing
mandatory data element International Counters Data Template ('BF 57'))

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

4.3.285 SH.18.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the Counters Data Template is a correctly formatted TLV constructed data object
and contains only the context-specific tags that are defined for this template

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

• Card supports Consecutive Transactions Upper Limit Check

• Card supports Consecutive Transactions Lower Limit Check
▤ Tag BF 56: Counters Data Template : DF 11
01 02 DF 21 01 00 DF 31 01 03
▤ Profile: 1
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter : 02
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter Limit : 00
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter Upper Limit : 03
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter – No CVM : <not present>
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter Limit – No CVM : <not present>

✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Data Element

shall be a constructed data object (template) and shall contain valid TLV encoded
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Tags not
defined for inclusion are present in the Counters Data Template.)
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing
mandatory data element Counters Data Template ('BF 56'))

4.3.286 SH.22.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Conversion Currency Code x is formatted correctly (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Currency Conversion Parameter (tag '9F 73') - is not present

4.3.287 SH.22.001.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Currency Conversion Factor is formatted correctly (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products

Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

Currency Conversion Parameter (tag '9F 73') - is not present

4.3.288 SH.23.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Currency Conversion Factor x is formatted correctly (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Currency Conversion Factor (tag '9F 73') - is not present

4.3.289 SH.23.001.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Secondary Application Currency is formatted correctly (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Secondary Application Currency (tag '9F 76') - is not present

4.3.290 SH.23.002.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Secondary Application Currency is present (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Card does not support Currency Conversion

4.3.291 SH.23.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Currency Conversion Parameters is not present (when not required)

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 166/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• Card does not support Currency Conversion

▤ Tag 9F 73: Currency Conversion Parameters [VSDC] : <not
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Since
Currency Conversion checking is not supported, the Currency Conversion Parameters is
not required to be personalized on this card.)

4.3.292 SH.23.003.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Secondary Application Currency is not present (when not supported)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

• Card does not support Currency Conversion

Test not applicable, because:
Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.3.293 SH.24.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Currency Conversion Parameters is present and formatted correctly (when

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card does not support Currency Conversion

4.3.294 SH.24.001.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Currency Conversion Factor is present (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products

Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Card does not support Currency Conversion

4.3.295 SH.26.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Country Code (Visa Proprietary Data) is formatted correctly and
contains valid data (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 57: Issuer Country Code [VSDC] : 00 51

▤ Country Code = 00 51
▤ Country Name = Armenia
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
ISO3166 value.)

4.3.296 SH.26.001.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Country Code (Visa Proprietary Data) is present (when required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card does not support Consecutive International Transaction Lower/Upper Limit
Check with/without International Country option or qVSDC uses Country Code to
Determine Domestic/International

4.3.297 SH.26.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that if both the Issuer Country Code (Visa Proprietary Data) and the Issuer Country
Code are present, the values match

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 57: Issuer Country Code [VSDC] : 00 51

▤ Country Code = 00 51
▤ Country Name = Armenia
▤ Tag 5F 28: Issuer Country Code : 00 51
▤ Country Code = 00 51

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Tag 5F 28: Issuer Country Code : 00 51

▤ Country Code = 00 51
▤ Country Name = Armenia
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Issuer
Country Code (Visa Proprietary Data) (Tag '9F57') shall match the value of Issuer
Country Code (Tag '5F28').)

4.3.298 SH.27.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the Last Online ATC Register is present and has the correct length (when

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Card does not supportLower/Upper Consecutive Offline Limit Check

4.3.299 SH.28.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Log Entry is present and the length and format are correct (when

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card does not support contact Transaction Logging

4.3.300 SH.29.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Log Format is present and the length is correct (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card does not support contact Transaction Logging

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

4.3.301 SH.29.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the tags and lengths of data elements listed in the Log Format are valid

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Log Format is not present

4.3.302 SH.31.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the PIN Try Counter (tag '9F17') is present and length is valid

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

• Card supports Offline PIN

▤ Tag 9F 17: Personal Identification Number (PIN) Try Counter : 03
▤ Decimal value = 3
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

4.3.303 SH.31.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the PIN Try Counter (tag '9F17') is present and does not have a value of '00'
which indicates PIN is blocked

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

• Card supports Offline PIN

▤ Tag 9F 17: Personal Identification Number (PIN) Try Counter : 03
▤ Decimal value = 3
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: PIN Try
Counter (Tag '9F17') shall not have a value of '00' which indicates PIN Blocked.)

4.3.304 SH.31.003.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the PIN Try Counter is not present when not required (if Offline PIN is not

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 170/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card supports Offline PIN

4.3.305 SH.40.001.01
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Certificate Authority Public Key Index is present (when required) and that
the length is correct.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

• Card supports Offline Data Authentication or Offline Enciphered PIN

▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
✔ Certificate Authority Public Key has valid length

✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: CA Public

Key Index is missing.)
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

4.3.306 VC.1.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that LCOL (Tag '9F58') is present and the correct length (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

• Card supports LCOL (Visa Proprietary Data) Check

Test not applicable, because:
Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.3.307 VC.1.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that LCOL (Tag '9F58') is not present (when not required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 171/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Card supports LCOL (Visa Proprietary Data) Check

4.3.308 VC.1.003.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the value of the lower limit (Tag '9F58') is in the recommended range (when

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
LCOL (Visa Proprietary Data) Check is not supported (see ICS)

4.3.309 VC.1.004.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Lower Consecutive Offline Limit is not present if the Last Online ATC
Register is not supported

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Last Online ATC Register (Tag '9F 13') is present

4.3.310 VC.2.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Consecutive Transactions Lower Limit (Tag '9F58' or 'DF21' in 'BF56') and
Consecutive Transactions Counter (Tag 'DF11' in 'BF56') are present and the correct lengths
(when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

• Card supports Consecutive Transaction Lower Limit Check

▤ Tag BF 56: Counters Data Template : DF 11
01 02 DF 21 01 00 DF 31 01 03
▤ Profile: 1

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Profile: 1
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter : 02
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter Limit : 00
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter Upper Limit : 03
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter – No CVM : <not present>
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter Limit – No CVM : <not present>
✔ CTCL (Tag '9F58' or 'DF21' in 'BF56') is present
✔ CTCL has valid length

✔ CTC (Tag 'DF11' in 'BF56') is present

✔ CTC has valid length

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Counters

Data Template('BF 56') is missing when issuer wants the velocity check to be
✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

4.3.311 VC.2.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Consecutive Transactions Lower Limit (Tag '9F58' or 'DF21' in 'BF56') is not
present (when not required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card supports Consecutive Transaction Lower Limit Check

4.3.312 VC.2.003.00
Verdict Warning
Test description To check that the value of the lower limit is in the recommended range (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 9F 58: Consecutive Transaction Counter Limit [VSDC] : 00

▤ Decimal value = 0
! CTCL Tag '9F58' value should be between 3 and 10

▤ Tag BF 56: Counters Data Template : DF 11

01 02 DF 21 01 00 DF 31 01 03
▤ Profile: 1
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter : 02
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter Limit : 00
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter Upper Limit : 03
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter – No CVM : <not present>
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter Limit – No CVM : <not present>
! CTCL Tag 'DF21' in 'BF56' value should be between 3 and 10

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

! VC. Warning: The value of CTCL should be between 3 and 10.

4.3.313 VC.3.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that UCOL (Tag '9F59') is present and the correct length (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

• Card supports UCOL (Visa Proprietary Data) Check

Test not applicable, because:
Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.3.314 VC.3.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that UCOL (Tag '9F59') is not present (when not required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Card supports UCOL (Visa Proprietary Data) Check

4.3.315 VC.3.003.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the value of the upper limit (Tag '9F59') is in the recommended range (when

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
UCOL (Visa Proprietary Data) Check is not supported (see ICS)

4.3.316 VC.3.004.00

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 174/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Verdict Not Applicable

Test description To ensure that the lower limit is not greater than the upper limit when both are present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.3.317 VC.3.005.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the lower limit and upper limit are both present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.3.318 VC.4.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Consecutive Transactions Upper Limit (Tag '9F59' or 'DF31' in 'BF56') and
Consecutive Transactions Counter (Tag 'DF11' in 'BF56') are present and the correct lengths
(when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

• Card supports Consecutive Transaction Upper Limit Check

▤ Tag BF 56: Counters Data Template : DF 11
01 02 DF 21 01 00 DF 31 01 03
▤ Profile: 1
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter : 02
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter Limit : 00
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter Upper Limit : 03
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter – No CVM : <not present>
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter Limit – No CVM : <not present>
✔ CTCUL (Tag '9F59' or 'DF31' in 'BF56') is present
✔ CTCUL has valid length

✔ CTC (Tag 'DF11' in 'BF56') is present

✔ CTC has valid length

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Counters

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 175/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Counters

Data Template('BF 56') is missing when issuer wants the velocity check to be
✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

4.3.319 VC.4.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Consecutive Transactions Upper Limit (Tag '9F59' or 'DF31' in 'BF56') is not
present (when not required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card supports Consecutive Transaction Upper Limit Check

4.3.320 VC.4.003.00
Verdict Warning
Test description To check that the value of the upper limit is in the recommended range (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 9F 59: Consecutive Transaction Counter Upper Limit [VSDC] : 03

▤ Decimal value = 3
! CTCUL Tag '9F59' value should be between 5 and 12

▤ Tag BF 56: Counters Data Template : DF 11

01 02 DF 21 01 00 DF 31 01 03
▤ Profile: 1
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter : 02
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter Limit : 00
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter Upper Limit : 03
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter – No CVM : <not present>
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter Limit – No CVM : <not present>
! CTCUL Tag 'DF31' in 'BF56' value should be between 5 and 12

! VC. Warning: CTCUL (Tag '9F59' or 'DF31' in 'BF56') should be between

5 and 12.

4.3.321 VC.4.004.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the lower limit is not greater than the upper limit when both are present

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 176/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

▤ Tag 9F 58: Consecutive Transaction Counter Limit [VSDC] : 00

▤ Decimal value = 0
▤ Tag 9F 59: Consecutive Transaction Counter Upper Limit [VSDC] : 03
▤ Decimal value = 3

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: CTCL (Tag

'9F58' or 'DF21' in 'BF56') shall be lower than or equal to the CTCUL (Tag '9F59' or
'DF31' in 'BF56').)

4.3.322 VC.4.005.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the lower limit and upper limit are both present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

• Card supports Consecutive Transaction Lower Limit Check

• Card supports Consecutive Transaction Upper Limit Check
▤ Tag 9F 58: Consecutive Transaction Counter Limit [VSDC] : 00
▤ Decimal value = 0
▤ Tag 9F 59: Consecutive Transaction Counter Upper Limit [VSDC] : 03
▤ Decimal value = 3
▤ Tag BF 56: Counters Data Template : DF 11
01 02 DF 21 01 00 DF 31 01 03
▤ Profile: 1
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter : 02
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter Limit : 00
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter Upper Limit : 03
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter – No CVM : <not present>
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter Limit – No CVM : <not present>

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Both

Consecutive Transaction Counter Limit (CTCL, tag '9F58' or 'DF21' in 'BF56') and
Consecutive Transaction Counter Upper Limit (CTCUL, tag '9F59' or 'DF31' in 'BF56')
should be present. It is highly recommended that the CTCUL be personalized if the
CTCL is personalized.)

4.3.323 VC.5.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Consecutive International Transactions (Currency) Lower Limit (tag '9F53') is
present and the correct length (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VCPS 2.0.2 VMCPS 1.4.x

• Card supports Consecutive International Transaction Lower Limit Check

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Personalization Validation Report

• Card supports Consecutive International Transaction Lower Limit Check

Test not applicable, because:
Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.3.324 VC.5.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Consecutive International Transactions (Currency) Lower Limit (tag '9F53') is
not present (when not required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VCPS 2.0.2 VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Card supports Consecutive International Transaction Lower Limit Check

4.3.325 VC.5.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that Consecutive International Transactions (Currency) Lower Limit (Tag '9F53' or
'DF21' in 'BF57') and Consecutive Transaction Counter International (Tag 'DF11' in 'BF57') are
present and the correct lengths (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• Card supports Consecutive International Transaction Lower Limit Check

▤ Tag BF 57: International Counters Data Template : DF 11
01 02 DF 21 01 01 DF 31 01 03 DF 51 01 02
▤ Profile: 1
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International : 02
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Limit : 01
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Upper Limit : 03
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Country : 02
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Country Limit : <not present>
✔ CTCIL (Tag '9F53' or 'DF21' in 'BF57') is present
✔ CTCIL has valid length

✔ CTCI (Tag 'DF11' in 'BF57') is present

✔ CTCI has valid length

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:

International Counters Data Template('BF 57') is missing when issuer wants the
velocity check to be supported.)
✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

4.3.326 VC.5.004.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Consecutive International Transactions (Currency) Lower Limit (Tag '9F53' or
'DF21' in 'BF57') is not present (when not required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card supports Consecutive International Transaction Lower Limit Check

4.3.327 VC.6.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Consecutive International Transactions (Currency) Upper Limit (Tag '9F5E') is
present and the correct length (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.3.328 VC.6.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Consecutive International Transactions (Currency) Upper Limit (Tag '9F5E') is
not present (when not required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Card supports Consecutive International Transaction (Currency/Country) Upper
Limit Check

4.3.329 VC.6.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Consecutive Transaction International Upper Limit (CTIUL) and Consecutive
Transaction Counter International (CTCI) are present, the correct lengths and value

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag BF 57: International Counters Data Template : DF 11

01 02 DF 21 01 01 DF 31 01 03 DF 51 01 02
▤ Profile: 1
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International : 02
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Limit : 01
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Upper Limit : 03
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Country : 02
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Country Limit : <not present>
✔ CTIUL (Tag '9F5E' or 'DF31' in 'BF57') is present
✔ CTIUL has valid length
✔ CTIUL value is not zero

✔ CTCI (Tag 'DF11' in 'BF57') is present

✔ CTCI has valid length

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:

International Counters Data Template('BF 57') is missing when issuer wants the
velocity check to be supported.)
✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Consecutive
Transaction International Upper Limit (CTIUL, tag '9F5E' or 'DF31' in 'BF57') value
must not be zero. Payment application declines Offline international transaction
when CTIUL is set to '00'.)

4.3.330 VC.6.004.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Consecutive International Transactions (Currency) Upper Limit (Tag '9F5E' or
'DF31' in 'BF57') is not present (when not required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card supports Consecutive International Transaction (Currency/Country) Upper
Limit Check

4.3.331 VC.6.005.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the lower limit is not greater than the upper limit when both are present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products

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Personalization Validation Report

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products

Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.3.332 VC.6.006.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the lower limit is not greater than the upper limit when both are present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 53: Consecutive Transaction Limit (International) [VSDC] : 01

▤ Decimal value = 1
▤ Tag 9F 5E: Consecutive Transaction International Upper Limit [VSDC] : 03
▤ Decimal value = 3

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: CTCIL (Tag

'9F53' or 'DF21' in 'BF57') shall be lower than or equal to CTIUL (Tag '9F5E' or
'DF31' in 'BF57').)

4.3.333 VC.6.007.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the lower limit and upper limit are both present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VMCPS 1.4.x

• Card supports Consecutive International Transaction Upper or Lower Limit Check

Test not applicable, because:
Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.3.334 VC.6.008.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the lower limit and upper limit are both present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• Card supports Consecutive International Transaction Upper or Lower Limit Check

▤ Tag 9F 53: Consecutive Transaction Limit (International) [VSDC] : 01
▤ Decimal value = 1
▤ Tag 9F 5E: Consecutive Transaction International Upper Limit [VSDC] : 03
▤ Decimal value = 3

▤ Tag BF 57: International Counters Data Template : DF 11

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Tag BF 57: International Counters Data Template : DF 11

01 02 DF 21 01 01 DF 31 01 03 DF 51 01 02
▤ Profile: 1
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International : 02
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Limit : 01
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Upper Limit : 03
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Country : 02
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Country Limit : <not present>

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Both CTCIL

(Tag '9F53' or 'DF21' in 'BF57') and CTIUL (Tag '9F5E' or 'DF31' in 'BF57') should
be present.)

4.3.335 VC.6.009.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that all associated data elements of Consecutive Transaction International Upper
Limit (CTIUL) (tag 9F5E and DF31 in BF57') are present.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 5E: Consecutive Transaction International Upper Limit [VSDC] : 03

▤ Decimal value = 3

▤ Tag 9F 51: Application Currency Code [VSDC] : 00 51

▤ Code (num) = 00 51
▤ Code (an) = AMD
▤ Currency = Armenian Dram

▤ Tag 9F 53: Consecutive Transaction Limit (International) [VSDC] : 01

▤ Decimal value = 1
▤ Tag 9F 72: Consecutive Transaction Limit (International-Country) [VSDC] : <not
▤ Tag BF 57: International Counters Data Template : DF 11
01 02 DF 21 01 01 DF 31 01 03 DF 51 01 02
▤ Profile: 1
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International : 02
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Limit : 01
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Upper Limit : 03
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Country : 02
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Country Limit : <not present>

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

associated data element (Application Currency Code (tag '9F51') and Consecutive
Transaction Counter International Limit (CTCIL) (tag '9F53') and/or Consecutive
Transaction Counter International Country Limit (CTCICL) (tag '9F72 or 'DF61 in

4.3.336 VC.7.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Consecutive International Transactions (Country) Lower Limit (Tag '9F72') is

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Personalization Validation Report

present and the correct length (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Card does not support Consecutive International Transactions (Country) Lower
Limit Check

4.3.337 VC.7.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Consecutive International Transactions (Country) Lower Limit (Tag '9F72') is not
present (when not required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

• Card does not support Consecutive International Transaction Country Lower Limit
Test not applicable, because:
Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.3.338 VC.7.003.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Consecutive International Transactions Country Lower Limit (Tag '9F72' or
'DF61' in 'BF57') and Consecutive Transaction Counter International Country (Tag 'DF51' in
'BF57') are present and the correct lengths (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card does not support Consecutive International Transactions (Country) Lower
Limit Check

4.3.339 VC.7.004.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that Consecutive International Transactions Country Lower Limit (Tag '9F72' or
'DF61' in 'BF57') is not present (when not required)

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 183/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

• Card does not support Consecutive International Transaction Country Lower Limit
▤ Tag 9F 72: Consecutive Transaction Limit (International-Country) [VSDC] : <not
▤ Tag BF 57: International Counters Data Template : DF 11
01 02 DF 21 01 01 DF 31 01 03 DF 51 01 02
▤ Profile: 1
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International : 02
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Limit : 01
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Upper Limit : 03
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Country : 02
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Country Limit : <not present>
✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Velocity
checking not supported so data element is not required.)

4.3.340 VC.8.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Consecutive International Transactions (Country) Upper Limit (Tag '9F5E') is
present and the correct length (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Card does not support Consecutive International Transaction (Country) Upper Limit

4.3.341 VC.8.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Consecutive International Transactions (Country) Upper Limit (Tag '9F5E') is not
present (when not required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Card supports Consecutive International Transaction (Currency/Country) Upper
Limit Check

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

4.3.342 VC.8.003.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Consecutive International Transactions (Country) Upper Limit (Tag '9F5E' or
'DF31' in 'BF57') and CTCIC (Tag 'DF51' in 'BF57') are present and the correct lengths (when

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card does not support Consecutive International Transaction (Country) Upper Limit

4.3.343 VC.8.004.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Consecutive International Transactions (Country) Upper Limit (Tag '9F5E' or
'DF31' in 'BF57') is not present (when not required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card supports Consecutive International Transaction (Currency/Country) Upper
Limit Check

4.3.344 VC.8.005.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the lower limit is not greater than the upper limit when both are present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
CTCICL (Tag '9F 72') is not present

4.3.345 VC.8.006.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the lower limit is not greater than the upper limit when both are present

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 185/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

CTCICL (Tag '9F 72' or 'DF 61' in 'BF 57') is not present

4.3.346 VC.8.007.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the lower limit and upper limit are both present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Card does not support Consecutive International Transaction (Country) Upper and
Lower Limit Check

4.3.347 VC.8.008.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the lower limit and upper limit are both present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card does not support Consecutive International Transaction (Country) Upper and
Lower Limit Check

4.3.348 VC.11.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Lower Limit (tag '9F54') is present and
the correct length (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VCPS 2.0.2 VMCPS 1.4.x

• Card supports CTTA Lower Limit Check

Test not applicable, because:
Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

4.3.349 VC.11.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Lower Limit (tag '9F54') is not present
(when not required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VCPS 2.0.2 VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Card supports CTTA Lower Limit Check

4.3.350 VC.11.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Lower Limit (Tag '9F54' or 'DF21' in
'BF58') and Cumulative Total Transaction Amount (Tag 'DF11' in 'BF57') are present and the
correct lengths (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• Card supports CTTA Lower Limit Check

▤ Tag BF 58: Amounts Data Template : DF 11
06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 21 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 31 06 00 00 02 00 00 00
▤ Profile: 1
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit : 00 00 02 00 00 00
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount – No CVM : <not present>
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit – No CVM : <not present>
✔ CTTAL (Tag '9F54' or 'DF21' in 'BF58') is present
✔ CTTAL has valid length

✔ CTTA (Tag 'DF11' in 'BF58') is present

✔ CTTA has valid length

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Amounts

Data Template('BF 58') is missing when issuer wants the velocity check to be
✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

4.3.351 VC.11.004.00
Verdict Not Applicable

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 187/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test description To ensure that Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Lower Limit (tag '9F54') is not present
(when not required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card supports CTTA Lower Limit Check
Card supports qVSDC Low Value and CTTA Check

4.3.352 VC.12.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit (Tag '9F5C') is present and
the correct length (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VCPS 2.0.2 VMCPS 1.4.x

• Card supports Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit Check

Test not applicable, because:
Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.3.353 VC.12.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit (Tag '9F5C') is not present
(when not required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VCPS 2.0.2 VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Card supports Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit Check

4.3.354 VC.12.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit (Tag '9F5C' or 'DF31' in
'BF58') and Cumulative Total Transaction Amount (Tag 'DF11' in 'BF57') are present and the
correct lengths (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• Card supports CTTA Upper Limit Check

▤ Tag BF 58: Amounts Data Template : DF 11
06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 21 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 31 06 00 00 02 00 00 00
▤ Profile: 1
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit : 00 00 02 00 00 00
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount – No CVM : <not present>
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit – No CVM : <not present>
✔ CTTAUL (Tag '9F5C' or 'DF31' in 'BF58') is present
✔ CTTAUL has valid length

✔ CTTA (Tag 'DF11' in 'BF58') is present

✔ CTTA has valid length

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Amounts

Data Template('BF 58') is missing when issuer wants the velocity check to be
✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

4.3.355 VC.12.004.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit (tag '9F5C') is not present
(when not required

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card supports CTTA Upper Limit Check
Card supports qVSDC Low Value and CTTA Check

4.3.356 VC.12.005.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the lower limit is not greater than the upper limit when both are present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VCPS 2.0.2 VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

4.3.357 VC.12.006.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the lower limit is not greater than the upper limit when both are present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 54: Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit [VSDC] : 00 00

00 00 00 00
▤ Amount value: 0.00
▤ Tag 9F 5C: Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit [VSDC] : 00 00
02 00 00 00
▤ Amount value: 20000.00

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: CTTAL (Tag

'9F54' or 'DF21' in 'BF58') shall be lower than or equal to CTTAUL (Tag '9F5C' or
'DF31' in 'BF58').)

4.3.358 VC.12.007.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the lower limit and upper limit are both present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VCPS 2.0.2 VMCPS 1.4.x

• Card supports CTTA Lower or Upper Limit Check

Test not applicable, because:
Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.3.359 VC.12.008.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the lower limit and upper limit are both present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• Card supports CTTA Lower or Upper Limit Check

▤ Tag 9F 54: Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit [VSDC] : 00 00
00 00 00 00
▤ Amount value: 0.00
▤ Tag 9F 5C: Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit [VSDC] : 00 00
02 00 00 00
▤ Amount value: 20000.00
▤ Tag BF 58: Amounts Data Template : DF 11
06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 21 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 31 06 00 00 02 00 00 00

▤ Profile: 1

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Profile: 1
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit : 00 00 02 00 00 00
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount – No CVM : <not present>
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit – No CVM : <not present>

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Both

Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit (CTTAL, tag '9F54' or 'DF21' in 'BF58')
and Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit (CTTAUL, tag '9F5C' or 'DF31' in
'BF58') should be present. Personalization of the CTTAUL is strongly recommended if
the Low Value AND CTTA check is supported.)

4.3.360 VC.13.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit Check (Dual Currency) (Tag '9F75')
is present and the correct length (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Card does not support CTTA (Dual Currency) Check

4.3.361 VC.13.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit Check (Dual Currency) (Tag '9F75')
is not present (when not required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1

• Card does not support CTTA (Dual Currency) Check

Test not applicable, because:
Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.3.362 VC.19.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that when Consecutive Transaction card velocity check (CTC) is supported, the
Counters Data Template is present and formatted correctly.

Test case is applicable for:

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag BF 56: Counters Data Template : DF 11

01 02 DF 21 01 00 DF 31 01 03
▤ Profile: 1
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter : 02
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter Limit : 00
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter Upper Limit : 03
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter – No CVM : <not present>
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter Limit – No CVM : <not present>
✔ Tag 'DF 11' in 'BF56' shall be present with a length of 1 byte
✔ Tag 'DF 21' in 'BF56' shall be present with a length of 1 byte
✔ Tag 'DF 31' in 'BF56' shall be present with a length of 1 byte

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Counters

Data Template('BF 56') is missing when issuer wants the velocity check to be
✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

4.3.363 VC.20.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that when Cumulative Total Transaction Amount (CTTA) card velocity check is
supported, the Amounts Data Template is present and formatted correctly.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 68: Card Additional Processes [qVSDC VCPS 2.2] : 4C 00

F0 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Low Value Check not supported
bit 7 = 1 Low Value AND CTTA Check supported
bit 6 = 0 Do not count qVSDC online transactions
bit 5 = 0 Streamlined qVSDC not supported
bit 4 = 1 PIN Tries Exceeded Check supported
bit 3 = 1 Offline international transactions are allowed
bit 2 = 0 No Card Contact Chip Preference
bit 1 = 0 Do not return Available Offline Spending Amount
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Do not include country code in determining international
bit 7 = 0 International transactions are allowed
bit 6 = 0 Enable Offline Data Authentication (ODA) for Online
bit 5 = 0 Contactless Issuer Update Processing not supported
bit 4 = 0 Count qVSDC offline transactions
bit 3 = 0 Card does not Prefer Online
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Online PIN supported for domestic transaction
bit 7 = 1 Online PIN supported for international transaction
bit 6 = 1 (Contact Chip) Offline PIN supported
bit 5 = 1 Signature supported
bit 4 = 0 Consumer Device CVM not supported
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU

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bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 4 bit 8 = 0 RFU
bit 7 = 0 RFU
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Tag BF 58: Amounts Data Template : DF 11
06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 21 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 31 06 00 00 02 00 00 00
▤ Profile: 1
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit : 00 00 02 00 00 00
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount – No CVM : <not present>
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit – No CVM : <not present>
✔ Tag 'DF 11' in 'BF58' shall be present with a length of 1 byte
✔ Tag 'DF 21' in 'BF58' shall be present with a length of 1 byte
✔ Tag 'DF 31' in 'BF58' shall be present with a length of 1 byte

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Amounts

Data Template('BF 58') is missing when issuer wants the velocity check to be
✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

4.4 AID: 'A0 00 00 00 03 10 10' Tests on Contactless transaction with

Select Application and Get Data commands

4.4.1 AD.1.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure FCI Proprietary Template is present, with (at a minimum) the mandatory data
element Processing Options Data Object List (PDOL) in its value.

▤ AD_1_003_00_ConditionsForExecution - xray.ICS.BMP 'BA 22 08'h

Test case is applicable for:
Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ FCI of ADF: 6F 40 84 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 A5 35 50 04 56 69 73 61 87 01 01 9F
38 0C 9F 66 04 9F 02 06 9F 37 04 5F 2A 02 5F 2D 04 65 6E 72 75 9F 12 04 56 69 73 61
9F 11 01 01 BF 0C 08 9F 5A 05 60 00 51 00 51
▤ Tag 6F : File Control Information (FCI) Template
▤ Tag 84 : Dedicated File (DF) Name : A0
00 00 00 03 10 10
▤ Tag A5 : File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template
▤ Tag 50 : Application Label :
56 69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 87 : Application Priority Indicator :

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without confirmation of

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without confirmation of

bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be
listed: 1
▤ Tag 9F 38: Processing Options Data Object List (PDOL) :
9F 66 04 9F 02 06 9F 37 04 5F 2A 02
▤ Tag( 1) = 9F 66 [Terminal Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2]]
▤ Tag : 9F 66
▤ Length: 04
▤ Name : Terminal Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2]
▤ Tag( 2) = 9F 02 [Transaction Amount]
▤ Tag : 9F 02
▤ Length: 06
▤ Name : Transaction Amount
▤ Tag( 3) = 9F 37 [Unpredictable Number]
▤ Tag : 9F 37
▤ Length: 04
▤ Name : Unpredictable Number
▤ Tag( 4) = 5F 2A [Transaction Currency Code]
▤ Tag : 5F 2A
▤ Length: 02
▤ Name : Transaction Currency Code
▤ Tag 5F 2D: Language Preference :
65 6E 72 75
▤ Language Preference = enru
• Language Code(1) = en; Language Name = English
• Language Code(2) = ru; Language Name = Russian
▤ Tag 9F 12: Application Preferred Name :
56 69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 9F 11: Issuer Code Table Index :
▤ Refers to Part 1 of ISO 8859
▤ Tag BF 0C: File Control Information (FCI) Issuer Discretionary Template
▤ Tag 9F 5A: Application Program
Identifier : 60 00 51 00 51
▤ Byte 1 bits 8-5 = '0110' Visa CEMEA use
▤ Byte 1 bits 4-1 = '0000' Visa regional discretion
▤ Bytes 2-3 = 00 51 AMD
▤ Bytes 4-5 = 00 51 Armenia
✔ FCI Proprietary Template (Tag 'A5') is present in SELECT ADF response
✔ PDOL (Tag '9F38') is present in the FCI Proprietary Template (Tag 'A5')

✔ AD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

mandatory data element FCI Proprietary Template ('A5'))

4.4.2 AD.1.003.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Transaction Terminal Qualifier (TTQ) is present in the PDOL with the correct

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.4.3 AD.1.003.02
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the PDOL contains the correct data elements, with the correct lengths.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 38: Processing Options Data Object List (PDOL) : 9F 66

04 9F 02 06 9F 37 04 5F 2A 02
▤ Tag( 1) = 9F 66 [Terminal Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2]]
▤ Tag : 9F 66
▤ Length: 04
▤ Name : Terminal Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2]
▤ Tag( 2) = 9F 02 [Transaction Amount]
▤ Tag : 9F 02
▤ Length: 06
▤ Name : Transaction Amount
▤ Tag( 3) = 9F 37 [Unpredictable Number]
▤ Tag : 9F 37
▤ Length: 04
▤ Name : Unpredictable Number
▤ Tag( 4) = 5F 2A [Transaction Currency Code]
▤ Tag : 5F 2A
▤ Length: 02
▤ Name : Transaction Currency Code
✔ PDOL contains TTQ Tag '9F66'
✔ TTQ length is 4 bytes
✔ PDOL contains Amount, Authorized Tag '9F02'
✔ Amount, Authorized length is 6 bytes
✔ PDOL contains Unpredictable Number Tag '9F37'
✔ Unpredictable Number length is 4 bytes

✔ AD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

mandatory data element Processing Options Data Object List (PDOL) ('9F 38'))
✔ AD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

4.4.4 AD.1.003.10
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the PDOL has the correct value for VMCPS: '9F 66 04 9F 02 06 9F 03 06 9F 1A 02
95 05 5F 2A 02 9A 03 9C 01 9F 37 04 9F 4E 14'.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VMCPS 1.4.x

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Personalization Validation Report

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.4.5 AD.1.004.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that if Application Label is present in the FCI Proprietary Template, it has a valid
length and is formatted correctly.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 50 : Application Label : 56 69

73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
✔ Application Label has valid length (1-16 bytes)
✔ Application Label contains only alphanumeric characters
✔ Application Label has upper case for all characters

✔ AD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ AD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
Label (Tag '50') shall contain only alphanumeric characters and spaces (i.e. no
punctuation, apostrophes, question marks, etc).)
✔ AD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
Label (Tag '50') shall be in uppercase for all characters, or uppercase for the
first letter of each word followed by lowercase characters.)

4.4.6 AD.1.005.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that Application Program ID is present, formatted correctly, and contains the
correct value.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 5A: Application Program Identifier : 60 00

51 00 51
▤ Byte 1 bits 8-5 = '0110' Visa CEMEA use
▤ Byte 1 bits 4-1 = '0000' Visa regional discretion
▤ Bytes 2-3 = 00 51 AMD
▤ Bytes 4-5 = 00 51 Armenia
✔ Application Program ID has valid length (1-16 bytes)
✔ Application Program ID has binary format
✔ Byte 1 contains the value that corresponds to the region of the card's issuance
▤ Tag 9F 51: Application Currency Code [VSDC] : 00 51
▤ Code (num) = 00 51
▤ Code (an) = AMD
▤ Currency = Armenian Dram

▤ Tag 5F 28: Issuer Country Code : <not

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Tag 5F 28: Issuer Country Code : <not

▤ Tag 9F 57: Issuer Country Code [VSDC] : 00 51
▤ Country Code = 00 51
▤ Country Name = Armenia
✔ Byte 2-3 contains the numeric currency code per ISO 4217
✔ Byte 4-5 contains the numeric country code per ISO 3166

✔ AD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

mandatory data element Issuer Country Code [VSDC] ('9F 5A'))
✔ AD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ AD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Format not
✔ AD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Incorrect

4.4.7 CV.19.001.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that if the Consumer Device CVM is supported, the Consecutive Transaction Counter
Limit - No CVM (CTCL-NC) the Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit - No CVM (CTTAL-NC)
are not present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 08: Application Version Number [VIS] : 00 A0

▤ VIS 1.6.0
Test not applicable, because:
Application Version Number does not indicate that the card is compliant to VCPS
2.2.1 and above
Consumer Device CVM is not supported (CAP byte 3 bit 4 is not 1b)

4.4.8 CV.21.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that if the Consecutive Transaction Counter - No CVM (CTC-NC) or Cumulative Total
Transaction Amount - No CVM (CTTA-NC) Check is supported, the Cardholder Verification
Countries List is present and has the correct country code(s)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 08: Application Version Number [VIS] : 00 A0

▤ VIS 1.6.0
Test not applicable, because:
Application Version Number does not indicate that the card is compliant to VCPS
2.2.1 and above
Cumulative Total Transaction Amount - No CVM (CTTA-NC) Check and Consecutive
Transaction Counter - No CVM (CTC-NC) Check are both not supported

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

4.4.9 DE.6.003.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that if there is more than one AID on the payment application, the labels do not

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Payment application doesn't contain more than one AID

4.4.10 DP.1.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Authentication Flags (IAF) are correctly formatted (if present).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application
IAF (tag '9F55') is not present

4.4.11 DP.1.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Authentication Flags (IAF) are correctly formatted (if present).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
IAF (tag '9F55') is not present
Card does not support Dynamic Passcode

4.4.12 DP.2.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Proprietary Bitmap is present and has an allowed length.

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application

4.4.13 DP.2.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Proprietary Bitmap is present and has an allowed length.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Card does not support Dynamic Passcode

4.4.14 DP.2.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Application Data bits of the Issuer Proprietary Bitmap are all set to

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application
Card does not support Dynamic Passcode
IPB (tag '9F56') is not present

4.4.15 ES.1.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the ICC responds to the SELECT command with a valid Visa AID.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 84 : Dedicated File (DF) Name : A0 00

00 00 03 10 10

✔ ES. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: ICC shall

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Personalization Validation Report

✔ ES. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: ICC shall

respond to Select command with valid Visa AID.)

4.4.16 ES.2.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the response to the explicit SELECT command is correct.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ FCI of ADF: 6F 40 84 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 A5 35 50 04 56 69 73 61 87 01 01 9F
38 0C 9F 66 04 9F 02 06 9F 37 04 5F 2A 02 5F 2D 04 65 6E 72 75 9F 12 04 56 69 73 61
9F 11 01 01 BF 0C 08 9F 5A 05 60 00 51 00 51
▤ Tag 6F : File Control Information (FCI) Template
▤ Tag 84 : Dedicated File (DF) Name : A0
00 00 00 03 10 10
▤ Tag A5 : File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template
▤ Tag 50 : Application Label :
56 69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 87 : Application Priority Indicator :
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without confirmation of
bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be
listed: 1
▤ Tag 9F 38: Processing Options Data Object List (PDOL) :
9F 66 04 9F 02 06 9F 37 04 5F 2A 02
▤ Tag( 1) = 9F 66 [Terminal Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2]]
▤ Tag : 9F 66
▤ Length: 04
▤ Name : Terminal Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2]
▤ Tag( 2) = 9F 02 [Transaction Amount]
▤ Tag : 9F 02
▤ Length: 06
▤ Name : Transaction Amount
▤ Tag( 3) = 9F 37 [Unpredictable Number]
▤ Tag : 9F 37
▤ Length: 04
▤ Name : Unpredictable Number
▤ Tag( 4) = 5F 2A [Transaction Currency Code]
▤ Tag : 5F 2A
▤ Length: 02
▤ Name : Transaction Currency Code
▤ Tag 5F 2D: Language Preference :
65 6E 72 75
▤ Language Preference = enru
• Language Code(1) = en; Language Name = English
• Language Code(2) = ru; Language Name = Russian
▤ Tag 9F 12: Application Preferred Name :
56 69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa

▤ Tag 9F 11: Issuer Code Table Index :

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Tag 9F 11: Issuer Code Table Index :

▤ Refers to Part 1 of ISO 8859
▤ Tag BF 0C: File Control Information (FCI) Issuer Discretionary Template
▤ Tag 9F 5A: Application Program
Identifier : 60 00 51 00 51
▤ Byte 1 bits 8-5 = '0110' Visa CEMEA use
▤ Byte 1 bits 4-1 = '0000' Visa regional discretion
▤ Bytes 2-3 = 00 51 AMD
▤ Bytes 4-5 = 00 51 Armenia
✔ FCI Template (Tag '6F') is present
✔ DF Name (Tag '84') is present in the FCI Template
✔ FCI Proprietary Template (Tag 'A5') is present in the FCI Template
✔ DF Name (Tag '84') in the FCI Template matchs the value in the SELECT Command
✔ The length of the response: 66 bytes.
✔ The length of the FCI Template: 64 bytes.

✔ ES. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Data Element

shall be a constructed data object (template) and shall contain valid TLV encoded
✔ ES. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Mandatory
data elements FCI template (Tag '6F'), DF Name (Tag '84') and FCI Proprietary
Template (Tag 'A5') shall be present in SELECT response.)
✔ ES. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Dedicated
File (DF) Name (Tag '84') in the response shall be the same value sent in the SELECT
✔ ES. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ ES. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Padding is
not allowed anywhere within the FCI template.)

4.4.17 ES.2.001.01
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that only the data elements defined by EMV Book 1 or the applicable Visa
specifications are present in FCI Issuer Discretionary Data (tag 'BF0C') returned in the
response to the SELECT ADF command.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ FCI Issuer Discretionary Data: 9F 5A 05 60 00 51 00 51

▤ Tag 9F 5A: Application Program Identifier : 60
00 51 00 51
▤ Byte 1 bits 8-5 = '0110' Visa CEMEA use
▤ Byte 1 bits 4-1 = '0000' Visa regional discretion
▤ Bytes 2-3 = 00 51 AMD
▤ Bytes 4-5 = 00 51 Armenia
✔ ES. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Only the
data elements defined by EMV 4.3, Book 1 or the applicable Visa specifications
should be present in the FCI Issuer Discretionary Data (tag 'BF0C') returned in the
response to the SELECT ADF command.)

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 201/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

4.4.18 ES.3.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the response to an explicit SELECT command is correctly formatted.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ FCI of ADF: 6F 40 84 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 A5 35 50 04 56 69 73 61 87 01 01 9F
38 0C 9F 66 04 9F 02 06 9F 37 04 5F 2A 02 5F 2D 04 65 6E 72 75 9F 12 04 56 69 73 61
9F 11 01 01 BF 0C 08 9F 5A 05 60 00 51 00 51
▤ Tag 6F : File Control Information (FCI) Template
▤ Tag 84 : Dedicated File (DF) Name : A0
00 00 00 03 10 10
▤ Tag A5 : File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template
▤ Tag 50 : Application Label :
56 69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 87 : Application Priority Indicator :
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without confirmation of
bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be
listed: 1
▤ Tag 9F 38: Processing Options Data Object List (PDOL) :
9F 66 04 9F 02 06 9F 37 04 5F 2A 02
▤ Tag( 1) = 9F 66 [Terminal Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2]]
▤ Tag : 9F 66
▤ Length: 04
▤ Name : Terminal Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2]
▤ Tag( 2) = 9F 02 [Transaction Amount]
▤ Tag : 9F 02
▤ Length: 06
▤ Name : Transaction Amount
▤ Tag( 3) = 9F 37 [Unpredictable Number]
▤ Tag : 9F 37
▤ Length: 04
▤ Name : Unpredictable Number
▤ Tag( 4) = 5F 2A [Transaction Currency Code]
▤ Tag : 5F 2A
▤ Length: 02
▤ Name : Transaction Currency Code
▤ Tag 5F 2D: Language Preference :
65 6E 72 75
▤ Language Preference = enru
• Language Code(1) = en; Language Name = English
• Language Code(2) = ru; Language Name = Russian
▤ Tag 9F 12: Application Preferred Name :
56 69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 9F 11: Issuer Code Table Index :
▤ Refers to Part 1 of ISO 8859
▤ Tag BF 0C: File Control Information (FCI) Issuer Discretionary Template
▤ Tag 9F 5A: Application Program
Identifier : 60 00 51 00 51
▤ Byte 1 bits 8-5 = '0110' Visa CEMEA use
▤ Byte 1 bits 4-1 = '0000' Visa regional discretion

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 202/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Byte 1 bits 8-5 = '0110' Visa CEMEA use

▤ Byte 1 bits 4-1 = '0000' Visa regional discretion
▤ Bytes 2-3 = 00 51 AMD
▤ Bytes 4-5 = 00 51 Armenia

✔ ES. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Unexpected

data element in the template.)

4.4.19 ES.4.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Proprietary Application Identifier Extensions (PIX) is the correct length.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 84 : Dedicated File (DF) Name : A0 00

00 00 03 10 10
▤ Proprietary Application Identifier Extensions (PIX): 10 10

✔ ES. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid


4.4.20 ES.5.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the length and value of the RID are correct.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 84 : Dedicated File (DF) Name : A0 00

00 00 03 10 10
▤ Registered Application Provider Identifier (RID): A0 00 00 00 03

✔ ES. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

value (out of range).)
✔ ES. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

4.4.21 GE.2.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that contact-only records cannot be read over the contactless interface.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 203/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Contact AFL: 08 02 02 00 10 01 02 00 28 01 03 01
▤ Contactless AFLs:
18 02 02 00
18 01 02 01 10 01 04 00

✔ Cold Card Reset

◯ Comparing atr
⃖ Evaluated: 3B 88 80 01 99 02 00 D1 03 04 22 01 67
▤ TS '3B'h
▤ T0 '88'h
▤ TA1 ''h
▤ TB1 ''h
▤ TC1 ''h
▤ TD1 '80'h
▤ TA2 ''h
▤ TB2 ''h
▤ TC2 ''h
▤ TD2 '01'h
▤ TA3 ''h
▤ TB3 ''h
▤ TC3 ''h
▤ TD3 ''h
▤ TA4 ''h
▤ TB4 ''h
▤ TC4 ''h
▤ TD4 ''h
▤ THist '99 02 00 D1 03 04 22 01'h
▤ TChk '67'h
⇦ Expected: .. ?? .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
▤ TS union
▤ '3B'h
▤ '3F'h
▤ T0 ??
▤ TA1 switch
▤ TB1 switch
▤ TC1 switch
▤ TD1 switch
▤ TA2 switch
▤ TB2 switch
▤ TC2 switch
▤ TD2 switch
▤ TA3 switch
▤ TB3 switch
▤ TC3 switch
▤ TD3 switch
▤ TA4 switch
▤ TB4 switch
▤ TC4 switch
▤ TD4 switch
▤ THist intersection
▤ QS {..}
▤ TChk switch
✔ Select Application: 2PAY.SYS.DDF01

▤ Class: 00 No secure

▤ Ins: A4 Select

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Ins: A4 Select
▤ P1: 04 Select by name
▤ P2: 00 First or only occurrence
▤ Lc: 0E
▤ Data: 32 50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31
▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ 6F 29 84 0E 32 50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46
▤ 30 31 A5 17 BF 0C 14 61 12 4F 07 A0 00 00 00 03
▤ 10 10 50 04 56 69 73 61 87 01 01
▤ SW: 90 00
▤ Tag 6F : File Control Information (FCI) Template
▤ Tag 84 : Dedicated File (DF) Name : 32
50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31
▤ PPSE Directory File Name = 2PAY.SYS.DDF01
▤ Tag A5 : File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template
▤ Tag BF 0C: File Control Information (FCI) Issuer Discretionary Template
▤ Tag 61 : Application Template
▤ Tag 4F : Application Identifier
(AID) : A0 00 00 00 03 10 10
▤ Tag 50 : Application
Label : 56 69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 87 : Application Priority
Indicator : 01
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without
confirmation of cardholder
bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be
listed: 1
✔ Select Application: A0 00 00 00 03 10 10

▤ Class: 00 No secure
▤ Ins: A4 Select
▤ P1: 04 Select by name
▤ P2: 00 First or only occurrence
▤ Lc: 07
▤ Data: A0 00 00 00 03 10 10
▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ 6F 40 84 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 A5 35 50 04 56
▤ 69 73 61 87 01 01 9F 38 0C 9F 66 04 9F 02 06 9F
▤ 37 04 5F 2A 02 5F 2D 04 65 6E 72 75 9F 12 04 56
▤ 69 73 61 9F 11 01 01 BF 0C 08 9F 5A 05 60 00 51
▤ 00 51
▤ SW: 90 00
▤ Tag 6F : File Control Information (FCI) Template
▤ Tag 84 : Dedicated File (DF) Name : A0
00 00 00 03 10 10
▤ Tag A5 : File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template
▤ Tag 50 : Application Label :
56 69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 87 : Application Priority Indicator :
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without confirmation of
bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 7-5= 000 RFU

bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be
listed: 1
▤ Tag 9F 38: Processing Options Data Object List (PDOL) :
9F 66 04 9F 02 06 9F 37 04 5F 2A 02
▤ Tag( 1) = 9F 66 [Terminal Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2]]
▤ Tag : 9F 66
▤ Length: 04
▤ Name : Terminal Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2]
▤ Tag( 2) = 9F 02 [Transaction Amount]
▤ Tag : 9F 02
▤ Length: 06
▤ Name : Transaction Amount
▤ Tag( 3) = 9F 37 [Unpredictable Number]
▤ Tag : 9F 37
▤ Length: 04
▤ Name : Unpredictable Number
▤ Tag( 4) = 5F 2A [Transaction Currency Code]
▤ Tag : 5F 2A
▤ Length: 02
▤ Name : Transaction Currency Code
▤ Tag 5F 2D: Language Preference :
65 6E 72 75
▤ Language Preference = enru
• Language Code(1) = en; Language Name = English
• Language Code(2) = ru; Language Name = Russian
▤ Tag 9F 12: Application Preferred Name :
56 69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 9F 11: Issuer Code Table Index :
▤ Refers to Part 1 of ISO 8859
▤ Tag BF 0C: File Control Information (FCI) Issuer Discretionary Template
▤ Tag 9F 5A: Application Program
Identifier : 60 00 51 00 51
▤ Byte 1 bits 8-5 = '0110' Visa CEMEA use
▤ Byte 1 bits 4-1 = '0000' Visa regional discretion
▤ Bytes 2-3 = 00 51 AMD
▤ Bytes 4-5 = 00 51 Armenia
✔ Get Processing Options
▤ PDOL Data
▤ Tag 9F 66: Terminal Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2] : A7
00 00 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 MSD supported
▤ Byte 1 bit 7 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 1 bit 6 = 1 qVSDC supported
▤ Byte 1 bit 5 = 0 EMV contact chip not supported
▤ Byte 1 bit 4 = 0 Reader is Online Capable
▤ Byte 1 bit 3 = 1 Online PIN supported
▤ Byte 1 bit 2 = 1 Signature supported
▤ Byte 1 bit 1 = 1 Offline Data Authentication (ODA) for Online
Authorizations supported
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Online cryptogram not required
▤ Byte 2 bit 7 = 0 CVM not required
▤ Byte 2 bit 6 = 0 (Contact Chip) Offline PIN not supported
▤ Byte 2 bit 5 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 2 bit 4 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 2 bit 3 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 2 bit 2 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 2 bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Issuer Update Processing not supported

▤ Byte 3 bit 7 = 0 Mobile functionality not supported (Consumer Device

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Byte 3 bit 7 = 0 Mobile functionality not supported (Consumer Device

▤ Byte 3 bit 6 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 3 bit 5 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 3 bit 4 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 3 bit 3 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 3 bit 2 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 3 bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 4 bit 8 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 4 bit 7 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 4 bit 6 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 4 bit 5 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 4 bit 4 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 4 bit 3 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 4 bit 2 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 4 bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Tag 9F 02: Transaction Amount : 00
00 00 00 00 01
▤ Amount value: 0.01
▤ Tag 9F 37: Unpredictable Number : 01
02 03 04
▤ Tag 5F 2A: Transaction Currency Code : 06
▤ Code (num) = 06 43
▤ Code (an) = RUB
▤ Currency = Russian Ruble

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: A8 Get Processing Options
▤ P1: 00
▤ P2: 00
▤ Lc: 12
▤ Data: 83 10 A7 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 02 03 04 06 43
▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ 77 81 DA 82 02 20 20 94 08 18 01 02 01 10 01 04
▤ 00 57 13 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 D2 50 52 21 17
▤ 71 68 80 00 00 0F 5F 20 02 20 2F 5F 34 01 01 9F
▤ 10 07 06 01 11 03 90 20 00 9F 26 08 82 67 77 BA
▤ 17 3E 2C 34 9F 27 01 40 9F 36 02 00 07 9F 4B 81
▤ 80 07 1A 3A 95 32 25 15 B9 8A 83 E2 FA 3C 33 C4
▤ 7D 1E 98 0A B2 C3 B7 CD 23 8C 52 DB BA 98 1D FC
▤ FD A1 EA 88 99 45 BA EC C3 5D DE A8 03 60 73 58
▤ B4 33 FD 4F B7 BE 73 B2 36 B6 59 D0 4F 02 53 7F
▤ A6 C4 29 C0 5D CE 77 B9 60 BC F9 24 F6 0B CC 72
▤ 52 D2 0E 41 33 EF E4 C5 B2 77 31 D4 F5 6C FF A7
▤ 38 9F 22 BB 5B 8F 4E C0 F1 F4 BD 15 54 BA 0D F6
▤ 9C 36 B4 85 E2 B1 8B AC AB 11 67 CE 70 16 83 2A
▤ 02 9F 6C 02 28 00 9F 6E 04 20 70 00 00
▤ SW: 90 00
▤ Tag 77 : Response Message Template Format 2
▤ Tag 82 : Application Interchange Profile [VCPS] : 20
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 RFU
bit 7 = 0 Offline static data authentication is NOT supported
for online authorizations
bit 6 = 1 Offline dynamic data authentication is supported
bit 5 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 4 = 0 Not used for VCPS

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 207/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

bit 4 = 0 Not used for VCPS

bit 3 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 2 = 0 RFU / Not used for VCPS (VCPS 2.2)
bit 1 = 0 Not used for VCPS
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 MSD is NOT supported
bit 7 = 0 Mobile handset
bit 6 = 1 Contactless transaction
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Tag 94 : Application File Locator (AFL) : 18
01 02 01 10 01 04 00
▤ AFL (1) = 18 01 02 01
▤ SFI (decimal) = 3
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 1
▤ AFL (2) = 10 01 04 00
▤ SFI (decimal) = 2
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 4
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0
▤ Tag 57 : Track 2 Equivalent Data : 48
89 62 00 14 09 79 20 D2 50 52 21 17 71 68 80 00 00 0F
▤ PAN = 4889620014097920
▤ Separator field = D
▤ Expiry Date (YY/MM) = 25/05
▤ Service Code = 221
▤ Discretionary Data = 1771688000000F
▤ (may be padded with one 'F')
▤ Tag 5F 20: Cardholder Name : 20
▤ Text value = /
▤ Tag 5F 34: Application PAN Sequence Number : 01
▤ Tag 9F 10: Issuer Application Data [VIS 1.6] : 06
01 11 03 90 20 00
▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 11 03 90 20 00
▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 11
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 90 20 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')
▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested
bit 6-5 = 01 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: TC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not
bit 1 = 0 Able to go online or offline transaction
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Last online transaction completed
bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded
bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters
bit 5 = 0 No new card
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last
online transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 208/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online

authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card
bit 1 = 0 RFU for VIS 1.6
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed
bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or
was not performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication not
bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-
Expecting card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification
not supported)
▤ Tag 9F 26: Application Cryptogram (AC) : 82
67 77 BA 17 3E 2C 34
▤ Tag 9F 27: Cryptogram Information Data (CID) : 40
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-7 = 01 TC
bit 6-5 = 00 Payment System specific cryptogram
bit 4 = 0 No advice required
bit 3-1 = 000 No information given
▤ Tag 9F 36: Application Transaction Counter (ATC) : 00
▤ Decimal value = 7
▤ Tag 9F 4B: Signed Dynamic Application Data : 07
1A 3A 95 32 25 15 B9 8A 83 E2 FA 3C 33 C4 7D 1E 98 0A B2 C3 B7 CD 23 8C 52 DB
BA 98 1D FC FD A1 EA 88 99 45 BA EC C3 5D DE A8 03 60 73 58 B4 33 FD 4F B7 BE
73 B2 36 B6 59 D0 4F 02 53 7F A6 C4 29 C0 5D CE 77 B9 60 BC F9 24 F6 0B CC 72
52 D2 0E 41 33 EF E4 C5 B2 77 31 D4 F5 6C FF A7 38 9F 22 BB 5B 8F 4E C0 F1 F4
BD 15 54 BA 0D F6 9C 36 B4 85 E2 B1 8B AC AB 11 67 CE 70 16 83 2A 02
▤ Tag 9F 6C: Card Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2] : 28
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Online PIN not required
bit 7 = 0 Signature not required
bit 6 = 1 Go online if Offline Data Authentication fails and
Reader is online capable
bit 5 = 0 Do not switch interface if Offline Data
Authentication fails and Reader supports contact chip
bit 4 = 1 Go Online if Application Expired
bit 3 = 0 Do not switch interface for Cash Transactions
bit 2 = 0 Do not switch interface for Cashback Transactions
bit 1 = 0 Valid for contactless ATM transactions
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Consumer Device CVM not performed
bit 7 = 0 Card does not support Issuer Update Processing at the
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Tag 9F 6E: Form Factor Indicator [qVSDC] : 20
70 00 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-6 = 001 Form Factor Indicator Version Number: 1
bit 5-1 = 00000 Consumer Payment Device Form Factor: Standard Card
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not passcode capable
bit 7 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a signature panel
bit 6 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a hologram
bit 5 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device is capable of CVV2
bit 4 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is incapable of two-
way messaging
bit 3 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not using cloud-
based payment credentials
bit 2 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is using Biometric

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 209/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

bit 2 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is using Biometric

Cardholder Verification not Capable
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 3: 00 RFU
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5: RFU
bit 4-1: 0000 Payment Transaction Technology: Proximity
contactless interface using ISO 14443
✔ Read Record 2 of SFI 1

▤ Class: 00 No secure
▤ Ins: B2 Read Record SFI 1
▤ P1: 02 Record 2
▤ P2: 0C SFI 1
▤ Lc:
▤ Data:
▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ SW: 6A 83
✔ Read Record 1 of SFI 5

▤ Class: 00 No secure
▤ Ins: B2 Read Record SFI 5
▤ P1: 01 Record 1
▤ P2: 2C SFI 5
▤ Lc:
▤ Data:
▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ SW: 6A 83
✔ Read Record 2 of SFI 5

▤ Class: 00 No secure
▤ Ins: B2 Read Record SFI 5
▤ P1: 02 Record 2
▤ P2: 2C SFI 5
▤ Lc:
▤ Data:
▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ SW: 6A 83
✔ Read Record 3 of SFI 5

▤ Class: 00 No secure
▤ Ins: B2 Read Record SFI 5
▤ P1: 03 Record 3
▤ P2: 2C SFI 5
▤ Lc:
▤ Data:
▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ SW: 6A 83

✔ GE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Contact-

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 210/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

✔ GE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Contact-

only record was readable over the contactless interface.)

