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Prof. Educ. 1
Kale L. Roman
Submitted to Ma’am Merla Abion

The movie ‘Every Child Is Special’ is about a certain child named Ishaan
Awasthi. Ishaan is a talented child. He can think outside the box and paint with such
passion and creativity. But he was not understood by his teachers as he was only
thought of as a mischievous and a very naughty child. He was often called an ‘idiot,’
‘duffer,’ ‘lazy’ and ‘crazy’. Even his parents didn’t understand him.
Through the movie, I somehow understood now of how hard is the struggle of every
people to be understood by the society. I somehow think that maybe Ishaan is like my
brother. It’s not that I can’t understand my brother and that he is naughty or dumb or
what, it’s just that as I can see it, he’s being the center of attention of our parents by
now; not in a good thing but in the opposite one. So I somehow think that I maybe I
am one of those people who can’t understand him. Maybe I am one of those people
who never tried to listen to him? And as I can see to it right now, like in the movie,
my parents are planning for my brother to be transferred in another school in our
province. Now I am doubting whether it is a good thing or not?
On the other hand, as to see in the teacher’s side, I am feeling loving to them right
now. For the teacher in the movie seemed so understanding and served as the light
from the child’s life in where only black and gray colors are present. It is touching
how he appreciates the child and led him to get up and to walk beside him. Through
this, I remember my English teacher before who’s the reason why I like writing right
now; why I joined the school papers last year, and why I am a publicist of a club in
the school right now. It was all because of her. Because she helped me train my own
talent in writing and she believed in me saying that I can do it. And because of that,
she helped me mold the better me.
But then through the movie, I also cried for a reason in mind. The mother of Ishaan.
As I am still at the first part of the movie, I cried. My heart is breaking during that
time as I was thinking of the moment when Ishaan was pleading for her mother to let
him stay and not to be separated from them. During that time, I cried because I can
somehow see myself in Ishaan’s position. I became like him before. I became like him
who cried to my mother to let me stay, yet just like Ishaan, I was left alone. Like
Ishaan, I was rejected. Through the movie, memories came back on my mind and
broke my heart again. That was really heart-breaking that tears just flowed right at the
window of my eyes, even though I am trying my very best to prevent them. In the
end, they still end up flowing as my heart is aching.

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