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Per Dev Q3 W1 Detailed Lesson Plan

AGUSAN DEL SUR Grade Level Grade 11
Date Quarter 1ST
I. Objectives Developmental
Content The learners demonstrate an understanding of himself/herself during
Standard middle and late adolescence.
Performance The learners shall be able to conduct self-exploration and simple
Standard: disclosure.
Explain that knowing oneself can make a person accept his/her strengths
Learning and limitations and dealing with others better.
Competency EsP-PD11/12KO-la-1.1
Code: Share his/her unique characteristics, habits, and experiences.
II. Content Lesson 1: Knowing and Understanding Oneself during Late and Middle Adolescence
III. Learning References *Book/s:
Santos, R.R. 2017. Personal Development, First Edition. REX
Bookstore, Inc. Florentino St., Sta. Mesa Heights, Quezon City. ISBN
978-971-7811-9. 132.145p.
Wong-Fernandez, B. et al. 2016. Personal Development Reader –
Teacher’s Guide. Department of Education. Sunshine Interlinks
Publishing House, Inc. 3F Maine City Tower, 236 Tomas Morato
Avenue, Quezon City. 14-19p.
Materials TV, laptop, power point presentation, book, module, activity sheet
VI. Procedures A. Preliminary Prayer Greetings
Activities Checking of attendance

A.1. Review Dance Freeze (5 minutes)

In this activity, everyone dance as the music plays. When the music
stops, you must freeze immediately and hold that position until the music
plays again. The learner that moves after the music stops, will go to the
front, and pick 1 piece of paper roll inside the box. The learner will then
share brief ideas on the topic associated to the color of the paper they

Here are the topics for each color:

• Blue- Origins of Personal Development
• Green- Psychology and Personal Development
• Yellow- Personal Development Adolescence

A.2. At the end of the session, the2students will be able to:

Presentation 1. identify the aspects of self-concept.
of Objectives 2. discuss ways to enhance strengths and manage
weaknesses; and
3. create a short story of your life.

B. Activity Self-Concept Inventory (5 minutes)

Proper Evaluate your own self-concept. In a ¼ sheet of pad paper. Give yourself
a rating using the scale: 0 = very weak; 1 = weak; 2 = somewhat weak or
somewhat strong; 3 = strong; 4 = very strong

1. I am proud of my physical figure.

2. I am easy to get along with.
3. sI am a fast learner and can understand with one
4. My friends and classmates can look up to me as a model
worth emulating.
5. I can express my ideas in writing without difficulty.
6. I am emotionally stable and not easily rattled when faced with

Outputs shall be submitted directly to the teacher during Face-to-
Face Session. Minimum COVID-19 health protocols shall be
strictly observed.

C.Analysis Based on your self-inventory, answer the following questions:

1. In what areas do you consider yourself strong (with scores 3-4) or
somewhat weak (score of 2) and very weak (score of 1).
2. How realistic is your self-image?
3. Are there qualities you consider as your weakness? What will you
do to improve it?

D. Abstraction Discussion on the concepts and importance of knowing oneself.

(20 minutes)
Discussion Flow

E. Generalization Actual Self Vs. Ideal Self (5 minutes)

To summarize the lesson, answer the following questions:
1. Explain the negotiation between the actual self and the ideal
2. Give one skill that you think is your greatest strength and
discuss how it helped you increase your inefficiency.
F. Application Tag Me (10 minutes)
We will utilize our Buddy System in the class to ensure social distancing.
You will write 2 things that you perceived about yourself, and using
Facebook Messenger, share with your buddy the 2 things that you
perceived about him/her. Take note of the characteristics that you and
your buddy describe about you in a ¼ sheet of pad paper. You will be
given 6 minutes to do the activity. 3 volunteers will be chosen to present
their output to the class.

Note: You can use English, Filipino, or Hiligaynon.

Outputs shall be submitted directly to the teacher during Face-to-
Face Session. Minimum COVID-19 health protocols shall be
strictly observed.

V. Evaluation MULTIPLE CHOICE (8 minutes)

Get a ¼ sheet of pad paper and answer the following questions. Write the CAPITAL LETTER
of the best answer.
1. Which of the following things can influence the development of an individual’s
A. physical and mental capabilities
B. health and physical appearance
C. skin color, gender, and sexual orientation
D. all the above
2. Which of these statements describe personal development?
A. A lifelong process
B. The process of improving oneself
C. The pursuit of personal growth by gaining knowledge and improving
personal skills
D. all the above
3. Which of these refer to the recognition and regard for oneself and one’s
A. Self-concept
B. Self-esteem
C. Confidence
D. Selfie
4. What refers to the combination of attitude, values, interests, and behaviors that
identify a person?
A. Lifestyle
B. Personality
C. Self-actualization
D. Way of life
5. Which of the following is part of an ideal self?
A. Born to have
B. You aspire to be
C. What you see
D. Built-in self-knowledge
Outputs shall be submitted directly to the teacher during Face-to-Face Session.
Minimum COVID-19 health protocols shall be strictly observed.

VI. Assignment Portfolio No. 2: My Banner- The Treasure Within Me

In a short bond paper, copy the diagram from your module and follow the instructions given per
number below the diagram.

In the spaces indicated by numbers, write down the following

• 1 and 2 two things I do very well
• 3 and 4 my two greatest achievements in life
• 5 what in myself am I proudest of
• 6 my happiest moment
• 7 positive words that my friends use to describe me
• 8 a personal goal that I have already achieved 5
• 9 three blessings for which I am most thankful to God
• 10 three of my positive qualities
• 11 difficulties, challenges, and problems that I was able to solve and
Answer the following questions in 1- 3 sentences (2pts each):
1. What do you consider as your weaknesses, abilities, and talents?
2. What are the remedies you will take to improve or compensate for your
3. How can you further enrich your assets and strengths?
Note: Please see the attached Activity Sheets, page 5 of SLM Quarter 3, Week 1.

Outputs shall be submitted directly to the teacher during Face-to-Face Session.
Minimum COVID-19 health protocols shall be strictly observed.
For students who are in home quarantine, they may finish the required number of
days and wait for the final instructions of the City Health for the issuance of health
certificate. They will be given an ample time to answer and comply.

VII. Remarks

VIII. Mastery


Prepared by:


SHS Teacher 1



Master Teacher II Master Teacher II

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