4.4.22 GE.3.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description Check for Issuer specific tags (that meet the following criteria) and report warnings with
details if found: - The coding of constructed context-specific class BER-TLV Data Objects in the
ranges'BF01' to 'BF0B', 'BF0D' to 'BF0F', and 'BF70' to 'BF7F' is left to the discretion of the
issuer. - The coding of primitive and constructed private class BER-TLV Data Objects(excluding
the Visa defined data templates*) is left to the discretion of the issuer. * Visa defined data
templates: - VIS: 'BF55' – 'BF5B' - VCPS: 'BF55' – 'BF58', 'BF5B' .

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

• Coding left to the discretion of the issuer for tags:


✔ GE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The issuer

specific constructed context-specific class BER-TLV data objects found on the card
are none.)
✔ GE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The issuer
specific primitive and constructed private class BER-TLV data objects found on the
card are none.)

4.4.23 GE.3.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description Check the length field of BER-TLV Data Objects: - If the length field of any BER-TLV Data Object
is within 1 to 127, it should be coded by 1 byte with b8 is set to 0- BER-TLV Data Objects
without the value field (the length field is equal to '00') should not be present.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ GE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Length is

coded on 2 bytes instead of 1 byte.)
✔ GE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: BER-TLV
Data Objects without the value field is present.)

4.4.24 ID.1.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that if the Application Default Action is present, it has the correct length and RFU

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VCPS 2.0.2 VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.4.25 ID.1.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that if the Application Default Action is present, it has the correct length and RFU

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 52: Application Default Action [VSDC VIS 1.6] : 82 38

00 00 00 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 If Issuer Authentication failure, transmit next
transaction online
bit 7 = 0 No action required if Issuer Authentication performed and
bit 6 = 0 No action required if Issuer Authentication is mandatory
and no ARPC received
bit 5 = 0 No action required if transaction declined offline
bit 4 = 0 No action required if PIN Try Limit exceeded on current
transaction and transaction is declined
bit 3 = 0 No action required if transaction declined because issuer
authentication failed or not performed
bit 2 = 1 If new card, transmit transaction online
bit 1 = 0 No action required if new card and unable to transmit
transaction online
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Application is not blocked if PIN Try Limit exceeded on
current transaction
bit 7 = 0 Transaction is not declined if PIN Try Limit exceeded on
previous transaction
bit 6 = 1 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction,
transmit transaction online
bit 5 = 1 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction,
decline if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 4 = 1 If issuer script failed on a previous transaction
transmit transaction online
bit 3 = 0 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction, no
action required to decline the current transaction and block the application
bit 2 = 0 Reset CTTA to zero during GENERATE AC
bit 1 = 0 Reset VLP Available Funds to VLP Funds Limit during
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Include offline approved transactions in the transaction
bit 7 = 0 Include online approved transactions in the transaction
bit 6 = 0 Do not include declined transactions in the transaction
bit 5 = 0 Do not reset VLP Available Funds to VLP Funds Limit when
offline PIN is successfully verified
bit 4 = 0 Count declined transactions

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 4 = 0 Count declined transactions

bit 3 = 0 Do not use Issuer Script MAC Chaining Option
bit 2 = 0 Issuer Script Command Counter is not cyclic
bit 1 = 0 CTCI does not count non-matching country code
▤ Byte 4 bit 8 = 0 Do not use Default Update Counters in ADA if CSU is
generated by a proxy (RFU bit for card with CVN 10)
bits 7-6 = 00 Do not update velocity-checking counters (RFU bits for
card with CVN 10)
bit 5 = 0 Padding method 80 not supported for IDD MACing
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 5 bit 8-5 = 0000 RFU
bit 4 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not performed or not
successful, no action required to send transaction online
bit 3 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not performed, no action
required to decline if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 2 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not successful, no action
required to decline if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 1 = 0 Secure Messaging not uses EMV Session key-based
▤ Byte 6 bit 8 = 0 CDCVM not Supported
bit 7-1 = 0000000 RFU
✔ ADA length is 6 bytes
✔ ADA Byte 4 bits 4-1, Byte 5 bits 8-5, and Byte 6 set to 0

✔ ID. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ ID. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not
used for VCPS' bits shall be set to zero)

4.4.26 ID.1.003.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Application Default Action (Tag '9F52') is not present when it is not required.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Issuer Authentication is NOT supported

• Transaction Logging is not supported

Test not applicable, because:

Offline PIN is supported

4.4.27 ID.1.004.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that if the Application Default Action is present, it has the correct length and RFU/"
Not used for VCPS" settings

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 08: Application Version Number [VIS] : 00 A0

▤ VIS 1.6.0
Test not applicable, because:
Application Version Number does not indicate that the card is compliant to VCPS
2.2.1 and above
Application is not contactless-only

4.4.28 ID.1.004.02
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that if the Application Default Action is present, it has the correct length and RFU

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 08: Application Version Number [VIS] : 00 A0

▤ VIS 1.6.0
▤ Tag 9F 52: Application Default Action [VSDC VIS 1.6] : 82 38
00 00 00 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 If Issuer Authentication failure, transmit next
transaction online
bit 7 = 0 No action required if Issuer Authentication performed and
bit 6 = 0 No action required if Issuer Authentication is mandatory
and no ARPC received
bit 5 = 0 No action required if transaction declined offline
bit 4 = 0 No action required if PIN Try Limit exceeded on current
transaction and transaction is declined
bit 3 = 0 No action required if transaction declined because issuer
authentication failed or not performed
bit 2 = 1 If new card, transmit transaction online
bit 1 = 0 No action required if new card and unable to transmit
transaction online
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Application is not blocked if PIN Try Limit exceeded on
current transaction
bit 7 = 0 Transaction is not declined if PIN Try Limit exceeded on
previous transaction
bit 6 = 1 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction,
transmit transaction online
bit 5 = 1 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction,
decline if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 4 = 1 If issuer script failed on a previous transaction
transmit transaction online
bit 3 = 0 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction, no
action required to decline the current transaction and block the application
bit 2 = 0 Reset CTTA to zero during GENERATE AC
bit 1 = 0 Reset VLP Available Funds to VLP Funds Limit during
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Include offline approved transactions in the transaction

bit 7 = 0 Include online approved transactions in the transaction

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bit 7 = 0 Include online approved transactions in the transaction

bit 6 = 0 Do not include declined transactions in the transaction
bit 5 = 0 Do not reset VLP Available Funds to VLP Funds Limit when
offline PIN is successfully verified
bit 4 = 0 Count declined transactions
bit 3 = 0 Do not use Issuer Script MAC Chaining Option
bit 2 = 0 Issuer Script Command Counter is not cyclic
bit 1 = 0 CTCI does not count non-matching country code
▤ Byte 4 bit 8 = 0 Do not use Default Update Counters in ADA if CSU is
generated by a proxy (RFU bit for card with CVN 10)
bits 7-6 = 00 Do not update velocity-checking counters (RFU bits for
card with CVN 10)
bit 5 = 0 Padding method 80 not supported for IDD MACing
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 5 bit 8-5 = 0000 RFU
bit 4 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not performed or not
successful, no action required to send transaction online
bit 3 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not performed, no action
required to decline if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 2 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not successful, no action
required to decline if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 1 = 0 Secure Messaging not uses EMV Session key-based
▤ Byte 6 bit 8 = 0 CDCVM not Supported
bit 7-1 = 0000000 RFU
✔ ADA length is 6 bytes
✔ ADA Byte 4 bits 4-1, Byte 5 bits 8-5, and Byte 6, bits 7-1 set to 0

✔ ID. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ ID. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not
used for VCPS' bits shall be set to zero)

4.4.29 ID.1.004.05
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that if the Application Default Action is present, it has the correct length and RFU/"
Not used for VCPS" settings

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Application is not contactless-only

4.4.30 ID.4.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable

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Personalization Validation Report

Test description To ensure that the Card CVM Limit (Tag '9F6B') is the correct length and format (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card CVM Limit (tag '9F6B') is not present

4.4.31 ID.4.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the Card CVM Limit is not present or if present, contains the maximum possible

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 6B: Card CVM Limit [qVSDC] : <not


✔ ID. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Card CVM

Limit (tag '9F6B') should not be present or, when present, it must contain the
maximum possible value.)

4.4.32 ID.6.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that VLP Available Funds data element is present and has the correct length and
format (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• Card supports Low Value Check and Low Value and CTTA Check
▤ Tag 9F 79: VLP Available Funds [VSDC] : 00 00
00 00 00 00
▤ Amount value: 0.00
✔ VLP Available Funds length is 6 bytes
✔ VLP Available Funds format: numeric

✔ ID. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Required

VLP data element not present.)
✔ ID. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ ID. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Format not

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Personalization Validation Report

4.4.33 ID.8.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that VLP Reset Threshold data element has the correct length and format (when

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

VLP Reset Threshold (Tag '9F 6D' or 'DF 61' in 'BF 55' is not present.

4.4.34 ID.8.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the VLP Reset Threshold data element is not present (when not applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card supports Low Value Check or Low Value and CTTA Check

4.4.35 ID.8.003.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the VLP Reset Threshold is less than or equal to the VLP Funds Limit (when

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

VLP Reset Threshold (Tag '9F6D') is not present

4.4.36 ID.9.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the VLP Single Transaction Limit data element has the correct length and
format (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 78: VLP Single Transaction Limit [VSDC] : 00 00

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Tag 9F 78: VLP Single Transaction Limit [VSDC] : 00 00

00 00 00 00
▤ Amount value: 0.00
✔ VLP Single Transaction Limit length is 6 bytes
✔ VLP Single Transaction Limit format: numeric

✔ ID. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ ID. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Format not

4.4.37 ID.10.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure the Contactless CVM Priority List (if present) has the correct length and value

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Contactless CVM Priority List (tag 'DF 05' in template 'BF 5B') is not present

4.4.38 ID.11.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure Geographic Restrictions functionality 'Restricted for domestic transactions' and
'Restricted for international transactions' are both not activated

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag DF 06: Unknown Data Element : <not

▤ Tag 9F 08: Application Version Number [VIS] : 00 A0
▤ VIS 1.6.0
Test not applicable, because:
Geographic Restrictions data element (tag 'DF06' in 'BF5B') is not present
Application Version Number does not indicate that the card is compliant to VIS
1.6.3/VCPS 2.2.4

4.4.39 ID.11.001.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure Issuer Country Code (tag '9F57') is present when Geographic Restrictions
functionality is supported

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.2.x

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Specification: VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag DF 06: Unknown Data Element : <not

▤ Tag 9F 08: Application Version Number [VIS] : 00 A0
▤ VIS 1.6.0
Test not applicable, because:
Geographic Restrictions data element (tag 'DF06' in 'BF5B') is not present
Application Version Number does not indicate that the card is compliant to VIS
1.6.3/VCPS 2.2.4

4.4.40 ID.11.001.02
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure PDOL is present and contains Terminal Country Code (tag '9F1A') if Geographic
Restrictions functionality is supported.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag DF 06: Unknown Data Element : <not

▤ Tag 9F 08: Application Version Number [VIS] : 00 A0
▤ VIS 1.6.0
Test not applicable, because:
Geographic Restrictions data element (tag 'DF06' in 'BF5B') is not present
Application Version Number does not indicate that the card is compliant to VIS
1.6.3/VCPS 2.2.4
Contactless application does not support CVN 17 (see ICS)

4.4.41 MS.1.001.00
Verdict Failed
Test description To ensure that Track 1 is present and formatted correctly

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Track 1:
▤ Track 1 (ASCII) :
✘ MS. Failure: Track 1 shall be present on the Magnetic Stripe.

4.4.42 MS.1.002.00
Verdict Inconclusive
Test description To ensure the consistency of data elements between Track 1 Data and Track 2 Data on the
magnetic stripe

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Magnetic stripe, Track 1 is empty

Magnetic stripe, Track 2 is empty

4.4.43 MS.2.001.00
Verdict Failed
Test description To ensure the Track 2 on the magnetic stripe is present and is formatted correctly

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Track 2:
▤ Track 2 ISO (ASCII) :
✘ MS. Failure: Track 2 shall be present on the Magnetic Stripe.

4.4.44 PP.1.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the response of the SELECT PPSE command is correct

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ FCI of PPSE: 6F 29 84 0E 32 50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31 A5 17 BF 0C 14
61 12 4F 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 50 04 56 69 73 61 87 01 01
▤ Tag 6F : File Control Information (FCI) Template
▤ Tag 84 : Dedicated File (DF) Name : 32
50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31
▤ PPSE Directory File Name = 2PAY.SYS.DDF01
▤ Tag A5 : File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template
▤ Tag BF 0C: File Control Information (FCI) Issuer Discretionary Template
▤ Tag 61 : Application Template
▤ Tag 4F : Application Identifier
(AID) : A0 00 00 00 03 10 10
▤ Tag 50 : Application
Label : 56 69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 87 : Application Priority
Indicator : 01
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without
confirmation of cardholder
bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be
listed: 1

✔ PP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Data Element

shall be encoded in TLV format.)

✔ PP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

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Personalization Validation Report

✔ PP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ PP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Mandatory
data elements FCI template (Tag '6F'), DF Name (Tag '84') and FCI Proprietary
Template (Tag 'A5') shall be present in SELECT response.)

4.4.45 PP.1.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the DF Name is correctly formatted and contains a valid value

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ FCI of PPSE: 6F 29 84 0E 32 50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31 A5 17 BF 0C 14
61 12 4F 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 50 04 56 69 73 61 87 01 01
▤ Tag 6F : File Control Information (FCI) Template
▤ Tag 84 : Dedicated File (DF) Name : 32
50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31
▤ PPSE Directory File Name = 2PAY.SYS.DDF01
▤ Tag A5 : File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template
▤ Tag BF 0C: File Control Information (FCI) Issuer Discretionary Template
▤ Tag 61 : Application Template
▤ Tag 4F : Application Identifier
(AID) : A0 00 00 00 03 10 10
▤ Tag 50 : Application
Label : 56 69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 87 : Application Priority
Indicator : 01
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without
confirmation of cardholder
bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be
listed: 1

✔ PP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ PP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
value (out of range).)

4.4.46 PP.1.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the FCI Proprietary Template contains the mandatory data element FCI Issuer
Discretionary Data included in its value

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ FCI of PPSE: 6F 29 84 0E 32 50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31 A5 17 BF 0C 14
61 12 4F 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 50 04 56 69 73 61 87 01 01
▤ Tag 6F : File Control Information (FCI) Template

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▤ Tag 6F : File Control Information (FCI) Template

▤ Tag 84 : Dedicated File (DF) Name : 32
50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31
▤ PPSE Directory File Name = 2PAY.SYS.DDF01
▤ Tag A5 : File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template
▤ Tag BF 0C: File Control Information (FCI) Issuer Discretionary Template
▤ Tag 61 : Application Template
▤ Tag 4F : Application Identifier
(AID) : A0 00 00 00 03 10 10
▤ Tag 50 : Application
Label : 56 69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 87 : Application Priority
Indicator : 01
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without
confirmation of cardholder
bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be
listed: 1

✔ PP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

mandatory data element FCI Issuer Discretionary Data ('BF 0C'))

4.4.47 PP.1.003.01
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that a minimum of one Directory Entry is present in the FCI Issuer Discretionary
Data with the mandatory data element DF Name included in its value

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ FCI of PPSE: 6F 29 84 0E 32 50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31 A5 17 BF 0C 14
61 12 4F 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 50 04 56 69 73 61 87 01 01
▤ Tag 6F : File Control Information (FCI) Template
▤ Tag 84 : Dedicated File (DF) Name : 32
50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31
▤ PPSE Directory File Name = 2PAY.SYS.DDF01
▤ Tag A5 : File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template
▤ Tag BF 0C: File Control Information (FCI) Issuer Discretionary Template
▤ Tag 61 : Application Template
▤ Tag 4F : Application Identifier
(AID) : A0 00 00 00 03 10 10
▤ Tag 50 : Application
Label : 56 69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 87 : Application Priority
Indicator : 01
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without
confirmation of cardholder
bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be
listed: 1

▤ Directory Entry 01: 4F 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 50 04 56 69 73 61 87 01 01

▤ Tag 4F : Application Identifier (AID) : A0 00
00 00 03 10 10
▤ Tag 50 : Application Label : 56

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▤ Tag 50 : Application Label : 56

69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 87 : Application Priority Indicator : 01
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without confirmation of
bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be listed:

✔ PP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

mandatory data element DF Name ('4F'))

4.4.48 PP.1.003.02
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the mandatory data element DF Name has a valid length and the correct value

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ FCI of PPSE: 6F 29 84 0E 32 50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31 A5 17 BF 0C 14
61 12 4F 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 50 04 56 69 73 61 87 01 01
▤ Tag 6F : File Control Information (FCI) Template
▤ Tag 84 : Dedicated File (DF) Name : 32
50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31
▤ PPSE Directory File Name = 2PAY.SYS.DDF01
▤ Tag A5 : File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template
▤ Tag BF 0C: File Control Information (FCI) Issuer Discretionary Template
▤ Tag 61 : Application Template
▤ Tag 4F : Application Identifier
(AID) : A0 00 00 00 03 10 10
▤ Tag 50 : Application
Label : 56 69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 87 : Application Priority
Indicator : 01
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without
confirmation of cardholder
bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be
listed: 1

▤ Directory Entry 01: 4F 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 50 04 56 69 73 61 87 01 01

▤ Tag 4F : Application Identifier (AID) : A0 00
00 00 03 10 10
▤ Tag 50 : Application Label : 56
69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 87 : Application Priority Indicator : 01
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without confirmation of
bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be listed:
▤ DF Name in Directory Entry 01: A0 00 00 00 03 10 10
✔ DF Name has valid length
✔ DF Name has valid value

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✔ DF Name has valid length

✔ DF Name has valid value

✔ PP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ PP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
value (out of range).)

4.4.49 PP.1.003.03
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that if the Application Label is present in the Directory Entry (Tag '61'), it has a valid
length and is formatted correctly

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ FCI of PPSE: 6F 29 84 0E 32 50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31 A5 17 BF 0C 14
61 12 4F 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 50 04 56 69 73 61 87 01 01
▤ Tag 6F : File Control Information (FCI) Template
▤ Tag 84 : Dedicated File (DF) Name : 32
50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31
▤ PPSE Directory File Name = 2PAY.SYS.DDF01
▤ Tag A5 : File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template
▤ Tag BF 0C: File Control Information (FCI) Issuer Discretionary Template
▤ Tag 61 : Application Template
▤ Tag 4F : Application Identifier
(AID) : A0 00 00 00 03 10 10
▤ Tag 50 : Application
Label : 56 69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 87 : Application Priority
Indicator : 01
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without
confirmation of cardholder
bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be
listed: 1

▤ Directory Entry 01: 4F 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 50 04 56 69 73 61 87 01 01

▤ Tag 4F : Application Identifier (AID) : A0 00
00 00 03 10 10
▤ Tag 50 : Application Label : 56
69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 87 : Application Priority Indicator : 01
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without confirmation of
bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be listed:
▤ Application Label in Directory Entry 01: 56 69 73 61
✔ Application Label has valid length
✔ Application Label contains only ans characters

✔ PP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Format not


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Personalization Validation Report

4.4.50 PP.1.003.04
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that if multiple Directory Entries are present in the FCI Issuer Discretionary Data
(Tag 'BF 0C'), the Application Priority Indicator is present in each Directory Entry, with the
correct length, format, and value; and Applications in the PPSE have different AIDs

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Not a multi-application card

4.4.51 PP.1.003.06
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that several data elements of the PPSE do not occur more than once.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 6F : File Control Information (FCI) Template

▤ Tag 84 : Dedicated File (DF) Name : 32
50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31
▤ PPSE Directory File Name = 2PAY.SYS.DDF01
▤ Tag A5 : File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template
▤ Tag BF 0C: File Control Information (FCI) Issuer Discretionary Template
▤ Tag 61 : Application Template
▤ Tag 4F : Application Identifier (AID) :
A0 00 00 00 03 10 10
▤ Tag 50 : Application
Label : 56 69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 87 : Application Priority
Indicator : 01
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without confirmation
of cardholder
bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be
listed: 1

✔ PP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Tag '6F'

occurs more than once in the PPSE FCI root.)
✔ PP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Tag '84'
occurs more than once in the PPSE FCI root under tag '6F'.)
✔ PP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Tag 'A5'
occurs more than once in the PPSE FCI root under tag '6F'.)
✔ PP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Tag 'BF 0C'
occurs more than once in the PPSE FCI root under tag 'A5'.)

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Personalization Validation Report

4.4.52 PP.1.003.07
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the PPSE FCI does not contain any spacing or other tags besides tag '6F'.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ PPSE FCI: 6F 29 84 0E 32 50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31 A5 17 BF 0C 14 61
12 4F 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 50 04 56 69 73 61 87 01 01
▤ Tag 6F : File Control Information (FCI) Template
▤ Tag 84 : Dedicated File (DF) Name : 32
50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31
▤ PPSE Directory File Name = 2PAY.SYS.DDF01
▤ Tag A5 : File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template
▤ Tag BF 0C: File Control Information (FCI) Issuer Discretionary Template
▤ Tag 61 : Application Template
▤ Tag 4F : Application Identifier
(AID) : A0 00 00 00 03 10 10
▤ Tag 50 : Application
Label : 56 69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 87 : Application Priority
Indicator : 01
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without
confirmation of cardholder
bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be
listed: 1

✔ PP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Spacing

occurs in the root of the PPSE FCI.)
✔ PP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Extra tags
occur in the root of the PPSE FCI.)

4.4.53 PP.1.003.08
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that FCI template '6F' in PPSE FCI does not contain any spacing or tags other than
'84' and 'A5'.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ PPSE FCI: 84 0E 32 50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31 A5 17 BF 0C 14 61 12 4F
07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 50 04 56 69 73 61 87 01 01
▤ Tag 84 : Dedicated File (DF) Name : 32
50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31
▤ PPSE Directory File Name = 2PAY.SYS.DDF01
▤ Tag A5 : File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template
▤ Tag BF 0C: File Control Information (FCI) Issuer Discretionary Template
▤ Tag 61 : Application Template
▤ Tag 4F : Application Identifier (AID) :
A0 00 00 00 03 10 10
▤ Tag 50 : Application

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 226/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Tag 50 : Application
Label : 56 69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 87 : Application Priority
Indicator : 01
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without confirmation
of cardholder
bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be
listed: 1

✔ PP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Spacing

occurs under tag '6F' in the root of PPSE FCI.)
✔ PP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Extra tags
occur under tag '6F' in the root of PPSE FCI.)

4.4.54 PP.1.003.09
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure FCI Issuer Discretionary Data (tag 'BF0C') in the FCI Template (tag '6F') does not
contain any spacing

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ FCI Issuer Discretionary Data : 61 12 4F 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 50 04 56 69 73 61

87 01 01
▤ Tag 61 : Application Template
▤ Tag 4F : Application Identifier (AID) : A0
00 00 00 03 10 10
▤ Tag 50 : Application Label : 56
69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 87 : Application Priority Indicator : 01
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without confirmation of
bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be
listed: 1

✔ PP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Spacing

occurs under tag 'BF0C' in the FCI template '6F' in the root of PPSE FCI.)

4.4.55 PP.1.003.10
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Priority Indicator, Application Label, and Application Identifier
do not occur more than once in each Directory Entry under FCI Issuer Discretionary Data.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Directory Entry under FCI Issuer Discretionary Data :

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 227/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Directory Entry under FCI Issuer Discretionary Data :

▤ Tag 4F : Application Identifier (AID) : A0 00
00 00 03 10 10
▤ Tag 50 : Application Label : 56
69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 87 : Application Priority Indicator : 01
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without confirmation of
bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be listed:
✔ Application Identifier (Tag '4F') does not occur more than once
✔ Application Label (Tag '50') does not occur more than once
✔ Application Priority Indicator (Tag '87') does not occur more than once

✔ PP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Tag '4F'

occurs more than once in the PPSE FCI Issuer Discretionary Data under tag '61'.)
✔ PP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Tag '50'
occurs more than once in Directory Entry under FCI Issuer Discretionary Data.)
✔ PP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Tag '87'
occurs more than once in Directory Entry under FCI Issuer Discretionary Data.)

4.4.56 PP.1.003.11
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the length of the Application Identifier (tag '4F') is correct.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

• Number of applications found in the PPSE: 1

✔ Single application with AID A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 has the minimum required length

of 7.

✔ PP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The AID

shall have a minimum length of 7 bytes if a single contactless application is

4.4.57 PP.1.003.12
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check the correctness of the Directory Discretionary Template (tag '73') (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Directory Discretionary Template (tag '73') is not present

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 228/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

4.4.58 PP.1.004.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that if the Kernel ID is present, it is the correct length

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ FCI of PPSE: 6F 29 84 0E 32 50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31 A5 17 BF 0C 14
61 12 4F 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 50 04 56 69 73 61 87 01 01
▤ Tag 6F : File Control Information (FCI) Template
▤ Tag 84 : Dedicated File (DF) Name : 32
50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31
▤ PPSE Directory File Name = 2PAY.SYS.DDF01
▤ Tag A5 : File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template
▤ Tag BF 0C: File Control Information (FCI) Issuer Discretionary Template
▤ Tag 61 : Application Template
▤ Tag 4F : Application Identifier
(AID) : A0 00 00 00 03 10 10
▤ Tag 50 : Application
Label : 56 69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 87 : Application Priority
Indicator : 01
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without
confirmation of cardholder
bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be
listed: 1

▤ Directory Entry 01: 4F 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 50 04 56 69 73 61 87 01 01

▤ Tag 4F : Application Identifier (AID) : A0 00
00 00 03 10 10
▤ Tag 50 : Application Label : 56
69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 87 : Application Priority Indicator : 01
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without confirmation of
bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be listed:
▤ Kernel Identifier in Directory Entry 01: <not present>

✔ PP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid


4.4.59 SE.2.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Preferred Name is formatted correctly (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 229/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 12: Application Preferred Name : 56 69

73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Format not

4.4.60 SE.2.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Code Table Index is present when the Application Preferred Name is

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 11: Issuer Code Table Index : 01

▤ Refers to Part 1 of ISO 8859
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Associated
Data Element (Issuer Code Index Table (Tag '9F11')) shall be present if Application
Preferred Name (Tag '9F12') is present.)

4.4.61 SE.3.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Label (if present) specifies that the card is a Visa application

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 50 : Application Label : 56 69

73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
Label shall contain the word "Visa" or "VISA".)

4.4.62 SE.3.003.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Application Label (if present) contains the correct value for a Visa Electron

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 230/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application

4.4.63 SE.3.004.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Application Label (if present) contains the correct for a Visa Plus application

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application

4.4.64 SE.3.005.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the Application Label is consistent with the Visa recommended value for DPA

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application

4.4.65 SE.6.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Priority Indicator (if present) contains the correct length and

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 87 : Application Priority Indicator : 01

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without confirmation of
bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be listed: 1
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 231/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not

used for VCPS' bits shall be set to zero)

4.4.66 SE.6.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that cardholder confirmation is not supported (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 87 : Application Priority Indicator : 01

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without confirmation of
bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be listed: 1

• Contactless application.
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
Priority Indicator (tag '87') byte 1 bit 8 must be set to 0b.)

4.4.67 SE.6.003.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the Application Priority Indicator is not set to 0 (for a multi-payment card)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Not a multi-application card.

4.4.68 SE.6.003.01
Verdict Observation
Test description To check that the Application Priority Indicator is not present when it is not required (if there is
only a single application on the card).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

• Single - application card.

▤ Tag 87 : Application Priority Indicator : 01

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without confirmation of

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 232/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without confirmation of

bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be listed: 1

! SE. Observation: Since there is only a single application on the card,

the Application Priority Indicator is not required to be personalized.

4.4.69 SE.8.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that, if Issuer Code Table Index (tag '9F11') is present, it has a correct length and

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Issuer Code Table Index in FCI:

▤ Tag 9F 11: Issuer Code Table Index : 01
▤ Refers to Part 1 of ISO 8859

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
value (out of range).)

4.4.70 SE.8.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Issuer Code Table Index is not present when it is not required.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 12: Application Preferred Name : 56 69

73 61
▤ Text value = Visa

Test not applicable, because:

Application Preferred Name (tag '9F12') is present.

4.4.71 SE.11.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the File Control Information (FCI) Issuer Discretionary Data is correctly
formatted(if present) and not allowed data elements are not present

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 233/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag BF 0C: File Control Information (FCI) Issuer Discretionary Template : 9F 5A

05 60 00 51 00 51
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Data Element
shall be a constructed data object (template) and shall contain valid TLV encoded
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: File
Control Information (FCI) Template ('6F') must not be present in FCI Issuer
Discretionary Data (tag 'BF0C').)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Dedicated
File (DF) Name ('84') must not be present in FCI Issuer Discretionary Data (tag
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: File
Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template ('A5') must not be present in FCI
Issuer Discretionary Data (tag 'BF0C').)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:
Application Label ('50') must not be present in FCI Issuer Discretionary Data (tag
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:
Application Priority Indicator ('87') must not be present in FCI Issuer
Discretionary Data (tag 'BF0C').)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Processing
Options Data Object List (PDOL) ('9F 38') must not be present in FCI Issuer
Discretionary Data (tag 'BF0C').)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Language
Preference ('5F 2D') must not be present in FCI Issuer Discretionary Data (tag
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Issuer
Code Table Index ('9F 11') must not be present in FCI Issuer Discretionary Data (tag
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:
Application Preferred Name ('9F 12') must not be present in FCI Issuer Discretionary
Data (tag 'BF0C').)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Short File
Identifier (SFI) ('88') must not be present in FCI Issuer Discretionary Data (tag
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:
Application Identifier (AID) ('4F') must not be present in FCI Issuer Discretionary
Data (tag 'BF0C').)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:
Application Template ('61') must not be present in FCI Issuer Discretionary Data
(tag 'BF0C').)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Directory
Discretionary Template ('73') must not be present in FCI Issuer Discretionary Data
(tag 'BF0C').)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Directory
Definition File (DDF) Name ('9D') must not be present in FCI Issuer Discretionary
Data (tag 'BF0C').)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The length
associated with 'BF0C' shall be 222 at maximum.)

4.4.72 SE.12.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template is present in SELECT response

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 234/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag A5 : File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template : 50 04

56 69 73 61 87 01 01 9F 38 0C 9F 66 04 9F 02 06 9F 37 04 5F 2A 02 5F 2D 04 65 6E 72
75 9F 12 04 56 69 73 61 9F 11 01 01 BF 0C 08 9F 5A 05 60 00 51 00 51
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing
mandatory data element File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template ('A5'))

4.4.73 SE.12.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check the Application Definition File (ADF) File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary
template 'A5' contains data defined by EMV only. Allowed EMV tags: 50, 87, 9F38, BF0C, 9F11,
9F12, 5F2D, 9F2A, 9F29. No other tags should be present.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag A5 : File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template : 50 04

56 69 73 61 87 01 01 9F 38 0C 9F 66 04 9F 02 06 9F 37 04 5F 2A 02 5F 2D 04 65 6E 72
75 9F 12 04 56 69 73 61 9F 11 01 01 BF 0C 08 9F 5A 05 60 00 51 00 51

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: <Name of

data element> ('') shall not be present in the FCI Proprietary template 'A5'.)

4.4.74 SE.12.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Definition File (ADF) File Control Information (FCI) Template '6F'
does not contain any data elements other than DF Name and FCI Proprietary Template.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ ADF FCI: 6F 40 84 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 A5 35 50 04 56 69 73 61 87 01 01 9F 38
0C 9F 66 04 9F 02 06 9F 37 04 5F 2A 02 5F 2D 04 65 6E 72 75 9F 12 04 56 69 73 61 9F
11 01 01 BF 0C 08 9F 5A 05 60 00 51 00 51
▤ Tag 6F : File Control Information (FCI) Template
▤ Tag 84 : Dedicated File (DF) Name : A0
00 00 00 03 10 10
▤ Tag A5 : File Control Information (FCI) Proprietary Template
▤ Tag 50 : Application Label :
56 69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 87 : Application Priority Indicator :

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without confirmation of

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 235/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without confirmation of

bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be
listed: 1
▤ Tag 9F 38: Processing Options Data Object List (PDOL) :
9F 66 04 9F 02 06 9F 37 04 5F 2A 02
▤ Tag( 1) = 9F 66 [Terminal Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2]]
▤ Tag : 9F 66
▤ Length: 04
▤ Name : Terminal Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2]
▤ Tag( 2) = 9F 02 [Transaction Amount]
▤ Tag : 9F 02
▤ Length: 06
▤ Name : Transaction Amount
▤ Tag( 3) = 9F 37 [Unpredictable Number]
▤ Tag : 9F 37
▤ Length: 04
▤ Name : Unpredictable Number
▤ Tag( 4) = 5F 2A [Transaction Currency Code]
▤ Tag : 5F 2A
▤ Length: 02
▤ Name : Transaction Currency Code
▤ Tag 5F 2D: Language Preference :
65 6E 72 75
▤ Language Preference = enru
• Language Code(1) = en; Language Name = English
• Language Code(2) = ru; Language Name = Russian
▤ Tag 9F 12: Application Preferred Name :
56 69 73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
▤ Tag 9F 11: Issuer Code Table Index :
▤ Refers to Part 1 of ISO 8859
▤ Tag BF 0C: File Control Information (FCI) Issuer Discretionary Template
▤ Tag 9F 5A: Application Program
Identifier : 60 00 51 00 51
▤ Byte 1 bits 8-5 = '0110' Visa CEMEA use
▤ Byte 1 bits 4-1 = '0000' Visa regional discretion
▤ Bytes 2-3 = 00 51 AMD
▤ Bytes 4-5 = 00 51 Armenia

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: <Name of

data element> ('') shall not be present in the Application Definition File (ADF)
File Control Information (FCI) Template '6F'.)

4.4.75 SE.19.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that Language Preference (if present) is formatted correctly and contains a valid

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 5F 2D: Language Preference : 65 6E

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 236/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Tag 5F 2D: Language Preference : 65 6E

72 75
▤ Language Preference = enru
• Language Code(1) = en; Language Name = English
• Language Code(2) = ru; Language Name = Russian
• Code: en, language: English
• Code: ru, language: Russian

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
ISO639 code.)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Language
Preference (Tag '5F2D') shall be encoded in lowercase alphabetical characters only.)

4.4.76 SE.20.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the tags and lengths of data elements listed in the Processing Options Data
Object List (PDOL) (if present) are valid

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 38: Processing Options Data Object List (PDOL) : 9F 66

04 9F 02 06 9F 37 04 5F 2A 02
▤ Tag( 1) = 9F 66 [Terminal Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2]]
▤ Tag : 9F 66
▤ Length: 04
▤ Name : Terminal Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2]
▤ Tag( 2) = 9F 02 [Transaction Amount]
▤ Tag : 9F 02
▤ Length: 06
▤ Name : Transaction Amount
▤ Tag( 3) = 9F 37 [Unpredictable Number]
▤ Tag : 9F 37
▤ Length: 04
▤ Name : Unpredictable Number
▤ Tag( 4) = 5F 2A [Transaction Currency Code]
▤ Tag : 5F 2A
▤ Length: 02
▤ Name : Transaction Currency Code

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Data

elements listed in Processing Options Data Object List (tag '9F38') shall contain
valid (recognized) Tags and Lengths. Terminal will zero fill the values for
unrecognized tags.)

4.4.77 SE.20.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure the Processing Options Data Object List (PDOL) is present

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 237/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 38: Processing Options Data Object List (PDOL) : 9F 66

04 9F 02 06 9F 37 04 5F 2A 02
▤ Tag( 1) = 9F 66 [Terminal Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2]]
▤ Tag : 9F 66
▤ Length: 04
▤ Name : Terminal Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2]
▤ Tag( 2) = 9F 02 [Transaction Amount]
▤ Tag : 9F 02
▤ Length: 06
▤ Name : Transaction Amount
▤ Tag( 3) = 9F 37 [Unpredictable Number]
▤ Tag : 9F 37
▤ Length: 04
▤ Name : Unpredictable Number
▤ Tag( 4) = 5F 2A [Transaction Currency Code]
▤ Tag : 5F 2A
▤ Length: 02
▤ Name : Transaction Currency Code
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing
mandatory data element Processing Options Data Object List (PDOL) ('9F 38'))

4.4.78 SH.1.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure the Application Capabilities (if present) has the correct length and value

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Application Capabilities : 00 00
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not
used for VCPS' bits shall be set to zero)

4.4.79 SH.2.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Currency Code (Visa Proprietary Data) is formatted correctly
and contains valid data (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 51: Application Currency Code [VSDC] : 00 51

▤ Code (num) = 00 51

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 238/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Code (num) = 00 51
▤ Code (an) = AMD
▤ Currency = Armenian Dram
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid ISO
4217 code.)

4.4.80 SH.2.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Currency Code (Visa Proprietary Data) is present (when

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

• Card supports CTTA Lower Limit Check

• Card supports CTTA Upper Limit Check
• Card supports Low Value and CTTA Check
▤ Tag 9F 51: Application Currency Code [VSDC] : 00 51
▤ Code (num) = 00 51
▤ Code (an) = AMD
▤ Currency = Armenian Dram
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
Currency Code (Visa Proprietary Data) (Tag '9F51') is missing when required.)

4.4.81 SH.2.004.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the Application Currency Code (Visa Proprietary Data) is correct (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Issuer Country Code (tag '5F 28') is not present

4.4.82 SH.5.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Available Offline Spending Amount is formatted correctly (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 239/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Available Offline Spending Amount (tag '9F 5D') is not present

4.4.83 SH.5.003.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Available Offline Spending Amount (AOSA, tag '9F5D') is not retrievable by the
GET DATA command unless allowed by the Issuer.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.4.84 SH.5.004.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Available Offline Spending Amount (AOSA, tag '9F5D') is not retrievable by the
GET DATA command unless allowed by the Issuer.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.4.85 SH.6.001.03
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Card Additional Processes element has the correct value for VCPS 2.1.x and

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card is online only

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 240/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

4.4.86 SH.6.001.04
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that if the Card Additional Processes data element is present, it is the correct length
and all the RFU bits have a zero value

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 68: Card Additional Processes [qVSDC VCPS 2.2] : 4C 00

F0 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Low Value Check not supported
bit 7 = 1 Low Value AND CTTA Check supported
bit 6 = 0 Do not count qVSDC online transactions
bit 5 = 0 Streamlined qVSDC not supported
bit 4 = 1 PIN Tries Exceeded Check supported
bit 3 = 1 Offline international transactions are allowed
bit 2 = 0 No Card Contact Chip Preference
bit 1 = 0 Do not return Available Offline Spending Amount
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Do not include country code in determining international
bit 7 = 0 International transactions are allowed
bit 6 = 0 Enable Offline Data Authentication (ODA) for Online
bit 5 = 0 Contactless Issuer Update Processing not supported
bit 4 = 0 Count qVSDC offline transactions
bit 3 = 0 Card does not Prefer Online
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Online PIN supported for domestic transaction
bit 7 = 1 Online PIN supported for international transaction
bit 6 = 1 (Contact Chip) Offline PIN supported
bit 5 = 1 Signature supported
bit 4 = 0 Consumer Device CVM not supported
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 4 bit 8 = 0 RFU
bit 7 = 0 RFU
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not
used for VCPS' bits shall be set to zero)

4.4.87 SH.6.001.05
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure the Card Additional Processes data element is present, it is the correct length and
all the RFU bits have a zero value

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 241/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 68: Card Additional Processes [qVSDC VCPS 2.2] : 4C 00

F0 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Low Value Check not supported
bit 7 = 1 Low Value AND CTTA Check supported
bit 6 = 0 Do not count qVSDC online transactions
bit 5 = 0 Streamlined qVSDC not supported
bit 4 = 1 PIN Tries Exceeded Check supported
bit 3 = 1 Offline international transactions are allowed
bit 2 = 0 No Card Contact Chip Preference
bit 1 = 0 Do not return Available Offline Spending Amount
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Do not include country code in determining international
bit 7 = 0 International transactions are allowed
bit 6 = 0 Enable Offline Data Authentication (ODA) for Online
bit 5 = 0 Contactless Issuer Update Processing not supported
bit 4 = 0 Count qVSDC offline transactions
bit 3 = 0 Card does not Prefer Online
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Online PIN supported for domestic transaction
bit 7 = 1 Online PIN supported for international transaction
bit 6 = 1 (Contact Chip) Offline PIN supported
bit 5 = 1 Signature supported
bit 4 = 0 Consumer Device CVM not supported
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 4 bit 8 = 0 RFU
bit 7 = 0 RFU
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not
used for VCPS' bits shall be set to zero)

4.4.88 SH.6.001.06
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure the Card Additional Processes data element is present, it is the correct length and
all the RFU bits have a zero value

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 68: Card Additional Processes [qVSDC VCPS 2.2] : 4C 00

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 242/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Tag 9F 68: Card Additional Processes [qVSDC VCPS 2.2] : 4C 00

F0 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Low Value Check not supported
bit 7 = 1 Low Value AND CTTA Check supported
bit 6 = 0 Do not count qVSDC online transactions
bit 5 = 0 Streamlined qVSDC not supported
bit 4 = 1 PIN Tries Exceeded Check supported
bit 3 = 1 Offline international transactions are allowed
bit 2 = 0 No Card Contact Chip Preference
bit 1 = 0 Do not return Available Offline Spending Amount
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Do not include country code in determining international
bit 7 = 0 International transactions are allowed
bit 6 = 0 Enable Offline Data Authentication (ODA) for Online
bit 5 = 0 Contactless Issuer Update Processing not supported
bit 4 = 0 Count qVSDC offline transactions
bit 3 = 0 Card does not Prefer Online
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Online PIN supported for domestic transaction
bit 7 = 1 Online PIN supported for international transaction
bit 6 = 1 (Contact Chip) Offline PIN supported
bit 5 = 1 Signature supported
bit 4 = 0 Consumer Device CVM not supported
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 4 bit 8 = 0 RFU
bit 7 = 0 RFU
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not
used for VCPS' bits shall be set to zero)

4.4.89 SH.6.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit is present when 'Low Value
and CTTA check supported'

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

• Card supports Low Value and CTTA Check

▤ Tag 9F 5C: Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit [VSDC] : 00 00
02 00 00 00
▤ Amount value: 20000.00

✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: When Card

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 243/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: When Card

Additional Processes (Tag '9F68') Byte 1, Bit 7 is set, it is highly recommended
that Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit (Tag '9F5C') be personalized.)

4.4.90 SH.6.002.01
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit is present when 'Low Value
and CTTA check supported'

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 68: Card Additional Processes [qVSDC VCPS 2.2] : 4C 00

F0 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Low Value Check not supported
bit 7 = 1 Low Value AND CTTA Check supported
bit 6 = 0 Do not count qVSDC online transactions
bit 5 = 0 Streamlined qVSDC not supported
bit 4 = 1 PIN Tries Exceeded Check supported
bit 3 = 1 Offline international transactions are allowed
bit 2 = 0 No Card Contact Chip Preference
bit 1 = 0 Do not return Available Offline Spending Amount
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Do not include country code in determining international
bit 7 = 0 International transactions are allowed
bit 6 = 0 Enable Offline Data Authentication (ODA) for Online
bit 5 = 0 Contactless Issuer Update Processing not supported
bit 4 = 0 Count qVSDC offline transactions
bit 3 = 0 Card does not Prefer Online
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Online PIN supported for domestic transaction
bit 7 = 1 Online PIN supported for international transaction
bit 6 = 1 (Contact Chip) Offline PIN supported
bit 5 = 1 Signature supported
bit 4 = 0 Consumer Device CVM not supported
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 4 bit 8 = 0 RFU
bit 7 = 0 RFU
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Tag 9F 5C: Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit [VSDC] : 00 00
02 00 00 00
▤ Amount value: 20000.00
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Cumulative
Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit (tag '9F5C') shall be personalized when Card
Additional Processes (tag '9F68') byte 1 bit 7 is set to 1b)

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 244/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

4.4.91 SH.6.004.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Consumer Device CVM is supported by the card

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Consumer Device CVM support not indicated by ICS.

4.4.92 SH.6.005.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that if the Consumer Device CVM is supported by the card, then the reference
passcode has been personalized

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Consumer Device CVM support not indicated by ICS.
Consumer Device CVM is not supported (Card Additional Processes (Tag '9F68'),
Byte 3, bit 4 is not set to 1)

4.4.93 SH.6.006.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that if the card is supporting Issuer Update Processing, it is set in the Card
Additional Processes

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Issuer Update Processing support is not indicated in ICS.
Card Transaction Qualifiers (Tag '9F 6C') does not indicate Issuer Update

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 245/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

4.4.94 SH.6.007.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the Card Additional Processes has the correct settings when the mobile device
supports Offline Prepaid Chip

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
PrePaid support is not indicating in ICS.

4.4.95 SH.6.012.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the card supports PIN Tries Exceeded check and (contact chip) Offline PIN if
card supports Offline PIN.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• Offline PIN is supported

▤ Tag 9F 68: Card Additional Processes [qVSDC VCPS 2.2] : 4C 00
F0 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Low Value Check not supported
bit 7 = 1 Low Value AND CTTA Check supported
bit 6 = 0 Do not count qVSDC online transactions
bit 5 = 0 Streamlined qVSDC not supported
bit 4 = 1 PIN Tries Exceeded Check supported
bit 3 = 1 Offline international transactions are allowed
bit 2 = 0 No Card Contact Chip Preference
bit 1 = 0 Do not return Available Offline Spending Amount
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Do not include country code in determining international
bit 7 = 0 International transactions are allowed
bit 6 = 0 Enable Offline Data Authentication (ODA) for Online
bit 5 = 0 Contactless Issuer Update Processing not supported
bit 4 = 0 Count qVSDC offline transactions
bit 3 = 0 Card does not Prefer Online
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Online PIN supported for domestic transaction
bit 7 = 1 Online PIN supported for international transaction
bit 6 = 1 (Contact Chip) Offline PIN supported
bit 5 = 1 Signature supported
bit 4 = 0 Consumer Device CVM not supported
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 4 bit 8 = 0 RFU
bit 7 = 0 RFU

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 246/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

bit 7 = 0 RFU
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU

✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Since the

card supports Offline PIN, Card Additional Processes (CAP, tag '9F68') byte 3 bit 6
((Contact Chip) Offline PIN supported) should be set to 1b.)

✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Since the

card supports offline PIN, Card Additional Processes (CAP, tag '9F68') byte 1 bit 4
(PIN Tries Exceeded Check supported) should be set to 1b.)

4.4.96 SH.14.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Contactless Counters Data Template is a correctly formatted TLV
constructed data object and contains only the context-specific tags that are defined for this

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• Card supports Contactless Offline Transaction Lower Limit Check

• Card supports Contactless Offline Transaction Upper Limit Check
• Card supports Low Value and CTTA Check
▤ Tag BF 55: Contactless Counters Data Template : DF 11
01 00 DF 21 01 00 DF 31 01 03 DF 41 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 51 06 00 00 00 00 00 00
DF 71 06 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Tag 'DF 11' Contactless Transaction Counter : 00
▤ Tag 'DF 21' Contactless Transaction Counter Lower Limit : 00
▤ Tag 'DF 31' Contactless Transaction Counter Upper Limit : 03
▤ Tag 'DF 41' VLP Single Transaction Limit : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Tag 'DF 51' VLP Available Funds : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Tag 'DF 61' VLP Reset Threshold : <not present>
▤ Tag 'DF 71' VLP Funds Limit : 00 00 00 00 00 00

✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Data Element

shall be a constructed data object (template) and shall contain valid TLV encoded
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Tags not
defined for inclusion are present in the Contactless Counters Data Template.)
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing
mandatory data element Contactless Counters Data Template ('BF 55'))

4.4.97 SH.14.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the International Counters Data Template is a correctly formatted TLV
constructed data object and contains only the context-specific tags that are defined for this

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 247/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• Card supports qVSDC Offline International Transactions

▤ Tag BF 57: International Counters Data Template : DF 11
01 01 DF 21 01 01 DF 31 01 03 DF 51 01 01
▤ Profile: 1
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International : 01
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Limit : 01
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Upper Limit : 03
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Country : 01
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Country Limit :

✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Data Element

shall be a constructed data object (template) and shall contain valid TLV encoded
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Tags not
defined for inclusion are present in the International Counters Data Template.)
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing
mandatory data element International Counters Data Template ('BF 57'))

4.4.98 SH.22.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Conversion Currency Code x is formatted correctly (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Currency Conversion Parameter (tag '9F 73') - is not present

4.4.99 SH.23.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Currency Conversion Factor x is formatted correctly (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Currency Conversion Factor (tag '9F 73') - is not present

4.4.100 SH.23.003.00
Verdict Passed

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 248/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test description To ensure that the Currency Conversion Parameters is not present (when not required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• Card does not support Currency Conversion

▤ Tag 9F 73: Currency Conversion Parameters [VSDC] : <not
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Since
Currency Conversion checking is not supported, the Currency Conversion Parameters is
not required to be personalized on this card.)

4.4.101 SH.24.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Currency Conversion Parameters is present and formatted correctly (when

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card does not support Currency Conversion

4.4.102 SH.26.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Country Code (Visa Proprietary Data) is formatted correctly and
contains valid data (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 57: Issuer Country Code [VSDC] : 00 51

▤ Country Code = 00 51
▤ Country Name = Armenia
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
ISO3166 value.)

4.4.103 SH.26.001.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Country Code (Visa Proprietary Data) is present (when required)

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 249/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card does not support Consecutive International Transaction Lower/Upper Limit
Check with/without International Country option or qVSDC uses Country Code to
Determine Domestic/International

4.4.104 SH.26.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that if both the Issuer Country Code (Visa Proprietary Data) and the Issuer Country
Code are present, the values match

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Issuer Country Code (Tag '5F 28') is not present

4.4.105 SH.28.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Log Entry is present and the length and format are correct (when

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card does not support contactless Transaction Logging

4.4.106 SH.28.003.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Log Entry is present and refers to the correct file for a Visa Mobile Payment

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 250/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

4.4.107 SH.29.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Log Format is present and the length is correct (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card does not support contactless Transaction Logging

4.4.108 SH.29.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the tags and lengths of data elements listed in the Log Format are valid

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Log Format is not present

4.4.109 SH.29.003.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Log Format has the correct value for a Visa Mobile Payment Application

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.4.110 SH.29.004.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure transaction logging is not supported.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 4F: Transaction Log Format : <not


✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Optional

Data Element present - transaction logging will have a negative impact on
contactless transaction performance.)

4.4.111 SH.31.004.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Passcode Try Counter is formatted correctly (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.4.112 SH.31.005.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the Passcode Try Counter (if present) does not have a value of '00' which
indicates that the passcode is blocked

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.4.113 SH.31.006.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the Passcode Try Counter is not present when not required (if Passcode is not

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VMCPS 1.4.x

• Card does not support Dynamic PassCode Authentication

Test not applicable, because:
Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

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Personalization Validation Report

Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.4.114 SH.32.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the VLP Available Funds is not present (when not applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• Card does not support Low Value Check

Test not applicable, because:
Card supports Low Value AND CTTA Check

4.4.115 SH.33.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the VLP Funds Limit is present, has the correct length, and has the correct
format (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• Card supports Low Value and CTTA Check

▤ Tag 9F 77: VLP Funds Limit [VSDC] : 00 00
00 00 00 00
▤ Amount value: 0.00
▤ Tag BF 55: Contactless Counters Data Template : DF 11
01 00 DF 21 01 00 DF 31 01 03 DF 41 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 51 06 00 00 00 00 00 00
DF 71 06 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Tag 'DF 11' Contactless Transaction Counter : 00
▤ Tag 'DF 21' Contactless Transaction Counter Lower Limit : 00
▤ Tag 'DF 31' Contactless Transaction Counter Upper Limit : 03
▤ Tag 'DF 41' VLP Single Transaction Limit : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Tag 'DF 51' VLP Available Funds : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Tag 'DF 61' VLP Reset Threshold : <not present>
▤ Tag 'DF 71' VLP Funds Limit : 00 00 00 00 00 00

✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Required

VLP data element not present.)
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Format not

4.4.116 SH.33.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the VLP Funds Limit is not present (when not applicable)

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• Card does not support Low Value Check

Test not applicable, because:
Card supports Low Value AND CTTA Check

4.4.117 SH.36.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure VLP Single Transaction Limit is not present if Low Value check or Low Value AND
CTTA check not supported

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• Card does not support Low Value Check

Test not applicable, because:
Card supports Low Value AND CTTA Check

4.4.118 SH.40.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Consumer Device Indicators are present and correctly formatted

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.4.119 SH.40.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Consumer Device Indicators Reserved For Future Use bits are not set

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Consumer Device Indicator (Tag '9F 50') is not present

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

4.4.120 SH.40.003.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Consumer Device Indicators bits that indicate that the device is passcode
blocked, temporarily blocked, or permanently blocked are not set

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Consumer Device Indicator (Tag '9F 50') is not present

4.4.121 SH.41.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Card Additional Processes is present and correctly indicates that the mobile
device is contactless only

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.4.122 VC.5.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Consecutive International Transactions (Currency) Lower Limit (tag '9F53') is
present and the correct length (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VCPS 2.0.2 VMCPS 1.4.x

• Card supports qVSDC Offline International Transactions

Test not applicable, because:
Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.4.123 VC.5.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 255/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test description To ensure that Consecutive International Transactions (Currency) Lower Limit (tag '9F53') is
not present (when not required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VCPS 2.0.2 VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Card supports qVSDC Offline International Transactions

4.4.124 VC.5.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that Consecutive International Transactions (Currency) Lower Limit (Tag '9F53' or
'DF21' in 'BF57') and Consecutive Transaction Counter International (Tag 'DF11' in 'BF57') are
present and the correct lengths (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• Card supports qVSDC Offline International Transactions

▤ Tag BF 57: International Counters Data Template : DF 11
01 01 DF 21 01 01 DF 31 01 03 DF 51 01 01
▤ Profile: 1
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International : 01
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Limit : 01
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Upper Limit : 03
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Country : 01
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Country Limit :
✔ CTCIL (Tag '9F53' or 'DF21' in 'BF57') is present
✔ CTCIL has valid length

✔ CTCI (Tag 'DF11' in 'BF57') is present

✔ CTCI has valid length

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:

International Counters Data Template('BF 57') is missing when issuer wants the
velocity check to be supported.)
✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

4.4.125 VC.5.004.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Consecutive International Transactions (Currency) Lower Limit (Tag '9F53' or
'DF21' in 'BF57') is not present (when not required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 256/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card supports qVSDC Offline International Transactions

4.4.126 VC.6.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Consecutive International Transactions (Currency) Upper Limit (Tag '9F5E') is
present and the correct length (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VMCPS 1.4.x

• Card supports qVSDC Offline International Transactions

Test not applicable, because:
Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.4.127 VC.6.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Consecutive International Transactions (Currency) Upper Limit (Tag '9F5E') is
not present (when not required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Card supports qVSDC Offline International Transactions

4.4.128 VC.6.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Consecutive Transaction International Upper Limit (CTIUL) and Consecutive
Transaction Counter International (CTCI) are present, the correct lengths and value

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag BF 57: International Counters Data Template : DF 11

01 01 DF 21 01 01 DF 31 01 03 DF 51 01 01
▤ Profile: 1
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International : 01
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Limit : 01
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Upper Limit : 03

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Limit : 01

▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Upper Limit : 03
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Country : 01
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Country Limit :
✔ CTIUL (Tag '9F5E' or 'DF31' in 'BF57') is present
✔ CTIUL has valid length
✔ CTIUL value is not zero

✔ CTCI (Tag 'DF11' in 'BF57') is present

✔ CTCI has valid length

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:

International Counters Data Template('BF 57') is missing when issuer wants the
velocity check to be supported.)
✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Consecutive
Transaction International Upper Limit (CTIUL, tag '9F5E' or 'DF31' in 'BF57') value
must not be zero. Payment application declines Offline international transaction
when CTIUL is set to '00'.)

4.4.129 VC.6.004.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Consecutive International Transactions (Currency) Upper Limit (Tag '9F5E' or
'DF31' in 'BF57') is not present (when not required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card supports qVSDC Offline International Transactions

4.4.130 VC.6.005.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the lower limit is not greater than the upper limit when both are present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.4.131 VC.6.006.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the lower limit is not greater than the upper limit when both are present

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 258/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 53: Consecutive Transaction Limit (International) [VSDC] : 01

▤ Decimal value = 1
▤ Tag 9F 5E: Consecutive Transaction International Upper Limit [VSDC] : 03
▤ Decimal value = 3

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: CTCIL (Tag

'9F53' or 'DF21' in 'BF57') shall be lower than or equal to CTIUL (Tag '9F5E' or
'DF31' in 'BF57').)

4.4.132 VC.6.007.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the lower limit and upper limit are both present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VMCPS 1.4.x

• Card supports qVSDC Offline International Transactions

Test not applicable, because:
Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.4.133 VC.6.008.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the lower limit and upper limit are both present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• Card supports qVSDC Offline International Transactions

▤ Tag 9F 53: Consecutive Transaction Limit (International) [VSDC] : 01
▤ Decimal value = 1
▤ Tag 9F 5E: Consecutive Transaction International Upper Limit [VSDC] : 03
▤ Decimal value = 3
▤ Tag BF 57: International Counters Data Template : DF 11
01 01 DF 21 01 01 DF 31 01 03 DF 51 01 01
▤ Profile: 1
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International : 01
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Limit : 01
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Upper Limit : 03
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Country : 01
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Country Limit :

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Both CTCIL

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Both CTCIL

(Tag '9F53' or 'DF21' in 'BF57') and CTIUL (Tag '9F5E' or 'DF31' in 'BF57') should
be present.)

4.4.134 VC.6.009.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that all associated data elements of Consecutive Transaction International Upper
Limit (CTIUL) (tag 9F5E and DF31 in BF57') are present.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 5E: Consecutive Transaction International Upper Limit [VSDC] : 03

▤ Decimal value = 3

▤ Tag 9F 51: Application Currency Code [VSDC] : 00 51

▤ Code (num) = 00 51
▤ Code (an) = AMD
▤ Currency = Armenian Dram

▤ Tag 9F 53: Consecutive Transaction Limit (International) [VSDC] : 01

▤ Decimal value = 1
▤ Tag 9F 72: Consecutive Transaction Limit (International-Country) [VSDC] : <not
▤ Tag BF 57: International Counters Data Template : DF 11
01 01 DF 21 01 01 DF 31 01 03 DF 51 01 01
▤ Profile: 1
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International : 01
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Limit : 01
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Upper Limit : 03
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Country : 01
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Country Limit :

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

associated data element (Application Currency Code (tag '9F51') and Consecutive
Transaction Counter International Limit (CTCIL) (tag '9F53') and/or Consecutive
Transaction Counter International Country Limit (CTCICL) (tag '9F72 or 'DF61 in

4.4.135 VC.9.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that Contactless Transaction Count Lower Limit (Tag 'DF21' in 'BF55') and
Contactless Transaction Counter (Tag 'DF11' in 'BF55') are present and the correct lengths
(when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• Card supports Contactless Offline Transaction Lower Limit Check

▤ Tag BF 55: Contactless Counters Data Template : DF 11

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Tag BF 55: Contactless Counters Data Template : DF 11

01 00 DF 21 01 00 DF 31 01 03 DF 41 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 51 06 00 00 00 00 00 00
DF 71 06 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Tag 'DF 11' Contactless Transaction Counter : 00
▤ Tag 'DF 21' Contactless Transaction Counter Lower Limit : 00
▤ Tag 'DF 31' Contactless Transaction Counter Upper Limit : 03
▤ Tag 'DF 41' VLP Single Transaction Limit : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Tag 'DF 51' VLP Available Funds : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Tag 'DF 61' VLP Reset Threshold : <not present>
▤ Tag 'DF 71' VLP Funds Limit : 00 00 00 00 00 00
✔ CLTCLL ('DF21' in 'BF55') is present
✔ CLTCLL has valid length

✔ CLTC (Tag 'DF11' in 'BF55') is present

✔ CLTC has valid length

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Contactless

Counters Data Template('BF 55') is missing when issuer wants the velocity check to
be supported.)
✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

4.4.136 VC.9.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Contactless Transaction Count Lower Limit (Tag 'DF21' in 'BF55') is not present
(when not required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card supports Contactless Offline Transaction Lower Limit Check

4.4.137 VC.10.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that Contactless Transaction Count Upper Limit (Tag 'DF31' in 'BF55') and
Contactless Transaction Counter (Tag 'DF11' in 'BF55') are present and the correct lengths
(when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• Card supports Contactless Offline Transaction Upper Limit Check

▤ Tag BF 55: Contactless Counters Data Template : DF 11
01 00 DF 21 01 00 DF 31 01 03 DF 41 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 51 06 00 00 00 00 00 00
DF 71 06 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Tag 'DF 11' Contactless Transaction Counter : 00
▤ Tag 'DF 21' Contactless Transaction Counter Lower Limit : 00
▤ Tag 'DF 31' Contactless Transaction Counter Upper Limit : 03

▤ Tag 'DF 41' VLP Single Transaction Limit : 00 00 00 00 00 00

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Tag 'DF 41' VLP Single Transaction Limit : 00 00 00 00 00 00

▤ Tag 'DF 51' VLP Available Funds : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Tag 'DF 61' VLP Reset Threshold : <not present>
▤ Tag 'DF 71' VLP Funds Limit : 00 00 00 00 00 00
✔ CLTCUL ('DF31' in 'BF55') is present
✔ CLTCUL has valid length

✔ CLTC (Tag 'DF11' in 'BF55') is present

✔ CLTC has valid length

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: ('BF 55')

is missing when issuer wants the velocity check to be supported.)
✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

4.4.138 VC.10.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Contactless Transaction Count Upper Limit (Tag 'DF31' in 'BF55') is not present
(when not required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card supports Contactless Offline Transaction Upper Limit Check

4.4.139 VC.10.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the lower limit is not greater than the upper limit when both are present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag BF 55: Contactless Counters Data Template : DF 11

01 00 DF 21 01 00 DF 31 01 03 DF 41 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 51 06 00 00 00 00 00 00
DF 71 06 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Tag 'DF 11' Contactless Transaction Counter : 00
▤ Tag 'DF 21' Contactless Transaction Counter Lower Limit : 00
▤ Tag 'DF 31' Contactless Transaction Counter Upper Limit : 03
▤ Tag 'DF 41' VLP Single Transaction Limit : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Tag 'DF 51' VLP Available Funds : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Tag 'DF 61' VLP Reset Threshold : <not present>
▤ Tag 'DF 71' VLP Funds Limit : 00 00 00 00 00 00

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: CLTCLL

(Tag 'DF21' in 'BF55') shall be lower than or equal to CLTCUL (Tag 'DF31' in

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 262/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

4.4.140 VC.10.004.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the lower limit and upper limit are both present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• Card supports Contactless Offline Transaction Upper or Lower Limit Check

▤ Tag BF 55: Contactless Counters Data Template : DF 11
01 00 DF 21 01 00 DF 31 01 03 DF 41 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 51 06 00 00 00 00 00 00
DF 71 06 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Tag 'DF 11' Contactless Transaction Counter : 00
▤ Tag 'DF 21' Contactless Transaction Counter Lower Limit : 00
▤ Tag 'DF 31' Contactless Transaction Counter Upper Limit : 03
▤ Tag 'DF 41' VLP Single Transaction Limit : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Tag 'DF 51' VLP Available Funds : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Tag 'DF 61' VLP Reset Threshold : <not present>
▤ Tag 'DF 71' VLP Funds Limit : 00 00 00 00 00 00

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Both

CLTCLL (Tag 'DF21' in 'BF55') and CLTCUL (Tag 'DF31' in 'BF55') should be present.)

4.4.141 VC.11.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Lower Limit (tag '9F54') is present and
the correct length (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VCPS 2.0.2 VMCPS 1.4.x

• Card supports qVSDC Low Value and CTTA Check

Test not applicable, because:
Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.4.142 VC.11.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Lower Limit (tag '9F54') is not present
(when not required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VCPS 2.0.2 VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products

Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 263/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

Card supports qVSDC Low Value and CTTA Check

4.4.143 VC.11.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Lower Limit (Tag '9F54' or 'DF21' in
'BF58') and Cumulative Total Transaction Amount (Tag 'DF11' in 'BF57') are present and the
correct lengths (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• Card supports qVSDC Low Value and CTTA Check

▤ Tag BF 58: Amounts Data Template : DF 11
06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 21 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 31 06 00 00 02 00 00 00
▤ Profile: 1
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit : 00 00 02 00 00 00
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount – No CVM : <not present>
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit – No CVM : <not present>
✔ CTTAL (Tag '9F54' or 'DF21' in 'BF58') is present
✔ CTTAL has valid length

✔ CTTA (Tag 'DF11' in 'BF58') is present

✔ CTTA has valid length

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Amounts

Data Template('BF 58') is missing when issuer wants the velocity check to be
✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

4.4.144 VC.11.004.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Lower Limit (tag '9F54') is not present
(when not required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card supports CTTA Lower Limit Check
Card supports qVSDC Low Value and CTTA Check

4.4.145 VC.12.001.00

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 264/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Verdict Not Applicable

Test description To ensure that Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit (Tag '9F5C') is present and
the correct length (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VCPS 2.0.2 VMCPS 1.4.x

• Card supports qVSDC Low Value and CTTA Check

Test not applicable, because:
Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.4.146 VC.12.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit (Tag '9F5C') is not present
(when not required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VCPS 2.0.2 VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Card supports qVSDC Low Value and CTTA Check

4.4.147 VC.12.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit (Tag '9F5C' or 'DF31' in
'BF58') and Cumulative Total Transaction Amount (Tag 'DF11' in 'BF57') are present and the
correct lengths (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• Card supports qVSDC Low Value and CTTA Check

▤ Tag BF 58: Amounts Data Template : DF 11
06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 21 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 31 06 00 00 02 00 00 00
▤ Profile: 1
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit : 00 00 02 00 00 00
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount – No CVM : <not present>
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit – No CVM : <not present>
✔ CTTAUL (Tag '9F5C' or 'DF31' in 'BF58') is present
✔ CTTAUL has valid length

✔ CTTA (Tag 'DF11' in 'BF58') is present

✔ CTTA has valid length

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Personalization Validation Report

✔ CTTA has valid length

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Amounts

Data Template('BF 58') is missing when issuer wants the velocity check to be
✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

4.4.148 VC.12.004.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit (tag '9F5C') is not present
(when not required

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card supports CTTA Upper Limit Check
Card supports qVSDC Low Value and CTTA Check

4.4.149 VC.12.005.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the lower limit is not greater than the upper limit when both are present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VCPS 2.0.2 VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.4.150 VC.12.006.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the lower limit is not greater than the upper limit when both are present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 54: Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit [VSDC] : 00 00

00 00 00 00
▤ Amount value: 0.00
▤ Tag 9F 5C: Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit [VSDC] : 00 00
02 00 00 00
▤ Amount value: 20000.00

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 266/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: CTTAL (Tag

'9F54' or 'DF21' in 'BF58') shall be lower than or equal to CTTAUL (Tag '9F5C' or
'DF31' in 'BF58').)

4.4.151 VC.12.007.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the lower limit and upper limit are both present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VCPS 2.0.2 VMCPS 1.4.x

• Card supports qVSDC Low Value and CTTA Check

Test not applicable, because:
Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.4.152 VC.12.008.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the lower limit and upper limit are both present

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• Card supports qVSDC Low Value and CTTA Check

▤ Tag 9F 54: Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit [VSDC] : 00 00
00 00 00 00
▤ Amount value: 0.00
▤ Tag 9F 5C: Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit [VSDC] : 00 00
02 00 00 00
▤ Amount value: 20000.00
▤ Tag BF 58: Amounts Data Template : DF 11
06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 21 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 31 06 00 00 02 00 00 00
▤ Profile: 1
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit : 00 00 02 00 00 00
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount – No CVM : <not present>
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit – No CVM : <not present>

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Both

Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit (CTTAL, tag '9F54' or 'DF21' in 'BF58')
and Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit (CTTAUL, tag '9F5C' or 'DF31' in
'BF58') should be present. Personalization of the CTTAUL is strongly recommended if
the Low Value AND CTTA check is supported.)

4.4.153 VC.14.001.00

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Card Additional Processes has the correct setting when qVSDC supports
international transactions

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

• Card supports qVSDC International Transactions

▤ Tag 9F 68: Card Additional Processes [qVSDC VCPS 2.2] : 4C 00
F0 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Low Value Check not supported
bit 7 = 1 Low Value AND CTTA Check supported
bit 6 = 0 Do not count qVSDC online transactions
bit 5 = 0 Streamlined qVSDC not supported
bit 4 = 1 PIN Tries Exceeded Check supported
bit 3 = 1 Offline international transactions are allowed
bit 2 = 0 No Card Contact Chip Preference
bit 1 = 0 Do not return Available Offline Spending Amount
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Do not include country code in determining international
bit 7 = 0 International transactions are allowed
bit 6 = 0 Enable Offline Data Authentication (ODA) for Online
bit 5 = 0 Contactless Issuer Update Processing not supported
bit 4 = 0 Count qVSDC offline transactions
bit 3 = 0 Card does not Prefer Online
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Online PIN supported for domestic transaction
bit 7 = 1 Online PIN supported for international transaction
bit 6 = 1 (Contact Chip) Offline PIN supported
bit 5 = 1 Signature supported
bit 4 = 0 Consumer Device CVM not supported
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 4 bit 8 = 0 RFU
bit 7 = 0 RFU
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Card

Additional Processes Byte 2, bit 7 must be set to 0.)

4.4.154 VC.15.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Card Additional Processes has the correct setting when qVSDC supports
offline international transactions

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 268/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

• Card supports qVSDC qVSDC Offline International Transactions supported

▤ Tag 9F 68: Card Additional Processes [qVSDC VCPS 2.2] : 4C 00
F0 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Low Value Check not supported
bit 7 = 1 Low Value AND CTTA Check supported
bit 6 = 0 Do not count qVSDC online transactions
bit 5 = 0 Streamlined qVSDC not supported
bit 4 = 1 PIN Tries Exceeded Check supported
bit 3 = 1 Offline international transactions are allowed
bit 2 = 0 No Card Contact Chip Preference
bit 1 = 0 Do not return Available Offline Spending Amount
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Do not include country code in determining international
bit 7 = 0 International transactions are allowed
bit 6 = 0 Enable Offline Data Authentication (ODA) for Online
bit 5 = 0 Contactless Issuer Update Processing not supported
bit 4 = 0 Count qVSDC offline transactions
bit 3 = 0 Card does not Prefer Online
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Online PIN supported for domestic transaction
bit 7 = 1 Online PIN supported for international transaction
bit 6 = 1 (Contact Chip) Offline PIN supported
bit 5 = 1 Signature supported
bit 4 = 0 Consumer Device CVM not supported
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 4 bit 8 = 0 RFU
bit 7 = 0 RFU
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Card

Additional Processes Byte 2, bit 7 must be set to 0.)
✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Card
Additional Processes, Byte 1, bit 3 must be set to 1.)

4.4.155 VC.16.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Card Additional Processes has the correct setting to support the Low Value

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 269/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test not applicable, because:

Card does not support Low Value Check

4.4.156 VC.17.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Card Additional Processes has the correct setting to support the Low Value
and CTTA Check

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

• Card supports Low Value and CTTA Check

▤ Tag 9F 68: Card Additional Processes [qVSDC VCPS 2.2] : 4C 00
F0 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Low Value Check not supported
bit 7 = 1 Low Value AND CTTA Check supported
bit 6 = 0 Do not count qVSDC online transactions
bit 5 = 0 Streamlined qVSDC not supported
bit 4 = 1 PIN Tries Exceeded Check supported
bit 3 = 1 Offline international transactions are allowed
bit 2 = 0 No Card Contact Chip Preference
bit 1 = 0 Do not return Available Offline Spending Amount
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Do not include country code in determining international
bit 7 = 0 International transactions are allowed
bit 6 = 0 Enable Offline Data Authentication (ODA) for Online
bit 5 = 0 Contactless Issuer Update Processing not supported
bit 4 = 0 Count qVSDC offline transactions
bit 3 = 0 Card does not Prefer Online
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Online PIN supported for domestic transaction
bit 7 = 1 Online PIN supported for international transaction
bit 6 = 1 (Contact Chip) Offline PIN supported
bit 5 = 1 Signature supported
bit 4 = 0 Consumer Device CVM not supported
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 4 bit 8 = 0 RFU
bit 7 = 0 RFU
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Low Value

and CTTA Check supported but Card Additional Processes bit (Byte 1, bit 7 = 1) is
not set.)

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 270/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

4.4.157 VC.18.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Card Additional Processes has the correct setting to support qVSDC using
Country Code to Determine Domestic/International

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card does not support qVSDC uses Country Code to Determine Domestic/International

4.4.158 VC.19.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that when Consecutive Transaction card velocity check (CTC) is supported, the
Counters Data Template is present and formatted correctly.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag BF 56: Counters Data Template : DF 11

01 01 DF 21 01 00 DF 31 01 03
▤ Profile: 1
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter : 01
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter Limit : 00
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter Upper Limit : 03
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter – No CVM : <not present>
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter Limit – No CVM : <not present>
✔ Tag 'DF 11' in 'BF56' shall be present with a length of 1 byte
✔ Tag 'DF 21' in 'BF56' shall be present with a length of 1 byte
✔ Tag 'DF 31' in 'BF56' shall be present with a length of 1 byte

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Counters

Data Template('BF 56') is missing when issuer wants the velocity check to be
✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

4.4.159 VC.20.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that when Cumulative Total Transaction Amount (CTTA) card velocity check is
supported, the Amounts Data Template is present and formatted correctly.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 68: Card Additional Processes [qVSDC VCPS 2.2] : 4C 00

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Tag 9F 68: Card Additional Processes [qVSDC VCPS 2.2] : 4C 00

F0 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Low Value Check not supported
bit 7 = 1 Low Value AND CTTA Check supported
bit 6 = 0 Do not count qVSDC online transactions
bit 5 = 0 Streamlined qVSDC not supported
bit 4 = 1 PIN Tries Exceeded Check supported
bit 3 = 1 Offline international transactions are allowed
bit 2 = 0 No Card Contact Chip Preference
bit 1 = 0 Do not return Available Offline Spending Amount
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Do not include country code in determining international
bit 7 = 0 International transactions are allowed
bit 6 = 0 Enable Offline Data Authentication (ODA) for Online
bit 5 = 0 Contactless Issuer Update Processing not supported
bit 4 = 0 Count qVSDC offline transactions
bit 3 = 0 Card does not Prefer Online
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Online PIN supported for domestic transaction
bit 7 = 1 Online PIN supported for international transaction
bit 6 = 1 (Contact Chip) Offline PIN supported
bit 5 = 1 Signature supported
bit 4 = 0 Consumer Device CVM not supported
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 4 bit 8 = 0 RFU
bit 7 = 0 RFU
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Tag BF 58: Amounts Data Template : DF 11
06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 21 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 31 06 00 00 02 00 00 00
▤ Profile: 1
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit : 00 00 02 00 00 00
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount – No CVM : <not present>
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit – No CVM : <not present>
✔ Tag 'DF 11' in 'BF58' shall be present with a length of 1 byte
✔ Tag 'DF 21' in 'BF58' shall be present with a length of 1 byte
✔ Tag 'DF 31' in 'BF58' shall be present with a length of 1 byte

✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Amounts

Data Template('BF 58') is missing when issuer wants the velocity check to be
✔ VC. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

4.5 AID: 'A0 00 00 00 03 10 10' Tests on qVSDC online transaction with


PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 272/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

4.5.1 AD.1.003.04
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that if qVSDC with either Cryptogram 10, 18 or 22 is supported, the PDOL contains
the correct data elements with the correct lengths

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Cryptogram Version Number is not 10 ('0A'), 18 ('12') or '22'

4.5.2 DA.1.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure the presence and validity of the recovered Issuer Public Key Certificate (tag '90')

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate

▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07 86
CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24 40 B7
14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6 53 61 56
3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A 02 6D 24 D7
90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B E3 58 66 AF 91
87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E
BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59
AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE
5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93
7C 1D 6C 29
▤ Deciphered Issuer Public Key Certificate: 6A 02 48 89 62 FF 12 30 04 65 45 01 01
B0 01 B2 86 60 6A 64 40 E1 10 6F 9D 0D 3E 0A BC DA 06 0F 43 56 74 85 5D F9 F1 BF A2
F7 EF C4 4F E0 3C 18 5A 12 78 F1 4F D8 29 65 B9 A5 A5 55 4D BF 53 70 52 F6 01 CC 62
B7 74 67 26 13 69 D1 E3 7A DC 6E 7E 9A D4 05 B8 AE 6F 88 A7 E8 EB 1B 16 E9 EA 11 21
B8 33 60 F5 5E 68 CE EB B2 40 38 AB 76 26 D9 87 86 04 4B 6A 31 DB 5A 80 F2 12 32 F2
15 2E 95 5A 6E 71 E7 4D 56 1A 99 07 E2 FD 30 8D FF B1 69 B6 C8 11 4C CB 63 37 A2 73
D0 E0 14 43 39 A3 A3 F4 61 6E CA 16 A3 F0 A9 A2 11 2C E7 87 5D 63 21 43 34 7A 99 D8
94 1D 25 AD 6A 28 59 7B AD BF BC
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Certificate Format = 02
▤ Issuer Identification Number = 48 89 62 FF
▤ Certificate Expiration Date (MM YY) = 12 30
▤ Certificate Serial Number = 04 65 45
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ Issuer Public Key Algorithm = 01
▤ Issuer Public Key Length = B0
▤ Issuer Public Key Exponent = 01
▤ Issuer Public Key:
▤ B2 86 60 6A 64 40 E1 10 6F 9D 0D 3E 0A BC DA 06

▤ 0F 43 56 74 85 5D F9 F1 BF A2 F7 EF C4 4F E0 3C

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ 0F 43 56 74 85 5D F9 F1 BF A2 F7 EF C4 4F E0 3C
▤ 18 5A 12 78 F1 4F D8 29 65 B9 A5 A5 55 4D BF 53
▤ 70 52 F6 01 CC 62 B7 74 67 26 13 69 D1 E3 7A DC
▤ 6E 7E 9A D4 05 B8 AE 6F 88 A7 E8 EB 1B 16 E9 EA
▤ 11 21 B8 33 60 F5 5E 68 CE EB B2 40 38 AB 76 26
▤ D9 87 86 04 4B 6A 31 DB 5A 80 F2 12 32 F2 15 2E
▤ 95 5A 6E 71 E7 4D 56 1A 99 07 E2 FD 30 8D FF B1
▤ 69 B6 C8 11 4C CB 63 37 A2 73 D0 E0 14 43 39 A3
▤ A3 F4 61 6E CA 16 A3 F0 A9 A2 11 2C E7 87 5D 63
▤ 21 43 34 7A 99 D8 54 18 5E B9 E2 FA 91 AD EA 9F
▤ Padding:
▤ Hash Result:
▤ 5E 21 CD EC CF 42 26 64 40 B8 94 1D 25 AD 6A 28
▤ 59 7B AD BF
▤ Data Trailer = BC
✔ Recovered Data Trailer is 'BC'
✔ Recovered Data Header is '6A'
✔ Recovered Certificate Format is '02'
▤ Tag 5A : Application Primary Account Number (PAN) : 48 89
62 00 14 09 79 20
✔ Recovered Issuing (ISO) BIN matches the first 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 digits of the PAN
▤ Tag 5F 24: Application Expiration Date : 25 05
▤ Year : 2025
▤ Month: May
▤ Day : 31
✔ Certificate Expiration Date is not earlier than Application Expiration Date
▤ Current Date (YYYYMM): 202105
✔ Valid expiration date of the Issuer Public Key certificate
▤ Verification of Hash Result
▤ Hash Data input = 02 48 89 62 FF 12 30 04 65 45
01 01 B0 01 B2 86 60 6A 64 40 E1 10 6F 9D 0D 3E 0A BC DA 06 0F 43 56 74 85 5D F9
F1 BF A2 F7 EF C4 4F E0 3C 18 5A 12 78 F1 4F D8 29 65 B9 A5 A5 55 4D BF 53 70 52
F6 01 CC 62 B7 74 67 26 13 69 D1 E3 7A DC 6E 7E 9A D4 05 B8 AE 6F 88 A7 E8 EB 1B
16 E9 EA 11 21 B8 33 60 F5 5E 68 CE EB B2 40 38 AB 76 26 D9 87 86 04 4B 6A 31 DB
5A 80 F2 12 32 F2 15 2E 95 5A 6E 71 E7 4D 56 1A 99 07 E2 FD 30 8D FF B1 69 B6 C8
11 4C CB 63 37 A2 73 D0 E0 14 43 39 A3 A3 F4 61 6E CA 16 A3 F0 A9 A2 11 2C E7 87
5D 63 21 43 34 7A 99 D8 54 18 5E B9 E2 FA 91 AD EA 9F BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB
▤ Data from deciphered Issuer Public Key Certificate = 02 48 89 62 FF 12 30 04
65 45 01 01 B0 01 B2 86 60 6A 64 40 E1 10 6F 9D 0D 3E 0A BC DA 06 0F 43 56 74
85 5D F9 F1 BF A2 F7 EF C4 4F E0 3C 18 5A 12 78 F1 4F D8 29 65 B9 A5 A5 55 4D
BF 53 70 52 F6 01 CC 62 B7 74 67 26 13 69 D1 E3 7A DC 6E 7E 9A D4 05 B8 AE 6F
88 A7 E8 EB 1B 16 E9 EA 11 21 B8 33 60 F5 5E 68 CE EB B2 40 38 AB 76 26 D9 87
86 04 4B 6A 31 DB 5A 80 F2 12 32 F2 15 2E 95 5A 6E 71 E7 4D 56 1A 99 07 E2 FD
30 8D FF B1 69 B6 C8 11 4C CB 63 37 A2 73 D0 E0 14 43 39 A3 A3 F4 61 6E CA 16
A3 F0 A9 A2 11 2C E7 87 5D 63 21 43 34 7A 99 D8 54 18 5E B9 E2 FA 91 AD EA 9F
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ Hash Result from Issuer Public Key Certificate = 5E 21 CD EC CF 42 26 64 40 B8
94 1D 25 AD 6A 28 59 7B AD BF
▤ Result of SHA1 over the Hash Data = 5E 21 CD EC CF 42 26 64 40 B8
94 1D 25 AD 6A 28 59 7B AD BF
✔ Recovered Hash Result matches the same calculated hash result
✔ Recovered Issuer Public Key Algorithm Indicator is '01'

✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 274/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered

Data Trailer shall be 'BC'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Data Header shall be '6A'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Issuer Public Key Certificate Format shall be '02'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Issuer Public Key Certificate Issuing (ISO) BIN shall match the first 6 digits of
the PAN.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Issuer Public Key Certificate Expiration Date shall be encoded in MMYY format and
shall not be earlier than Application Expiration Date (Tag '5F24').)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Outdated
expiration date of the Issuer Public key certificate.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Hash Result shall match the same calculated hash result.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Public Key Certificate Issuer Public Key Algorithm Indicator shall be '01'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The Issuing
(ISO) BIN recovered from the IPK Certificate is 6 digits. 2 padding characters of
the Issuing (ISO) BIN recovered from the IPK Certificate must be hexadecimal 'F's.)

4.5.3 DA.1.001.01
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure the presence and validity of the recovered Issuer Public Key Certificate

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate

▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07 86
CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24 40 B7
14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6 53 61 56
3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A 02 6D 24 D7
90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B E3 58 66 AF 91
87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E
BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59
AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE
5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93
7C 1D 6C 29
▤ Deciphered Issuer Public Key Certificate: 6A 02 48 89 62 FF 12 30 04 65 45 01 01
B0 01 B2 86 60 6A 64 40 E1 10 6F 9D 0D 3E 0A BC DA 06 0F 43 56 74 85 5D F9 F1 BF A2
F7 EF C4 4F E0 3C 18 5A 12 78 F1 4F D8 29 65 B9 A5 A5 55 4D BF 53 70 52 F6 01 CC 62
B7 74 67 26 13 69 D1 E3 7A DC 6E 7E 9A D4 05 B8 AE 6F 88 A7 E8 EB 1B 16 E9 EA 11 21
B8 33 60 F5 5E 68 CE EB B2 40 38 AB 76 26 D9 87 86 04 4B 6A 31 DB 5A 80 F2 12 32 F2
15 2E 95 5A 6E 71 E7 4D 56 1A 99 07 E2 FD 30 8D FF B1 69 B6 C8 11 4C CB 63 37 A2 73
D0 E0 14 43 39 A3 A3 F4 61 6E CA 16 A3 F0 A9 A2 11 2C E7 87 5D 63 21 43 34 7A 99 D8
94 1D 25 AD 6A 28 59 7B AD BF BC
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Certificate Format = 02
▤ Issuer Identification Number = 48 89 62 FF
▤ Certificate Expiration Date (MM YY) = 12 30
▤ Certificate Serial Number = 04 65 45
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ Issuer Public Key Algorithm = 01

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 275/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01

▤ Issuer Public Key Algorithm = 01
▤ Issuer Public Key Length = B0
▤ Issuer Public Key Exponent = 01
▤ Issuer Public Key:
▤ B2 86 60 6A 64 40 E1 10 6F 9D 0D 3E 0A BC DA 06
▤ 0F 43 56 74 85 5D F9 F1 BF A2 F7 EF C4 4F E0 3C
▤ 18 5A 12 78 F1 4F D8 29 65 B9 A5 A5 55 4D BF 53
▤ 70 52 F6 01 CC 62 B7 74 67 26 13 69 D1 E3 7A DC
▤ 6E 7E 9A D4 05 B8 AE 6F 88 A7 E8 EB 1B 16 E9 EA
▤ 11 21 B8 33 60 F5 5E 68 CE EB B2 40 38 AB 76 26
▤ D9 87 86 04 4B 6A 31 DB 5A 80 F2 12 32 F2 15 2E
▤ 95 5A 6E 71 E7 4D 56 1A 99 07 E2 FD 30 8D FF B1
▤ 69 B6 C8 11 4C CB 63 37 A2 73 D0 E0 14 43 39 A3
▤ A3 F4 61 6E CA 16 A3 F0 A9 A2 11 2C E7 87 5D 63
▤ 21 43 34 7A 99 D8 54 18 5E B9 E2 FA 91 AD EA 9F
▤ Padding:
▤ Hash Result:
▤ 5E 21 CD EC CF 42 26 64 40 B8 94 1D 25 AD 6A 28
▤ 59 7B AD BF
▤ Data Trailer = BC
✔ Recovered Data Trailer is 'BC'
✔ Recovered Data Header is '6A'
✔ Recovered Certificate Format is '02'
▤ Tag 5A : Application Primary Account Number (PAN) : 48 89
62 00 14 09 79 20
✔ Recovered Issuing (ISO) BIN matches the first 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 digits of the PAN
▤ Tag 5F 24: Application Expiration Date : 25 05
▤ Year : 2025
▤ Month: May
▤ Day : 31
✔ Certificate Expiration Date is not earlier than Application Expiration Date
▤ Current Date (YYYYMM): 202105
✔ Valid expiration date of the Issuer Public Key certificate
▤ Verification of Hash Result
▤ Hash Data input = 02 48 89 62 FF 12 30 04 65 45
01 01 B0 01 B2 86 60 6A 64 40 E1 10 6F 9D 0D 3E 0A BC DA 06 0F 43 56 74 85 5D F9
F1 BF A2 F7 EF C4 4F E0 3C 18 5A 12 78 F1 4F D8 29 65 B9 A5 A5 55 4D BF 53 70 52
F6 01 CC 62 B7 74 67 26 13 69 D1 E3 7A DC 6E 7E 9A D4 05 B8 AE 6F 88 A7 E8 EB 1B
16 E9 EA 11 21 B8 33 60 F5 5E 68 CE EB B2 40 38 AB 76 26 D9 87 86 04 4B 6A 31 DB
5A 80 F2 12 32 F2 15 2E 95 5A 6E 71 E7 4D 56 1A 99 07 E2 FD 30 8D FF B1 69 B6 C8
11 4C CB 63 37 A2 73 D0 E0 14 43 39 A3 A3 F4 61 6E CA 16 A3 F0 A9 A2 11 2C E7 87
5D 63 21 43 34 7A 99 D8 54 18 5E B9 E2 FA 91 AD EA 9F BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB
▤ Data from deciphered Issuer Public Key Certificate = 02 48 89 62 FF 12 30 04
65 45 01 01 B0 01 B2 86 60 6A 64 40 E1 10 6F 9D 0D 3E 0A BC DA 06 0F 43 56 74
85 5D F9 F1 BF A2 F7 EF C4 4F E0 3C 18 5A 12 78 F1 4F D8 29 65 B9 A5 A5 55 4D
BF 53 70 52 F6 01 CC 62 B7 74 67 26 13 69 D1 E3 7A DC 6E 7E 9A D4 05 B8 AE 6F
88 A7 E8 EB 1B 16 E9 EA 11 21 B8 33 60 F5 5E 68 CE EB B2 40 38 AB 76 26 D9 87
86 04 4B 6A 31 DB 5A 80 F2 12 32 F2 15 2E 95 5A 6E 71 E7 4D 56 1A 99 07 E2 FD
30 8D FF B1 69 B6 C8 11 4C CB 63 37 A2 73 D0 E0 14 43 39 A3 A3 F4 61 6E CA 16
A3 F0 A9 A2 11 2C E7 87 5D 63 21 43 34 7A 99 D8 54 18 5E B9 E2 FA 91 AD EA 9F
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ Hash Result from Issuer Public Key Certificate = 5E 21 CD EC CF 42 26 64 40 B8
94 1D 25 AD 6A 28 59 7B AD BF

▤ Result of SHA1 over the Hash Data = 5E 21 CD EC CF 42 26 64 40 B8

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 276/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Result of SHA1 over the Hash Data = 5E 21 CD EC CF 42 26 64 40 B8

94 1D 25 AD 6A 28 59 7B AD BF
✔ Recovered Hash Result matches the same calculated hash result
✔ Recovered Issuer Public Key Algorithm Indicator is '01'

✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered

Data Trailer shall be 'BC'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Data Header shall be '6A'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Issuer Public Key Certificate Format shall be '02'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Issuer Public Key Certificate Issuing (ISO) BIN shall match the first 6 digits of
the PAN.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Issuer Public Key Certificate Expiration Date shall be encoded in MMYY format and
shall not be earlier than Application Expiration Date (Tag '5F24').)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Outdated
expiration date of the Issuer Public key certificate.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Hash Result shall match the same calculated hash result.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Public Key Certificate Issuer Public Key Algorithm Indicator shall be '01'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The Issuing
(ISO) BIN recovered from the IPK Certificate is 6 digits. 2 padding characters of
the Issuing (ISO) BIN recovered from the IPK Certificate must be hexadecimal 'F's.)

4.5.4 DA.1.001.02
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure the presence and validity of the recovered Issuer Public Key Certificate

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate

▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07 86
CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24 40 B7
14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6 53 61 56
3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A 02 6D 24 D7
90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B E3 58 66 AF 91
87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E
BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59
AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE
5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93
7C 1D 6C 29
▤ Deciphered Issuer Public Key Certificate: 6A 02 48 89 62 FF 12 30 04 65 45 01 01
B0 01 B2 86 60 6A 64 40 E1 10 6F 9D 0D 3E 0A BC DA 06 0F 43 56 74 85 5D F9 F1 BF A2
F7 EF C4 4F E0 3C 18 5A 12 78 F1 4F D8 29 65 B9 A5 A5 55 4D BF 53 70 52 F6 01 CC 62
B7 74 67 26 13 69 D1 E3 7A DC 6E 7E 9A D4 05 B8 AE 6F 88 A7 E8 EB 1B 16 E9 EA 11 21
B8 33 60 F5 5E 68 CE EB B2 40 38 AB 76 26 D9 87 86 04 4B 6A 31 DB 5A 80 F2 12 32 F2
15 2E 95 5A 6E 71 E7 4D 56 1A 99 07 E2 FD 30 8D FF B1 69 B6 C8 11 4C CB 63 37 A2 73
D0 E0 14 43 39 A3 A3 F4 61 6E CA 16 A3 F0 A9 A2 11 2C E7 87 5D 63 21 43 34 7A 99 D8
94 1D 25 AD 6A 28 59 7B AD BF BC
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Certificate Format = 02

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 277/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Certificate Format = 02
▤ Issuer Identification Number = 48 89 62 FF
▤ Certificate Expiration Date (MM YY) = 12 30
▤ Certificate Serial Number = 04 65 45
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ Issuer Public Key Algorithm = 01
▤ Issuer Public Key Length = B0
▤ Issuer Public Key Exponent = 01
▤ Issuer Public Key:
▤ B2 86 60 6A 64 40 E1 10 6F 9D 0D 3E 0A BC DA 06
▤ 0F 43 56 74 85 5D F9 F1 BF A2 F7 EF C4 4F E0 3C
▤ 18 5A 12 78 F1 4F D8 29 65 B9 A5 A5 55 4D BF 53
▤ 70 52 F6 01 CC 62 B7 74 67 26 13 69 D1 E3 7A DC
▤ 6E 7E 9A D4 05 B8 AE 6F 88 A7 E8 EB 1B 16 E9 EA
▤ 11 21 B8 33 60 F5 5E 68 CE EB B2 40 38 AB 76 26
▤ D9 87 86 04 4B 6A 31 DB 5A 80 F2 12 32 F2 15 2E
▤ 95 5A 6E 71 E7 4D 56 1A 99 07 E2 FD 30 8D FF B1
▤ 69 B6 C8 11 4C CB 63 37 A2 73 D0 E0 14 43 39 A3
▤ A3 F4 61 6E CA 16 A3 F0 A9 A2 11 2C E7 87 5D 63
▤ 21 43 34 7A 99 D8 54 18 5E B9 E2 FA 91 AD EA 9F
▤ Padding:
▤ Hash Result:
▤ 5E 21 CD EC CF 42 26 64 40 B8 94 1D 25 AD 6A 28
▤ 59 7B AD BF
▤ Data Trailer = BC
✔ Recovered Data Trailer is 'BC'
✔ Recovered Data Header is '6A'
✔ Recovered Certificate Format is '02'
▤ Tag 5A : Application Primary Account Number (PAN) : 48 89
62 00 14 09 79 20
✔ Recovered Issuing (ISO) BIN matches the first 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 digits of the PAN
▤ Tag 5F 24: Application Expiration Date : 25 05
▤ Year : 2025
▤ Month: May
▤ Day : 31
✔ Certificate Expiration Date is not earlier than Application Expiration Date
▤ Current Date (YYYYMM): 202105
✔ Valid expiration date of the Issuer Public Key certificate
▤ Verification of Hash Result
▤ Hash Data input = 02 48 89 62 FF 12 30 04 65 45
01 01 B0 01 B2 86 60 6A 64 40 E1 10 6F 9D 0D 3E 0A BC DA 06 0F 43 56 74 85 5D F9
F1 BF A2 F7 EF C4 4F E0 3C 18 5A 12 78 F1 4F D8 29 65 B9 A5 A5 55 4D BF 53 70 52
F6 01 CC 62 B7 74 67 26 13 69 D1 E3 7A DC 6E 7E 9A D4 05 B8 AE 6F 88 A7 E8 EB 1B
16 E9 EA 11 21 B8 33 60 F5 5E 68 CE EB B2 40 38 AB 76 26 D9 87 86 04 4B 6A 31 DB
5A 80 F2 12 32 F2 15 2E 95 5A 6E 71 E7 4D 56 1A 99 07 E2 FD 30 8D FF B1 69 B6 C8
11 4C CB 63 37 A2 73 D0 E0 14 43 39 A3 A3 F4 61 6E CA 16 A3 F0 A9 A2 11 2C E7 87
5D 63 21 43 34 7A 99 D8 54 18 5E B9 E2 FA 91 AD EA 9F BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB
▤ Data from deciphered Issuer Public Key Certificate = 02 48 89 62 FF 12 30 04
65 45 01 01 B0 01 B2 86 60 6A 64 40 E1 10 6F 9D 0D 3E 0A BC DA 06 0F 43 56 74
85 5D F9 F1 BF A2 F7 EF C4 4F E0 3C 18 5A 12 78 F1 4F D8 29 65 B9 A5 A5 55 4D
BF 53 70 52 F6 01 CC 62 B7 74 67 26 13 69 D1 E3 7A DC 6E 7E 9A D4 05 B8 AE 6F
88 A7 E8 EB 1B 16 E9 EA 11 21 B8 33 60 F5 5E 68 CE EB B2 40 38 AB 76 26 D9 87
86 04 4B 6A 31 DB 5A 80 F2 12 32 F2 15 2E 95 5A 6E 71 E7 4D 56 1A 99 07 E2 FD
30 8D FF B1 69 B6 C8 11 4C CB 63 37 A2 73 D0 E0 14 43 39 A3 A3 F4 61 6E CA 16

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 278/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

A3 F0 A9 A2 11 2C E7 87 5D 63 21 43 34 7A 99 D8 54 18 5E B9 E2 FA 91 AD EA 9F
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ Hash Result from Issuer Public Key Certificate = 5E 21 CD EC CF 42 26 64 40 B8
94 1D 25 AD 6A 28 59 7B AD BF
▤ Result of SHA1 over the Hash Data = 5E 21 CD EC CF 42 26 64 40 B8
94 1D 25 AD 6A 28 59 7B AD BF
✔ Recovered Hash Result matches the same calculated hash result
✔ Recovered Issuer Public Key Algorithm Indicator is '01'

✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered

Data Trailer shall be 'BC'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Data Header shall be '6A'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Issuer Public Key Certificate Format shall be '02'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Issuer Public Key Certificate Issuing (ISO) BIN shall match the first 6 digits of
the PAN.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Issuer Public Key Certificate Expiration Date shall be encoded in MMYY format and
shall not be earlier than Application Expiration Date (Tag '5F24').)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Outdated
expiration date of the Issuer Public key certificate.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Hash Result shall match the same calculated hash result.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Public Key Certificate Issuer Public Key Algorithm Indicator shall be '01'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The Issuing
(ISO) BIN recovered from the IPK Certificate is 6 digits. 2 padding characters of
the Issuing (ISO) BIN recovered from the IPK Certificate must be hexadecimal 'F's.)

4.5.5 DA.2.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure the presence and validity of the recovered ICC Public Key Certificate are correct

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x

✔ Decipher ICC Public Key Certificate

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate
▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07
86 CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24
40 B7 14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6
53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A
02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B
E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58
7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A
FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31
3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D
5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29
▤ Tag 92 : Issuer Public Key Remainder : <not
▤ Tag 9F 32: Issuer Public Key Exponent : 03

▤ Tag 9F 46: ICC Public Key Certificate : 61

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 279/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Tag 9F 46: ICC Public Key Certificate : 61

D3 E9 00 4E BD 04 0B 40 89 D0 EF C2 02 06 78 1C 60 9D 6F FB AB A3 B8 03 FD 14 17
AA 4D EC AD 10 B5 A4 1D 5F 49 15 FF 89 B3 7C AC 1E 2F 63 A3 29 AE 84 93 90 D8 CA
8A CC BE 05 58 CE 9D 5D AD 09 6C 74 EC DE 88 EA 50 A8 6D E4 03 E3 E4 DE 6D 39 56
77 81 63 8F 03 AB 4E B8 82 D7 98 AD 67 76 1D 02 E1 30 C0 1B A4 BC 1E C9 8F 02 23
99 FB 9F 25 05 8D B0 58 AD 14 15 AF CF 21 94 8A EC 2E 46 A4 BE 70 80 5D 81 3F A3
6E 4F A2 EC 83 01 07 52 67 D0 30 64 A2 08 73 97 66 2D 06 8C BA 9C 58 0B 91 DE 78
41 75 DF 5B 44 85 F0 C8 2A 58 74 C6 68
▤ Deciphered ICC Public Key Certificate
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Certificate Format = 04
▤ Application PAN = 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 FF FF
▤ Certificate Expiration Date (MM YY) = 05 25
▤ Certificate Serial Number = 00 00 01
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Algorithm = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Length = 80
▤ ICC Public Key Exponent = 01
▤ ICC Public Key:
▤ D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E F1
▤ 7E C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF
▤ FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41 40 41 D9 4F 14 21 58
▤ 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05
▤ B9 48 26 7C 49 A8 0C 35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D
▤ D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8 19 35 06
▤ 37 64 DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8
▤ 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF 3A A7 52 FD 59 A5 18 B1 F9
▤ Padding:
▤ Hash Result:
▤ 11 86 30 33 87 2B 4F AA C0 7C A0 67 CD 7B 09 B9
▤ E5 55 29 4A
▤ Data Trailer = BC
▤ Deciphered ICC Public Key Certificate
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Certificate Format = 04
▤ Application PAN = 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 FF FF
▤ Certificate Expiration Date (MM YY) = 05 25
▤ Certificate Serial Number = 00 00 01
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Algorithm = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Length = 80
▤ ICC Public Key Exponent = 01
▤ ICC Public Key:
▤ D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E F1
▤ 7E C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF
▤ FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41 40 41 D9 4F 14 21 58
▤ 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05
▤ B9 48 26 7C 49 A8 0C 35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D
▤ D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8 19 35 06
▤ 37 64 DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8
▤ 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF 3A A7 52 FD 59 A5 18 B1 F9
▤ Padding:
▤ Hash Result:
▤ 11 86 30 33 87 2B 4F AA C0 7C A0 67 CD 7B 09 B9
▤ E5 55 29 4A
▤ Data Trailer = BC
✔ Recovered Data Trailer is 'BC'
✔ Recovered Data Header is '6A'
✔ Recovered Certificate Format is '04'

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 280/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

✔ Recovered Certificate Format is '04'

▤ Tag 5F 24: Application Expiration Date : 25 05
▤ Year : 2025
▤ Month: May
▤ Day : 31
✔ Certificate Expiration Date is not earlier than Application Expiration Date
▤ Verification of Hash Result
▤ Hash Data input = 04 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 FF
FF 05 25 00 00 01 01 01 80 01 D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E F1 7E
C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41 40 41 D9
4F 14 21 58 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05 B9 48 26 7C 49 A8 0C
35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8 19 35 06 37 64
DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF 3A A7 52 FD 59 A5
18 B1 F9 BB BB BB BB BB BB 03 5A 08 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 5F 24 03 25 05 31 20
▤ Data from deciphered ICC Public Key Certificate = 04 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20
FF FF 05 25 00 00 01 01 01 80 01 D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E
F1 7E C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41
40 41 D9 4F 14 21 58 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05 B9 48 26
7C 49 A8 0C 35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8
19 35 06 37 64 DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF
3A A7 52 FD 59 A5 18 B1 F9 BB BB BB BB BB BB
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ Hash Result from ICC Public Key Public Key Certificate = 11 86 30 33 87 2B 4F
AA C0 7C A0 67 CD 7B 09 B9 E5 55 29 4A
▤ Result of SHA1 over the Hash Data = 11 86 30 33 87 2B 4F
AA C0 7C A0 67 CD 7B 09 B9 E5 55 29 4A
✔ Recovered Hash Result matches the same calculated hash result
▤ Tag 5A : Application Primary Account Number (PAN) : 48 89
62 00 14 09 79 20
✔ Recovered PAN matches the Application PAN

▤ Certificate expiration date (YYYYMM): 202505

▤ Current date (YYYYMM) : 202105
✔ ICC Public Key certificate is not expired

✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered

Data Trailer shall be 'BC'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Data Header shall be '6A'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
ICC Public Key Certificate Format shall be '04'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
ICC Public Key Certificate Expiration Date shall be encoded in MMYY format and shall
not be earlier than Application Expiration Date (Tag '5F24').)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Hash Result shall match the same calculated hash result.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
ICC Public Key Certificate Application PAN shall match with the Application PAN and
padded to the right with hexadecimal 'F's.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Expired ICC
Public Key Certificate (tag '9F46'))

4.5.6 DA.2.001.01
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure the presence and validity of the recovered ICC Public Key Certificate are correct

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 281/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ Decipher ICC Public Key Certificate

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate
▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07
86 CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24
40 B7 14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6
53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A
02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B
E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58
7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A
FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31
3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D
5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29
▤ Tag 92 : Issuer Public Key Remainder : <not
▤ Tag 9F 32: Issuer Public Key Exponent : 03
▤ Tag 9F 46: ICC Public Key Certificate : 61
D3 E9 00 4E BD 04 0B 40 89 D0 EF C2 02 06 78 1C 60 9D 6F FB AB A3 B8 03 FD 14 17
AA 4D EC AD 10 B5 A4 1D 5F 49 15 FF 89 B3 7C AC 1E 2F 63 A3 29 AE 84 93 90 D8 CA
8A CC BE 05 58 CE 9D 5D AD 09 6C 74 EC DE 88 EA 50 A8 6D E4 03 E3 E4 DE 6D 39 56
77 81 63 8F 03 AB 4E B8 82 D7 98 AD 67 76 1D 02 E1 30 C0 1B A4 BC 1E C9 8F 02 23
99 FB 9F 25 05 8D B0 58 AD 14 15 AF CF 21 94 8A EC 2E 46 A4 BE 70 80 5D 81 3F A3
6E 4F A2 EC 83 01 07 52 67 D0 30 64 A2 08 73 97 66 2D 06 8C BA 9C 58 0B 91 DE 78
41 75 DF 5B 44 85 F0 C8 2A 58 74 C6 68
▤ Deciphered ICC Public Key Certificate
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Certificate Format = 04
▤ Application PAN = 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 FF FF
▤ Certificate Expiration Date (MM YY) = 05 25
▤ Certificate Serial Number = 00 00 01
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Algorithm = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Length = 80
▤ ICC Public Key Exponent = 01
▤ ICC Public Key:
▤ D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E F1
▤ 7E C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF
▤ FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41 40 41 D9 4F 14 21 58
▤ 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05
▤ B9 48 26 7C 49 A8 0C 35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D
▤ D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8 19 35 06
▤ 37 64 DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8
▤ 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF 3A A7 52 FD 59 A5 18 B1 F9
▤ Padding:
▤ Hash Result:
▤ 11 86 30 33 87 2B 4F AA C0 7C A0 67 CD 7B 09 B9
▤ E5 55 29 4A
▤ Data Trailer = BC
▤ Deciphered ICC Public Key Certificate
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Certificate Format = 04
▤ Application PAN = 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 FF FF
▤ Certificate Expiration Date (MM YY) = 05 25
▤ Certificate Serial Number = 00 00 01
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01

▤ ICC Public Key Algorithm = 01

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ ICC Public Key Algorithm = 01

▤ ICC Public Key Length = 80
▤ ICC Public Key Exponent = 01
▤ ICC Public Key:
▤ D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E F1
▤ 7E C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF
▤ FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41 40 41 D9 4F 14 21 58
▤ 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05
▤ B9 48 26 7C 49 A8 0C 35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D
▤ D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8 19 35 06
▤ 37 64 DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8
▤ 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF 3A A7 52 FD 59 A5 18 B1 F9
▤ Padding:
▤ Hash Result:
▤ 11 86 30 33 87 2B 4F AA C0 7C A0 67 CD 7B 09 B9
▤ E5 55 29 4A
▤ Data Trailer = BC
✔ Recovered Data Trailer is 'BC'
✔ Recovered Data Header is '6A'
✔ Recovered Certificate Format is '04'
▤ Tag 5F 24: Application Expiration Date : 25 05
▤ Year : 2025
▤ Month: May
▤ Day : 31
✔ Certificate Expiration Date is not earlier than Application Expiration Date
▤ Verification of Hash Result
▤ Hash Data input = 04 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 FF
FF 05 25 00 00 01 01 01 80 01 D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E F1 7E
C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41 40 41 D9
4F 14 21 58 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05 B9 48 26 7C 49 A8 0C
35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8 19 35 06 37 64
DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF 3A A7 52 FD 59 A5
18 B1 F9 BB BB BB BB BB BB 03 5A 08 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 5F 24 03 25 05 31 20
▤ Data from deciphered ICC Public Key Certificate = 04 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20
FF FF 05 25 00 00 01 01 01 80 01 D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E
F1 7E C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41
40 41 D9 4F 14 21 58 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05 B9 48 26
7C 49 A8 0C 35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8
19 35 06 37 64 DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF
3A A7 52 FD 59 A5 18 B1 F9 BB BB BB BB BB BB
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ Hash Result from ICC Public Key Public Key Certificate = 11 86 30 33 87 2B 4F
AA C0 7C A0 67 CD 7B 09 B9 E5 55 29 4A
▤ Result of SHA1 over the Hash Data = 11 86 30 33 87 2B 4F
AA C0 7C A0 67 CD 7B 09 B9 E5 55 29 4A
✔ Recovered Hash Result matches the same calculated hash result
▤ Tag 5A : Application Primary Account Number (PAN) : 48 89
62 00 14 09 79 20
✔ Recovered PAN matches the Application PAN (padded to the right with hexadecimal

▤ Certificate expiration date (YYYYMM): 202505

▤ Current date (YYYYMM) : 202105
✔ ICC Public Key certificate is not expired

✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered

Data Trailer shall be 'BC'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Data Header shall be '6A'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered

Issuer Public Key Certificate Format shall be '02'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
ICC Public Key Certificate Expiration Date shall be encoded in MMYY format and shall
not be earlier than Application Expiration Date (Tag '5F24').)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Hash Result shall match the same calculated hash result.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
ICC Public Key Certificate Application PAN shall match with the Application PAN and
padded to the right with hexadecimal 'F's.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Outdated
expiration date of the ICC Public Key certificate.)

4.5.7 DA.2.001.02
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure the presence and validity of the recovered ICC Public Key Certificate are correct

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ Decipher ICC Public Key Certificate

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate
▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07
86 CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24
40 B7 14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6
53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A
02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B
E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58
7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A
FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31
3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D
5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29
▤ Tag 92 : Issuer Public Key Remainder : <not
▤ Tag 9F 32: Issuer Public Key Exponent : 03
▤ Tag 9F 46: ICC Public Key Certificate : 61
D3 E9 00 4E BD 04 0B 40 89 D0 EF C2 02 06 78 1C 60 9D 6F FB AB A3 B8 03 FD 14 17
AA 4D EC AD 10 B5 A4 1D 5F 49 15 FF 89 B3 7C AC 1E 2F 63 A3 29 AE 84 93 90 D8 CA
8A CC BE 05 58 CE 9D 5D AD 09 6C 74 EC DE 88 EA 50 A8 6D E4 03 E3 E4 DE 6D 39 56
77 81 63 8F 03 AB 4E B8 82 D7 98 AD 67 76 1D 02 E1 30 C0 1B A4 BC 1E C9 8F 02 23
99 FB 9F 25 05 8D B0 58 AD 14 15 AF CF 21 94 8A EC 2E 46 A4 BE 70 80 5D 81 3F A3
6E 4F A2 EC 83 01 07 52 67 D0 30 64 A2 08 73 97 66 2D 06 8C BA 9C 58 0B 91 DE 78
41 75 DF 5B 44 85 F0 C8 2A 58 74 C6 68
▤ Deciphered ICC Public Key Certificate
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Certificate Format = 04
▤ Application PAN = 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 FF FF
▤ Certificate Expiration Date (MM YY) = 05 25
▤ Certificate Serial Number = 00 00 01
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Algorithm = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Length = 80
▤ ICC Public Key Exponent = 01
▤ ICC Public Key:
▤ D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E F1
▤ 7E C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ 7E C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF
▤ FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41 40 41 D9 4F 14 21 58
▤ 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05
▤ B9 48 26 7C 49 A8 0C 35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D
▤ D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8 19 35 06
▤ 37 64 DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8
▤ 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF 3A A7 52 FD 59 A5 18 B1 F9
▤ Padding:
▤ Hash Result:
▤ 11 86 30 33 87 2B 4F AA C0 7C A0 67 CD 7B 09 B9
▤ E5 55 29 4A
▤ Data Trailer = BC
▤ Deciphered ICC Public Key Certificate
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Certificate Format = 04
▤ Application PAN = 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 FF FF
▤ Certificate Expiration Date (MM YY) = 05 25
▤ Certificate Serial Number = 00 00 01
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Algorithm = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Length = 80
▤ ICC Public Key Exponent = 01
▤ ICC Public Key:
▤ D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E F1
▤ 7E C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF
▤ FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41 40 41 D9 4F 14 21 58
▤ 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05
▤ B9 48 26 7C 49 A8 0C 35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D
▤ D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8 19 35 06
▤ 37 64 DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8
▤ 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF 3A A7 52 FD 59 A5 18 B1 F9
▤ Padding:
▤ Hash Result:
▤ 11 86 30 33 87 2B 4F AA C0 7C A0 67 CD 7B 09 B9
▤ E5 55 29 4A
▤ Data Trailer = BC
✔ Recovered Data Trailer is 'BC'
✔ Recovered Data Header is '6A'
✔ Recovered Certificate Format is '04'
▤ Tag 5F 24: Application Expiration Date : 25 05
▤ Year : 2025
▤ Month: May
▤ Day : 31
✔ Certificate Expiration Date is not earlier than Application Expiration Date
▤ Verification of Hash Result
▤ Hash Data input = 04 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 FF
FF 05 25 00 00 01 01 01 80 01 D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E F1 7E
C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41 40 41 D9
4F 14 21 58 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05 B9 48 26 7C 49 A8 0C
35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8 19 35 06 37 64
DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF 3A A7 52 FD 59 A5
18 B1 F9 BB BB BB BB BB BB 03 5A 08 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 5F 24 03 25 05 31 20
▤ Data from deciphered ICC Public Key Certificate = 04 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20
FF FF 05 25 00 00 01 01 01 80 01 D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E
F1 7E C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41
40 41 D9 4F 14 21 58 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05 B9 48 26
7C 49 A8 0C 35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

19 35 06 37 64 DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF
3A A7 52 FD 59 A5 18 B1 F9 BB BB BB BB BB BB
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ Hash Result from ICC Public Key Public Key Certificate = 11 86 30 33 87 2B 4F
AA C0 7C A0 67 CD 7B 09 B9 E5 55 29 4A
▤ Result of SHA1 over the Hash Data = 11 86 30 33 87 2B 4F
AA C0 7C A0 67 CD 7B 09 B9 E5 55 29 4A
✔ Recovered Hash Result matches the same calculated hash result
▤ Tag 5A : Application Primary Account Number (PAN) : 48 89
62 00 14 09 79 20
✔ Recovered PAN matches the Application PAN (padded to the right with hexadecimal

▤ Certificate expiration date (YYYYMM): 202505

▤ Current date (YYYYMM) : 202105
✔ ICC Public Key certificate is not expired

✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered

Data Trailer shall be 'BC'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Data Header shall be '6A'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Issuer Public Key Certificate Format shall be '02'.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
ICC Public Key Certificate Expiration Date shall be encoded in MMYY format and shall
not be earlier than Application Expiration Date (Tag '5F24').)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Hash Result shall match the same calculated hash result.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
ICC Public Key Certificate Application PAN shall match with the Application PAN and
padded to the right with hexadecimal 'F's.)
✔ DA. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Outdated
expiration date of the ICC Public Key certificate.)

4.5.8 DA.4.001.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Signed Static Authentication Data uses a Signed Data Format that prevents
usage in a contact chip POS environment and is otherwise valid.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 82 : Application Interchange Profile [VCPS] : 20 20

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 RFU
bit 7 = 0 Offline static data authentication is NOT supported for
online authorizations
bit 6 = 1 Offline dynamic data authentication is supported
bit 5 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 4 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 3 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 2 = 0 RFU / Not used for VCPS (VCPS 2.2)
bit 1 = 0 Not used for VCPS
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 MSD is NOT supported
bit 7 = 0 Mobile handset
bit 6 = 1 Contactless transaction
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Test not applicable, because:
SDA not supported for qVSDC Online with Offline Data Authentication

4.5.9 DE.6.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Label is present and formatted correctly.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 50 : Application Label : 56 69

73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
✔ Application Label has valid length (1-16 bytes)
✔ Application Label contains only ans characters

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

mandatory data element Application Label ('50'))
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
Label (Tag '50') shall contain only alphanumeric characters and spaces (i.e. no
punctuation, apostrophes, question marks, etc).)
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
Label (Tag '50') shall be in uppercase for all characters, or uppercase for the
first letter of each word followed by lowercase characters.)

4.5.10 DE.6.003.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that if there is more than one AID on the payment application, the labels do not

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Payment application doesn't contain more than one AID

4.5.11 DE.26.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Country Code is present, is correctly formatted, and contains a valid

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 287/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

value (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• Application Usage Control tag '9F07' is present.

▤ Tag 5F 28: Issuer Country Code : 00 51
▤ Country Code = 00 51
▤ Country Name = Armenia
✔ Issuer Country Code length is 2 bytes

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
ISO3166 value.)
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Issuer
Country Code (Tag '5F28') shall be present if Application Usage Control (Tag '9F07')
is present.)

4.5.12 DE.26.004.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Country Code is not present when not required (i.e., when the
Application Usage Control is not present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Application Usage Control tag '9F07' is present.

4.5.13 DE.26.006.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Country Code is consistent across all supported contact and
contactless paths

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• qVSDC online transaction with ODA

▤ Tag 5F 28: Issuer Country Code : 00 51
▤ Country Code = 00 51
▤ Country Name = Armenia

• EMV transaction 1st GAC ARQC

▤ Tag 5F 28: Issuer Country Code : 00 51

• qVSDC online transaction

▤ Tag 5F 28: Issuer Country Code : 00 51

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Tag 5F 28: Issuer Country Code : 00 51

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Issuer

Country Code (Tag '5F28') must contain the same value across all supported contact
and contactless paths.)

4.5.14 DE.60.001.01
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure Application PAN Sequence Number is not returned in the record.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ Tag: 5F 34, Application PAN Sequence Number not retrievable with READ RECORD
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:
Application PAN Sequence Number is present in the record. Some VCPS 2.0.2 devices
"ignore" the Application PAN Sequence Number when it is returned in the record which
may lead to transaction decline.)

4.5.15 DS.5.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the card responds to the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS command according to
Response Message Template Format 2

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ GPO response: 77 81 DA 82 02 20 20 94 08 18 01 02 01 10 01 04 00 57 13 48 89 62 00
14 09 79 20 D2 50 52 21 17 71 68 80 00 00 0F 5F 20 02 20 2F 5F 34 01 01 9F 10 07 06
01 11 03 A0 20 00 9F 26 08 87 19 FA 55 D9 91 EF C5 9F 27 01 80 9F 36 02 00 05 9F 4B
81 80 93 C5 88 C1 D8 98 D0 88 F1 EB 4F BE A6 2D C0 EB 1E 51 5B FC B7 94 E8 D0 B0 BC
70 DE 6E 6E 5B F5 E3 07 B4 5E 93 96 0C 4A 05 B7 98 31 A9 00 43 04 A1 02 79 89 2E E7
B4 32 A3 61 2E 0E 83 4D FF 04 54 34 86 89 DE 57 86 71 89 00 D3 73 C0 18 DA 86 58 18
2C C5 52 4A 01 5F 15 97 EB 87 52 18 A4 B8 A7 6C 47 B3 3F AB 2D 8B 5F 96 1A B7 2F 1A
20 66 19 A0 82 00 7C 6A 16 3B 2C 94 41 96 90 9E 6F F1 9F 6C 02 28 00 9F 6E 04 20 70
00 00 90 00

✔ DS. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Data Element

shall be a constructed data object (template) and shall contain valid TLV encoded
✔ DS. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The card
does not return a valid response to a GET PROCESSING OPTIONS command.)

4.5.16 DS.5.004.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS Response data does not include non-explicitly
listed data elements

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 77 : Response Message Template Format 2

▤ Tag 82 : Application Interchange Profile [VCPS] : 20
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 RFU
bit 7 = 0 Offline static data authentication is NOT supported for
online authorizations
bit 6 = 1 Offline dynamic data authentication is supported
bit 5 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 4 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 3 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 2 = 0 RFU / Not used for VCPS (VCPS 2.2)
bit 1 = 0 Not used for VCPS
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 MSD is NOT supported
bit 7 = 0 Mobile handset
bit 6 = 1 Contactless transaction
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Tag 94 : Application File Locator (AFL) : 18
01 02 01 10 01 04 00
▤ AFL (1) = 18 01 02 01
▤ SFI (decimal) = 3
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 1
▤ AFL (2) = 10 01 04 00
▤ SFI (decimal) = 2
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 4
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0
▤ Tag 57 : Track 2 Equivalent Data : 48
89 62 00 14 09 79 20 D2 50 52 21 17 71 68 80 00 00 0F
▤ PAN = 4889620014097920
▤ Separator field = D
▤ Expiry Date (YY/MM) = 25/05
▤ Service Code = 221
▤ Discretionary Data = 1771688000000F
▤ (may be padded with one 'F')
▤ Tag 5F 20: Cardholder Name : 20
▤ Text value = /
▤ Tag 5F 34: Application PAN Sequence Number : 01
▤ Tag 9F 10: Issuer Application Data [VCPS 2.2] : 06 01
11 03 A0 20 00
▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 11 03 A0 20 00
▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 11
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 A0 20 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')

▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested

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▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested

bit 6-5 = 10 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: ARQC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not performed
bit 1 = 0 Able to go online or offline transaction
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Last online transaction completed
bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded
bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters
bit 5 = 0 No new card
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last online
transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online
authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card
bit 1 = 0 Offline static data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed
bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or
was not performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication not
bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-
Expecting card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification
not supported)
▤ Tag 9F 26: Application Cryptogram (AC) : 87
19 FA 55 D9 91 EF C5
▤ Tag 9F 27: Cryptogram Information Data (CID) : 80
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-7 = 10 ARQC
bit 6-5 = 00 Payment System specific cryptogram
bit 4 = 0 No advice required
bit 3-1 = 000 No information given
▤ Tag 9F 36: Application Transaction Counter (ATC) : 00 05
▤ Decimal value = 5
▤ Tag 9F 4B: Signed Dynamic Application Data : 93 C5
88 C1 D8 98 D0 88 F1 EB 4F BE A6 2D C0 EB 1E 51 5B FC B7 94 E8 D0 B0 BC 70 DE 6E
6E 5B F5 E3 07 B4 5E 93 96 0C 4A 05 B7 98 31 A9 00 43 04 A1 02 79 89 2E E7 B4 32
A3 61 2E 0E 83 4D FF 04 54 34 86 89 DE 57 86 71 89 00 D3 73 C0 18 DA 86 58 18 2C
C5 52 4A 01 5F 15 97 EB 87 52 18 A4 B8 A7 6C 47 B3 3F AB 2D 8B 5F 96 1A B7 2F 1A
20 66 19 A0 82 00 7C 6A 16 3B 2C 94 41 96 90 9E 6F F1
▤ Tag 9F 6C: Card Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2] : 28
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Online PIN not required
bit 7 = 0 Signature not required
bit 6 = 1 Go online if Offline Data Authentication fails and
Reader is online capable
bit 5 = 0 Do not switch interface if Offline Data Authentication
fails and Reader supports contact chip
bit 4 = 1 Go Online if Application Expired
bit 3 = 0 Do not switch interface for Cash Transactions
bit 2 = 0 Do not switch interface for Cashback Transactions
bit 1 = 0 Valid for contactless ATM transactions
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Consumer Device CVM not performed
bit 7 = 0 Card does not support Issuer Update Processing at the
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU

bit 2 = 0 RFU

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bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Tag 9F 6E: Form Factor Indicator [qVSDC] : 20
70 00 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-6 = 001 Form Factor Indicator Version Number: 1
bit 5-1 = 00000 Consumer Payment Device Form Factor: Standard Card
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not passcode capable
bit 7 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a signature panel
bit 6 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a hologram
bit 5 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device is capable of CVV2
bit 4 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is incapable of two-way
bit 3 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not using cloud-based
payment credentials
bit 2 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is using Biometric
Cardholder Verification not Capable
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 3: 00 RFU
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5: RFU
bit 4-1: 0000 Payment Transaction Technology: Proximity contactless
interface using ISO 14443
✔ DS. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: <Data
element name> must not be present in the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS Response.)

4.5.17 DS.7.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that only the following Data Elements are present in records of the application (any
other data in records is not recommended): Application Expiration Date ('5F24'), Application
Primary Account Number ('5A'), Application Primary Account Number Sequence Number
('5F34'), Application Usage Control (AUC) ('9F07'), Card Authentication Related Data ('9F69'),
Cardholder Name ('5F20'), Certification Authority Public Key Index ('8F'), Customer Exclusive
Data ('9F7C'), Form Factor Indicator (FFI) ('9F6E'), Integrated Circuit Card (ICC) Public Key
Exponent ('9F47'), Integrated Circuit Card (ICC) Public Key Certificate ('9F46'), Integrated Circuit
Card (ICC) Public Key Remainder('9F48'), Issuer Country Code ('5F28'), Issuer Public Key
Certificate ('90'), Issuer Public Key Exponent ('9F32'), Issuer Public Key Remainder ('92'), Signed
Dynamic Application Data ('9F4B'), Static Data Authentication Tag List ('9F4A'), Track 2
Equivalent Data ('57'), Track 1 Discretionary Data ('9F1F').

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 94 : Application File Locator (AFL) : 18 01

02 01 10 01 04 00
▤ AFL (1) = 18 01 02 01
▤ SFI (decimal) = 3
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 1
▤ AFL (2) = 10 01 04 00
▤ SFI (decimal) = 2
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 4
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Record (0):
• Tag present in the record: '5A', length: '08'.
• Tag present in the record: '5F 24', length: '03'.
▤ Record (1):
• Tag present in the record: '9F 07', length: '02'.
• Tag present in the record: '5F 28', length: '02'.
▤ Record (2):
• Tag present in the record: '90', length: '81 F8'.
▤ Record (3):
• Tag present in the record: '8F', length: '01'.
• Tag present in the record: '9F 32', length: '01'.
▤ Record (4):
• Tag present in the record: '9F 46', length: '81 B0'.
▤ Record (5):
• Tag present in the record: '9F 47', length: '01'.
• Tag present in the record: '9F 4A', length: '01'.
• Tag present in the record: '9F 69', length: '07'.

✔ DS. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Data

Element present in records and retrieved with Read Record command.)
✔ DS. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Data
Element with zero length found in record. Presence of the data element(s) with zero
length may lead to acceptance issues.)

4.5.18 ES.2.001.01
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that only the data elements defined by EMV Book 1 or the applicable Visa
specifications are present in FCI Issuer Discretionary Data (tag 'BF0C') returned in the
response to the SELECT ADF command.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ FCI Issuer Discretionary Data: 9F 5A 05 60 00 51 00 51

▤ Tag 9F 5A: Application Program Identifier : 60
00 51 00 51
▤ Byte 1 bits 8-5 = '0110' Visa CEMEA use
▤ Byte 1 bits 4-1 = '0000' Visa regional discretion
▤ Bytes 2-3 = 00 51 AMD
▤ Bytes 4-5 = 00 51 Armenia
✔ ES. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Only the
data elements defined by EMV 4.3, Book 1 or the applicable Visa specifications
should be present in the FCI Issuer Discretionary Data (tag 'BF0C') returned in the
response to the SELECT ADF command.)

4.5.19 GE.1.007.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure no repetition or duplication of primitive data elements used for contact or
contactless transactions

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ GE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Primitive

data elements shall not be returned more than once for a transaction.)

4.5.20 GE.2.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the data objects used exclusively for contact chip transactions are not returned
for contactless transactions.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ GE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Unnecessary

contact-only data objects were returned for the contactless transaction.)

4.5.21 GE.3.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description Check for Issuer specific tags (that meet the following criteria) and report warnings with
details if found: - The coding of constructed context-specific class BER-TLV Data Objects in the
ranges'BF01' to 'BF0B', 'BF0D' to 'BF0F', and 'BF70' to 'BF7F' is left to the discretion of the
issuer. - The coding of primitive and constructed private class BER-TLV Data Objects(excluding
the Visa defined data templates*) is left to the discretion of the issuer. * Visa defined data
templates: - VIS: 'BF55' – 'BF5B' - VCPS: 'BF55' – 'BF58', 'BF5B' .

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

• Coding left to the discretion of the issuer for tags:


✔ GE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The issuer

specific constructed context-specific class BER-TLV data objects found on the card
are none.)
✔ GE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The issuer
specific primitive and constructed private class BER-TLV data objects found on the
card are none.)

4.5.22 GE.3.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description Check the length field of BER-TLV Data Objects: - If the length field of any BER-TLV Data Object

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Personalization Validation Report

is within 1 to 127, it should be coded by 1 byte with b8 is set to 0- BER-TLV Data Objects
without the value field (the length field is equal to '00') should not be present.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ GE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Length is

coded on 2 bytes instead of 1 byte.)
✔ GE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: BER-TLV
Data Objects without the value field is present.)

4.5.23 GE.3.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To validate correctness of records. Check for padding and ensure the padding rules are
respected as per EMV Specification Update SU69 – Padding of BER-TLV Encoded Constructed
Data Objects.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ GE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Padding is

not correct.)

4.5.24 GE.4.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that each record returned by a payment application is less than or equal to 254

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ GE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Record

returned by a payment application must be less than or equal to 254 bytes, including
tag and length.)

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

4.5.25 GE.4.001.00.PVT
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that AC Issuer Master Key is correctly personalized on the contactless interface.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Dynamic Test is not switched on in test configuration

4.5.26 ID.1.004.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that if the Application Default Action is present, it has the correct length and RFU

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 08: Application Version Number [VIS] : 00 A0

▤ VIS 1.6.0
Test not applicable, because:
ADA (tag '9F52') is not present
Application Version Number does not indicate that the card is compliant to VCPS
2.2.1 and above

4.5.27 IP.1.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that several application Data Elements, if present, shall be present in both qVSDC
and VSDC paths and contain the same values

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• Data Element retrieved through qVSDC path :

▤ Tag 9F 51: Application Currency Code [VSDC] : <not
▤ Tag 9F 51: Application Currency Code [VSDC] : 00 51
▤ Code (num) = 00 51
▤ Code (an) = AMD
▤ Currency = Armenian Dram
• Data Element retrieved through contact VSDC path :
▤ Tag 9F 51: Application Currency Code [VSDC] : 00 51

▤ Code (num) = 00 51

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Code (num) = 00 51
▤ Code (an) = AMD
▤ Currency = Armenian Dram
✔ Value of data element 9F 51 is same for contact VSDC and qVSDC paths.

✔ IP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The value

of Application Currency Code [VSDC] ('9F 51') is not the same for qVSDC and contact
VSDC paths.)

• Data Element retrieved through qVSDC path :

▤ Tag 5F 24: Application Expiration Date : 25 05
▤ Year : 2025
▤ Month: May
▤ Day : 31
• Data Element retrieved through contact VSDC path :
▤ Tag 5F 24: Application Expiration Date : 25 05
▤ Year : 2025
▤ Month: May
▤ Day : 31
✔ Value of data element 5F 24 is same for contact VSDC and qVSDC paths.

✔ IP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The value

of Application Expiration Date ('5F 24') is not the same for qVSDC and contact VSDC

• Data Element retrieved through qVSDC path :

▤ Tag 5A : Application Primary Account Number (PAN) : 48 89
62 00 14 09 79 20
• Data Element retrieved through contact VSDC path :
▤ Tag 5A : Application Primary Account Number (PAN) : 48 89
62 00 14 09 79 20
✔ Value of data element 5A is same for contact VSDC and qVSDC paths.

✔ IP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The value

of Application Primary Account Number (PAN) ('5A') is not the same for qVSDC and
contact VSDC paths.)

4.5.28 IP.1.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description If ODA is supported on both interfaces then ensure that the CA PK Index, IPK Certificate, IPK
Exponent, IPK Remainder (if present), contain the same values.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• Data Element retrieved through qVSDC path :

▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
• Data Element retrieved through contact VSDC path :
▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
✔ Value of data element 8F is same for contact VSDC and qVSDC paths.

✔ IP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The value

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Personalization Validation Report

✔ IP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The value

of Certification Authority Public Key Index ('8F') is not the same for qVSDC and
contact VSDC paths.)

• Data Element retrieved through qVSDC path :

▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F 58
87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07 86 CF C2
9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24 40 B7 14 DB 63
CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6 53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03
A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A 02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A
24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C
83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C
A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC
85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41
53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29
• Data Element retrieved through contact VSDC path :
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F 58
87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07 86 CF C2
9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24 40 B7 14 DB 63
CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6 53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03
A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A 02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A
24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C
83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C
A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC
85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41
53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29
✔ Value of data element 90 is same for contact VSDC and qVSDC paths.

✔ IP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The value

of Issuer Public Key Certificate ('90') is not the same for qVSDC and contact VSDC

• Data Element retrieved through qVSDC path :

▤ Tag 9F 32: Issuer Public Key Exponent : 03
• Data Element retrieved through contact VSDC path :
▤ Tag 9F 32: Issuer Public Key Exponent : 03
✔ Value of data element 9F 32 is same for contact VSDC and qVSDC paths.

✔ IP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The value

of Issuer Public Key Exponent ('9F 32') is not the same for qVSDC and contact VSDC

• Data Element retrieved through qVSDC path :

▤ Tag 92 : Issuer Public Key Remainder : <not
• Data Element retrieved through contact VSDC path :
▤ Tag 92 : Issuer Public Key Remainder : <not
• Data Element 92 is not retrievable through contact VSDC path.

✔ IP. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The value

of Issuer Public Key Remainder ('92') is not the same for qVSDC and contact VSDC

4.5.29 MD.3.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that if Cardholder Name is present, it has the correct format and length

Test case is applicable for:

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 5F 20: Cardholder Name : 20 2F

▤ Text value = /

✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Format not

4.5.30 MD.13.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure the Form Factor Indicator (FFI) is present and formatted correctly

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.5.31 MD.21.001.01
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Track 2 Equivalent Data is present in response to the GPO command or
ReadRecord response and correctly formatted

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 57 : Track 2 Equivalent Data : 48 89

62 00 14 09 79 20 D2 50 52 21 17 71 68 80 00 00 0F
▤ PAN = 4889620014097920
▤ Separator field = D
▤ Expiry Date (YY/MM) = 25/05
▤ Service Code = 221
▤ Discretionary Data = 1771688000000F
▤ (may be padded with one 'F')

✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

mandatory data element Track 2 Equivalent Data ('57'))
✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Track 2
Equivalent Data (Tag '57') - Primary Account Number shall not be greater than 19
✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Track 2
Equivalent Data (Tag '57') - Field separator shall be half-byte 'D'.)
✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Track 2
Equivalent Data (Tag '57') - Expiration Date shall be encoded in YYMM format.)
✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Track 2

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✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Track 2

Equivalent Data (Tag '57') - Service Code shall be 3 digits long and first digit
shall be 2 or 6 (international or domestic cards using alternate technology (EMV-
compliant integrated circuit card containing VSDC applications)).)
✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Track 2
Equivalent Data (Tag '57') - Discretionary Data - Padding shall be limited to one

4.5.32 MD.22.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure Application Transaction Counter (ATC) is present in the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS
response and formatted correctly

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 36: Application Transaction Counter (ATC) : 00 05

▤ Decimal value = 5
✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing
mandatory data element Application Transaction Counter (ATC) ('9F 36'))
✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

4.5.33 MD.26.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Cardholder Name returned over the contactless interface does not match
the 'real' cardholder name encoded on the physical magnetic stripe

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 5F 20: Cardholder Name : 20 2F

▤ Text value = /
Test not applicable, because:
Magstripe Track 1 data is not formatted correctly

4.5.34 MD.26.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the Cardholder Name when returned contains same value across contactless

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

• qVSDC online transaction with ODA

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Personalization Validation Report

• qVSDC online transaction with ODA

▤ Tag 5F 20: Cardholder Name : 20 2F
▤ Text value = /

• qVSDC online transaction

▤ Tag 5F 20: Cardholder Name : 20 2F
✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Cardholder
Name (tag '5F20') when returned should contain the same value across contactless

4.5.35 MD.29.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Customer Exclusive Data has the correct length (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Customer Exclusive Data (Tag '9F 7C') is not present

4.5.36 MD.29.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the Customer Exclusive Data is consistent across all supported contactless paths

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Customer Exclusive Data (Tag '9F 7C') is not present

4.5.37 MD.31.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Form Factor Indicator (FFI) is present and formatted correctly when FFI
version 1 is used for a standard card

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 6E: Form Factor Indicator [qVSDC] : 20 70

00 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-6 = 001 Form Factor Indicator Version Number: 1
bit 5-1 = 00000 Consumer Payment Device Form Factor: Standard Card
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not passcode capable
bit 7 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a signature panel
bit 6 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a hologram

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 7 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a signature panel

bit 6 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a hologram
bit 5 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device is capable of CVV2
bit 4 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is incapable of two-way
bit 3 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not using cloud-based
payment credentials
bit 2 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is using Biometric
Cardholder Verification not Capable
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 3: 00 RFU
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5: RFU
bit 4-1: 0000 Payment Transaction Technology: Proximity contactless
interface using ISO 14443
▤ Tag 9F 68: Card Additional Processes [qVSDC VCPS 2.2] : 4C 00
F0 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Low Value Check not supported
bit 7 = 1 Low Value AND CTTA Check supported
bit 6 = 0 Do not count qVSDC online transactions
bit 5 = 0 Streamlined qVSDC not supported
bit 4 = 1 PIN Tries Exceeded Check supported
bit 3 = 1 Offline international transactions are allowed
bit 2 = 0 No Card Contact Chip Preference
bit 1 = 0 Do not return Available Offline Spending Amount
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Do not include country code in determining international
bit 7 = 0 International transactions are allowed
bit 6 = 0 Enable Offline Data Authentication (ODA) for Online
bit 5 = 0 Contactless Issuer Update Processing not supported
bit 4 = 0 Count qVSDC offline transactions
bit 3 = 0 Card does not Prefer Online
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Online PIN supported for domestic transaction
bit 7 = 1 Online PIN supported for international transaction
bit 6 = 1 (Contact Chip) Offline PIN supported
bit 5 = 1 Signature supported
bit 4 = 0 Consumer Device CVM not supported
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 4 bit 8 = 0 RFU
bit 7 = 0 RFU
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Tag DF 01: Unknown Data Element : 00 00

✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

mandatory data element Form Factor Indicator [qVSDC] ('9F 6E'))
✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not
used for VCPS' bits shall be set to zero)
✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Format not
✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Incorrect

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

4.5.38 MD.31.001.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Form Factor Indicator (FFI) is present and formatted correctly (for non-
mobile, non-card form factors).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Test is not applicable on card form factor

4.5.39 MD.31.001.03
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Form Factor Indicator (FFI) is present and formatted correctly when FFI version
2 is used for a standard card

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 08: Application Version Number [VIS] : 00 A0

▤ VIS 1.6.0
▤ Tag 9F 6E: Form Factor Indicator [qVSDC] : 20 70
00 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-6 = 001 Form Factor Indicator Version Number: 1
bit 5-1 = 00000 Consumer Payment Device Form Factor: Standard Card
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not passcode capable
bit 7 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a signature panel
bit 6 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a hologram
bit 5 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device is capable of CVV2
bit 4 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is incapable of two-way
bit 3 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not using cloud-based
payment credentials
bit 2 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is using Biometric
Cardholder Verification not Capable
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 3: 00 RFU
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5: RFU
bit 4-1: 0000 Payment Transaction Technology: Proximity contactless
interface using ISO 14443
Test not applicable, because:
Application Version Number does not indicate that the card is compliant to VCPS
2.2.4 and above
Form Factor Indicator version is not 2 (byte 1, bits 8-6 is not 010)

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Personalization Validation Report

4.5.40 MD.31.001.04
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Form Factor Indicator (FFI) is present and formatted correctly when FFI version
number is 2 (for standard card)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 08: Application Version Number [VIS] : 00 A0

▤ VIS 1.6.0
▤ Tag 9F 6E: Form Factor Indicator [qVSDC] : 20 70
00 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-6 = 001 Form Factor Indicator Version Number: 1
bit 5-1 = 00000 Consumer Payment Device Form Factor: Standard Card
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not passcode capable
bit 7 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a signature panel
bit 6 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a hologram
bit 5 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device is capable of CVV2
bit 4 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is incapable of two-way
bit 3 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not using cloud-based
payment credentials
bit 2 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is using Biometric
Cardholder Verification not Capable
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 3: 00 RFU
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5: RFU
bit 4-1: 0000 Payment Transaction Technology: Proximity contactless
interface using ISO 14443
Test not applicable, because:
Application is not contactless-only
Application Version Number does not indicate that the card is compliant to VCPS
2.2.4 and above
Form Factor Indicator version is not 2 (byte 1, bits 8-6 is not 010)

4.5.41 MD.31.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Form Factor Indicator (FFI) is consistent across all supported contactless

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

• qVSDC online transaction with ODA

▤ Tag 9F 6E: Form Factor Indicator [qVSDC] : 20 70
00 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-6 = 001 Form Factor Indicator Version Number: 1
bit 5-1 = 00000 Consumer Payment Device Form Factor: Standard Card
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not passcode capable
bit 7 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a signature panel
bit 6 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a hologram
bit 5 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device is capable of CVV2
bit 4 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is incapable of two-way

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 5 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device is capable of CVV2

bit 4 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is incapable of two-way
bit 3 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not using cloud-based
payment credentials
bit 2 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is using Biometric
Cardholder Verification not Capable
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 3: 00 RFU
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5: RFU
bit 4-1: 0000 Payment Transaction Technology: Proximity contactless
interface using ISO 14443

• qVSDC online transaction

▤ Tag 9F 6E: Form Factor Indicator : 20 70
00 00

✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Format

Factor Indicator (Tag '9F6E') must contain the same value across all supported
contactless paths.)

4.5.42 MS.1.003.01
Verdict Inconclusive
Test description To ensure the consistency of Track 1 data on magnetic stripe and data elements on the
primary Visa application on the chip

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Magnetic stripe, Track 1 is empty

4.5.43 MS.1.006.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure the consistency of Track 1 Discretionary Data on magnetic stripe and Track 1
Discretionary Data on the chip (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Track 1 Discretionary Data (Tag '9F1F') is not present

4.5.44 MS.2.002.01
Verdict Inconclusive
Test description To ensure the consistency of Track 2 data on magnetic stripe and data elements on the
primary application on the chip

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Magnetic stripe, Track 2 is empty

4.5.45 MS.2.004.01
Verdict Inconclusive
Test description To ensure that the CVV digits in the Track 2 Discretionary Data on the magnetic stripe do not
match those same digits on the chip

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x

Magnetic stripe, Track 2 is empty

4.5.46 PR.1.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Payment Account Reference (if present) has the correct length and holds a valid

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 24: Payment Account Reference (PAR) : <not

Test not applicable, because:
Payment Account Reference (tag '9F24') is not present

4.5.47 PS.11.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check the correctness of the Directory Discretionary Template (tag '73') (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Directory Discretionary Template (tag '73') is not present

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

4.5.48 QF.2.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure the Application File Locator (AFL) is correctly formatted and holds a valid value.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 94 : Application File Locator (AFL) : 18 01

02 01 10 01 04 00
▤ AFL (1) = 18 01 02 01
▤ SFI (decimal) = 3
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 1
▤ AFL (2) = 10 01 04 00
▤ SFI (decimal) = 2
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 4
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0

✔ Response on Read Record command (sfi: 03, record: 01): 70 10 5A 08 48 89 62 00 14

09 79 20 5F 24 03 25 05 31 90 00
✔ Response on Read Record command (sfi: 03, record: 02): 70 0A 9F 07 02 C0 80 5F 28
02 00 51 90 00
✔ Response on Read Record command (sfi: 02, record: 01): 70 81 FB 90 81 F8 3F 58 87
17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07 86 CF C2 9E
B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24 40 B7 14 DB 63 CF
7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6 53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03 A4
39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A 02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A 24
A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83
E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9
09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85
2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53
21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29 90 00
✔ Response on Read Record command (sfi: 02, record: 02): 70 07 8F 01 09 9F 32 01 03
90 00
✔ Response on Read Record command (sfi: 02, record: 03): 70 81 B4 9F 46 81 B0 61 D3
E9 00 4E BD 04 0B 40 89 D0 EF C2 02 06 78 1C 60 9D 6F FB AB A3 B8 03 FD 14 17 AA 4D
EC AD 10 B5 A4 1D 5F 49 15 FF 89 B3 7C AC 1E 2F 63 A3 29 AE 84 93 90 D8 CA 8A CC BE
05 58 CE 9D 5D AD 09 6C 74 EC DE 88 EA 50 A8 6D E4 03 E3 E4 DE 6D 39 56 77 81 63 8F
03 AB 4E B8 82 D7 98 AD 67 76 1D 02 E1 30 C0 1B A4 BC 1E C9 8F 02 23 99 FB 9F 25 05
8D B0 58 AD 14 15 AF CF 21 94 8A EC 2E 46 A4 BE 70 80 5D 81 3F A3 6E 4F A2 EC 83 01
07 52 67 D0 30 64 A2 08 73 97 66 2D 06 8C BA 9C 58 0B 91 DE 78 41 75 DF 5B 44 85 F0
C8 2A 58 74 C6 68 90 00
✔ Response on Read Record command (sfi: 02, record: 04): 70 12 9F 47 01 03 9F 4A 01
82 9F 69 07 01 70 51 16 06 28 00 90 00

▤ Tag 9F 69: Card Authentication Related Data [qVSDC] : 01 70

51 16 06 28 00
▤ fDDA Version Number : 01
▤ Card Unpredictable Number : 70 51 16 06
▤ Card Transaction Qualifiers : 28 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Online PIN not required
bit 7 = 0 Signature not required
bit 6 = 1 Go online if Offline Data Authentication fails and
Reader is online capable

bit 5 = 0 Do not switch interface if Offline Data Authentication

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 5 = 0 Do not switch interface if Offline Data Authentication

fails and Reader supports contact chip
bit 4 = 1 Go Online if Application Expired
bit 3 = 0 Do not switch interface for Cash Transactions
bit 2 = 0 Do not switch interface for Cashback Transactions
bit 1 = 0 Valid for contactless ATM transactions
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Consumer Device CVM not performed
bit 7 = 0 Card does not support Issuer Update Processing at the
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
• Card supports fDDA version 01
✔ The last record specified in the AFL is not the record to be signed for fDDA
version = 01

✔ QF. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application

File Locator (Tag '94') Byte 1 Bit 3 to Bit 1 shall be zeroes.)
✔ QF. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
File Locator (Tag '94') Byte 1 (SFI) shall be coded correctly for the terminal to
access to using READ RECORD command.)
✔ QF. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
File Locator (tag '94') Byte 2 and Byte 3 (Record Numbers) shall be coded correctly
for the terminal to access to using Read Record command.)
✔ QF. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
File Locator (Tag '94') Byte 2 (first Record Number) shall not be '00' and is lower
than or equal to Byte 3 (last Record Numbers).)
✔ QF. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
File Locator (Tag '94') Byte 4 <= Byte 3 - Byte 2 +1.)
✔ QF. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The last
record specified in the AFL must be the record containing the Card Authentication
Related Data for fDDA version = 01.)
✔ QF. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The last
record specified in the AFL must not be the record to be signed for fDDA version =

4.5.49 QF.4.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure the length of Signed Dynamic Application Data is same as ICC Public Key Modulus

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 4B: Signed Dynamic Application Data : 93 C5

88 C1 D8 98 D0 88 F1 EB 4F BE A6 2D C0 EB 1E 51 5B FC B7 94 E8 D0 B0 BC 70 DE 6E 6E
5B F5 E3 07 B4 5E 93 96 0C 4A 05 B7 98 31 A9 00 43 04 A1 02 79 89 2E E7 B4 32 A3 61
2E 0E 83 4D FF 04 54 34 86 89 DE 57 86 71 89 00 D3 73 C0 18 DA 86 58 18 2C C5 52 4A
01 5F 15 97 EB 87 52 18 A4 B8 A7 6C 47 B3 3F AB 2D 8B 5F 96 1A B7 2F 1A 20 66 19 A0
82 00 7C 6A 16 3B 2C 94 41 96 90 9E 6F F1
✔ Decipher ICC Public Key Certificate
✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate
▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09

▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F

58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07
86 CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24
40 B7 14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6
53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A
02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B
E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58
7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A
FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31
3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D
5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29
▤ Tag 92 : Issuer Public Key Remainder : <not
▤ Tag 9F 32: Issuer Public Key Exponent : 03
▤ Tag 9F 46: ICC Public Key Certificate : 61
D3 E9 00 4E BD 04 0B 40 89 D0 EF C2 02 06 78 1C 60 9D 6F FB AB A3 B8 03 FD 14 17
AA 4D EC AD 10 B5 A4 1D 5F 49 15 FF 89 B3 7C AC 1E 2F 63 A3 29 AE 84 93 90 D8 CA
8A CC BE 05 58 CE 9D 5D AD 09 6C 74 EC DE 88 EA 50 A8 6D E4 03 E3 E4 DE 6D 39 56
77 81 63 8F 03 AB 4E B8 82 D7 98 AD 67 76 1D 02 E1 30 C0 1B A4 BC 1E C9 8F 02 23
99 FB 9F 25 05 8D B0 58 AD 14 15 AF CF 21 94 8A EC 2E 46 A4 BE 70 80 5D 81 3F A3
6E 4F A2 EC 83 01 07 52 67 D0 30 64 A2 08 73 97 66 2D 06 8C BA 9C 58 0B 91 DE 78
41 75 DF 5B 44 85 F0 C8 2A 58 74 C6 68
▤ Deciphered ICC Public Key Certificate
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Certificate Format = 04
▤ Application PAN = 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 FF FF
▤ Certificate Expiration Date (MM YY) = 05 25
▤ Certificate Serial Number = 00 00 01
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Algorithm = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Length = 80
▤ ICC Public Key Exponent = 01
▤ ICC Public Key:
▤ D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E F1
▤ 7E C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF
▤ FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41 40 41 D9 4F 14 21 58
▤ 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05
▤ B9 48 26 7C 49 A8 0C 35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D
▤ D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8 19 35 06
▤ 37 64 DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8
▤ 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF 3A A7 52 FD 59 A5 18 B1 F9
▤ Padding:
▤ Hash Result:
▤ 11 86 30 33 87 2B 4F AA C0 7C A0 67 CD 7B 09 B9
▤ E5 55 29 4A
▤ Data Trailer = BC

• Length of ICC Public Key Modulus : 128 bytes

• Length of Signed Dynamic Application Data : 128 bytes

✔ QF. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Signed

Dynamic Application Data (Tag '9F4B') length shall be the same the ICC Public Key
Modulus length.)

4.5.50 QF.4.004.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure if the Signed Dynamic Application Data (tag '9F4B') is returned in the record it is

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Personalization Validation Report

personalized as the last data element in the record.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Signed Dynamic Application Data (tag '9F4B') is not returned in the record

4.5.51 QF.6.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the Card Transaction Qualifiers (CTQ) is set to the Visa recommended value (if
present) (for Plus)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application

4.5.52 QN.10.001.02
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure Signed Data Format value is correct

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 4B: Signed Dynamic Application Data : 93 C5

88 C1 D8 98 D0 88 F1 EB 4F BE A6 2D C0 EB 1E 51 5B FC B7 94 E8 D0 B0 BC 70 DE 6E 6E
5B F5 E3 07 B4 5E 93 96 0C 4A 05 B7 98 31 A9 00 43 04 A1 02 79 89 2E E7 B4 32 A3 61
2E 0E 83 4D FF 04 54 34 86 89 DE 57 86 71 89 00 D3 73 C0 18 DA 86 58 18 2C C5 52 4A
01 5F 15 97 EB 87 52 18 A4 B8 A7 6C 47 B3 3F AB 2D 8B 5F 96 1A B7 2F 1A 20 66 19 A0
82 00 7C 6A 16 3B 2C 94 41 96 90 9E 6F F1
✔ Decipher Signed Dynamic Data
✔ Decipher ICC Public Key Certificate
✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate
▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index :
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate :
3F 58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96
07 86 CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0
24 40 B7 14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1
D6 53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15
0A 02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67
7B E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67
58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7
3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66
31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39
9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29

▤ Tag 92 : Issuer Public Key Remainder :

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Tag 92 : Issuer Public Key Remainder :

<not present>
▤ Tag 9F 32: Issuer Public Key Exponent : 03
▤ Tag 9F 46: ICC Public Key Certificate : 61
D3 E9 00 4E BD 04 0B 40 89 D0 EF C2 02 06 78 1C 60 9D 6F FB AB A3 B8 03 FD 14
17 AA 4D EC AD 10 B5 A4 1D 5F 49 15 FF 89 B3 7C AC 1E 2F 63 A3 29 AE 84 93 90
D8 CA 8A CC BE 05 58 CE 9D 5D AD 09 6C 74 EC DE 88 EA 50 A8 6D E4 03 E3 E4 DE
6D 39 56 77 81 63 8F 03 AB 4E B8 82 D7 98 AD 67 76 1D 02 E1 30 C0 1B A4 BC 1E
C9 8F 02 23 99 FB 9F 25 05 8D B0 58 AD 14 15 AF CF 21 94 8A EC 2E 46 A4 BE 70
80 5D 81 3F A3 6E 4F A2 EC 83 01 07 52 67 D0 30 64 A2 08 73 97 66 2D 06 8C BA
9C 58 0B 91 DE 78 41 75 DF 5B 44 85 F0 C8 2A 58 74 C6 68
▤ Deciphered ICC Public Key Certificate
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Certificate Format = 04
▤ Application PAN = 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 FF FF
▤ Certificate Expiration Date (MM YY) = 05 25
▤ Certificate Serial Number = 00 00 01
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Algorithm = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Length = 80
▤ ICC Public Key Exponent = 01
▤ ICC Public Key:
▤ D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E F1
▤ 7E C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF
▤ FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41 40 41 D9 4F 14 21 58
▤ 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05
▤ B9 48 26 7C 49 A8 0C 35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D
▤ D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8 19 35 06
▤ 37 64 DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8
▤ 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF 3A A7 52 FD 59 A5 18 B1 F9
▤ Padding:
▤ Hash Result:
▤ 11 86 30 33 87 2B 4F AA C0 7C A0 67 CD 7B 09 B9
▤ E5 55 29 4A
▤ Data Trailer = BC
▤ Tag 9F 48: ICC Public Key Remainder : <not
▤ Tag 9F 47: ICC Public Key Exponent : 03
▤ Tag 9F 4B: Signed Dynamic Application Data : 93 C5
88 C1 D8 98 D0 88 F1 EB 4F BE A6 2D C0 EB 1E 51 5B FC B7 94 E8 D0 B0 BC 70 DE 6E
6E 5B F5 E3 07 B4 5E 93 96 0C 4A 05 B7 98 31 A9 00 43 04 A1 02 79 89 2E E7 B4 32
A3 61 2E 0E 83 4D FF 04 54 34 86 89 DE 57 86 71 89 00 D3 73 C0 18 DA 86 58 18 2C
C5 52 4A 01 5F 15 97 EB 87 52 18 A4 B8 A7 6C 47 B3 3F AB 2D 8B 5F 96 1A B7 2F 1A
20 66 19 A0 82 00 7C 6A 16 3B 2C 94 41 96 90 9E 6F F1
▤ Deciphered Signed Dynamic Application Data: 6A 95 01 03 02 00 05 BB BB BB BB BB BB
BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB C1 A8 14 42 6A 7A 97 05 8B 13 CA FC 04 7E AF C5 ED C1
E4 A2 BC
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Signed Data Format = 95
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ ICC Dynamic Data Length = 03
▤ ICC Dynamic Data:
▤ 02 00 05
▤ Pad Pattern:

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 311/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Hash Result:
▤ C1 A8 14 42 6A 7A 97 05 8B 13 CA FC 04 7E AF C5
▤ ED C1 E4 A2
▤ Data Trailer = BC

✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Signed

Data Format value recovered from the Signed Dynamic Application Data is incorrect.
Correct value is '95'.)

4.5.53 QN.10.003.01
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure card does not support Static Data Authentication (SDA)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 82 : Application Interchange Profile [VCPS] : 20 20

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 RFU
bit 7 = 0 Offline static data authentication is NOT supported for
online authorizations
bit 6 = 1 Offline dynamic data authentication is supported
bit 5 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 4 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 3 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 2 = 0 RFU / Not used for VCPS (VCPS 2.2)
bit 1 = 0 Not used for VCPS
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 MSD is NOT supported
bit 7 = 0 Mobile handset
bit 6 = 1 Contactless transaction
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU

✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Visa Rules

do not allow issuance of transit-only Static Data Authentication (SDA) cards.)

4.5.54 QN.10.003.04
Verdict Warning
Test description For card supporting fDDA, to ensure that qVSDC not sign any static data.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 94 : Application File Locator (AFL) : 18 01

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 312/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Tag 94 : Application File Locator (AFL) : 18 01

02 01 10 01 04 00
▤ AFL (1) = 18 01 02 01
▤ SFI (decimal) = 3
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 1
▤ AFL (2) = 10 01 04 00
▤ SFI (decimal) = 2
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 4
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0

! QN. Warning: It is recommended that for contactless transactions no

static data be signed. The fourth byte of each of the AFL (tag '94') group of four
bytes should be set to 00b.

4.5.55 QN.12.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that Card Transaction Qualifiers (CTQ) has the correct length (if present).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 6C: Card Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2] : 28 00

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Online PIN not required
bit 7 = 0 Signature not required
bit 6 = 1 Go online if Offline Data Authentication fails and Reader
is online capable
bit 5 = 0 Do not switch interface if Offline Data Authentication
fails and Reader supports contact chip
bit 4 = 1 Go Online if Application Expired
bit 3 = 0 Do not switch interface for Cash Transactions
bit 2 = 0 Do not switch interface for Cashback Transactions
bit 1 = 0 Valid for contactless ATM transactions
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Consumer Device CVM not performed
bit 7 = 0 Card does not support Issuer Update Processing at the POS
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

4.5.56 QN.13.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the type of Application Cryptogram is ARQC.

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 313/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 10: Issuer Application Data [VCPS 2.2] : 06 01

11 03 A0 20 00
▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 11 03 A0 20 00
▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 11
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 A0 20 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')
▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested
bit 6-5 = 10 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: ARQC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not performed
bit 1 = 0 Able to go online or offline transaction
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Last online transaction completed
bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded
bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters
bit 5 = 0 No new card
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last online
transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online
authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card
bit 1 = 0 Offline static data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed
bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication not performed
bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-
Expecting card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification not
✔ The type of Application Cryptogram is ARQC
◯ Comparing cvr
⃖ Evaluated: 03 A0 20 00
⇦ Expected: ..
▤ 03 .. .. .. concatenation
▤ '03'h
▤ '10??0?00'b
▤ '0??0?000'b
▤ '?????000'b
▤ 00 .. .. .. .. concatenation
▤ '00000000'b
▤ '10??0?00'b
▤ '0??0?000'b
▤ '?????000'b
▤ '000000??'b

✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The type

of Application Cryptogram must be ARQC.)
✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU
bits of CVR shall be set to values specified in [VCPS 2.2 Table M-2])

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 314/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

4.5.57 QN.14.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Application Interchange Profile is present, is the correct length, and
contains the correct value

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x

▤ Tag 5F 28: Issuer Country Code : 00 51

▤ Country Code = 00 51
▤ Country Name = Armenia
Test not applicable, because:
Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.5.58 QN.14.001.01
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Interchange Profile (tag '82') is present, is the correct length,
and contains the correct value

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 5F 28: Issuer Country Code : 00 51

▤ Country Code = 00 51
▤ Country Name = Armenia
▤ Tag 82 : Application Interchange Profile [VCPS] : 20 20
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 RFU
bit 7 = 0 Offline static data authentication is NOT supported for
online authorizations
bit 6 = 1 Offline dynamic data authentication is supported
bit 5 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 4 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 3 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 2 = 0 RFU / Not used for VCPS (VCPS 2.2)
bit 1 = 0 Not used for VCPS
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 MSD is NOT supported
bit 7 = 0 Mobile handset
bit 6 = 1 Contactless transaction
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU

✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

mandatory data element Application Interchange Profile [VCPS] ('82'))
✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Incorrect

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 315/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Incorrect

AIP value.)
✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: A
contactless chip card must support Offline Data Authentication with Online
Authorization using fast Dynamic Data Authentication (except the US region).)

4.5.59 QN.14.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Application Interchange Profile is present, is the correct length, and
contains the correct value for mobile handset

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.5.60 QN.15.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the mandatory Application File Locator (AFL) is present in the GET PROCESSING
OPTIONS response and length and format are correct

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 94 : Application File Locator (AFL) : 18 01

02 01 10 01 04 00
▤ AFL (1) = 18 01 02 01
▤ SFI (decimal) = 3
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 1
▤ AFL (2) = 10 01 04 00
▤ SFI (decimal) = 2
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 4
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0

✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

mandatory data element Application File Locator (AFL) ('94'))
✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Format not
✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Unable to
read records.)

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 316/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

4.5.61 QN.16.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that Application Cryptogram (AC) is present in the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS
response and length and format are correct

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 26: Application Cryptogram (AC) : 87 19

FA 55 D9 91 EF C5

✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

mandatory data element Application Cryptogram (AC) ('9F 26'))
✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

4.5.62 QN.17.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Signed Dynamic Application Data is present, its contents are valid, and the
data is recovered correctly.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 4B: Signed Dynamic Application Data : 93 C5

88 C1 D8 98 D0 88 F1 EB 4F BE A6 2D C0 EB 1E 51 5B FC B7 94 E8 D0 B0 BC 70 DE 6E 6E
5B F5 E3 07 B4 5E 93 96 0C 4A 05 B7 98 31 A9 00 43 04 A1 02 79 89 2E E7 B4 32 A3 61
2E 0E 83 4D FF 04 54 34 86 89 DE 57 86 71 89 00 D3 73 C0 18 DA 86 58 18 2C C5 52 4A
01 5F 15 97 EB 87 52 18 A4 B8 A7 6C 47 B3 3F AB 2D 8B 5F 96 1A B7 2F 1A 20 66 19 A0
82 00 7C 6A 16 3B 2C 94 41 96 90 9E 6F F1
✔ Decipher ICC Public Key Certificate
✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate
▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07
86 CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24
40 B7 14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6
53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A
02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B
E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58
7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A
FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31
3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D
5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29
▤ Tag 92 : Issuer Public Key Remainder : <not
▤ Tag 9F 32: Issuer Public Key Exponent : 03
▤ Tag 9F 46: ICC Public Key Certificate : 61
D3 E9 00 4E BD 04 0B 40 89 D0 EF C2 02 06 78 1C 60 9D 6F FB AB A3 B8 03 FD 14 17
AA 4D EC AD 10 B5 A4 1D 5F 49 15 FF 89 B3 7C AC 1E 2F 63 A3 29 AE 84 93 90 D8 CA
8A CC BE 05 58 CE 9D 5D AD 09 6C 74 EC DE 88 EA 50 A8 6D E4 03 E3 E4 DE 6D 39 56

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 317/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

77 81 63 8F 03 AB 4E B8 82 D7 98 AD 67 76 1D 02 E1 30 C0 1B A4 BC 1E C9 8F 02 23
99 FB 9F 25 05 8D B0 58 AD 14 15 AF CF 21 94 8A EC 2E 46 A4 BE 70 80 5D 81 3F A3
6E 4F A2 EC 83 01 07 52 67 D0 30 64 A2 08 73 97 66 2D 06 8C BA 9C 58 0B 91 DE 78
41 75 DF 5B 44 85 F0 C8 2A 58 74 C6 68
▤ Deciphered ICC Public Key Certificate
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Certificate Format = 04
▤ Application PAN = 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 FF FF
▤ Certificate Expiration Date (MM YY) = 05 25
▤ Certificate Serial Number = 00 00 01
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Algorithm = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Length = 80
▤ ICC Public Key Exponent = 01
▤ ICC Public Key:
▤ D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E F1
▤ 7E C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF
▤ FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41 40 41 D9 4F 14 21 58
▤ 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05
▤ B9 48 26 7C 49 A8 0C 35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D
▤ D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8 19 35 06
▤ 37 64 DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8
▤ 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF 3A A7 52 FD 59 A5 18 B1 F9
▤ Padding:
▤ Hash Result:
▤ 11 86 30 33 87 2B 4F AA C0 7C A0 67 CD 7B 09 B9
▤ E5 55 29 4A
▤ Data Trailer = BC
✔ Decipher Signed Dynamic Data
✔ Decipher ICC Public Key Certificate
✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate
▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index :
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate :
3F 58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96
07 86 CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0
24 40 B7 14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1
D6 53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15
0A 02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67
7B E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67
58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7
3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66
31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39
9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29
▤ Tag 92 : Issuer Public Key Remainder :
<not present>
▤ Tag 9F 32: Issuer Public Key Exponent : 03
▤ Tag 9F 46: ICC Public Key Certificate : 61
D3 E9 00 4E BD 04 0B 40 89 D0 EF C2 02 06 78 1C 60 9D 6F FB AB A3 B8 03 FD 14
17 AA 4D EC AD 10 B5 A4 1D 5F 49 15 FF 89 B3 7C AC 1E 2F 63 A3 29 AE 84 93 90
D8 CA 8A CC BE 05 58 CE 9D 5D AD 09 6C 74 EC DE 88 EA 50 A8 6D E4 03 E3 E4 DE
6D 39 56 77 81 63 8F 03 AB 4E B8 82 D7 98 AD 67 76 1D 02 E1 30 C0 1B A4 BC 1E
C9 8F 02 23 99 FB 9F 25 05 8D B0 58 AD 14 15 AF CF 21 94 8A EC 2E 46 A4 BE 70
80 5D 81 3F A3 6E 4F A2 EC 83 01 07 52 67 D0 30 64 A2 08 73 97 66 2D 06 8C BA
9C 58 0B 91 DE 78 41 75 DF 5B 44 85 F0 C8 2A 58 74 C6 68
▤ Deciphered ICC Public Key Certificate
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Certificate Format = 04
▤ Application PAN = 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 FF FF
▤ Certificate Expiration Date (MM YY) = 05 25
▤ Certificate Serial Number = 00 00 01

▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 318/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01

▤ ICC Public Key Algorithm = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Length = 80
▤ ICC Public Key Exponent = 01
▤ ICC Public Key:
▤ D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E F1
▤ 7E C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF
▤ FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41 40 41 D9 4F 14 21 58
▤ 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05
▤ B9 48 26 7C 49 A8 0C 35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D
▤ D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8 19 35 06
▤ 37 64 DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8
▤ 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF 3A A7 52 FD 59 A5 18 B1 F9
▤ Padding:
▤ Hash Result:
▤ 11 86 30 33 87 2B 4F AA C0 7C A0 67 CD 7B 09 B9
▤ E5 55 29 4A
▤ Data Trailer = BC
▤ Tag 9F 48: ICC Public Key Remainder : <not
▤ Tag 9F 47: ICC Public Key Exponent : 03
▤ Tag 9F 4B: Signed Dynamic Application Data : 93 C5
88 C1 D8 98 D0 88 F1 EB 4F BE A6 2D C0 EB 1E 51 5B FC B7 94 E8 D0 B0 BC 70 DE 6E
6E 5B F5 E3 07 B4 5E 93 96 0C 4A 05 B7 98 31 A9 00 43 04 A1 02 79 89 2E E7 B4 32
A3 61 2E 0E 83 4D FF 04 54 34 86 89 DE 57 86 71 89 00 D3 73 C0 18 DA 86 58 18 2C
C5 52 4A 01 5F 15 97 EB 87 52 18 A4 B8 A7 6C 47 B3 3F AB 2D 8B 5F 96 1A B7 2F 1A
20 66 19 A0 82 00 7C 6A 16 3B 2C 94 41 96 90 9E 6F F1
▤ Deciphered Signed Dynamic Application Data : 6A 95
05 8B 13 CA FC 04 7E AF C5 ED C1 E4 A2 BC
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Signed Data Format = 95
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ ICC Dynamic Data Length = 03
▤ ICC Dynamic Data:
▤ 02 00 05
▤ Pad Pattern:
▤ Hash Result:
▤ C1 A8 14 42 6A 7A 97 05 8B 13 CA FC 04 7E AF C5
▤ ED C1 E4 A2
▤ Data Trailer = BC

✔ Recovered Data Header is '6A'

✔ Recovered Signed Data Format is '95'
✔ Recovered Pad Pattern is (Length of ICC Public Key Modulus - ICC Dynamic Data -
25) long and is padded with values of 'BB'
✔ Recovered ICC Dynamic Data length represents the actual length of ICC Dynamic

▤ Tag 9F 69: Card Authentication Related Data [qVSDC] : 01 70

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 319/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Tag 9F 69: Card Authentication Related Data [qVSDC] : 01 70

51 16 06 28 00
▤ fDDA Version Number : 01
▤ Card Unpredictable Number : 70 51 16 06
▤ Card Transaction Qualifiers : 28 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Online PIN not required
bit 7 = 0 Signature not required
bit 6 = 1 Go online if Offline Data Authentication fails and
Reader is online capable
bit 5 = 0 Do not switch interface if Offline Data Authentication
fails and Reader supports contact chip
bit 4 = 1 Go Online if Application Expired
bit 3 = 0 Do not switch interface for Cash Transactions
bit 2 = 0 Do not switch interface for Cashback Transactions
bit 1 = 0 Valid for contactless ATM transactions
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Consumer Device CVM not performed
bit 7 = 0 Card does not support Issuer Update Processing at the
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Verification of Hash Result
▤ Hash Data input = 95 01 03 02 00 05 BB BB BB BB
BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB BB 01 02 03 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 43
01 70 51 16 06 28 00
▤ Data from deciphered Signed Dynamic Application Data = 95 01 03 02 00 05 BB BB
▤ DDOL Data to be authenticated = 01 02 03 04 00 00 00 00 00
00 06 43 01 70 51 16 06 28 00
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ Hash Result from Signed Dynamic Application Data = C1 A8 14 42 6A 7A 97 05 8B 13
CA FC 04 7E AF C5 ED C1 E4 A2
▤ Result of SHA1 over the Hash Data = C1 A8 14 42 6A 7A 97 05 8B 13
CA FC 04 7E AF C5 ED C1 E4 A2
✔ Recovered Hash Result matchs the calculated hash result

✔ Recovered Data Trailer is 'BC'

✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

mandatory data element Card Authentication Related Data [qVSDC] ('9F 4B'))
✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Data Header shall be '6A'.)
✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Signed Dynamic Application Data Signed Data Format shall be '95' for online
authorization requests.)
✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Signed Dynamic Application Data Pad Pattern shall be (Length of ICC Public Key
Modulus - ICC Dynamic Data - 25) long and shall be padded with values of 'BB'.)
✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Signed Dynamic Application Data ICC Dynamic Data Length shall represent the actual
length of ICC Dynamic Data.)
✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered
Hash Result shall match the same calculated hash result.)

✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Recovered

Data Trailer shall be 'BC'.)

4.5.63 QN.20.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description If fDDA is supported, ensure that the Card Authentication Related Data is present, has the
correct length, contains the correct value, and is contained in the last record returned by the

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

• Card supports fDDA

▤ Tag 9F 69: Card Authentication Related Data [qVSDC] : 01 70
51 16 06 28 00
▤ fDDA Version Number : 01
▤ Card Unpredictable Number : 70 51 16 06
▤ Card Transaction Qualifiers : 28 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Online PIN not required
bit 7 = 0 Signature not required
bit 6 = 1 Go online if Offline Data Authentication fails and
Reader is online capable
bit 5 = 0 Do not switch interface if Offline Data Authentication
fails and Reader supports contact chip
bit 4 = 1 Go Online if Application Expired
bit 3 = 0 Do not switch interface for Cash Transactions
bit 2 = 0 Do not switch interface for Cashback Transactions
bit 1 = 0 Valid for contactless ATM transactions
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Consumer Device CVM not performed
bit 7 = 0 Card does not support Issuer Update Processing at the
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
✔ Card Authentication Related Data length is 7 bytes for VCPS 2.1, VCPS 2.2 and
✔ Byte 1 is set to '01'
✔ Card Authentication Related Data is contained in the last record returned by the

✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

mandatory data element Card Authentication Related Data [qVSDC] ('9F 69'))
✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Incorrect
✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Card
Authentication Related Data must be contained in the last record returned by the

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 321/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

4.5.64 SE.1.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure Application Expiration Date is present and formatted correctly

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 5F 24: Application Expiration Date : 25 05

▤ Year : 2025
▤ Month: May
▤ Day : 31
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The date
shall be encoded in a valid format (YYMMDD) and the value shall be a valid calendar
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing
mandatory data element Application Expiration Date ('5F 24'))

4.5.65 SE.1.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure the correctness of Application Expiration Date (tag '5F24')

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 5F 24: Application Expiration Date : 25 05

▤ Year : 2025
▤ Month: May
▤ Day : 31
▤ Tag 5F 25: Application Effective Date : <not
Expiration date of the Issuer Public Key Certificate (YYYYMM): 203012

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application

Expiration Date (tag '5F24') shall be later than the Application Effective Date (tag
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
Expiration Date (tag '5F24') must not contain 29 February (leap year).)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
Expiration Date (Tag '5F24') shall be the last day of any given month indicated
(except 29 February).)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
Expiration Date (Tag '5F24') shall not be later than the expiration date of the
Issuer Public key certificate associated with SDA/DDA or offline enciphered PIN.)

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 322/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

4.5.66 SE.4.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Primary Account Number (PAN) is formatted correctly

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 5A : Application Primary Account Number (PAN) : 48 89

62 00 14 09 79 20

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Format not

4.5.67 SE.4.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure Application Primary Account Number (PAN) is present in the READ RECORD

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 5A : Application Primary Account Number (PAN) : 48 89

62 00 14 09 79 20
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing
mandatory data element Application Primary Account Number (PAN) ('5A'))

4.5.68 SE.4.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the Application Primary Account Number (PAN) starts with the correct value

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 5A : Application Primary Account Number (PAN) : 48 89

62 00 14 09 79 20
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Valid PAN
for Visa Application should start with a '4'.)

4.5.69 SE.5.001.00

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application PAN Sequence Number is formatted correctly (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 5F 34: Application PAN Sequence Number : 01

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Format not
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
value (out of range).)

4.5.70 SE.5.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application PAN Sequence Number is consistent across all supported
contact and contactless paths

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

• qVSDC online transaction with ODA

▤ Tag 5F 34: Application PAN Sequence Number : 01

• EMV transaction 1st GAC ARQC

▤ Tag 5F 34: Application PAN Sequence Number : 01

• qVSDC online transaction

▤ Tag 5F 34: Application PAN Sequence Number : 01

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application

PAN Sequence Number (Tag '5F34') must contain the same value across all supported
contact and contactless paths.)

4.5.71 SE.7.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that if the Application Usage Control is present, it is the correct length and value

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 07: Application Usage Control [VCPS] : C0 80

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 Valid for domestic (manual) cash transactions
bit 7 = 1 Valid for international (manual) cash transactions

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 Valid for domestic (manual) cash transactions

bit 7 = 1 Valid for international (manual) cash transactions
bit 6 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 5 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 4 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 3 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 2 = 0 NOT Valid at ATMs
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 1 Domestic cashback allowed
bit 7 = 0 International cashback NOT allowed
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not
used for VCPS' bits shall be set to zero)

4.5.72 SE.7.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Country Code is present when the Application Usage Control is

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 07: Application Usage Control [VCPS] : C0 80

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 Valid for domestic (manual) cash transactions
bit 7 = 1 Valid for international (manual) cash transactions
bit 6 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 5 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 4 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 3 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 2 = 0 NOT Valid at ATMs
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 1 Domestic cashback allowed
bit 7 = 0 International cashback NOT allowed
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Tag 5F 28: Issuer Country Code : 00 51
▤ Country Code = 00 51
▤ Country Name = Armenia

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Associated

Data Element (Issuer Country Code (Tag '5F28')) shall be present if Application
Usage Control (Tag '9F07') is present.)

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 325/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

4.5.73 SE.7.004.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Application Usage Control contains the correct values (if present) for Plus

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application

4.5.74 SE.7.006.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that International Cash Back is not supported in the Application Usage Control

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 07: Application Usage Control [VCPS] : C0 80

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 Valid for domestic (manual) cash transactions
bit 7 = 1 Valid for international (manual) cash transactions
bit 6 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 5 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 4 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 3 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 2 = 0 NOT Valid at ATMs
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 1 Domestic cashback allowed
bit 7 = 0 International cashback NOT allowed
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:
International cash back not allowed for this product; byte 2 bit 7 set to 1.)

4.5.75 SE.7.007.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that Domestic Cash Back is not supported in Application Usage Control for Visa

Test case is applicable for:

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Application is not a Visa Credit

4.5.76 SE.7.007.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that Domestic Cash Back is supported in Application Usage Control for Visa Debit and
Visa Electron

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Application is not a Visa Debit or Electron

4.5.77 SE.7.007.03
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Usage Control (AUC) is consistent across all supported qVSDC
contactless paths when the card application supports manual cash and/or domestic cashback

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• qVSDC online transaction with ODA

▤ Tag 9F 07: Application Usage Control [VCPS] : C0 80
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 Valid for domestic (manual) cash transactions
bit 7 = 1 Valid for international (manual) cash transactions
bit 6 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 5 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 4 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 3 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 2 = 0 NOT Valid at ATMs
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 1 Domestic cashback allowed
bit 7 = 0 International cashback NOT allowed
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU

• qVSDC online transaction

▤ Tag 9F 07: Application Usage Control : C0 80

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 327/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application

Usage Control (AUC, Tag '9F07') must contain the same value across all supported
qVSDC paths when the card application support manual cash and/or domestic cashback.)

4.5.78 SE.7.007.05
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application File Locator identifies the record containing the Application
Usage Control when the card application supports manual cash and/or domestic cashback.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

• qVSDC online transaction with ODA

▤ Tag 94 : Application File Locator (AFL) : 18 01
02 01 10 01 04 00
▤ AFL (1) = 18 01 02 01
▤ SFI (decimal) = 3
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 1
▤ AFL (2) = 10 01 04 00
▤ SFI (decimal) = 2
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 4
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0
▤ Tag 9F 07: Application Usage Control [VCPS] : C0 80
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 Valid for domestic (manual) cash transactions
bit 7 = 1 Valid for international (manual) cash transactions
bit 6 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 5 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 4 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 3 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 2 = 0 NOT Valid at ATMs
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 1 Domestic cashback allowed
bit 7 = 0 International cashback NOT allowed
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
• Application Usage Control found in SFI 3, record 2
• SFI 3, record 2 is indicated in the AFL

▤ GPO response:
▤ Tag 77 : Response Message Template Format 2
▤ Tag 82 : Application Interchange Profile [VCPS] : 20
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 RFU
bit 7 = 0 Offline static data authentication is NOT supported
for online authorizations
bit 6 = 1 Offline dynamic data authentication is supported
bit 5 = 0 Not used for VCPS

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 6 = 1 Offline dynamic data authentication is supported

bit 5 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 4 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 3 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 2 = 0 RFU / Not used for VCPS (VCPS 2.2)
bit 1 = 0 Not used for VCPS
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 MSD is NOT supported
bit 7 = 0 Mobile handset
bit 6 = 1 Contactless transaction
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Tag 94 : Application File Locator (AFL) : 18
01 02 01 10 01 04 00
▤ AFL (1) = 18 01 02 01
▤ SFI (decimal) = 3
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 1
▤ AFL (2) = 10 01 04 00
▤ SFI (decimal) = 2
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 4
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0
▤ Tag 57 : Track 2 Equivalent Data : 48
89 62 00 14 09 79 20 D2 50 52 21 17 71 68 80 00 00 0F
▤ PAN = 4889620014097920
▤ Separator field = D
▤ Expiry Date (YY/MM) = 25/05
▤ Service Code = 221
▤ Discretionary Data = 1771688000000F
▤ (may be padded with one 'F')
▤ Tag 5F 20: Cardholder Name : 20
▤ Text value = /
▤ Tag 5F 34: Application PAN Sequence Number : 01
▤ Tag 9F 10: Issuer Application Data [VCPS 2.2] : 06
01 11 03 A0 20 00
▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 11 03 A0 20 00
▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 11
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 A0 20 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')
▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested
bit 6-5 = 10 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: ARQC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not
bit 1 = 0 Able to go online or offline transaction
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Last online transaction completed
bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded
bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters
bit 5 = 0 No new card

bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 329/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last

online transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online
authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card
bit 1 = 0 Offline static data authentication passed or
was not performed on last transaction
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed
bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or
was not performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication not
bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-
Expecting card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification
not supported)
▤ Tag 9F 26: Application Cryptogram (AC) : 87
19 FA 55 D9 91 EF C5
▤ Tag 9F 27: Cryptogram Information Data (CID) : 80
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-7 = 10 ARQC
bit 6-5 = 00 Payment System specific cryptogram
bit 4 = 0 No advice required
bit 3-1 = 000 No information given
▤ Tag 9F 36: Application Transaction Counter (ATC) : 00
▤ Decimal value = 5
▤ Tag 9F 4B: Signed Dynamic Application Data : 93
C5 88 C1 D8 98 D0 88 F1 EB 4F BE A6 2D C0 EB 1E 51 5B FC B7 94 E8 D0 B0 BC 70
DE 6E 6E 5B F5 E3 07 B4 5E 93 96 0C 4A 05 B7 98 31 A9 00 43 04 A1 02 79 89 2E
E7 B4 32 A3 61 2E 0E 83 4D FF 04 54 34 86 89 DE 57 86 71 89 00 D3 73 C0 18 DA
86 58 18 2C C5 52 4A 01 5F 15 97 EB 87 52 18 A4 B8 A7 6C 47 B3 3F AB 2D 8B 5F
96 1A B7 2F 1A 20 66 19 A0 82 00 7C 6A 16 3B 2C 94 41 96 90 9E 6F F1
▤ Tag 9F 6C: Card Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2] : 28
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Online PIN not required
bit 7 = 0 Signature not required
bit 6 = 1 Go online if Offline Data Authentication fails and
Reader is online capable
bit 5 = 0 Do not switch interface if Offline Data
Authentication fails and Reader supports contact chip
bit 4 = 1 Go Online if Application Expired
bit 3 = 0 Do not switch interface for Cash Transactions
bit 2 = 0 Do not switch interface for Cashback Transactions
bit 1 = 0 Valid for contactless ATM transactions
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Consumer Device CVM not performed
bit 7 = 0 Card does not support Issuer Update Processing at the
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Tag 9F 6E: Form Factor Indicator [qVSDC] : 20
70 00 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-6 = 001 Form Factor Indicator Version Number: 1
bit 5-1 = 00000 Consumer Payment Device Form Factor: Standard Card
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not passcode capable
bit 7 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a signature panel
bit 6 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a hologram
bit 5 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device is capable of CVV2

bit 4 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is incapable of two-

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 330/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

bit 4 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is incapable of two-

way messaging
bit 3 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not using cloud-
based payment credentials
bit 2 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is using Biometric
Cardholder Verification not Capable
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 3: 00 RFU
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5: RFU
bit 4-1: 0000 Payment Transaction Technology: Proximity
contactless interface using ISO 14443

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application

File Locator (AFL, tag '94') must identifies the record containing the Application
Usage Control (AUC, tag '9F07') when the card application supports manual cash and
/or domestic cashback)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
Usage Control (AUC, tag '9F07') byte 1 bit 8 does not correspond to the option
selected in the ICS "Contactless - manual cash and cashback" section.)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
Usage Control (AUC, tag '9F07') byte 1 bit 7 does not correspond to the option
selected in the ICS "Contactless - manual cash and cashback" section.)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
Usage Control (AUC, tag '9F07') byte 2 bit 8 does not correspond to the option
selected in the ICS "Contactless - manual cash and cashback" section.)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
Usage Control (AUC, tag '9F07') and/or Issuer Country Code (tag '5F28') are returned
in the GPO Response instead of Record.)

4.5.79 SE.7.007.06
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Application Usage Control (AUC) and Issuer Country Code (tag '5F28') are
not personalized when the card application does not support manual cash nor cashback

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card application supports Contactless - domestic manual cash transactions
Card application supports Contactless - international manual cash transactions
Card application supports Contactless - domestic cashback transactions

4.5.80 SE.10.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure Issuer Application Data is present and formatted correctly

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 10: Issuer Application Data [VCPS 2.2] : 06 01

11 03 A0 20 00
▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 11 03 A0 20 00

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 331/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 11 03 A0 20 00

▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 11
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 A0 20 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')
▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested
bit 6-5 = 10 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: ARQC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not performed
bit 1 = 0 Able to go online or offline transaction
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Last online transaction completed
bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded
bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters
bit 5 = 0 No new card
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last online
transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online
authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card
bit 1 = 0 Offline static data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed
bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication not performed
bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-
Expecting card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification not
Test not applicable, because:
Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.5.81 SE.10.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure the Cryptogram Version Number within the Issuer Application Data has the correct

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 10: Issuer Application Data [VCPS 2.2] : 06 01

11 03 A0 20 00
▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 11 03 A0 20 00
▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 11
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 A0 20 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')
▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested
bit 6-5 = 10 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: ARQC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not performed

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 332/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed

bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not performed
bit 1 = 0 Able to go online or offline transaction
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Last online transaction completed
bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded
bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters
bit 5 = 0 No new card
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last online
transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online
authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card
bit 1 = 0 Offline static data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed
bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication not performed
bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-
Expecting card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification not
Test not applicable, because:
Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.5.82 SE.10.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure Issuer Application Data (IAD, tag '9F10') is present, formatted correctly and has the
correct values

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 10: Issuer Application Data [VCPS 2.2] : 06 01

11 03 A0 20 00
▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 11 03 A0 20 00
▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 11
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 A0 20 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')
▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested
bit 6-5 = 10 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: ARQC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not performed
bit 1 = 0 Able to go online or offline transaction
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Last online transaction completed
bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded
bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters
bit 5 = 0 No new card
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last online
transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online
authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 333/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card

bit 1 = 0 Offline static data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed
bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication not performed
bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-
Expecting card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification not
• IAD Format: 1
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Incorrect
IAD (tag '9F10') length.)
✔ Byte 1 (length of the Visa Discretionary Data) is '06'
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Incorrect
CVN value.)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Incorrect
CVR length.)
✔ Byte 5 (CVR): bits 4, 2, 1 set to "Not used for VCPS"
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not
used for VCPS' bits shall be set to zero)
✔ Byte 6 (CVR): bits 8, 5, 3-1 set to "Not used for VCPS"
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not
used for VCPS' bits shall be set to zero)
✔ Byte 7 (CVR): bits 3-1 set to "Not used for VCPS"
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not
used for VCPS' bits shall be set to zero)
• Length byte 8 (IDD length) is not present

4.5.83 SE.10.003.01
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure the value of the Issuer Discretionary Data (IDD) Option ID neither '1' nor '2'

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 08: Application Version Number [VIS] : <not

▤ Tag 9F 10: Issuer Application Data [VCPS 2.2] : 06 01
11 03 A0 20 00
▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 11 03 A0 20 00
▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 11
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 A0 20 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')
▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested
bit 6-5 = 10 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: ARQC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not performed
bit 1 = 0 Able to go online or offline transaction
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Last online transaction completed
bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded

bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 334/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters

bit 5 = 0 No new card
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last online
transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online
authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card
bit 1 = 0 Offline static data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed
bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication not performed
bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-
Expecting card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification not
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Incorrect
IDD Option ID.)

4.5.84 SE.10.003.02
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure the Application Default Action (ADA) does not support padding method '80' when
using Issuer Application Data (IAD) Format 2

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 10: Issuer Application Data [VCPS 2.2] : 06 01

11 03 A0 20 00
▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 11 03 A0 20 00
▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 11
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 A0 20 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')
▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested
bit 6-5 = 10 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: ARQC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not performed
bit 1 = 0 Able to go online or offline transaction
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Last online transaction completed
bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded
bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters
bit 5 = 0 No new card
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last online
transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online
authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card
bit 1 = 0 Offline static data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed

bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or was

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 335/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or was

not performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication not performed
bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-
Expecting card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification not
Test not applicable, because:
Card not personalized with an Issuer Application Data (IAD) Format 2
Application Version Number does not indicate that the card is compliant to VCPS

4.5.85 SE.14.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the ICC Public Key Certificate is present and its length and format are correct
(when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

• Card supports fDDA

▤ Tag 9F 46: ICC Public Key Certificate : 61 D3
E9 00 4E BD 04 0B 40 89 D0 EF C2 02 06 78 1C 60 9D 6F FB AB A3 B8 03 FD 14 17 AA 4D
EC AD 10 B5 A4 1D 5F 49 15 FF 89 B3 7C AC 1E 2F 63 A3 29 AE 84 93 90 D8 CA 8A CC BE
05 58 CE 9D 5D AD 09 6C 74 EC DE 88 EA 50 A8 6D E4 03 E3 E4 DE 6D 39 56 77 81 63 8F
03 AB 4E B8 82 D7 98 AD 67 76 1D 02 E1 30 C0 1B A4 BC 1E C9 8F 02 23 99 FB 9F 25 05
8D B0 58 AD 14 15 AF CF 21 94 8A EC 2E 46 A4 BE 70 80 5D 81 3F A3 6E 4F A2 EC 83 01
07 52 67 D0 30 64 A2 08 73 97 66 2D 06 8C BA 9C 58 0B 91 DE 78 41 75 DF 5B 44 85 F0
C8 2A 58 74 C6 68
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Mandatory
Data Element shall be present if Offline Data Authentication or Offline Enciphered
PIN (without a dedicated PIN Encipherment Key) is supported.)

4.5.86 SE.14.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the ICC Public Key Certificate (when present) is equal to the length of the Issuer
Public Key Modulus

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate

▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07 86
CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24 40 B7
14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6 53 61 56
3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A 02 6D 24 D7
90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B E3 58 66 AF 91
87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 336/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59
AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE
5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93
7C 1D 6C 29
▤ Tag 9F 46: ICC Public Key Certificate : 61 D3
E9 00 4E BD 04 0B 40 89 D0 EF C2 02 06 78 1C 60 9D 6F FB AB A3 B8 03 FD 14 17 AA 4D
EC AD 10 B5 A4 1D 5F 49 15 FF 89 B3 7C AC 1E 2F 63 A3 29 AE 84 93 90 D8 CA 8A CC BE
05 58 CE 9D 5D AD 09 6C 74 EC DE 88 EA 50 A8 6D E4 03 E3 E4 DE 6D 39 56 77 81 63 8F
03 AB 4E B8 82 D7 98 AD 67 76 1D 02 E1 30 C0 1B A4 BC 1E C9 8F 02 23 99 FB 9F 25 05
8D B0 58 AD 14 15 AF CF 21 94 8A EC 2E 46 A4 BE 70 80 5D 81 3F A3 6E 4F A2 EC 83 01
07 52 67 D0 30 64 A2 08 73 97 66 2D 06 8C BA 9C 58 0B 91 DE 78 41 75 DF 5B 44 85 F0
C8 2A 58 74 C6 68
• Length of Issuer Public Key Modulus : 176
• Length of ICC Public Key Certificate: 176

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: ICC Public

Key Certificate length shall be equal to the length of Issuer Public Key Modulus.)

4.5.87 SE.14.003.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the ICC Public Key Certificate is not present (when not required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card supports fDDA

4.5.88 SE.14.004.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the ICC Public Key (when present) is a multiple of 16 so that the card can be
accepted at all terminals

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ Decipher ICC Public Key Certificate

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate
▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07
86 CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24
40 B7 14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6
53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A
02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B
E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58
7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A
FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31
3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D
5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29
▤ Tag 92 : Issuer Public Key Remainder : <not

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 337/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Tag 92 : Issuer Public Key Remainder : <not

▤ Tag 9F 32: Issuer Public Key Exponent : 03
▤ Tag 9F 46: ICC Public Key Certificate : 61
D3 E9 00 4E BD 04 0B 40 89 D0 EF C2 02 06 78 1C 60 9D 6F FB AB A3 B8 03 FD 14 17
AA 4D EC AD 10 B5 A4 1D 5F 49 15 FF 89 B3 7C AC 1E 2F 63 A3 29 AE 84 93 90 D8 CA
8A CC BE 05 58 CE 9D 5D AD 09 6C 74 EC DE 88 EA 50 A8 6D E4 03 E3 E4 DE 6D 39 56
77 81 63 8F 03 AB 4E B8 82 D7 98 AD 67 76 1D 02 E1 30 C0 1B A4 BC 1E C9 8F 02 23
99 FB 9F 25 05 8D B0 58 AD 14 15 AF CF 21 94 8A EC 2E 46 A4 BE 70 80 5D 81 3F A3
6E 4F A2 EC 83 01 07 52 67 D0 30 64 A2 08 73 97 66 2D 06 8C BA 9C 58 0B 91 DE 78
41 75 DF 5B 44 85 F0 C8 2A 58 74 C6 68
▤ Deciphered ICC Public Key Certificate
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Certificate Format = 04
▤ Application PAN = 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 FF FF
▤ Certificate Expiration Date (MM YY) = 05 25
▤ Certificate Serial Number = 00 00 01
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Algorithm = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Length = 80
▤ ICC Public Key Exponent = 01
▤ ICC Public Key:
▤ D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E F1
▤ 7E C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF
▤ FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41 40 41 D9 4F 14 21 58
▤ 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05
▤ B9 48 26 7C 49 A8 0C 35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D
▤ D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8 19 35 06
▤ 37 64 DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8
▤ 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF 3A A7 52 FD 59 A5 18 B1 F9
▤ Padding:
▤ Hash Result:
▤ 11 86 30 33 87 2B 4F AA C0 7C A0 67 CD 7B 09 B9
▤ E5 55 29 4A
▤ Data Trailer = BC
• Length of ICC Public Key in bits :1024

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Length of

ICC Public Key not multiple of 16 and may cause interoperability issues.)

4.5.89 SE.15.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure ICC Public Key Exponent is present (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

• Card supports fDDA

▤ Tag 9F 47: ICC Public Key Exponent : 03
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Mandatory
Data Element shall be present if Offline Data Authentication or Offline Enciphered
PIN (without a dedicated PIN Encipherment Key) is supported.)

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 338/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

4.5.90 SE.15.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the ICC Public Key Exponent has the correct length and one of the correct
values (when present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 47: ICC Public Key Exponent : 03

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Public Key
Exponent value shall be 3 or 2^16 +1.)

4.5.91 SE.15.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description When the ICC Public Key Exponent is present, it is recommended to use '03' instead of 2^16 +1

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 47: ICC Public Key Exponent : 03

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: It is
recommended that Public Key Exponent value should be set to '03' as 2^16 +1
increases transaction time.)

4.5.92 SE.15.004.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the ICC Public Key Exponent is not present (when not required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card supports fDDA

4.5.93 SE.16.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 339/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test description To ensure ICC Public Key Remainder is present and has the correct length (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ Decipher ICC Public Key Certificate

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate
▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07
86 CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24
40 B7 14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6
53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A
02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B
E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58
7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A
FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31
3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D
5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29
▤ Tag 92 : Issuer Public Key Remainder : <not
▤ Tag 9F 32: Issuer Public Key Exponent : 03
▤ Tag 9F 46: ICC Public Key Certificate : 61
D3 E9 00 4E BD 04 0B 40 89 D0 EF C2 02 06 78 1C 60 9D 6F FB AB A3 B8 03 FD 14 17
AA 4D EC AD 10 B5 A4 1D 5F 49 15 FF 89 B3 7C AC 1E 2F 63 A3 29 AE 84 93 90 D8 CA
8A CC BE 05 58 CE 9D 5D AD 09 6C 74 EC DE 88 EA 50 A8 6D E4 03 E3 E4 DE 6D 39 56
77 81 63 8F 03 AB 4E B8 82 D7 98 AD 67 76 1D 02 E1 30 C0 1B A4 BC 1E C9 8F 02 23
99 FB 9F 25 05 8D B0 58 AD 14 15 AF CF 21 94 8A EC 2E 46 A4 BE 70 80 5D 81 3F A3
6E 4F A2 EC 83 01 07 52 67 D0 30 64 A2 08 73 97 66 2D 06 8C BA 9C 58 0B 91 DE 78
41 75 DF 5B 44 85 F0 C8 2A 58 74 C6 68
▤ Deciphered ICC Public Key Certificate
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Certificate Format = 04
▤ Application PAN = 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 FF FF
▤ Certificate Expiration Date (MM YY) = 05 25
▤ Certificate Serial Number = 00 00 01
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Algorithm = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Length = 80
▤ ICC Public Key Exponent = 01
▤ ICC Public Key:
▤ D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E F1
▤ 7E C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF
▤ FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41 40 41 D9 4F 14 21 58
▤ 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05
▤ B9 48 26 7C 49 A8 0C 35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D
▤ D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8 19 35 06
▤ 37 64 DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8
▤ 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF 3A A7 52 FD 59 A5 18 B1 F9
▤ Padding:
▤ Hash Result:
▤ 11 86 30 33 87 2B 4F AA C0 7C A0 67 CD 7B 09 B9
▤ E5 55 29 4A
▤ Data Trailer = BC
▤ Tag 9F 48: ICC Public Key Remainder : <not
• Length of ICC Public Key Modulus :128
• Length of ICC Public Key in Certificate :128

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 340/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test not applicable, because:

Entire ICC Public Key fits into the corresponding certificate.

4.5.94 SE.16.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the ICC Public Key Remainder is not present when not required (if the entire
public key can fit into the certificate)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ Decipher ICC Public Key Certificate

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate
▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07
86 CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24
40 B7 14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6
53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A
02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B
E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58
7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A
FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31
3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D
5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29
▤ Tag 92 : Issuer Public Key Remainder : <not
▤ Tag 9F 32: Issuer Public Key Exponent : 03
▤ Tag 9F 46: ICC Public Key Certificate : 61
D3 E9 00 4E BD 04 0B 40 89 D0 EF C2 02 06 78 1C 60 9D 6F FB AB A3 B8 03 FD 14 17
AA 4D EC AD 10 B5 A4 1D 5F 49 15 FF 89 B3 7C AC 1E 2F 63 A3 29 AE 84 93 90 D8 CA
8A CC BE 05 58 CE 9D 5D AD 09 6C 74 EC DE 88 EA 50 A8 6D E4 03 E3 E4 DE 6D 39 56
77 81 63 8F 03 AB 4E B8 82 D7 98 AD 67 76 1D 02 E1 30 C0 1B A4 BC 1E C9 8F 02 23
99 FB 9F 25 05 8D B0 58 AD 14 15 AF CF 21 94 8A EC 2E 46 A4 BE 70 80 5D 81 3F A3
6E 4F A2 EC 83 01 07 52 67 D0 30 64 A2 08 73 97 66 2D 06 8C BA 9C 58 0B 91 DE 78
41 75 DF 5B 44 85 F0 C8 2A 58 74 C6 68
▤ Deciphered ICC Public Key Certificate
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Certificate Format = 04
▤ Application PAN = 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 FF FF
▤ Certificate Expiration Date (MM YY) = 05 25
▤ Certificate Serial Number = 00 00 01
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Algorithm = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Length = 80
▤ ICC Public Key Exponent = 01
▤ ICC Public Key:
▤ D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E F1
▤ 7E C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF
▤ FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41 40 41 D9 4F 14 21 58
▤ 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05
▤ B9 48 26 7C 49 A8 0C 35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D
▤ D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8 19 35 06
▤ 37 64 DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8

▤ 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF 3A A7 52 FD 59 A5 18 B1 F9

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 341/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF 3A A7 52 FD 59 A5 18 B1 F9
▤ Padding:
▤ Hash Result:
▤ 11 86 30 33 87 2B 4F AA C0 7C A0 67 CD 7B 09 B9
▤ E5 55 29 4A
▤ Data Trailer = BC
▤ Tag 9F 48: ICC Public Key Remainder : <not
• Length of ICC Public Key Modulus :128
• Length of ICC Public Key in Certificate :128

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Since the

ICC public key is not longer than the data retrieved from the certificate, the ICC
Public Key Remainder is not required to be personalized on this card.)

4.5.95 SE.16.004.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Public Key Certificate is present and its length and format are correct
(when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

• Card supports fDDA or SDA

▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F 58
87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07 86 CF C2
9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24 40 B7 14 DB 63
CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6 53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03
A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A 02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A
24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C
83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C
A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC
85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41
53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

mandatory data element Issuer Public Key Certificate ('90'))

4.5.96 SE.16.005.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Public Key Certificate (tag '90') has correct length.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F 58

87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07 86 CF C2
9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24 40 B7 14 DB 63

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 342/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6 53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03
A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A 02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A
24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C
83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C
A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC
85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41
53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29

• Length of Issuer Public Key Certificate : 1984 bits

• Length of Certification Authority Public Key Modulus : 1984 bits

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

length (length different from Certification Authority Public Key Modulus).)

4.5.97 SE.16.006.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Public Keys that are used for the Visa or Visa Electron Payment
Application are used solely for that purpose.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Single - application card.

4.5.98 SE.16.007.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Public Key for cards expiring after December 2016 must be 1152 bits
or longer.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 5F 24: Application Expiration Date : 25 05

▤ Year : 2025
▤ Month: May
▤ Day : 31
• Application expires after December 2016.

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate

▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07 86
CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24 40 B7
14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6 53 61 56
3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A 02 6D 24 D7
90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B E3 58 66 AF 91
87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 343/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59
AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE
5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93
7C 1D 6C 29

• Length of Issuer Public Key Modulus: 1408 bits

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Issuer

Public Key must be greater or equal to 1152 bits if Expiration Date (tag 5F24) is
after Dec 2016.)

4.5.99 SE.16.008.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Public Keys must be equal to or less than the longest VSDC CA Public
Key currently being used for signing certificates.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate

▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07 86
CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24 40 B7
14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6 53 61 56
3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A 02 6D 24 D7
90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B E3 58 66 AF 91
87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E
BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59
AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE
5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93
7C 1D 6C 29

• Length of Longest CA Public Key : 1984 bits

• Length of Issuer Public Key Modulus : 1408 bits

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Issuer

Public Keys must be equal to or less than the longest VSDC CA Public Key (248 bytes-
1984 bits) currently being used for signing certificates.)

4.5.100 SE.16.009.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the length of the ICC Public Key must be less than or equal to the length of the
Issuer Public Key.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate

▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 344/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09

▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07 86
CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24 40 B7
14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6 53 61 56
3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A 02 6D 24 D7
90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B E3 58 66 AF 91
87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E
BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59
AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE
5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93
7C 1D 6C 29

✔ Decipher ICC Public Key Certificate

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate
▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07
86 CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24
40 B7 14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6
53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A
02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B
E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58
7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A
FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31
3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D
5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29
▤ Tag 92 : Issuer Public Key Remainder : <not
▤ Tag 9F 32: Issuer Public Key Exponent : 03
▤ Tag 9F 46: ICC Public Key Certificate : 61
D3 E9 00 4E BD 04 0B 40 89 D0 EF C2 02 06 78 1C 60 9D 6F FB AB A3 B8 03 FD 14 17
AA 4D EC AD 10 B5 A4 1D 5F 49 15 FF 89 B3 7C AC 1E 2F 63 A3 29 AE 84 93 90 D8 CA
8A CC BE 05 58 CE 9D 5D AD 09 6C 74 EC DE 88 EA 50 A8 6D E4 03 E3 E4 DE 6D 39 56
77 81 63 8F 03 AB 4E B8 82 D7 98 AD 67 76 1D 02 E1 30 C0 1B A4 BC 1E C9 8F 02 23
99 FB 9F 25 05 8D B0 58 AD 14 15 AF CF 21 94 8A EC 2E 46 A4 BE 70 80 5D 81 3F A3
6E 4F A2 EC 83 01 07 52 67 D0 30 64 A2 08 73 97 66 2D 06 8C BA 9C 58 0B 91 DE 78
41 75 DF 5B 44 85 F0 C8 2A 58 74 C6 68
▤ Deciphered ICC Public Key Certificate
▤ Data Header = 6A
▤ Certificate Format = 04
▤ Application PAN = 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 FF FF
▤ Certificate Expiration Date (MM YY) = 05 25
▤ Certificate Serial Number = 00 00 01
▤ Hash Algorithm Indicator = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Algorithm = 01
▤ ICC Public Key Length = 80
▤ ICC Public Key Exponent = 01
▤ ICC Public Key:
▤ D4 F2 E4 7C B3 8F A3 20 A2 3A 24 49 99 DA 1E F1
▤ 7E C4 98 C5 48 E8 5E 13 8E A5 38 CA 96 EF 44 CF
▤ FF 57 31 78 61 08 0D 16 41 40 41 D9 4F 14 21 58
▤ 1F EE 0E 68 43 31 0E 82 3A 70 2A D8 B2 C6 DF 05
▤ B9 48 26 7C 49 A8 0C 35 50 5E 5E E6 0F 65 04 2D
▤ D5 48 2E 22 8D 2D A1 41 76 24 83 0C F8 19 35 06
▤ 37 64 DD E2 CF FB 1D 2E C6 F1 BB DD B8 A6 7A C8
▤ 33 AD A6 2E 6C 77 CF 3A A7 52 FD 59 A5 18 B1 F9
▤ Padding:
▤ Hash Result:
▤ 11 86 30 33 87 2B 4F AA C0 7C A0 67 CD 7B 09 B9
▤ E5 55 29 4A
▤ Data Trailer = BC

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 345/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Data Trailer = BC

• Length of Issuer Public Key Modulus : 1408 bits

• Length of ICC Public Key Modulus : 1024 bits

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The length

of the ICC Public Key must be less than or equal to the length of the Issuer Public

4.5.101 SE.16.010.02
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the length of the Issuer Public Key for cards expiring after December 2019
must be 1408 bits or longer.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 5F 24: Application Expiration Date : 25 05

▤ Year : 2025
▤ Month: May
▤ Day : 31
• Application expires after December 2019.

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate

▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07 86
CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24 40 B7
14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6 53 61 56
3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A 02 6D 24 D7
90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B E3 58 66 AF 91
87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E
BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59
AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE
5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93
7C 1D 6C 29

• Length of Issuer Public Key Modulus: 1408 bits

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Issuer

Public Key length must be greater or equal to 1408-bit if Expiration Date (tag
'5F24') is after December 2019.)

4.5.102 SE.17.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure Issuer Public Key Exponent is present (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

• Card supports fDDA or SDA

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 346/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

• Card supports fDDA or SDA

▤ Tag 9F 32: Issuer Public Key Exponent : 03

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Issuer

Public Key Exponent shall be present if SDA, DDA, CDA, or Offline Enciphered PIN are

4.5.103 SE.17.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Public Key Exponent (when present) contains one of the correct

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 32: Issuer Public Key Exponent : 03

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Public Key
Exponent value shall be 3 or 2^16 +1.)

4.5.104 SE.17.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description The recommended value of the Issuer Public Key Exponent (when present) is '03'

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 32: Issuer Public Key Exponent : 03

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: It is

recommended that Public Key Exponent value should be set to '03' as 2^16 +1
increases transaction time.)

4.5.105 SE.18.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Public Key Remainder is present and has the correct length, when

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 347/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 92 : Issuer Public Key Remainder : <not

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate
▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07 86
CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24 40 B7
14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6 53 61 56
3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A 02 6D 24 D7
90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B E3 58 66 AF 91
87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E
BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59
AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE
5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93
7C 1D 6C 29
• Length of Issuer Public Key Modulus :176
• Length of Certification Authority Public Key Modulus :248
• Length of Issuer Public Key in Certificate :176
Test not applicable, because:
Entire Issuer Public Key fits into the corresponding certificate

4.5.106 SE.18.003.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the Issuer Public Key Remainder is not present (when not required)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 92 : Issuer Public Key Remainder : <not

✔ Decipher Issuer Certificate
▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
▤ Tag 90 : Issuer Public Key Certificate : 3F
58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96 07 86
CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24 40 B7
14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6 53 61 56
3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A 02 6D 24 D7
90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B E3 58 66 AF 91
87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E
BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59
AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE
5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93
7C 1D 6C 29
• Length of Issuer Public Key Modulus :176
• Length of Certification Authority Public Key Modulus :248
• Length of Issuer Public Key in Certificate :176

Test not applicable, because:

Entire Issuer Public Key fits into the corresponding certificate

4.5.107 SE.21.001.00

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 348/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the SDA Tag List (if present) only contains the Application Interchange Profile

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 4A: Static Data Authentication Tag List : 82

▤ SDA Tag(1) = 82 [Application Interchange Profile [VCPS]]
▤ Tag : 82
▤ Name : Application Interchange Profile [VCPS]
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Static Data
Authentication Tag List (Tag '9F4A') shall only contain the tag for the AIP if it is

4.5.108 SE.21.003.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure Static Data Authentication Tag List (tag '9F4A') is present when it is required

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• Contactless interface:
▤ Tag 9F 46: ICC Public Key Certificate : 61 D3
E9 00 4E BD 04 0B 40 89 D0 EF C2 02 06 78 1C 60 9D 6F FB AB A3 B8 03 FD 14 17 AA 4D
EC AD 10 B5 A4 1D 5F 49 15 FF 89 B3 7C AC 1E 2F 63 A3 29 AE 84 93 90 D8 CA 8A CC BE
05 58 CE 9D 5D AD 09 6C 74 EC DE 88 EA 50 A8 6D E4 03 E3 E4 DE 6D 39 56 77 81 63 8F
03 AB 4E B8 82 D7 98 AD 67 76 1D 02 E1 30 C0 1B A4 BC 1E C9 8F 02 23 99 FB 9F 25 05
8D B0 58 AD 14 15 AF CF 21 94 8A EC 2E 46 A4 BE 70 80 5D 81 3F A3 6E 4F A2 EC 83 01
07 52 67 D0 30 64 A2 08 73 97 66 2D 06 8C BA 9C 58 0B 91 DE 78 41 75 DF 5B 44 85 F0
C8 2A 58 74 C6 68

• Contact interface:
▤ Tag 9F 46: ICC Public Key Certificate : 54 19
A5 B1 84 FE BA BE 00 7D FF 1D BA 4A 61 F3 C6 7A 79 17 0A 32 C1 FA 99 C9 E4 7A 69 E5
86 24 79 8B F6 8E F0 5E 87 7F 80 DA 2F 0B 79 EF 1C 01 BA 56 7D B6 2A 37 69 0C 9C 42
08 A8 3C DB CF 46 48 B0 9C 6A B6 84 E8 F1 19 CC 02 DA E6 55 E1 10 15 3B B3 D6 6D 10
E0 75 DE 6E 54 E9 1E E2 09 89 46 FB FD A1 69 1D 7F B2 DB B6 70 5B C7 1A 71 92 B0 C9
F2 8B 36 C6 BF 2C 7D 65 8A 43 D5 EA 82 57 0F FA 3B E5 9C 47 A7 36 7B 51 43 0E 0D 73
A1 54 B2 14 74 FD F2 52 57 F9 09 33 30 03 B1 1D 76 84 D8 7A 99 C6 B4 C7 B0 C4 B8 94
2D 8D DF F7 16 4C

Test not applicable, because:

qVSDC and contact VSDC maintain different ICC Public Key Certificates

4.5.109 SE.22.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure tags in different transaction paths have the same value

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.5.110 SE.23.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure tags in different transaction paths have the same value

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• Check tag '5F 20' consistency:

▤ Tag 5F 20: Cardholder Name : 20 2F
▤ Text value = /
✔ Tag 5F 20 from qVSDC online transaction is the same as from qVSDC online
transaction with ODA
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:
Application data element Cardholder Name ('5F 20') inconsistent across transaction

• Check tag '57' consistency:

▤ Tag 57 : Track 2 Equivalent Data : 48 89
62 00 14 09 79 20 D2 50 52 21 17 71 68 80 00 00 0F
▤ PAN = 4889620014097920
▤ Separator field = D
▤ Expiry Date (YY/MM) = 25/05
▤ Service Code = 221
▤ Discretionary Data = 1771688000000F
▤ (may be padded with one 'F')
✔ Tag '57' from qVSDC online transaction is the same as from qVSDC online
transaction with ODA (excluding discretionary data)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:
Application data element Track 2 Equivalent Data ('57') inconsistent across
transaction paths.)

• Check tag '5A' consistency:

▤ Tag 5A : Application Primary Account Number (PAN) : 48 89
62 00 14 09 79 20
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:
Application data element Application PAN ('5A') inconsistent across transaction

• Check tag '5F 24' consistency:

▤ Tag 5F 24: Application Expiration Date : 25 05
▤ Year : 2025
▤ Month: May
▤ Day : 31
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:
Application data element Application Expiration Date ('5F 24') inconsistent across
transaction paths.)

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

• Check tag '5F 34' consistency:

▤ Tag 5F 34: Application PAN Sequence Number : 01
✔ Tag 5F 34 from qVSDC online transaction is the same as from qVSDC online
transaction with ODA
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:
Application data element Application PAN Sequence Number ('5F 34') inconsistent
across transaction paths.)

4.5.111 SE.24.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure if the Form Factor Indicator (FFI) is version 2, the card capabilities set in the FFI
correspond to the CVMs set in the Card Additional Processes.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 10: Issuer Application Data [VCPS 2.2] : 06 01

11 03 A0 20 00
▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 11 03 A0 20 00
▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 11
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 A0 20 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')
▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested
bit 6-5 = 10 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: ARQC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not performed
bit 1 = 0 Able to go online or offline transaction
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Last online transaction completed
bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded
bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters
bit 5 = 0 No new card
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last online
transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online
authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card
bit 1 = 0 Offline static data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed
bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication not performed
bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-
Expecting card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification not
Test not applicable, because:
Card not personalized with an Issuer Application Data (IAD) Format 2
Application Version Number does not indicate that the card is compliant to VCPS

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

4.5.112 SE.40.001.03
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that Certification Authority Public Key Index (PKI) has correct value

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

• Card supports fDDA or SDA

▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

value (out of range).)

4.5.113 SH.6.001.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure contactless-only devices (non-card Form Factors) do not request to process
transaction as a contact chip transaction

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Application is not contactless only

4.5.114 SH.6.001.02
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure contactless-only card does not request to process transaction as a contact chip

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 6E: Form Factor Indicator [qVSDC] : <not

Test not applicable, because:
Application is not contactless only
Test is only applicable for Form Factor Indicator (tag '9F6E') equal to standard

4.5.115 SH.40.001.02

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Cryptogram Information Data (tag '9F27') is present and contains the
correct values

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 27: Cryptogram Information Data (CID) : 80

▤ Byte 1 bit 8-7 = 10 ARQC
bit 6-5 = 00 Payment System specific cryptogram
bit 4 = 0 No advice required
bit 3-1 = 000 No information given
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing
mandatory data element Cryptogram Information Data (CID) ('9F 27'))
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: RFU value
shall not be used.)
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not
used for VCPS' bits shall be set to zero)

4.5.116 SH.40.001.03
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Certificate Authority Public Key Index is present (when required) and that
the length is correct.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

• Card support fDDA or SDA

▤ Tag 8F : Certification Authority Public Key Index : 09
✔ Certificate Authority Public Key has valid length

✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: CA Public

Key Index is missing.)
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

4.5.117 SH.42.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Mobile Application Identifier is present and formatted correctly

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Issuer Update Processing Over the Air support is not indicating in ICS.

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 353/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

4.5.118 SH.42.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Issuing (ISO) BIN contained in the Mobile Application Identifier is consistent
with the PAN found in Track 2 Equivalent Data

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Issuer Update Processing Over the Air support is not indicating in ICS.
Mobile Application Identifier (Tag 'CF') is not present

4.6 AID: 'A0 00 00 00 03 10 10' Tests on qVSDC online transaction

4.6.1 AD.1.003.04
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that if qVSDC with either Cryptogram 10, 18 or 22 is supported, the PDOL contains
the correct data elements with the correct lengths

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Cryptogram Version Number is not 10 ('0A'), 18 ('12') or '22'

4.6.2 DE.6.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Label is present and formatted correctly.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 50 : Application Label : 56 69

73 61
▤ Text value = Visa
✔ Application Label has valid length (1-16 bytes)
✔ Application Label contains only ans characters

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

mandatory data element Application Label ('50'))
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
Label (Tag '50') shall contain only alphanumeric characters and spaces (i.e. no
punctuation, apostrophes, question marks, etc).)
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
Label (Tag '50') shall be in uppercase for all characters, or uppercase for the
first letter of each word followed by lowercase characters.)

4.6.3 DE.6.003.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that if there is more than one AID on the payment application, the labels do not

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Payment application doesn't contain more than one AID

4.6.4 DE.26.004.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Country Code is not present when not required (i.e., when the
Application Usage Control is not present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Application Usage Control tag '9F07' is present.

4.6.5 DE.26.006.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Country Code is consistent across all supported contact and
contactless paths

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• qVSDC online transaction

▤ Tag 5F 28: Issuer Country Code : 00 51
▤ Country Code = 00 51
▤ Country Name = Armenia

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

• EMV transaction 1st GAC ARQC

▤ Tag 5F 28: Issuer Country Code : 00 51

• qVSDC online transaction with ODA

▤ Tag 5F 28: Issuer Country Code : 00 51

✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Issuer

Country Code (Tag '5F28') must contain the same value across all supported contact
and contactless paths.)

4.6.6 DE.60.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure qVSDC Online-Decline without ODA transaction data does not include data elements
required for Offline Data Authentication and the additional contactless data elements as listed
in the pass criteria

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ Tag: 9F 46, ICC Public Key Certificate not retrievable with READ RECORD
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: ICC Public
Key Certificate must not be present in the record. Presence of the ICC Public Key
Certificate significantly increases risk of an interoperability issue with
contactless devices.)

✔ Tag: 9F 47, ICC Public Key Exponent not retrievable with READ RECORD
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: ICC Public
Key Exponent must not be present in the record. Presence of the ICC Public Key
Exponent significantly increases risk of an interoperability issue with contactless

✔ Tag: 9F 48, ICC Public Key Remainder not retrievable with READ RECORD
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: ICC Public
Key Remainder must not be present in the record. Presence of the ICC Public Key
Remainder significantly increases risk of an interoperability issue with contactless

✔ Tag: 90, Issuer Public Key Certificate not retrievable with READ RECORD
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Issuer
Public Key Certificate must not be present in the record. Presence of the Issuer
Public Key Certificate significantly increases risk of an interoperability issue
with contactless devices.)

✔ Tag: 9F 32, Issuer Public Key Exponent not retrievable with READ RECORD
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Issuer
Public Key Exponent must not be present in the record. Presence of the Issuer Public
Key Exponent significantly increases risk of an interoperability issue with
contactless devices.)

✔ Tag: 92, Issuer Public Key Remainder not retrievable with READ RECORD
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Issuer
Public Key Remainder must not be present in the record. Presence of the Issuer
Public Key Remainder significantly increases risk of an interoperability issue with
contactless devices.)

✔ Tag: 8F, Certification Authority Public Key Index not retrievable with READ

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

✔ Tag: 8F, Certification Authority Public Key Index not retrievable with READ
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:
Certification Authority Public Key Index must not be present in the record. Presence
of the Certification Authority Public Key Index significantly increases risk of an
interoperability issue with contactless devices.)

✔ Tag: 5A, Application Primary Account Number (PAN) not retrievable with READ
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:
Application Primary Account Number (PAN) must not be present in the record. Presence
of the Application Primary Account Number (PAN) significantly increases risk of an
interoperability issue with contactless devices.)

✔ Tag: 5F 24, Application Expiration Date not retrievable with READ RECORD
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:
Application Expiration Date must not be present in the record. Presence of the
Application Expiration Date significantly increases risk of an interoperability
issue with contactless devices.)

✔ Tag: 93, Signed Static Application Data not retrievable with READ RECORD
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Signed
Static Application Data must not be present in the record. Presence of the Signed
Static Application Data significantly increases risk of an interoperability issue
with contactless devices.)

✔ Tag: 9F 4B, Signed Dynamic Application Data not retrievable with READ RECORD
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Signed
Dynamic Application Data must not be present in the record. Presence of the Signed
Dynamic Application Data significantly increases risk of an interoperability issue
with contactless devices.)

✔ Tag: 9F 69, Card Authentication Related Data [qVSDC] not retrievable with READ
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Card
Authentication Related Data [qVSDC] must not be present in the record. Presence of
the Card Authentication Related Data [qVSDC] significantly increases risk of an
interoperability issue with contactless devices.)

4.6.7 DE.60.001.01
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure Application PAN Sequence Number is not returned in the record.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ Tag: 5F 34, Application PAN Sequence Number not retrievable with READ RECORD
✔ DE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:
Application PAN Sequence Number is present in the record. Some VCPS 2.0.2 devices
"ignore" the Application PAN Sequence Number when it is returned in the record which
may lead to transaction decline.)

4.6.8 DS.5.003.00

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the card responds to the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS command according to
Response Message Template Format 2

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ GPO response: 77 52 82 02 00 20 94 04 18 02 02 00 57 13 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 D2
50 52 21 17 71 68 80 00 00 0F 5F 20 02 20 2F 5F 34 01 01 9F 10 07 06 01 11 03 A0 20
00 9F 26 08 7C 85 59 34 77 31 03 54 9F 27 01 80 9F 36 02 00 04 9F 6C 02 28 00 9F 6E
04 20 70 00 00 90 00

✔ DS. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Data Element

shall be a constructed data object (template) and shall contain valid TLV encoded
✔ DS. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The card
does not return a valid response to a GET PROCESSING OPTIONS command.)

4.6.9 DS.5.004.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS Response data does not include non-explicitly
listed data elements

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 77 : Response Message Template Format 2

▤ Tag 82 : Application Interchange Profile [VCPS] : 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 RFU
bit 7 = 0 Offline static data authentication is NOT supported for
online authorizations
bit 6 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication is NOT supported
bit 5 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 4 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 3 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 2 = 0 RFU / Not used for VCPS (VCPS 2.2)
bit 1 = 0 Not used for VCPS
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 MSD is NOT supported
bit 7 = 0 Mobile handset
bit 6 = 1 Contactless transaction
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Tag 94 : Application File Locator (AFL) : 18
02 02 00
▤ AFL (1) = 18 02 02 00
▤ SFI (decimal) = 3
▤ Start record = 2
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

for offline data authentication = 0

▤ Tag 57 : Track 2 Equivalent Data : 48
89 62 00 14 09 79 20 D2 50 52 21 17 71 68 80 00 00 0F
▤ PAN = 4889620014097920
▤ Separator field = D
▤ Expiry Date (YY/MM) = 25/05
▤ Service Code = 221
▤ Discretionary Data = 1771688000000F
▤ (may be padded with one 'F')
▤ Tag 5F 20: Cardholder Name : 20
▤ Text value = /
▤ Tag 5F 34: Application PAN Sequence Number : 01
▤ Tag 9F 10: Issuer Application Data [VCPS 2.2] : 06 01
11 03 A0 20 00
▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 11 03 A0 20 00
▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 11
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 A0 20 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')
▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested
bit 6-5 = 10 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: ARQC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not performed
bit 1 = 0 Able to go online or offline transaction
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Last online transaction completed
bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded
bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters
bit 5 = 0 No new card
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last online
transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online
authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card
bit 1 = 0 Offline static data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed
bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or
was not performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication not
bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-
Expecting card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification
not supported)
▤ Tag 9F 26: Application Cryptogram (AC) : 7C
85 59 34 77 31 03 54
▤ Tag 9F 27: Cryptogram Information Data (CID) : 80
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-7 = 10 ARQC
bit 6-5 = 00 Payment System specific cryptogram
bit 4 = 0 No advice required
bit 3-1 = 000 No information given
▤ Tag 9F 36: Application Transaction Counter (ATC) : 00 04
▤ Decimal value = 4
▤ Tag 9F 6C: Card Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2] : 28
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Online PIN not required
bit 7 = 0 Signature not required
bit 6 = 1 Go online if Offline Data Authentication fails and

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 7 = 0 Signature not required

bit 6 = 1 Go online if Offline Data Authentication fails and
Reader is online capable
bit 5 = 0 Do not switch interface if Offline Data Authentication
fails and Reader supports contact chip
bit 4 = 1 Go Online if Application Expired
bit 3 = 0 Do not switch interface for Cash Transactions
bit 2 = 0 Do not switch interface for Cashback Transactions
bit 1 = 0 Valid for contactless ATM transactions
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Consumer Device CVM not performed
bit 7 = 0 Card does not support Issuer Update Processing at the
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Tag 9F 6E: Form Factor Indicator [qVSDC] : 20
70 00 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-6 = 001 Form Factor Indicator Version Number: 1
bit 5-1 = 00000 Consumer Payment Device Form Factor: Standard Card
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not passcode capable
bit 7 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a signature panel
bit 6 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a hologram
bit 5 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device is capable of CVV2
bit 4 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is incapable of two-way
bit 3 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not using cloud-based
payment credentials
bit 2 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is using Biometric
Cardholder Verification not Capable
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 3: 00 RFU
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5: RFU
bit 4-1: 0000 Payment Transaction Technology: Proximity contactless
interface using ISO 14443
✔ DS. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: <Data
element name> must not be present in the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS Response.)

4.6.10 ES.2.001.01
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that only the data elements defined by EMV Book 1 or the applicable Visa
specifications are present in FCI Issuer Discretionary Data (tag 'BF0C') returned in the
response to the SELECT ADF command.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ FCI Issuer Discretionary Data: 9F 5A 05 60 00 51 00 51

▤ Tag 9F 5A: Application Program Identifier : 60
00 51 00 51
▤ Byte 1 bits 8-5 = '0110' Visa CEMEA use
▤ Byte 1 bits 4-1 = '0000' Visa regional discretion
▤ Bytes 2-3 = 00 51 AMD

▤ Bytes 4-5 = 00 51 Armenia

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 360/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Bytes 4-5 = 00 51 Armenia

✔ ES. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Only the
data elements defined by EMV 4.3, Book 1 or the applicable Visa specifications
should be present in the FCI Issuer Discretionary Data (tag 'BF0C') returned in the
response to the SELECT ADF command.)

4.6.11 GE.1.006.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure no repetition or duplication of primitive data elements used for contact or
contactless transactions

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ GE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Primitive

data elements shall not be returned more than once for a transaction.)

4.6.12 GE.2.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the data objects used exclusively for contact chip transactions are not returned
for contactless transactions.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ GE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Unnecessary

contact-only data objects were returned for the contactless transaction.)

4.6.13 GE.3.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description Check for Issuer specific tags (that meet the following criteria) and report warnings with
details if found: - The coding of constructed context-specific class BER-TLV Data Objects in the
ranges'BF01' to 'BF0B', 'BF0D' to 'BF0F', and 'BF70' to 'BF7F' is left to the discretion of the
issuer. - The coding of primitive and constructed private class BER-TLV Data Objects(excluding
the Visa defined data templates*) is left to the discretion of the issuer. * Visa defined data
templates: - VIS: 'BF55' – 'BF5B' - VCPS: 'BF55' – 'BF58', 'BF5B' .

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

• Coding left to the discretion of the issuer for tags:


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Personalization Validation Report

✔ GE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The issuer

specific constructed context-specific class BER-TLV data objects found on the card
are none.)
✔ GE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The issuer
specific primitive and constructed private class BER-TLV data objects found on the
card are none.)

4.6.14 GE.3.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description Check the length field of BER-TLV Data Objects: - If the length field of any BER-TLV Data Object
is within 1 to 127, it should be coded by 1 byte with b8 is set to 0- BER-TLV Data Objects
without the value field (the length field is equal to '00') should not be present.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ GE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Length is

coded on 2 bytes instead of 1 byte.)
✔ GE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: BER-TLV
Data Objects without the value field is present.)

4.6.15 GE.3.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To validate correctness of records. Check for padding and ensure the padding rules are
respected as per EMV Specification Update SU69 – Padding of BER-TLV Encoded Constructed
Data Objects.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ GE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Padding is

not correct.)

4.6.16 GE.4.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that each record returned by a payment application is less than or equal to 254

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

✔ GE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Record

returned by a payment application must be less than or equal to 254 bytes, including
tag and length.)

4.6.17 GE.4.001.00.PVT
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that AC Issuer Master Key is correctly personalized on the contactless interface.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Dynamic Test is not switched on in test configuration

4.6.18 ID.1.004.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that if the Application Default Action is present, it has the correct length and RFU

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 08: Application Version Number [VIS] : 00 A0

▤ VIS 1.6.0
Test not applicable, because:
ADA (tag '9F52') is not present
Application Version Number does not indicate that the card is compliant to VCPS
2.2.1 and above

4.6.19 MD.3.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that if Cardholder Name is present, it has the correct format and length

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 5F 20: Cardholder Name : 20 2F

▤ Text value = /

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Text value = /

✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Format not

4.6.20 MD.13.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure the Form Factor Indicator (FFI) is present and formatted correctly

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.6.21 MD.21.001.01
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Track 2 Equivalent Data is present in response to the GPO command or
ReadRecord response and correctly formatted

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 57 : Track 2 Equivalent Data : 48 89

62 00 14 09 79 20 D2 50 52 21 17 71 68 80 00 00 0F
▤ PAN = 4889620014097920
▤ Separator field = D
▤ Expiry Date (YY/MM) = 25/05
▤ Service Code = 221
▤ Discretionary Data = 1771688000000F
▤ (may be padded with one 'F')

✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

mandatory data element Track 2 Equivalent Data ('57'))
✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Track 2
Equivalent Data (Tag '57') - Primary Account Number shall not be greater than 19
✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Track 2
Equivalent Data (Tag '57') - Field separator shall be half-byte 'D'.)
✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Track 2
Equivalent Data (Tag '57') - Expiration Date shall be encoded in YYMM format.)
✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Track 2
Equivalent Data (Tag '57') - Service Code shall be 3 digits long and first digit
shall be 2 or 6 (international or domestic cards using alternate technology (EMV-
compliant integrated circuit card containing VSDC applications)).)

✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Track 2

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Personalization Validation Report

✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Track 2

Equivalent Data (Tag '57') - Discretionary Data - Padding shall be limited to one

4.6.22 MD.22.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure Application Transaction Counter (ATC) is present in the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS
response and formatted correctly

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 36: Application Transaction Counter (ATC) : 00 04

▤ Decimal value = 4
✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing
mandatory data element Application Transaction Counter (ATC) ('9F 36'))
✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

4.6.23 MD.26.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Cardholder Name returned over the contactless interface does not match
the 'real' cardholder name encoded on the physical magnetic stripe

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 5F 20: Cardholder Name : 20 2F

▤ Text value = /
Test not applicable, because:
Magstripe Track 1 data is not formatted correctly

4.6.24 MD.26.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To check that the Cardholder Name when returned contains same value across contactless

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

• qVSDC online transaction

▤ Tag 5F 20: Cardholder Name : 20 2F
▤ Text value = /

• qVSDC online transaction with ODA

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Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 365/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

• qVSDC online transaction with ODA

▤ Tag 5F 20: Cardholder Name : 20 2F
✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Cardholder
Name (tag '5F20') when returned should contain the same value across contactless

4.6.25 MD.29.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Customer Exclusive Data has the correct length (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Customer Exclusive Data (Tag '9F 7C') is not present

4.6.26 MD.29.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the Customer Exclusive Data is consistent across all supported contactless paths

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Customer Exclusive Data (Tag '9F 7C') is not present

4.6.27 MD.31.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Form Factor Indicator (FFI) is present and formatted correctly when FFI
version 1 is used for a standard card

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 6E: Form Factor Indicator [qVSDC] : 20 70

00 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-6 = 001 Form Factor Indicator Version Number: 1
bit 5-1 = 00000 Consumer Payment Device Form Factor: Standard Card
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not passcode capable
bit 7 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a signature panel
bit 6 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a hologram
bit 5 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device is capable of CVV2
bit 4 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is incapable of two-way
bit 3 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not using cloud-based

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 3 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not using cloud-based

payment credentials
bit 2 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is using Biometric
Cardholder Verification not Capable
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 3: 00 RFU
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5: RFU
bit 4-1: 0000 Payment Transaction Technology: Proximity contactless
interface using ISO 14443
▤ Tag 9F 68: Card Additional Processes [qVSDC VCPS 2.2] : 4C 00
F0 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Low Value Check not supported
bit 7 = 1 Low Value AND CTTA Check supported
bit 6 = 0 Do not count qVSDC online transactions
bit 5 = 0 Streamlined qVSDC not supported
bit 4 = 1 PIN Tries Exceeded Check supported
bit 3 = 1 Offline international transactions are allowed
bit 2 = 0 No Card Contact Chip Preference
bit 1 = 0 Do not return Available Offline Spending Amount
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Do not include country code in determining international
bit 7 = 0 International transactions are allowed
bit 6 = 0 Enable Offline Data Authentication (ODA) for Online
bit 5 = 0 Contactless Issuer Update Processing not supported
bit 4 = 0 Count qVSDC offline transactions
bit 3 = 0 Card does not Prefer Online
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Online PIN supported for domestic transaction
bit 7 = 1 Online PIN supported for international transaction
bit 6 = 1 (Contact Chip) Offline PIN supported
bit 5 = 1 Signature supported
bit 4 = 0 Consumer Device CVM not supported
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 4 bit 8 = 0 RFU
bit 7 = 0 RFU
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Tag DF 01: Unknown Data Element : 00 00

✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

mandatory data element Form Factor Indicator [qVSDC] ('9F 6E'))
✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not
used for VCPS' bits shall be set to zero)
✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Format not
✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Incorrect

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Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 367/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

4.6.28 MD.31.001.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Form Factor Indicator (FFI) is present and formatted correctly (for non-
mobile, non-card form factors).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Test is not applicable on card form factor

4.6.29 MD.31.001.03
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Form Factor Indicator (FFI) is present and formatted correctly when FFI version
2 is used for a standard card

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 08: Application Version Number [VIS] : 00 A0

▤ VIS 1.6.0
▤ Tag 9F 6E: Form Factor Indicator [qVSDC] : 20 70
00 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-6 = 001 Form Factor Indicator Version Number: 1
bit 5-1 = 00000 Consumer Payment Device Form Factor: Standard Card
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not passcode capable
bit 7 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a signature panel
bit 6 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a hologram
bit 5 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device is capable of CVV2
bit 4 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is incapable of two-way
bit 3 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not using cloud-based
payment credentials
bit 2 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is using Biometric
Cardholder Verification not Capable
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 3: 00 RFU
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5: RFU
bit 4-1: 0000 Payment Transaction Technology: Proximity contactless
interface using ISO 14443
Test not applicable, because:
Application Version Number does not indicate that the card is compliant to VCPS
2.2.4 and above
Form Factor Indicator version is not 2 (byte 1, bits 8-6 is not 010)

4.6.30 MD.31.001.04

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Personalization Validation Report

Verdict Not Applicable

Test description To ensure that Form Factor Indicator (FFI) is present and formatted correctly when FFI version
number is 2 (for standard card)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 08: Application Version Number [VIS] : 00 A0

▤ VIS 1.6.0
▤ Tag 9F 6E: Form Factor Indicator [qVSDC] : 20 70
00 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-6 = 001 Form Factor Indicator Version Number: 1
bit 5-1 = 00000 Consumer Payment Device Form Factor: Standard Card
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not passcode capable
bit 7 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a signature panel
bit 6 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a hologram
bit 5 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device is capable of CVV2
bit 4 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is incapable of two-way
bit 3 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not using cloud-based
payment credentials
bit 2 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is using Biometric
Cardholder Verification not Capable
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 3: 00 RFU
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5: RFU
bit 4-1: 0000 Payment Transaction Technology: Proximity contactless
interface using ISO 14443
Test not applicable, because:
Application is not contactless-only
Application Version Number does not indicate that the card is compliant to VCPS
2.2.4 and above
Form Factor Indicator version is not 2 (byte 1, bits 8-6 is not 010)

4.6.31 MD.31.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Form Factor Indicator (FFI) is consistent across all supported contactless

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

• qVSDC online transaction

▤ Tag 9F 6E: Form Factor Indicator [qVSDC] : 20 70
00 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-6 = 001 Form Factor Indicator Version Number: 1
bit 5-1 = 00000 Consumer Payment Device Form Factor: Standard Card
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not passcode capable
bit 7 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a signature panel
bit 6 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a hologram
bit 5 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device is capable of CVV2
bit 4 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is incapable of two-way
bit 3 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not using cloud-based

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 3 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not using cloud-based

payment credentials
bit 2 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is using Biometric
Cardholder Verification not Capable
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 3: 00 RFU
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5: RFU
bit 4-1: 0000 Payment Transaction Technology: Proximity contactless
interface using ISO 14443

• qVSDC online transaction with ODA

▤ Tag 9F 6E: Form Factor Indicator : 20 70
00 00

✔ MD. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Format

Factor Indicator (Tag '9F6E') must contain the same value across all supported
contactless paths.)

4.6.32 MS.1.003.01
Verdict Inconclusive
Test description To ensure the consistency of Track 1 data on magnetic stripe and data elements on the
primary Visa application on the chip

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Magnetic stripe, Track 1 is empty

4.6.33 MS.1.006.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure the consistency of Track 1 Discretionary Data on magnetic stripe and Track 1
Discretionary Data on the chip (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Track 1 Discretionary Data (Tag '9F1F') is not present

4.6.34 MS.2.002.01
Verdict Inconclusive
Test description To ensure the consistency of Track 2 data on magnetic stripe and data elements on the
primary application on the chip

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Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 370/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Magnetic stripe, Track 2 is empty

4.6.35 MS.2.004.01
Verdict Inconclusive
Test description To ensure that the CVV digits in the Track 2 Discretionary Data on the magnetic stripe do not
match those same digits on the chip

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x

Magnetic stripe, Track 2 is empty

4.6.36 PR.1.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Payment Account Reference (if present) has the correct length and holds a valid

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 24: Payment Account Reference (PAR) : <not

Test not applicable, because:
Payment Account Reference (tag '9F24') is not present

4.6.37 PS.11.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check the correctness of the Directory Discretionary Template (tag '73') (if present)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Directory Discretionary Template (tag '73') is not present

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Personalization Validation Report

4.6.38 QF.6.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that the Card Transaction Qualifiers (CTQ) is set to the Visa recommended value (if
present) (for Plus)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application

4.6.39 QF.11.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the type of Application Cryptogram is ARQC or AAC.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 10: Issuer Application Data [VCPS 2.2] : 06 01

11 03 A0 20 00
▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 11 03 A0 20 00
▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 11
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 A0 20 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')
▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested
bit 6-5 = 10 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: ARQC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not performed
bit 1 = 0 Able to go online or offline transaction
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Last online transaction completed
bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded
bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters
bit 5 = 0 No new card
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last online
transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online
authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card
bit 1 = 0 Offline static data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed
bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication not performed
bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-
Expecting card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification not
✔ The type of Application Cryptogram is ARQC/AAC
◯ Comparing cvr

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Personalization Validation Report

✔ The type of Application Cryptogram is ARQC/AAC

◯ Comparing cvr
⃖ Evaluated: 03 A0 20 00
⇦ Expected: ..
▤ 03 .. .. .. concatenation
▤ '03'h
▤ '10??0?00'b
▤ '0??0?000'b
▤ '?????000'b
▤ 00 .. .. .. .. concatenation
▤ '00000000'b
▤ '10??0?00'b
▤ '0??0?000'b
▤ '?????000'b
▤ '000000??'b

✔ QF. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The type

of Application Cryptogram must be ARQC or AAC.)
✔ QF. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU
bits of CVR shall be set to values specified in [VCPS 2.2 Table M-2])

4.6.40 QN.10.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Application Interchange Profile is present, is the correct length, and
contains the correct value

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.6.41 QN.10.001.01
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Interchange Profile (tag '82') is present, is the correct length,
and contains the correct value

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 82 : Application Interchange Profile [VCPS] : 00 20

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 RFU
bit 7 = 0 Offline static data authentication is NOT supported for
online authorizations
bit 6 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication is NOT supported
bit 5 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 4 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 3 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 2 = 0 RFU / Not used for VCPS (VCPS 2.2)
bit 1 = 0 Not used for VCPS

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 1 = 0 Not used for VCPS

Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 MSD is NOT supported
bit 7 = 0 Mobile handset
bit 6 = 1 Contactless transaction
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU

✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

mandatory data element Application Interchange Profile [VCPS] ('82'))
✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Incorrect

4.6.42 QN.10.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Application Interchange Profile is present, is the correct length, and
contains the correct value (for mobile handset)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.6.43 QN.10.003.03
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application File Locator (AFL) returned in the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS
Response is consistent with the Application Interchange Profile (AIP).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

• Application File Locator (AFL) (Tag '94') is present.

▤ Tag 82 : Application Interchange Profile [VCPS] : 00 20
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 RFU
bit 7 = 0 Offline static data authentication is NOT supported for
online authorizations
bit 6 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication is NOT supported
bit 5 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 4 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 3 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 2 = 0 RFU / Not used for VCPS (VCPS 2.2)
bit 1 = 0 Not used for VCPS
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 MSD is NOT supported

bit 7 = 0 Mobile handset

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 7 = 0 Mobile handset

bit 6 = 1 Contactless transaction
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Tag 94 : Application File Locator (AFL) : 18 02
02 00
▤ AFL (1) = 18 02 02 00
▤ SFI (decimal) = 3
▤ Start record = 2
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0
• SDA and DDA not supported, (AIP byte 1 bit 7-6 set to 00b)

✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: The

Application File Locator (tag '94') byte 4 of each AFL group of four bytes shall be
set to '00' when the Application Interchange Profile (tag '82') byte 1 bits 7-6 are
00b (SDA not supported, DDA not supported).)

4.6.44 QN.12.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that Card Transaction Qualifiers (CTQ) has the correct length (if present).

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 6C: Card Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2] : 28 00

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Online PIN not required
bit 7 = 0 Signature not required
bit 6 = 1 Go online if Offline Data Authentication fails and Reader
is online capable
bit 5 = 0 Do not switch interface if Offline Data Authentication
fails and Reader supports contact chip
bit 4 = 1 Go Online if Application Expired
bit 3 = 0 Do not switch interface for Cash Transactions
bit 2 = 0 Do not switch interface for Cashback Transactions
bit 1 = 0 Valid for contactless ATM transactions
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Consumer Device CVM not performed
bit 7 = 0 Card does not support Issuer Update Processing at the POS
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

4.6.45 QN.12.002.00

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 375/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that if the Application File Locator (AFL) is present in the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS
response, the length and format are correct.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 94 : Application File Locator (AFL) : 18 02

02 00
▤ AFL (1) = 18 02 02 00
▤ SFI (decimal) = 3
▤ Start record = 2
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0

✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Format not
✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Unable to
read records.)

4.6.46 QN.12.003.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure the Application File Locator (AFL) is correctly formatted and holds a valid value.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 94 : Application File Locator (AFL) : 18 02

02 00
▤ AFL (1) = 18 02 02 00
▤ SFI (decimal) = 3
▤ Start record = 2
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0
✔ Length is valid (up to 252)
✔ Application File Locator (AFL) (tag '94') Byte 1 Bit 3 – Bit 1 are zeroes

▤ Response on Read Record command (sfi: 03, record: 02): 70 0A 9F 07 02 C0 80 5F 28

02 00 51 90 00
✔ SFI (Byte 1) is coded correctly for the terminal to access to in READ RECORD
✔ Record Numbers (Byte 2 and Byte 3) is coded correctly for the terminal to access
to in READ RECORD command
✔ Value of first Record Number (Byte 2) is not '00' and is lower than or equal to
the last Record Numbers (Byte 3)

✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 376/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application

File Locator (Tag '94') Byte 1 Bit 3 to Bit 1 shall be zeroes.)
✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
File Locator (Tag '94') Byte 1 (SFI) shall be coded correctly for the terminal to
access to using READ RECORD command.)
✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
File Locator (tag '94') Byte 2 and Byte 3 (Record Numbers) shall be coded correctly
for the terminal to access to using Read Record command.)
✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
File Locator (Tag '94') Byte 2 (first Record Number) shall not be '00' and is lower
than or equal to Byte 3 (last Record Numbers).)

4.6.47 QN.16.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that Application Cryptogram (AC) is present in the GET PROCESSING OPTIONS
response and length and format are correct

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 26: Application Cryptogram (AC) : 7C 85

59 34 77 31 03 54

✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing

mandatory data element Application Cryptogram (AC) ('9F 26'))
✔ QN. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

4.6.48 SE.5.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application PAN Sequence Number is formatted correctly (when applicable)

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 5F 34: Application PAN Sequence Number : 01

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Format not
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid
value (out of range).)

4.6.49 SE.5.002.00
Verdict Passed

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 377/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test description To ensure that the Application PAN Sequence Number is consistent across all supported
contact and contactless paths

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

• qVSDC online transaction

▤ Tag 5F 34: Application PAN Sequence Number : 01

• EMV transaction 1st GAC ARQC

▤ Tag 5F 34: Application PAN Sequence Number : 01

• qVSDC online transaction with ODA

▤ Tag 5F 34: Application PAN Sequence Number : 01

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application

PAN Sequence Number (Tag '5F34') must contain the same value across all supported
contact and contactless paths.)

4.6.50 SE.7.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that if the Application Usage Control is present, it is the correct length and value

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 07: Application Usage Control [VCPS] : C0 80

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 Valid for domestic (manual) cash transactions
bit 7 = 1 Valid for international (manual) cash transactions
bit 6 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 5 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 4 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 3 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 2 = 0 NOT Valid at ATMs
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 1 Domestic cashback allowed
bit 7 = 0 International cashback NOT allowed
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Invalid

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not
used for VCPS' bits shall be set to zero)

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 378/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

4.6.51 SE.7.002.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Country Code is present when the Application Usage Control is

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 07: Application Usage Control [VCPS] : C0 80

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 Valid for domestic (manual) cash transactions
bit 7 = 1 Valid for international (manual) cash transactions
bit 6 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 5 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 4 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 3 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 2 = 0 NOT Valid at ATMs
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 1 Domestic cashback allowed
bit 7 = 0 International cashback NOT allowed
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Tag 5F 28: Issuer Country Code : 00 51
▤ Country Code = 00 51
▤ Country Name = Armenia

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Associated

Data Element (Issuer Country Code (Tag '5F28')) shall be present if Application
Usage Control (Tag '9F07') is present.)

4.6.52 SE.7.004.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Application Usage Control contains the correct values (if present) for Plus

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable for VISA VSDC application

4.6.53 SE.7.006.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that International Cash Back is not supported in the Application Usage Control

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 379/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 07: Application Usage Control [VCPS] : C0 80

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 Valid for domestic (manual) cash transactions
bit 7 = 1 Valid for international (manual) cash transactions
bit 6 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 5 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 4 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 3 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 2 = 0 NOT Valid at ATMs
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 1 Domestic cashback allowed
bit 7 = 0 International cashback NOT allowed
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:
International cash back not allowed for this product; byte 2 bit 7 set to 1.)

4.6.54 SE.7.007.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that Domestic Cash Back is not supported in Application Usage Control for Visa

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Application is not a Visa Credit

4.6.55 SE.7.007.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To check that Domestic Cash Back is supported in Application Usage Control for Visa Debit and
Visa Electron

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Application is not a Visa Debit or Electron

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 380/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

4.6.56 SE.7.007.03
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Application Usage Control (AUC) is consistent across all supported qVSDC
contactless paths when the card application supports manual cash and/or domestic cashback

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• qVSDC online transaction

▤ Tag 9F 07: Application Usage Control [VCPS] : C0 80
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 Valid for domestic (manual) cash transactions
bit 7 = 1 Valid for international (manual) cash transactions
bit 6 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 5 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 4 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 3 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 2 = 0 NOT Valid at ATMs
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 1 Domestic cashback allowed
bit 7 = 0 International cashback NOT allowed
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU

• qVSDC online transaction with ODA

▤ Tag 9F 07: Application Usage Control : C0 80

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application

Usage Control (AUC, Tag '9F07') must contain the same value across all supported
qVSDC paths when the card application support manual cash and/or domestic cashback.)

4.6.57 SE.7.007.04
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Application Usage Control is consistent across all supported qVSDC
contactless paths when the card application does not support manual cash nor cashback

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card application supports manual cash or cashback

4.6.58 SE.7.007.05
Verdict Passed

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 381/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Test description To ensure that the Application File Locator identifies the record containing the Application
Usage Control when the card application supports manual cash and/or domestic cashback.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

• qVSDC online transaction

▤ Tag 94 : Application File Locator (AFL) : 18 02
02 00
▤ AFL (1) = 18 02 02 00
▤ SFI (decimal) = 3
▤ Start record = 2
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0
▤ Tag 9F 07: Application Usage Control [VCPS] : C0 80
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 Valid for domestic (manual) cash transactions
bit 7 = 1 Valid for international (manual) cash transactions
bit 6 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 5 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 4 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 3 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 2 = 0 NOT Valid at ATMs
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 1 Domestic cashback allowed
bit 7 = 0 International cashback NOT allowed
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
• Application Usage Control found in SFI 3, record 2
• SFI 3, record 2 is indicated in the AFL

▤ GPO response:
▤ Tag 77 : Response Message Template Format 2
▤ Tag 82 : Application Interchange Profile [VCPS] : 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 RFU
bit 7 = 0 Offline static data authentication is NOT supported
for online authorizations
bit 6 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication is NOT supported
bit 5 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 4 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 3 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 2 = 0 RFU / Not used for VCPS (VCPS 2.2)
bit 1 = 0 Not used for VCPS
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 MSD is NOT supported
bit 7 = 0 Mobile handset
bit 6 = 1 Contactless transaction
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Tag 94 : Application File Locator (AFL) : 18
02 02 00
▤ AFL (1) = 18 02 02 00

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ AFL (1) = 18 02 02 00
▤ SFI (decimal) = 3
▤ Start record = 2
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0
▤ Tag 57 : Track 2 Equivalent Data : 48
89 62 00 14 09 79 20 D2 50 52 21 17 71 68 80 00 00 0F
▤ PAN = 4889620014097920
▤ Separator field = D
▤ Expiry Date (YY/MM) = 25/05
▤ Service Code = 221
▤ Discretionary Data = 1771688000000F
▤ (may be padded with one 'F')
▤ Tag 5F 20: Cardholder Name : 20
▤ Text value = /
▤ Tag 5F 34: Application PAN Sequence Number : 01
▤ Tag 9F 10: Issuer Application Data [VCPS 2.2] : 06
01 11 03 A0 20 00
▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 11 03 A0 20 00
▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 11
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 A0 20 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')
▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested
bit 6-5 = 10 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: ARQC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not
bit 1 = 0 Able to go online or offline transaction
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Last online transaction completed
bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded
bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters
bit 5 = 0 No new card
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last
online transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online
authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card
bit 1 = 0 Offline static data authentication passed or
was not performed on last transaction
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed
bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or
was not performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication not
bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-
Expecting card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification
not supported)
▤ Tag 9F 26: Application Cryptogram (AC) : 7C
85 59 34 77 31 03 54
▤ Tag 9F 27: Cryptogram Information Data (CID) : 80
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-7 = 10 ARQC
bit 6-5 = 00 Payment System specific cryptogram
bit 4 = 0 No advice required
bit 3-1 = 000 No information given
▤ Tag 9F 36: Application Transaction Counter (ATC) : 00

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 3-1 = 000 No information given

▤ Tag 9F 36: Application Transaction Counter (ATC) : 00
▤ Decimal value = 4
▤ Tag 9F 6C: Card Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2] : 28
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Online PIN not required
bit 7 = 0 Signature not required
bit 6 = 1 Go online if Offline Data Authentication fails and
Reader is online capable
bit 5 = 0 Do not switch interface if Offline Data
Authentication fails and Reader supports contact chip
bit 4 = 1 Go Online if Application Expired
bit 3 = 0 Do not switch interface for Cash Transactions
bit 2 = 0 Do not switch interface for Cashback Transactions
bit 1 = 0 Valid for contactless ATM transactions
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Consumer Device CVM not performed
bit 7 = 0 Card does not support Issuer Update Processing at the
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Tag 9F 6E: Form Factor Indicator [qVSDC] : 20
70 00 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-6 = 001 Form Factor Indicator Version Number: 1
bit 5-1 = 00000 Consumer Payment Device Form Factor: Standard Card
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not passcode capable
bit 7 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a signature panel
bit 6 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a hologram
bit 5 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device is capable of CVV2
bit 4 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is incapable of two-
way messaging
bit 3 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not using cloud-
based payment credentials
bit 2 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is using Biometric
Cardholder Verification not Capable
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 3: 00 RFU
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5: RFU
bit 4-1: 0000 Payment Transaction Technology: Proximity
contactless interface using ISO 14443

✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application

File Locator (AFL, tag '94') must identifies the record containing the Application
Usage Control (AUC, tag '9F07') when the card application supports manual cash and
/or domestic cashback)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
Usage Control (AUC, tag '9F07') byte 1 bit 8 does not correspond to the option
selected in the ICS "Contactless - manual cash and cashback" section.)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
Usage Control (AUC, tag '9F07') byte 1 bit 7 does not correspond to the option
selected in the ICS "Contactless - manual cash and cashback" section.)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
Usage Control (AUC, tag '9F07') byte 2 bit 8 does not correspond to the option
selected in the ICS "Contactless - manual cash and cashback" section.)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Application
Usage Control (AUC, tag '9F07') and/or Issuer Country Code (tag '5F28') are returned
in the GPO Response instead of Record.)

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 384/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

4.6.59 SE.7.007.06
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Application Usage Control (AUC) and Issuer Country Code (tag '5F28') are
not personalized when the card application does not support manual cash nor cashback

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

Test not applicable, because:

Card application supports Contactless - domestic manual cash transactions
Card application supports Contactless - international manual cash transactions
Card application supports Contactless - domestic cashback transactions

4.6.60 SE.10.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure Issuer Application Data is present and formatted correctly

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 10: Issuer Application Data [VCPS 2.2] : 06 01

11 03 A0 20 00
▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 11 03 A0 20 00
▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 11
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 A0 20 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')
▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested
bit 6-5 = 10 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: ARQC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not performed
bit 1 = 0 Able to go online or offline transaction
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Last online transaction completed
bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded
bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters
bit 5 = 0 No new card
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last online
transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online
authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card
bit 1 = 0 Offline static data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed
bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication not performed

bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 385/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-

Expecting card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification not
Test not applicable, because:
Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.6.61 SE.10.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure the Cryptogram Version Number within the Issuer Application Data has the correct

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 9F 10: Issuer Application Data [VCPS 2.2] : 06 01

11 03 A0 20 00
▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 11 03 A0 20 00
▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 11
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 A0 20 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')
▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested
bit 6-5 = 10 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: ARQC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not performed
bit 1 = 0 Able to go online or offline transaction
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Last online transaction completed
bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded
bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters
bit 5 = 0 No new card
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last online
transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online
authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card
bit 1 = 0 Offline static data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed
bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication not performed
bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-
Expecting card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification not
Test not applicable, because:
Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.6.62 SE.10.003.00

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 386/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure Issuer Application Data (IAD, tag '9F10') is present, formatted correctly and has the
correct values

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 10: Issuer Application Data [VCPS 2.2] : 06 01

11 03 A0 20 00
▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 11 03 A0 20 00
▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 11
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 A0 20 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')
▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested
bit 6-5 = 10 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: ARQC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not performed
bit 1 = 0 Able to go online or offline transaction
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Last online transaction completed
bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded
bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters
bit 5 = 0 No new card
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last online
transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online
authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card
bit 1 = 0 Offline static data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed
bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication not performed
bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-
Expecting card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification not
• IAD Format: 1
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Incorrect
IAD (tag '9F10') length.)
✔ Byte 1 (length of the Visa Discretionary Data) is '06'
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Incorrect
CVN value.)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Incorrect
CVR length.)
✔ Byte 5 (CVR): bits 4, 2, 1 set to "Not used for VCPS"
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not
used for VCPS' bits shall be set to zero)
✔ Byte 6 (CVR): bits 8, 5, 3-1 set to "Not used for VCPS"
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not
used for VCPS' bits shall be set to zero)
✔ Byte 7 (CVR): bits 3-1 set to "Not used for VCPS"
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not
used for VCPS' bits shall be set to zero)
• Length byte 8 (IDD length) is not present

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Personalization Validation Report

4.6.63 SE.10.003.01
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure the value of the Issuer Discretionary Data (IDD) Option ID neither '1' nor '2'

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 08: Application Version Number [VIS] : <not

▤ Tag 9F 10: Issuer Application Data [VCPS 2.2] : 06 01
11 03 A0 20 00
▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 11 03 A0 20 00
▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 11
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 A0 20 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')
▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested
bit 6-5 = 10 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: ARQC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not performed
bit 1 = 0 Able to go online or offline transaction
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Last online transaction completed
bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded
bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters
bit 5 = 0 No new card
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last online
transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online
authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card
bit 1 = 0 Offline static data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed
bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication not performed
bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-
Expecting card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification not
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Incorrect
IDD Option ID.)

4.6.64 SE.10.003.02
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure the Application Default Action (ADA) does not support padding method '80' when
using Issuer Application Data (IAD) Format 2

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Personalization Validation Report

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 10: Issuer Application Data [VCPS 2.2] : 06 01

11 03 A0 20 00
▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 11 03 A0 20 00
▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 11
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 A0 20 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')
▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested
bit 6-5 = 10 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: ARQC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not performed
bit 1 = 0 Able to go online or offline transaction
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Last online transaction completed
bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded
bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters
bit 5 = 0 No new card
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last online
transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online
authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card
bit 1 = 0 Offline static data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed
bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication not performed
bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-
Expecting card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification not
Test not applicable, because:
Card not personalized with an Issuer Application Data (IAD) Format 2
Application Version Number does not indicate that the card is compliant to VCPS

4.6.65 SE.16.005.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Public Key Certificate (tag '90') has correct length.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Issuer Public Key Certificate (tag '90') is not present.
Certification Authority Public Key Index (PKI) (Tag '8F') is not present.

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 389/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

4.6.66 SE.16.006.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Public Keys that are used for the Visa or Visa Electron Payment
Application are used solely for that purpose.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Single - application card.
Issuer Public Key Certificate (tag '90') is not present.

4.6.67 SE.16.007.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Public Key for cards expiring after December 2016 must be 1152 bits
or longer.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

▤ Tag 5F 24: Application Expiration Date : <not


Test not applicable, because:

Issuer Public Key Certificate (Tag '90') is not present.
Application Expiration Date (tag '5F 24') is not present.

4.6.68 SE.16.008.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Issuer Public Keys must be equal to or less than the longest VSDC CA Public
Key currently being used for signing certificates.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x
VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Issuer Public Key Certificate (Tag '90') is not present.

4.6.69 SE.16.009.00

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 390/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Verdict Not Applicable

Test description To ensure that the length of the ICC Public Key must be less than or equal to the length of the
Issuer Public Key.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VIS 1.4.1 VIS 1.5.x VIS 1.6.x VCPS 1.4.2 VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x
VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

ICC Public Key Certificate is not present

4.6.70 SE.22.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure tags in different transaction paths have the same value

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products

4.6.71 SE.23.001.00
Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure tags in different transaction paths have the same value

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.0.2 VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

• Check tag '5F 20' consistency:

▤ Tag 5F 20: Cardholder Name : 20 2F
▤ Text value = /
✔ Tag 5F 20 from qVSDC online transaction with ODA is the same as from qVSDC online
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:
Application data element Cardholder Name ('5F 20') inconsistent across transaction

• Check tag '57' consistency:

▤ Tag 57 : Track 2 Equivalent Data : 48 89
62 00 14 09 79 20 D2 50 52 21 17 71 68 80 00 00 0F
▤ PAN = 4889620014097920
▤ Separator field = D
▤ Expiry Date (YY/MM) = 25/05
▤ Service Code = 221
▤ Discretionary Data = 1771688000000F

▤ (may be padded with one 'F')

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ (may be padded with one 'F')

✔ Tag '57' from qVSDC online transaction with ODA is the same as from qVSDC online
transaction (excluding discretionary data)
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:
Application data element Track 2 Equivalent Data ('57') inconsistent across
transaction paths.)

• Check tag '5A' consistency:

▤ Tag 5A : Application Primary Account Number (PAN) : <not
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:
Application data element Application PAN ('5A') inconsistent across transaction

• Check tag '5F 24' consistency:

▤ Tag 5F 24: Application Expiration Date : <not
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:
Application data element Application Expiration Date ('5F 24') inconsistent across
transaction paths.)

• Check tag '5F 34' consistency:

▤ Tag 5F 34: Application PAN Sequence Number : 01
✔ Tag 5F 34 from qVSDC online transaction with ODA is the same as from qVSDC online
✔ SE. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message:
Application data element Application PAN Sequence Number ('5F 34') inconsistent
across transaction paths.)

4.6.72 SE.24.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure if the Form Factor Indicator (FFI) is version 2, the card capabilities set in the FFI
correspond to the CVMs set in the Card Additional Processes.

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 10: Issuer Application Data [VCPS 2.2] : 06 01

11 03 A0 20 00
▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 11 03 A0 20 00
▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 11
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 A0 20 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')
▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested
bit 6-5 = 10 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: ARQC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not performed
bit 1 = 0 Able to go online or offline transaction
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Last online transaction completed
bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded
bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters
bit 5 = 0 No new card

bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last online

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last online

transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online
authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card
bit 1 = 0 Offline static data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed
bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or was
not performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication not performed
bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-
Expecting card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification not
Test not applicable, because:
Card not personalized with an Issuer Application Data (IAD) Format 2
Application Version Number does not indicate that the card is compliant to VCPS

4.6.73 SH.6.001.01
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure contactless-only devices (non-card Form Factors) do not request to process
transaction as a contact chip transaction

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Application is not contactless only

4.6.74 SH.6.001.02
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure contactless-only card does not request to process transaction as a contact chip

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 6E: Form Factor Indicator [qVSDC] : <not

Test not applicable, because:
Application is not contactless only
Test is only applicable for Form Factor Indicator (tag '9F6E') equal to standard

4.6.75 SH.40.001.02

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 393/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Verdict Passed
Test description To ensure that the Cryptogram Information Data (tag '9F27') is present and contains the
correct values

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VCPS 2.1.x VCPS 2.2.x

▤ Tag 9F 27: Cryptogram Information Data (CID) : 80

▤ Byte 1 bit 8-7 = 10 ARQC
bit 6-5 = 00 Payment System specific cryptogram
bit 4 = 0 No advice required
bit 3-1 = 000 No information given
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: Missing
mandatory data element Cryptogram Information Data (CID) ('9F 27'))
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: RFU value
shall not be used.)
✔ SH. Passed. (Related Failure/Observation/Warning Message: All RFU/'Not
used for VCPS' bits shall be set to zero)

4.6.76 SH.42.001.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that Mobile Application Identifier is present and formatted correctly

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Issuer Update Processing Over the Air support is not indicating in ICS.

4.6.77 SH.42.002.00
Verdict Not Applicable
Test description To ensure that the Issuing (ISO) BIN contained in the Mobile Application Identifier is consistent
with the PAN found in Track 2 Equivalent Data

Test case is applicable for:

Specification: VMCPS 1.4.x

Test not applicable, because:

Test is not applicable on VIS 1.6.x card products
Test is not applicable on VCPS 2.2.x card products
Issuer Update Processing Over the Air support is not indicating in ICS.
Mobile Application Identifier (Tag 'CF') is not present

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 394/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Annex A: Explorer Report

This chapter contains the data retrieved from the card. Main data are also listed on the cover page of this document.

For each application found, the data are presented in a separate section with the following structure:
Subsection 1: data elements in alphabetical order
Subsection 2: data elements sorted by tag
Subsection 3: unknown data elements present in the application
Note: This chapter does not contain test results.

A.1 Application: Visa, 'A0 00 00 00 03 10 10' (EMV transaction 1st GAC

ARQC, contact interface)

A.1.1 Application data sorted by name

A.1.1.1 Amounts Data Template

Tag BF 58
Data DF 11 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 21 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 31 06 00 00 02
00 00 00

▤ Profile: 1
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit : 00 00 02 00 00 00
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount – No CVM : <not present>
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit – No CVM : <not present>

A.1.1.2 Application Code Level [VSDC]

Tag 9F 7D
Data 31 36 30 34 32 38 20 56 53 44 43 20 32 39

▤ Text value = 160428 VSDC 29

VSDC applet version: VSDC 2.9

A.1.1.3 Application Cryptogram (AC)

Tag 9F 26
Data 27 3A 90 BF EB 41 5F 62

A.1.1.4 Application Currency Code [VSDC]

Tag 9F 51
Data 00 51

▤ Code (num) = 00 51
▤ Code (an) = AMD
▤ Currency = Armenian Dram

A.1.1.5 Application Currency Exponent

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Tag 9F 44
Data 02

A.1.1.6 Application Default Action [VSDC VIS 1.6]

Tag 9F 52
Data 82 38 00 00 00 00

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 If Issuer Authentication failure, transmit next transaction

bit 7 = 0 No action required if Issuer Authentication performed and
bit 6 = 0 No action required if Issuer Authentication is mandatory
and no ARPC received
bit 5 = 0 No action required if transaction declined offline
bit 4 = 0 No action required if PIN Try Limit exceeded on current
transaction and transaction is declined
bit 3 = 0 No action required if transaction declined because issuer
authentication failed or not performed
bit 2 = 1 If new card, transmit transaction online
bit 1 = 0 No action required if new card and unable to transmit
transaction online
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Application is not blocked if PIN Try Limit exceeded on
current transaction
bit 7 = 0 Transaction is not declined if PIN Try Limit exceeded on
previous transaction
bit 6 = 1 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction, transmit
transaction online
bit 5 = 1 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction, decline
if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 4 = 1 If issuer script failed on a previous transaction transmit
transaction online
bit 3 = 0 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction, no
action required to decline the current transaction and block the application
bit 2 = 0 Reset CTTA to zero during GENERATE AC
bit 1 = 0 Reset VLP Available Funds to VLP Funds Limit during
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Include offline approved transactions in the transaction log
bit 7 = 0 Include online approved transactions in the transaction log
bit 6 = 0 Do not include declined transactions in the transaction log
bit 5 = 0 Do not reset VLP Available Funds to VLP Funds Limit when
offline PIN is successfully verified
bit 4 = 0 Count declined transactions
bit 3 = 0 Do not use Issuer Script MAC Chaining Option
bit 2 = 0 Issuer Script Command Counter is not cyclic
bit 1 = 0 CTCI does not count non-matching country code transactions
▤ Byte 4 bit 8 = 0 Do not use Default Update Counters in ADA if CSU is
generated by a proxy (RFU bit for card with CVN 10)
bits 7-6 = 00 Do not update velocity-checking counters (RFU bits for card
with CVN 10)
bit 5 = 0 Padding method 80 not supported for IDD MACing
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU

bit 2 = 0 RFU

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 5 bit 8-5 = 0000 RFU
bit 4 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not performed or not
successful, no action required to send transaction online
bit 3 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not performed, no action
required to decline if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 2 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not successful, no action
required to decline if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 1 = 0 Secure Messaging not uses EMV Session key-based derivation
▤ Byte 6 bit 8 = 0 CDCVM not Supported
bit 7-1 = 0000000 RFU

A.1.1.7 Application Effective Date

Tag 5F 25
Data 21 05 01

▤ Year : 2021
▤ Month: May
▤ Day : 01

A.1.1.8 Application Expiration Date

Tag 5F 24
Data 25 05 31

▤ Year : 2025
▤ Month: May
▤ Day : 31

A.1.1.9 Application File Locator (AFL)

Tag 94
Data 08 02 02 00 10 01 02 00 28 01 03 01

▤ AFL (1) = 08 02 02 00
▤ SFI (decimal) = 1
▤ Start record = 2
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0
▤ AFL (2) = 10 01 02 00
▤ SFI (decimal) = 2
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0
▤ AFL (3) = 28 01 03 01
▤ SFI (decimal) = 5
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 3
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 1

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Personalization Validation Report

for offline data authentication = 1

A.1.1.10 Application Interchange Profile [VIS]

Tag 82
Data 3C 00

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 RFU

bit 7 = 0 Offline static data authentication is NOT supported
bit 6 = 1 Offline dynamic data authentication is supported
bit 5 = 1 Cardholder verification is supported
bit 4 = 1 Terminal risk management is to be performed
bit 3 = 1 Issuer authentication is supported using the EXTERNAL
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 Combined DDA / GENERATE AC NOT supported
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Not used for VIS
bit 7 = 0 NOT Mobile phone
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU

A.1.1.11 Application Internal Data Template

Tag BF 5B
Data DF 01 02 00 00

• Tag 'DF01' Application Capabilities: 00 00

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Contactless functionality enabled
bit 7 = 0 Do not restrict reset of Contactless functionality
disabled bit
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 2 00 RFU

A.1.1.12 Application Label

Tag 50
Data 56 69 73 61

▤ Text value = Visa

A.1.1.13 Application PAN Sequence Number

Tag 5F 34
Data 01

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

A.1.1.14 Application Preferred Name

Tag 9F 12
Data 56 69 73 61

▤ Text value = Visa

A.1.1.15 Application Primary Account Number (PAN)

Tag 5A
Data 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20

A.1.1.16 Application Priority Indicator

Tag 87
Data 01

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without confirmation of

bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be listed: 1

A.1.1.17 Application Program Identifier

Tag 9F 5A
Data 60 00 51 00 51

▤ Byte 1 bits 8-5 = '0110' Visa CEMEA use

▤ Byte 1 bits 4-1 = '0000' Visa regional discretion
▤ Bytes 2-3 = 00 51 AMD
▤ Bytes 4-5 = 00 51 Armenia

A.1.1.18 Application Transaction Counter (ATC)

Tag 9F 36
Data 00 06

▤ Decimal value = 6

A.1.1.19 Application Usage Control

Tag 9F 07
Data FF 80

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 Valid for domestic cash transactions

bit 7 = 1 Valid for international cash transactions
bit 6 = 1 Valid for domestic goods
bit 5 = 1 Valid for international goods
bit 4 = 1 Valid for domestic services
bit 3 = 1 Valid for international services
bit 2 = 1 Valid at ATMs
bit 1 = 1 Valid at terminals other than ATMs
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 1 Domestic cashback allowed
bit 7 = 0 International cashback NOT allowed
bit 6 = 0 RFU

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU

A.1.1.20 Application Version Number [VIS]

Tag 9F 08
Data 00 A0

▤ VIS 1.6.0

A.1.1.21 Card Additional Processes [qVSDC VCPS 2.2]

Tag 9F 68
Data 4C 00 F0 00

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Low Value Check not supported

bit 7 = 1 Low Value AND CTTA Check supported
bit 6 = 0 Do not count qVSDC online transactions
bit 5 = 0 Streamlined qVSDC not supported
bit 4 = 1 PIN Tries Exceeded Check supported
bit 3 = 1 Offline international transactions are allowed
bit 2 = 0 No Card Contact Chip Preference
bit 1 = 0 Do not return Available Offline Spending Amount
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Do not include country code in determining international
bit 7 = 0 International transactions are allowed
bit 6 = 0 Enable Offline Data Authentication (ODA) for Online
bit 5 = 0 Contactless Issuer Update Processing not supported
bit 4 = 0 Count qVSDC offline transactions
bit 3 = 0 Card does not Prefer Online
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Online PIN supported for domestic transaction
bit 7 = 1 Online PIN supported for international transaction
bit 6 = 1 (Contact Chip) Offline PIN supported
bit 5 = 1 Signature supported
bit 4 = 0 Consumer Device CVM not supported
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 4 bit 8 = 0 RFU
bit 7 = 0 RFU
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 1 = 0 RFU

A.1.1.22 Card Risk Management Data Object List 1 (CDOL1)

Tag 8C
Data 9F 02 06 9F 03 06 9F 1A 02 95 05 5F 2A 02 9A 03 9C 01 9F 37 04

▤ Tag( 1) = 9F 02 [Transaction Amount]

▤ Tag : 9F 02
▤ Length: 06
▤ Name : Transaction Amount
▤ Tag( 2) = 9F 03 [Cashback Amount]
▤ Tag : 9F 03
▤ Length: 06
▤ Name : Cashback Amount
▤ Tag( 3) = 9F 1A [Terminal Country Code]
▤ Tag : 9F 1A
▤ Length: 02
▤ Name : Terminal Country Code
▤ Tag( 4) = 95 [Terminal Verification Results (TVR)]
▤ Tag : 95
▤ Length: 05
▤ Name : Terminal Verification Results (TVR)
▤ Tag( 5) = 5F 2A [Transaction Currency Code]
▤ Tag : 5F 2A
▤ Length: 02
▤ Name : Transaction Currency Code
▤ Tag( 6) = 9A [Transaction Date]
▤ Tag : 9A
▤ Length: 03
▤ Name : Transaction Date
▤ Tag( 7) = 9C [Transaction Type]
▤ Tag : 9C
▤ Length: 01
▤ Name : Transaction Type
▤ Tag( 8) = 9F 37 [Unpredictable Number]
▤ Tag : 9F 37
▤ Length: 04
▤ Name : Unpredictable Number

A.1.1.23 Card Risk Management Data Object List 2 (CDOL2)

Tag 8D
Data 8A 02 9F 02 06 9F 03 06 9F 1A 02 95 05 5F 2A 02 9A 03 9C 01 9F 37 04

▤ Tag( 1) = 8A [Authorization Response Code]

▤ Tag : 8A
▤ Length: 02
▤ Name : Authorization Response Code
▤ Tag( 2) = 9F 02 [Transaction Amount]
▤ Tag : 9F 02
▤ Length: 06
▤ Name : Transaction Amount

▤ Tag( 3) = 9F 03 [Cashback Amount]

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Tag( 3) = 9F 03 [Cashback Amount]

▤ Tag : 9F 03
▤ Length: 06
▤ Name : Cashback Amount
▤ Tag( 4) = 9F 1A [Terminal Country Code]
▤ Tag : 9F 1A
▤ Length: 02
▤ Name : Terminal Country Code
▤ Tag( 5) = 95 [Terminal Verification Results (TVR)]
▤ Tag : 95
▤ Length: 05
▤ Name : Terminal Verification Results (TVR)
▤ Tag( 6) = 5F 2A [Transaction Currency Code]
▤ Tag : 5F 2A
▤ Length: 02
▤ Name : Transaction Currency Code
▤ Tag( 7) = 9A [Transaction Date]
▤ Tag : 9A
▤ Length: 03
▤ Name : Transaction Date
▤ Tag( 8) = 9C [Transaction Type]
▤ Tag : 9C
▤ Length: 01
▤ Name : Transaction Type
▤ Tag( 9) = 9F 37 [Unpredictable Number]
▤ Tag : 9F 37
▤ Length: 04
▤ Name : Unpredictable Number

A.1.1.24 Cardholder Name

Tag 5F 20
Data 41 52 54 55 52 2F 47 48 41 5A 41 52 59 41 4E 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
20 20

▤ Text value = ARTUR/GHAZARYAN

A.1.1.25 Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) List

Tag 8E
Data 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 05 44 03 41 03 42 03 1E 03 1F 02

▤ Amount X = 00 00 00 00
▤ Amount Y = 00 00 00 00
▤ CVM 1: [02 05] (Enciphered PIN verified online)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 0 (Fail Cardholder Verification if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 000010 (Enciphered PIN verified online)
▤ Byte 2 = '05' (If purchase with cashback)
▤ CVM 2: [44 03] (Enciphered PIN verification performed by ICC)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 1 (Apply succeeding CVM field if this CVM is unsuccessful)
bit 6-1= 000100 (Enciphered PIN verification performed by ICC)
▤ Byte 2 = '03' (If terminal supports the CVM type)

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 6-1= 000100 (Enciphered PIN verification performed by ICC)

▤ Byte 2 = '03' (If terminal supports the CVM type)
▤ CVM 3: [41 03] (Plaintext PIN verification performed by ICC)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 1 (Apply succeeding CVM field if this CVM is unsuccessful)
bit 6-1= 000001 (Plaintext PIN verification performed by ICC)
▤ Byte 2 = '03' (If terminal supports the CVM type)
▤ CVM 4: [42 03] (Enciphered PIN verified online)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 1 (Apply succeeding CVM field if this CVM is unsuccessful)
bit 6-1= 000010 (Enciphered PIN verified online)
▤ Byte 2 = '03' (If terminal supports the CVM type)
▤ CVM 5: [1E 03] (Signature (paper))
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 0 (Fail Cardholder Verification if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 011110 (Signature (paper))
▤ Byte 2 = '03' (If terminal supports the CVM type)
▤ CVM 6: [1F 02] (No CVM required)
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 (default value)
bit 7 = 0 (Fail Cardholder Verification if this CVM is
bit 6-1= 011111 (No CVM required)
▤ Byte 2 = '02' (If not unattended cash and not manual cash and not
purchase with cashback)

A.1.1.26 Certification Authority Public Key Index

Tag 8F
Data 09

A.1.1.27 Consecutive Transaction Counter Limit [VSDC]

Tag 9F 58
Data 00

▤ Decimal value = 0

A.1.1.28 Consecutive Transaction Counter Upper Limit [VSDC]

Tag 9F 59
Data 03

▤ Decimal value = 3

A.1.1.29 Consecutive Transaction International Upper Limit [VSDC]

Tag 9F 5E
Data 03

▤ Decimal value = 3

A.1.1.30 Consecutive Transaction Limit (International) [VSDC]

Tag 9F 53

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Data 01

▤ Decimal value = 1

A.1.1.31 Contactless Counters Data Template

Tag BF 55
Data DF 11 01 00 DF 21 01 00 DF 31 01 03 DF 41 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 51 06
00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 71 06 00 00 00 00 00 00

▤ Tag 'DF 11' Contactless Transaction Counter : 00

▤ Tag 'DF 21' Contactless Transaction Counter Lower Limit : 00
▤ Tag 'DF 31' Contactless Transaction Counter Upper Limit : 03
▤ Tag 'DF 41' VLP Single Transaction Limit : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Tag 'DF 51' VLP Available Funds : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Tag 'DF 61' VLP Reset Threshold : <not present>
▤ Tag 'DF 71' VLP Funds Limit : 00 00 00 00 00 00

A.1.1.32 Counters Data Template

Tag BF 56
Data DF 11 01 02 DF 21 01 00 DF 31 01 03

▤ Profile: 1
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter : 02
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter Limit : 00
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter Upper Limit : 03
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter – No CVM : <not present>
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter Limit – No CVM : <not present>

A.1.1.33 Cryptogram Information Data (CID)

Tag 9F 27
Data 80

▤ Byte 1 bit 8-7 = 10 ARQC

bit 6-5 = 00 Payment System specific cryptogram
bit 4 = 0 No advice required
bit 3-1 = 000 No information given

A.1.1.34 Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit [VSDC]

Tag 9F 54
Data 00 00 00 00 00 00

▤ Amount value: 0.00

A.1.1.35 Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit [VSDC]

Tag 9F 5C
Data 00 00 02 00 00 00

▤ Amount value: 20000.00

A.1.1.36 Dedicated File (DF) Name

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Tag 84
Data A0 00 00 00 03 10 10

A.1.1.37 Dynamic Data Authentication Data Object List (DDOL)

Tag 9F 49
Data 9F 37 04

▤ Tag( 1) = 9F 37 [Unpredictable Number]

▤ Tag : 9F 37
▤ Length: 04
▤ Name : Unpredictable Number

A.1.1.38 ICC Public Key Certificate

Tag 9F 46
Data 54 19 A5 B1 84 FE BA BE 00 7D FF 1D BA 4A 61 F3 C6 7A 79 17 0A 32 C1 FA
99 C9 E4 7A 69 E5 86 24 79 8B F6 8E F0 5E 87 7F 80 DA 2F 0B 79 EF 1C 01
BA 56 7D B6 2A 37 69 0C 9C 42 08 A8 3C DB CF 46 48 B0 9C 6A B6 84 E8 F1
19 CC 02 DA E6 55 E1 10 15 3B B3 D6 6D 10 E0 75 DE 6E 54 E9 1E E2 09 89
46 FB FD A1 69 1D 7F B2 DB B6 70 5B C7 1A 71 92 B0 C9 F2 8B 36 C6 BF 2C
7D 65 8A 43 D5 EA 82 57 0F FA 3B E5 9C 47 A7 36 7B 51 43 0E 0D 73 A1 54
B2 14 74 FD F2 52 57 F9 09 33 30 03 B1 1D 76 84 D8 7A 99 C6 B4 C7 B0 C4
B8 94 2D 8D DF F7 16 4C

A.1.1.39 ICC Public Key Exponent

Tag 9F 47
Data 03

A.1.1.40 International Counters Data Template

Tag BF 57
Data DF 11 01 02 DF 21 01 01 DF 31 01 03 DF 51 01 02

▤ Profile: 1
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International : 02
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Limit : 01
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Upper Limit : 03
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Country : 02
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Country Limit : <not present>

A.1.1.41 Issuer Action Code - Default

Tag 9F 0D
Data B8 60 AC 88 00

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if Offline data

authentication was not performed
bit 7 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if Offline
static data authentication failed
bit 6 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if ICC data missing
bit 5 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if Card appears on
terminal exception file

bit 4 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if Offline dynamic

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 4 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if Offline dynamic

data authentication failed
bit 3 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if Combined
DDA/AC Generation failed
bit 2 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if SDA
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if ICC and
terminal have different application versions
bit 7 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if Expired
bit 6 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if Application not
yet effective
bit 5 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if Requested
service not allowed for card product
bit 4 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if New card
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if Cardholder
verification was not successful
bit 7 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if
Unrecognised CVM
bit 6 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if PIN Try Limit
bit 5 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if PIN entry
required and PIN pad not present or not working
bit 4 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if PIN entry
required, PIN pad present, but PIN was not entered
bit 3 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if Online PIN
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 4 bit 8 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if Transaction
exceeds floor limit
bit 7 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if Lower
consecutive offline limit exceeded
bit 6 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if Upper
consecutive offline limit exceeded
bit 5 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if
Transaction selected randomly for online processing
bit 4 = 1 Reject if unable to process online and if Merchant forced
transaction online
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 5 bit 8 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if Default
TDOL used
bit 7 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if Issuer
authentication was unsuccessful
bit 6 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if Script
processing failed before final GENERATE AC
bit 5 = 0 Do not reject if unable to process online and if Script
processing failed after final GENERATE AC
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU

A.1.1.42 Issuer Action Code - Denial

Tag 9F 0E
Data 00 10 00 00 00

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Do not decline if Offline data authentication was not

bit 7 = 0 Do not decline if Offline static data authentication failed
bit 6 = 0 Do not decline if ICC data missing
bit 5 = 0 Do not decline if Card appears on terminal exception file
bit 4 = 0 Do not decline if Offline dynamic data authentication
bit 3 = 0 Do not decline if Combined DDA/AC Generation failed
bit 2 = 0 Do not decline if SDA selected
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Do not decline if ICC and terminal have different
application versions
bit 7 = 0 Do not decline if Expired application
bit 6 = 0 Do not decline if Application not yet effective
bit 5 = 1 Decline if Requested service not allowed for card product
bit 4 = 0 Do not decline if New card
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Do not decline if Cardholder verification was not successful
bit 7 = 0 Do not decline if Unrecognised CVM
bit 6 = 0 Do not decline if PIN Try Limit exceeded
bit 5 = 0 Do not decline if PIN entry required and PIN pad not
present or not working
bit 4 = 0 Do not decline if PIN entry required, PIN pad present, but
PIN was not entered
bit 3 = 0 Do not decline if Online PIN entered
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 4 bit 8 = 0 Do not decline if Transaction exceeds floor limit
bit 7 = 0 Do not decline if Lower consecutive offline limit exceeded
bit 6 = 0 Do not decline if Upper consecutive offline limit exceeded
bit 5 = 0 Do not decline if Transaction selected randomly for online
bit 4 = 0 Do not decline if Merchant forced transaction online
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 5 bit 8 = 0 Do not decline if Default TDOL used
bit 7 = 0 Do not decline if Issuer authentication was unsuccessful
bit 6 = 0 Do not decline if Script processing failed before final
bit 5 = 0 Do not decline if Script processing failed after final
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU

A.1.1.43 Issuer Action Code - Online

Tag 9F 0F
Data B8 68 BC 98 00

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 Go online if Offline data authentication was not performed

bit 7 = 0 Do not go online if Offline static data authentication
bit 6 = 1 Go online if ICC data missing
bit 5 = 1 Go online if Card appears on terminal exception file
bit 4 = 1 Go online if Offline dynamic data authentication failed
bit 3 = 0 Do not go online if Combined DDA/AC Generation failed
bit 2 = 0 Do not go online if SDA selected
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Do not go online if ICC and terminal have different
application versions
bit 7 = 1 Go online if Expired application
bit 6 = 1 Go online if Application not yet effective
bit 5 = 0 Do not go online if Requested service not allowed for card
bit 4 = 1 Go online if New card
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Go online if Cardholder verification was not successful
bit 7 = 0 Do not go online if Unrecognised CVM
bit 6 = 1 Go online if PIN Try Limit exceeded
bit 5 = 1 Go online if PIN entry required and PIN pad not present or
not working
bit 4 = 1 Go online if PIN entry required, PIN pad present, but PIN
was not entered
bit 3 = 1 Go online if Online PIN entered
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 4 bit 8 = 1 Go online if Transaction exceeds floor limit
bit 7 = 0 Do not go online if Lower consecutive offline limit
bit 6 = 0 Do not go online if Upper consecutive offline limit
bit 5 = 1 Go online if Transaction selected randomly for online
bit 4 = 1 Go online if Merchant forced transaction online
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 5 bit 8 = 0 Do not go online if Default TDOL used
bit 7 = 0 Do not go online if Issuer authentication was unsuccessful
bit 6 = 0 Do not go online if Script processing failed before final
bit 5 = 0 Do not go online if Script processing failed after final

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 5 = 0 Do not go online if Script processing failed after final

bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU

A.1.1.44 Issuer Application Data [VIS 1.6]

Tag 9F 10
Data 06 01 0A 03 A0 A0 02

▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 0A 03 A0 A0 02

▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 0A
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 A0 A0 02
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')
▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested
bit 6-5 = 10 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: ARQC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not performed
bit 1 = 0 Able to go online or offline transaction
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Last online transaction not completed
bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded
bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters
bit 5 = 0 No new card
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last online
transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online
authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card
bit 1 = 0 RFU for VIS 1.6
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed
bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or was not
performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 1 Offline dynamic data authentication performed
bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-Expecting
card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification not supported)

A.1.1.45 Issuer Authentication Indicator [VSDC]

Tag 9F 56
Data 80

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 Issuer Authentication mandatory

bit 7-1= 0000000 RFU

A.1.1.46 Issuer Code Table Index

Tag 9F 11
Data 01

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Refers to Part 1 of ISO 8859

A.1.1.47 Issuer Country Code

Tag 5F 28
Data 00 51

▤ Country Code = 00 51
▤ Country Name = Armenia

A.1.1.48 Issuer Country Code [VSDC]

Tag 9F 57
Data 00 51

▤ Country Code = 00 51
▤ Country Name = Armenia

A.1.1.49 Issuer Public Key Certificate

Tag 90
Data 3F 58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33
30 96 07 86 CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5
91 F4 DD F0 24 40 B7 14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2
37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6 53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25
69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A 02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3
2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5
C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69
30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E
B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D
BE 5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D 5B D8 22 16 68
D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29

A.1.1.50 Issuer Public Key Exponent

Tag 9F 32
Data 03

A.1.1.51 Language Preference

Tag 5F 2D
Data 65 6E 72 75

▤ Language Preference = enru

• Language Code(1) = en; Language Name = English
• Language Code(2) = ru; Language Name = Russian

A.1.1.52 Last Online Application Transaction Counter (ATC) Register

Tag 9F 13
Data 00 02

▤ Decimal value = 2

A.1.1.53 Personal Identification Number (PIN) Try Counter

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Personalization Validation Report

Tag 9F 17
Data 03

▤ Decimal value = 3

A.1.1.54 Processing Options Data Object List (PDOL)

Tag 9F 38
Data 9F 1A 02

▤ Tag( 1) = 9F 1A [Terminal Country Code]

▤ Tag : 9F 1A
▤ Length: 02
▤ Name : Terminal Country Code

A.1.1.55 Service Code

Tag 5F 30
Data 02 21

▤ Position 1 (2): Interchange: International; Technology: ICC

▤ Position 2 (2): Authorization processing: By Issuer
▤ Position 3 (1): Range of services: No restrictions; PIN requirements: -

A.1.1.56 Signed Dynamic Application Data

Tag 9F 4B
Data 49 7E CF BA 58 A3 EF 3B 0B 59 E5 BF 82 D3 65 93 67 40 D2 37 6C 74 1D FC
22 D0 3B 29 98 E5 48 12 CE 13 F8 02 40 40 97 13 06 DF DD D0 6B AF 33 8F
F7 BA 47 F8 DE 27 14 62 60 9E 41 DC BE 16 6A 68 23 07 C1 A9 57 03 68 13
99 80 B2 39 6B 0F A8 DC 47 F6 40 51 24 A4 F4 B9 A4 3A 08 CD 93 A0 1C AD
24 73 21 DD 85 B8 ED BD 0C 2B 57 0D 7B CF 27 74 E2 33 0E C5 03 CC 5F 81
01 12 58 AB 55 77 9C FE

A.1.1.57 Static Data Authentication Tag List

Tag 9F 4A
Data 82

▤ SDA Tag(1) = 82 [Application Interchange Profile [VIS]]

▤ Tag : 82
▤ Name : Application Interchange Profile [VIS]

A.1.1.58 Track 1 Discretionary Data

Tag 9F 1F
Data 31 37 37 31 36 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 38 38 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

A.1.1.59 Track 2 Equivalent Data

Tag 57
Data 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 D2 50 52 21 17 71 68 80 00 00 0F

▤ PAN = 4889620014097920
▤ Separator field = D

▤ Expiry Date (YY/MM) = 25/05

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Expiry Date (YY/MM) = 25/05

▤ Service Code = 221
▤ Discretionary Data = 1771688000000F
▤ (may be padded with one 'F')

A.1.1.60 VLP Available Funds [VSDC]

Tag 9F 79
Data 00 00 00 00 00 00

▤ Amount value: 0.00

A.1.1.61 VLP Funds Limit [VSDC]

Tag 9F 77
Data 00 00 00 00 00 00

▤ Amount value: 0.00

A.1.1.62 VLP Single Transaction Limit [VSDC]

Tag 9F 78
Data 00 00 00 00 00 00

▤ Amount value: 0.00

A.1.2 Application data sorted by tag

Tag Element name Data
50 Application Label 56 69 73 61
57 Track 2 Equivalent Data 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 D2 50 52 21 17
71 68 80 00 00 0F
5A Application Primary Account Number (PAN) 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20
5F 20 Cardholder Name 41 52 54 55 52 2F 47 48 41 5A 41 52 59
41 4E 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
5F 24 Application Expiration Date 25 05 31
5F 25 Application Effective Date 21 05 01
5F 28 Issuer Country Code 00 51
5F 2D Language Preference 65 6E 72 75
5F 30 Service Code 02 21
5F 34 Application PAN Sequence Number 01
82 Application Interchange Profile [VIS] 3C 00
84 Dedicated File (DF) Name A0 00 00 00 03 10 10
87 Application Priority Indicator 01
8C Card Risk Management Data Object List 1 9F 02 06 9F 03 06 9F 1A 02 95 05 5F 2A
(CDOL1) 02 9A 03 9C 01 9F 37 04
8D Card Risk Management Data Object List 2 8A 02 9F 02 06 9F 03 06 9F 1A 02 95 05
(CDOL2) 5F 2A 02 9A 03 9C 01 9F 37 04
8E Cardholder Verification Method (CVM) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 05 44 03 41
List 03 42 03 1E 03 1F 02
8F Certification Authority Public Key Index 09
90 Issuer Public Key Certificate 3F 58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46
19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96
07 86 CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04
8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0
24 40 B7 14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76
BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1
D6 53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2
DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15
0A 02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Tag Element name Data

A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67
7B E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83
E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67
58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30
9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7
3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4
FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66
31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C 2D BD 66
DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39
9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C
94 Application File Locator (AFL) 08 02 02 00 10 01 02 00 28 01 03 01
9F 07 Application Usage Control FF 80
9F 08 Application Version Number [VIS] 00 A0
9F 0D Issuer Action Code - Default B8 60 AC 88 00
9F 0E Issuer Action Code - Denial 00 10 00 00 00
9F 0F Issuer Action Code - Online B8 68 BC 98 00
9F 10 Issuer Application Data [VIS 1.6] 06 01 0A 03 A0 A0 02
9F 11 Issuer Code Table Index 01
9F 12 Application Preferred Name 56 69 73 61
9F 13 Last Online Application Transaction 00 02
Counter (ATC) Register
9F 17 Personal Identification Number (PIN) 03
Try Counter
9F 1F Track 1 Discretionary Data 31 37 37 31 36 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
30 30 38 38 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
9F 26 Application Cryptogram (AC) 27 3A 90 BF EB 41 5F 62
9F 27 Cryptogram Information Data (CID) 80
9F 32 Issuer Public Key Exponent 03
9F 36 Application Transaction Counter (ATC) 00 06
9F 38 Processing Options Data Object List 9F 1A 02
9F 44 Application Currency Exponent 02
9F 46 ICC Public Key Certificate 54 19 A5 B1 84 FE BA BE 00 7D FF 1D BA
4A 61 F3 C6 7A 79 17 0A 32 C1 FA 99 C9
E4 7A 69 E5 86 24 79 8B F6 8E F0 5E 87
7F 80 DA 2F 0B 79 EF 1C 01 BA 56 7D B6
2A 37 69 0C 9C 42 08 A8 3C DB CF 46 48
B0 9C 6A B6 84 E8 F1 19 CC 02 DA E6 55
E1 10 15 3B B3 D6 6D 10 E0 75 DE 6E 54
E9 1E E2 09 89 46 FB FD A1 69 1D 7F B2
DB B6 70 5B C7 1A 71 92 B0 C9 F2 8B 36
C6 BF 2C 7D 65 8A 43 D5 EA 82 57 0F FA
3B E5 9C 47 A7 36 7B 51 43 0E 0D 73 A1
54 B2 14 74 FD F2 52 57 F9 09 33 30 03
B1 1D 76 84 D8 7A 99 C6 B4 C7 B0 C4 B8
94 2D 8D DF F7 16 4C
9F 47 ICC Public Key Exponent 03
9F 49 Dynamic Data Authentication Data Object 9F 37 04
List (DDOL)
9F 4A Static Data Authentication Tag List 82
9F 4B Signed Dynamic Application Data 49 7E CF BA 58 A3 EF 3B 0B 59 E5 BF 82
D3 65 93 67 40 D2 37 6C 74 1D FC 22 D0
3B 29 98 E5 48 12 CE 13 F8 02 40 40 97
13 06 DF DD D0 6B AF 33 8F F7 BA 47 F8
DE 27 14 62 60 9E 41 DC BE 16 6A 68 23
07 C1 A9 57 03 68 13 99 80 B2 39 6B 0F
A8 DC 47 F6 40 51 24 A4 F4 B9 A4 3A 08
CD 93 A0 1C AD 24 73 21 DD 85 B8 ED BD
0C 2B 57 0D 7B CF 27 74 E2 33 0E C5 03
CC 5F 81 01 12 58 AB 55 77 9C FE
9F 51 Application Currency Code [VSDC] 00 51
9F 52 Application Default Action [VSDC VIS 82 38 00 00 00 00
9F 53 Consecutive Transaction Limit 01
(International) [VSDC]

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 413/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Tag Element name Data

9F 54 Cumulative Total Transaction Amount 00 00 00 00 00 00
Limit [VSDC]
9F 56 Issuer Authentication Indicator [VSDC] 80
9F 57 Issuer Country Code [VSDC] 00 51
9F 58 Consecutive Transaction Counter Limit 00
9F 59 Consecutive Transaction Counter Upper 03
Limit [VSDC]
9F 5A Application Program Identifier 60 00 51 00 51
9F 5C Cumulative Total Transaction Amount 00 00 02 00 00 00
Upper Limit [VSDC]
9F 5E Consecutive Transaction International 03
Upper Limit [VSDC]
9F 68 Card Additional Processes [qVSDC VCPS 4C 00 F0 00
9F 77 VLP Funds Limit [VSDC] 00 00 00 00 00 00
9F 78 VLP Single Transaction Limit [VSDC] 00 00 00 00 00 00
9F 79 VLP Available Funds [VSDC] 00 00 00 00 00 00
9F 7D Application Code Level [VSDC] 31 36 30 34 32 38 20 56 53 44 43 20 32
BF 55 Contactless Counters Data Template DF 11 01 00 DF 21 01 00 DF 31 01 03 DF
41 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 51 06 00 00
00 00 00 00 DF 71 06 00 00 00 00 00 00
BF 56 Counters Data Template DF 11 01 02 DF 21 01 00 DF 31 01 03
BF 57 International Counters Data Template DF 11 01 02 DF 21 01 01 DF 31 01 03 DF
51 01 02
BF 58 Amounts Data Template DF 11 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 21 06 00
00 00 00 00 00 DF 31 06 00 00 02 00 00
BF 5B Application Internal Data Template DF 01 02 00 00

A.1.3 Unknown data elements

There are no unknown data elements

A.2 Application: Visa, 'A0 00 00 00 03 10 10' (Contactless transaction

with Select Application and Get Data commands, contactless

A.2.1 Application data sorted by name

A.2.1.1 Amounts Data Template

Tag BF 58
Data DF 11 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 21 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 31 06 00 00 02
00 00 00

▤ Profile: 1
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit : 00 00 02 00 00 00
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount – No CVM : <not present>
▤ Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit – No CVM : <not present>

A.2.1.2 Application Code Level [VSDC]

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 414/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Tag 9F 7D
Data 31 36 30 34 32 38 20 56 53 44 43 20 32 39

▤ Text value = 160428 VSDC 29

VSDC applet version: VSDC 2.9

A.2.1.3 Application Currency Code [VSDC]

Tag 9F 51
Data 00 51

▤ Code (num) = 00 51
▤ Code (an) = AMD
▤ Currency = Armenian Dram

A.2.1.4 Application Default Action [VSDC VIS 1.6]

Tag 9F 52
Data 82 38 00 00 00 00

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 If Issuer Authentication failure, transmit next transaction

bit 7 = 0 No action required if Issuer Authentication performed and
bit 6 = 0 No action required if Issuer Authentication is mandatory
and no ARPC received
bit 5 = 0 No action required if transaction declined offline
bit 4 = 0 No action required if PIN Try Limit exceeded on current
transaction and transaction is declined
bit 3 = 0 No action required if transaction declined because issuer
authentication failed or not performed
bit 2 = 1 If new card, transmit transaction online
bit 1 = 0 No action required if new card and unable to transmit
transaction online
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Application is not blocked if PIN Try Limit exceeded on
current transaction
bit 7 = 0 Transaction is not declined if PIN Try Limit exceeded on
previous transaction
bit 6 = 1 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction, transmit
transaction online
bit 5 = 1 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction, decline
if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 4 = 1 If issuer script failed on a previous transaction transmit
transaction online
bit 3 = 0 If PIN Try Limit exceeded on previous transaction, no
action required to decline the current transaction and block the application
bit 2 = 0 Reset CTTA to zero during GENERATE AC
bit 1 = 0 Reset VLP Available Funds to VLP Funds Limit during
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Include offline approved transactions in the transaction log
bit 7 = 0 Include online approved transactions in the transaction log
bit 6 = 0 Do not include declined transactions in the transaction log
bit 5 = 0 Do not reset VLP Available Funds to VLP Funds Limit when
offline PIN is successfully verified
bit 4 = 0 Count declined transactions

bit 3 = 0 Do not use Issuer Script MAC Chaining Option

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 415/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

bit 3 = 0 Do not use Issuer Script MAC Chaining Option

bit 2 = 0 Issuer Script Command Counter is not cyclic
bit 1 = 0 CTCI does not count non-matching country code transactions
▤ Byte 4 bit 8 = 0 Do not use Default Update Counters in ADA if CSU is
generated by a proxy (RFU bit for card with CVN 10)
bits 7-6 = 00 Do not update velocity-checking counters (RFU bits for card
with CVN 10)
bit 5 = 0 Padding method 80 not supported for IDD MACing
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 5 bit 8-5 = 0000 RFU
bit 4 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not performed or not
successful, no action required to send transaction online
bit 3 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not performed, no action
required to decline if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 2 = 0 If Offline PIN verification not successful, no action
required to decline if unable to transmit transaction online
bit 1 = 0 Secure Messaging not uses EMV Session key-based derivation
▤ Byte 6 bit 8 = 0 CDCVM not Supported
bit 7-1 = 0000000 RFU

A.2.1.5 Application Internal Data Template

Tag BF 5B
Data DF 01 02 00 00

• Tag 'DF01' Application Capabilities: 00 00

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Contactless functionality enabled
bit 7 = 0 Do not restrict reset of Contactless functionality
disabled bit
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 2 00 RFU

A.2.1.6 Application Label

Tag 50
Data 56 69 73 61

▤ Text value = Visa

A.2.1.7 Application Preferred Name

Tag 9F 12
Data 56 69 73 61

▤ Text value = Visa

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 416/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

A.2.1.8 Application Priority Indicator

Tag 87
Data 01

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without confirmation of

bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be listed: 1

A.2.1.9 Application Program Identifier

Tag 9F 5A
Data 60 00 51 00 51

▤ Byte 1 bits 8-5 = '0110' Visa CEMEA use

▤ Byte 1 bits 4-1 = '0000' Visa regional discretion
▤ Bytes 2-3 = 00 51 AMD
▤ Bytes 4-5 = 00 51 Armenia

A.2.1.10 Application Transaction Counter (ATC)

Tag 9F 36
Data 00 03

▤ Decimal value = 3

A.2.1.11 Card Additional Processes [qVSDC VCPS 2.2]

Tag 9F 68
Data 4C 00 F0 00

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Low Value Check not supported

bit 7 = 1 Low Value AND CTTA Check supported
bit 6 = 0 Do not count qVSDC online transactions
bit 5 = 0 Streamlined qVSDC not supported
bit 4 = 1 PIN Tries Exceeded Check supported
bit 3 = 1 Offline international transactions are allowed
bit 2 = 0 No Card Contact Chip Preference
bit 1 = 0 Do not return Available Offline Spending Amount
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Do not include country code in determining international
bit 7 = 0 International transactions are allowed
bit 6 = 0 Enable Offline Data Authentication (ODA) for Online
bit 5 = 0 Contactless Issuer Update Processing not supported
bit 4 = 0 Count qVSDC offline transactions
bit 3 = 0 Card does not Prefer Online
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 3 bit 8 = 1 Online PIN supported for domestic transaction
bit 7 = 1 Online PIN supported for international transaction
bit 6 = 1 (Contact Chip) Offline PIN supported
bit 5 = 1 Signature supported
bit 4 = 0 Consumer Device CVM not supported

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 417/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

bit 4 = 0 Consumer Device CVM not supported

bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU
Byte 4 bit 8 = 0 RFU
bit 7 = 0 RFU
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU

A.2.1.12 Consecutive Transaction Counter Limit [VSDC]

Tag 9F 58
Data 00

▤ Decimal value = 0

A.2.1.13 Consecutive Transaction Counter Upper Limit [VSDC]

Tag 9F 59
Data 03

▤ Decimal value = 3

A.2.1.14 Consecutive Transaction International Upper Limit [VSDC]

Tag 9F 5E
Data 03

▤ Decimal value = 3

A.2.1.15 Consecutive Transaction Limit (International) [VSDC]

Tag 9F 53
Data 01

▤ Decimal value = 1

A.2.1.16 Contactless Counters Data Template

Tag BF 55
Data DF 11 01 00 DF 21 01 00 DF 31 01 03 DF 41 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 51 06
00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 71 06 00 00 00 00 00 00

▤ Tag 'DF 11' Contactless Transaction Counter : 00

▤ Tag 'DF 21' Contactless Transaction Counter Lower Limit : 00
▤ Tag 'DF 31' Contactless Transaction Counter Upper Limit : 03
▤ Tag 'DF 41' VLP Single Transaction Limit : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Tag 'DF 51' VLP Available Funds : 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ Tag 'DF 61' VLP Reset Threshold : <not present>
▤ Tag 'DF 71' VLP Funds Limit : 00 00 00 00 00 00

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 418/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

A.2.1.17 Counters Data Template

Tag BF 56
Data DF 11 01 01 DF 21 01 00 DF 31 01 03

▤ Profile: 1
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter : 01
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter Limit : 00
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter Upper Limit : 03
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter – No CVM : <not present>
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter Limit – No CVM : <not present>

A.2.1.18 Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Limit [VSDC]

Tag 9F 54
Data 00 00 00 00 00 00

▤ Amount value: 0.00

A.2.1.19 Cumulative Total Transaction Amount Upper Limit [VSDC]

Tag 9F 5C
Data 00 00 02 00 00 00

▤ Amount value: 20000.00

A.2.1.20 Dedicated File (DF) Name

Tag 84
Data A0 00 00 00 03 10 10

A.2.1.21 International Counters Data Template

Tag BF 57
Data DF 11 01 01 DF 21 01 01 DF 31 01 03 DF 51 01 01

▤ Profile: 1
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International : 01
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Limit : 01
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Upper Limit : 03
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Country : 01
▤ Consecutive Transaction Counter International Country Limit :

A.2.1.22 Issuer Code Table Index

Tag 9F 11
Data 01

▤ Refers to Part 1 of ISO 8859

A.2.1.23 Issuer Country Code [VSDC]

Tag 9F 57
Data 00 51

▤ Country Code = 00 51

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 419/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Country Code = 00 51
▤ Country Name = Armenia

A.2.1.24 Language Preference

Tag 5F 2D
Data 65 6E 72 75

▤ Language Preference = enru

• Language Code(1) = en; Language Name = English
• Language Code(2) = ru; Language Name = Russian

A.2.1.25 Personal Identification Number (PIN) Try Counter

Tag 9F 17
Data 03

▤ Decimal value = 3

A.2.1.26 Processing Options Data Object List (PDOL)

Tag 9F 38
Data 9F 66 04 9F 02 06 9F 37 04 5F 2A 02

▤ Tag( 1) = 9F 66 [Terminal Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2]]

▤ Tag : 9F 66
▤ Length: 04
▤ Name : Terminal Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2]
▤ Tag( 2) = 9F 02 [Transaction Amount]
▤ Tag : 9F 02
▤ Length: 06
▤ Name : Transaction Amount
▤ Tag( 3) = 9F 37 [Unpredictable Number]
▤ Tag : 9F 37
▤ Length: 04
▤ Name : Unpredictable Number
▤ Tag( 4) = 5F 2A [Transaction Currency Code]
▤ Tag : 5F 2A
▤ Length: 02
▤ Name : Transaction Currency Code

A.2.1.27 VLP Available Funds [VSDC]

Tag 9F 79
Data 00 00 00 00 00 00

▤ Amount value: 0.00

A.2.1.28 VLP Funds Limit [VSDC]

Tag 9F 77
Data 00 00 00 00 00 00

▤ Amount value: 0.00

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 420/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

A.2.1.29 VLP Single Transaction Limit [VSDC]

Tag 9F 78
Data 00 00 00 00 00 00

▤ Amount value: 0.00

A.2.2 Application data sorted by tag

Tag Element name Data
50 Application Label 56 69 73 61
5F 2D Language Preference 65 6E 72 75
84 Dedicated File (DF) Name A0 00 00 00 03 10 10
87 Application Priority Indicator 01
9F 11 Issuer Code Table Index 01
9F 12 Application Preferred Name 56 69 73 61
9F 17 Personal Identification Number (PIN) 03
Try Counter
9F 36 Application Transaction Counter (ATC) 00 03
9F 38 Processing Options Data Object List 9F 66 04 9F 02 06 9F 37 04 5F 2A 02
9F 51 Application Currency Code [VSDC] 00 51
9F 52 Application Default Action [VSDC VIS 82 38 00 00 00 00
9F 53 Consecutive Transaction Limit 01
(International) [VSDC]
9F 54 Cumulative Total Transaction Amount 00 00 00 00 00 00
Limit [VSDC]
9F 57 Issuer Country Code [VSDC] 00 51
9F 58 Consecutive Transaction Counter Limit 00
9F 59 Consecutive Transaction Counter Upper 03
Limit [VSDC]
9F 5A Application Program Identifier 60 00 51 00 51
9F 5C Cumulative Total Transaction Amount 00 00 02 00 00 00
Upper Limit [VSDC]
9F 5E Consecutive Transaction International 03
Upper Limit [VSDC]
9F 68 Card Additional Processes [qVSDC VCPS 4C 00 F0 00
9F 77 VLP Funds Limit [VSDC] 00 00 00 00 00 00
9F 78 VLP Single Transaction Limit [VSDC] 00 00 00 00 00 00
9F 79 VLP Available Funds [VSDC] 00 00 00 00 00 00
9F 7D Application Code Level [VSDC] 31 36 30 34 32 38 20 56 53 44 43 20 32
BF 55 Contactless Counters Data Template DF 11 01 00 DF 21 01 00 DF 31 01 03 DF
41 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 51 06 00 00
00 00 00 00 DF 71 06 00 00 00 00 00 00
BF 56 Counters Data Template DF 11 01 01 DF 21 01 00 DF 31 01 03
BF 57 International Counters Data Template DF 11 01 01 DF 21 01 01 DF 31 01 03 DF
51 01 01
BF 58 Amounts Data Template DF 11 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 21 06 00
00 00 00 00 00 DF 31 06 00 00 02 00 00
BF 5B Application Internal Data Template DF 01 02 00 00

A.2.3 Unknown data elements

There are no unknown data elements

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 421/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

A.3 Application: Visa, 'A0 00 00 00 03 10 10' (qVSDC online

transaction, contactless interface)

A.3.1 Application data sorted by name

A.3.1.1 Application Cryptogram (AC)

Tag 9F 26
Data 7C 85 59 34 77 31 03 54

A.3.1.2 Application File Locator (AFL)

Tag 94
Data 18 02 02 00

▤ AFL (1) = 18 02 02 00
▤ SFI (decimal) = 3
▤ Start record = 2
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0

A.3.1.3 Application Interchange Profile [VCPS]

Tag 82
Data 00 20

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 RFU

bit 7 = 0 Offline static data authentication is NOT supported for
online authorizations
bit 6 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication is NOT supported
bit 5 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 4 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 3 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 2 = 0 RFU / Not used for VCPS (VCPS 2.2)
bit 1 = 0 Not used for VCPS
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 MSD is NOT supported
bit 7 = 0 Mobile handset
bit 6 = 1 Contactless transaction
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU

A.3.1.4 Application Label

Tag 50
Data 56 69 73 61

▤ Text value = Visa

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 422/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

A.3.1.5 Application PAN Sequence Number

Tag 5F 34
Data 01

A.3.1.6 Application Preferred Name

Tag 9F 12
Data 56 69 73 61

▤ Text value = Visa

A.3.1.7 Application Priority Indicator

Tag 87
Data 01

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without confirmation of

bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be listed: 1

A.3.1.8 Application Program Identifier

Tag 9F 5A
Data 60 00 51 00 51

▤ Byte 1 bits 8-5 = '0110' Visa CEMEA use

▤ Byte 1 bits 4-1 = '0000' Visa regional discretion
▤ Bytes 2-3 = 00 51 AMD
▤ Bytes 4-5 = 00 51 Armenia

A.3.1.9 Application Transaction Counter (ATC)

Tag 9F 36
Data 00 04

▤ Decimal value = 4

A.3.1.10 Application Usage Control [VCPS]

Tag 9F 07
Data C0 80

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 Valid for domestic (manual) cash transactions

bit 7 = 1 Valid for international (manual) cash transactions
bit 6 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 5 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 4 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 3 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 2 = 0 NOT Valid at ATMs
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 1 Domestic cashback allowed
bit 7 = 0 International cashback NOT allowed
bit 6 = 0 RFU

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 423/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

bit 7 = 0 International cashback NOT allowed

bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU

A.3.1.11 Card Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2]

Tag 9F 6C
Data 28 00

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Online PIN not required

bit 7 = 0 Signature not required
bit 6 = 1 Go online if Offline Data Authentication fails and Reader
is online capable
bit 5 = 0 Do not switch interface if Offline Data Authentication
fails and Reader supports contact chip
bit 4 = 1 Go Online if Application Expired
bit 3 = 0 Do not switch interface for Cash Transactions
bit 2 = 0 Do not switch interface for Cashback Transactions
bit 1 = 0 Valid for contactless ATM transactions
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Consumer Device CVM not performed
bit 7 = 0 Card does not support Issuer Update Processing at the POS
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU

A.3.1.12 Cardholder Name

Tag 5F 20
Data 20 2F

▤ Text value = /

A.3.1.13 Cryptogram Information Data (CID)

Tag 9F 27
Data 80

▤ Byte 1 bit 8-7 = 10 ARQC

bit 6-5 = 00 Payment System specific cryptogram
bit 4 = 0 No advice required
bit 3-1 = 000 No information given

A.3.1.14 Dedicated File (DF) Name

Tag 84
Data A0 00 00 00 03 10 10

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 424/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

A.3.1.15 Form Factor Indicator [qVSDC]

Tag 9F 6E
Data 20 70 00 00

▤ Byte 1 bit 8-6 = 001 Form Factor Indicator Version Number: 1

bit 5-1 = 00000 Consumer Payment Device Form Factor: Standard Card
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not passcode capable
bit 7 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a signature panel
bit 6 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a hologram
bit 5 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device is capable of CVV2
bit 4 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is incapable of two-way
bit 3 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not using cloud-based
payment credentials
bit 2 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is using Biometric
Cardholder Verification not Capable
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 3: 00 RFU
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5: RFU
bit 4-1: 0000 Payment Transaction Technology: Proximity contactless
interface using ISO 14443

A.3.1.16 Issuer Application Data [VCPS 2.2]

Tag 9F 10
Data 06 01 11 03 A0 20 00

▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 11 03 A0 20 00

▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 11
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 A0 20 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')
▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested
bit 6-5 = 10 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: ARQC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not performed
bit 1 = 0 Able to go online or offline transaction
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Last online transaction completed
bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded
bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters
bit 5 = 0 No new card
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last online
transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online
authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card
bit 1 = 0 Offline static data authentication passed or was not
performed on last transaction
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed

bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or was not

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 425/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or was not

performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication not performed
bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-Expecting
card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification not supported)

A.3.1.17 Issuer Code Table Index

Tag 9F 11
Data 01

▤ Refers to Part 1 of ISO 8859

A.3.1.18 Issuer Country Code

Tag 5F 28
Data 00 51

▤ Country Code = 00 51
▤ Country Name = Armenia

A.3.1.19 Language Preference

Tag 5F 2D
Data 65 6E 72 75

▤ Language Preference = enru

• Language Code(1) = en; Language Name = English
• Language Code(2) = ru; Language Name = Russian

A.3.1.20 Processing Options Data Object List (PDOL)

Tag 9F 38
Data 9F 66 04 9F 02 06 9F 37 04 5F 2A 02

▤ Tag( 1) = 9F 66 [Terminal Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2]]

▤ Tag : 9F 66
▤ Length: 04
▤ Name : Terminal Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2]
▤ Tag( 2) = 9F 02 [Transaction Amount]
▤ Tag : 9F 02
▤ Length: 06
▤ Name : Transaction Amount
▤ Tag( 3) = 9F 37 [Unpredictable Number]
▤ Tag : 9F 37
▤ Length: 04
▤ Name : Unpredictable Number
▤ Tag( 4) = 5F 2A [Transaction Currency Code]
▤ Tag : 5F 2A
▤ Length: 02
▤ Name : Transaction Currency Code

A.3.1.21 Track 2 Equivalent Data

Tag 57

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Data 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 D2 50 52 21 17 71 68 80 00 00 0F

▤ PAN = 4889620014097920
▤ Separator field = D
▤ Expiry Date (YY/MM) = 25/05
▤ Service Code = 221
▤ Discretionary Data = 1771688000000F
▤ (may be padded with one 'F')

A.3.2 Application data sorted by tag

Tag Element name Data
50 Application Label 56 69 73 61
57 Track 2 Equivalent Data 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 D2 50 52 21 17
71 68 80 00 00 0F
5F 20 Cardholder Name 20 2F
5F 28 Issuer Country Code 00 51
5F 2D Language Preference 65 6E 72 75
5F 34 Application PAN Sequence Number 01
82 Application Interchange Profile [VCPS] 00 20
84 Dedicated File (DF) Name A0 00 00 00 03 10 10
87 Application Priority Indicator 01
94 Application File Locator (AFL) 18 02 02 00
9F 07 Application Usage Control [VCPS] C0 80
9F 10 Issuer Application Data [VCPS 2.2] 06 01 11 03 A0 20 00
9F 11 Issuer Code Table Index 01
9F 12 Application Preferred Name 56 69 73 61
9F 26 Application Cryptogram (AC) 7C 85 59 34 77 31 03 54
9F 27 Cryptogram Information Data (CID) 80
9F 36 Application Transaction Counter (ATC) 00 04
9F 38 Processing Options Data Object List 9F 66 04 9F 02 06 9F 37 04 5F 2A 02
9F 5A Application Program Identifier 60 00 51 00 51
9F 6C Card Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 28 00
9F 6E Form Factor Indicator [qVSDC] 20 70 00 00

A.3.3 Unknown data elements

There are no unknown data elements

A.4 Application: Visa, 'A0 00 00 00 03 10 10' (qVSDC online transaction

with ODA, contactless interface)

A.4.1 Application data sorted by name

A.4.1.1 Application Cryptogram (AC)

Tag 9F 26
Data 87 19 FA 55 D9 91 EF C5

A.4.1.2 Application Expiration Date

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Tag 5F 24
Data 25 05 31

▤ Year : 2025
▤ Month: May
▤ Day : 31

A.4.1.3 Application File Locator (AFL)

Tag 94
Data 18 01 02 01 10 01 04 00

▤ AFL (1) = 18 01 02 01
▤ SFI (decimal) = 3
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 2
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 1
▤ AFL (2) = 10 01 04 00
▤ SFI (decimal) = 2
▤ Start record = 1
▤ End record = 4
▤ Number of records needed
for offline data authentication = 0

A.4.1.4 Application Interchange Profile [VCPS]

Tag 82
Data 20 20

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 RFU

bit 7 = 0 Offline static data authentication is NOT supported for
online authorizations
bit 6 = 1 Offline dynamic data authentication is supported
bit 5 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 4 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 3 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 2 = 0 RFU / Not used for VCPS (VCPS 2.2)
bit 1 = 0 Not used for VCPS
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 MSD is NOT supported
bit 7 = 0 Mobile handset
bit 6 = 1 Contactless transaction
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU

A.4.1.5 Application Label

Tag 50
Data 56 69 73 61

▤ Text value = Visa

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Text value = Visa

A.4.1.6 Application PAN Sequence Number

Tag 5F 34
Data 01

A.4.1.7 Application Preferred Name

Tag 9F 12
Data 56 69 73 61

▤ Text value = Visa

A.4.1.8 Application Primary Account Number (PAN)

Tag 5A
Data 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20

A.4.1.9 Application Priority Indicator

Tag 87
Data 01

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Application may be selected without confirmation of

bit 7-5= 000 RFU
bit 4-1= 0001 Order number in which the application is to be listed: 1

A.4.1.10 Application Program Identifier

Tag 9F 5A
Data 60 00 51 00 51

▤ Byte 1 bits 8-5 = '0110' Visa CEMEA use

▤ Byte 1 bits 4-1 = '0000' Visa regional discretion
▤ Bytes 2-3 = 00 51 AMD
▤ Bytes 4-5 = 00 51 Armenia

A.4.1.11 Application Transaction Counter (ATC)

Tag 9F 36
Data 00 05

▤ Decimal value = 5

A.4.1.12 Application Usage Control [VCPS]

Tag 9F 07
Data C0 80

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 1 Valid for domestic (manual) cash transactions

bit 7 = 1 Valid for international (manual) cash transactions
bit 6 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 5 = 0 Not used for VCPS

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 6 = 0 Not used for VCPS

bit 5 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 4 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 3 = 0 Not used for VCPS
bit 2 = 0 NOT Valid at ATMs
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 1 Domestic cashback allowed
bit 7 = 0 International cashback NOT allowed
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU

A.4.1.13 Card Authentication Related Data [qVSDC]

Tag 9F 69
Data 01 70 51 16 06 28 00

▤ fDDA Version Number : 01

▤ Card Unpredictable Number : 70 51 16 06
▤ Card Transaction Qualifiers : 28 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Online PIN not required
bit 7 = 0 Signature not required
bit 6 = 1 Go online if Offline Data Authentication fails and Reader
is online capable
bit 5 = 0 Do not switch interface if Offline Data Authentication
fails and Reader supports contact chip
bit 4 = 1 Go Online if Application Expired
bit 3 = 0 Do not switch interface for Cash Transactions
bit 2 = 0 Do not switch interface for Cashback Transactions
bit 1 = 0 Valid for contactless ATM transactions
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Consumer Device CVM not performed
bit 7 = 0 Card does not support Issuer Update Processing at the POS
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU

A.4.1.14 Card Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2]

Tag 9F 6C
Data 28 00

▤ Byte 1 bit 8 = 0 Online PIN not required

bit 7 = 0 Signature not required
bit 6 = 1 Go online if Offline Data Authentication fails and Reader
is online capable
bit 5 = 0 Do not switch interface if Offline Data Authentication
fails and Reader supports contact chip
bit 4 = 1 Go Online if Application Expired
bit 3 = 0 Do not switch interface for Cash Transactions

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 4 = 1 Go Online if Application Expired

bit 3 = 0 Do not switch interface for Cash Transactions
bit 2 = 0 Do not switch interface for Cashback Transactions
bit 1 = 0 Valid for contactless ATM transactions
Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 Consumer Device CVM not performed
bit 7 = 0 Card does not support Issuer Update Processing at the POS
bit 6 = 0 RFU
bit 5 = 0 RFU
bit 4 = 0 RFU
bit 3 = 0 RFU
bit 2 = 0 RFU
bit 1 = 0 RFU

A.4.1.15 Cardholder Name

Tag 5F 20
Data 20 2F

▤ Text value = /

A.4.1.16 Certification Authority Public Key Index

Tag 8F
Data 09

A.4.1.17 Cryptogram Information Data (CID)

Tag 9F 27
Data 80

▤ Byte 1 bit 8-7 = 10 ARQC

bit 6-5 = 00 Payment System specific cryptogram
bit 4 = 0 No advice required
bit 3-1 = 000 No information given

A.4.1.18 Dedicated File (DF) Name

Tag 84
Data A0 00 00 00 03 10 10

A.4.1.19 Form Factor Indicator [qVSDC]

Tag 9F 6E
Data 20 70 00 00

▤ Byte 1 bit 8-6 = 001 Form Factor Indicator Version Number: 1

bit 5-1 = 00000 Consumer Payment Device Form Factor: Standard Card
▤ Byte 2 bit 8 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not passcode capable
bit 7 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a signature panel
bit 6 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device has a hologram
bit 5 = 1 The Consumer Payment Device is capable of CVV2
bit 4 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is incapable of two-way
bit 3 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not using cloud-based

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

bit 3 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is not using cloud-based

payment credentials
bit 2 = 0 The Consumer Payment Device is using Biometric
Cardholder Verification not Capable
bit 1 = 0 RFU
▤ Byte 3: 00 RFU
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5: RFU
bit 4-1: 0000 Payment Transaction Technology: Proximity contactless
interface using ISO 14443

A.4.1.20 ICC Public Key Certificate

Tag 9F 46
Data 61 D3 E9 00 4E BD 04 0B 40 89 D0 EF C2 02 06 78 1C 60 9D 6F FB AB A3 B8
03 FD 14 17 AA 4D EC AD 10 B5 A4 1D 5F 49 15 FF 89 B3 7C AC 1E 2F 63 A3
29 AE 84 93 90 D8 CA 8A CC BE 05 58 CE 9D 5D AD 09 6C 74 EC DE 88 EA 50
A8 6D E4 03 E3 E4 DE 6D 39 56 77 81 63 8F 03 AB 4E B8 82 D7 98 AD 67 76
1D 02 E1 30 C0 1B A4 BC 1E C9 8F 02 23 99 FB 9F 25 05 8D B0 58 AD 14 15
AF CF 21 94 8A EC 2E 46 A4 BE 70 80 5D 81 3F A3 6E 4F A2 EC 83 01 07 52
67 D0 30 64 A2 08 73 97 66 2D 06 8C BA 9C 58 0B 91 DE 78 41 75 DF 5B 44
85 F0 C8 2A 58 74 C6 68

A.4.1.21 ICC Public Key Exponent

Tag 9F 47
Data 03

A.4.1.22 Issuer Application Data [VCPS 2.2]

Tag 9F 10
Data 06 01 11 03 A0 20 00

▤ VISA Discretionary Data : 06 01 11 03 A0 20 00

▤ Length Indicator = 06
▤ Derivation Key Index = 01
▤ Cryptogram Version Number = 11
▤ Card Verification Results (CVR) = 03 A0 20 00
▤ Byte 1 bit 8-1 = 00000011 Length indicator ('03')
▤ Byte 2 bit 8-7 = 10 AC returned in 2nd GENERATE AC: Not requested
bit 6-5 = 10 AC returned in 1st GENERATE AC: ARQC
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successfull or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Offline PIN verification not performed
bit 2 = 0 Offline PIN verification passed or not performed
bit 1 = 0 Able to go online or offline transaction
▤ Byte 3 bit 8 = 0 Last online transaction completed
bit 7 = 0 PIN Try Limit not exceeded
bit 6 = 1 Exceeded velocity checking counters
bit 5 = 0 No new card
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Authentication successful on last online
transaction or not performed
bit 3 = 0 Issuer Authentication performed after online
authorization or offline transaction
bit 2 = 0 Application not blocked by card

bit 1 = 0 Offline static data authentication passed or was not

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 432/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

bit 1 = 0 Offline static data authentication passed or was not

performed on last transaction
▤ Byte 4 bit 8-5 = 0000 Number of Issuer Script Commands : '0'
bit 4 = 0 Issuer Script processing passed
bit 3 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication passed or was not
performed on last transaction
bit 2 = 0 Offline dynamic data authentication not performed
bit 1 = 0 PIN verification command received for a PIN-Expecting
card or card does not expect PIN (i.e. Offline PIN verification not supported)

A.4.1.23 Issuer Code Table Index

Tag 9F 11
Data 01

▤ Refers to Part 1 of ISO 8859

A.4.1.24 Issuer Country Code

Tag 5F 28
Data 00 51

▤ Country Code = 00 51
▤ Country Name = Armenia

A.4.1.25 Issuer Public Key Certificate

Tag 90
Data 3F 58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33
30 96 07 86 CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5
91 F4 DD F0 24 40 B7 14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2
37 79 2A 59 B6 D1 D6 53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25
69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A 02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3
2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5
C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67 58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69
30 9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E
B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D
BE 5C 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39 9D 5B D8 22 16 68
D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29

A.4.1.26 Issuer Public Key Exponent

Tag 9F 32
Data 03

A.4.1.27 Language Preference

Tag 5F 2D
Data 65 6E 72 75

▤ Language Preference = enru

• Language Code(1) = en; Language Name = English
• Language Code(2) = ru; Language Name = Russian

A.4.1.28 Processing Options Data Object List (PDOL)

Tag 9F 38

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Data 9F 66 04 9F 02 06 9F 37 04 5F 2A 02

▤ Tag( 1) = 9F 66 [Terminal Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2]]

▤ Tag : 9F 66
▤ Length: 04
▤ Name : Terminal Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 2.2]
▤ Tag( 2) = 9F 02 [Transaction Amount]
▤ Tag : 9F 02
▤ Length: 06
▤ Name : Transaction Amount
▤ Tag( 3) = 9F 37 [Unpredictable Number]
▤ Tag : 9F 37
▤ Length: 04
▤ Name : Unpredictable Number
▤ Tag( 4) = 5F 2A [Transaction Currency Code]
▤ Tag : 5F 2A
▤ Length: 02
▤ Name : Transaction Currency Code

A.4.1.29 Signed Dynamic Application Data

Tag 9F 4B
Data 93 C5 88 C1 D8 98 D0 88 F1 EB 4F BE A6 2D C0 EB 1E 51 5B FC B7 94 E8 D0
B0 BC 70 DE 6E 6E 5B F5 E3 07 B4 5E 93 96 0C 4A 05 B7 98 31 A9 00 43 04
A1 02 79 89 2E E7 B4 32 A3 61 2E 0E 83 4D FF 04 54 34 86 89 DE 57 86 71
89 00 D3 73 C0 18 DA 86 58 18 2C C5 52 4A 01 5F 15 97 EB 87 52 18 A4 B8
A7 6C 47 B3 3F AB 2D 8B 5F 96 1A B7 2F 1A 20 66 19 A0 82 00 7C 6A 16 3B
2C 94 41 96 90 9E 6F F1

A.4.1.30 Static Data Authentication Tag List

Tag 9F 4A
Data 82

▤ SDA Tag(1) = 82 [Application Interchange Profile [VCPS]]

▤ Tag : 82
▤ Name : Application Interchange Profile [VCPS]

A.4.1.31 Track 2 Equivalent Data

Tag 57
Data 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 D2 50 52 21 17 71 68 80 00 00 0F

▤ PAN = 4889620014097920
▤ Separator field = D
▤ Expiry Date (YY/MM) = 25/05
▤ Service Code = 221
▤ Discretionary Data = 1771688000000F
▤ (may be padded with one 'F')

A.4.2 Application data sorted by tag

Tag Element name Data
50 Application Label 56 69 73 61

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 434/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Tag Element name Data

57 Track 2 Equivalent Data 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 D2 50 52 21 17
71 68 80 00 00 0F
5A Application Primary Account Number (PAN) 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20
5F 20 Cardholder Name 20 2F
5F 24 Application Expiration Date 25 05 31
5F 28 Issuer Country Code 00 51
5F 2D Language Preference 65 6E 72 75
5F 34 Application PAN Sequence Number 01
82 Application Interchange Profile [VCPS] 20 20
84 Dedicated File (DF) Name A0 00 00 00 03 10 10
87 Application Priority Indicator 01
8F Certification Authority Public Key Index 09
90 Issuer Public Key Certificate 3F 58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89 FE A3 46
19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96
07 86 CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04
8D AB 04 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0
24 40 B7 14 DB 63 CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76
BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79 2A 59 B6 D1
D6 53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C F2
DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15
0A 02 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46
A4 67 B3 2B 0C 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67
7B E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6 E6 71 0C 6C 83
E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A 7B 67
58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30
9C A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7
3A FF 19 0E 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4
FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51 A8 5B 11 73 48 66
31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C 2D BD 66
DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39
9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C
94 Application File Locator (AFL) 18 01 02 01 10 01 04 00
9F 07 Application Usage Control [VCPS] C0 80
9F 10 Issuer Application Data [VCPS 2.2] 06 01 11 03 A0 20 00
9F 11 Issuer Code Table Index 01
9F 12 Application Preferred Name 56 69 73 61
9F 26 Application Cryptogram (AC) 87 19 FA 55 D9 91 EF C5
9F 27 Cryptogram Information Data (CID) 80
9F 32 Issuer Public Key Exponent 03
9F 36 Application Transaction Counter (ATC) 00 05
9F 38 Processing Options Data Object List 9F 66 04 9F 02 06 9F 37 04 5F 2A 02
9F 46 ICC Public Key Certificate 61 D3 E9 00 4E BD 04 0B 40 89 D0 EF C2
02 06 78 1C 60 9D 6F FB AB A3 B8 03 FD
14 17 AA 4D EC AD 10 B5 A4 1D 5F 49 15
FF 89 B3 7C AC 1E 2F 63 A3 29 AE 84 93
90 D8 CA 8A CC BE 05 58 CE 9D 5D AD 09
6C 74 EC DE 88 EA 50 A8 6D E4 03 E3 E4
DE 6D 39 56 77 81 63 8F 03 AB 4E B8 82
D7 98 AD 67 76 1D 02 E1 30 C0 1B A4 BC
1E C9 8F 02 23 99 FB 9F 25 05 8D B0 58
AD 14 15 AF CF 21 94 8A EC 2E 46 A4 BE
70 80 5D 81 3F A3 6E 4F A2 EC 83 01 07
52 67 D0 30 64 A2 08 73 97 66 2D 06 8C
BA 9C 58 0B 91 DE 78 41 75 DF 5B 44 85
F0 C8 2A 58 74 C6 68
9F 47 ICC Public Key Exponent 03
9F 4A Static Data Authentication Tag List 82
9F 4B Signed Dynamic Application Data 93 C5 88 C1 D8 98 D0 88 F1 EB 4F BE A6
2D C0 EB 1E 51 5B FC B7 94 E8 D0 B0 BC
70 DE 6E 6E 5B F5 E3 07 B4 5E 93 96 0C
4A 05 B7 98 31 A9 00 43 04 A1 02 79 89
2E E7 B4 32 A3 61 2E 0E 83 4D FF 04 54
34 86 89 DE 57 86 71 89 00 D3 73 C0 18
DA 86 58 18 2C C5 52 4A 01 5F 15 97 EB
87 52 18 A4 B8 A7 6C 47 B3 3F AB 2D 8B

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 435/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Tag Element name Data

5F 96 1A B7 2F 1A 20 66 19 A0 82 00 7C
6A 16 3B 2C 94 41 96 90 9E 6F F1
9F 5A Application Program Identifier 60 00 51 00 51
9F 69 Card Authentication Related Data [qVSDC] 01 70 51 16 06 28 00
9F 6C Card Transaction Qualifiers [qVSDC VCPS 28 00
9F 6E Form Factor Indicator [qVSDC] 20 70 00 00

A.4.3 Unknown data elements

There are no unknown data elements

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

Annex B: Transaction Flow View

This chapter presents the actual communication between the EMV-card and card reader that took place to retrieve
the data on the card. It consists of a subsection with generic smart card communication (ATR, PSE etc.) and one
subsection for each EMV application present on the smart card. Results are presented in terms of command
/response APDUs.

Note: This chapter does not contain test results.

B.1 Magnetic Stripe information

▤ Track 1: empty or not present
▤ Track 2: empty or not present
▤ Track 3: empty or not present

B.2 EMV generic smartcard information

▤ Answer To Reset (ATR)
▤ Cold ATR 3B 68 00 00 99 02 00 D1 03 04 22 01
▤ Initial Character TS : 3B
▤ Format Character T0 : 68
▤ Number of historical bytes: 8
▤ TB1 present
▤ TC1 present
▤ Protocol T=0
▤ Interface Characters : 00 00
▤ TB1: 00
▤ TC1: 00
▤ Historical Characters: 99 02 00 D1 03 04 22 01
▤ Warm ATR 3B 68 00 00 99 02 00 D1 03 04 22 01
▤ Initial Character TS : 3B
▤ Format Character T0 : 68
▤ Number of historical bytes: 8
▤ TB1 present
▤ TC1 present
▤ Protocol T=0
▤ Interface Characters : 00 00
▤ TB1: 00
▤ TC1: 00
▤ Historical Characters: 99 02 00 D1 03 04 22 01
▤ Answer To Select (ATS)
▤ ATS 0D 78 00 70 03 99 02 00 D1 03 04 22 01
▤ Payment System Environment (PSE)
▤ PSE is not present on this smartcard
▤ Proximity Payment System Environment (PPSE)
▤ 2PAY.SYS.DDF01 Header: 6F 29 84 0E 32 50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46
30 31 A5 17 BF 0C 14 61 12 4F 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 50 04 56 69 73 61 87 01 01
◯ Comparing EMVStructure
⃖ Evaluated: 6F 29 84 0E 32 50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31 A5 17 BF 0C 14
61 12 4F 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 50 04 56 69 73 61 87 01 01
▤ '6F 29 84 0E 32 50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31 A5 17 BF 0C 14 61 12 4F
07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 50 04 56 69 73 61 87 01 01'h structure
▤ Tag '6F'h
▤ Length '29'h

▤ Value '84 0E 32 50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31 A5 17 BF 0C 14 61 12 4F

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ Value '84 0E 32 50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31 A5 17 BF 0C 14 61 12 4F
07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 50 04 56 69 73 61 87 01 01'h structure
▤ '84 0E 32 50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31'h structure
▤ Tag '84'h
▤ Length '0E'h
▤ Value '32 50 41 59 2E 53 59 53 2E 44 44 46 30 31'h
▤ 'A5 17 BF 0C 14 61 12 4F 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 50 04 56 69 73 61 87 01 01'h
▤ Tag 'A5'h
▤ Length '17'h
▤ Value 'BF 0C 14 61 12 4F 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 50 04 56 69 73 61 87 01
01'h structure
▤ 'BF 0C 14 61 12 4F 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 50 04 56 69 73 61 87 01 01'h
▤ Tag 'BF 0C'h
▤ Length '14'h
▤ Value '61 12 4F 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 50 04 56 69 73 61 87 01 01'h
▤ '61 12 4F 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 50 04 56 69 73 61 87 01 01'h structure
▤ Tag '61'h
▤ Length '12'h
▤ Value '4F 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 50 04 56 69 73 61 87 01 01'h structure
▤ '4F 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10'h structure
▤ Tag '4F'h
▤ Length '07'h
▤ Value 'A0 00 00 00 03 10 10'h
▤ '50 04 56 69 73 61'h structure
▤ Tag '50'h
▤ Length '04'h
▤ Value '56 69 73 61'h
▤ '87 01 01'h structure
▤ Tag '87'h
▤ Length '01'h
▤ Value '01'h
⇦ Expected: ..

B.3 Application: Visa, 'A0 00 00 00 03 10 10' (EMV transaction 1st GAC

ARQC, contact interface)
▤ PDOL Information
EMV transaction 1st GAC ARQC
06 43
• Application Selection (SELECT command retrieves FCI data)

▤ Class: 00 No secure
▤ Ins: A4 Select
▤ P1: 04 Select by name
▤ P2: 00 First or only occurrence
▤ Lc: 07

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ 6F 37 84 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 A5 2C 50 04 56
▤ 69 73 61 87 01 01 9F 38 03 9F 1A 02 5F 2D 04 65
▤ 6E 72 75 9F 12 04 56 69 73 61 9F 11 01 01 BF 0C
▤ 08 9F 5A 05 60 00 51 00 51
▤ SW: 90 00

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ SW: 90 00
• Initiate Application Processing (GET PROCESSING OPTIONS command)

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: A8 Get Processing Options
▤ P1: 00
▤ P2: 00
▤ Lc: 04

▤ Tag: 83 (Command Template)
▤ Length: 02
▤ Value: 06 43
▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 80 0E 3C 00 08 02 02 00 10 01 02 00 28 01 03 01
▤ SW: 90 00
• Read Application Data (READ RECORD commands retrieve application data)

• Records read according to AFL, using the command READ RECORD:

▤ Class: 00 No secure
▤ Ins: B2 Read Record SFI 1
▤ P1: 02 Record 2
▤ P2: 0C SFI 1
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
▤ SFI = 1 (decimal)
▤ Record number = 02
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ 70 4D 57 13 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 D2 50 52 21
▤ 17 71 68 80 00 00 0F 5F 20 1A 41 52 54 55 52 2F
▤ 47 48 41 5A 41 52 59 41 4E 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
▤ 20 20 20 20 9F 1F 18 31 37 37 31 36 30 30 30 30
▤ 30 30 30 30 30 30 38 38 30 30 30 30 30 30 30
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 00 No secure
▤ Ins: B2 Read Record SFI 2
▤ P1: 01 Record 1
▤ P2: 14 SFI 2
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
▤ SFI = 2 (decimal)
▤ Record number = 01
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ 70 81 FB 90 81 F8 3F 58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89
▤ FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96
▤ 07 86 CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04
▤ 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24 40 B7 14 DB 63
▤ CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79
▤ 2A 59 B6 D1 D6 53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C
▤ F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A 02
▤ 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 439/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A 02
▤ 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C
▤ 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6
▤ E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A
▤ 7B 67 58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C
▤ A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A FF 19 0E
▤ 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51
▤ A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C
▤ 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39
▤ 9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 00 No secure
▤ Ins: B2 Read Record SFI 2
▤ P1: 02 Record 2
▤ P2: 14 SFI 2
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
▤ SFI = 2 (decimal)
▤ Record number = 02
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 70 07 8F 01 09 9F 32 01 03
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 00 No secure
▤ Ins: B2 Read Record SFI 5
▤ P1: 01 Record 1
▤ P2: 2C SFI 5
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
▤ SFI = 5 (decimal)
▤ Record number = 01
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ 70 56 5F 25 03 21 05 01 5F 24 03 25 05 31 5A 08
▤ 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 5F 34 01 01 9F 07 02 FF
▤ 80 9F 0D 05 B8 60 AC 88 00 9F 0E 05 00 10 00 00
▤ 00 9F 0F 05 B8 68 BC 98 00 8E 14 00 00 00 00 00
▤ 00 00 00 02 05 44 03 41 03 42 03 1E 03 1F 02 5F
▤ 28 02 00 51 9F 4A 01 82
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 00 No secure
▤ Ins: B2 Read Record SFI 5
▤ P1: 02 Record 2
▤ P2: 2C SFI 5
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
▤ SFI = 5 (decimal)
▤ Record number = 02
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ 70 48 5F 30 02 02 21 9F 08 02 00 A0 8C 15 9F 02

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 440/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Data:
▤ 70 48 5F 30 02 02 21 9F 08 02 00 A0 8C 15 9F 02
▤ 06 9F 03 06 9F 1A 02 95 05 5F 2A 02 9A 03 9C 01
▤ 9F 37 04 8D 17 8A 02 9F 02 06 9F 03 06 9F 1A 02
▤ 95 05 5F 2A 02 9A 03 9C 01 9F 37 04 9F 44 01 02
▤ 9F 47 01 03 9F 49 03 9F 37 04
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 00 No secure
▤ Ins: B2 Read Record SFI 5
▤ P1: 03 Record 3
▤ P2: 2C SFI 5
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
▤ SFI = 5 (decimal)
▤ Record number = 03
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ 70 81 B4 9F 46 81 B0 54 19 A5 B1 84 FE BA BE 00
▤ 7D FF 1D BA 4A 61 F3 C6 7A 79 17 0A 32 C1 FA 99
▤ C9 E4 7A 69 E5 86 24 79 8B F6 8E F0 5E 87 7F 80
▤ DA 2F 0B 79 EF 1C 01 BA 56 7D B6 2A 37 69 0C 9C
▤ 42 08 A8 3C DB CF 46 48 B0 9C 6A B6 84 E8 F1 19
▤ CC 02 DA E6 55 E1 10 15 3B B3 D6 6D 10 E0 75 DE
▤ 6E 54 E9 1E E2 09 89 46 FB FD A1 69 1D 7F B2 DB
▤ B6 70 5B C7 1A 71 92 B0 C9 F2 8B 36 C6 BF 2C 7D
▤ 65 8A 43 D5 EA 82 57 0F FA 3B E5 9C 47 A7 36 7B
▤ 51 43 0E 0D 73 A1 54 B2 14 74 FD F2 52 57 F9 09
▤ 33 30 03 B1 1D 76 84 D8 7A 99 C6 B4 C7 B0 C4 B8
▤ 94 2D 8D DF F7 16 4C
▤ SW: 90 00

• Offline Data Authentication (Card supports DDA, INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE

retrieves SDAD)

▤ Class: 00 No secure
▤ Ins: 88 Internal Authenticate
▤ P1: 00
▤ P2: 00
▤ Lc: 04

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ 80 81 80 49 7E CF BA 58 A3 EF 3B 0B 59 E5 BF 82
▤ D3 65 93 67 40 D2 37 6C 74 1D FC 22 D0 3B 29 98
▤ E5 48 12 CE 13 F8 02 40 40 97 13 06 DF DD D0 6B
▤ AF 33 8F F7 BA 47 F8 DE 27 14 62 60 9E 41 DC BE
▤ 16 6A 68 23 07 C1 A9 57 03 68 13 99 80 B2 39 6B
▤ 0F A8 DC 47 F6 40 51 24 A4 F4 B9 A4 3A 08 CD 93
▤ A0 1C AD 24 73 21 DD 85 B8 ED BD 0C 2B 57 0D 7B
▤ CF 27 74 E2 33 0E C5 03 CC 5F 81 01 12 58 AB 55
▤ 77 9C FE
▤ SW: 90 00
• Card Action Analysis (GENERATE AC command retrieves transaction
related data)

▤ Class: 80 No secure

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 441/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: AE Generate Application Cryptogram
▤ P1: 80 ARQC
▤ P2: 00
▤ Lc: 1D

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ 80 12 80 00 06 27 3A 90 BF EB 41 5F 62 06 01 0A
▤ 03 A0 A0 02
▤ SW: 90 00
External Authentication (Not needed to retrieve card data)
• Completion (SECOND GENERATE AC command retrieves
transaction related data)

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: AE Generate Application Cryptogram
▤ P1: 00 AAC
▤ P2: 00
▤ Lc: 1F

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ 80 12 00 00 06 1E 7F 30 0C 05 8E EE 21 06 01 0A
▤ 03 21 A0 02
▤ SW: 90 00
• Get Application Data (GET DATA commands retrieve application data)

• Card data read using the command GET DATA:

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 17
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 17'
▤ P2: 17 Byte 2 of Tag '9F 17'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 17 01 03
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data BF 55
▤ P1: BF Byte 1 of Tag 'BF 55'
▤ P2: 55 Byte 2 of Tag 'BF 55'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ BF 55 27 DF 11 01 00 DF 21 01 00 DF 31 01 03 DF
▤ 41 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 51 06 00 00 00 00 00
▤ 00 DF 71 06 00 00 00 00 00 00

▤ SW: 90 00

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

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Personalization Validation Report

▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data BF 56
▤ P1: BF Byte 1 of Tag 'BF 56'
▤ P2: 56 Byte 2 of Tag 'BF 56'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: BF 56 0C DF 11 01 02 DF 21 01 00 DF 31 01 03
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data BF 57
▤ P1: BF Byte 1 of Tag 'BF 57'
▤ P2: 57 Byte 2 of Tag 'BF 57'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ BF 57 10 DF 11 01 02 DF 21 01 01 DF 31 01 03 DF
▤ 51 01 02
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data BF 58
▤ P1: BF Byte 1 of Tag 'BF 58'
▤ P2: 58 Byte 2 of Tag 'BF 58'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ BF 58 1B DF 11 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 21 06 00
▤ 00 00 00 00 00 DF 31 06 00 00 02 00 00 00
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data BF 5B
▤ P1: BF Byte 1 of Tag 'BF 5B'
▤ P2: 5B Byte 2 of Tag 'BF 5B'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: BF 5B 05 DF 01 02 00 00
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 443/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 13
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 13'
▤ P2: 13 Byte 2 of Tag '9F 13'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 13 02 00 02
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 36
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 36'
▤ P2: 36 Byte 2 of Tag '9F 36'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 36 02 00 06
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 51
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 51'
▤ P2: 51 Byte 2 of Tag '9F 51'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 51 02 00 51
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 52
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 52'
▤ P2: 52 Byte 2 of Tag '9F 52'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 52 06 82 38 00 00 00 00
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 53
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 53'
▤ P2: 53 Byte 2 of Tag '9F 53'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 444/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 53 01 01
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 54
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 54'
▤ P2: 54 Byte 2 of Tag '9F 54'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 54 06 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 56
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 56'
▤ P2: 56 Byte 2 of Tag '9F 56'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 56 01 80
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 57
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 57'
▤ P2: 57 Byte 2 of Tag '9F 57'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 57 02 00 51
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 58
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 58'
▤ P2: 58 Byte 2 of Tag '9F 58'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 58 01 00
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 59
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 59'

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 445/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 59

▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 59'
▤ P2: 59 Byte 2 of Tag '9F 59'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 59 01 03
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 5C
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 5C'
▤ P2: 5C Byte 2 of Tag '9F 5C'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 5C 06 00 00 02 00 00 00
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 5E
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 5E'
▤ P2: 5E Byte 2 of Tag '9F 5E'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 5E 01 03
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 68
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 68'
▤ P2: 68 Byte 2 of Tag '9F 68'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 68 04 4C 00 F0 00
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 77
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 77'
▤ P2: 77 Byte 2 of Tag '9F 77'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 77 06 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ SW: 90 00

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 446/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 78
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 78'
▤ P2: 78 Byte 2 of Tag '9F 78'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 78 06 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 79
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 79'
▤ P2: 79 Byte 2 of Tag '9F 79'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 79 06 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 7D
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 7D'
▤ P2: 7D Byte 2 of Tag '9F 7D'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ 9F 7D 0E 31 36 30 34 32 38 20 56 53 44 43 20 32
▤ 39
▤ SW: 90 00

B.4 Application: Visa, 'A0 00 00 00 03 10 10' (Contactless transaction

with Select Application and Get Data commands, contactless
• Application Selection (SELECT command retrieves FCI data)

▤ Class: 00 No secure
▤ Ins: A4 Select
▤ P1: 04 Select by name
▤ P2: 00 First or only occurrence
▤ Lc: 07

▤ Le: 00

⃖ Response

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 447/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ 6F 40 84 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 A5 35 50 04 56
▤ 69 73 61 87 01 01 9F 38 0C 9F 66 04 9F 02 06 9F
▤ 37 04 5F 2A 02 5F 2D 04 65 6E 72 75 9F 12 04 56
▤ 69 73 61 9F 11 01 01 BF 0C 08 9F 5A 05 60 00 51
▤ 00 51
▤ SW: 90 00
External Authentication (Not needed to retrieve card data)
Completion (Not needed to retrieve card data)
• Get Application Data (GET DATA commands retrieve application data)

• Card data read using the command GET DATA:

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data BF 55
▤ P1: BF Byte 1 of Tag 'BF 55'
▤ P2: 55 Byte 2 of Tag 'BF 55'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ BF 55 27 DF 11 01 00 DF 21 01 00 DF 31 01 03 DF
▤ 41 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 51 06 00 00 00 00 00
▤ 00 DF 71 06 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data BF 56
▤ P1: BF Byte 1 of Tag 'BF 56'
▤ P2: 56 Byte 2 of Tag 'BF 56'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: BF 56 0C DF 11 01 01 DF 21 01 00 DF 31 01 03
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data BF 57
▤ P1: BF Byte 1 of Tag 'BF 57'
▤ P2: 57 Byte 2 of Tag 'BF 57'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ BF 57 10 DF 11 01 01 DF 21 01 01 DF 31 01 03 DF
▤ 51 01 01
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data BF 58

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 448/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Ins: CA Get Data BF 58

▤ P1: BF Byte 1 of Tag 'BF 58'
▤ P2: 58 Byte 2 of Tag 'BF 58'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ BF 58 1B DF 11 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 DF 21 06 00
▤ 00 00 00 00 00 DF 31 06 00 00 02 00 00 00
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data BF 5B
▤ P1: BF Byte 1 of Tag 'BF 5B'
▤ P2: 5B Byte 2 of Tag 'BF 5B'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: BF 5B 05 DF 01 02 00 00
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 17
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 17'
▤ P2: 17 Byte 2 of Tag '9F 17'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 17 01 03
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 36
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 36'
▤ P2: 36 Byte 2 of Tag '9F 36'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 36 02 00 03
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 51
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 51'
▤ P2: 51 Byte 2 of Tag '9F 51'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 449/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 51 02 00 51
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 52
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 52'
▤ P2: 52 Byte 2 of Tag '9F 52'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 52 06 82 38 00 00 00 00
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 53
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 53'
▤ P2: 53 Byte 2 of Tag '9F 53'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 53 01 01
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 54
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 54'
▤ P2: 54 Byte 2 of Tag '9F 54'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 54 06 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 57
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 57'
▤ P2: 57 Byte 2 of Tag '9F 57'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 57 02 00 51
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 58
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 58'

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 450/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 58

▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 58'
▤ P2: 58 Byte 2 of Tag '9F 58'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 58 01 00
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 59
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 59'
▤ P2: 59 Byte 2 of Tag '9F 59'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 59 01 03
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 5C
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 5C'
▤ P2: 5C Byte 2 of Tag '9F 5C'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 5C 06 00 00 02 00 00 00
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 5E
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 5E'
▤ P2: 5E Byte 2 of Tag '9F 5E'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 5E 01 03
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 68
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 68'
▤ P2: 68 Byte 2 of Tag '9F 68'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 68 04 4C 00 F0 00
▤ SW: 90 00

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 451/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 77
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 77'
▤ P2: 77 Byte 2 of Tag '9F 77'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 77 06 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 78
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 78'
▤ P2: 78 Byte 2 of Tag '9F 78'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 78 06 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 79
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 79'
▤ P2: 79 Byte 2 of Tag '9F 79'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 9F 79 06 00 00 00 00 00 00
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: CA Get Data 9F 7D
▤ P1: 9F Byte 1 of Tag '9F 7D'
▤ P2: 7D Byte 2 of Tag '9F 7D'
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ 9F 7D 0E 31 36 30 34 32 38 20 56 53 44 43 20 32
▤ 39
▤ SW: 90 00

B.5 Application: Visa, 'A0 00 00 00 03 10 10' (qVSDC online

transaction, contactless interface)

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 452/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ PDOL Information
qVSDC online transaction
26 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 01 02 03 04 06 43
• Application Selection (SELECT command retrieves FCI data)

▤ Class: 00 No secure
▤ Ins: A4 Select
▤ P1: 04 Select by name
▤ P2: 00 First or only occurrence
▤ Lc: 07

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ 6F 40 84 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 A5 35 50 04 56
▤ 69 73 61 87 01 01 9F 38 0C 9F 66 04 9F 02 06 9F
▤ 37 04 5F 2A 02 5F 2D 04 65 6E 72 75 9F 12 04 56
▤ 69 73 61 9F 11 01 01 BF 0C 08 9F 5A 05 60 00 51
▤ 00 51
▤ SW: 90 00
• Initiate Application Processing (GET PROCESSING OPTIONS command)

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: A8 Get Processing Options
▤ P1: 00
▤ P2: 00
▤ Lc: 12

▤ Tag: 83 (Command Template)
▤ Length: 10
▤ Value: 26 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 01 02 03 04 06 43
▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ 77 52 82 02 00 20 94 04 18 02 02 00 57 13 48 89
▤ 62 00 14 09 79 20 D2 50 52 21 17 71 68 80 00 00
▤ 0F 5F 20 02 20 2F 5F 34 01 01 9F 10 07 06 01 11
▤ 03 A0 20 00 9F 26 08 7C 85 59 34 77 31 03 54 9F
▤ 27 01 80 9F 36 02 00 04 9F 6C 02 28 00 9F 6E 04
▤ 20 70 00 00
▤ SW: 90 00
• Read Application Data (READ RECORD commands retrieve application data)

• Records read according to AFL, using the command READ RECORD:

▤ Class: 00 No secure
▤ Ins: B2 Read Record SFI 3
▤ P1: 02 Record 2
▤ P2: 1C SFI 3
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
▤ SFI = 3 (decimal)
▤ Record number = 02
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 70 0A 9F 07 02 C0 80 5F 28 02 00 51
▤ SW: 90 00

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 453/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ SW: 90 00

External Authentication (Not needed to retrieve card data)

Completion (Not needed to retrieve card data)

B.6 Application: Visa, 'A0 00 00 00 03 10 10' (qVSDC online transaction

with ODA, contactless interface)
▤ PDOL Information
qVSDC online transaction with ODA
27 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 02 03 04 06 43
• Application Selection (SELECT command retrieves FCI data)

▤ Class: 00 No secure
▤ Ins: A4 Select
▤ P1: 04 Select by name
▤ P2: 00 First or only occurrence
▤ Lc: 07

▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ 6F 40 84 07 A0 00 00 00 03 10 10 A5 35 50 04 56
▤ 69 73 61 87 01 01 9F 38 0C 9F 66 04 9F 02 06 9F
▤ 37 04 5F 2A 02 5F 2D 04 65 6E 72 75 9F 12 04 56
▤ 69 73 61 9F 11 01 01 BF 0C 08 9F 5A 05 60 00 51
▤ 00 51
▤ SW: 90 00
• Initiate Application Processing (GET PROCESSING OPTIONS command)

▤ Class: 80 No secure
▤ Ins: A8 Get Processing Options
▤ P1: 00
▤ P2: 00
▤ Lc: 12

▤ Tag: 83 (Command Template)
▤ Length: 10
▤ Value: 27 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 02 03 04 06 43
▤ Le: 00
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ 77 81 DA 82 02 20 20 94 08 18 01 02 01 10 01 04
▤ 00 57 13 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 D2 50 52 21 17
▤ 71 68 80 00 00 0F 5F 20 02 20 2F 5F 34 01 01 9F
▤ 10 07 06 01 11 03 A0 20 00 9F 26 08 87 19 FA 55
▤ D9 91 EF C5 9F 27 01 80 9F 36 02 00 05 9F 4B 81
▤ 80 93 C5 88 C1 D8 98 D0 88 F1 EB 4F BE A6 2D C0
▤ EB 1E 51 5B FC B7 94 E8 D0 B0 BC 70 DE 6E 6E 5B
▤ F5 E3 07 B4 5E 93 96 0C 4A 05 B7 98 31 A9 00 43
▤ 04 A1 02 79 89 2E E7 B4 32 A3 61 2E 0E 83 4D FF
▤ 04 54 34 86 89 DE 57 86 71 89 00 D3 73 C0 18 DA
▤ 86 58 18 2C C5 52 4A 01 5F 15 97 EB 87 52 18 A4
▤ B8 A7 6C 47 B3 3F AB 2D 8B 5F 96 1A B7 2F 1A 20
▤ 66 19 A0 82 00 7C 6A 16 3B 2C 94 41 96 90 9E 6F
▤ F1 9F 6C 02 28 00 9F 6E 04 20 70 00 00
▤ SW: 90 00

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 454/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ F1 9F 6C 02 28 00 9F 6E 04 20 70 00 00
▤ SW: 90 00
• Read Application Data (READ RECORD commands retrieve application data)

• Records read according to AFL, using the command READ RECORD:

▤ Class: 00 No secure
▤ Ins: B2 Read Record SFI 3
▤ P1: 01 Record 1
▤ P2: 1C SFI 3
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
▤ SFI = 3 (decimal)
▤ Record number = 01
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ 70 10 5A 08 48 89 62 00 14 09 79 20 5F 24 03 25
▤ 05 31
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 00 No secure
▤ Ins: B2 Read Record SFI 3
▤ P1: 02 Record 2
▤ P2: 1C SFI 3
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
▤ SFI = 3 (decimal)
▤ Record number = 02
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 70 0A 9F 07 02 C0 80 5F 28 02 00 51
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 00 No secure
▤ Ins: B2 Read Record SFI 2
▤ P1: 01 Record 1
▤ P2: 14 SFI 2
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
▤ SFI = 2 (decimal)
▤ Record number = 01
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ 70 81 FB 90 81 F8 3F 58 87 17 54 6F 88 E5 05 89
▤ FE A3 46 19 C9 12 41 E3 4A 8F EC 8F AC 33 30 96
▤ 07 86 CF C2 9E B8 08 E5 4A 52 8C B5 04 8D AB 04
▤ 96 65 45 B6 33 D5 91 F4 DD F0 24 40 B7 14 DB 63
▤ CF 7E 8D 9B 00 E4 76 BF D3 91 D7 C1 CB E2 37 79
▤ 2A 59 B6 D1 D6 53 61 56 3B 4F F6 03 A4 39 E2 7C
▤ F2 DB 3A 6D 23 25 69 71 D2 B3 84 44 10 15 0A 02
▤ 6D 24 D7 90 B4 63 24 9A 24 A4 46 A4 67 B3 2B 0C
▤ 5D D1 D8 5B F0 7A DF 67 7B E3 58 66 AF 91 87 D6
▤ E6 71 0C 6C 83 E5 C6 2E 2F 21 C7 6C 23 F5 98 4A
▤ 7B 67 58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C
▤ A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A FF 19 0E

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 455/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ 7B 67 58 7D 2B A1 BD FE 7E BF D8 12 40 69 30 9C
▤ A9 09 4C 2D 16 F2 8B 41 86 8A CD F7 3A FF 19 0E
▤ 14 9B 12 59 AE 2E B7 8D D4 FF 3F DC 85 2B D5 51
▤ A8 5B 11 73 48 66 31 3E 98 EF 14 B9 C3 2D BE 5C
▤ 2D BD 66 DC 07 EC 4E 41 53 21 0A 74 7F 56 81 39
▤ 9D 5B D8 22 16 68 D3 3B 1B 93 7C 1D 6C 29
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 00 No secure
▤ Ins: B2 Read Record SFI 2
▤ P1: 02 Record 2
▤ P2: 14 SFI 2
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
▤ SFI = 2 (decimal)
▤ Record number = 02
⃖ Response
▤ Data: 70 07 8F 01 09 9F 32 01 03
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 00 No secure
▤ Ins: B2 Read Record SFI 2
▤ P1: 03 Record 3
▤ P2: 14 SFI 2
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
▤ SFI = 2 (decimal)
▤ Record number = 03
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ 70 81 B4 9F 46 81 B0 61 D3 E9 00 4E BD 04 0B 40
▤ 89 D0 EF C2 02 06 78 1C 60 9D 6F FB AB A3 B8 03
▤ FD 14 17 AA 4D EC AD 10 B5 A4 1D 5F 49 15 FF 89
▤ B3 7C AC 1E 2F 63 A3 29 AE 84 93 90 D8 CA 8A CC
▤ BE 05 58 CE 9D 5D AD 09 6C 74 EC DE 88 EA 50 A8
▤ 6D E4 03 E3 E4 DE 6D 39 56 77 81 63 8F 03 AB 4E
▤ B8 82 D7 98 AD 67 76 1D 02 E1 30 C0 1B A4 BC 1E
▤ C9 8F 02 23 99 FB 9F 25 05 8D B0 58 AD 14 15 AF
▤ CF 21 94 8A EC 2E 46 A4 BE 70 80 5D 81 3F A3 6E
▤ 4F A2 EC 83 01 07 52 67 D0 30 64 A2 08 73 97 66
▤ 2D 06 8C BA 9C 58 0B 91 DE 78 41 75 DF 5B 44 85
▤ F0 C8 2A 58 74 C6 68
▤ SW: 90 00

▤ Class: 00 No secure
▤ Ins: B2 Read Record SFI 2
▤ P1: 04 Record 4
▤ P2: 14 SFI 2
▤ Lc:

▤ Le: 00
▤ SFI = 2 (decimal)
▤ Record number = 04
⃖ Response

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 456/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

▤ Record number = 04
⃖ Response
▤ Data:
▤ 70 12 9F 47 01 03 9F 4A 01 82 9F 69 07 01 70 51
▤ 16 06 28 00
▤ SW: 90 00

External Authentication (Not needed to retrieve card data)

Completion (Not needed to retrieve card data)

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 457/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34
Personalization Validation Report

Annex C: References
Interpretation and testing is done according to:

C.1 General documents

[1] EMV 4.3 Integrated Circuit Card Specifications for Payment Systems - Book 1 - Application Independent ICC
to Terminal Interface Requirements, version 4.3, November 2011, EMVCo
[2] EMV 4.3 Integrated Circuit Card Specifications for Payment Systems - Book 2 - Security and Key
Management, version 4.3, November 2011, EMVCo
[3] EMV 4.3 Integrated Circuit Card Specifications for Payment Systems - Book 3 - Application Specification,
version 4.3, November 2011, EMVCo
[4] EMV 4.3 Integrated Circuit Card Specifications for Payment Systems - Book 4 - Cardholder, Attendant, and
Acquirer Interface Requirements, version 4.3, November 2011, EMVCo
[5] Specification Update Bulletins, EMVCo,

C.2 Visa documents

[V1] Visa Global Personalization Requirements, version 3.0, August 2015.
[V2] Visa Global Personalization Requirements 3.0. Additions and Clarifications. Document Version 4.2, March
[V3] Visa Global Personalization Requirements 3.0. Bulletin no 2, 28 October 2020.
[V4] Visa Integrated Circuit Card Specification (VIS), version 1.4.1, June 2008.
[V5] Visa Integrated Circuit Card Specification (VIS), version 1.5, May 2009.
[V6] Visa Integrated Circuit Card Specification (VIS), version 1.5, Updates List version 5, January 2016.
[V7] Visa Integrated Circuit Card Specification (VIS), Version 1.6, January 2016.
[V8] Visa Integrated Circuit Card Specification (VIS) 1.6 Updates List 3, August 2019.
[V9] Visa Contactless Payment Specification (VCPS), version 2.1, May 2009.
[V10] Visa Contactless Payment Specification (VCPS), version 2.1 Updates List version 3, March 2014.
[V11] Visa Contactless Payment Specification (VCPS), version 2.2, January 2016.
[V12] Visa Contactless Payment Specification (VCPS), version 2.2 Updates List version 4, August 2019.
[V13] Visa Mobile Contactless Payment Specification 1.4, March 2011.
[V14] Visa Mobile Contactless Payment Specification (VMCPS) 1.4, Updates List 2, November 2012.
[V15] Visa Europe Addendum to GPR 3.0, version 1.1, November 2016.
[V16] Visa U.S. Personalization Validation Requirements, version 2.1, July 2017.
[V17] Visa Smart Debit/Credit Personalization Requirements for U.S. Implementations, version 6.1.1, September

PAN: 4889 6200 1409 7920

Name: ARTUR/GHAZARYAN 458/458 Test executed: 2021-05-21 13:52:34

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